Adblock crashes. Causes of Content Blocker Not Working Correctly

The SendPulse service is a marketing tool for creating a subscription base and converting random visitors to your site into regular ones. SendPulse combines the most important features for attracting and retaining customers on one platform:
● e-mail newsletters,
● web-push,
● SMS mailings,
● mailings in Viber,
● send messages to facebook messenger.

Email newsletters

You can use various tariffs for conducting e-mail newsletters, including free ones. The free plan has limitations: the subscription base is not more than 2500.
The first thing to start with when working with an e-mail mailing service is to create your own address book. Set a title and upload a list of e-mail addresses.

SendPulse makes it easy to create subscription forms in the form of a pop-up window, embedded forms, floating and fixed in a certain part of the screen. With the help of subscription forms, you will collect a subscriber base from scratch or supplement your base with new addresses.
In the form builder, you can create exactly the subscription form that best suits your needs, and the service tips will help you cope with this task. It is also possible to use one of the available ready-made forms.

When creating subscription forms, it is mandatory to use an e-mail with a corporate domain. Read how.
Message Templates will help to beautifully design your letters to subscribers. You can create your own letter template in a special constructor.

Auto mailings. Content managers actively use automatic distribution. It helps to automate the process of working with clients. There are several ways to create an auto mailer:
Sequential series of letters. This is the simplest option, when, regardless of the conditions, several letters are written that will be sent to recipients in a certain order. There may be options here - message series(simple message chain), special date(letters are timed to certain dates), trigger letter- the letter is sent depending on the actions of the subscriber (opening the message, etc.).
Automation360– mailing with certain filters and conditions, as well as taking into account conversions.
Finished chains by template. You can create a series of letters based on a given template, or modify the template and customize it to suit your needs.
A/B testing will help you experiment with different options for sending a series of emails and determine the best option for opens or transitions.

Sending Push Notifications

Push-mailings are a subscription in a browser window, it is a kind of replacement for rss-subscriptions. Web-push technologies have rapidly entered our lives, and it is already difficult to find a site that does not use push mailings to attract and retain customers. Request script for , you can send emails both manually and create auto-broadcasts by creating a series of emails or collecting data from RSS. The second option implies that after the appearance of a new article on your site, a notification about this will be automatically sent to your subscribers with a brief announcement.

New from Sendpulse– now you can monetize your site with push notifications by embedding advertisements in them. Upon reaching $10, every Monday payments are made to one of the payment systems - Visa / mastercard, PayPal or Webmoney.
Push messages on the service are absolutely free. Payment is taken only for White Label - mailings without mentioning the SendPulse service, but if the service logo does not bother you, then you can use push notifications for free without restrictions.


The SMTP feature protects your mailing list from being blacklisted by using white IP addresses. The DKIM and SPF cryptographic signature technologies used in SendPulse mailings increase the credibility of the emails you send, making your emails less likely to end up in spam or blacklisted.

Facebook messenger bots

Facebook chatbot is in beta testing. You can connect it to your page and send messages to subscribers.

Sending SMS

Through the SendPulse service, it is easy to send mailings to a database of phone numbers. First you need to create an address book with a list of phone numbers. To do this, select the "Address book" section, create a new address book, upload phone numbers. Now you can create an SMS mailing list for this database. The price of SMS mailing varies depending on the telecom operators of the recipients and averages from 1.26 rubles to 2.55 rubles per 1 sent SMS.

affiliate program

SendPulse implements an affiliate program in which a registered user using your link who has paid the tariff will bring you 4,000 rubles. The invited user receives a discount of 4000 rubles for the first 5 months of using the service.

Adblock is a special extension program that hides ads from the eyes of users. It comes as an addition to the search engine program, and its essence is to block pop-up windows, banners and other unwanted information that distracts from viewing the main content of the web page.

The Adblock extension is as easy to disable as it is to activate. Sometimes there is a need to display all the materials on the site, or the information is displayed incorrectly, and there is no need for ad blocking - in this article we will take a closer look at how to disable Adblock in the most popular search engines - Google chrom, Yandex, Opera and Mozilla. We will also consider the features of connecting and disconnecting the Adblock program on phones, tablets and smartphones with software based on the Android OS.

