How to recover your Google account password. How to recover your password in Google Play - solving the problem with logging into the Play Market

When working with mobile devices based on the Android OS, the user may encounter the inability to gain access to his Google account. When you try to switch to your account, the system displays an error message about entering the password incorrectly, and so on, and accordingly, access to mail on is also blocked. What to do in this situation? In this article, I will talk about recovering your account password on your phone, explain what tools you can use to recover your lost password, and what steps you will need to take to do this.

The problem described above related to losing your phone password can happen for several main reasons:

How to recover your password via

So, how to recover your gmail password? In such cases, we were previously asked to go to and start the password recovery procedure. Now, going to the specified address automatically takes us to, prompting us to enter the email address at, the password for which we have lost.

After correct input, the system offers to verify the account in several ways (sending a request to a mobile device, sending an SMS, calling, sending a confirmation letter to an alternative email address, a series of leading questions about the user’s device), and, with successful validation, the user will be able to change the password for your account and use its updated version.

To do this, you will need to come up with a new password (preferably consisting of a series of letters and numbers) and enter it twice in the appropriate window.

Detailed instructions for restoring access to your Google account are provided here. At the same time, I will immediately point out that writing to the support service about recovering your password in most cases is pointless - you will be asked to go to the password recovery page (the link to it is indicated above) and follow the standard recovery procedure.

How to recover your password via

Another previously existing option for recovering a Google account password was to go to Today, when we try to follow this link, the system automatically redirects us to the one already indicated above, where the user can go through the classic password recovery procedure (SMS, call, leading questions). That is, de facto, there is no difference between following the first or second link.

If you deleted your Gmail account

If for some reason you deleted your Gmail account (or simply did not log into your mailbox for more than 9 months), then most likely you will not be able to restore access to your Google email account. You'll have to create a new account with a different name (you won't be able to take the old name either), and start all over again. If you deleted your account very recently (a week or two), you can try to go to the account recovery page indicated above and try to restore the latter according to the standard procedure.

If attackers have gained access to your account

If your account was hacked by attackers, then the password recovery procedure may become more complicated. To recover through, you should use those tools and information that only you have access to and that third parties do not have access to (for example, correctly answer leading questions about your IP address, your browser version and other private confidential data ).


If you have lost the password to your Google account, use the procedure through to recover your account password on your phone and go through all the steps necessary for this. The most convenient solution would be to recover your password via SMS - it will allow you to easily restore access to your account. If the mobile number has not been linked to your Google mobile account before, then you should use confirmation through an alternative email and answers to leading questions - this will allow you to correctly log into your account and continue to enjoy the full capabilities of its functionality.

    Find out the password in the Play Market, if you have forgotten it, you can use a simple password recovery service, where you need to enter your email address with which you registered your account, or the login with which you registered, and then enter the code suggested in the picture. After this, an email should be sent to your email address with further instructions on how to recover your forgotten password.

    Additionally, since the Play Store service uses your Google Account credentials, you can use the Data Recovery Wizard to recover them.

    If this option doesn’t work, you can create a new mailbox on Google, and then enter the login and password for the created new mailbox into your phone settings. To recover your email password or login, you need to go to the Google website, find the item Can’t sign in to your account, click on it and follow the prompts.

    There is this advice online for this case for Android:

    Go to Settings > Applications

    Click on Google Play Store

    Click the Clear data button.

    Apparently, in this case, it means setting a new password.

    I once had to help a friend recover his Play Market password. I used the Recovery password recovery service. Everything turned out quite simply and quickly. The second option is also possible - by creating a new mailbox.

    Google has a password recovery wizard called Recovery via an external link here.

    Go into it and select the section I don’t remember the password and you need to enter the email address, the recovered password from the Play Market will be sent there.

    There you can also make a request for all lost Google passwords.

    There are two ways to do this.

    1 Method. It is suitable not only for password recovery in the Play Market, but also for all other Google services. It's called Recovery. In this wizard, select the I don’t remember my password option

    The return letter will contain the Play Market password.

    2 Method. Creating a new mail in Google. Then enter its data into the appropriate settings on your phone. To restore your personal data, go to Google and select the option Can't sign in to your account. Then follow the instructions.

    To find out the password in Play Market, you can use one of the following methods:

    • In the Recovery password recovery wizard, use the I don’t remember my password option. We enter your email address and receive an email with a password from the Play Market.
    • Through the phone number linked to the account. You need to create a new mailbox in Google, enter the mailbox data into the phone settings. Then go to Google and, selecting Can't sign in, follow the instructions.
  • One way is to use a special service called Recovery(from Google).

    Check the box next to the line I don’t remember my password and then you will be asked to recover your password via email.

    If this is your account, then you must remember which email address this account is linked to. By completing the simplest operations in the Google password recovery service, you will gain access to your lost account. If this is not your account, then it is impossible to recover your password without access to the linked mailbox.

The Google Play service is available as standard software for any device based on the Android operating system. There are many ways to restore the operation of this service, and we will consider the most common and effective options for troubleshooting the Play Market below.

