Maria novosad is like a spring wind of inspiration. How much does mari novosad earn Youtube maria novosad

Place of birth: Moscow
Youtube channel:

Biography of Masha Novosad

Maria Novosad is one of the successful young YouTube bloggers. Masha leads two channels on YouTube. The girl registered the main channel in 2013. Masha shoots various interesting videos.

On the channel you can see walks with friends, makeup, shopping and much more. Masha Novosad began to lead the second channel in 2016. On the channel, the girl shoots short travel videos. But the most interesting thing is that these trips are not only for her, but also for other people.


Maria studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239. Despite the bias in lyceums, Maria always loved humanitarian subjects, she paid special attention to them. In 2000, Masha Novosad went to study at the Musical Art School No. Mravinsky, piano class. The girl really liked the training, she even thought about connecting her life with music.

In 2013, Masha Novosad entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In 2017, Maria graduated from the university. In one of the videos, Masha said that after graduating from the university, she does not plan to build a career. Her work is YouTube, Novosad plans to further develop his channel.

Masha Novosad on YouTube

Maria makes videos for a female audience. Masha devotes a lot of time to her main YouTube channel. Videos are released regularly, each video collects a large number of views.

Masha is one of the few YouTube bloggers who independently achieved such a result. Masha never cheated subscribers. Now more than 500 thousand people have subscribed to Maria Novosad's channel.

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Text: Renata Khusainova

Who is she? An ordinary girl who can easily be lost in a crowd. Tall, slender and light, like a spring inspiring breeze. A mop of brown hair with golden tints in the sun, a wide smile and a camera in her hands. Camera? Oh yes, this person always and everywhere takes with him his irreplaceable subject of creativity. Meet Maria Novosad, a three-year video blogger from St. Petersburg who has almost half a million subscribers on Youtube channel.

There are people who attract to themselves with some kind of zest and unusualness, what distinguishes them from this crowd of people. In Marie, I would call this highlight the awl in the most interesting place. She never sits still, tries to develop and travel, shoot videos every day and helps hundreds of people understand how many opportunities are around us and you just have to take a step towards all this.
But still, who is she? A girl in love with St. Petersburg with its vague romanticism. The girl is spontaneity and a bit of clumsiness. A girl who dreams of working in the film industry, who goes to her goal. It is different and very "alive". For three years now, she has been inspiring people with her creativity, showing by her example that you need to love yourself and what you do. It would probably be very strange to see a girl on the street in a hurry somewhere, but at the same time holding a camera in front of her, filming herself and talking about her adventures. Yes, this is strange, but already an integral part of Marie herself.
There are two types of videos on her channel: vlogs and talk videos. What is a vlog? The abbreviation for the word "video blog" means that from morning to evening, Marie films her day and shows a piece of her life. People love filming it, people love watching it. “This is the future Youtube channels, ”says the girl. Videos from IKEI , which you want to review and smile because of the confusion of what is happening. Also, for six months Masha lived and studied in America, traveling and studying, she introduced her viewers to a completely different mentality.

At the very beginning, Maria Novosad started with a “beauty” theme, which she continues to this day. Of course, this is one of the easiest things a girl can shoot, but you need to understand this. Many times in her videos, Masha said that she wants to teach something useful, and not just talk about beauty. Such conversational videos are saturated with a special atmosphere. You seem to be next to her, in this cozy room, drinking hot tea with her and just chatting. For me, this is exactly the person who wants to listen and listen.
Of course, Masha has her favorite videos on the channel. One of the most difficult and special for her was the release of "Masha, what's on your chest?". As the girl herself admits, after him she was finally able to accept her appearance with all the shortcomings, imperfections and get rid of the complexes with which she had lived for almost 20 years.

Once this girl began to do what she liked. Filmed, edited and posted by myself. She still copes with everything on her own and creates videos every day. It is this devotion to one's work, sincerity and a pinch of childish carelessness that attracts people.

