Jailbreak Apple Watch - looking into the future. How to Jailbreak an Apple iWatch with Pangu? How to do it

There is no problem to honestly say "we only know that we know too little about this Apple product." Which does not at all prevent us from discussing with enthusiasm about how it will be hacked and what can come of it.

How to do it?

The answer lies on the surface and, probably, at this stage there is no point in complicating anything. The watch is designed to be closely connected with the iPhone, when fine-tuning the gadget, you cannot do without a smartphone, which means that it will perform the functions of a “hacking” tool. It is quite logical that the Cupertinites will not want to generously hand over the corresponding utility into the hands of inquisitive jailbreak fans and will even put a couple of new barriers. From which it follows - the procedure is two-stage, first of all, the jailbreak will need to be carried out on the iPhone itself, and only then download another program and take on the smart watch.

On the other hand, a prototype of a special application for synchronizing data between iPhone and . And it is reliably known that access to the files of a wrist accessory from a smartphone is provided initially, but how extensive are the rights? If automatic updating of system files is carried out through the iPhone, without additional verification, then this is a potential loophole and a promising direction for creating a jailbreak - the same for both devices.

There is a third option, based on the fact that at first independent applications for the cat will cry. Most of the software runs on the iPhone, the “clock” serves only to visualize the result and is used as an input-output tool - is it really necessary to break it? By installing a “modernized” version of a typical satellite application on a jailbroken system, we get an identical result. With less cost - the concept of such a "semi-jailbreak" also has a right to exist.

What are the benefits of jailbreaking an Apple Watch?

Dials, desktop pictures, visual add-ons. Many and different, an alternative to the variety that Apple offers by default - a potentially endless set of different cosmetic widgets. And not only, since we have already embarked on a slippery, but interesting way to jailbreak, it is a sin not to finalize the functionality by providing the desktop interface with new options.

Siri, the virtual assistant, has long been in need of more advanced training courses that go beyond the traditions practiced in Cupertino. Yes, the task is many orders of magnitude more difficult than developing the next tweak with three buttons, but the challenge will be accepted, right? Fortunately, everything is getting much more interesting and the Digital Crown button will often be pressed. As an option, without bothering to analyze Siri algorithms, create a set of packages with information of a forbidden or contradictory nature. Like maps with the location of “18+” establishments, translation and analysis of obscene ditties in foreign languages ​​with a selection of analogues or instructions on how to find a marijuana vending machine – starting this year, these will legally appear in many US states.

From the very first minutes after the presentation of Digital Touch, statements began on the topic of how great it is to transmit encrypted messages using this method of “communication”. A program that encodes curls from under the finger into text, and touches into sounds, with a mandatory decoding function, is doomed to success. Moreover, in two categories at once, as a serious business tool for not stingy paranoids and as a toy. For example, to arrange fortune-telling according to the interlocutor's rapid heartbeat - does he love or not?

Underwater rocks

First, controversial about popularity - the high price and non-standard functionality puzzle many. The less people use the device, the more dubious the need to pore over the jailbreak - who will use it?

Secondly, problems with the development of thematic software are already obvious, again, due to the novelty of the platform. If sensible tweaks will be one or two and counted, and the enthusiasm of programmers is even less, then what is the use of a jailbreak?

Thirdly, the substantive interest of users - how many can thoughtfully describe what exactly they want to get from the “modified” version App Watch? Two interrelated aspects - until the novelty is properly studied, there is no point in jailbreaking, due to the lack of further specific plans.

As an example, the situation with the third generation is excellent - a jailbreak for it has not yet been born, because no one is in a hurry to help. For there is no need and serious interest, which is dictated by the low popularity of the product compared to the iPhone and even iPad.

Every time after the release of a new Apple gadget, the hacker community prepares tools for its jailbreak. With their help, users can bypass the protection of the operating system in order to install unofficial applications and tweaks that are not allowed to the "kosher" store.

Hackers managed to break into almost all Apple gadgets, with the exception of the third generation Apple TV. What is the Apple Watch jailbreak for and what will the user get after being released from the imposed restrictions? In fact, there are several reasons to free yourself from "slavery", we offer ten of the most significant.

New watch faces

Apple Watch customers don't have the option to set their own photos as the wallpaper on their watch out of the box. Apple has severely restricted the use of custom images. The owner of the device has only nine design options: Chronograph, Color, Modular, Utilities, Mickey Mouse, Simple dial, Motion, Sundial and Astronomy. One can only guess what variety of watch faces will be available in Cydia for Apple Watch.

