How to sign a document with an electronic signature. Electronic digital signature

“How to sign a digital signature documentWord? — this question often arises among users who are faced with the need to provide an electronic signature for the first time. This article will tell you how to properly install an electronic signature on your computer and sign documents with it.

How to install digital signature on a computer?

Before considering the question of how to sign a Word document with an electronic signature, you need to figure out how to install an electronic signature certificate on your computer. The first thing you will need to install an electronic digital signature on your computer is to have the CryptoPro program already installed. By going through the “Start” menu to the control panel, double-clicking the left mouse button on the corresponding icon opens “CryptoPro”.

Next, a window will appear: in it you need to select the “Service” tab, in which there is the item “View certificates in the container”. By clicking on this item, you can open a window containing the key container name line and the “Browse” button. After clicking this button, the “CryptoPro CSP” window will appear. It should indicate a list of user containers, in which you need to select the one you need, click “OK” and return to the previous window, which already contains the name of the container.

Now, without changing anything here, click “Next”. A window will appear containing information about the user, serial number, etc. You must click the “Properties” button and in the newly appeared window called “Certificate” click the certificate installation button. This action will take the user to the Certificate Import Wizard window, containing the information necessary to read. After reviewing it, click the “Next” button.

A new window will provide storage selection. The checkbox “Place all certificates in the following storage” must be checked. The storage window will appear: in it you need to select “Personal” and click “OK”. The digital signature certificate has already been installed; to complete the procedure, you need to click the “Finish” button. Now it is possible to sign documents with an electronic signature.

How to sign a Word document with digital signature?

Now we will tell you in detail how to sign a digital signature for a Word document of versions 2003, 2007, 2010. So, “CryptoPro” and the digital signature certificate are installed, the text document is created, executed and edited, the deed remains signed. In different versions of this program, the steps for signing an electronic document will vary:

  1. For Word 2003:
    On the toolbar, click sequentially: “Tools” - “Options” - “Security”. Next, select: “Digital signatures” - “Add”. In the list that appears, select the user whose digital signature is required and click “OK.” After these steps, an icon will appear in the lower right corner of the document indicating that the document has been signed.
  2. For Word 2007:
    Click the Office button located in the upper left corner, then - “Prepare” - “Add digital signature”, after which you just need to select the required signing certificate and confirm your choice.
  3. For Word 2010:
    Menu “File” - “Information” - “Add digital signature”, after which you need to select the required signing certificate and confirm the choice.

How to sign a pdf file with digital signature?

So, we have learned how to sign a Word document with an electronic digital signature, but often there is a need to affix a signature on files with the pdf extension (Adobe Acrobat). For these purposes, the CryptoPro PDF product was specially created, necessary for creating and verifying signatures in PDF files. Installing this program will not cause any difficulties, the main thing is to follow the instructions of the installer.

After logging into a program (for example, Acrobat), you need to configure the ability to sign. To do this, open an empty program window, enter the “Edit” menu, select “Settings” and “Categories”. Next, find the “Signatures” section and go to “Creation and Design”, where you need to click the “Details” button.

In the window that appears, you must select the method of signing the document (i.e. CryptoRro PDF and "default signature" format). You also need to check the boxes that reflect information about the signature and its properties. This window also has a line about allowing viewing of document warnings and a line prohibiting signing - here you should check “Never”.

Next comes the “Design” section: select “Create” and in the window that appears, enter the title of the signature - its future display in the list. To add a personal signature, you must set the radio button to “Import Graphics” and click “File”, then select the saved graphic signature to be added to the certificate.

Now, to add a signature to the created document, click “Signing” on the toolbar, then click “I need to sign” and select “Place a signature”. After this, a certificate window will appear in which you need to select the required one and click “OK”.

Hello dear readers of the blog site!

Many of my friends often work with EDS (electronic digital signature), but few of them can install the EDS key themselves. Therefore, I decided to write this article so that people with this article would feel bolder and learn how to install digital signature on a computer faster, and save time in the future. I would like to point out right away that the name of the topic may be similar to, so you can choose what you need. So let's begin.

Before installing a digital signature (EDS), we will definitely make sure that you already have the CryptoPro program installed, and if so, then we can safely move forward. If you don’t know how to check, then go to the control panel of your computer and look for the inscription CryptoPro CSP there, if you don’t find one, then go to install the program.

Attention: Since 2019, all issued digital signatures are produced in accordance with GOST 2012. Only Crypto Pro versions 4 and higher can work with them. Thus, if you have version 3.6 or 3.9, then it can officially be updated to version 4. Previous versions of Cryptopro can only work with digital signature keys on a computer with old keys released before the end of 2018.