The easiest ways to restore the Play Market

Problems with Google Play happen for many reasons: for example, various technical failures of the service itself, or the reason may be in the device itself on which the Play Market is installed. In order to restore the application, you will need to apply a number of standard actions that can be a solution to troubleshoot Google Play. So, if the program does not respond to your requests in any way, then perform the following actions:

  • Reboot the device. To do this, press the power off key, select the “Restart” command from the proposed list and restart the device software. For the Android OS, some program freezes are quite common, and rebooting the device very often helps solve the problem not only with Google Play, but also with other applications.
  • If rebooting does not help, then reset the settings of the Google Play Market program. In most cases, this method is the most effective for restoring normal operation of the Play Market. To do this, perform the following operations: go to the “Settings” menu; select the “Application Manager” or “Applications” option; Find Google Play Market in the list of applications and click on it. A program management window will open, in which you select the “clear cache” command, and in older versions of the Android OS, select the “wipe data” command. After resetting Google Play settings, be sure to restart your device. If after these steps the Play Market refuses to work, we recommend that you follow the next troubleshooting step.

  • Uninstalling Google Play updates. To do this, follow the previous steps: menu “Settings” - “Application Manager” - Google Play Market. In the open Play Store application window, select the “Uninstall updates” option. This troubleshooting method will help if the latest Play Store updates are somehow incompatible with your device, or have flaws that prevent the program from functioning normally. This way you will return the Google Play Market to its original state, that is, the old version of this application will remain on your device. Also, after uninstalling updates, the device should be rebooted.

  • If the methods suggested above do not fix the problem with the Play Market, then try deleting your Google account. Before doing this, you need to synchronize the data on your device with your existing account, or rather, make a backup copy of your data. To save your data before deleting your account, we synchronize the device using a set of the following commands: menu “Settings” - “Accounts and synchronization” (in newer versions of Android devices this is the “Accounts” tab).

  • In the tab, select the desired Google account (your Google mailbox), and execute the “Synchronize” command. For synchronization, select all those items that are important to you. This could be your contacts, personal information, photos, auto-fill data, or others.
  • We click on the desired tab, and the device creates a backup copy on the Internet. You can also sync all your data at once by selecting the appropriate option.

  • After successful synchronization, you can delete your Google account. We do this using the following commands: “Settings” – “Accounts and synchronization”, open the Google mailbox, and click “Delete account”. recording." After this, we reboot the device and re-enter your account login information. After logging into your account again, the system will offer to restore the saved data to your device. If a failure in the Play Market is due to internal errors in the Google Play Market, then this option for restoring the service is the most acceptable.

Incompatibility of downloaded applications

Sometimes the reason Google Play Market does not work correctly is the incompatibility of some programs that were downloaded independently. Such applications can greatly affect the work, even blocking the Play Market. The list of such programs is quite large, and if this is the cause of the problem, such programs are removed and the system is subsequently rebooted. One of the most popular malware is Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free. To remove this application correctly, perform the following operations:

  • We go to the already familiar “Settings” - “Application Manager” menu.
  • Select Freedom and open the application.
  • Then we press the “Stop” button, that is, we stop the application, and only then delete it.
  • To restore the Play Market, it is very important to first stop the malicious application and then remove it.
  • Don't forget to reboot your device after completing the removal operations.

A radical way to restore the Play Market

Resetting Android settings means deleting all settings saved in the memory of the device’s operating system. In this way, it is possible to solve all problems in the Android system, and not only with the Play Market service. Before resetting your settings, be sure to back up your data to your Google Account. To execute this command go to:

  • “Settings” – “Backup”.
  • Select the “Data reset” menu item, that is, reset all parameters and delete all data on the device.
  • Next, restart your device and restore the backup data from your Google account.

Note: the memory card is not involved in resetting the settings.

The Android operating system is very characterized by some freezing in the operation of applications. In most cases, to restore correct operation of the Play Market, it is enough to perform the above steps. Also, before you doubt the correct operation of this application, it is strongly recommended to check the quality of your Internet connection, or simply reboot the router.

Hello friends! When creating your Google account, for example, registering in Gmail or the Play Market on your smartphone, you filled out the necessary form, indicating your username, login, password, phone number and much more. Even if the combination of characters used to enter was not complex and memorable, it would still be necessary to write it down somewhere: on a piece of paper, in a notepad, or in a Word file on the computer. But since you are reading this article, you didn’t do that. Perhaps you didn’t plan to log out of your account, but the situation might not have depended on you, say, you had to reset your phone to factory settings.

In general, no matter what happens, let’s now look at how to recover your Google account password in various ways. Let me note right away that if you do not have access to it on a phone with the Android operating system, these instructions will also work for you. We will do the entire recovery procedure on a computer through a browser, preferably Google Chrome, and after you come up with a new combination, you can go to any Google service on your smartphone or tablet: Drive, Play Store and others.

The main thing: do not forget to write down your login and password in a place where you can always look at it!!! There you can also add the phone number specified in your profile and a backup email address.

