Changing your local phone number. From the moment of switching, the order of dialing telephone numbers of the local telephone network will change

repost from my FB:
Muscovites, I’m sharing my experience on what to do if MGTS pesters you: MGTS really wants to make a hole in the wall in my apartment, put its Wi-Fi router in my apartment and connect it to my power supply. In exchange for this, he will sell me various services via GPON (optical data network) and disconnect me from a regular, wired phone (which works even if there is no “light”).

Some are happy, some don’t care, but I don’t like this replacement at all for various reasons. I refused both “switching to fast Internet” (at least three calls with an offer) and “planned equipment replacement” (two calls already). My wife, when they call, offers to talk to me. Five minutes ago, on the occasion of Saturday, there was a wonderful third conversation:

(Young man, MGTS operator) I would like to warn you that in order to control the quality of service, our conversation may be recorded. Were you warned about the planned replacement of equipment?
(I) MGTS can change equipment at its nodes whenever it wants. There is no MGTS equipment in my apartment, and I do not plan to install it.
(Operator) Do you know about the resolution of the Moscow government on improving the quality of the telephone network?
(Me) And this resolution is about MGTS, not about me. There's nothing about me there. .
(Operator) So, are you giving up telephone service?
(Me) Listen, I have an agreement with MGTS, which clearly states the rights and obligations of the parties. If MGTS wants to change something in the contract, let him send proposals, and preferably not by phone, but in writing...
(Operator, sluggishly) Fuck you!.. (hangs up)

Last time the girl promised me that she did not guarantee normal operation of the phone. She also had to explain about the contract. ;)

(I’ll clarify: MGTS subcontractors call and install the equipment. They are paid for each connection. The resolution of the Moscow government gives MGTS access to install equipment in city communications and public premises managed by municipalities, and nothing more).
Another way of making an excuse is to say that you have an alarm system (or are planning to install one). GPON does not work with it.
But you can just send them to the garden.

UPDATE, September 2016: After the next call, I asked the operator to enter in the field of my database: “The subscriber categorically refuses installation. If the call continues, he promises to involve the FAS, the Prosecutor’s Office and Gossvyaznadzor.” The calls stopped. And in the summer, in the invoices from MGTS, the line was changed to “Individual switching scheme using ATS PON”. This means that for those who remain on a copper wire, an active telecommunications cabinet (ATC) is installed in the house, which distributes a signal from optics to “copper” subscribers. The price of the "subscriber line" service was not affected.

By the end of 2010, 310,600 subscribers of MGTS, a subsidiary of COMSTAR-UTS, will be switched from code “495” to code “499” as part of the city network modernization program.

The first switching of MGTS subscriber numbers as part of the new stage of modernization of the communication network will begin in August and will last until the end of the year.

The modernization of the Moscow city telephone network is carried out on the basis of modern digital technology IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), which will make it possible to provide the full range of modern fixed-line services (telephony, Internet access, IP television, etc.) and additional services (“digital caller ID ", "call waiting and holding", "incoming call forwarding", "receiving/sending SMS", etc.) with a high level of quality. The switching of some metropolitan subscribers from the code “495” to the code “499” is carried out in order to expand the number capacity and switch to the 10-digit numbering plan accepted in the world.

The automatic telephone exchanges (ATS) of the following Communication Service Centers (CSC) in Moscow are subject to reconstruction:

  • PBX of Petrovsky NUS (number of switched subscriber numbers - 140,000);
  • PBX of the Lublin NCC (number of switched subscriber numbers - 90,000);
  • PBX of the Central NCC (number of switched subscriber numbers - 78,000);
  • Partially PBX of Tushinsky NCC (number of switched subscribers - 2,500).

In total, more than 310 thousand subscribers and 31 number indexes will be switched to the code “499” by the end of 2010.

Below is a table representing the information criteria that will be communicated to subscribers: the telephone exchange number, its coverage area, switching coverage and a number of others.

In August

In September

In October

In November

MGTS adheres to the rule of preserving the maximum number of characters of the “old” subscriber number. When switching PBX subscriber numbers under the 2010 reconstruction plan from code “495” to code “499,” a minimum number change from code “495” to code “499” is provided, preserving 7 digits of the number for 218,400 subscribers.

For the remaining 60,000 subscribers transferred from code “495” to code “499”, the number will be replaced from code “495” to code “499” with 6 digits stored 7-digit number.

For subscribers of telephone exchanges No. 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, with the transfer to the code “499”, the first digit of telephone numbers will change to 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, respectively.

For subscribers located in the Moscow region (Zarechye village, remote subscribers of ATS 476), 4400 numbers are replaced while preserving the last 5 digits of the number. For ATS 461 (state farm named after May 1), the number will be completely replaced without changing the code “495” (Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2009 No. 137 On approval of requirements for the construction of communication networks, the procedure for passing traffic and the use of numbering resources on the territory of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, taking into account their socio-economic characteristics). A complete number replacement is also provided for 1,500 subscribers working via inter-station direct wire cables.

