What is tcp port 1037. Basics of network ports


The UDP protocol also supports Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and Routing Information Protocol (RIP) among many other applications.
TFTP (Simple File Transfer Protocol). It is mainly used to copy and install an operating system on a computer from a file server,

TFTP. The TFTP protocol is a smaller application than the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Typically, TFTP is used on networks for simple file transfers. TFTP includes its own error control and serial numbering mechanism and, therefore, this protocol does not need additional services at the transport layer.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) monitors and manages networks and devices attached to them, and collects information about network performance. SNMP sends PDU messages that allow network management software to control devices on the network.

RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is an internal routing protocol, which means it is used within an organization but not on the Internet.


The TCP protocol, among many other applications, also supports FTP, Telnet and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a full-featured application that is used to copy files by running a client application on one computer that is linked to an FTP server application on another remote computer. With this application, files can be received and sent.

Telnet allows you to establish terminal sessions with a remote device, typically a UNIX host, router, or switch. This gives the network administrator the ability to control the network device as if it were in close proximity, using the computer's serial port for control. The usefulness of Telnet is limited to systems that use the character mode command syntax. Telnet does not support graphical user environment management.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a mail transfer protocol for the Internet. It supports the transfer of email messages between email clients and mail servers.

Well-known ports are assigned by the IANA and range from 1023 and below. They are assigned to applications that are essential to the Internet.

Registered ports are cataloged by IANA and range from 1024 to 49151. These ports are used by licensed applications such as Lotus Mail.

Dynamically assigned ports are assigned numbers from 49152 to 65535. Numbers for these ports are assigned dynamically for the duration of a particular session.

Brief port list:
1. DISCARD: Discard port (RFC 863)
2. FTP: 21 for commands, 20 for data
3. SSH: 22 (remote access)
4. Telnet: 23 (remote access)
5.SMTP: 25, 587
6. DNS: 53 (UDP)
7. DHCP: 67, 68/UDP
8.TFTP: 69/UDP
9. HTTP: 80, 8080
10.POP3: 110
11.NTP: 123 (time server) (UDP)
12.IMAP: 143
13.SNMP: 161
14. HTTPS: 443
15 MySQL: 3306
16.Server: 3055
17. RDP: 3389 (remote access)
18 OSCAR (ICQ): 5190
19. XMPP (Jabber): 5222/5223/5269
20. Traceroute: above 33434 (UDP)
21. BitTorrent: 6969, 6881-6889


1. RFC 863 - Drop Protocol
This document contains the standard for the ARPA Internet community. It is expected that ARPA Internet hosts that choose to support the Discard protocol will be brought into compliance with this specification. Dropping is a useful tool for measurement and debugging. This service simply discards all received data.
TCP-based Discard service One of the drop service options is implemented based on TCP. The server listens for TCP connections on port 9. After the connection is established, all data received over it is discarded without sending any responses. Dropping data continues until the connection is terminated by the user.
Discard Service Based on UDP Another variant of the discard service is based on UDP. The server listens for UDP datagrams on port 9 and, if found, discards received datagrams without transmitting any information.

2. FTP (English File Transfer Protocol - file transfer protocol) - a protocol designed to transfer files in computer networks. FTP allows you to connect to FTP servers, view the contents of directories, and upload files from or to a server; besides, the mode of transfer of files between servers is possible.
Outgoing port 20, opened on the server side, is used for data transmission, port 21 - for command transmission.

3. SSH (Eng. Secure SHell - “secure shell”) - a session-level network protocol that allows remote control of the operating system and tunneling of TCP connections (for example, for transferring files). Port 22 is used for remote administration, through client programs ssh protocol (SSH - Secure SHell) can be closed by disabling the server control program.

4. TELNET (eng. TERminaL NETwork) - a network protocol for implementing a text interface over a network (in its modern form - using TCP transport).

5. SMTP (English Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - a simple mail transfer protocol) is a network protocol designed to transfer e-mail in TCP / IP networks. To work through the SMTP protocol, the client creates a TCP connection to the server through port 25.
Sometimes providers prohibit sending mail through port 25, forcing the client to use only their SMTP servers. But, as you know, for a tricky ... there is ...
By default, postfix only works on port 25. But you can make it work on port 587 as well. To do this, just uncomment the line in the /etc/postfix/master.cf file:
submission inet n - - - - smtpd

6. DNS (English Domain Name System - domain name system) - a computer distributed system for obtaining information about domains. The DNS protocol uses TCP or UDP port 53 to respond to queries.

7. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network protocol that allows computers to automatically obtain an IP address and other parameters necessary to operate on a TCP/IP network. This protocol works on a client-server model. For automatic configuration, the client computer at the network device configuration stage accesses the so-called DHCP server and receives the necessary parameters from it. The network administrator can set the range of addresses distributed by the server to computers. This avoids manual configuration of computers on the network and reduces the number of errors. DHCP is used on most TCP/IP networks. DHCP is a client-server protocol, which means that a DHCP client and a DHCP server are involved in its operation. Data transfer is performed using the UDP protocol, while the server receives messages from clients on port 67 and sends messages to clients on port 68.

8. TFTP (English Trivial File Transfer Protocol - a simple file transfer protocol) is used primarily for the initial boot of diskless workstations. TFTP, unlike FTP, does not contain authentication capabilities (although filtering by IP address is possible) and is based on the UDP transport protocol.

9. HTTP (abbreviated from the English HyperText Transfer Protocol - “hypertext transfer protocol”) is an application layer data transfer protocol (initially in the form of hypertext documents). Port 80 is the port of web servers. Ports 80-83 are responsible for work on the HTTP protocol.

10. POP3. The 110th (Opera POP3 connection) port is responsible for sending and receiving mail.

11. Network Time Protocol (NTP) - a network protocol for synchronizing the computer's internal clock using networks with variable latency. Setting up the time service (NTP) in Windows 2003 / 2008 / 2008 R2 ... with the source is carried out using the NTP protocol - 123 port UDP .

12. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is an application layer protocol for accessing e-mail. It is based on the TCP transport protocol and uses port 143.

13. SNMP (English Simple Network Management Protocol - a simple network management protocol) is a communication network management protocol based on the UDP architecture. Devices that typically support SNMP are routers, switches, servers, workstations, printers, modems, etc. SNMP service:
Uses the Windows Sockets API.
Sends and receives messages using UDP (port 161) and uses IP to support SNMP message routing.
Comes with additional libraries (DLL) to support non-standard MIBs.
Includes Microsoft Win32 SNMP Manager API to simplify the development of SNMP applications.

14. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of the HTTP protocol that supports encryption. Data transmitted over the HTTPS protocol is "packed" in the SSL or TLS cryptographic protocol, thereby ensuring the protection of this data. Unlike HTTP, HTTPS defaults to TCP port 443.

15. MySQL is a free database management system. ONE BUT mysql does not work. (STOPPED WORK FOR n TIME)

16. 3055-local network.

17. RDP (English Remote Desktop Protocol - Remote Desktop Protocol) - a proprietary application layer protocol purchased by Microsoft from Citrix, used to provide remote user work with a server running a terminal connection service. Clients exist for almost all versions of Windows (including Windows CE and Mobile), Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Android, Symbian. The default port is TCP 3389.

18. ICQ Server.

19. XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) formerly known as Jabber.
5222/5223 - client-server, 5269 - server.

20. Traceroute is a utility computer program designed to determine the routes of data in TCP/IP networks. (some sources indicate that it is enough to specify a range of ports from 33434 to 33534)

21. BitTórrent (lit. English “bit stream”) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) network protocol for cooperative file sharing over the Internet. 6969, 6881-6889 ports for accessing torrent clients.

20:11:35 20

Sources: Wikipedia, Microsoft, portscan.ru

How to find out what ports are open on a computer?

  1. For Windows: Start → "cmd" → Run as administrator → "netstat -bn"
  2. In an antivirus program such as Avast, it is possible to view active ports in the Firewall: Tools -> Firewall -> Network Connections.

Also useful netstat commands:

To display both the Ethernet statistics and the statistics for all protocols, type the following command:

netstat -e -s

To display the statistics for only the TCP and UDP protocols, type the following command:

netstat -s -p tcp udp

To display active TCP connections and the process IDs every 5 seconds, type the following command:

nbtstat -o 5

To display active TCP connections and the process IDs using numerical form, type the following command:

nbtstat -n -o

For TCP sockets, the following status values ​​are valid:

CLOSED Closed The socket is not being used.
LISTEN (LISTENING) Waiting for incoming connections.
SYN_SENT Actively trying to establish a connection.
SYN_RECEIVED The initial synchronization of the connection is in progress.
ESTABLISHED Connection established.
CLOSE_WAIT The remote side has disconnected; waiting for the socket to close.
FIN_WAIT_1 The socket is closed; disconnecting the connection.
CLOSING The socket is closed, then the remote side disconnected; Waiting for confirmation.
LAST_ACK The remote side disconnected, then the socket is closed; Waiting for confirmation.
FIN_WAIT_2 The socket is closed; waiting for the remote side to disconnect.
TIME_WAIT The socket is closed, but is waiting for packets still on the network to be processed.

List of most commonly used ports

There are two types of computer-to-computer data exchange - data thunders and sessions. datagram- this is a message that does not require an acknowledgment of receipt from the receiving party, and if such an acknowledgment is necessary, then the addressee must send a special message himself. To exchange data in this way, the receiving and transmitting parties must strictly adhere to a certain protocol in order to avoid information loss. Each datagram is an independent message, and if there are several datagrams on the LAN, their delivery to the addressee, generally speaking, is not guaranteed. However, a datagram is usually part of a message, and on most LANs, datagrams are much faster than messages in sessions.

