How to convert bitmap to vector. How to Convert JPEG to Vector Image

Let's say we have some kind of raster image and we want to get it in vector form (or in curves). What do we need to do for this? First of all, you need Adobe Illustrator.

The version doesn't matter.


Open our bitmap in Adobe Illustrator. To do this, you can right-click on the picture and select Open with ... > Adobe Illustrator from the drop-down menu or launch Illustrator and drag the picture onto the workspace.

original image

On the toolbar, select the tool " Selection» (black arrow) and click this arrow on our image. In this case, the picture should stand out. To test this, you can try moving it around a bit by holding down the left mouse button while the cursor is over the picture (drag-and-drop).

Above the workspace we find the button " Quick trace” and click on the arrow next to it. It shows all the options available for this action. We need an item Trace Options...". When we click on it, a window with parameters opens.

On the right side of the options window, select " View". This will help to get a better result and understand what each of the parameters is responsible for.

1) do it in a scientific way, that is, you will need to read in the tooltips which of the parameters affects what and set the necessary values;

2) experiment with the parameters yourself, using the so-called "scientific poke method".

I prefer the second way: firstly, the Russian translation of a word does not always fully convey the meaning inherent in the original, and secondly, it is often faster and easier to remember this way. You change the setting. See what it affects (visually). Combine multiple options. And so on until a more or less acceptable result is achieved.

The resulting vector image.

When the picture is already similar to the truth, in the tracing parameters window, click " tracing” and in the menu above the workspace, the button “ disassemble". Thus, we get the original image, but already in curves.

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can refine it. To do this, use the tool Selection» it is necessary to select all the created curves (press the left mouse button and, holding it, circle the entire picture). Go to menu item An object» > « Transformation» > « Scaling” and resize the image so that it is large enough for easy editing. Then select the tool direct selection» (white arrow). With this white arrow, click in turn on each node and align the splines as necessary: ​​when a vertex is selected, whiskers appear nearby, by dragging which you can change the curvature of the spline.

Result in grid mode

Also, a better result can be obtained if you initially take a large image of good quality. So if you don't want to spend time shaming spline nodes in the future, use high-quality images as raw material for tracing!

How often there is a need to perform such an action is well known to those who work professionally and semi-professionally with graphics. Own collections of vector images will also never interfere with those who maintain an Internet resource with graphic materials.

The fact is that vector images are good because they can be enlarged to almost any size (resolution) from a real miniature, so they are extremely convenient to use when creating, for example, posters. And, by the way, the enlarged image will not lose quality. While a JPEG image is only doubled in size, the picture is likely to become fuzzy.
A number of paid programs can convert JPEG to vector image. However, most of them are extremely expensive in relation to the limited amount of color they can reproduce. But there is an amazingly simple technique that the free program Inkscape uses (it can be officially legally downloaded from the open resource, with a good ability to reproduce color images.

Difficulty of use: moderate.

We create our own vector clip art for free. Process:

1. Download Inkscape - a freely distributed free program - from the official resource. The site is mainly in Russian, right on the main page we click "Download Now" - the Russian-language version 0.48.1 is currently available. Install the program on your computer in the usual way (it will take about 4 minutes).

2. Run the program.

3. Select in the menu bar the item "File" ("File"), then in the list that opens, the item "Import" ("Import"; Import or upload an image).

4. In the window that opens, find the folder where the JPEG file that you want to convert to a vector image is stored. Select the file and click OK (Open).

4.a. Select "Embed" or "Link" the raster in the small box that appears. In the first option, you will receive a new (final) independent (independent) vector file with which you can work freely; in the second option, you will have to carry the original JPEG file along with the final vector file associated with it, which is inconvenient. But in the first case, the file size will be larger.

5. After the image is loaded, if it is not already selected (depending on the version of the program used), you need to click on it - move the cursor and click the left mouse button (i.e. select the image, select it). After clicking, the image will be surrounded by a group of arrows. If you do not select an image, its preview (preview before conversion) will not appear in the "Trace Bitmap" window, and you will not be able to convert JPEG or any other image format to vector.

5.a. By clicking on the image in the latest version of the program, you can also choose the format of the arrows - to enlarge the image, or to rotate / tilt.

6. In the menu bar at the top, select "Path" ("Contour"), then in the list that opens "Trace Bitmap" ("Vectorize a raster").

