How to open deleted messages on VK. How can you recover deleted messages in VK from your phone and computer: ways to return a dialogue to VK if you accidentally deleted it

Hi all! It often happens that correspondence in VK is deleted. There may be a failure on the server of the service itself, you can delete the correspondence yourself, someone else can delete it, and so on.

In a word, how to restore deleted messages in VK? You will have to use one of the methods below. If they don’t work, then, unfortunately, nothing can be restored.

How to recover deleted messages on VK - where to start?

First, you need to make sure that everything is in order on your computer or tablet (depending on where you are on the VKontakte social network). You need to check your Internet connection - often correspondence may suddenly disappear if there is a network break. For it to appear, it is enough to simply restart the device, restore the Internet and the messages appear again.

Next, you can try disabling the web filter or antivirus software entirely. They can block some elements on the browser page, including VK messages. After disabling the above, you need to press the “F5” key and refresh the page.

In addition, take care to disable browser add-ons such as “Adblock” or “NoScript”, which can also filter the content of the Internet pages you open. It often happens that correspondence in VK is not deleted, but is hidden from you precisely because of these above-mentioned things.

Often the information itself on the browser page simply freezes, so you will need to clear its cache and log in to VKontakte using your login again.

It also happens that correspondence with a user is lost directly in your account. Then it is enough to click on the desired user in the list of dialogs and using the “Search” button, enter the right word or a phrase, then press “ENTER” and look at the result. Lost messages may well be found.

How to recover deleted messages on VK - other methods.

By default, in VK settings, sending notifications or notifications is disabled. If you once turned it on, then restoring correspondence will not be difficult. The option to send alerts by email must be enabled. All you have to do is go to your mail and look at the letters there. You will need to find a list of incoming contacts and find the desired message chain among it.

If a message was deleted from the correspondence and you, in turn, immediately realized that you want to restore it, then there is almost always a button such as “Restore” right in the message window. By clicking on it, the original dialogue will be restored, everything is very simple.

Another method is very banal - you can ask the user with whom you corresponded to send you copies of all necessary messages. He will be able to do this either directly through VK, or send messages to you on email address.

Another surefire way is to write a message to VK technical support with a request to restore the correspondence. Not necessarily right away, but they will answer you quickly enough and most likely restore all messages. It’s easy to use their help - find the appropriate item at the bottom of the page and click on it.

Deleted VK messages may not be restored - there is such a risk!

Official technical support VK may not be able to restore your deleted messages, especially if the period of their deletion is long enough. But it’s still worth trying.

In addition, I would like to draw your attention to various third party programs and services for restoring deleted messages on VK - do not try to use them under any circumstances. The fact is that all such offers lead either to the theft of your page, or to the theft of personal data and siphoning money from you. Install this software to your computer as individual programs or browser applications and add-ons are extremely unsafe and not recommended.

In addition, you can recover deleted messages on VK via a tablet or smartphone in the usual way Clicking the “Restore” button will not work. This can only be done by texting from a computer, so even immediately after deletion, restoring messages from mobile device won't work.

In addition, you will not be able to recover deleted messages even if you have disabled email notifications.

It is impossible to restore VK messages using even programs specially written for this - this information is confirmed both on the official website of the social network and when contacting technical support.

Thus, we see that it is quite difficult to recover deleted messages in VK, and in some cases it is completely impossible. Therefore, before you are about to delete another correspondence, be sure to think about the possibility of restoring it.

Another way to restore correspondence in VK

Another way to restore correspondence in VK is to retrieve your browser cache. This will not restore the correspondence in its full form, but you can read the lost information and copy it somewhere without any problems. In order to use this method, you need to go into your browser cache, find required pages and download them.

If you have configured automatic cleaning cache or if it does not work at all, then this method will not work either. Otherwise, you can find the necessary data without problems.

