How to find out and increase traffic to a VKontakte page. How to increase activity in the VK group (and other social networks)

Communities on social networks are an additional type of platform that can completely replace a website. Owners of promoted groups receive no less money than webmasters, but to achieve this they will have to work hard. Beginners mistakenly believe that the most important thing is to attract many participants; in fact, activity in the group is much more important.

The more comments, reposts and likes, the better. Firstly, it shows the audience’s involvement in the posts, and secondly, it attracts the attention of people who are still thinking about whether to join the group or not. Increasing activity in the community is not so easy, but there are some clever tricks to do it.

To clearly show that all the techniques described below work, look at these statistics:

The number of likes did not rise above 500; other indicators were almost zero. Surely you are also unhappy with the statistics of your community. If the group is being prepared for sale, then you don’t have to bother and just order a boost in activity. You can order such a cheat on, it will cost inexpensively:

If you want to create a popular community that will generate good income in the future, there is no need to use cheats. To increase participant activity, you will need to apply the following actions:

1. Don’t post everything in the group, choose really interesting posts so that they collect likes (remember that calls for likes are prohibited).

2. Periodically add posts with questionable or controversial information to liven up the comments.

3. Another way to increase comments under posts is to create useful communication. For example, your group may ask questions, suggest something, and so on. The most important thing is not to forget to tell the participants about this.

4. In posts you can publish any information and ask questions to participants (would you like to try, you have this, it has happened to you).

5. All commentators want their opinion to be valued and not to go unnoticed, so keep the conversation going in the comments.

6. Don’t forget to periodically clean it and watch out for spam in the comments, it needs to be deleted quickly.

7. Add tricky phrases in your publications so that users repost (for example, put it on your wall, share with friends, etc.):

8. Periodically, you need to hold competitions and prize draws; this is one of the best ways to revive your audience. In addition to the fact that many will show interest, the competition will bring new participants to the group.

9. The call to action should be everywhere, so it’s a good idea to put “Subscribe” on your avatar:

10. Don’t forget to remind visitors that they need to subscribe to group news so as not to miss new posts. Just add the phrases “Subscribe and don’t miss the most interesting things” to your posts.

11. Start as many interesting discussions as possible, actively participate in them and develop dialogues (argue, swear, admire).

12. Be sure to use wiki markup and add various blocks of information in the group description (links to discussions, interesting posts, etc.).

13. Conducting surveys is another way to get community members to be active. Voting has always attracted attention, but it should be interesting.

14. Invite community members to add their posts, this will help not only increase interest in the group, but also get good posts.

15. Fill your photo albums and videos; the more content in your group, the more likes and reposts.

Using all these methods, you can improve the performance of your community quite well; after almost a year of using them, the graph has changed in a positive direction:

Naturally, during this time, many new members were also attracted through mutual PR with other groups, establishing links in other communities, as well as ordering posts through Sociate and links in. You too can improve the activity schedule in your group and now you have a whole list of actions that will help you do this.

1,000,000 active subscribers, easily!

In this article we will talk to you about activity in your group. First, let’s find out what activity is and what its main indicators exist.

Key indicators:
— number of “likes”;
— number of reposts;
— number of comments;
— the degree of motivation of the subscriber to join the group or “public”.

I’ll say right away that I don’t recommend using “gray” schemes to increase these indicators (programs and services to increase “likes”, reposts, etc.), because I think this is complete nonsense. Cheating creates only an appearance effect, but not a real result. If you are working on quality and getting a good profit from your project, then I recommend using only “white” promotion methods

How to increase the number of “likes”?

The most important rule of all: use quality content that will interest your target audience! Very often, administrators use the slogan “If you like it, give it a like!” in their posts. But now this method must be used very carefully. In particular, the VK administration banned the use of such calls in competitions. You can read more about this innovation. The main recommendation for increasing “likes” is to constantly work on content. If the content of the project is unique and interesting to the audience, you will be happy in the form of great activity in the group

How to increase the number of reposts?

