How to promote a page on google. Nuances of using Google Search Console

Hello Habrahabr!

Google uses several hundred ranking factors. Each of them has its own weight when calculating the site rating value.

On March 23, 2016, Andrey Lipattsev (Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google) named the two main ones - content and links pointing to your site.

The third most important ranking factor, according to Google employee Greg Corrado, is the RankBrain algorithm.

What should be the content?

Over the past three years, you have probably read a lot of articles by SEO experts on the topic "content - you are king."

But as it turned out, content content is different. We regularly come across a question on the webmasters' help forum why, in the presence of unique content, the pages of the site are ranked low.

The fact is that under the unique content, many webmasters often understood a unique set of words. Google, on the other hand, values ​​not so much unique as original content that contains added informational value for the user.

If another 15,000 characters are added to 2000 characters, and if these characters are not useful, then the content does not become of high quality.

Create content that answers all aspects of the search query. To do this, use the Google tips, bold words in the description of the pages from the SERP. Given the launch of the RankBrain algorithm, pay attention to the replacement words in the SERPs, especially in the title.

Please note that Google reacts harshly to the presence of complaints from copyright holders.

What links work?

You have probably seen discussions of this issue at SEO forums and conferences. All links work, but you need to know how to use them.

Very often in SEO forums, webmasters ask about the benefits of cross-linking.

The use of end-to-end links that are not closed in nofollow may result in manual actions being taken on the site, exposure to the Google Penguin algorithm or other parts of the ranking algorithm responsible for both filtering purchased links and generally deterring aggressive manipulation of the results.

Posting cross-cutting links that are not nofollowed in the footer, sidebar of the site is considered an attempt to participate in "link exchange schemes", which is a violation of Google's guidelines for webmasters.

By the way, don't let the word "recommendations" fool you. Everything that is written there is almost imperative. Webmasters are free to do whatever they want, and Google, for its part, simply notifies what it is not ready to agree with, and if the violation is significant, it is very likely that punishment will follow.

An important role in characterizing whether a link is natural or not can be played by: the date the web page was created, the date the link appeared in it, the location of the link and near-link text, spam in anchors, the dynamics of backlink growth. Agree that if an ordinary newly created blog suddenly received 20 thousand backlinks - this may arouse suspicion. This is one of the possible examples.

Structured data

Don't forget to add the appropriate markup types to your site's page code. If the site is of high quality and the markup does not contain errors (violations), the data marked with micromarkup will be shown in the extended snippet and / or in the Knowledge Graph card.

Several features must be taken into account.

Properly tagged content may not always trigger rich descriptions in search results.

Google performs algorithmic and manual quality checks to ensure that it meets structured data relevancy standards. Google reserves the right to take manual action (such as disabling a featured snippet for a site).

For a long time, the Google Help on manual action did not describe the consequences for violating structured data markup standards.

Important! The spelling options for the site name, domain, contact information must be the same in the site microdata, in the Google+ page and in Google My Business.

Add reviews to Google Maps. It is desirable to leave reviews as naturally as possible, but at the same time, it is recommended to use keywords in them, if possible. This will increase organic traffic from Google. Also don't forget that Google Maps links can be shared.

Mobile version of the site

This, together with the speed of loading the site, is perhaps the most fashionable trend in Google over the past two years.
Mobile devices are becoming more and more important to us every day. Therefore, we recommend that all site owners optimize their web pages for them.
Andrey Lipattsev (Google)

Google has three tools for checking the optimization of the mobile version of the site:
· mobile-friendly test - checking a separate web page (for Google robot). All robots.txt rules are respected. Blocked resources are displayed in a separate list. Temporarily unavailable resources are not displayed in the new tool, so the elements of the visual display of the site page may not be displayed on the screen of the mobile version.
· PageSpeed ​​Insights - based on the analysis of the page, recommendations are given to improve the speed of loading content. For each item, a hint is given for problematic content (script, pictures, caching, and so on) with an indication of a resource for optimization and a link to help information. Through experimentation, you can choose the optimization of site resources, configure its code and achieve a significant increase in speed. The tool also offers the webmaster to download the optimized resources in one package.
· Viewability on mobile devices in Google Search Console - a report on the problems found by the robot on the site in terms of mobility. It has a delay in data update time from a week to two. Benefit - a comprehensive analysis of the site for mobility. Problematic pages are provided with detailed analysis and recommendations for correcting errors.