AT session a logical link is supposed to be created for the exchange of messages between computers and the receipt of messages is guaranteed. While datagrams can be transmitted at arbitrary times, the session must be closed before the message is sent, and the session must be closed when the data exchange is completed.

The operating systems of most computers support multi-program mode, i.e. multiple programs are running at the same time (multiple processes are running in parallel). With some degree of accuracy, we can say that the process is the final destination for the message. However, because processes are created and terminated dynamically, the sender rarely has sufficient information to identify a process on another computer. Therefore, it becomes necessary to determine the destination of data based on the functions performed by the processes, without knowing anything about the processes that are implemented by these functions.

In practice, instead of considering a process as an end destination, each computer is considered to have a set of some destinations called protocol ports. Each port is identified by a positive integer (from 0 to 65535). In this case, the operating system provides a communication mechanism that processes use to specify the port they are running on or the port they want to access. Normally, ports are Buffered, and data arriving at a particular port before a process is ready to receive it will not be lost: it will be queued until the process retrieves it.

To better understand the technology of ports, imagine that you have come to the bank to make a deposit. To do this, you need to go to a certain window where the operator will draw up the documents and you will open an account. In this example, the bank is a computer, and the bank operators are programs that perform certain work, but the windows are the ports, while each window in the bank is often numbered (1, 2,3 ...).

The same applies to ports, so in order to bind to a port on another computer, the sender must know both the IP address of the destination computer and the port number on the computer. Each message contains both the port number of the computer to which the message is addressed and the port number of the source computer to which the response is to be received. Thus, the ability to respond to the sender for each process is implemented.

TCP/IP ports 0 to 1023 are privileged and are used by network services, which in turn run with administrator (superuser) privileges. For example, the Windows File and Folder Service uses port 139, but if it is not running on the computer, then an attempt to access this service (that is, this port) will receive an error message.

TCP/IP ports 1023 to 65535 are unprivileged and are used by client programs to receive responses from servers. For example, a user's web browser accessing a web server uses port 44587 on their computer, but accesses port 80 of the web server. Upon receiving the request, the web server sends a response to port 44587, which is used by the web browser.

Hello everyone, today I will tell you how the TCP protocol differs from UDP. The transport layer protocols following IP in the hierarchy are used to transfer data between application processes implemented in network nodes. A data packet received from one computer to another via the Internet must be transferred to the handler process, and precisely for a specific purpose. The transport layer takes responsibility for this. At this level, the two main protocols are TCP and UDP.

What do TCP and UDP mean

TCP– a transport protocol for data transmission in TCP/IP networks, which preliminarily establishes a connection to the network.

UDP– a transport protocol that transmits datagram messages without the need to establish a connection in an IP network.

I remind you that both protocols work at the transport layer of the OSI or TCP / IP model, and understanding how they differ is very important.

Difference between TCP and UDP protocols

The difference between TCP and UDP protocols is the so-called “delivery guarantee”. TCP requires a response from the client to which the data packet is delivered, an acknowledgment of delivery, and for this it needs a pre-established connection. Also, the TCP protocol is considered reliable, while UDP has even received the name “unreliable datagram protocol. TCP eliminates data loss, duplication and mixing of packets, delays. UDP allows all this, and it does not require a connection to work. Processes to which data is sent over UDP must make do with what they receive, even with losses. TCP controls the congestion of the connection, UDP controls nothing but the integrity of received datagrams.

On the other hand, due to such non-selectivity and lack of control, UDP delivers data packets (datagrams) much faster, therefore, for applications that are designed for high bandwidth and fast exchange, UDP can be considered the optimal protocol. These include network and browser games, as well as streaming video viewers and applications for video communication (or voice): from the loss of a packet, complete or partial, nothing changes, it is not necessary to repeat the request, but the download is much faster. The TCP protocol, being more reliable, is successfully used even in mail programs, allowing you to control not only traffic, but also the length of the message and the speed of traffic exchange.

Let's look at the main differences between tcp and udp.

  1. TCP guarantees the delivery of data packets in unchanged form, sequence and without loss, UDP guarantees nothing.
  2. TCP enumerates packets during transmission, but UDP does not.
  3. TCP operates in duplex mode, in one packet you can send information and confirm receipt of the previous packet.
  4. TCP requires a pre-established connection, UDP does not require a connection, it is just a data stream.
  5. UDP provides higher data transfer rates.
  6. TCP is more reliable and controls the communication process.
  7. UDP is preferable for programs that play streaming video, videophony and telephony, network games.
  8. UPD does not contain data recovery features

Examples of UDP applications, for example, are transferring DNS zones to Active Directory, where reliability is not required. Very often they like to ask such questions at interviews, so it is very important to know the differences between tcp and udp.