Soon it will reach half a million. On another Mashina trip to Moscow we managed to meet her for breakfast in Daily Bread and ask about travels, about the first love, about the relevance of vlogs and whether it is difficult to shoot a video every day.

In this article, you will definitely learn a few interesting facts about the charming Marie and be sure to fall in love with her even more!

I was born and raised In Petersburg.

My parents divorced when I was seven, but I communicate with both my father and my mother. The strongest relationship with my older brother Pasha.

One of the happiest childhood moments is my seventh birthday. After going to Lilo & Stitch, my mom and I went to a clothing store where a toy lion was holding a price tag on the counter. I don’t know how my mother managed it, but she was able to persuade the sellers to give it to me, despite the fact that it was not even for sale.

I think that as a child, I just dreamed of growing up as soon as possible, because I always looked at my brother with admiration, and I wanted to be older so that it would be interesting for us to spend time together.

Now I'm studying film criticism. Or a filmmaker. To be honest, I don't know myself. I am not studying for the sake of a specialty, because in any case I will not work in it. The only thing I know for sure is that I want to work in the film industry.

While I am studying at the university, I am completely focused on my blog. Closer to 24 years old i want to work in cinema.

I love Petersburg. With its frosts, rains, divorced bridges and tram tracks. I like to come to Moscow for a few days for work, but I definitely don’t want to live in Moscow permanently yet. I'm too used to the St. Petersburg pace and mentality.

3 favorite restaurants in St. Petersburg: Zoom, Caffe Italia, Gastrobar DUO

3 favorite places in St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, especially in December, when the House of the Book and Cartier are decorated for Christmas. Subscription Editions and the cinema Angleterre, where all films are shown in the original.

My the brightest travel- Las Vegas and Morocco. They were not only the most fun (in both cases I was in the company of fellow bloggers), but also visually striking.

I dream of going to Iceland. My friend Lera Dolgova talks about her so often and so much that she infected me with this dream.

Once I had journey-disappointment in San Francisco. Only because I was taken there in a car, from which we practically did not leave the city itself.

I'm very lucky that my work includes frequent press tours. Now I almost only travel like this, because when you wander from one place to another almost every week, there is no longer enough energy for independent travel.

Vlogs are popularly called videos that you shoot all day, taking your camera everywhere you go. And so, a vlog is just an abbreviated name for a video blog.The future is for videos and vlogs,and you can't argue with that. People like to talk about themselves and their lives on camera and people like to watch it. I believe that the next 5 years, the video format of communication will only gain popularity. There are more bloggers, but there will be less uniqueness.

My first video still on my channel. At the end of January 11th grade, I went to Paris for the weekend, where I decided to record how I was going for a walk in a snow-covered city. There was no particular reason why I started vlogging. Most likely, I just needed a place where I could express my creativity.

All pre- and post-production is done by me. Sometimes when I want to film an outfit or cooking, I ask one of my friends to hold the camera. I don't have a manager or agency to take care of me. Now I do everything myself.

Shooting a video every day is not easy, but it's not hard work either, because I love it and live it. I usually have two scenarios for my work day, depending on what I'm shooting: a vlog or a conversational video. If this is a vlog, then I shoot from the moment I wake up until the very night. Then until three in the morning I mount the video and upload it immediately to the channel. If this is a regular conversational video, then I shoot it in the afternoon, edit it for about two hours and upload it the next morning.

I have a lot of favorite videos on my channel and they are all favorite for different reasons. One of the most special (and popular)- this is "Masha, what's on your chest?" After this release, I seemed to finally be able to finally accept my appearance and get rid of the complexes that had been sitting in me for almost 20 years. If we talk about those that always cheer me up, these are my vlogs from Ikea. I don’t know what’s so special about this place, but it’s always a lot of fun to shoot there, and then even more fun to review it.