Continuing the topic of mobility, let's say a few words about AMP.

Create entertaining and educational videos. Add relevant keywords and a detailed description of the video as tags.

For video editing: from paid programs - Sony Vegas Pro, from free ones - VSDC Free Video Editor.

YouTube has a built-in video editor. Its advantage is that it allows you to quickly create your own video from someone else's video without violating copyrights, and at the same time your video will be monetized. Enter the video editor and click the "cc" button (videos distributed under a Creative Commons license). Find the right quality video that matches your request. Next, edit it to your liking.

In general, which editor to use for video editing is a matter of taste.

Nuances of using Google Search Console

It may seem to someone that in this part of the article we will write common truths, but as the analysis of questions on the Google Webmaster Help Forum shows, this information is not known to everyone.
1. Data in Google Search Console is updated within ten to twenty days.
2. The number of indexed pages of the site should be viewed in the "Indexing Status" section, and not in the "Sitemaps" section.
3. You should not focus on the "Average position" indicator from the "Analysis of search queries" section.
4. Section "Measures taken manually" - check for all versions of the site.
5. You can almost instantly add a page to the Google index using the "View as Googlebot" tool.
6. "Mobile Viewability" is probably one of the most useful tools in Google Search Console because it shows the compliance of the entire site, not individual pages, with the mobile test.
7. If Google finds structured data for rich cards on your site, you will see it as a chart and table in Search Console. The advanced cards report helps you identify errors in structured data found on your site. This is a kind of addition to the Structured Data report.
8. Report "Links to your site". In our opinion, it is not very convenient. We recommend using the above online services for these purposes.
9. Grouping sites. You may have noticed that Google Search Console has recently added a Create Group button. Why might this be needed? You can add all versions of the same site to the same group. You can add different sites to the group, and so on.

We hope that each of you found something useful in the article.

Tags: google, webmaster, seo optimization

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How to optimize the site for Google: what can and can not be done for promotion

Google is one of the most popular search engines, which is why website promotion in this system is so important. But this work has its own subtleties: you need to take into account the specifics, methods and algorithms of the search engine. First of all, it is important to understand that Google SEO is also different from SEO in other systems, because each service has its own search algorithms, unique, and ranking is not the same. This is what you should rely on.

But now we will talk about our version. We will figure out how to promote a site in Google, what he prefers, who is behind this work and what results can be achieved!

Google promotion: internal optimization

Let's start with the fact that, first of all, you need to take into account the features of both internal and external optimization. Let's talk about the first one.

Promotion in Google sets a number of conditions for the user who needs the promotion of any type of resource, be it an information portal or an online store. Among them:

  • unique and voluminous content: only author's materials and at least one hundred pages. In addition, it is better to break the texts into subheadings;
  • code revision: you need to remove the excess, set up Robot.txt and work out the sitemap;
  • the page should be designed in accordance with the semantic markup, you need to register all the titles, meta tags, enter the keys. And a correctly filled description plays a very important role. A catchy text with the presence of keywords will help in this;
  • internal linking should be checked for broken links and errors. It will help increase the internal weight of the page, as required by the promotion of the site in Google;
  • when compiling a semantic core, it is important to select organic queries;
  • website promotion in Google also provides for the presence of readable text.

After all, gone are the days when texts were created for machines. An unreadable and illogical text or a set of phrases will cut the case in the bud.

How to promote a site in Google, if you do not take into account all these points? No way. It will not work with the search engine, you will have to play only by its rules. And there are many more!

External Google site optimization

As for external optimization, it also has its own characteristic features. And they are as follows:

  • ranking is affected only by quality links. Keyword entries should be direct - that's the preference of the search engine. Although this does not mean that dilute keys should be avoided. You just don't need to get carried away;
  • the presence of end-to-end links: they will help in promoting competitive queries. The more sites link to the promoted resource, the better;
  • the presence of a content base: forums, thematic resources and similar sites contribute to recognition, and hence the promotion of the resource;
  • attraction of social networks, SMM. Likes, reviews, comments are the mechanisms that will bring new users. And besides, it's good PR.