Cache settings work differently in different browsers, so it’s difficult to advise anything specific here - look for the instructions for your browser and try to restore the information. In some cases this works. The cache is written regardless of changes made and can be stored on a computer in compressed form last pages, which you visited before the changes were made.

On at the moment current methods There is no way to restore correspondence in VK. Of course, the Internet is full of various tips and special programs, applications and utilities for this matter, but I once again do not recommend that you contact them. Because you will not only lose your personal data and page, but you may also end up with a serious amount of money. Fraudsters are developing various ways taking money from citizens, therefore, on such a popular issue, there are certainly a lot of solutions and viruses that allow you to gain access to a user’s page or even his computer remotely.

Concluding today’s article, I would like to hear your opinion or maybe you have any additions to today’s question - how to recover deleted messages on VK.

The social network VKontakte provides the ability to create a conversation. This is convenient because it allows you to send important information to multiple users at the same time. Each participant can leave the chat and join it again. But how can you return to the conversation if the dialogue is deleted? In this case, it will not appear in the message window. But, fortunately, this is still possible.

Why does correspondence disappear?

Of course, deleted correspondence may be the result of a page malfunction or a bad joke from your friend. But most often, users themselves leave chats and delete all messages - as they say, “burn bridges.”

The reasons vary. The most common is that the conversation became irrelevant, and the person decided not to waste time on it. Or perhaps one of the messages seemed offensive to him. Or was it added new member, with whom the user does not want to correspond. But over time, he may want to return to the conversation. Conversation deleted? It doesn’t matter - you can still add to the chat.

Added by another participant

A user who leaves a conversation can be invited back. So contact one of the members and ask to be added again. To do this, he needs to open “Actions” and select “Add interlocutors”.

In the window that opens, he needs to enter your name or simply find you in the list (if you are on his friends list). If there is a chat free seats, you will be able to continue correspondence with your interlocutors. The information “ Participant's first name and last name returned to the conversation." This is to ensure that all chat members know who has access to the conversation.

Follow the link: first method

The first option is not very convenient, since the user needs to wait for a response from the chat participant. There is an easier way to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted. In this case, we will not need outside help.

Enter in address bar browser link Your first chat will open - it doesn’t matter whether you are currently a member or not. Put last digit 2 - and you will be taken to the second conversation. This way you can select the number of the desired conversation. When you find it, add it in the usual way - through “Actions”.

Up to number 9 the link works well. But it won’t work further if you just insert “10”. The fact is that after the “=” sign there must be 10 digits. Therefore, you should write “2000000010” - that is, remove one zero after the two.

Follow the link: second method

Now let's look at the third option. The principle is the same as in previous method, but you need to use a different link.

Enter in your browser. The number after c is serial number chat. Change it until you get to the conversation you want. Then select "Actions" - "Return to Conversation". This option is convenient because you can easily insert single-digit and double-digit numbers.

View messages

So, we figured out how to return to the VK conversation. If a user deletes a conversation by mistake, they will most likely want to access the messages again. But here he is disappointed: the correspondence does not appear. Communication with participants will begin from the moment they are added again. Everything that was written before cannot be returned.

However, there is no need to despair. Yes, you can't preview the dialogue from the very beginning. But if you just want to re-read important message, ask one of your interlocutors to forward it to you. You can also create a second account and add it to the conversation. Then all correspondence will be revealed to you.

We've looked at three ways to return to a conversation if the dialogue is deleted. Be careful when leaving the chat, the number of places in it is limited. Even if you really want to leave the conversation, think carefully before deleting the correspondence. It may contain important information, access to which will be lost.

We all actively communicate in social networks passing information to each other varying degrees importance. Some conversations can be deleted, but usually the correspondence is of some value, so the question of how to recover deleted messages interests many users.

Instant message recovery

If you accidentally deleted one message, you can immediately return it by clicking on the “Restore” link. After refreshing the page, the link disappears, so it will no longer be possible to return the message to the dialogue.

