How to broadcast Internet radio. Step by step instructions

The Internet is developing rapidly, users' channel width is becoming wider, which means that they go online not only for text information and pictures, but also to listen to music and watch videos. Therefore, online radio stations are becoming more and more popular.

Many people believe that creating Internet radio is very difficult, since creating it will require a powerful server and expensive software. This is partly true - if you want to create commercial online radio for a wide audience. However, if your goal is a “chamber” radio station for a narrow circle of listeners, you can avoid serious expenses.

To create an Internet radio, you will need a fairly powerful computer (you can do without a “sophisticated” server, but a “typewriter” will not be enough), a wide Internet channel and special software. There are various programs that allow you to create Internet radio, we will tell you about creating an online radio station using the example of free software Shoutcast.

The basis of your radio station will be the popular Winamp, and you also need to download two programs from - SHOUTcast Server and SHOUTcast Plug-in. First, install and configure the server. After running the installer, install the server, then go to the directory where the program was installed and open the sc_serv.ini file with any text editor.

A complete list of server settings can be found on, let's talk about the basic settings. You should enter three main parameters:

  • PortBase: port on which the server will operate (by default, port 8000 is assigned, it is better not to change it if you have it free);
  • MaxUser: the maximum number of users who can simultaneously listen to the radio station;
  • Password: password for remote server administration, we recommend choosing a more complex combination.

Now install SHOUTcast Plug-in and launch Winamp. Go to the player options, find the DSP/Effect item, then Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP. Click the Configure active plug-in button. In the settings window that opens, go to the Output tab and activate the Connect at Startup and Automatic Reconnection on Connection Failure options.

  • Address – the computer on which the server is installed (if the server is located on the same computer, enter or Localhost);
  • Port – port (taken from the server settings);
  • Password – password (taken from the server settings).

Leave all other settings at default for now and go to the Encoder tab. Here you can configure the audio codec type, audio bitrate and broadcast mode (mono or stereo). You can save up to five groups of settings and switch between groups depending on the channel bandwidth and the number of listeners.

In Input tab you configure what will be broadcast: music or music and voice. To transfer only music, you need to select the Winamp option in the drop-down list; to transfer music and voice - Soundcard Input. The following options are available for Soundcard Input:

  • Open Mixer – opens the system mixer window;
  • Push to Talk – activates the ability to simultaneously broadcast music and voice from a microphone, “sticking” this option is activated by the Lock button;
  • Music Level – music volume;
  • BG Music Level – volume of background music when the microphone is working;
  • Mic Level – microphone volume;
  • Fade Time – fade time (volume change when Push to Talk mode is activated and deactivated).

After setting up the plugin, start the server, in Winamp go to the Output tab and click Connect. To check if you were able to create an Internet radio, enter the following address in the address bar:

If the SHOUTcast server page opens with track histories and the current server status, everything worked out for you. To listen to the radio, click on the Listen link or add the address to the player .

Please note that if you want to give your friends a link to listen to your radio, as the server address you need to use the IP address of your computer on the Internet(or on a local network, if your listeners are on the same network as you), they will not go to the radio station’s page using the IP address Localhost/!

If you want so that the radio station you create is available not only to selected users, but also to everyone on the Internet, you need to click the Yellowpages button on the Output tab. If you enable the Make this server public option, information about your station appears on the home page. But to do this, in the Yellowpages settings you need to enter a description of the station, genre of music, and contact information of the DJ.

It is also possible create an Internet radio using online radio station management systems, for example,,, You create an account on the site, and you are allocated a certain amount of disk space on the server and a channel of a certain width. You can download and stream your favorite music, as well as live stream from your computer.

As you can see, creating an internet radio is not that difficult. A little patience - and you can try yourself as a radio DJ.

If you are planning to create and open a radio, then you are on the right track. In addition, finding a sponsor for your radio project will not be difficult: today radio and radio frequencies are a profitable business, comparable to purchasing apartments. Therefore, many businessmen are happy to invest their money in the radio business and make a profit from advertising on existing radio stations or leased frequencies.

How to open FM radio - step by step instructions

Let's look at an example of step-by-step instructions for those who do not know how to open a radio.


First of all, we transfer our brilliant idea from our heads to paper - we draw up a radio business plan. Our goal is to interest people in our project who can become sponsors. Therefore, this point must be approached with all responsibility. First of all, we carefully prescribe the originality of the idea and the format of the future radio station. Next, we show the potential investor all the costs (equipment, wages), ways to earn money from the radio, expected profits and, most importantly, the time frame within which the company will reach self-sufficiency.

Registration of a legal entity

We receive the status of a legal entity. This is the requirement of the legislation of the Russian Federation for obtaining a radio broadcasting license.