My very first collaborationfor the channel happened on my initiative. I spent about an hour looking for a PR manager for one of my favorite brands and just wrote that I wanted to work with them. When you start working with one brand, others will gradually learn about you. In this way, over time, you have an increasing list of emails that you can write to yourself if you have your own proposal, but most often, of course, brands themselves find bloggers to support the campaign.

Sadly, Yotube is overflowing with drama right now. Drama between youtubers, drama between brands and youtubers and of course drama between youtubers and Youtube itself #youtubepartyisover. It's not bad, it just overshadows the creativity that filled Youtube before.

3 tips for beginner bloggers and vloggers:

– do it first of all for yourself;

- Respond to constructive comments. Ignore the trolls;

- do not ask for PR and subscriptions in the comments of other bloggers;

3 favorite vlogs so far: british vogue , Tati , Cinema Sins.

About editing photos on Instagram. I don't have one Instagram style and I don't have one filter that I always use. I do everything according to my mood: if I want a more minimalistic picture, I will use A (VSCO) filters, if I want an 80s effect, I will add C filters.

My plans for autumn: develop your website, learn French and learn how to solve the Rubik's cube. It is high time.

My perfect day off is a day spent without a schedule, a list, or deadlines.

My special morning ritual - I listen to a songBaz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen).

3 favorite restaurants in Moscow:Laduree for breakfast, Fresh at Patriarch's for a healthy lunch and cafe The juice for vegan and vegetarian cuisine.

the beauty is self-confidence.

The main thing in my wardrobe- denim jacket with stripes.

I remember well my first love. We were 13. He was red and incredibly charming.

I don't know anything about politics.

The surest way to happiness It's about letting go of what you can't control.

I am very inspired Casey Neistat. For the most part, not even shooting, but the approach to work. I learned a lot from him.

I really want to visit on the set of Star Wars because it's the coolest thing you can tell your grandchildren.

I can watch movies over and over Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Moulin Rouge and Easy Virtue. Please don't make me choose one.

To understand a person, you need to listen to him and ask questions, and not think out what he could say with this.

I think that my worst quality, - faux pas.

If I had one superpower– it would be an opportunity to travel in time.

I get really nervous when someone does not understand my jokes.

I would like to live in New York. Right now I'm 20 years old.

Dreams are... Necessary.

10 facts about Masha Novosad

  1. My favorite song - Billy Joel.
  2. At the age of 17, in search of adrenaline, I stole the Eiffel Tower keychain from a gift shop at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.
  3. Since childhood, I almost always go to the cinema alone.
  4. I consider Interstellar to be one of the most overrated movies ever made.
  5. Living in the States, I always ordered almond milk latte with coconut syrup in coffee shops.
  6. From school, I liked to use different variations of my name (Marya, Marusya). Only Marie got attached to me.
  7. I still consider Eminem the best rapper in the world.
  8. The thing that I will never sell is my Baby Taylor guitar, on which I collect autographs from the concerts of my favorite bands.
  9. When I left to study in America, I started making videos every day in fear that I would be forgotten in Russia.
  10. I stopped having complexes about my appearance when I realized that nothing will make me as beautiful as self-confidence.

10 favorite songs at the moment (listen to the playlist


My inner grouchy grandmother must find an outlet for her emotions, and I decided to dispel a little that veil of admiration for Masha Novosad, which I saw on airek. If you ask why, then everything is simple: Masha has a whole army of school-aged fans. These girls look at her, repeat, learn, but now, in 2016, Novosad is clearly not a role model. Perhaps my review will open someone's eyes.

I occasionally watch her videos, although I only signed at the beginning of this year, while the object of the recall was in the United States. I will also talk about this.


When the young lady started her channel, she was a teenager and loved to watch American YouTube. Its first content is related to copying Western bloggers ( I write with two yy, because Masha believes that when borrowing a word from another language, we must write it like that). She even made the titles in English so that they would start watching her there, but the videos in Russian only attracted our audience.