What result can be achieved?

What is the benefit of such a promotion, you ask? Is the optimization for Google really worth the effort and money spent, will it bear fruit? In fact, there is a benefit, and it is this:

  • targeted traffic is attracted by the largest search engine. Statistics show that Google is preferred by 40 users;
  • conversion improvement: search engine optimization requires a usability audit, due to which the resource becomes user-friendly;
  • attracting the attention of a mobile audience: fans of the built-in Google user become more interested in the resource;
  • more users - more orders. Only the pros know how to bring potential customers and encourage them to take the right action - buying or ordering a product.

Promotion in Google, features of work

What is such a promotion? What is the complex of works behind this simple word? Judge for yourself:

  • studying the specifics of the business and assessing the percentage of product demand in various search engines;
  • primary audit: analysis of competing resources, examination of site usability, search audit;
  • formation of the semantic core of queries: selection of queries for which they are looking for a product / service provided by the Internet portal;
  • content improvement. As we said before, the presented search engine loves only quality content. Therefore, either the existing one is optimized, or a new one is created, but copying someone else's is not worth it;
  • technical expertise of the site: checking the validity of the code, correct display in various mobile devices and in all browsers;
  • development of a promotion strategy: for Google SEO, optimization requires an accurate plan;
  • implementation in practice of all recommendations, correction of errors;
  • comprehensive work on promotion - from work and sources on third-party sites to increasing citation;
  • Mandatory progress reports to monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken.

As practice shows, optimizing a site for Google requires a lot of effort.
This is not a job that is done quickly. SEO takes a lot of time, at least 3-4 months. And this is a voluminous complex of events behind which there are hundreds of hours of work, often a whole team of people.

Who is behind it: the reverse side of the promotion

We declare right away: there is no such universal specialist who would be able to cope with all this alone, and a non-specialist cannot (simply physically) effectively perform all promotion operations. There is not enough time, energy and knowledge.

How many people usually work on promotion? Let's count:

  • usability specialist. His profile is a website audit and recommendations for improving conversion;
  • SEO specialist. He is the main developer of the promotion strategy and the head of other processes;
  • programmer. His task is internal technical optimization and all technical work;
  • link manager. The main link hunter, he builds up the link mass;
  • copywriters. Their job is to optimize current pages, create unique content for new ones;
  • designer. Its task is to competently design content in order to attract an audience;
  • SMM specialist. Social networks are fully tied to it: increasing the number of users, reviews, working with third-party sites;
  • personal manager. A specialist who communicates directly with the customer.

As you can see, the mechanism is quite complex. Therefore, we recommend contacting professionals for website promotion: — In Moscow and the regions, Semantics specialists will help you quickly get an increase in quality traffic to your website. Traffic from only 50 kopecks. for the visitor.

What should not be done?

Website promotion in Google has its own code of acceptable and unacceptable things. And this must be taken very seriously. In order not to get to know the Panda and the Penguin personally, consider the following few points that Google will not forgive:
  1. Illegal methods of promotion, such as the use of doorways and cloaking. It is better to immediately refuse such undertakings, otherwise - forever spoiled reputation: a ban or temporary sanctions.
  2. Poor quality and non-unique content. The search engine works for people, which means that texts should be easy and readable for people.
  3. Irregularly inscribed keys. Again, if readability suffers, rankings can be affected. It's worth considering.
  4. Aggressive link building. For low-quality, purchased links, sanctions will certainly follow.

For some, the rules of the game in the field of promotion will seem difficult. And some people will like them. But in any case, for Google, recommendations for optimizing the site will have to be taken into account.

Yes, promoting a website under Google requires time. But this is a well-invested time, and it will pay off with a vengeance! Most importantly, with such a promotion, you need to rely on specialists: only they understand the specifics of their work and can guarantee a positive result!