Standalone Applications

Apple has not allowed native Apple Watch apps to run. At this stage, watch programs are only an addition to the iPhone versions. This solution has both its pros and cons. Applications in their current form, which are essentially an extension for the watch, load the device less and save battery power. On the other hand, the software is forced to constantly access the smartphone for data, as a result, the user has to endlessly look at the download icon. Standalone apps can expand the capabilities of the gadget and untie the Apple Watch from the iPhone.

Screen timeout setting

Another user dissatisfaction concerns the Apple Watch screen timeout. To increase the autonomy of the device, this parameter has a minimum value and there are no settings for it. Jailbreak can solve this problem.


One of the main advantages of the Apple Watch, according to Apple, is the user interface, which allows you to control the device as easily and efficiently as you can use Multi-Touch to control your iPhone or use your mouse and keyboard to control OS X applications. Unfortunately, the ability to change users do not have the look of Watch OS. Winterboard themes are one of the most popular ways to make your iPhone and iPad look unique and unique. The version of the program for Apple Watch would allow installing themes on the wearable gadget and would guarantee security: no matter what the user downloads to the watch, he could always return to the standard design.

Autonomy improvement

The Apple Watch's power saving mode increases the autonomy of the device several times, but reduces the capabilities of the watch to almost zero. Fine-tuning hardware and software options would allow flexible management of a wearable computer, maintaining the necessary balance between functionality and battery life.

Activator for Apple Watch

Activator is one of the oldest jailbreak addons for iPhone and iPad. It allows you to use hardware buttons, as well as various gestures and commands (triple-click or hold the Home button, swipe from the corner of the screen, short tap on the system bar, and many, many others) to perform a variety of actions on devices, ranging from launching applications or extensions, ending with a screen lock, rebooting the device. The possibilities of Activator are almost limitless.

Flexible configuration of Taptic Engine

Apple Watch's unobtrusive notification system is the most important advantage of smartwatches. Thanks to the innovative Taptic Engine technology, the device notifies you of incoming messages completely unnoticed by others. The nature of the "touches" of the watch can be so different that a person is able to recognize different types of signal. A tweak for the Taptic Engine will allow you to control the power of the linear actuator and set individual alerts for different events or users.

Improved Addons

Almost every aspect of the Apple Watch faces can be changed by the user at will. You can display a variety of information on the screen, ranging from the date and alarm, ending with the scale of the distance traveled and the upcoming event from the calendar. With the advent of jailbreak for Apple Watch, an even more flexible setup system will appear on the watch. What about missed tweets or email messages on the Apple Watch display?

Web surfing

Apple did not equip smart watches with a mobile browser. Unlike the iPhone, iPad, and Mac, the Apple Watch lacks the proprietary Safari app. We can assume that this is due to the complexity of the development and the need to save battery power. However, nothing prevented the release of a specially adapted version for the Apple Watch. Other manufacturers such as Samsung and LG have equipped their smartwatches with browsers.

Playing music with the built-in speaker

Apple Watch can be used as an external headset, but you can't play music through the stock speakers. Even taking into account the fact that the gadget allows you to download up to 2 GB of music into memory for "offline" listening. This problem is easily solved by a tweak from Cydia.

It officially launched less than a week ago, but many people are already thinking about jailbreaking the Apple Watch. I’ve seen prominent hackers and developers talk about jailbreaking Apple’s new wearable device, and I’ve heard it mentioned several times on some prominent podcasts.

The question is, why are so many people interested in jailbreaking Apple’s new hardware? The answer is mixed, but there are lots of similarities to iPhone OS and the early iPhone hardware. When the iPhone first launched back in 2007, it was severely limited. You couldn't copy and paste, you couldn't have custom wallpaper, there was no App Store, etc. Jailbreaking eventually allowed early users to do all of those things.

Similar to the early iPhone software, Watch OS 1.0 won't allow users to do things like use custom watch faces, or run native apps. Jailbreaking could, in theory, allow for both of these features. But that's not all. Jailbreaking Watch OS opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.

custom watch faces

This is an absolute no-brainer. It's one of the things that makes other smartwatches, such as the Pebble, so appealing. As of now, Apple only lets you choose from and customize its stock watch faces. Will we ever see custom watch faces? I wouldn't be so sure. I think we will see select Apple-approved watch faces become available eventually, but a jailbreak might be the only answer when it comes to true customization.

native apps

There are many reasons why it may be better to run apps natively on the Apple Watch instead of beaming information between it and an iPhone. The most obvious thing is speed. If there’s one consistent narrative that we’ve gleaned from early Apple Watch reviews, it’s that speed is, at times, hard to come by.