How to disable adblock in google chrome

The Adblock extension is the most popular web browser extension for blocking ads. There are various versions of this program, the latest of them block not only advertising messages, but also malicious links while browsing the Internet. In different search engines, the principle of disabling this program is quite uniform. Consider two ways to disable Adblock and Adblock plus (enhanced version) in the Google Chrome search engine.

First way

  • We open the browser.
  • In the upper right corner we find the Adblock program icon (in the example we will use two extensions - Adblock and Adblock plus, a more advanced version), click on it.

  • A menu window will open, select the option "Pause the program", click on it.

  • The Adblock program icon becomes inactive (green). To turn on the program, you should do the same operations as when turning it off.

Second way

  • Open the Google Chrome search engine, in the upper right corner we find the “Settings and Controls” icon, click on it.

  • In the menu that opens, find the option "Settings", go into it.

  • A window of internal browser settings will open, we do not need them. In the upper left corner, click on the "Extensions" tab.

  • After clicking it, a list of extensions will appear on the screen, select Adblock and Adblock Plus from the list, uncheck the boxes next to these programs.

  • After deselecting the checkboxes, the "Enabled" command will change to "Enabled".

Third way

  • Open the search engine, in the open window, click the "Settings and Management" icon.

  • In the open menu, look for "Additional tools", then "Extensions", uncheck the boxes next to Adblock programs. Extensions are inactive.

How to disable adblock in Opera browser

It will take a couple of minutes to disable the ad blocker in the Opera browser.

  • We open the search engine.
  • On the left side of the taskbar, at the very bottom, we find the extensions icon in the form of a puzzle piece.

  • Click on it, find the active extensions (Adblock), give the command "Disable". The extension has been suspended in the Opera browser.

How to disable adblock in Yandex

The Yandex search engine is very similar to Google Chrome, and the differences between them are very minor. Consider disabling Adblock in this search engine.

  • We go to the Yandex browser.

  • In the upper right corner we find the Adblock icon - usually it is an open palm on a red background, click on it.

  • An additional menu will open, perform the operation "Suspend Adblock".

  • After the "Suspend Adblock" operation is completed, the extension icon will change to "Class" on a green background - this means that the program is inactive.

Disable adblock in Mozilla Firefox browser

The Mozilla search engine is becoming less and less popular compared to the more practical Google Chrome and Yandex, but many users still prefer this service as the most reliable and stable search engine. Consider disabling Adblock in this search engine.

  • Open the Mozilla browser.

  • In the upper right corner we find the already familiar program icon, click it.

  • The context menu is displayed, select "Disable everywhere" there.

  • The Adblock extension is inactive, as indicated by the gray color of the icon.

adblock program in android operating system

Using Adblock on telephone devices, tablets and smartphones has its own characteristics. In Android, this extension comes as a separate web browser with which you can search the Internet. At the same time, the program itself filters ads and malicious links, you only need to install this program yourself using the Google play service (Play Market).

If Adblock is installed on your device and you want to disable the ad blocking feature, you will need to do the following:

  • Open the Adblock browser on your phone (tablet, smartphone).

  • We go into the browser settings (this is done using the left key on the touch phone), find the "Options" menu, click on it.

  • In the "Settings" we find the "Ad Blocking" option, which will allow you to set the desired blocking parameters, language and default settings.

We looked at examples of disabling Adblock in four different browsers, as well as the features of disabling ad blocking in the Android operating system. The Adblock extension also allows you to disable blocking on separately viewed pages by first setting certain settings. This add-on has many analogues, as well as various versions, which differ in their target orientation and spectrum of action.

Most likely, you have heard about various ad blockers more than once, and you may have already added one of them to your browser, for example, Adblock. How can I turn it off if the need arises? Often this question is asked by novice users. If you belong to this category of users, then the material in this article will be relevant to you.

I must say right away that in fact you will be surprised how easy it is to deactivate extensions. In any browser, this operation will take only a few seconds. So, if "Adblock" is installed, how to disable the plugin? This will be discussed further. Moreover, the most popular web browsers will be considered. In addition, you will learn how to deactivate the extension on a particular site.

