Safely cheat friends on VK. How to make a lot of friends (subscribers) on VKontakte

There are a lot of pages in VKontakte with a large number friends and only popular people received a huge number of subscriptions just for their fame. The rest simply gained imaginary popularity for themselves. It's no secret that many people make money on pages with a large number subscriptions, because the greater the number of friends and activity on your page, the more money you will earn.

Let's consider possible ways increasing the number of friends:

Method 1 - Spam

Yes, this method brings results, but it takes up precious time. Suitable for those who want to gain subscribers and friends for free. We search among groups for various “Add as friends” communities, join them and post a message that you are adding everyone. The easiest way is to copy a message like this; there are a great many of them in such groups.

The larger the message, the higher the likelihood that it will be noticed, since in such groups all users pursue the same goal - to increase the number of friends and subscribers.
In large communities, the walls are a spam dump, messages are added every second, and therefore you need to constantly add your request to be added as a friend again and again.

Plus— friends will start knocking on your door right away, the number of friend requests is proportional to your patience.
Minus- you will get a low-quality audience, you are added and forgotten.
You can also add as friends all those who post messages on the wall with you - up to 40 friends per day. It’s just better to choose people with a minimum number of subscribers - there is a greater chance that you will not be removed from the friends list.

Method 2 - Using free services

The main method of such services is the principle of take an action, you will receive a response in return. You need to perform various manipulations, join groups, like photos, participate in surveys and much more - it all depends on the specific service. There are many services, as I test them I will add links to the tested ones in the article. On at the moment I only used LikesFm, since it is recommended as one of the best among free opportunity cheating.

Pros- the result is instant, they will immediately start adding to your account.
Cons- a waste of time, the process is labor-intensive and slow.

Method 3 - Using paid services

Here, as they say, everything is in your hands - with money, the result will be better and, most importantly, faster. There are many offers on the Internet, you should choose options with a large number good reviews. To begin with, it’s better not to order large number subscribers to check the result and not lose a significant amount of money. And it's better to order with caution this service For VKontakte users, there is a high probability that you will simply be scammed.

Prosactive subscribers, faster result, paid and that’s it.
Cons— you’ll have to pay, there’s a chance you’ll get scammed.

Method 4 - Creating a task in promotion systems

Post a task to various systems promotion of websites and Internet projects, for example Seosprint. This method also paid. You need to register in the system, deposit money (you can also earn money by completing tasks of others), create an “Add as a friend” task and set minimum cost(30 kopecks). for 30 rubles you will get 100 friends.

Pros- low cost, quick results.
Cons— the activity of subscribers is questionable, waste of time in the system (checking the completion of a task), paid.
We looked at the main ways to increase the number of friends; you choose depending on the availability of free time and money.

Be careful - lyrics =)

VKontakte is a social network in which everyone is formally equal, however, some turn out to be “more equal” than others, due to their high position in search results. Who gets into the search first? Most often - more active. That is, essentially the one who has the most friends.
How to rise in this ranking? Well, essentially There is only one way - to increase the number of friends. And this, generally speaking, is not always possible. Random people are usually not added as friends. What to do in such cases? Well, first you can add all the friends you know personally. Then absolutely all the people with whom you have ever crossed paths. Then all friends based on groups and common interests. And then what? You are still unlikely to come out on top unless you are a very famous person.
But in fact, everything could be much simpler. You have certain criteria for who is most likely to add you as a friend when communicating. But there is no time to sit and send them a friend request manually. Bro, you can save time and effort.

You install BroBot, feed it a list of people you need to be friends with and press start.All!

If you cheat on one account, we won’t ask for a penny! Take it and use it)

I almost forgot to download Bro Bot to boost VK.

Cheat subscribers and friends for free on VKontakte using Brobot.

First of all, let's define what role Brobot plays in promotion.

  • It can find pages based on a list of IDs.
  • He can add pages as friends, or, accordingly, subscribe to them.
  • It can communicate with users. In this case, communication can be either through built-in replicas that can be changed by the main user, or through the use of self-programming bots, for example, the III.RU bot. At the same time, you can connect not an empty bot, but first train it to a state where it can freely communicate on the topics you choose.
  • Brobot can also perform other functions, for example, putting likes (very useful for reminding about yourself and thus avoiding a decrease in the number of subscribers over time), invitations to groups (we’ll look at this function in more detail a little later), and so on.