Running apps natively would go a long way towards fixing the speed issue, not to mention the added possibilities that running native code opens up to users. Imagine this: running a podcast app natively while you go for a walk or a jog. You can't do that without a paired iPhone near, because you can't store audio files on the watch outside of a synced Music app playlist.

Changing the default timeout settings for the screen

Another complaint that we’ve heard in early reviews has to do with the Apple Watch timeout settings. To save battery life, the Apple Watch can be overzealous when it comes to timing out the screen. Having an Apple Watch jailbreak would allow you to customize the time out settings to a finer degree.

custom themes

Watch faces are nice, but what about full-fledged custom themes? I'm talking about WinterBoard-esque themes that allow you to change the look of the entire interface, icons and all.

Enhanced battery saving tweaks

Power Reserve mode is a little extreme. How about outright disabling certain battery draining features on a whim? Or changing screen timeout settings? With a jailbreak, we’d have finer control over the Apple Watch experience, and could fine tune the watch’s settings for the best battery life possible.

Executing Activator actions via your watch

If you've ever used Activator on your iPhone, then you know how handy this tool can be. It’s the backbone of thousands of jailbreak tweaks for good reason, and it lets you perform impressive iOS automation on its own. Imagine using certain button combinations for quick shortcuts to apps and toggles.

Deeper customization of Taptic Engine feedback

I’ve read several reviews and experiences that mention the Apple Watch’s haptic feedback abilities, and how they’re a bit lacking. The running theme is that it's at times hard to feel when the Taptic Engine is trying to get your attention. With a jailbreak, the potential is there to up the intensity of the Taptic Engine, and increase the feedback rate. Jailbreaking also opens up the possibility of assigning custom haptic feedback patterns to specific notifications.

custom complications

Complications are the little items that run alongside the watch face interface in order to provide you with quick details. Complications cover can range from sunset schedules, stocks, moon phases, and more. While Apple Watch comes bundled with quite a few complications, it would be nice if there was the ability to use custom complications. What about having a complication that tallies up missed tweets, or displays unread email numbers?

Browse the web

Noticeably absent from the Apple Watch's Home screen is Safari. Safari is on the iPhone, it's on the iPad, it's on the iPod touch, but it's nowhere to be found on Apple Watch. Of course, the reason for that is obvious: the screen is too small, it's too battery demanding, and no one wants to hold their wrist up for long periods of time while to navigating web pages that probably won't render well on such a small display. But the rebuttal to that argument is just as obvious: we want it just because we can.

Playing audio directly from the Apple Watch speaker

When I first started covering the Apple Watch, I was under the impression that you would be able to play music and audio directly from the Apple Watch speaker. While it's true that you can listen to phone calls from the Apple Watch speaker, that's pretty much the extent of things. You can't listen to music or podcasts via the device's built in speaker, and that's a bummer for me.

Want more?

We go more in-depth on this topic in today's episode of . Be sure to tune in, as it includes a few bonus Apple Watch jailbreak ideas that aren't on this list, such as hiding app icons. What features would you like to see on a jailbroken Apple Watch? Sound off down below and let us know!

Jailbreak appeared on iOS almost immediately after the release of the system. Users wanted more functionality from their "apple" device and hackers gave them this opportunity. Jailbreak is still very popular among users iPhone and iPad, and the number of its users in Russia has increased significantly in recent months.

Start of sales of smart watches is not far off Apple Watch which have limited functionality. Management Apple decided not to give third-party developments access to the accelerometer, horoscope and other sensors, and the software capabilities of applications were also significantly abolished.

It cannot be denied that the Apple Watch A jailbreak will be released that will allow you to customize your watch as you like. It is quite possible that this procedure will not be called a jailbreak, but somehow differently, but this does not change the general essence - the principle will remain the same.

So how to work Apple Watch a special application is required iPhone, then the smart watch is dependent on the "apple" smartphone. It turns out that the data exchange takes place directly between these two devices, which means that the “iPhone” can transmit special information to the watch, which will allow the hacking procedure Apple Watch.