7. Select the “Colors” option in the lower left corner, then increase the number of “Scans” several times and click on the button called “Update” located under the image preview . Increasing the number of scans increases the resolution of the image, which in turn increases the file size and the time required to generate the final, re-encoded image. Experiment with these settings to get the final image that suits you best for your goals in a combination of size and quality. Don't forget to click the "Update" button every time you change something in the settings. When you get the desired result in the preview, click "OK", wait until the image is re-encoded, then close the small window.

7.a. In order to change the number of scans after pressing the OK button in the “Vectorize raster” window, you must! create a new file and start the whole process again!

8. Save the final image in one of the formats corresponding to the vector image. For most programs, complexes and applications in which you may later want to use the resulting image, the EPS format is perfect.

This is the source (48.3 Kb):

This is the final image with only the actions listed above (with a maximum number of scans of 256, without other settings, we get this option, a 2.9 MB file - it is recoded back to JPEG so that it can be presented here on the site as an example) :

And here is such an option at 256, if you increase the image size, increase the threshold and remove anti-aliasing (7.25 MB):

That is, the program performs its functions perfectly, if you play a little with the settings!

- You don't need to know much about Inkscape to perform vector conversion. All functions are mostly automated. The program offers a lot of additional options that you can use to see the potential changes in certain actions, but for the main task you will not need them. In any case, if desired, it will not be difficult to master them by the method of scientific poke, everything is quite intuitive.

If you have Adobe Illustrator CS2 or higher installed on your computer, use the Live Trace feature. In versions below CS2, a similar function is called "Autotrace" (Automatic tracking).

How to make a vector image in Photoshop is often asked. As you know, Photoshop is a program for processing raster graphics and is not intended for working with a vector. Special graphic editors work with vector graphics. But if you really need it, but there is no time to study a new program, then with the help of some manipulations you can convert the picture into a vector.

What is a raster and vector image and how do they differ

A raster image is also a grid of pixels (dots). To all of us, the familiar digital photo is just a bitmap image. A vector image does not consist of pixels, but of geometric primitives: straight lines, rectangles, and other shapes.

If you reduce and then significantly increase a bitmap, its quality will be irrevocably spoiled. Since each pixel is a dot of a certain color, and all together these dots make up a picture. When the image is reduced, extra pixels are discarded, so it cannot be restored to its original appearance.

Scaling a vector image allows you to resize without losing quality. This is possible due to mathematical recalculations of the dimensions of the geometric shapes that make up the image.

A raster image allows you to reliably convey visual information, a vector image does not have such an advantage. Vector graphics images can be useful for rendering logos and outline drawings. You will not get photographic beauty from them. Or it will be very complex images, consisting of a huge number of primitives that actually replace pixels.

A simple example of how to convert a raster to a vector

So, the vector consists of geometric shapes. Photoshop has tools for creating paths. The contour is a geometric figure. To make a vector image in Photoshop, you need to create an outline of the image. The tools of the group will help us with this. Select: Rectangular Marquee Tool, Elliptical Select Tool,** Magic Wand Tool , **Quick Selection Tool and "Pen" / Pen tool.

In order for the vector to turn out to be neat, it is worth choosing a bitmap image of the highest quality possible, otherwise the contours will need to be drawn manually.

Open the bitmap image in Photoshop (the most common bitmap format is JPG). Logos, contour drawings, sketches are very easy to process. To get a vector sketch of a portrait, you can first convert the portrait to a sketch using "Filter Galleries", or use ready-made pop art. How to work with "Filter Gallery" and quickly create pop art from photos, we talked about in previous articles. For this example, we will take a ready-made pop art portrait. We deliberately prepared it from a photo of not the best resolution. Therefore, the vector version will show us a noticeable difference.

To work with contours, you need to call the tab "Contours" / Path to the layers palette. To do this, go to the menu "Window" / Window and check the box "Contours" / Path. The bookmark will appear on the layers palette.

The image has 4 colors (the background is not counted). We take the tool "Magic Wand"/Magic Wand Tool and select the first color. To select all areas scattered by islands across the image, hold Shift.

With the first color selected, select the tool "Lasso" / Lasso or Rectangular Marquee Tool and, without removing the selection, click the right mouse button. In the context menu, select Make Work Path.

In the dialog box, specify the maximum smoothing "Tolerance" / Tolerance(from 1 to 10; the lower the number, the better the contours will repeat). We press Ok.

Bookmark "Circuit" the first loop will appear. On the image, it will be noticeable in the form of curves with dots. They can be aligned and adjusted with a tool Node Selection/Direct Selection Tool. With this tool, select a point and either adjust the curve by moving the antenna of the point, or move the arc itself.