Preparing to install digital signature on your computer

In I wrote about installing the Crypto Pro program, but this is not enough; for complete happiness, Rutoken or JaCarta drivers must be installed, and some have both. This depends on what kind of key (EDS) you have. This is necessary so that your digital signature is visible to Cryptopro, i.e. so that the computer “sees” your key.

After we have made sure that we have Crypto Pro and the necessary drivers installed, then we need to install the digital signature on the computer.

Installation of digital signature in Cryptopro

Open the control panel, select the Crypto Pro shortcut and after opening the program, select the section at the top of the window SERVICE.

In this window, click on the button in the middle VIEW CERTIFICATES IN THE CONTAINER.

If you have two, three or more lines, it means that several keys are inserted into your computer, do not be alarmed and select one of them (you can select one at a time from top to bottom), then you will read who this key belongs to and if it is not the right one, what you need, you will select the one you need by searching.

In the next window that opens, click on the INSTALL CERTIFICATE button at the bottom.

Here we simply click NEXT, but I want to note that the certificate is saved in the PERSONAL section, and in principle this is how it should be. But if you are installing ROOT CERTIFICATES, then you need to select the ROOT CERTIFICATING CENTER CERTIFICATING CENTER folder for saving.

Then a window appears that informs you that the key has been successfully written to your computer and that the installation of the cryptopro digital signature key is complete.

As you noticed, installing a new digital signature on your computer is not that difficult! In addition, now you know how to install a digital signature on your computer yourself and can help your friends and acquaintances with this problem.

Good luck installing your digital signature in Cryptopro!

If you were unable to install the digital signature yourself, you can contact Skype Sergo2003 for paid help installing the key (installation cost is 500 rubles).

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Using Rutoken allows CryptoPro CSP users to secure key information from unauthorized access. Keys and certificates will be stored in the protected Rutoken file system. But before moving on to setting up a root token, it is very important to understand the digital signature.

About electronic digital signature

An electronic digital signature is special information that is added to an electronic document and makes it possible to verify whether changes were made to the electronic document after it was signed, as well as to guarantee the identification of the person who signed the document. It is possible to add an electronic digital signature to an electronic document using a personal key and special software.

What is a private key? A private key is a set of characters in the form of a computer file. In this case, the private key plays the role of a ballpoint pen when signing a document on paper.
To verify the digital signature on an electronic document, a different set of symbols is used - a public key. Once the certificate is generated, the public key becomes part of it and is not used separately.

A strong public key certificate (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is a document that certifies the authenticity and ownership of the public key to the subscriber. Such a document is issued by an accredited key certification center and exists in electronic form. To verify the digital signature on a document, you must have a signer’s certificate and special software.

The certificate is used to verify the digital signature on a document, is not secret and can be freely distributed via the Internet and other open communication channels. It is impossible to attach an electronic signature to an electronic document using a certificate or to obtain your personal key from it.
As a result, we get the following. One entity signs a document using a private key and special software, and the other verifies the signature on that document using a signer's certificate and special software. In this case, the person who verifies the signature does not need to have his own private key and certificate.

Instructions. Setting up root token. How to install a digital signature certificate

Rutoken is a small USB block designed for secure storage of electronic information, as well as digital signature storage. In order to properly configure Rutoken, you need to download the necessary drivers. You can download them from the official website After launching the file downloaded from the site, follow the next steps in the installation wizard by clicking “Next”. After completing the installation steps, click “Close” to configure Rutoken, performing a series of operations.

Setting up Rutoken

Step 1

Insert the USB block into the computer

Step 2

Activating the control panel

Step 3

Through the “Administration” tab we find the “Information” button

Step 4

in the window that opens you can see the status of Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider

If the opposite is “Supported”, then simply continue with “Ok”. If the status is “Activate”, activate the media. “Not supported” means that the media does not support working with EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System).

Step 5

Select “Settings” in the tab with the same name.

Step 6

For “Rutoken EDS Smart Card” and “Rutoken EDS (2.0)” you need to select the same value - “Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider”.

Step 7

Rutoken setup is complete

Another important point required during settings is the Rutoken PIN code. By default, a PIN code is generated: 12345678, which must be entered. This makes it possible to avoid confusion with PIN codes and passwords, since it must be entered at each installation.

Before you learn how to install a digital signature certificate on your computer, you will need to download and install a special program. It is called Crypto Pro CSP and should only be downloaded from the official website. The program has paid content, but provides the opportunity to use it free of charge for 3 months. Next, you can begin installing the digital signature certificate itself.

EDS installation is carried out in two ways:

through the subsection “View certificates in the container”

through the subsection “Install personal certificate”

To begin, find the previously downloaded Crypto Pro. Having opened it, you will see a window with sections: “Algorithms”, “Security”, Winlogon, “General”, “Equipment”, “Service”. You need the "Service" tab.