The same rule applies here as in the previous case. You can put calls “Repost!” or (as an option for hidden marketing) at the end of a useful article write “Save it on the wall so as not to lose it!” But again, according to the new rules, this cannot be used in competitions. The main emphasis should be on the quality of content!

How to increase the number of comments?

Here everything is a little simpler than in the two previous cases, and you have room for maneuver. Firstly, the content must be “catchy”. I will give a few striking examples: the groups “Anti-Maidan” and “Maidan”. These projects are aimed at covering political events in Ukraine - this is precisely the topic that interests and worries the people. Pay attention to the number of likes, reposts and comments in these groups. Another striking example is the group “Everyone in Pattaya”. This project - despite only having 12,000 subscribers - maintains a high level of activity and discussion. Thanks to what? The answer is simple! This is the first group in Thailand that united the Russian-speaking diaspora around itself. People go there to ask questions about living in this country. And as we understand, there are usually plenty of such questions

How to motivate a visitor to subscribe?

Again, the best motivation is quality content! But today we will look at a few more interesting features.

Chip No. 1
Write the word “SUBSCRIBE!” on your community avatar. or “JOIN!”

In addition to the above-mentioned ways to increase audience activity, the following can be noted:
— conducting surveys where several answer options are offered:

- conducting surveys where the user is asked to write his answer in the comment:


You need to understand that without having subscribers in the group, you will not be able to increase activity in it, no matter what actions you take: if there are no people, then there will be no activity either.

If you have questions about the content of this article, ask them in your comments.

Good luck to you in business. J

Whose rake is better to learn from?

Typically, with such a launch, investments are returned in about 10 months. But our hero decided to go his own way and launched an advertising campaign on his own. Moreover, he decided to launch immediately powerfully. His advertising budget was about 100,000 rubles. For 100,000 rubles. in one day A**** bought advertising in several dozen “millionaires”. So what do you think? The price of one subscriber was 9 rubles! As a result, for a budget of 100,000 rubles, he received only 11,000 subscribers! Although, if he had not carried out unnecessary experiments, he would have received at least 40,000 subscribers. But we have to give A**** his due! After such a failure, he did not give up, analyzed his mistakes and continued promoting his project together with one of the largest SMM agencies. At the moment, his project has about 300,000 subscribers.

In this note I wanted to show that if you are going to the market with decent budgets, you have two options:
1) take a risk and try to set up an advertising campaign on social networks yourself;
2) trust the professionals and get a project that will bring a stable profit.
Which method is better is up to you to decide.

P.S. If the second way is closer to you, write to our support service.

SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization, and translated from English means “search engine optimization” or “search engine optimization”. Search engines scan all online resources and sort (index) them according to certain laws.

Search engine optimization is performed to ensure that the site is “liked” by search engines. High positions of a resource in search results guarantee good traffic. Almost 100% of all users follow the top three links from the first page of search results. Few make it to the end of the first page, and only the most persistent and meticulous move on to the second and third.

Your first task after launching a website is to actively promote it so that it appears on the first page, or better yet, in the top 3 of search results. This is not so easy to do. It will take long and painstaking work, the result of which will depend not only on your efforts, but also on many other factors, such as competition in your field. We will talk about the basics of search engine promotion and indicate methods of “black hat” SEO, the use of which can cause search engines to remove your site from search results.

SEO Basics

1. Be careful when choosing a domain name. A simple and euphonious site name is important not only for attracting visitors, but also for promotion in search engines. An excellent option when the domain name reflects the scope of the brand. For example, a pizzeria called Mario's should include the word "pizza" in its domain:

2. Add meta tags for the site and for each of its pages - the title and description of the site. They are not visible to site visitors, but are important to search engine crawlers. You should definitely include keywords - this will help search engines quickly understand the topic of your site. By the way, homepage meta tags will be visible in search results, so it would be a good idea to make them attractive. After all, it is based on this description that the user decides whether to go to your site or not.

