Where are your favorites on VK now? How to bookmark a post, post, or person

Scrolling through your VK news feed, you probably often like automatically, without thinking. To see posts that you have liked, there is a VKontakte feed special button. It’s called “I liked it.”

By clicking on it, you can view all the news marked with your like. In addition, you can easily filter entries by file type - pictures, videos, etc.

Now you can return after a while to view in more detail the news that was automatically liked when scrolling through your VK feed.

By the way, if you left comments on posts, you can also view them separately and, for example, delete them.

Let's take a closer look at two useful options in the VKontakte news feed.

How to see posts in the VK feed that you liked

Step #1

Log in to your VK profile.

Step #2

Go to the “News” menu.

Step #3

On right panel there is a news section additional menu to customize and filter the feed. We are interested in the “Like” item. We click on it.

It may happen that you do not have this item. In this case, go to actions (plus sign) and check the box next to the item that is disabled.

Please note that you can disable any item and only entries that match the settings will be displayed in the feed.

Step #4

Now click on the “Like” item. Posts appeared in your feed that you liked.

Step #5

Please note the filters below. You can filter the posts you like as you wish. For example, you can configure only likes for photos, videos or posts.

How to view your own comments on VK posts

Step #1

Click on the “Comments” item in the “News” section in the right menu.

Step #2

Posts to which you left comments appear in your feed. Comments can be deleted if desired.

Step #3

You can also use filters in Comments. You can filter comments on posts, photos, videos, etc.

This is convenient if you leave a lot of comments on news.

Now you know how to view your likes and comments on news feed and filter them by file type.

Please upvote if you liked the instructions, share with friends on social networks and write comments about what VK functions you would like to know about.

Each user has a completely different attitude towards the information that he likes on the VKontakte social network. There are a number of users who like only those photos, posts, and other things that they want to view again later. The question arises: “How can I see what I liked in a contact?” All the information you like is collected in a separate section. In order for this section not to be empty, you need to like it.

How to like a photo in contact:

  1. Open the photos you like
  2. Hover your mouse over the heart (or top part photo to make the heart appear)
  3. Click on it

Unfortunately, in this section Only recently liked posts are displayed. You will not be able to view all liked content.

Other users also rate posts, photos, and more. They may also evaluate your entries. How to see who liked a photo on VK:

  1. Hover over necessary entry. More precisely, on the heart, which means Like (point, but do not click)
  2. A small window will appear showing 6 users who liked VK
  3. In the same window there will be the inscription “N people liked”, where n is the number of people who liked it

To see all users, click on it. After this action, a larger window will appear, where everyone who clicked “Like” will be.

Now you know how to see who liked your VK posts. Let us recall that in updated version social network "Vkontakte" appeared new feature. By opening the “News” section, you will be able to view entries not in the order of posted posts by time. Posts that have been liked or commented on by people on your friends list will now be displayed.

You can enable this feature like this:

  1. Go to the "My News" section
  2. At the top of the page, check the box next to “Interesting first”

If you don't want anyone to see what posts you like, then this function You can turn it off in your privacy settings and your friends won’t see what you’re interested in.

How can I find out who visited my VKontakte page (via the application):

Since you just installed this application, you will not see the guests yet, you will have an empty window.

They will appear a little later, but for now you can add a button to quickly jump to the list of guests. To do this, click on the appropriate link and check the box.

Now in the left column you have new item.

By clicking on it you will be added to your guest list. When will it appear new guest, you will see a number next to the “My Guests” item with the number of new guests.

When you log into the app after a while, you will see your guests.

How can I see who visited my VKontakte page in other ways? No way! Only with the help similar apps. Unfortunately, the application does not always show all guests correctly, but this is better than nothing.

Most users of the social network VKontakte do not just use this service as a means of correspondence with friends, but also read some groups, view photos of other users, etc. Naturally, you may like some records and not others.

I wouldn't be me if I didn't provide you with some theory before we started practicing anything. So let me be a little smarter this time too)

If we really like a photo or post, we click on the heart-shaped icon under it and thus LIKE it.

Sometimes there are so many likes that some users become interested in seeing what posts they liked a month or a year ago (find out their entire like history). The social network has such a function, and it is very easy to use.

But to be honest, I myself once became interested in what I had liked there in my entire history of being on the VKontakte social network. I took advantage of this function and plunged into memories for half an hour. I have been studying such a dossier on myself over the past few years. Well, okay, enough with the water, let's get down to business...

How to see what people liked in the full version

We launch the browser and go to our VKontakte page. In the left menu, click on the “My Settings” item:

At the next stage, immediately in the “General” tab, check that there is a bird next to the “My Bookmarks” item. If not, then put it:

Now in the left menu we should have a new link called “My Bookmarks”. Click on it:

In the window that opens, in the “Photos” tab, you can see the photos you liked:

To see the posts that you liked on VKontakte, you need to go to the “Posts” section:

All the posts that we had ever liked in groups or on user walls appeared in front of us.