The convenience of the program is incredible, because you use it on your computer so you don't have to mess around with commands or anything like that, as is the case with other bots. All setup is carried out not on the Internet, but in a special convenient program.

At the same time, the Brobot bot does not store, send or process your data , including logins, passwords, information that is sent, and other parameters.
You can further use this program for businesses that have long loved the Brobot bot. In particular, this program is most often used to promote certain VKontakte groups.

Quickly make friends on VKontakte - how will the program help?

First of all, you should clarify which of the possible copies of the program you own. There are three types of Brobot program - free, ten-page and multi-page, the last two have their own price. If you are the owner the most powerful tool called “Brobot Unlimited”, you can act virtually unlimitedly, buying or creating several dozen or even hundreds of fake accounts, communicating with people from them and gaining subscribers, which leads to the extraordinary popularity of your page.
The program can even help promote a business or win local elections
– the more subscribers you have, the more trust you have. And everything is done in just a few days.
This is where all the so-called “media viruses”, “social boom phenomena” and so on come from, which modern media love to broadcast about. It's all about proper promotion. Making friends on VKontakte quickly and free of charge is carried out in a few days using the Brobot bot, while all subscribers think that they are communicating with a real person.

Cheating friends and subscribers on VKontakte using Brobot - how is it done using paid types of Brobot license?

Well, let's figure out how they differ paid accounts. First of all, a paid account is distinguished by a large number of VKontakte pages from which it works simultaneously. As a rule, this is ten pages (average license), but there are also those who order an unlimited type of license and install the bot for one hundred or two hundred pages.
Paid accounts are supported in the same way as free ones; the Brobot administration does not segregate users and calmly answers their questions without imposing a transition to a paid model.
And, nevertheless, paid accounts are much more convenient, first of all, because the impact of several bots at once, firstly, can convince a person to subscribe to even the most uninteresting page, and secondly, covers a large target audience than in the case of one account.

On the ad-social service you can get likes and subscribers on VKontakte completely free of charge. To do this, you will need points - the internal currency of the service. Points can be earned by completing tasks of other users or winning in special games. Also, a service for promoting social accounts, ad-social provides daily bonuses to regular visitors.

Getting likes and subscribers on VKontakte is carried out real users. Our special filters block approximately 97% of bots.

Creating a task to get likes

To create a task to increase likes, you will need to log in through one of the social networks or use your username and password. Next, go to the “Add task” section - “Vkontakte” and select “Like”. You will see a screen like the image below

Filling out the form is intuitive and should not cause difficulties. If you encounter any difficulty, please write to our caring support team and we will be happy to help solve your problem.

Carrying out tasks to increase likes and subscribers of other users

Since the ad-social service is designed for mutual completion of tasks, in order to earn points you may need to complete tasks of other users. It's very easy to do. To do this, you need to go to the “Earn” section and select “Vkontakte”. A screen will appear like the image below

You can select the task category you want to complete, such as "Like", "Tell Friends" or others. If you need to order a lot of tasks to complete, but you do not want to complete tasks from other users, then you can top up your balance using the “Buy points” section.

As you already know, within social network VKontakte, you can make friends with other users. These people will appear in your list of the same name, and you will receive some features that are only available to friends. They, in turn, too.

Quite a large number of users ask the question, how to make friends on VK? Now I will show you how you can do this.

What is this for?

Some users believe that the more friends, the better.

Another option is when you are promoting a product, service or brand through social networks. In this case, the more friends you have, the wider the audience available for the event. advertising companies. Such people very often have to resort to making friends to speed up the process.

Sending invitations to increase the number of friends

Let's start from the very beginning simple option. How does the process of “friendship” take place within VK? One person sends another a friend request. He, in turn, confirms or rejects it. If confirmed, these two people are now friends on VKontakte.

This leads to a simple conclusion. To increase the number of your friends, you need to send out a large number of relevant offers.

