How to start a second account on Skype. Run two Skype programs at the same time

Internet - Skype messenger gradually displaces others similar services: ICQ, MSN, etc. due to ease of use, flexible settings and excellent functionality.

However, with the release of new versions of the program, its interface began to change: advertising appeared in the main window, which not all users can see. In addition, many are not widely documented by the manufacturer.

Two or more Skype programs at the same time

Today, most users are not limited to one Skype account, but use several. One, as a rule, is personal, the other (or several others) is work. Constantly logging out of one account and logging into another, many people don’t even think that two accounts can work simultaneously on the same computer.

In order to do this, you need to Windows Explorer find executable file skype.exe. If the default settings were left during installation, it is located at “C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone”. If you are using a 64-bit Windows OS, the address will be different: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone”.

Click right click mouse on Skype.exe and select the menu “Send” – “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

On the desktop we find new icon“Skype.exe – Shortcut”, right-click and select “Properties”.

In the “Object” line at the very end, add a parameter: after the quote, put a space and write the parameter “ /secondary", it will turn out like this:

Save changes and click new shortcut. The result is two simultaneously working Skypes, which can even call each other.

Autologin option

There is another one on Skype hidden opportunity– automatic login option. To do this, open the “Properties” of the additional shortcut again and after the “/secondary” parameter add two more following parameters in this form:
/username:Your_Login /password:Password

Sometimes it becomes necessary to run two Skypes on one computer at the same time, for example, when you need to answer work questions and communicate with loved ones using a personal account, or when spouses use the same laptop. But standard installation does not provide such an opportunity, so you need to resort to other methods. These are the methods described in this article.

Method 1.

We create a shortcut for Skype, to do this you need to open the folder:

For Windows 7 32-bit - C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone.

For Windows 7 or 8 64-bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone.

This folder contains the only file Skype.exe. Right-click on it and select “Send to – Desktop”

The shortcut has been created. It can then be transferred to any convenient place, at least to the Startup folder. For convenience, so as not to be confused, you can rename the shortcut to “Skype 2”.

Now you need to configure this shortcut. Right-click on the created shortcut and select “Properties”, “Shortcut” tab, add the following in the “Object” line: /seсondary

The result should be the following (including all quotes and spaces):

“C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary

Note: for Windows x64 (you can find out whether x32 or x64 is in the computer properties), the “Program Files” folder changes to “Program Files (x86)”. After the closing quote, a space is required - this is the key indicating that Skype will be launched second.

Then click “OK”. The setup is complete.

/username:name /password:password

where: name is the login for the second account, password is the password for this account. Note: Between two keys space is required.
For the first Skype:

“C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /username:name1 /password:password1

For the second Skype:

“C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary /username:name2 /password:password2

Note: for Windows x64 (you can find out whether x32 or x64 is in the computer properties), the “Program Files” folder changes to “Program Files (x86)”.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary /username:name2 /password:password2

Method 2.

In Windows 8, it is not always possible to use the method described above, but it is still possible to launch two Skypes.

Launch the first Skype and log into your account. The key combination System + R (where System is the key with Windows icon), launch the “Run” window. You can, of course, launch “Run” through Start, but it’s still much easier. In the window that appears, enter the following:

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /secondary

for Windows x64:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /secondary

And press Enter.

If the path to Skype.exe differs from the one presented above, then write your path. Now you have two Skype accounts running on your computer at the same time!

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There are situations when not one person uses one computer, but several. Naturally, each of these people may have their own separate account on Skype. There is only one program installed on the computer. Logging out of one account and logging into another every time is not very convenient. More precisely, it is not convenient at all. If you start installing another program, it’s unlikely that anything will work out, so you just install the latest version of Skype and that’s it. With all these phrases, I mean that it would be convenient to be able to launch two windows with different accounts in one program. For example, a shared computer, one for the wife’s Skype, the other for the husband’s. And I want to please you that such an opportunity exists. The developers have provided for it.

In order not to write long, unclear instructions here, I decided to give a few simple recommendations for some individual cases.

Launch the second Skype using the “Run” command

In my opinion, this is the simplest method, which does not require special knowledge and action, and also does not reveal your passwords from the program.

And so, let's imagine that we already have one Skype running and you are authorized in it, let's launch the second one.

To do this, we need the “Run” window in the operating room Windows system. To open it, press the key combination Win+R. In the command entry window, enter the following:

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /secondary

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe – the path where you have Skype installed

/secondary – lets the program know that another window will be launched

Don't forget to click "OK" after entering the command.

If you have 64-bit operating system, then the path to the Skype installation folder is slightly different, so the command will be slightly different:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe/secondary

A second window will immediately open, where we will be asked to enter the login and password for another Skype account. This is what it will look like. As you can see in the screenshot, one Skype window is already authorized, but the second is not yet:

This command will be remembered in the “Run” command window and you will no longer have to constantly enter it. It will be enough just to run “Run” again with the command we need and the second Skype window will start again.

We make shortcuts for each Skype

If you don’t like launching the “Run” window every time, then you can get out of this situation by creating two Skype shortcuts on your desktop, each of which will be responsible for different accounts.