Pay attention! Try to answer all the questions that will be asked to you. If you can't remember the correct answer, try to guess. The more information you provide, the faster access will be restored. Also try to complete the entire procedure in the place where you most often visit your account: at home, at the institute, at work. Use your usual device, your phone or PC.

Using old password

Open the Chrome browser (or the one you usually use) on your computer and on the main Google search page, click the “Login” button to log in to your account.

Then enter your login - this is either a phone number or email address. Click "Next".

It’s at the next step that the problem arises. Here you need to click “Forgot your password?” to reset it.

If you recently changed this combination to another, then simply enter the old set of characters in the field provided and click the “Next” button. This method is relevant if you changed it not so long ago - you haven’t remembered the new one yet, but you still remember the old one.

Now the system must verify that it is really you. A notification will be sent to your device. If you didn’t receive anything, or you clicked the wrong button, select “Send again.”

In the notification sent, click the “Yes” button.

The old password will be reset and a window will appear where you need to enter a new set of characters and confirm it. Then click “Change”. Now you can go to your profile.

Recover without password

Now let's figure out how to restore access if you don't remember your password. To do this, at the step where you are asked to enter the old character set, you need to select “Another method”.

A notification will be sent to your phone. If it is not there, then click the button below again.

For those users who indicated their number in their profile, it will be possible to recover their password using their phone number, the following window will appear. They may call you or send you an SMS with a code. Enter it in the specific field (it will appear) and you will be taken back to the page to change your password. If this doesn’t work, click “I don’t have access to my phone.”

This time, a backup email address can save you, which, again, should have been specified in your account. Click in the "Submit" window.

Go to this mailbox and open a message from Goolge in your inbox. If it's not there, check your Spam folder. There will be a confirmation code there. Remember it and enter it in the account recovery window in the provided field.

The fields for changing access characters will appear again. Come up with a combination of them, confirm it and click “Change”.

No number or email attached

If none of the above works, then you can recover your Google account without a password by answering additional questions. In the password entry window, click “Forgot...”.

Click on the button with the same name again.

In this step you will be asked: When did you create your Google account? Select the month and year, then click Next. If everything is correct, the window for changing characters will appear again.

By selecting “Other method” at this step, you will need to enter an email address to which you have access.

For example, I guessed right. I created my profile when I got my first Android phone and needed to register to access the Play Store. You may have created it when you signed up for Gmail or Google Drive.

Forgot your login and password

Well, lastly, we’ll look at what to do if you don’t remember anything at all, and whether it’s possible to recover your Google account login and password. To do this, at the very first login step, select “Forgot your email address.” mail?

Next, try entering your number, provided that you have not changed it for a long time and it was recorded in your profile as a backup. Also try to indicate all the mailbox addresses that you have (one by one, of course). Perhaps one of them is listed in your profile as a backup. Click "Next".

If you guess correctly, you will receive a message by email or phone with a code. Enter it and change the password.

Remember what first and last name were indicated. They could be real, it could be a nickname - try all possible options. Please note that every letter has a meaning here. For example, Olya and Olga are different options.

If you remember, you will gain access again; if not, a message will appear: “This Google account does not exist.”

If you tried everything and nothing worked, you can use our instructions and.

And this is where I will end. Follow the instructions strictly and answer the questions as correctly as possible and you will be able to recover your Google account password in a couple of steps. When you go to your profile, I recommend that you immediately indicate a backup phone number and email - this is so that in the next similar situation, everything will go easier and faster. Also be sure to write down your password in a safe place.

Lost your Play Market password or had to log in from a new device, but you can’t log in to your account because you forgot your password? Google Recovery and Google Support will help solve this problem. In this article you will learn how to recover your password if you did not enter a phone number when registering, do not remember your email address, and even if you did not register a backup email.

What to do if you deleted your account and forgot your password: recovery via Google Recovery

The first step is to contact the Google Recovery service. To do this you need to take just 3 simple steps, namely:

Goggle makes it possible to recover your Play Store password even if you don’t remember the address to which your account is linked. Select the appropriate item from the list of Google Support Services.

If you entered an additional email address during registration, a link to reset your password will be sent to it after your confirmation. Also, without an email address, you can receive a password recovery code to the mobile phone specified during registration.

Solving other problems: recovery through support

You can’t log into your Google Play account, but even after receiving the code via SMS, your phone still isn’t included in the Play Market? Don’t be upset, because you can restore your Google Play account in several ways. If you encounter other issues, please use the instructions in Google Help. Here you will certainly be helped to solve problems with two-step identification, logging in from educational devices, and problems with entering a code from SMS.

If you don't remember your password or email address, and didn't provide an alternate address or mobile phone number when registering, Google will still try to help you gain access to your account. To do this, you will need to answer a security question or remember the month and year of profile registration.

If no method helps recover your password

None of the above methods helped? Are you looking for more solutions to the question of how to change your Google password? If recovery from the support service does not help, all that remains is to make a new email with a password. In your new account, be sure to provide a backup email address, phone number, and come up with an answer to your secret question in order to restore your data in case the “Forgot your Play Store password” problem bothers you again.