How to create an electronic mailbox. Entering data and password for the future mailbox

It's impossible to imagine life without email modern man. In addition to promptly sending letters, virtual postal address used to register on various sites, make purchases in online stores and confirm your identity on social networks. In this article you will learn how to create an email on your computer and install an email program.

What is email?

History of the development of virtual postal service began back in 1971, when famous programmer Ray Tomlinson created a single electronic network for remote computers. At that time, the implementation of the idea was primitive, and the developer was very concerned about the question of how to create email on a computer.

However, the basis for online message forwarding had been established. During the experiment, each computer was assigned an address, which consisted of the personal name of the computer and the name shared network. Both names were separated by the “@” sign, which was an abbreviation for the location of the address. Individual email addresses made it possible to exchange messages between computers, and today almost everyone knows how to do email on a computer.

On at the moment virtual mailbox is a complex mechanism for transmitting information between network users. Creating an email address has become available to anyone who has personal computer and access to the Internet.

Features of working with email

In order to exchange by email with another person, both recipients must have a virtual mailbox and Internet access. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the domains of these addresses are identical or not. Correspondence via e-mail can contain not only text messages, but also various media files and documents. This feature makes possible use an electronic mailbox for both work and communication with family and friends.

The email username is individual. In other words, no similar mailbox can exist on the network. Otherwise, before registering your email, the system will display an error and ask you to come up with a different unique login.

Modern systems that support the email function allow you to configure the service as conveniently as possible. For example, install the Antispam program, create letter templates and mass mailings.

Disadvantages of Email

The disadvantages of a virtual mailbox include its connection to the Internet. In other words, read incoming message impossible if the computer or mobile device are not connected to the network. Therefore, before creating an email on your computer, make sure your Internet connection is working properly.

Some modern email services offer such a feature as connecting notifications via SMS messages. This service is absolutely free and allows you to solve the problem of how to receive email on your computer via a mobile phone.

In addition to connecting to the network, virtual address does not allow chatting. Most services offer standard interface with the same configuration of folders, which are divided as follows:

  • Inbox
  • Sent
  • Drafts
  • Deleted

Google's mail system, however, offers the ability to receive and manage emails on a threaded basis. This allows you to study the message history in chronological order. This system is still under development and improvement.

How to make an email: instructions for beginners

Creating a personal virtual mailbox takes only a few minutes, and you can handle this an easy task Anyone can. Before you create an email on your computer, you need to decide on the domain on which the correspondence history will be stored. The choice of service depends only on the region of residence. In Russia, electronic mailboxes from the companies Mail, Yandex, Google and Rambler are popular, which offer their clients additional services, starting from search engines and ending free applications for the browser.

Before registering an email, you need to come up with a name for the future virtual mailbox. The ending of the address will depend on the chosen platform. For example,, or The final site address will look like this: [email protected], where instead of mymail you need to enter your own login. After choosing a platform and name, you need to go to the “Mail creation” section on the domain website.

When registering your mailing address, you must indicate full name, country of residence and contact number phone. The latter is required to activate the mailbox via SMS message. Trusted services will not send newsletters to your mobile phone, so don’t worry about the confidentiality of your data.

Access to the mailbox becomes available immediately after its activation. Knowing the email addresses of friends or work colleagues, you can send them letters or forward important documents.

Mail program

For the convenience of using virtual mail, special ones are used, for example, Outlook Express, which allows you to manage incoming and outgoing emails without using a browser.

Advantage mail programs is their mobility and the possibility of personal customization. Outlook Express can remind you of incoming messages sound signals, send letters to any specified time and filter advertising spam.

Other ways to communicate on the Internet

In addition to email, you can organize online communication via Skype. This famous program allows you not only to chat, but also to talk with your interlocutor using a webcam. The advantage of Skype is its accessibility, because now you don’t need to pay for long distance calls. The main thing is to ensure uninterrupted Internet access.

A similar program for instant messaging free messages called Viber. It is available to owners of smartphones in the operating room Android system or Windows. Thanks to Viber, you can make calls, share photos and be accessible anywhere in the world.