When it comes to SEO, don't forget to optimize for Google. It is used by almost half of Russian-speaking users. You can achieve high positions in Google and get the lion's share of traffic from it. Like any other search engine, Google has its own algorithms for ranking sites in the search results. We consider the most significant of them.

Features of site promotion in Google

  • Mobility. At Google, 60% of queries are entered from mobile devices, the share of traffic from smartphones is constantly growing. If your site is not adapted to modern gadgets, it will greatly affect traffic and positions.
  • Love for video. Have you noticed that in the search results for queries on Google, videos are often shown in the first results, and only then links to articles? The search engine is closely integrated with its YouTube service and, when requested by users, searches for videos as well.
  • Google listings change less often. If in Yandex today you are in the top 10, and tomorrow in the top 30, then in Google everything is more stable.
  • Site technical support. Google seriously monitors technical errors on sites in search results and downvotes them when violations appear.
  • Google keeps new sites in the "sandbox" for a certain time. It is difficult for young sites to break into the top in a short period of time, as in Yandex.
  • Google perceives behavioral factors worse. Yandex has surpassed the giant in this regard, analyzing behavioral factors as one of the main ranking criteria in search results.
  • Website promotion in Google: features of internal and external optimization

    Often site owners fail to achieve high positions on numerous errors in internal and external optimization. To reach the top, we recommend that you follow the tips described below.

    Internal optimization

  • Content. High-quality site content is the main requirement of Google. Of particular importance is the diversity of content: textual content, images, videos. Articles can be both short and long. Recently, the search engine gives preference to materials with copyright.
  • Page quality. All your pages on the site should be optimized for specific queries. Be sure to fill in the Description, Title, H1 - H6, Keywords tags.
  • Download speed. Be sure to check the download speed in the PageSpeed ​​Insight service, optimize the code, compress images, use the cache.
  • behavioral factors. In Google, behavioral factors have a lower priority than in Yandex, but they should also be taken into account.
  • Content update frequency. When promoting a site in Google, regularly update the content, edit previously published articles and add relevant information.
  • Mobility. As we mentioned earlier, the search engine prefers to display sites that are correctly displayed on mobile devices in the first positions. This is not only an opportunity to quickly bring the site to the top, but also to get valuable traffic from mobile devices.
  • Linking. For Google, linking plays an important role in website promotion. Be sure to do it between the pages of the site, use the module of similar materials, products.
  • Voice search. Due to the growth of Android-based mobile devices, the percentage of voice queries in the search engine has grown significantly, so it is recommended to optimize articles for them using exact phrases.
  • AMP pages. Accelerated Mobile Page technology is based on open source code. Pages are stored in a special Google cache, so they load faster. AMP technology is supported by a variety of platforms, including Google Search.
  • External optimization

  • Link weight. Link mass for Google remains one of the important factors for ranking sites. Select high-quality and similar donors based on age, trust, spamming of resources.
  • Links in social networks. As mentioned earlier, social activity in Google is much more welcome than in other search engines. Be sure to create groups on social networks, add quick repost buttons, connect all kinds of additional services with your profiles.
  • Catalogs and reference books. Add the site to catalogs and directories, and you can both in Russian and foreign ones.
  • Google My Business. Add your business to Google My Business. It will display data about her when entering certain queries. Detailed analytics of user activity is also available here.
  • YouTube. Start your YouTube channel and duplicate videos on the pages of the site with relevant materials.
  • Typical beginner mistakes

    Website promotion in Google, as well as in any other search engine, is impossible without numerous trials and errors.

    Often beginners:

  • they buy a huge number of links, ignore site checks;
  • copy content from other sites or use synonymizers;
  • do not use video content;
  • post materials on the site without formatting;
  • do not use additional Google services;
  • refuse to optimize the speed of loading pages;
  • do not collect the semantic core;
  • do not fill in meta tags;
  • refuse to use Twitter for quick indexing of links;
  • do not connect Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrika analytics tools;
  • oversaturate articles with keywords;
  • use pop-ups and banners;
  • refuse social activity buttons.
The list is endless, as there are more than 200 factors that influence the ranking of sites in Google, however, if you consider these mistakes and try not to make them, your chances of high positions will increase significantly.

If you haven't thought about using Google+ to drive traffic to your site yet, now is the time to do it. Although Google+ has not become the “new Facebook”, it still has some advantages over other social networks, such as increased positions in Google search results.

Recently, more and more companies create accounts on Google+ and use it in their SEO strategy. The goal of these companies is not to increase the number of subscribers, but to increase brand awareness in this, to put it mildly, important search engine. The good news is that this is not difficult at all. Here are 5 easy steps to help you improve your search engine optimization results with Google+:

Optimize the information on the page

Start by editing the information on your Google+ page and making it more indexable by Google. Don't forget to write your brand's title and description on the About Us page, including a couple of final keywords. It's very important to use relevant links in your description, such as a link to your site's homepage or any other source of information related to you. To understand how it works, we recommend that you look at the section "About Us" on the Wix page.

Add a Google+ button to your site

Google+ is like a two-way street: it's not enough to promote your site on a Google+ page, you need to have the Google+ button on your site's pages as well. Use the "follow" and "+1" buttons in various places on your site to increase your following (here's how to do it in the Wix editor). Don't forget to add the G+ button to the social media bar on the rest of your marketing materials, including landing pages and emails. Remember: the more active your page on Google+, the more likely you are to be noticed by Google itself.

Work on content

Use links and hashtags

Hashtags are always important when it comes to search engine optimization, including Google+. Make sure that all your posts contain links to the home page of your site, as well as to other sections. Add hashtags to each post to make it easier for search engines to categorize them. Hashtags will help you improve your visibility on all search engines, and Google+ in particular. This way, your posts will be shown to the target audience with relevant interests.

Today, Yandex is the leader among the search engines of the Russian Internet. But every day more and more webmasters, optimizers and SEO specialists note that it is losing ground. Google is confidently stepping on its heels, forcing the Russian search engine to think about its ranking, the system of ups and issuance.
There are discussions on different topics about which search engine is better: Yandex or Google? I am sure that among the optimizers there are those who will say that Yandex is better and Google is still far from it, and those who will repeat the opposite. Let's leave arguments to people who have nothing to do, who have plenty of time and desire to support unnecessary arguments.

Every SEO specialist understands that neither Yandex nor Google can be neglected. Of course, making sure that the traffic from these two search engines is the same is not an easy task. You need to focus on your user, on the geography of his location, and even then give preference to a particular search engine. Today we will talk about promotion on Google, we will look at the main steps, methods and tricks that you should use when trying to promote your site on Google.
Although Yandex is the leader in Runet, but look a little wider (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine), then Google dominates there. We are not talking about Europe at all, there is total control of this giant. Therefore, one should not be naive to think that Yandex is eternal, because we all understand that Google has great power, finance, influence and knowledge. The Russian market is a tidbit, and we are sure that over time Google will try to conquer it. You need to be prepared for this and understand how to promote the site in this search engine.

Internal factors

We are sure that many of you understand that Google is the leader among search engines all over the world, and especially in the US and Europe. Therefore, when compiling a step-by-step manual, it would not be superfluous to turn to the experience of overseas colleagues who know this search engine like the back of their hand, learned everything he loves, and how to teach it correctly.
It has been said more than once, and not only on our website, that promotion should begin with internal optimization. Young SEOs who, after reading 2-3 articles, consider themselves gurus, completely forget about it. They try to make dozens of runs, buy links, and then complain about why their site is under the filter.
Read more about filters in the article:
Therefore, we will begin our manual with internal optimization. Remember that Google is very fond of well-optimized sites that “shine” inside like a polished Mercedes.
Meta tags. We will not dwell on this issue in detail, because this is the basis of the basics that you need to study even before you start thinking about promoting on Google. Let's just say that Title, Description, Keywors, h1-h6 tags must be present on the promoted page.

Content. It must be unique, and be sure to match the theme of the site. No need to post articles about fashion, style or parenting on a construction site. The key density should not be more than 3-4%, if possible, then do 2%. Never "kill" readability for the sake of keywords. Write a variety of articles, use interesting phrases, unusual words, terms and definitions.
Google doesn't like "sheets" - solid, unmarked, uninteresting text. Be sure to use tags times tags h1-h6, pictures, video, audio, PDF files. Try to store all media files on your hosting, while prescribing alt and title attributes for pictures, and include a keyword in the video title.
The site should look official. If you have a commercial site, then the design must necessarily include a corporate logo, and the design itself must be ordered unique. Create a page like "About us", where you describe your activities, contact details, ways of communication, etc.
Make all official sections neat and accessible not only to search robots, but also to ordinary users. Remember, first of all, you make a website for people.

Code cleanliness. Google is very skeptical about sites with bad code. Through the validator, check the code for errors, and, if possible, correct them as much as possible. It is very rare to achieve perfect purity, even Google itself finds errors in the code, but it's worth trying.

Site speed. A very important aspect is the page loading speed of your site. There are two sides to this:
1. User Perspective– a slow site is bad. You will simply lose the competition. Nobody wants to wait, and in 99% the visitor will close the site, leaving for a competitor. The number of bounces will increase, behavioral factors will become worse, the site will go down in search results. You need it?
2. From the point of view of a search robot- a slow site can be considered non-working and exclude pages from search results. If the robot cannot enter the site for a long time, then it does not wait either, it leaves, but making a note that the site does not exist, you need to “throw it out” from the search.
Do not use heavy plugins, compress everything that is possible to compress, resort to new developments and technologies. Your site should not just open quickly, it should fly.

Create a sitemap and upload it to Google Webmaster. Thus, you will help the robot index your resource faster and understand its structure.

Specify the main mirror, and put down redirects from pages without www to pages with www. This must be done to avoid duplicates and unnecessary errors.

Linking. Google is very sensitive to it. Competent and correct linking is already 25% of the overall result.

Social activity. There is a lot of controversy about the impact of social activity on rankings. Everyone is sure that social signals bring a certain weight to the page, and at the same time they are able to raise it to the TOP. Only the social network will not make it to the top, but you need to use it as an addition to the general promotion. Be sure to put social network buttons (Twitter, FB, VK, G+), and also create communities on the subject of your site, where you will talk about all the updates and new items.

Another controversial point, but many foreign experts advise doing this. In some articles, if appropriate for the topic and context, place links to very authoritative resources with PR7+. But don't forget to nofollow such a link. There is an opinion that when you link to a resource, and not just to you, then this is also good. Let's trust the experience of overseas colleagues.
Try to do all the work manually. There are many programs that will help automate posting, linking, make some kind of optimization of meta tags, but they are very imperfect and can only do harm. Do everything yourself. No machine has ever optimized a website better than a human.

External factors

If you read our article "Yandex: Promotion Basics", you could understand that external factors play an important role for Yandex. Google is more reserved in this regard. Links from other resources have weight, but not huge.
Google has its own page rating system - PR (Page Ranke). So, the more pages with high PR linking to your site, the better. But here is a double-edged sword. Not so long ago, Google began sending out "letters of happiness" to those webmasters who trade links from PR pages. Page Ranke of such resources was lowered to 0, and the weight passed by links became negligible. You can post on pages with PR0, and wait for an update. But this could take months. At the time of writing, there has been no Google PR update for 223 days.
Of course, backs are needed, but not in such quantity as for promotion in Yandex.

Under Google, there are some features of the received backs:
1. Pay attention to the quality of the resource. It should be SDL, with a good structure, attendance, design, unique texts, and not under filters.
2. It is better to take fewer links, but high-quality ones, from trust and age resources. For Google, the age of a site matters a lot.
3. Thin out your anchors. Do not buy all links with the same anchor, because this is fraught with filtering. There is an opinion that it is better to take up to 75% of non-anchor links for promotion in Google, and only take the rest for anchors.
4. If you buy, then only high-quality, eternal links in good articles.

That's probably all. This is where the theory ends. Remember one thing - Google loves good internal optimization, so take a lot of time to bring the site in full order, make it sweet.
Theory is good, but nothing can replace real practice. Therefore, create a website, experiment, promote, learn more about the algorithms and principles of ranking, take TOP positions in search engines.