I learned about Novosad thanks to the book blog Heru Uliana/Ulilay. Then Masha seemed just a nice girl "from the next entrance." She made videos that were of interest to an audience of her own age: teenagers. Her videos were all about looks, although her "breakthrough" came when she started filming her brother's friends. Her videos "Boys about Girls" were and are very interesting. This is probably due to the fact that the guys themselves are much older than Masha herself.

I was not interested in its content, but sometimes YouTube gave it to me in the recommendations, and from time to time I watched this or that video.

What happened then:

High-quality picture;

The lack of water in the video, the content was thought out;

Good installation;

The image of a good girl-girl.

And then Masha left for the USA ...

And at this stage, you can clearly see how blogGer 1) opened from a new perspective; 2) has changed beyond recognition.

The Novosad faculty offered exchange studies at one of the US colleges, and Masha jumped at the opportunity. Surely there was at least some kind of selection, so she can be praised that she passed. But then the object of the review decided to shoot a video every day. The idea is interesting. I myself watch many YouTubers from the USA, and I like daily vlogs. The site recommended me a video where Masha packs her suitcases in the USA, and at that moment I finally subscribed to her.

What did we see in the States:

Masha's lack of education;

Lack of any respect for things;

Her "I'm all by myself" life credo failed when she agreed to take money from subscribers because she broke her camera while riding a pennyboard with it;

Inability to get along with other people, etc.

At the same time, the subject of the recall decided to become a vegan. Masha has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but instead of doctors, she decided to follow in the footsteps of Freelee (Freelee the banana girl) and simply give up all animal products. Well, except for cosmetics and clothes, because it's beautiful. True, six months later, the object shot a video called

Veganism ruined my health

How I like these bloggers who picked up information from the top, and then consider themselves the gurus of something. The transition to veganism should be very smooth, and certainly should not involve the amount of food that Frehley stuffs into himself. By the way, she rides a cycling marathon every day, and that’s the only reason she is so thin. Masha ate 5 bananas for breakfast (1500 kcal would you like?), and then she wondered why she was getting better.

This is what I mean: before the USA, she seemed reasonable and did not make hasty conclusions, but here it’s as if the person was simply replaced. The first days of the USA were interesting, but then it became clear that the content is literally sucked out of your finger. It was downright boring to watch.

Back in Russia, things only got worse. Videos are still released every day, but at the same time Masha whines that she is very tired. Why should the viewer care? You can make publications as before: 1-2 times a week. But to make them of high quality, as it was 2 years ago.

Here is one of the latest videos. Compare the quality here and on the first screenshots.

The real Masha shows up most strongly in videos with other bloggers. She constantly interrupts her interlocutor. In a New Year's video with Ulyana last year, she ate half of the video icing for gingerbread straight from the tube, licking her fingers in front of the audience.

As usual, "combinations" are filmed: blogger, who, as it were, is "a guest" on the channel, behaves more quietly. But Marie loves to pull the blanket over herself.

And here I just don’t understand how older bloggers communicate with her. Attracting a younger audience? Do you remember yourself at the age of seven? Wait a minute, but the girl is already almost 22. By this moment, you can at least learn how to behave at a party and not get into someone else's cosmetics with your fingers, as it was when visiting Lisa in New York. Masha's environment is mostly very calm people, because the extroverted Masha needs all the attention.

She is used to being the center of attention: the youngest and spoiled child in the family. Her mother is a very beautiful and intelligent woman, but she herself admitted that Masha was not involved. And as a result, a man grew up who broadcasts outright nonsense to a half-million audience. At the end of the summer, she published drunk videos with Stas from Ranetki, and the schoolgirls kept wondering if they were dating or not. Although I still do not understand what the adult Stas found in their party, except for "PR". By the way, they didn't have anything. Stas meets with girls of model appearance. Although it is interesting that in 10 years he has not changed at all in appearance.