Switching to automatic telephone exchanges is planned to be carried out in thousands, which will allow installing an autoinformer on the day of switching.

From the moment of switching, the order of dialing telephone numbers of the local telephone network will change:

  • when calling within the code “499”: 499 ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ
  • when calling from code “495” to a number in code “499”: 8 499 ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ
  • when calling from code “499” to a number in code “495”: 8 495 ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ

When dialing a zonal, long-distance, international telephone number in the code “499” from the geographical code “495” for subscribers of analogue telephone exchanges, you must wait for the acoustic signal “Station answer” (beep) after dialing eight.

For any dialing combination, calls between geographic codes “495” and “499” are local telephone connections, are billed as local and are not considered long-distance, since they remain within the MGTS network.

During the period before and after the switchover, the range of all emergency services remains unchanged. MGTS technical services have undertaken additional targeted information to socially significant facilities in order to eliminate disruptions in their operation.

Information work

According to the Federal Law “On Communications”, MGTS subscribers are notified of the upcoming reconstruction by registered letters. The subscriber is also informed of his new phone number and the dialing order between codes.

3 days before the start of switching a telephone number, an automatic call is activated with a warning about the number change and a short-term interruption in communication during the switching period. Subscribers of paired phone numbers, whose numbers are switched to a separate line, are also called to agree on the date for the steaming installer to perform the work. After switching numbers, an auto-informer is installed on the PBX, notifying you about the number change. For three months, when you call the previous number, the autoinformer will notify you of the new dialing procedure. Information about switching and new rules for dialing telephone numbers is also posted in the Unified Payment Accounts for Communication Services.

Additional information information about switching can be obtained on the MGTS website, by calling the MGTS Help Services +7 495 636-06-36 and 09, as well as at the nearest Subscriber Service Center.

For reference: The “499” code began to be introduced in Moscow due to an acute shortage of numbering capacity and, as a result, a shortage of numbers for everyone who wants to install a telephone. This code has been in effect in the capital since December 30, 2003 in accordance with Order No. 129 of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation. In recent decades, the practice of dividing a city into several code zones has become the norm for the world's largest metropolitan areas.

You must contact one of the branches of the telephony operator (in other words, PBX) in your area of ​​residence and submit an application. It must be submitted either by the owner of the apartment or by the person registered at this address. This statement includes the following information:

Passport, identification code of an individual;
- a document that confirms ownership of the apartment;
- residence registration document;
- a document on the benefits provided (if necessary);
- a document confirming the legality of stay in the country.

Based on the submitted documents, your application will be submitted for consideration. If you have certain benefits, you can get a new number ahead of the queue. This is only possible in a situation where you change your number at your place of registration and live in this apartment for at least six months.

If there is a specific selection of rooms available, you have the option to specify which room you want.

Don't forget to pay the telecom operator for the work.

If you don't want to wait for a long time, you are not satisfied or are absent, you can always connect an IP phone. This is exactly the same device that we have been using for many years, but it is connected not to a fixed-line communication network, but to the Internet. IP telephony is much more profitable than simple telecommunications, because the phone number is not tied to a specific address and will not change if you move, more favorable tariffs, video conferencing, better quality of communication, and most importantly - a direct landline number. And when leaving home, you can connect forwarding from your home phone to your mobile phone, which will allow you not to miss a single important conversation.

The telephone was invented in 1932 by American scientist Alexander Bell. At first, the devices were large, expensive and clumsy, “the toy of the rich.” Today, almost everyone has a phone, and it can fit in their pocket. How did these communication devices change?


The evolution of phones was caused by the struggle of companies and technological approaches, views on business. The initiative passed (along with financial success) to the company that was on trend and solved the problem of connecting ordinary users better than others.

The American company AT&T became the first telephone company in the world. She bought the patent from Bell and became something of a monopoly. She managed to connect the largest US cities with a wired communication channel: New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Boston. Devices the size of a modern kitchen stove and hundreds of telephone operators switching wires manually are the most important milestones of that time.

Phones kept getting smaller and smaller. But the real revolution was the telephone-fax proposed by the printer manufacturer Xerox. Thousands of entrepreneurs were able to exchange documents in the blink of an eye - this was a breakthrough in the history of the telephone industry.

Yet the main disadvantage of telephones was their attachment to wires. Science made it possible to use electromagnetic waves as a means of transmitting information. AT&T returned to the market of major players in communications, introducing the world to cellular communications, so named because of the principle of cells (information is transmitted via radio waves from one hexagonal area to another, in the center of each cell there is a radio antenna tower). Mobile phones then weighed ten kilograms and were used exclusively in cars.