3. Optimize the content of your resource:

  • The amount of text on each page should not be too small, but not too large. There is still debate about the approximate figure. One thing is clear: no one will read a long boring text full of outdated facts. Therefore, post quality content and update it constantly. There is a simple rule: what visitors like is likely to be liked by search engines.
  • Key words. They are needed, they work, they help your site quickly reach the top positions in search results. But mark yourself with a red marker: the keys must fit organically! It's high time to say goodbye to dull, keyword-rich SEO texts. Only interesting and useful content actively works for the benefit of your site.
  • Relinking. Be sure to include links in your texts that lead to other pages on your site. Skillfully entered active links will guide your visitor from the landing page to the page where he will perform the action you need.

4. Use outbound external links. Many people are afraid to give links from their resource to third parties, they say, why would I take my traffic outside? In fact, external links to high-ranking resources with a good reputation work for you. A link to information useful to the user that is not on your site increases the value of your resource.

  • Create groups on social networks and regularly fill them with news about new publications on your website with active links to them. In addition, post additional content in groups that (we're talking about this again!) will be attractive to visitors. This will ensure subscriber growth.
  • Start a blog on a third-party resource. In it you can make announcements of new texts and news from the site (with active links, of course) or write articles of other content, organically supplementing them with links. Let's give an example: let's say your website is a store of bicycles and spare parts for them. On your blog, you can write reviews of new products or articles on how to repair a bicycle yourself, providing links to spare parts sold on your website. And share links to blog articles on social networks: on your pages and in large communities with suitable topics.

6. Add Title and Alt attributes to all images. This is the name and description of the picture, which helps the search engine see it, understand what is depicted on it, and, therefore, index it correctly.

7. Confirm the rights to your site. Only after this you will have access to the information collected by the search robot when indexing your resource, and to statistical data about it. Do this for those search engines in which you expect users to look for you, for example, for Yandex and Google.

Black hat SEO techniques

Of course, as in any business, there are “black” techniques in SEO that work effectively, but only until you get caught. Having caught you using illegal techniques, search engines can significantly lower your ranking or even remove the resource from search results. So it’s better not to chase quick results, risking your reputation.

Illegal search engine promotion techniques

The search engine perceives text as hidden if:

  • the font is illegible and small;
  • text is hidden behind other elements, such as images;
  • text is in an area of ​​the page that has been designated as invisible or hidden;
  • the font color blends into the background, that is, almost the same.

2. Keyword spam

We mentioned this when we talked about filling the site. Stop using keywords over and over again.

3. Buying PR links

For a fee, another site hosts your links. This is done to improve your PageRank and is considered spam since search engines can determine that the external links were not placed in an organic way.

4. Using 100% Frame

100% Frame - a page completely covered with a frame and containing content completely different from the subject of the resource. It turns out that the search engine ranks your resource in accordance with your home page, and users see a different site.

5. Using illegal redirects

Illegal redirects are used to increase the number of times a site is shown in search results - it is shown through different domains. It happens like this: when you click on a certain URL, you are automatically redirected to another site. The first link appears in the address bar for a second, and then is replaced by another. Only the 301st redirect is recognized as legal.

How to promote your website if you don't understand anything about programming

Nowadays, everyone for whom it is important to have a decent representation on the Internet creates their own website: photographers, musicians, business owners. And, of course, if your activity has nothing to do with programming, you don’t know, and you don’t have to know, all the intricacies of the internal filling of your resource. How to optimize a website when you don’t really understand where to write meta tags, Alt and Title for pictures and other mysterious things?

Without a doubt, if you have some spare money, you can outsource it and spend your time and energy on other important things. But the budget of a start-up company or specialist cannot always safely bear such very serious costs.