TCP and UDP headers

Let's look at how the headers of the two transport protocols look like, since here the differences are cardinal.

UDP header

  • 16 bit source port > Specifying the source port for UDP is optional. If this field is used, the recipient may send a response to this port.
  • 16 bit destination port > Destination port number
  • 16 bit UDP length > Message length including header and data.
  • 16 bit checksum > Header and data checksum to check

TCP header

  • 16 bit source port > Source port number
  • 16 bit destination port > Destination port number
  • 32 bit sequence number > The sequence number is generated by the source and used by the destination to reorder packets to create the original message and send an acknowledgment to the source.
  • 32 bit acknowledgment number > If the ACK bit of the Control field is set, this field contains the next expected sequence number.
  • 4 bits header length > Information about the beginning of the data packet.
  • reserve > Reserved for future use.
  • 16 bit checksum > Header and data checksum; it determines if the packet has been corrupted.
  • 16 bit urgent pointer > In this field, the target device receives information about the urgent nature of the data.
  • Parameters > Optional values ​​that are specified if necessary.

The window size allows you to save traffic, consider when its value is 1, then for each sent response, the sender waits for confirmation, which is not entirely rational.

With a window size of 3, the sender already sends 3 frames, and waits for 4, which implies that he has all three frames, +1.

I hope you now have an idea about the differences between tcp udp protocols.

2023, leally.ru - Your guide to the world of computers and the Internet

Port Protocol Description
1 20 FTP Data File Transfer Protocol - file transfer protocol. Data port.
2 21 FTP Control File Transfer Protocol - file transfer protocol. Command port.
3 22 SSH Secure SHell - "secure shell". Operating system remote control protocol.
4 23 telnet Terminal NETwork. Protocol for implementing a text interface over a network.
5 25 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a simple mail transfer protocol.
6 42 WINS Windows Internet Name Service. A service for mapping NetBIOS computer names to host IP addresses.
7 43 WHOIS Who is. Protocol for obtaining registration data about owners of domain names and IP addresses.
8 53 DNS Domain Name System - domain name system.
9 67 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - dynamic host configuration protocol. Getting dynamic IP.
10 69 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol is a simple file transfer protocol.
11 80 HTTP/Web HyperText Transfer Protocol is a hypertext transfer protocol.
12 110 POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3 - Protocol for receiving e-mail, version 3.
13 115 SFTP SSH File Transfer Protocol. Secure data transfer protocol.
14 123 NTP Network Time Protocol. A protocol for synchronizing the computer's internal clock.
15 137 NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System. A protocol for providing network I/O operations. name service.
16 138 NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System. A protocol for providing network I/O operations. Connection service.
17 139 NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System. A protocol for providing network I/O operations. Session service.
18 143 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol. Application layer protocol for accessing email.
19 161 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol is a simple network management protocol. Device management.
20 179 BGP Border Gateway Protocol, border gateway protocol. Dynamic routing protocol.
21 443 HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure is an HTTP protocol that supports encryption.
22 445 SMB server message block. A protocol for remote access to files, printers, and network resources.
23 514 syslog system log. A protocol for sending and logging messages about ongoing system events.
24 515 LPD Line Printer Daemon. Protocol for remote printing on a printer.
25 993 IMAP SSL IMAP protocol that supports SSL encryption.
26 995 POP3 SSL POP3 protocol supporting SSL encryption.
27 1080 SOCKS SOCKet secure. Protocol for obtaining secure anonymous access.
28 1194 openvpn An open implementation of Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology.
29 1433 MSSQL Microsoft SQL Server is a database management system. Database access port.
30 1702 L2TP (IPsec) Protocol for supporting virtual private networks. As well as a set of data protection protocols.
31 1723 PPTP Tunnel protocol for a secure connection to a point-to-point server.
32 3128 proxy At the moment, the port is often used by proxy servers.
33 3268 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a lightweight directory access protocol (directory service).
34 3306 MySQL Access to MySQL databases.
35 3389 RDP Remote Desktop Protocol is a remote desktop protocol for Windows.
36 5432 PostgreSQL Access to PostgreSQL databases.
37 5060 SIP A protocol for establishing a session and transferring multimedia content.
38 5900 VNC Virtual Network Computing is a system for remote access to a computer desktop.
39 5938 teamviewer TeamViewer is a system for providing remote control of a computer and data exchange.
40 8080 HTTP/Web Alternative port for HTTP protocol. Sometimes used by proxy servers.
41 10000 NDMP Popular port: Webmin, SIP voice, VPN IPSec over TCP.
42 20000 DNP