Next we find “Install personal certificate”, and the certificate installation wizard will open in front of you. When setting up, click “Next” almost everywhere. It is possible to select a certificate using the “Browse” button and navigate to it. Also to the storage area.

The second option is sequential actions via “view certificates in the container”. Through “Browse”, select the certificate, click “Next”, “Properties”, “Install certificate”, “Next”, “Finish”. Installation completed successfully.

How to copy digital signature from Rutoken to a flash drive

Writing an electronic signature onto a flash drive is sometimes required to ensure the security of an electronic signature or for transfer to another person. You can also do this using:

the EDS bearer himself -

We open Crypto Pro, and both the flash drive and Rutoken must already be inserted into the computer in advance. In the “Service” tab, click “Copy” and in the window that opens, through “Browse”, select the certificate you need to copy, confirming the action with the “Ok” button. You may need to enter the password and name of the digital signature key copy by clicking “Next” until the “Finish” button appears. A window will open in front of you in which you need to select a flash drive, generate a new password and enter it, copying is completed. Check that a folder with a copy of your certificate appears on the flash drive. In order to copy digital signature from rutoken to rutoken, similar actions are carried out. Only after the “Finish” button select not the flash drive, but the second Rutoken media. At the end, also check if the copy folder appears.
To obtain an electronic signature, please contact our managers by phone or using the feedback form.

An electronic signature is a digital certificate issued on a special USB drive called a “rutoken”. In order to start using the EDS key, you must first install it on your computer and only after that will it be possible to sign documents or log in to special sites (related to the State Services portal). How to install an electronic signature on a computer, what software is needed for this? Is the digital signature attached to a specific computer or can it be used on any PC without restrictions?

Understanding the installation process

Installing an EDS certificate on a computer is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • installation of a software platform for working with electronic signatures;
  • generation of a compatible digital signature certificate;
  • installing a certificate in the operating system;
  • registering the certificate in the registry (now this is done automatically; there is no need to make any changes manually).

It is worth considering that Installing digital signature on a computer is possible only when using Windows OS. Installation on MacOS and Linux is not yet supported, but in these distributions you can work with electronic signatures through a special plug-in for browsers - it “can” receive a digital signature key from a USB token and use it to log into secure portals where personal identification is required. Full-fledged work with electronic signatures is implemented exclusively in Windows OS.

To work with digital signatures, the CryptoPro CSP software platform is used. There are currently 2 current versions of the application available – 3.5 and 5.0. In principle, their functionality is almost identical, but version 5.0 implements more security protocols, which is why it is recommended for use. CryptoPro CSP is the only program certified in the Russian Federation for working with digital signatures.

Technical requirements

Before installing a new digital signature on your computer, you must make sure that it meets the following minimum technical requirements for working with CryptoPro:

  • operating system: Windows 7 and older;
  • browser: InternetExplorer 8 or higher, current versions of Chrome, Yandex browser, Mozilla Firefox;
    processor: 32 or 64-bit with a frequency of 1 GHz or higher;
  • RAM: 512 MB or higher;
  • image output device with a resolution of 800x600 or higher;
  • the presence of a USB input standard 1.1 or higher (for working with root token).

Work with Windows XP is also supported (with Internet Explorer version 7 or higher installed), but in this case a number of restrictions will apply. In addition, Windows XP does not support the latest versions of Microsoft Office (2016), and some browsers have also been discontinued (Chrome, for example).

Windows Vista is not officially supported by CryptoPro CSP, however, the program works there, but with the same restrictions as in Windows XP.

Installation of CryptoPro CSP

You can obtain a copy of the program on physical media only at certification centers, which are engaged in registration and issuance of electronic signatures.

You can download it in digital form on the official website of the CryptoPro company (you will need to register first).

In addition, the user will need to purchase a license to use this software, there are 2 variations of it:

  • for 1 year;
  • unlimited.

Detailed video instructions:

This application is suitable for both unqualified and qualified electronic signatures. The application comes in the form of an exe installer; just run it and follow the prompts on the screen. During the installation process, you will be prompted to install special certificates on the system - you must allow the action. After installation, be sure to restart your PC. Next, enter the registration code and login to activate the license. Only after this the program will be ready to work.

Installing a certificate

Expert opinion

Alexey Borisovich

Software Specialist

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How to install a digital signature certificate on a computer? Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Go to "Control Panel".
  2. Double-click with the left mouse button on “CryptoPro CSP”.
  3. The “Properties” window will open, in it you need to go to the “Service” tab.
  4. If you have a USB root token, at this stage you need to connect it to the USB input of your computer or laptop (this is possible before launching CryptoPro CSP, but not later).
  5. In the “Service” tab, select “View certificates on the container.”
  6. In the next window, select the device from which you want to read the digital signature key (there will be one if there is only one root token in the USB).
  7. Click “Next”, wait for the certificate to be integrated into the system, and select “Finish”.
  8. In the window that appears, select “Install certificate” (if you do not do this, then after restarting the PC, the digital signature will not be active).