To register in any of listed programs required virtual box. But now that you know how to do email on your computer, Viber installation and Skype will not be difficult.

Oddly enough, in the 21st computer century we still cannot do without mail, or rather, without email. Every newcomer when meeting global network the Internet is faced with the task of creating and registering your free mailbox, since without your Email you will not be able to register on any social network, various services, besides, using an email box it is convenient to send messages to any part of the world. From this article you can learn: what email is, how to register a mailbox, what postal service choose for your email address and many more interesting and useful things.

Email - what is it?

E-mail is a technology that can be used to transmit messages, pictures, videos and music files at a distance to other Internet participants (in English this is: electronicmail, abbreviated - e-mail oremail). In other words, e-mail is an analogue of regular “paper” mail, but only in international network Internet. The following concepts are also used here: letter, send, receive, attachment, signature, address. In everyday life, people usually say “electronic”, “soap”, “box”, “email”.

If you think that email is a fairly young creation, I hasten to surprise you - it is already more than half a century old! According to the most recent data, the appearance of e-mail is 1965 - it was then that Noel Morris and Tom Van Vleck (employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) developed the program « mail", with the help of which it became possible to transmit messages between workstations connected to one large computer:

After the appearance global system domain names (DNS) for communication began to use domain names in the address, for example: box@, it was then that the so-called “dog” appeared - @ .

And finally, in the mid-90s of the twentieth century, mass email services appeared:

  • 1996 – Hotmail launched;
  • 1997 – Yahoo! mail;
  • 1998 – Russian service;
  • 2000 – Yandex Mail;
  • 2004 – Gmail Google.

The advantages of email include: ease of remembering the email address, which usually looks like this: mailbox_name@service_domain; another plus is the ability to send any information: text, files, images, audio, video, programs, etc.; independence of postal services; reliability and speed of mail delivery.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted such a phenomenon as SPAMmass mailing advertising information without the consent of the owner of the mailbox; Like regular mail, email is also prone to delays in the delivery of letters; and the last minus is the limitation on the size of the sent attachment; usually it should not exceed 10 GB. Mail) – mail service from oldest search engine“Yahoo!”, quite popular in the West, is not very common in our country. There is a Russian interface. Can be used for secondary purposes. Register here:

How to register an email - I share secrets

If you have read this far, then the issue of choosing a mail service (see above) has been resolved for you. The registration process for all mailers is basically the same and has been described many times on the Internet, so I won’t repeat this. I’d rather share with you some secrets that few newbies know about:

  1. You can register as many mailboxes as you like and on different services(Gmail, YandexMail, MailRu, etc.). There are no restrictions on the number of email addresses for one person.
  2. To create an email, it is not necessary to indicate a phone number; you can do without it, then during registration you will be asked to enter a “secret” question, the answer to which only you know. Advice: If you are concerned about the safety of the contents of your mailbox, indicate your mobile phone number when registering, this will protect your mail from hacking by 99%. If you already have an email account, you can also link your telephone number, this option is now available in most email services.
  3. Choosing name for your email do not create too long and complex, they are difficult to remember, here are examples of such “stupid” addresses: as.petrov_otdelserv@, alina1988.menedjer@, kri987456321@ - apparently people have difficulty with imagination... Of course, everyone is beautiful and short names have been busy for a long time (they even sell such “beautiful” boxes online!), but with some effort you can come up with something original and easy to remember, for example: 77box@, doctor77@, freemen@, infomehanik@ :-).
  4. Email password has important The more complex it is, the more difficult it will be for burglars to pick it up. But there is reverse side medals - the longer the password, the more difficult it is to remember. Therefore, I recommend making passwords 10-15 characters long and writing them down separately somewhere in a notebook. You can, of course, store passwords in a browser or in special programs, but this is less secure. Include letters, numbers, and symbols in your password. Sharing a trick– to make it easier to remember the password, type it in Russian words, but in English layout on the keyboard, for example your password "catboots" in English layout it will look like this: « rjndcfgjuf[». But in this in simple form do not leave a password, complicate it by adding capital letters, several characters and numbers: " Puss!in!Boots10"- in English it will look like this: « Rjn!d!fgjuf)