How to see what I liked from a mobile application on Android

Everything is still much simpler here. We pick up our phones or tablets and launch mobile application VKontakte.

In the left menu we find the asterisk icon, which means the “My Bookmarks” item. Click on it. A list of all the photos we liked appears in front of us in the corresponding tab. If we go to the “Posts” section, we will see all the posts we liked for all time:

In addition, I would like to say that if you want, then just click on the like icon again under this post. This is in brief, but in general there will be a whole separate article about this.

That's all dear friends, we have learned to look at the entire history of the likes you have given. I hope that the material was useful to you, so I look forward to your comments, likes and reposts. Until we meet again).

Good day to you, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Please tell me, have you ever wondered where your friend or your girlfriend (young man) puts “likes”? I know that many people are probably interested, but they don’t know how to watch it all.

What then should be done in this case? Don't worry, I will help you. Because in today’s article I want to tell you how to see what a person liked on VKontakte. We don't need to hack anything to do this. Everything is done in an official manner. Through the application.

  1. To do this, go to VK and click on the “Games” link, which is located in the sidebar with the main menu.
  2. Now in the search we are looking for an application called . After we have found it, click on it and in the newly opened window click on the button "Run application".
  3. Now let's launch this application and in the search field you start typing your friend’s first or last name. The system will find any matches of first or last names with a combination of these letters. so you don't even have to type everything in completely. Once you have found who you were looking for, click on it. He will have to appear with right side applications.
  4. Well, then we just click on the “Start” button (I immediately remembered “Natalia Marine Corps”) under the photo and wait for this program to scan all friends and likes. Already during the scan, your friends will begin to emerge, so you can already see what’s going on.
  5. Once you have a friend's picture, you can click on it and see specific photos that he has ever liked in his life. Well, by clicking on specific photo, you will already be taken to the original itself. If you want to return to your other friends, then click on the button "Back to search".

By the way, you can watch not only your friends, but also yourself in this way. Immerse yourself in the history of something you've ever loved. To do this, you do not need to type anyone into the search. You just need to click on the “Select me” button. Well, then follow the instructions.

Account access

There's another one cool way, how to see the preferences of your friends, but it is practically impossible for most cases.!). For example, this can be done if he logs into his account while visiting you, or if you are visiting him.

To do this, you simply need to go to the “Bookmarks” menu and click on “Posts”. After that, you will be given posts that you or your friend have ever liked. This is, of course, much cooler, because here you can see all the posts, and in the previous one you will have to be content with only photos in your friends’ albums,

In my opinion everything is easy and simple. And you don't need any spyware. Everything is on VKontakte itself. By the way, if you really like being on VKontakte and constantly doing something there, then I want to visit you free online marathon, which will discuss various internet professions, including VKontakte Administrator and traffic manager. Sign up and take a look.

Well, I guess I’ll say goodbye to you for today. I hope that you liked my article and you will certainly come visit my blog again. I'll be glad to see you. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Hello everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I will tell you how to view your favorite posts on VK via a computer or phone in order to view all the most interesting things. By interesting we mean posts that you personally liked. After all, you usually look at an interesting post, picture or video, and then like it. And then you’ll forget what an interesting recording it was. Of course, you can repost to yourself, but this is terribly inconvenient if you often put the “Like” mark on posts.

The simplest way that does not require any third party tools, this is the use of bookmarks. As a rule, they are needed to display the people you added there, as well as the posts you directly liked.

That's basically it. But you can also look separately at the pictures and videos you like by selecting the appropriate items in the menu. For example, thanks to the fact that I entered the “Video” section, I saw that I liked videos about various schemes casino cheating. Of course, all this is a scam, and I am sure that it was done by those freaks who hacked me not so long ago. Apparently they wanted my friends to fall for it. Of course, I removed all likes from dubious videos. You can do the same.

I don't have a Bookmarks menu

If you don’t have bookmarks, then of course you need to enable them. It's very easy to do.

By the way, if you want to see what your friends liked, then I have something for you on this topic.

Mobile application on Android

If you mostly sit from your mobile phone and also want to see your favorite posts on VK, you can easily do this through the official application.

To do this, go to the application and click on the “Menu” icon (three bars). After that, select “Bookmarks”.

And then, as for computer version, select “Posts” in the feed to see everything you liked. Or click on Video and Photo to see which images and videos caught your attention.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. But now you can not only see what you’ve ever liked, but also remove hearts where you didn’t put them. Otherwise, I was very surprised when I saw “Like” marks on videos from online casinos.

By the way, if you suddenly want to promote your page and community, get likes on a post or avatar, or design your public pages and groups beautifully and stylishly, then I recommend contacting the professionals at Kwork service. For a purely nominal fee, everything will be done for you simply at its best. Choose only the best and proven specialists.

Well, that's all for me. I hope you liked the article. And if this is the case, then be sure to subscribe to my public pages at social networks and of course on the YouTube channel. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin