How to create an archive in winrar. How to archive a file or folder

By packing objects into a ZIP archive, you can not only save disk space, but also provide more convenient transfer of data via the Internet or archive files for sending by mail. Let's learn how to pack objects into a specified format.

Not only specialized archiving applications - archivers - can create ZIP archives, but this task can also be accomplished using the built-in tools of the operating system. Let's find out how to create compressed folders of this type in various ways.

Method 1: WinRAR

Let's start analyzing options for solving the problem with the most popular archiver, for which the main format is RAR, but, nevertheless, it can also create ZIP.

  1. Go with "Conductor" to the directory where the files that need to be placed in the ZIP folder are located. Select these elements. If they are located in a solid array, then the selection is made simply by holding down the left mouse button ( LMB). If you need to pack disparate elements, then while selecting them, hold down the button Ctrl. After that, right-click on the selected fragment ( RMB). In the context menu, click on the item with the WinRAR icon "Add to archive...".
  2. The WinRAR archiving settings tool opens. First of all, in the block "Archive format" set the radio button to position "ZIP". If desired, in the field "Archive name" the user can enter any name that he considers necessary, but can leave the default one assigned by the application.

    You should also pay attention to the field "Compression method". Here you can select the level of data packaging. To do this, click on the name of this field. A list of the following methods is presented:

    • Normal (default);
    • Express;
    • Fast;
    • Good;
    • Maximum;
    • No compression.

    You need to know that the faster compression method you choose, the less archiving will be, that is, the final object will take up more disk space. Methods "Good" And "Maximum" can provide a higher level of archiving, but will also require more time to complete the procedure. When choosing an option "No compression" The data is simply packed, but not compressed. Just choose the option that you see fit. If you want to use the method "Ordinary", then you can not touch this field at all, since it is set by default.

    By default, the created ZIP archive will be saved in the same directory as the original data. If you want to change this, then click "Review…".

  3. A window appears "Archive Search". Navigate to the directory where you want the object to be saved and click "Save".
  4. After this, you return to the creation window. If you think that all the necessary settings have been saved, then to start the archiving procedure, click "OK".
  5. The procedure for creating a ZIP archive will be performed. The created object itself with the ZIP extension will be located in the directory that the user designated, or, if he did not do this, then where the sources are located.

You can also create a ZIP folder directly through the internal WinRAR file manager.

Method 2: 7-Zip

The next archiver that can create ZIP archives is the program.

As in the previous method, you can also act through the context menu "Conductor".

Method 3: IZArc

The next method of creating ZIP archives will be done using the IZArc archiver, which, although less popular than the previous ones, is also a reliable archiving program.

  1. Launch IZArc. Click on the icon that says "New".

    You can also apply Ctrl+N or click on the menu items sequentially "File" And "Create archive".

  2. A window appears "Create an archive...". Navigate to the directory where you want to place the created ZIP folder. In the field "File name" enter the name you want to call it. Unlike previous methods, this attribute is not automatically assigned. So in any case you will have to enter it manually. Click "Open".
  3. The tool will then open "Add files to archive" in the tab "Select files". By default, it is opened in the same directory that you specified as the storage location for the finished compressed folder. You also need to move to the folder where the files that you want to pack are stored. Select those elements, according to the general selection rules, that you want to archive. After this, if you want to set more precise archiving settings, then move to the tab "Compression settings".
  4. In the tab "Compression settings" First of all, make sure that in the field "Archive type" parameter was set "ZIP". Although it should be installed by default, anything can happen. Therefore, if this is not the case, then you need to change the parameter to the specified one. In the field "Action" parameter must be specified "Add".
  5. In the field "Compression" You can change the archiving level. Unlike previous programs, in IZArc this field is not set by default to the average value, but to the one that provides the highest compression ratio at the highest time cost. This indicator is called "Best". But, if you need faster execution of the task, then you can change this indicator to any other that provides faster, but lower quality compression:
    • Very fast;
    • Fast;
    • Ordinary.

    But there is no possibility of archiving into the studied format without compression in IZArc.

  6. In addition, in the tab "Compression settings" You can change a number of other parameters:
    • Compression method;
    • Folder addresses;
    • Date attributes;
    • Include or ignore subfolders, etc.

    After all the necessary parameters have been specified, to start the archiving procedure, click "OK".

  7. Packing procedure will be carried out. The archived folder will be created in the directory designated by the user. Unlike previous programs, the contents and location of the ZIP archive will be displayed through the application interface.

As with other programs, archiving to ZIP format using IZArc can be done using the context menu "Conductor".

You can also specify complex settings in the archiving procedure via the context menu.

Method 4: Hamster ZIP Archiver

Another program that can create ZIP archives is Hamster ZIP Archiver, which, however, is clear even from its name.

  1. Launch Hamster ZIP Archiver. Move to section "Create".
  2. Click on the central part of the program window where the folder is shown.
  3. Window opens "Open". With its help, you need to move to where the source objects to be archived are located and select them. Then press "Open".

    You can do it differently. Open the file location directory in "Explorer", select them and drag them into the ZIP Archiver window in the tab "Create".

    After the dragged elements fall into the program shell area, the window will split into two parts. Elements should be dragged into half, which is called “Create a new archive...”.

  4. Regardless of whether you operate through the opening window or by dragging and dropping, the list of files selected for packaging will be displayed in the ZIP Archiver window. By default, the archived package will be given the name "My archive name". To change it, click on the field where it appears or on the pencil icon to the right of it.
  5. Enter the name you see fit and click Enter.
  6. To indicate where the created object will be placed, click on the inscription “Click to select the path for the archive”. But even if you do not click on this inscription, the object will not be saved in a specific directory by default. When you start archiving, a window will still open where you should specify the directory.
  7. So, after clicking on the inscription, a tool will appear "Select the path for the archive". In it you should go to the directory of the planned location of the object and click on "Select folder".
  8. The address will be displayed in the main program window. For more precise archiving settings, click on the icon "Archive settings".
  9. The settings window opens. In the field "Path" If desired, you can change the location of the created object. But, since we indicated it earlier, we will not touch this parameter. But in the block "Compression Ratio" You can adjust the level of archiving and the speed of data processing by dragging the slider. The default compression level is set to normal. The far right position of the slider is "Maximum", and the far left – "No compression".

    Be sure to make sure that in the field "Archive format" value was set "ZIP". Otherwise, change it to the specified one. You can also change the following settings:

    • Compression method;
    • Word size;
    • Dictionary;
    • Blok et al.

    After all parameters have been set, to return to the previous window, click on the icon in the form of an arrow pointing to the left.

  10. You return to the main window. Now all we have to do is start the activation procedure by clicking on the button "Create".
  11. The archived object will be created and placed at the address specified by the user in the archiving settings.

The simplest algorithm for performing the task using the specified program is to use the context menu "Conductor".

But it is also possible that the user, acting through the menu "Conductor", when performing the packaging procedure using Hamster ZIP Archiver, you can also set certain archiving settings.

Method 5: Total Commander

You can also create ZIP folders using most modern file managers, the most popular of which is .

  1. Launch Total Commander. In one of its panels, move to the location of the sources that need to be packaged. In the second panel, go to where you want to send the object after the archiving procedure.
  2. Then you need to select the files to be compressed in the panel containing the sources. This can be done in Total Commander in several ways. If there are few objects, then selection can be made by simply clicking on each of them RMB. In this case, the name of the selected elements should be colored red.

    But, if there are a lot of objects, then Total Commander has group selection tools. For example, if you need to pack files only with a certain extension, you can select by extension. To do this, click LMB for any of the elements to be archived. Next click "Selection" and select from the drop-down list “Select files/folders by extension”. Also, after clicking on an object, you can apply the combination Alt+Num+.

    All files located in the current folder with the same extension as the selected object will be selected.

  3. To launch the built-in archiver, click on the icon "Pack files".
  4. The tool starts "Packaging files". The main action in this window that needs to be done is to move the switch in the form of a radio button to the position "ZIP". You can also make additional settings by checking the boxes next to the appropriate items:
    • Saving paths;
    • Subdirectory accounting;
    • Removing sources after packaging;
    • Creating a compressed folder for each individual file, etc.

    If you want to adjust the archiving level, then for these purposes click on the button "Settings...".

  5. The Total Commander general settings window opens in the section "ZIP Archiver". Let's go to the block "Internal ZIP Packer Compression Ratio". By moving the switch in the form of a radio button, you can set three compression levels:
    • Normal (level 6) (default);
    • Maximum (level 9);
    • Fast (level 1).

    If you set the switch to position "Other", then in the field opposite it you can manually enter the degree of archiving from 0 to 9 . If you indicate in this field 0 , then archiving will be performed without data compression.

    In the same window you can set some additional settings:

    • Name format;
    • Date;
    • Opening incomplete ZIP archives, etc.

    Once the settings are specified, click "Apply" And "OK".

  6. Back at the window "Packaging files", press "OK".
  7. The files are packaged and the finished object will be sent to the folder that is open in the second panel of Total Commander. This object will be called the same as the folder that contains the sources.

Method 6: Using the Explorer context menu

You can also create a ZIP folder using the built-in Windows tools, using the context menu for this purpose "Conductor". Let's look at how to do this using Windows 7 as an example.

Thus, we found out that a ZIP folder can be created not only using specialized software, but also using internal Windows tools. However, in this case you will not be able to configure the basic parameters. If you need to create an object with clearly defined parameters, then third-party software will come to the rescue. Which program to choose depends solely on the preferences of the users themselves, since there is no significant difference between different archivers in the matter of creating ZIP archives.

Archiving files is a way to reduce file size for easier use. This is a very useful feature on a computer, especially when there is not enough space on the memory card, or to download large files via mail or other downloaders. Creating a ZIP archive takes very little time, and there is nothing complicated about it, so let's learn together how to create and unpack a ZIP archive!

How to make a ZIP archive?

To create archives, a special program called WinRAR must be installed on your computer. This is a free program that can be downloaded from its official website - Most computers have this program installed, so check this information before downloading.

So, let's get started!

1. To create an archive, we prepare all the files that we want to put in the archive. Create a new folder and move everything there.

2. We give the folder with the necessary files a name, this is what our archive will be called. It is advisable to use Latin letters.

3. Right-click on the desired folder and look for the “Add to archive...” item.

4. The following window opens before us:

In this window, you need to check the box next to ZIP in the “Archive format” line. We can also change the archive name, if necessary, in the “Archive name” line. Then click “OK”.

The archive has been created! It can be seen in the folder where our files were located.

Video. How to create a zip archive?

How to unpack a ZIP archive?

There are several ways you can unpack an archive, let's look at a few!

Option #1.

We find the archive we need and right-click on it. After which we see further possibilities for working with the archive:

Extract files - this function opens a new window with information about unpacking:

In the “Extract Path” line, you should select where you want to extract the files. Click “OK” once we have selected all the unpacking options.

Extract to current folder - when you click this function, all archived files will be unpacked into the current folder.

Extract to Checklist - this function creates in the current folder a folder with the name of the archive, and all files will be unpacked into it.

Option #2.

The second option will be using the WinRAR program, for this we do the following procedure:

1. Click on the desired archive twice with the left mouse button, thereby opening the archive via WinRAR.

2. Now we are faced with the choice of whether to unpack all the files or just a part. If we want to unpack everything, immediately click on the “Extract...” or “Master” function. If only some of the files need to be extracted, select them and then click the same “Extract…” or “Wizard”.

VIDEO. How to unpack a ZIP archive?

In the last article we talked about. Now we will talk about creating archives. If you don’t know how to create an archive, you will need an archiver program, such as 7zip, and this article.

As we have already said, archives can solve several problems at once. By archiving a group of files, you get an archive that is just one file. Such a file is much easier to transfer over the network than a whole bunch of individual small files. Sending such a file by email or posting it on file hosting is not difficult.

In addition, special data compression algorithms can be used during archiving. Thanks to compression, the resulting archive can be significantly smaller in size than the original files. This allows you to speed up archive transfer over the network or save space on your . For example, if you store a lot of documents on disk that you don’t currently use, but you can’t delete them either, it makes sense to archive them with compression.

How to create an archive using the 7zip program

In order to create an archive you will need an archiver program. Most popular archivers are paid programs, for example WinRar. But there are also free programs. One of the best free archiver programs is 7zip.

There are several ways to create an archive using the 7zip program. The easiest and fastest way to create an archive is to start archiving through the context menu.

Select the files that need to be archived and right-click the context menu. In the menu that opens, select 7zip. There are a number of commands here that will start archiving selected files in various modes.

Let's take a closer look at all the commands that can be executed from the 7zip context menu:

Add to archive– add selected files to the archive with the ability to manually configure all archiving parameters. After launch, a window will open in which you can select the archive format, compression ratio and other parameters.

Compress and send by email– similar to the previous command, but in this case, after archiving is completed, the file will be sent by email.

Add to "Folder Name". 7z– the selected files will be archived into a 7z archive with default settings.

Compress to “Folder Name”. 7z and send by email– the selected files will be archived in a 7z archive with default settings and sent by email.

Teams "Add to "Folder Name". zip" and "Compress to "Folder Name". zip and send by email" work similarly to the previous two, but in this case a regular zip archive is used as the archive format.

You can also create an archive from the 7zip program interface. To do this, launch 7zip File Manager, select the necessary files and click on the “Add” button. After this, a window with archiving parameters will open.

WinRAR archiver is one of the best programs for working with archives in RAR format. At the same time, it is also one of the most common among users to use, after browsers and the operating system. After all, archives compress information, making the file size smaller, which is very useful when distributing a file on the Internet, and simply when storing it on a computer and transferring it.

WinRAR is a powerful utility for working with archives; it contains a huge number of useful functions. According to the developers, in new versions of the program the speed has increased by 30%. Now extracting data from RAR archive and also packaging will take place much faster than before.

You can download WinRAR on the official website

Here you need to go to the Download page and follow the link to download the program.

By scrolling down the page, you can download the Russian version.

Now WinRAR needs to be installed, I will not dwell on this, since you will do it yourself. Just in case, I’ll write about this in a separate lesson, for those who for some reason encountered problems.

Now let’s continue the conversation about the program itself and working with formats.

The RAR format is closed, unlike, for example, the ZIP format. What does it mean? And this means that create an archive in RAR format is possible only using the WinRAR program, or others developed by RARLAB. But fortunately, other archivers at least know how to unpack data from a RAR archive, but they just can’t pack it.

The program has a very simple interface:

At the very top of the program there are various menus.

Below them is a toolbar with large icons, with the help of which you can access frequently used operations: adding to the archive, extracting, viewing the archive.

Below the toolbar is the address bar and the up button. We can navigate in which folder and on which disk we are currently located. By clicking on the up button, we go up one level.

Even lower, everything that is in the selected folder is displayed.

In fact, this main window of the program that we just looked at is not known to all users, although they have been using the capabilities of WinRAR for quite a long time. The thing is that you can work with archives without launching the program itself, but only using the context menu. It's much faster and more convenient.

You don't know what a context menu is? This is the list of items that appear when we right-click on a file or folder.

After installing WinRAR, several additional items should have appeared in the context menu.

At this point I want to walk you through the compression and decompression process. Let's look at the process of compressing files when adding them to an archive.

Right-click on the file or folder with the files that we want to add to the archive. In the context menu, select the item “ Add to archive».

In the window that opens, we see seven tabs, they are practically not interesting to us, with the exception of the one we are on now. Tab "General".

Here we need to enter the name of the archive, or leave it as default, which is what most users do.

In the drop-down list " Update method"You can select the appropriate item if you are adding files to an archive that already exists. If you add a file to an existing archive, then using this item you can replace or update newly added files.

Archive format. Here we need to select either RAR, which belongs to the WinRAR program, or ZIP, a publicly available format.

Just below we have the Compression Method. If we want to compress files as much as possible, then select the “Maximum” item accordingly. In this case, archiving will take longer than when creating an archive using the “Normal” compression method.

If you want to divide the resulting archive into several parts, then select the size of each in megabytes. This item can be useful when we need to write many files onto several media that will not fit on one. When unpacking, they will need to be placed in one folder, and they will be reunited into one file or folder with the files that we added to the archive. If you leave this item blank, the division into volumes will not take place.

In the area Archiving options, opposite each item there is an opportunity to put a checkmark. Let's look at some points that I myself have used at least once.

Delete files after packaging. After archiving the files, everything that we added to this archive will be deleted from the hard drive. The archive with the files will remain in place.

Create a CFX archive. By checking this box, we will create a self-extracting archive. To unpack such an archive, you will not need any programs. The archive will have an EXE extension, which can be unpacked on any computer running Windows.

Add recovery information. Some information will be added to the archive, which may be very useful when extracting files if the archive is damaged.

Test files after packaging. After creating the archive, it will be checked for the integrity of the packed data.

Lock the archive. Such an archive can only be extracted; it cannot be changed.

And the points " Add an electronic signature" And " Create a continuous archive", I've never used it, so I can't say anything about them.

Now let's go back to the Profiles button at the very top. Using it, we can select previously prepared settings. This helps a lot if we often forge different files using the same settings. You need to click " Save current settings as a new profile", and all settings that are currently selected will be applied when this profile is selected.

To start archiving files in WinRAR, just click the “OK” button.

Archiving has begun. Now we just have to wait for it to finish.

As for unzipping, everything is simple. Right-click on the archive, then in the context menu that opens, select “Extract files”.

You can unzip the file into the same folder where the archive itself is located, or you can specify it yourself. Then click “OK” yourself.

That's all, lesson on setting up and working inWinRAR completed.

How to create a WinRar archive? It is often necessary to work with electronic archives. Especially those who are directly connected to the Internet and mail have to do this almost every day. After all, if the file is large, you simply cannot send it by mail, and even if you do send it, the recipient of your file will take a long time to download it, and will probably send a bunch of “pleasant” wishes to your address. Well, if you work with file hosting services, then they simply won’t accept your file without archiving. It is best to use the WinRAR archiver program for this. Be sure to install it on your computer. Today it is the most popular and easy-to-use program. You and I have already learned. Now let's talk about how to properly and quickly pack information into an archive .

How to create an archiveWinRAR

  • Collect all the files necessary for archiving into one folder;
  • Rename the folder clearly, but in Latin letters, because... otherwise your file may simply not open if it is named in Russian letters;
  • Right-click on the folder you want to archive and select from the drop-down menu Add to the archive “the name of your folder.rar" . I have a Test folder, that's why it says Add to archive “Test.rar" . After the dot in the folder name the extension of the future file is written .rar. Never remove this extension, otherwise your file will not open.
  • After you click on the inscription Add to archive “Test.rar" , the archiver program will immediately pack your folder and name the archive with exactly the same name as the folder, only adding its extension at the end. The archived file will be located in the same directory as your folder (if the folder was on the Desktop, then you will look for the archive on the Desktop).

That's all the wisdom. Previously, everything was much more complicated. I had to go into the program and archive from there. Now all these procedures can be performed without opening the archiver program itself.