Find out the exact coordinates

We determine the exact coordinates of the transmitter location down to latitude and longitude. You will need to report this data, as well as the broadcast radius and power of the radio device, to the Main Radio Frequency Center.

Documents for opening a radio

We proceed to the most important point of the program - collecting documents for opening a radio. It is best at this stage to contact the specialists of the subsidiary company of the Main Radio Frequency Center. It must be said that these services are expensive, but it’s worth it: it’s unlikely that you yourself will be able to coordinate all your documents with military units and research institutes of the Ministry of Defense.

Broadcast Frequency Development

If there are free frequencies within the FM range (87.5 - 108.0 MHz), then you may receive a GRCH conclusion with the frequency you desire for broadcasting. By the way, do not think that the higher it is, the better the radio broadcasting. Most often it happens like this: with identical transmitters, for example 4 W, and equal antenna suspension, the range of the device at a frequency of 87.5 will be greater than 107.9.

If you are unlucky, there is no free frequency, frequency development begins. However, it often happens that besides you, someone else (another radio) claims the frequency. In this case, a competition is announced.

Broadcasting competition

The competition is held only in regions with a population of more than 200 thousand people twice a year. All information about him can be obtained on the website of the Independent Radio Broadcasting Foundation In addition, know that the competition can be won by a person who does not intend to open a radio and broadcast in the near future. He rents out the frequency, and this is a very profitable business.

Registering your radio as a media outlet

Next, you issue a certificate of registration of the radio channel depending on the broadcast radius: in the territorial or, when broadcasting to several regions of the Russian Federation, in the central branch of Roskomnadzor. Within 30 days, undergo a uniqueness check for the name of your radio station and after that you will receive a certificate. Don't forget that you must start broadcasting within a year to ensure your certificate is not liquidated.

Obtaining a license for radio broadcasting

The next step is to obtain a radio broadcasting license. You prepare a program concept for broadcasting your radio, a package of documents and, together with a covering letter, submit it to the same Roskomnadzor body, which will issue this license.

We obtain a license for communication services for the purpose of broadcasting

In addition, you receive another license from Roskomnadzor - an operator's license - by submitting the appropriate application and a package of necessary documents.

Obtaining permission to use selected radio frequencies

And one more document that, upon your application, Roskomnadzor will issue you is permission to use the radio frequency for 10 years, which is indicated in the conclusion of the Main Radio Frequency Center.

Registering the radio transmitter

All documents are in the territorial office of Roskomnadzor, you have the last document - a certificate of registration of your radio transmitter.

We buy equipment

You look for premises, install a radio transmitter and on-air equipment, undergo testing during the temporary broadcast period, receive the right to engage in commercial activities and, finally, launch for good! Almost everything! You can breathe out! Or, on the contrary, is everything just beginning?!

It turns out that creating your own radio station is not an easy matter. You have to go through a difficult path of passing authorities and collecting documents in order to open a radio. But believe me: it's worth it!

Prepared based on the material , by Yuliana Romanova.

There are a lot of services on the Internet that allow you to create your own radio channels, but they are all foreign, template and typical. We will tell you how to make your own Internet radio - your own “Pirate Station”. We will teach you how to broadcast from your home computer to the entire Internet. Because that's the real romance of a pirate radio station. True "old school"!

So, let's go. This article talks about how to create your own Internet radio with the ability to go on air.

In fact, it's no more difficult than making an audio clip - you'll need several programs. The first program that will be useful to you is the server. It is needed so that listeners can connect to your radio... We recommend using Icecast2. It can be downloaded from any free source. Now let's talk about setting it up... Let's start the server. In the window that appears at the top there is a Configuration line. Click on it. The server settings have opened. Of all this, we only need a few lines...


Enter your password here and remember it

enter the same password as above

Enter your nickname here
enter the password

We save the changes... The server setup is completed... Now to check, click Start Server. If everything is configured correctly, then a green sign with the inscription Running should appear on the right. Stop the server and close it...

Now we need a program for broadcasting radio on the Internet... We will use SAM Broadcaster 4, because... it is one of the most convenient for broadcasting in general and broadcasting on the Internet in particular... You can download it from any free source. Downloaded. Let's launch.

Now we have to configure Sam...

A window with several signs has appeared in front of you... Now let's remove the extra ones and add the ones we need... On the top panel of Sam there is the inscription Window. Click and check the boxes only against Clock (optional), Statistic relays, Encoders, Volume, Voice FX, Deck A, Deck B, History, Queue, Playlist. The remaining checkboxes can be unchecked. Now to the setup. In the Encoders window, click the black cross on the panel. Select mp3PRO. In the window that opens, in the Format field, select the sound quality of the music (depending on the number of listeners, computer power and Internet connection speed). Next, at the top of the window, switch to Server Details. In Server Type, select IceCast. Below we select IceCast 2. Server IP - write the Internet IP. For those who don’t know, you can find out at Server Port - 8000. Password - the password that was entered when setting up the server. Mount - /live. Station name - nickname that was entered in the server settings.