Bookmark "Circuit" change the name of the circuit. To do this, double-click on it and change the name in the dialog box.

We do all the described steps with the rest of the colors. As a result, we get four contours for each color.

Having received the contours, it remains to create a vector. Go to bookmark "Layers" / Layer on the layers palette, create a new layer Shift+Ctrl+N. We set the main color to the one in which we will color the first contour.

Back to bookmark "Circuit", we become on the first contour. In the main menu under "Layers" / Layers choose "New Fill Color" / New Fill Layer - "Color"/Solid Color. In the window that opens, click Ok.

Now going to the bookmark "Layers" / Layers, you will see the first vector layer on the new layer.

In the next dialog box, as usual, specify the file name and path.

That's all. The method is quite simple.

If you often have to work with vector images, perhaps this article will inspire you to learn new graphic editors. In any case, you have learned another useful method. We wish you great work.

Learn more about Photoshop in courses.

What format should the logo be in? There are a huge number of formats in which you can save it.

Each of them has its purpose, as well as advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is very important to know the features of the most popular graphic formats in order to know the possibilities of using each of them.
But before we start talking about graphic formats, it should be clear that in the world of graphics files there are two main types of formats: raster and vector graphics. This is a very important point. People who have been working with graphic editors for more than a day know perfectly well what the difference is, and beginners need to learn this in order to know how to do it right.

Vector graphics

Vector images are formed from different lines and geometric shapes, the size of which is determined by mathematical equations.

Advantages vector images:
- such images always retain excellent quality when scaling and editing;
- the size of the image has almost no effect on the file size, so it is always small.

disadvantages vector images:
- images are not realistic;
- not many effects available.

Vector graphics images in most cases have the extension AI, CDR, CGM, DXF. CorelDraw is the most popular graphics editor.

Examples showing the effect of vector graphics when zoomed in:

Raster graphics

The essence of raster images is that they resemble a table with many small cells. Table cells are called pixels. A pixel is a particle of a raster image. All pixels are the same size and shape. Each pixel has its own color and coordinates. Since the pixels are very small, this mosaic appears to be one if the image quality is good. At high resolution, our eyes do not see the "pixelation" of the image.

Advantages bitmaps:
- realism, they are able to convey graphics, consisting of thousands of small details;
- many different effects can be applied to images;
- with the help of raster graphics, you can create almost any drawing, of any complexity, so it is more common.

disadvantages bitmaps:
- large file size;
- loss of quality when scaling.

Raster graphics images in most cases have the extension JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, PSD.
Consider what happens to a bitmap when it is enlarged:
The most popular raster image editing program is Photoshop.

Logo formats

Now that we have clarified for ourselves what vector and raster graphics are and why they are needed, let's move on to an overview of graphic files in which you can save your logo.

Vector formats

.AI - Adobe Illustrator

The .Ai vector file format from Adobe allows you to save the file in its original form - all elements of the logo, such as an icon, text, are editable and can be edited at any time in the future. To open the logo in Ai format, you will need special programs such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW.

In most cases, you can change the text in this format. Opens with programs: Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW

Functions: needed to make changes to the original logo.

.EPS - Encapsulated PostScript

This type of file is needed for higher quality logo printing: it allows you to scale the logo without losing quality. The advantage of an EPS logo is the ability to simultaneously use both raster and vector image elements. However, editing a logo in EPS format is much more difficult than, for example, in Ai format.

Open with: Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Inkscape.

Functions: for use on printed media, scaling for printing.

.PDF - Portable Document Format

The .PDF vector format is preferred by many designers for a number of reasons. PDF is a convenient format, as it displays all fonts, page layouts, vector and bitmap images unchanged.

Opens with Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader, Preview.
Edited by programs such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Inkscape.
Functions: image viewing and printing.

Raster formats

.PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PNG is a great format for logos. It is able to "compress" files without distortion. PNG was created to replace GIF files, which only include 256 colors.

Open with: Photoshop (handy for editing), or any other image viewer.

Functions: for web graphics and printing (300 dpi)

.JPG / .JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group

JPEG is the most common image format on the web. The JPEG logo is compressed, so files load faster. Also, in JPEG format, you can save in higher quality, not very different from vector graphics images.

Open in Photoshop to edit, to view - any other program.

Functions: web graphics and printing (300 dpi).

.TIFF – Tagged Image File Format

TIFF are older brothers of JPEG files. TIFF files are higher quality and take up more space on your hard drive.

Open in Photoshop - for editing, for viewing it opens with any program.
What it is for: in general for printing (300dpi).