To do this, go to the Skype installation folder. You already know the path to it from the first paragraph of the article. Right-click on the Skype.exe file, create a shortcut and drag it to the desktop. Or immediately select “Send – Desktop”.

This will be our shortcut for the first Skype, you don’t have to touch it.

We create a shortcut for the second Skype in exactly the same way. As a result, you should have two shortcuts on your desktop:

Right-click on the second shortcut and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu:

In the window that opens, in the “Shortcut” tab, find the line “Object”, which contains the path to Skype. We already know that in order for us to launch a second account, we need to add the word /secondary separated by a space. This is what we do.

For 32-bit systems, the “Object” line should be:

"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary

For 64-bit:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary

Now the first shortcut you have will launch one account, and the second one will launch another account. These shortcuts, of course, can be renamed at your discretion.

Automatic authorization of two Skype accounts.

I understand that you may not like the fact that you have to enter your username and password for the program every time, at least, to one of the accounts for sure.

Honestly, I want to tell you that it’s better to do this and not store any passwords in the program settings at all, but if this doesn’t stop you, then let’s try to configure both shortcuts so that they immediately launch authorized Skype.

This feature works for now, but it is possible that during next update she will stop doing this. But let's hope for the best.

Right-click on the shortcut again, go to properties, go to the “Shortcut” tab and again add a space in the “Object” line /username:LoginSkype /password:Password

It is clear that you must enter your data there, that is, your Skype username and password.

For example, for 32 bit system the path will look like this:

C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary /username:LoginSkype /password:Password

Remember which Skype account you had first (you did not change the shortcut to it). It should always start first. The second thing you will do is launch the shortcut into which you added your login and password. This way, you will have two Skypes running simultaneously and automatically.

Often, when using one computer, both for work and for personal purposes, you need to have two different accounts and, accordingly, two different Skype programs. Many are interested in the possibility of such a comparison.

First of all, you need to understand why you should do this at all. Availability of two various programs involves registration and two different accounts, which may differ in all information about the user. This approach will unload the working version of the program and make it impossible to access personal information various scammers who use this for personal gain, precisely in programs where business communication, A personal skype can reflect only that information about the owner that he decided to demonstrate to his interlocutors, even indicating non-existent data. All personal correspondence will not interfere with work and possible problems in this version of Skype will not affect its “working” version in any way.

It is in this situation that it is often important to have both programs activated at the same time. To do this you need the following:

  1. Only Skype from version 4.
  2. Auto shortcut, which is created on the desktop after installing the program,

in this case it will not be effective. You will have to delete it and create a new one. To create you need:

Having carried out such operations, we get shortcuts, each of which corresponds to a specific account. You just need to remember which one is for work and which one is personal. It would be better if everyone had their own nickname in the program.

Now you can have both programs active while being online in each at the same time. This will ensure that you do not miss any important business information while continuing to communicate with friends or parents. This solution option is interesting for most users, since those who did not take advantage of this advice will be forced to open and close each time unnecessary option, launching next program. This is very inconvenient, time consuming and does not provide network persistence.

If you registered on Skype twice, for example, you created one profile for work, and the second for communicating with friends, then, of course, it will be inconvenient for you to log in, then to the first, then to the second account from your PC. And, of course, I would like these two accounts to work simultaneously on the same computer.

And I won't reveal the secret if I say that run two Skypes on one computer Can. And in this lesson I will show you how to do this.

To run multiple Skype profiles Naturally, we will need the program itself, but not lower than the fourth version. So, if necessary, update Skype to the latest version.

I recently wrote new lesson about Skype, where I told how you can call your friends, but let’s not deviate from the topic and return to simultaneous launch several Skypes.

You and I will need a second desktop shortcut with which to launch the second Skype. The first shortcut that won’t work for us on the desktop will remain for launching the first Skype. You need to create a new shortcut.

Go to the folder with installed program, by default it is located at: C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone. The Skype.exe file is there, right-click on it and select “Create shortcut” from the list that appears.

Then we drag this shortcut to the desktop, it will be responsible for launching a second Skype account. Therefore, you can rename it so as not to get confused among the labels, which is work and which is personal. Give the shortcut a name, for example “ Work Skype ».

But that's not all, you need to edit this shortcut. Right-click on it and from context menu select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, go to the tab called “Shortcut”. Here we need to change the “Object” field. There's an address there "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" which shortcut launches the Skype program.

You need to add a space and the word /secondary to this address. It will turn out like this:
"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary

Save the shortcut and launch it, then enter the login and password for your second profile.

This is how you can run two Skypes on one computer. Using the created “Work Skype” shortcut, we got to our second profile.

But what to do if you need to open three or more accounts on one computer? Skype recordings? There is a solution here too. There is something else that needs to be specified in the shortcut properties.

First, we do everything as described above: create another shortcut, move it to the desktop, rename it, write /secondary, and then do something else. Read on.

After the word secondary, put a space again, then write: /username: and Skype login /password: and Skype password.

Here is an example of a line that should be written to launch another Skype, if the login is sergey and the password is 1234.

"C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /secondary /username:sergey /password:1234

I already have three running Skype. Great.

More is possible. You can create a separate shortcut for each account and give it a name that is clear to you.

This is how you can run two, three or more Skypes on one computer.