Well, that's basically all. Click OK. We minimize Sam and turn on the server (forget to click Start Server). We minimize the server and expand Sam. You now have a string in the Encoders field. Click on it once and click on the black triangle (to the right of the black plus). If everything is configured correctly, Sam will connect to the server. Now let's check... Add several songs or audiobooks to the Queue field. Double click on the first one and playback will begin. In the Volume window, turn off the sound. Go to the audio player, click add URL. Enter http://your IP:8000/live.

Turn it on.

If the player starts playing, congratulations, you have your own “pirate” radio for free, but if not, then re-read the article from the beginning and do everything according to the instructions...

Good luck in creating your own radio, and our service will be happy to help you create its individual style and videos.

Use of all text or its fragments is permitted only with a link to this page.

There are many radio enthusiasts who want to create their own FM station, but not everyone has a clear idea of ​​how to do this. Therefore, this article is devoted to how to create your own radio.

Necessary first steps before opening

The first thing to start with is completing the necessary documentation. First of all, you need to open a legal entity, for example, a company, the charter of which will indicate the following types of activities:

  • creation of television and radio projects;
  • advertising of a commercial and political nature;
  • television and radio broadcasting;
  • activities related to the media;
  • the possibility of purchasing studio space for radio stations and various facilities used for radio broadcasting.

Preparation for activities

In this paragraph we will tell you how to create your own radio. When the necessary documents are completed, it’s time to register the media and begin developing the frequency. To do this, you will need to write an application for its provision. At all these stages, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer in order to make the best decision.

Before attempting to obtain a frequency, it is necessary to prepare information regarding what power the transmitter will be used, where it is intended to be located, and where the radio station itself will be located.

When calculating possible prospects, it is worth taking into account the fact that you cannot buy a radio frequency, since it is a state resource. It is not sold as a product, but is played out in a competition between applicants. In this regard, it may happen that someone else receives the frequency.

If this happens, don't despair. Sometimes the competition is won by the one who currently does not plan to carry out his own broadcasting on the received frequency. In this case, the conversation about renting it will be relevant.

Supply and demand

You need to understand that a radio station is an information product, and you can make money on it only if listeners like it. If this does not happen, then there is no need to talk about any future.

Before you create your own radio, you need to think about what the radio station will be like (style, air content, the notorious highlight). How will it differ from competitors? The more unique elements a new radio station has, the greater its chances of becoming one of the most popular or at least profitable.

It's impossible to please everyone!

Modern radio stations, as a rule, choose a specific format aimed at a specific target audience: young people, those over 40, progressive people a little over thirty, fans of club music, etc. You won’t be able to please everyone, so you need to understand what the the target audience of the new station - for whom the presenters will broadcast on its waves and what genre of music will be a priority.

The moment of demand is quite important, the technical side is related. To understand which direction is best to broadcast, you need to ask yourself what people want but aren’t getting. By answering it, you need to turn the radio station into satisfying the desires of the target group of radio listeners.

Necessary equipment costs

Let's move on to the most important question of how much it costs to create a radio station. One of the main costs will be those associated with obtaining frequencies and registering media.

In order for the station to start broadcasting, it will be necessary to purchase or rent premises in which it will be possible to set up a studio, a place for a DJ and guests (interesting personalities should periodically appear on air).

You also cannot do without an equipment room, where all conditions will be created for the sound engineer to work comfortably. In this case, you will also need a candidate for the position of secretary and manager, whose responsibilities will include some administrative issues and promotion of the station (necessary contacts, negotiations regarding the sale of advertising time, etc.).

As for equipment, for normal operation of the station you need to purchase a computer, the necessary software for quickly working with music, a transmitter, antennas, a good headset and microphones.

On average, it will take about 500 thousand rubles to create your own radio. However, much will depend on the city in which it was decided to start its activities. The larger the settlement, the higher the amount of initial capital will be.

Necessary advertising costs

This item will also require expenses. It’s worth taking a step back and saying that with the help of your radio you can make money by placing someone else’s advertisements. If you look, for example, how much radio advertising costs in Moscow, you will see impressive prices, which you, as the future owner, cannot but please. Let's go back.

So, by the time the broadcast starts, you need to prepare the necessary commercials for the new radio, a stylish screensaver that would make the radio station recognizable. It will also be necessary to place advertisements in popular publications and on local television.