It is also impossible to restore the entire correspondence this way. When deleting an entire dialogue, VK asks you to confirm your actions, so you won’t be able to roll back the changes.

Viewing messages in mail

If in the VKontakte profile settings you link the page to email and enable notifications about new events, but you can view the text from the remote dialogue in notifications.

To enable notifications:

After turning on notifications, you will receive messages about new events on the VK page by email. In them you can see the text of the correspondence, even if the dialogue is deleted in the profile in Contact.

However there are some restrictions:

  • Text from large messages may not be fully displayed.
  • The text of the message sent to the VK conference is not displayed.

If notifications have not been configured on your VK page or you have deleted notifications about new events by email, then you will not be able to view deleted correspondence using this method. In this case, there is only one way left - contact the person with whom you spoke and ask him to forward the messages to you.

Help from a friend or contact support in VKontakte

If you cleared your message history, then only you lost the dialogue - the people with whom you communicated on VKontakte should still have their correspondence. If your friend on VKontakte also deleted the correspondence or simply does not want to help you, then this method will not work either.

You can contact VK support, but you will receive an answer that deleted messages cannot be restored, and if someone says that this can be done for money, then you are faced with ordinary Internet fraud. No amount of persistent requests helps.– technical support will insist that there is no way to return lost correspondence.

Fraud and a waste of time

The options for returning deleted VKontakte dialogues can be counted on one hand - they are all described above. But there are still rumors circulating on the Internet that it is possible to return lost correspondence if you use special programs recovery or contact the right person.

About " the right people”, which live in the comments under any article about restoring deleted dialogues in VKontakte, we will not talk about - these are ordinary scammers trying to profit from the misfortune of VK users. Let's take a closer look at recovery programs that can supposedly return the VKontakte dialogue after deletion.

One of the suggested methods is to use an extension for VKOpt browser. It adds several interesting features, however, you cannot view deleted dialogs using it. You can only study the statistics of messages in Contact - there will be no erased messages among them.

Using “VKontakte” we are always in touch with friends and family and we can correspond everywhere if there is Internet.
For greater convenience, during correspondence we can forward, copy, search or delete messages. Is it possible to recover SMS after intentional deletion?

1. Return one message
2. How to restore a dialogue in contact
3. New ways to restore correspondence
4. Conclusion

Recovering one individual message

To chat with a friend, you need to go to the “My Messages” tab in the main menu on the left. Here are dialogues with users. Open the chat and see the correspondence.
To delete a letter, you just need to select it and click “Delete”. The request “Are you sure you want to delete 1 message?” will appear, click “Yes” and it will instantly disappear. In its place a blue field with the word “Restore” will appear. Click and the deleted notification will return to full access.
But this method valid until you have buried the dialogue.

How to restore a dialogue in contact

To delete the entire history, you need to go to the “Messages” section, highlight the chat and click “Delete”. IN in this case, the application warns that it is impossible to resume correspondence and asks you to confirm your actions.
Yes, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to return the entire conversation on your own, but in fact, the user can regain access to deleted correspondence.
While the interlocutor remained this story messages, you can ask him to forward SMS and you will be able to see them as incoming messages.
If needed full access notifications, you should contact the VKontakte support service. Open “Help” and type “Recover deleted messages” in the search field.
Click “This doesn’t solve my problem” and go to the help “I still have questions.”
You will be taken to a page where you will personally describe the problem in the notification and send it to support for review. As long as the interlocutor has not deleted the correspondence, the entire history is in the database, and administrators can return it. It’s better to write that the dialogue was not deleted intentionally.
Click the “Submit” footnote and you will see the time it takes for a response to appear. View it in the “My Questions” tab.