Special attention deserves a fad about advertising. Masha writes under the video if some brand gave her money to make this video. But if she was simply sent something, then this is no longer an advertisement. Well, they gave her a jacket for 20 thousand rubles, which generally sits on her anyhow - this is not an advertisement, she shows it from the bottom of her heart in the video. And if, in addition to this jacket, they gave her another 50 thousand for the fact that she would definitely show the video, then this is already advertising. Well, in her world, the restrictions are just that.

Does anyone else doubt the adequacy and seriousness of this person? Here you have almost 500k subscribers, and you are making a video about how some kind of insta blogGer asks to give him free food for advertising food. Manka is afraid that advertisers will stop cooperating with everyone after this, and with her in the first place.


This question bothers many people. Well, we love to count other people's money. So, a month she receives about 150 thousand rubles. And I'm not talking about video views. This is advertising revenue: collaboration with brands on YouTube and Instagram. Add that she does not buy cosmetics herself, courses and training are also free - in general, the amount is exorbitant.

How do I know about 150 thousand? When Masha moved out from her mother to a rented apartment, she said that for her own peace of mind she needed to receive three times more than the cost of renting an apartment. Her small two-room mansions in the center of Petrogradka cost 50,000 rubles a month. If anything, then for this money you can rent two odnushki from the metro, and not at the last stations. By the way, Masha still has a photo with her Mom's address on VK - it's really quite far from the metro, but I wouldn't say it's critical. walk 40 minutes in total

I don't resent her income. But let's be objective: the quality of its "advertising" is now lower than a year and a half or two years ago. Show shoes for 20k on skinned legs? Doing carnival makeup that doesn't suit you at all? It always amused me how bloggers themselves use the luxury, but for the money they are ready to broadcast on camera how wonderful Garnier and Nivea are. And, yes, Masha puts on makeup, like any schoolgirl. But with her beauty experience, it would already be possible to conduct courses like Kofka.

Masha two years ago:


It annoys me that words do not match actions. Previously, Masha told schoolgirls that they should remain themselves, that they should not be ashamed of their body and that they should look for what they want to do. Although with age it became clear that before she simply covered up her laziness. How can you broadcast for several years that you need to love everyone, and then increase your lips and say that she has dreamed about this all her life?

Or her inner snob, who demands to always speak correctly, and at the same time the girl does not know that Omsk is not a northern city, but blinds and requires an accent on the last syllable, and Morocco is written in Russian through the letter "a"? Masha insists that she needs to learn English, but in one of the videos she omitted some novice Russian Instagrammer who wrote in English with errors. And how to learn, if it is almost impossible to do it without mistakes? Any practice is good. It is precisely because of people like Masha that millions of people are afraid to use foreign languages.

And everything would be fine, but Masha often exalts herself above others. Like, she mounts cool, she has achieved a lot, she knows a lot. The person clearly has an overestimated heart rate, because her channel in the last year has turned into the same mess that her apartment is in. The quality has fallen not only in the content, but also in the picture.

In general, please don't get fooled. Respect your time. See those who know how to behave on camera, who do not disgust you and who are not ashamed to recommend to friends.

ps Throughout the fall, in the comments under the video, there were constant reviews from viewers that the content had slipped. What did Masha do? I came up with a marathon of gifts, and for the whole of December she has peace, tranquility and attraction of new users on her channel by increasing the rating of the video with the help of active commenting. One shot two birds with one stone

The story of Mari Novosad is a modern Cinderella tale. She went from a simple waitress in a cafe to an opinion leader with lucrative contracts.

Brands love Mari Novosad and are ready to offer her favorable conditions.

In modern society, having loyal haters is almost more important than having fans. How did Masha manage to achieve all this?

Biography of Marie Novosad

Masha Novosad was born in St. Petersburg, at the time of writing, the girl is 21 years old. When Masha was 7, her parents divorced. There was no drama, they remained friends, but in his vlogs Novosad only films his mother. You can see Brother Pavel several times, that's the whole family history.

The girl studies at the Faculty of Liberal Arts of St. Petersburg State University. Her specialty is film critic, film critic. Our heroine is not going to work in her specialty.