You can also make your name known through advertising on Yandex, Google, as well as on social networks. The latter, by the way, should not be neglected. The fact is that tens of thousands of residents of the city where the new radio will open visit social networks. The good news is that the administration of the same site “VKontakte” provides the opportunity for advertising, which, moreover, will be displayed exclusively on the pages of representatives of a specific target audience (residents of a certain city who are of a relevant age for the radio station).

Since it is unlikely that you will be able to fill the airwaves on your own every day for 24 hours right away, there will be a need to conclude an agreement that allows you to broadcast broadcasts from a regional radio station. A little advice: all costs need to be calculated before creating your radio.

Internet access

It is unnecessary to say that the Internet is an integral part of the life of modern society. Therefore, not using the worldwide network to promote your own radio station would be a global mistake. Quite a lot of young people and freelancers, who, while working at home on a computer, would not mind listening to good music, have long forgotten about a regular radio. Such homebodies (and there are many of them) listen to the radio via the Internet.

Therefore, in order to quickly attract the largest number of regular listeners, you need to bring the radio station to the Internet space. To do this, you can use Winamp, some Internet services and a server, with the help of which users can listen to the radio station. There are many step-by-step instructions on the Internet that describe in detail what and where to click.

It is advisable that the radio station have its own website with the ability to download a plugin that allows you to listen to the radio without logging into an Internet browser. Competition in this type of activity is at a fairly high level, so you will have to make every effort and create a high-quality product that will be worthy of the sympathy of thousands of listeners. In the future, when your radio station develops, you can consider how to organize radio broadcasting as a franchise .

Business plan is your assistant

In any business there are many nuances, different calculations and aspects in which you may not understand something. In this situation, a document will help, which will subsequently become the main one in the company. And if you plan to attract investors, then you can’t do without it. A radio business plan will help you structure all the information and decide whether it’s worth spending time and effort on this particular business.

Many things in our life need to be done in stages. If you really want to get on the radio, but FM is not hiring you yet, work at your own Internet station, gain experience and make your dreams come true. In this article I will tell you in detail about how I, a completely inexperienced user, was able to start broadcasting on the Internet without any problems. For everything to work out you need to master everything 4 simple steps:

  1. Register on
  2. Install the Radioboss program on your computer
  3. Set up broadcast
  4. Create a music database

1. Go to free online hosting for Internet radio stations Click registration. We fill out all the fields, receive a confirmation link in your email, and follow the link. Go to your profile. My radio stations – create a radio station (specify the name and password for broadcasting). Once you have created a station, click “Manage Radio Station”, go to streams and rewrite the name of the stream, for example Thread 13703_default

2. Install the Radioboss program to your computer. How can I get it?

  • Download the demo version for free on the website. It will allow you to run the program 50 times and in 1 launch continuously broadcast for 5 hours in a row
  • You can buy the program on the same site. It costs 3100 (with the ability to broadcast on the Internet) for a license, I’m going to purchase it in the near future)
  • You can find it on torrents, but I don’t advise you to do this, since using illegal software can lead to jail time, keep in mind! :|

Installing the program is very simple.

3. Now it's a matter of settings.

  • Go to settings - settings
  • We will need 3 tabs: Broadcast, playback, microphone

BROADCASTING Put a tick "Enable broadcast". Click on the plus sign and in the Connection tab, specify the server name and password

  • password: you asked for your radio station
  • server name:, where my_stream is the name of your stream.

If you have an Internet connection, the message will appear active. PLAYBACK Main exit - no sound, by default the 2nd output - for example, the front speakers, maybe you have something else.

MICROPHONE In the devices, we indicate our microphone and adjust the volume level of the music during a conversation and the level of the microphone itself. You can set it like mine, and then adjust it during experiments. If everything is correct, a message will appear indicating that the connection has occurred and a button "Broadcasting" will be enabled.

4. Broadcasting To broadcast you need music.

  • Go to the music database section - launch.
  • A work area opens into which you must load the music you want to broadcast.
  • Download songs in mp3 format

After this, you should edit the database so that all song titles and artist names are spelled correctly

Next tab "Playlist"- a playlist generator where you set all the parameters you want. As soon as the playlist appears on the right side of your work screen, click on the song and let's go)

To hear your radio station on the Internet, go to her address on the Internet, wait a minute after the broadcast starts, the data is not updated every second, and click on the 128 Kb button. If you want to go live, just click on the microphone icon - say the phrase and turn off the icon. It's very simple! Coming soon I'll make a full-fledged radio station. :bigsmile: In the comments I suggest sharing your experience of creating a radio station and by email [email protected] write articles about how else you can start broadcasting on the Internet. The most interesting article will be published, and its author will receive an original multimedia disc from me

Yuliana Romanova