“Minimum set” of logo formats

To use the logo for all occasions, you need to have a logo file in the following formats:
- .Ai - for the ability to edit the logo. Change color, background, scale.
- .EPS or .PDF - for printing.
- .PNG - for printing and working on the Internet (for the site, social pages). You definitely need a version of the logo in PNG on a transparent background in order to place it in the header of the site, on a business card, as a watermark on a photo.

Popular questions about logo formats

We have collected the most popular questions and answers regarding graphic formats. We hope that they will finally fill in all the gaps in the issue of saving the logo:

What format is best for a logo: png, jpg, jpeg, or maybe something else?

It is recommended to make the logo in .png. With this format, a minimum of problems and maximum efficiency of the result. The .png file is smaller and it's easier to implement various effects (transparency, translucency, etc.)

What formats to use for logo printing?

Formats for digital printing:

- raster with the extension PSD, TIFF, JPEG.
— vector EPS, CDR, PDF.

Optimal image quality 300 dpi; It makes no sense to increase images with a lower resolution to 300 dpi, since the quality will not improve from this.

Format for silk screen printing:

— vector Ai (Adobe Illustrator), EPS and CDR (Corel Draw)

Notes on vector files:
- EPS format contains raster and vector images, as well as their combinations. An important point: preparing and saving the file in EPS format, so that later you can use the file in other programs!
- the text needs to be converted to curves, or send a font file used in the layout.

In what format should the logo be saved in Photoshop?

Experts do not recommend developing and saving a logo in Photoshop, otherwise you will have to do vectorization (transfer from raster to vector format). If you are still working on creating a logo in Photoshop, it is better to save as PSD, PNG and TIFF.

If done in Korel, in what format is it better to save?

It all depends on the ultimate goal of using the logo. If you plan to print your logo, the Corel CDR format is also suitable. If you need a larger logo size in the future, it is better to save it in EPS - then it can be rasterized using Photoshop in the desired size.

— How to vectorize a raster logo?

You may need to vectorize not only the logo, but also other drawings, photographs and other bitmaps. Sometimes you need to enlarge the logo or draw with vector lines in Photoshop to improve the source (small image). If you need to vectorize a photographed or scanned image, an online vectorizer will help you VectorMagic. The quality of its work surpasses such popular offline standalone applications as Adobe Streamline or Corel.

Haven't created a logo yet? Here is how to do it.

The easiest way to trace a graphic is to open or place the file in Adobe Illustrator and auto trace using the Image Trace: Illustrator Help command. Using the Image Trace Tool - CS6

*Even easier):
By software means, the image/picture/drawing/photo provided by you - into a vector for 1 (!) Euro -> Image to vector

=== Online services ===

  • The first one is paid, although two starter images can be made for free.

In English, although it is easy to understand. Two options for using - online or buy a program for a computer. The price for online use (unlimited) is $7.95, the desktop program costs $295.00. It is possible to order manual tracing.
Of course, you can find it cheaper on freelancer portals, well, the choice is up to everyone.


Above are some comparison images of Vector Magic, Adobe Live Trace (CS6) and Corel
Corel PowerTRACE (X6). Pay attention to the accuracy of handling the Shape Vector.

Ease of use

You do not need to install and know a great many options and settings to achieve an acceptable result.

You just need to answer a couple of simple questions and that's it. If the result is not satisfactory, then there is a "fault" guide, where you can easily find the answer and solve the problem.

You can try again and again until you get a satisfactory result.

In general, you can shift this work to Vector and do more creative tasks.

The translation is free, but the meaning is something like this.

Source images in JPG , GIF , PNG , BMP and TIFF formats. The result is in three quality options and in three formats: EPS, SVG and PNG. Upon completion, repetition with a different desired quality and some editing is possible.

  • Next, complete FREE .

Completely in English, but with the use of everything is clear. A little more customization and manual work, but it's worth it.

Supported source formats:
  • network png
  • TGA Truevision Targa image
  • PBM Portable bitmap format
  • PNM Portable anymap format
  • PGM Portable graymap format
  • PPM Portable pixmap format
  • BMP Microsoft Windows bitmap image

Output formats:
  • svg Scalable Vector Graphics
  • eps Encapsulated PostScript
  • ai Adobe Illustrator
  • dxf DXF format (without splines)
  • p2e pstoedit frontend format
  • sk Sketch
  • fig XFIG 3.2
  • emf Enhanced Metafile format
  • mif Frame Maker MIF format
  • er Elastic Reality Shape file
  • epd EPD format
  • pdf PDF format
  • cgm Computer Graphics Metafile
  • dr2d IFF DR2D? format
  • allows you to convert images to . You can either upload a file or provide a link to an image. It is also possible to overlay digital effects.