This is done extremely simply. Go to the page of the selected user, and under his profile photo, click the button "Add as friend".

Keep in mind that you have a limit of no more than 40 invitations per day (see).

It is worth choosing people who are connected to you. Perhaps you have one city of residence. Or the school where you studied. Not all users are willing to add everyone as friends. Therefore, to increase this probability, there must be a reason.

How to make friends on VK using groups

VKontakte has a large number of groups where users provide mutual assistance to each other. I suggest you use them to make friends on VK.

Go to the “My Groups” section. Click on the link.

And in the search bar we write "Add as a friend".

All these groups are needed to help make friends. Choose any one. I opened the first one on the list.

Then there are two ways. You can send an application yourself to those who want to make friends. Everything here is mutual - if you send a request to a person, he will definitely accept it. This way you will increase the number of your friends.

Look on the group wall - here every minute people post requests for additions.

All you have to do is go to the user’s page and send him a request.

But remember - you have a limit of 40 applications. Once your daily limit is reached, you can move on to the second step. Start posting requests for additions yourself.

People who join this group will see your comment and send you a friend request. All you have to do is confirm your application.

If you want to cheat large number friends on VK, you need to periodically publish such requests in maximum quantity groups.

We use services to make friends on VK

I'll show you two services through which you can make friends.


Here you will see a large number of promotion offers. Among them is an increase in the number of VKontakte friends. This feature is available for free. All you have to do is press the button in the menu "Add your friends for free".

A pop-up window will open with the user's page. Add him as a friend in the usual way- and in a couple of seconds it will accept the request. Agree, quite a simple method.

Do the same action the required number of times.

You can also order paid promotion. To do this, top up your account.

Here you will need to indicate the number of friends you need to make. And put a link to your page. Next, press the button “I agree with the rules. Order".

It's already paid service. But the quality will be better. Fewer friends will move away.

Here you will see the entire price list. Select tariff plan which suits you.

You just need to click on it. You will be taken to the payment page. Here you need to fill in the following items:

  • Email
  • Link to page
  • Payment method
  • Promo code (if available)

You will be redirected to the website of the selected payment system, where you will need to make a payment. After this, people will start adding you as friends.


By following all the above methods, you will quickly achieve a large number of people among your friends. You can see the result on my page.

But don’t get carried away - for uncontrolled cheating of friends, the contact’s administration may block your account. Do everything wisely. See also -

Social networks have consumed humanity. The application of this Internet tool is quite diverse. If someone needs an account on a social network for communication, then for some it can help promote their business.

Cheating occurs through specially created bots. A bot is a program that does all the dirty work for the user (increasing votes, increasing likes, etc.). The life of a bot is quite short (2-4 weeks). Then they are either deleted by moderators or turned into dogs (an avatar in the form of a dog on a gray background).

These programs are installed on your computer and launched using your account login and password. VKontakte. This is where you start to take risks. There are many scammers who gain free access to your account this way.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers manually

In the previous method, you just need to launch the bot and it will do everything for you, but there is a risk that you will lose your account due to scammers or you will be quickly blocked by moderators.

You can get subscribers yourself. You have the right to invite up to 40 friends per day to your group or to your friends. You set the gender, age, place of residence that interests you, and click “Search”. Then just click “Add as friend”.

Cheating subscribers using VKontakte groups

To do this, click on “Groups”. In the “Search” line, enter “Add as friend.” A list of groups will appear. Choose any one and join it or submit an application to join (it must be approved by the group moderators). The principle of these groups is very simple, you add a person, he adds you as a friend. This method is good because you are dealing with “live” accounts and not fake pages.

Paid programs for increasing VKontakte subscribers

There are many on the Internet paid programs on getting subscribers. The difference between paid and free bots small. Both programs are risky and can get you blocked. Whether to pay for a paid bot or not is up to you.

Paid promotion of subscribers through the VKontakte service

This is an indirect cheat. You can buy advertising for money, which will periodically appear at the bottom left of pages with a multimillion-dollar audience. In this case, people will decide for themselves whether to subscribe to your community or not. This method is the most natural and safe. You pay directly to your wallet