We recently wrote that, without programming or design skills, you can create your own website using the platform. Now we have discovered another advantage of this solution: a resource designed in Wix can be easily optimized for search engines.

In editing mode, open “Site Settings” and follow the step-by-step instructions, which are additionally equipped with many tips. The SEO Wizard tool will scan your site and tell you where and what needs to be filled in so that the resource is well indexed.

Have you completed the basic SEO settings, but still feel empowered? You can move on to the advanced level.

Search engine optimization usually seems to uninitiated people as a boring, complex, incomprehensible task, but this is somewhat reminiscent of a quest: complete all the steps to make your website better.

Despite the fact that promoting a website yourself is still more difficult than entrusting it to specialists, there are also significant arguments in favor: you will know exactly what is happening with your resource, what keywords you are using to promote, where external links are located and what they are lead resources. You will be confident that no illegal practices were used, and you will not have to constantly study reports from SEO specialists to understand what work your money was spent on.

We wish you to skyrocket to the top of searches. May SEO success be with you!

Activity in a VK group is often an important indicator of how interesting the content is and whether it is worth subscribing to it at all.

In many groups of existing businesses, one can observe the following picture - the group is used as some kind of “mouthpiece” of the company, which periodically issues some interesting articles and discount offers, BUT there is complete “silence” in the group. There are likes, and sometimes there are reposts - but no one ever writes any questions or is interested in anything. In this case, the question arises of how to increase activity in the VKontakte group or the page that you maintain on other social networks.

The importance of questions in a group/page

A person who is interested in something about your product/service and asks a question is potentially easier to sell something.

Moreover, if the answer is given quickly and efficiently, this may persuade a potential buyer to make a purchase from you.

Firstly, activity in the group depends, among other things, on how quickly and efficiently you answer questions.

You understand that if someone comes to a group and sees that no one answers questions there at all, then maybe he won’t ask them himself - what’s the point if they don’t answer them?

On the other hand, the audience is usually very loyal to the fact that the group or page has answers to questions.

Here’s a typical example: there was some silence on the Facebook page, then someone asked a question, the brand responded, and then other questions started flying.

There may be problems if all the answers look like “call our managers”, “check with our managers”. At such moments I just want to ask:

Why are you even trying to do anything on social networks if you are unable to answer a simple question from a potential client?

Therefore, questions must be answered in a group - quickly, efficiently and efficiently. Then there will be more of them, and some kind of “life” will happen in the group.

How to increase activity in a VK group

There is a simple technique that helps stimulate activity in a group - these are fake questions. The point is that you know in advance the most common questions that you are asked about your business, and you buy on some exchange the actions of people like “ask a question”. And you answer them yourself. Visitors to the group get the feeling that questions are welcomed and answered quickly. Therefore, when a person needs to really ask a question, he will not hesitate to do so.

Why does this work? Let's give a typical example from life. So you come to some bar, and no one is dancing there. The music plays, but there is no dancing. And you want to dance. Few people are ready to just go out into the center of an empty hall and start dancing. Many will simply prefer to go somewhere else where people are dancing. Joining the crowd is much easier than being the first to do something.

Also with comments -

Readers of the group will see what is really here people ask questions and get answers, and will be ready to ask your question.

Polls as a way to increase activity in the VKontakte group

People generally respond very positively to surveys, and you will usually get many more responses to your question than you will get likes, shares or comments. This is also an interesting point that should be used, according to our observations, a user’s answer to a question in a group leads to the fact that he is more often shown posts from the group, and this thus helps to increase reach.

Does this all seem too complicated? Don't want to bother so much?— we will fill your groups with thematic content, promote them, gain an audience, monitor comments, and respond to them according to agreed upon scenarios.

Remove spam from the group in a timely manner

What feeling do you get when you see a group where there is spam from other groups right in the feed or in the comments? We bet you’re thinking: “Yes, this is some kind of abandoned group, the moderator hasn’t even looked here for a long time!”