In the case of converting raster images (PNG or JPG) to SVG format, shapes and objects will be converted into black and white vector graphics that scale without any loss of quality. Such images can be colored using free vector graphics programs (etc.). Photographers in most cases will not achieve the desired result when converting a bitmap to SVG format.

If you are converting any vector image (for example, eps or ai format) to SVG format, the converter will try to preserve all vector and color data, and also ensure that the two files are as similar as possible.

The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Format Converter allows you to convert over 130 file formats. Conversion directions:

3FR to SVG , AFF to SVG , AI to SVG , ANI to SVG , ART to SVG , ARW to SVG , AVI to SVG , AVS to SVG , BMP to SVG , CDR to SVG , CGM to SVG , CIN to SVG , CMYK to SVG , CMYKA to SVG , CR2 to SVG , CRW to SVG , CUR to SVG , CUT to SVG , DCM to SVG , DCR to SVG , DCX to SVG , DDS to SVG , DFONT to SVG , DIA to SVG , DNG to SVG , DPX to SVG , DXF to SVG , EPDF to SVG , EPI to SVG , EPS to SVG , EPSF to SVG , EPSI to SVG , EPT to SVG , EPT2 to SVG , EPT3 to SVG , ERF to SVG , EXR to SVG , FAX to SVG , FIG to SVG , FITS to SVG , FPX to SVG , FRACTAL to SVG , FTS to SVG , G3 to SVG , GIF to SVG , GIF87 to SVG , GRAY to SVG , GRB to SVG , HDR to SVG , HRZ to SVG , ICB to SVG , ICO to SVG , ICON to SVG , IPL to SVG , JBG to SVG , JBIG to SVG , JNG to SVG , JP2 to SVG , JPC to SVG , JPE to SVG , JPEG to SVG , JPG to SVG , JPX to SVG , K25 to SVG , KDC to SVG , M2V to SVG , M4V to SVG , MAT to SVG , MIFF to SVG , MNG to SVG , MONO to SVG , MOV to SVG , MP4 to SVG , MPC to SVG , MPEG to SVG , MPG to SVG W to SVG , MSL to SVG , MSVG to SVG , MTV to SVG , MVG to SVG , NEF to SVG , NRW to SVG , ORF to SVG , OTB to SVG , OTF to SVG , PAL to SVG , PALM to SVG , PAM to SVG , PBM to SVG , PCD to SVG , PCDS to SVG , PCL to SVG , PCT to SVG , PCX to SVG , PDB to SVG , PDF to SVG , PDFA to SVG , PEF to SVG , PES to SVG , PFA to SVG , PFB to SVG , PFM to SVG , PGM to SVG , PICON to SVG , PICT to SVG , PIX to SVG , PJPEG to SVG , PLASMA to SVG , PNG to SVG , PNG24 to SVG , PNG32 to SVG , PNG8 to SVG , PNM to SVG , PPM to SVG , PS to SVG , PSD to SVG , PTIF to SVG , PWP to SVG , RAF to SVG , RAS to SVG , RGB to SVG , RGBA to SVG , RLA to SVG , RLE to SVG , SCT to SVG , SFW to SVG , SGI to SVG , SK to SVG , SK1 to SVG , SR2 to SVG , SRF to SVG , SUN to SVG , SVG to SVG , SVGZ to SVG , TGA to SVG , TIF to SVG , TIFF to SVG , TIM to SVG , TTC to SVG , TTF to SVG , TXT to SVG , VDA to SVG , VICAR to SVG , VID to SVG , VIFF to SVG , VST to SVG , WBMP to SVG , WEBP to SVG , WMF to SVG , WMZ to SVG , WPG to SVG , X to SVG , X3F to SVG , XAML to SVG , XBM to SVG , XC to SVG , XCF to SVG , XFIG to SVG , XPM to SVG , XV to SVG , XWD to SVG , YCBCR to SVG , YCBCRA to SVG , YUV in SVG

Built on open source solutions such as Autotrace, ImageMagick, and various linux graphics components.

Formats for conversion:

SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics files
AI - Adobe Illustrator files (postscript based)
CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile files
WMF - Windows Metafile files
SK - Sketch/Skencil files
PDF - Portable Document Format
PLT - HPGL for cutting plotter files

and also: P2E, FIG, EMF, MIF, ER, DXF, EPD, CGM, oDR2D