How to change a player's prefix in minecraft. How to put a prefix in Minecraft

One more important step To secure a WordPress blog, you can change the standard wp table prefix in the database to any other one. In this article you will learn how to change prefix manually without using plugins.

In the previous article I talked about which remained unchanged after the blog was launched. The same thing happened with the prefix. When, I just didn’t know that I needed to change the login and prefix. Now, over time, it has simply become necessary to protect the blog.

In fact, the procedure is not complicated, but it requires extreme care. I will tell you using the example of a blog located on a local server.

How to change the prefix of database tables

1. The first and most important thing to do is blog. If suddenly something goes wrong, the blog can be rolled back to the moment the backup was created.

2. Go to the databases phpMyAdmin data. Select the database and see a list of tables that have the prefix - wp.

So we will replace it with another one. For example, I will use the prefix I invented - test.

For prefix use only latin letters, numbers and underscores. If you use a symbol, it will not work in changing the wp-config.php file and you will have to redo everything from the very beginning.

Let's start by changing the names of the tables. Select the first table from the list and click on it. Next, find the “Operations” tab and go to it.

Edit the prefix in the “Table Options” window. We just rewrite it, in my case I write test instead of wp.

To save the changes, click OK. We see that the name of the first table has changed.

We perform the same operation with each table from the list.

3. After changing the names of the tables, you need to make changes in the tables themselves. We make the next change in the test_usermeta table (originally it was wp_usermeta).

Click on the table, look for the “Browse” tab, and go to the internal contents of the table.

We have a large list in front of us, in which we need to find all the names with the wp_ prefix and change them to test.

To change, click on the pencil icon and rewrite wp to test.

We carefully check the entire list; if it consists of more than one page, then move on to the next one. And so on until the end.

5. The following table is for changing wp_options or test_ options.

Select the table and go to the “Browse” tab in the same way as in the previous step.

We see a large list again. As a rule, it is located on several pages.

Here we also carefully find all names with the wp prefix and rewrite them to test.

We are done with the databases, it remains to make one change in the file located root directory.

6. Login to the hosting via FTP client, I used FileZilla, open the wp-config file in the root directory. Find the line $table_prefix = ‘wp_’ and rewrite wp to test.

Save the changes and upload the file back to the hosting.

Open the blog, update it and go through sections, links, etc. In general, we check the functionality of the blog. Then we go to the admin panel and check the functionality of the admin panel functions.

That's it! Now we know how to change prefix and have taken one step further in blog security.

After all the changes to the prefix, the blog map disappeared on mine, or rather it didn’t disappear, but the titles of the articles were not displayed. I restarted the one responsible for its operation and everything fell into place.

If you have a WordPress site, you need to take care of its security. The database is vulnerable and a target for hackers. To secure your site, you should change the database prefix given. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

To begin, create backup copy databases, in case you install something wrong. After that, go to wp-config.php. and change the symbols in the tables. You will see the "wp_" icon, which is the default. Add any numbers or symbols after these letters. After this, access the database through PhpMyAdmin. Change the prefix in the tables to the new one that was set before. On the screen you will see several lines with table parameters. You need to change the "wp_" characters in the lines with new ones. It is necessary that no reminder of the standard prefix remains in any of them. After replacement, test the site. If something doesn't work, try repeating the steps using a backup. To change the prefix, it is best to use the special plugin WP-Security-Scan, it will speed up the process. First, install the plugin, it can be found in the window WordPress security. The new prefix is ​​set in the Change the current plugin window. After entering new characters, click Start Renaming. This will save all changes. To replace a prefix, it is convenient to use the Table Prefix Rename Plugin. When using this plugin, the change process occurs in two stages. To begin, go to the “Settings” window, then enter a new prefix for the tables. This can be done by clicking on the New Table Prefix button. After entering new characters, save the changes by clicking Generate new tables. Go to the server, open wp-config.php in notepad. Find the names of the tables and enter new characters to save the changes, click Change table prefix. Don't forget to get rid of old tables. To do this, log into the php MyAdmin admin area and find the tables with the old names. Select the checkboxes and press delete. After that, using a search engine SQL queries change the prefix in the database. Enter new characters in the table, click Rename table wp_posts to “new characters”_posts. This operation will change only one table; if there are several, you will have to make a replacement in each one. Edit the Prefix_options table. Request a search for files with the text Update “new prefix symbols”_options set option_name=’ “name of the new prefix” c_user_roles’ where option_name=’wp_user_roles’ limit 1. It is necessary to this manipulation for each of the files that uses the old standard "wp_" prefix. Edit the configuration file by changing the prefix to a new one.

Prefixes are special prefixes before player nicknames that allow you to classify characters and understand them in a large crowd of people in a chat. This feature allows you to select administrators, VIP players, moderators. Also, the prefix in Minecraft allows you to indicate the winner of a competition, award a mark to an outstanding player, and so on. There are no restrictions on using this feature.

How to use?

Many of those who have been playing Minecraft for a long time know how to prefix nicknames. On some servers this opportunity is only available to admins or moderators, and in some places you can set the account yourself.

In both cases, you will need a special plugin, which must be installed separately. It is worth saying that any server will need it so that you can manage it fully. One such plugin is called Chat Prefixer. You can download it for free on the Internet. All prefixes in Minecraft are displayed not only in text chat, but also near the nickname above the character’s head. Highlighting with color will make it easy to recognize this or that important player in the crowd of others.

How to prefix?

Now let’s figure out how to install the prefixes themselves in front of the nickname. To do this you need to study basic commands, which the administrator will need in any case. These include:

  • /prefix list - with this command you open color codes;
  • /prefix - with this command you can change your prefix;
  • /prefix nickname - change the prefix for any other player;
  • /prefix -r nickname - removes a prefix from any player.

Now let's look at the structure of writing each command. For example, let's make a red prefix in front of our nickname. To do this, use the hint with all the color prefixes in Minecraft, the command for which is presented above.

After this, you need to open the console and enter /prefix &cAdmin. In this command, the value &c is responsible for the color red, and after that comes the word that needs to be colored.


This plugin has other features as well. For example, you can color the prefix not only in one color, but also choose a shade for each letter, italicize, underline, make words bold, and so on. For each of listed actions there is a separate team. To use, you must also add the & sign along with one specific letter. Depending on which plugin you have installed, the letter IDs, colors and styles may change. Read the instructions that will be included with the program.