The last window will also contain information from the digital signature. You should continue the installation only if the data is correct and matches the valid data of the key owner.

If the system prompts you to select a certificate storage, it is recommended to check the “Personal” box. After this, the digital signature data will be added to the registry; for subsequent use, you will not need to insert a root token into the USB; the certificate will be linked to the equipment used.

Important nuance: if the user periodically “cleanses” the registry using programs such as C&Cleaner or similar ones (with similar functionality), then after this procedure the certificate may be deactivated and will need to be reinstalled through CryptoPro.

The above instructions are valid for all versions of Windows OS(XP and older). In the future, when using the Microsoft Office office suite, you can sign and certify documents directly from the program with an installed certificate in just a few clicks. If you do not integrate the digital signature on your computer, then the signature is only allowed through the CryptoPro interface, and you need to insert a root token into the USB.

And before installing an electronic signature key on your computer, it is recommended to install any modern antivirus, updating its database (signatures). In Windows 10, this is not necessary, since this version of the operating system has an integrated Microsoft Essential antivirus.

Detailed video instructions:

Linking to equipment

The above method of installing a digital signature on a computer binds the certificate to the equipment. If you reinstall the OS or change the computer's hardware configuration, the key will be deactivated and the certificate will need to be reinstalled.

There are no restrictions on the number of PCs where the same electronic signature will be used. That is, you can install the certificate on several computers or a work laptop at once. Additionally, it will remain possible to use digital signatures for one-time signing of documents (if the system has the CryptoPro CSP program installed). Only the owner of the digital signature is responsible for the safety of personal data.

Installing an unqualified signature

The above instructions for installing an electronic digital signature on a computer describe the process of installing an enhanced qualified signature. An unqualified one, in contrast, consists of 2 files - a private key and a public certificate. Also, a certificate from a certification authority must be added to them. They are installed in a similar way, through CryptoPro CSP (the closed one is not installed, but is used to generate an open one, which, in turn, is installed through a list of containers).

If digital signature is also required for identification on the State Services portal, then you need to install the root certificate in the Internet Explorer browser through its settings menu (also the “Service” tab). This is only necessary in Windows XP, since Internet Explorer versions 8 and higher provide automatic synchronization of the browser with the certificates specified in the registry (when you first start the browser, you will be prompted to use the certificate).

Using the plugin in the browser

To identify a user on certain portals, it is also recommended to use an electronic digital signature key. To work with it, it is most convenient to use the CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in, which is supported in Chrome, Yandex browser, Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Safari. You can install it either from the plugin store (each browser has its own), or directly from the CryptoPro website

How to install an electronic signature in the browser using this plugin? It automatically recognizes installed digital signatures in the system, and can also work with USB root tokens; setup is done in just a few clicks. It is only recommended to set a password to launch the plugin (this option is provided in its settings) - this will protect against access to the digital signature by third parties who are able to work on the computer of the owner of the electronic signature.

After integrating the digital signature into the plugin, when you enter a site that supports this type of identification, you will be prompted to use the certificate. It is enough to answer the request affirmatively and the user’s identity will be immediately verified; no logins/passwords will be required.

Digital signature update

The validity period of the digital signature is 12 months; after its expiration, the certificate is considered invalid, and when you try to sign a document with it, an error will be given.

To update it, you must contact the certification center again to create and register a new electronic signature. How to install an updated digital signature certificate into the system? Exactly the same as the new one, through CryptoPro. The old certificate will be automatically deactivated. Although its validity period may not expire yet, it will not be checked for validity.

By the way, when renewing your digital signature, you do not need to make a new USB root token; you can update the previously issued one. Some certification authorities also offer an electronic signature renewal service at a reduced cost. You should clarify in advance the terms of the tariff schedule of the certification center with which the recipient of the digital signature cooperates.

  1. Certificate expiration error. Indicates that the digital signature is no longer active, since 12 months have passed from the date of its issue. It also occurs if the wrong date and time are set on the PC.
  2. Certificate installation failure error. Indicates that the Certificate and Cryptography Service is not running. It also occurs when using pirated “cut down” copies of the Windows OS, where some services are completely cut out.
  3. Error reading certificate from root token. Occurs when the USB token is damaged, less often when the USB input fails.
  4. Certificate verification error. Occurs when there is no Internet access when an attempt is made to sign an electronic document. For these purposes, it is recommended to sign via CryptoPro - the program also works in local mode.

In general, installing an electronic digital signature on a computer is not difficult; the software developers made sure that even an inexperienced PC user can cope with this task. For help, you can contact either the certification center or the CryptoPro help desk - they quickly answer all questions from users during business hours.