She is planning a career in the film industry, but not before the age of 24. Now is the time to travel, blog on YouTube, and earn popularity on it. Although, Masha admits that she started the vlog simply because she needed space for creative self-expression.

As a child, Maria was a completely “humanitarian” child, but she did not think about a career. She just lived, went to the cinema, and at one fine moment she realized that the video format fascinates her.

The first video for the blog was filmed in Paris while traveling. The girl is going for a walk, snow is falling, everything is beautiful and calm.

Today, Masha's blog has more than 500,000 subscribers, it is actively developing. With admission to the university, the channel became more travel, different cities. You can see how Masha studies in the USA, visits Europe, and goes on press tours around the cities of our country.

How much does Mari Novosad earn?

Masha is not the most popular Russian YouTuber, but not the most “last” either. It develops, people are interested just because of their travels.

According to statistics services, Marie can earn from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars on views. However, the numbers vary, and the income structure of this blogger is much more complicated:

  • The channel has a lot of videos dedicated to brands. There is clearly a place for native advertising and promotion. I know exactly how much a girl charges for mentioning cosmetics, clothes, or a review, but there is information that a blogger’s post with such statistics can cost at least 20,000 rubles;
  • Marie's travels are free press tours, she saves a lot on visiting another city or even a country;
  • at events, the girl does not appear for free;
  • can be seen and that she promotes certain restaurants

So Masha Novosad clearly earns more than just watching her videos. And with the growing popularity of his personality among the haters - and even more.

Masha is the queen of the search query with the name of the main hater forum. So certain views from haters only add to her funds.

Content by Masha Novosad

What can a young St. Petersburg woman who is getting a higher education in the field of cinema shoot about? Do you think about the films of Godard and Tarkovsky? Nothing like that - just about yourself, your appearance, life, makeup, wardrobe, cooking. This is what most young girls are interested in.

There is no drama on Masha's channel, showdowns with brands, other bloggers, constant washing of the bones of another YouTube star. That's why we love Novosad. She shoots simply about herself, and how she sees this world.

Fun, easy, humorous, sincere. It can be seen that the girl is well educated, not devoid of taste in clothes. She knows how to choose images, and plays up her, frankly, not classical appearance in an interesting way, without turning into a freak with pink hair tattooed in all places.

Masha can be described as a “nice girl”, and her travels are interesting and exciting. Changing the picture, dear presenter, and being different from the "Friday" show "Eagle and Tails" is the secret of Maria's success.

How much Masha Novosad invests in a blog

The blog was not originally a business project. Marie Novosad does not have a cameraman, a screenwriter and a person who produces. Novosad shoots vlogs herself, from morning to evening. He also does the installation himself.

And yes, blogging is hard work. Marie often edits and uploads videos until 3am. It takes a little less time to create a conversational video.

Masha is still working with bloggers on a contractual basis, and has not "sold out" to any of the major production companies. She goes on paid tours and receives money on her own. She is only interested in contracts with brands.

So Masha's investments are not very large, because her earnings are higher in percentage terms than those who perceive the blog as a business.

First of all, you should not start a blog if you are not interested or do not want to do it. You need to shoot and edit only for yourself, the only way you can survive the period of the blog’s formation, and succeed in a new field for yourself.

You have to pay close attention to the content. You don't need to shoot any abstruse things, but in the future YouTube will definitely grow, and blogs that are not very creative and will blindly copy their predecessors will simply die. So only blog if you have some original vision or something to talk about.

Look for contracts with brands yourself, no one will do it for you. You can use the exchange for bloggers, but it's much better to just find a brand manager, or a PR manager, and offer your promotion services.

Masha also advises not to react to trolls and haters in any way. If they are, it means only one thing - popularity has come to you. Maria does not respond to the comments of the trolls, that she is criticized by the entire Baginya forum. Org knows very well, and also ignores it. After all, people are jealous of money and success.

It is worth being more active, believing in yourself and your content, and everything will definitely work out.