How to disable "Adblock" in "Yandex" (browser)

When surfing the Internet, do you prefer to use Yandex, a web browser from one of the largest search engines? At the same time, you are most likely annoyed by intrusive advertising on the sites you visit. The Adblock add-on will help solve the problem.

So, the extensions in Yandex.Browser are as follows:

    Launch a web browser and click on the button with three lines to open its menu.

    Please refer to the Add-ons section.

    You will see a list of all extensions that are integrated into the browser. Find the Adblock plugin and disable it by moving the graphical toggle switch to the appropriate position.

Disabling Adblock in Opera

The Opera web browser causes great confidence among users. Fast, clear, secure - this is how you can characterize this browser. Developers are attentive to the wishes of their users and regularly work on improving the program.

You already know how to deactivate Adblock in a web browser from Yandex. But what about the Opera browser? The algorithm of actions will not differ much:

    Open the Opera web browser and click the button in the upper left corner to go to the browser menu.

    Go to "Extensions" and then select "Extension Manager".

    Find the Adblock add-on and deactivate it by clicking the "Disable" button. If you click the cross in the right corner, then you will remove the plugin from the browser.

By the way, you can open the list with installed extensions using the "Shift", "Ctrl" and "E" buttons. If it's more convenient for you, then use this keyboard shortcut.

That's all! You have learned how to disable Adblock in Opera and remove it if necessary.

Google Chrome and the deactivation of the Adblock plugin

Undoubtedly, Chrome is the most popular web browser. It is this browser that most users choose today. Pleased with the speed of loading pages in Google Chrome, a clear interface, a huge number of useful plugins designed specifically for this web browser.

So, you have installed "Adblock". How to disable this extension in the Google Chrome browser? It's very simple - you only need to follow a few steps, namely:

If you asked this question, then you are a fairly experienced user and you know about the existence of such an add-on as Adblock, which hides almost all ads from the eyes of users. It would seem a useful plugin, so why disable it then? Undoubtedly, with its help you can get rid of colorful and intrusive banners, teasers, clickers and other types of advertising that distract from the main content of the site with their colors or sounds. However, some sites begin to display incorrectly, which makes it difficult to read articles, watch pictures or videos on them. That is why we decided to tell you how to disable the Adblock plugin in order to browse your favorite site in normal mode.

How to disable adblock plugin in chrome

To get started, we suggest looking at the shutdown process in the most popular browser today - Google Chrome! Well, let's not delay, let's get straight to the point:

1. Open the menu by clicking on the button on the right side (located at the very top);
2. Click on “Settings”, after which the page with settings opens, but we don’t need it - we move on;
3. Switch from settings to “Extensions”, after which a page with all add-ons opens;
4. Uncheck the box next to “Enable”;
5. Done! Now Adblock does not prevent your favorite site from displaying in normal mode!

How to disable the Adguard plugin in Yandex Browser

In principle, everything is the same in Yandex browser as in Chrome, because they have the same source code. But we'll explain anyway:

1. Click on the “Menu” button, which is located on the top right;
2. A list drops out where you need to click on the “Add-ons” section;
3. The page with extensions opens. They are divided into categories;
4. Scroll it to the very bottom and find the Adguard plugin for us (the same Adblock only specifically for Yandex Browser);
5. Move the slider opposite it and the extension becomes inactive.

Disable the Adblock plugin in Mozilla Firefox

As you have already noticed, the process of disabling the plug-in is actually the same in all browsers, only the names of the menu and the add-on itself have been changed (in the case of Y. Browser), and Mozilla was no exception:

1. Click all on the same button to open the menu;
2. Click on the icon, under which is the inscription "Add-ons";
3. The extension store opens. We do not need it - we pass by;
4. In the menu on the left, click on “Extensions”;
5. Actually, now the most interesting thing is that we find Adblock among the plugins and click on the “Disable” button;

How to disable adblock extension in Opera browser

And finally, we will please people who use Opera as their main browser:

1. Click on the “Opera” logo in the upper left corner, open the menu;
2. Point the arrow at “Extensions” and go to “Extensions Manager”;
3. A page with installed plugins opens;
4. We find our favorite Adblock among the add-ons and disable it by clicking on the “Disable” button;