New ways to restore correspondence

If the email address is linked to the VKontakte page, then you can use it to read the deleted SMS history.
Go to your VK profile and enable the email notifications function. This is done in the “Settings” section in the “Alerts” tab. In the list above, select the notifications that you want to receive by E-Mail.
You can go to your email and see interesting information from the “VKontakte” page and remote chat. It may not be restored completely - it depends on the size of the correspondence history.
You can use VkOpt extension. This is not independent program or an application, this is just an extension of “VKontakte”. With its help, we have more options on our online profile.
It's quite easy to use. Install it in your browser and log in again. At the bottom of the account you will find the inscription “VkOpt” - that means everything worked out. Go to messages and next to the “Dialogues” section, select “SMS statistics”. Using the extension, we find the user whose correspondence interests you and by selecting the date of communication you can return deleted notifications.
Remember: install this extension necessary from official programs!


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to solve this problem. The most reliable action is to contact a friend or support service, as this does not require additional applications.
Better yet, just don’t delete your messages without making sure you don’t need them.

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Purposefully or by accident, many of the VKontakte users clicked on “Delete” and “Clear message history.” It seems that after this the dialogues disappear forever.

However there are several safe ways return them.
If you haven’t taken any action, and the dialogue with a certain interlocutor suddenly turns out to be empty, then try the following:

  1. Check your internet connection. Such grief can often happen due to the low speed of the communication channel.
  2. Try accessing your page from a different browser, application or device.
  3. Ask if other users have the same problem - perhaps the problem happened on the servers, and after repair work everything will be restored by itself.
  4. If you have an antivirus on your computer, temporarily disable the web filter and reload the page with dialogs - the OS defender could easily “eat” the necessary components of the code.
  5. Turn off filter extensions like NoScript and Adblock in your browser menu, which sometimes get in the way correct operation social networks.
  6. Clear the cache and browser history, exit your page and close it. Then log into your account again.
  7. Try to find the correspondence through a message search - enter in the appropriate box the words that it is guaranteed to contain.

How to recover deleted correspondence in VK

  1. The easiest way is to ask your interlocutor to send you remote dialogue or any part of it - after all, when clearing the history of one user, the second one remains safe and sound until, of course, he deletes it himself. On VKontakte, by the way, it is quite possible to upload a dialogue with all attachments to a PC or laptop.
  2. Go to the “Settings” - “Alerts” section. Find your email for alerts. If there is a “tick” there and in the “Personal messages” sub-item, then in the VK specified during registration mailbox will lie all over deleted history dialogues. However, large messages will not be displayed there in their entirety, and general conversation dialogs will not be stored there at all.
  3. In a similar way, you can see lost messages on your phone again – if in the notification settings you have checked the “Receive SMS alerts” about personal messages checkbox.
  4. It’s easy to get a single, just deleted message back in the browser - after all, immediately after deletion, the “Restore” button appears. However, if after deletion you refreshed the page or switched from it to another, the action cannot be undone.

Such a saving button does not appear even when deleting the entire dialogue - because... the system has already tried to protect you from its rashness, asking you to confirm the deletion action: “Are you sure you want to delete all correspondence with this user? It will be impossible to reverse this action.”

Contact technical support for help - find it at home page link “Help” and describe your problem to the agent in detail. It will be good if you provide screenshots of correspondence with your request or mention any messages from it.

How to recover deleted correspondence on VK: different methods

In most cases, unfortunately, they refuse to restore correspondence, citing the impossibility of such an action. However, technical support always helps restore correspondence to those users who have lost their message archive as a result of their page being hacked.

If you are familiar with a programming language, it is possible to restore the dialogue through the social network API. This process is very long and tedious, since you need to return messages one at a time, be sure to indicate their ID:

In conclusion, I would like to warn you against contacting “ knowledgeable people"and from downloading suspicious software. Alas, these methods will only lead to the loss of money, confidential data of your page and, often, the page itself.

Even the only safe application recommended by many (naturally, only on the official website of the developer) VkOpt is unable to restore lost correspondence. At most, it will reflect the statistics of your messages.

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