Advantages of jailbreak for Apple Watch mass: customization of the appearance and functionality of the watch, replacement of standard cards Apple for decisions from Google or Yandex, Russification of the voice assistant Siri by Russian developers, adding the ability to work with Apple Watch, and many more innovations.

It is possible that immediately after the release Apple Watch for sale, many hackers, including commands Pangu and Taig, will begin developing special tools that will allow you to gain full control over the "apple" clock.

Every time after the release of a new Apple gadget, the hacker community prepares tools for its jailbreak. With their help, users can bypass the protection of the operating system in order to install unofficial applications and tweaks that are not allowed to the "kosher" store.

Hackers managed to break into almost all Apple gadgets, with the exception of the third generation Apple TV. What is the Apple Watch jailbreak for and what will the user get after being released from the imposed restrictions? In fact, there are several reasons to free yourself from "slavery", we offer ten of the most significant.

New watch faces

Apple Watch customers don't have the option to set their own photos as the wallpaper on their watch out of the box. Apple has severely restricted the use of custom images. The owner of the device has only nine design options: Chronograph, Color, Modular, Utilities, Mickey Mouse, Simple dial, Motion, Sundial and Astronomy. One can only guess what variety of watch faces will be available in Cydia for Apple Watch.

Standalone Applications

Apple has not allowed native Apple Watch apps to run. At this stage, watch programs are only an addition to the iPhone versions. This solution has both its pros and cons. Applications in their current form, which are essentially an extension for the watch, load the device less and save battery power. On the other hand, the software is forced to constantly access the smartphone for data, as a result, the user has to endlessly look at the download icon. Standalone apps can expand the capabilities of the gadget and untie the Apple Watch from the iPhone.

Screen timeout setting

Another user dissatisfaction concerns the Apple Watch screen timeout. To increase the autonomy of the device, this parameter has a minimum value and there are no settings for it. Jailbreak can solve this problem.


One of the main advantages of the Apple Watch, according to Apple, is the user interface, which allows you to control the device as easily and efficiently as you can use Multi-Touch to control your iPhone or use your mouse and keyboard to control OS X applications. Unfortunately, the ability to change users do not have the look of Watch OS. Winterboard themes are one of the most popular ways to make your iPhone and iPad look unique and unique. The version of the program for Apple Watch would allow installing themes on the wearable gadget and would guarantee security: no matter what the user downloads to the watch, he could always return to the standard design.

Autonomy improvement

The Apple Watch's power saving mode increases the autonomy of the device several times, but reduces the capabilities of the watch to almost zero. Fine-tuning hardware and software options would allow flexible management of a wearable computer, maintaining the necessary balance between functionality and battery life.

Activator for Apple Watch

Activator is one of the oldest jailbreak addons for iPhone and iPad. It allows you to use hardware buttons, as well as various gestures and commands (triple-click or hold the Home button, swipe from the corner of the screen, short tap on the system bar, and many, many others) to perform a variety of actions on devices, ranging from launching applications or extensions, ending with a screen lock, rebooting the device. The possibilities of Activator are almost limitless.

Flexible configuration of Taptic Engine

Apple Watch's unobtrusive notification system is the most important advantage of smartwatches. Thanks to the innovative Taptic Engine technology, the device notifies you of incoming messages completely unnoticed by others. The nature of the "touches" of the watch can be so different that a person is able to recognize different types of signal. A tweak for the Taptic Engine will allow you to control the power of the linear actuator and set individual alerts for different events or users.

Improved Addons

Almost every aspect of the Apple Watch faces can be changed by the user at will. You can display a variety of information on the screen, ranging from the date and alarm, ending with the scale of the distance traveled and the upcoming event from the calendar. With the advent of jailbreak for Apple Watch, an even more flexible setup system will appear on the watch. What about missed tweets or email messages on the Apple Watch display?

Web surfing

Apple did not equip smart watches with a mobile browser. Unlike the iPhone, iPad, and Mac, the Apple Watch lacks the proprietary Safari app. We can assume that this is due to the complexity of the development and the need to save battery power. However, nothing prevented the release of a specially adapted version for the Apple Watch. Other manufacturers such as Samsung and LG have equipped their smartwatches with browsers.

Playing music with the built-in speaker

Apple Watch can be used as an external headset, but you can't play music through the stock speakers. Even taking into account the fact that the gadget allows you to download up to 2 GB of music into memory for "offline" listening. This problem is easily solved by a tweak from Cydia.