How to charge your phone in the field. How to charge a mobile gadget in the field

If you don't have a car, but charge your electronics at field conditions necessary, I propose to consider the option I use.
As a buffer source I use a battery from the source uninterruptible power supply(UPS). Its nominal voltage is 12 volts, the same as a car battery. Most wearable electronics (walkie-talkies, laptops, GPS, mobile phones, etc.) have adapters for charging from the cigarette lighter socket.
The choice of batteries is quite large - the page for selecting lead batteries on the website, but I settled on the Europower EV 9-12 battery, since it seemed to me the most optimal in terms of dimensions (151x65x94) and capacity (9 Ah). In addition, batteries of the same dimensions, but with a smaller capacity, are used in most UPSs. The classic GP1272, in my opinion, is found in all APC household UPSs. This saves from extra work(see “Charging the battery”). And if you don’t have money, you can replace dead batteries with live ones at work
By the way, I do not recommend buying the above at the Chip and Dip store, since their prices are 2-3 times higher. Yandex and find it.

Power interface

I bought everything I needed at the radio market:
cigarette lighter connector,
“knife terminals 0.8? 6.4"
a roll of black and red electrical tape.
I found the wire at home (I took a thicker one just in case). 15 minutes of work with a soldering iron and the output:

Rice. 1. Power interface.
Observe polarity!
Central contact: + “plus” (red terminal).
Side: – “minus” (black terminal)

Charging the battery at home

To charge the battery at home, you can use a household UPS. I use an old uninterruptible power supply that I got from my friends, in which the battery failed (due to old age).
Unwinding the UPS you can see the following picture:

Rice. 2. UPS with the battery removed. The ovals indicate the terminals that connect the battery.

Rice. 3. UPS with inserted battery. The plus terminal is connected.

Field tests

Full field tests of the kit were carried out in search of the missing helicopter on November 20-21, 2011 in the Tver region as part of the Lizaalert search team.
That day the temperature at night was -3.-5; during the day -1, -2. Under these conditions, I charged the Yaesu vx8-dr radio (see Fig. 6), Philips smartphone Xenium x800 and worked on a laptop Dell Inspiron 1470. All equipment worked and charged normally.
In January-February I will try to run the kit at lower temperatures.

Rice. 6. Charging the Yaesu vx8-dr radio at a halt: the cigarette lighter connector is connected to the battery terminals and the wire for charging the radio from the cigarette lighter

Equipment options

My main kit (backpack) includes:
1) two batteries - main and spare
2) wires for power and charging various electronics used in the field.
3) universal adapters.
All equipment is stored in a transport pouch.

Rice. 4. Set in a transport pouch.
For all its advantages, the kit has significant disadvantages.
Firstly, the dimensions. I put the entire set in the M507 luggage pouch, the dimensions of which are 16? 14? 10 cm. By the way, I do not recommend buying the above pouch because of poorly made fastenings.
Secondly - weight. The weight of one battery is ~ 2.5 kg, plus the weight of the wires and adapters.
The total weight of my complete set is ~5.5 kg.
In searches and during exercises, I carry one battery and the necessary switchgear - the so-called tactical semi-kit (TPK). But still, the weight of just over 3 kg forces you to use some tricks. The TPK had to be secured to the back of the hips. For this I use a universal belt from the Nemesis-5 system. The belt, in turn, is attached to the unloading vest through a tactical belt (see Fig. 5)

Rice. 5. General view the resulting monster. Upper oval: the edge of the tactical vest's belt is hidden behind the abdominal strap of the backpack. A belt from the Nemesis-5 system is attached to the vest's belt, the clasp from which is indicated by a white circle at the bottom.
During field testing, it turned out that it is better to place all heavy (but necessary) pouches on the hip belt so as not to create unnecessary stress on the spine. I have an extended first aid kit (two pouches on the front), a flask on the side and a tactical semi-kit (on the back, exactly above the line that points to the spine from below)

P.s. in the following parts I will talk about charging the buffer battery in the field and auxiliary electronics.

Review of portable chargers with prices, detailed description each method of charging in the field, advantages and disadvantages, models.

Technological progress, which has given us beautiful and dear things to our hearts -, mobile internet and GPS navigation, collecting them all in a magic box called a smartphone or mobile phone, puzzled us with such a pressing problem as charging batteries.

Of course, this is a problem - not a problem if we are at home and have a trouble-free outlet at hand. But what about those who are on the move? Especially in the forest, on a hike, while fishing, on a deserted highway or in an unknown country, where no one understands your language and they are surprised at the color of your skin.

I will leave the question of how you ended up in an unknown country on your conscience, but now our goal is to be in touch in any situation!

Most radical way solution to the problem - a spare internal battery for a mobile phone. But there are also alternatives.

The most compact of all is the so-called “cartridge”, which is a cylinder in which an AA battery is placed and through an adapter, of which there are usually several of different types included.

This charger very cheap, starting from $3, and sold in many computer or home appliance stores.

We tested this device and found that one AA battery can only charge the phone by 10-15 percent. This is enough for about 10 minutes of conversation, after which our mobile friend will ask you to eat again. For fully charged You will need 4-5 batteries, for a smartphone - up to 8 pieces, and this process will take a lot of time. If you rarely find yourself in extreme situations and don’t want to pay dearly, get such a cylinder and throw it in your bag with a couple of batteries - maybe you’ll need it someday.

The charging method from the cigarette lighter is popular among motorists. Adapters for any phone model are also sold everywhere and cost about $10. However, be careful - there are low-quality products that can let you down already on the second charge. This is exactly what happened to the author of this article, so I strongly recommend that you keep your receipt so you can return to the store, punch the counter and... politely ask for a replacement.

If you are an honored pedestrian or the same story happened to you as with me, a backup option will help.

And this is our old friend, the AA battery. True, now she is in the company of her sisters. Four AA batteries are placed in a box and, through an adapter, they charge the mobile phone by 60-100%, depending on the capacity of the original battery.

In fact, there are many similar modifications that run on four or two batteries. I can advise you to navigate by price, which can range from $15 to $30, and by manufacturer. Avoid outright cheapness - in a difficult situation (and for such situations we need portable charger!) they may simply stop working. And also don’t forget to replace the “empty” batteries in your portable charger with new ones before your next trip.

Do AA batteries rule? Not at all. There is also a worthy replacement for them, the ubiquitous ones. For example, well-deserved and very reliable. A dynamo is a fun way to charge, but has some obvious advantages. You don't need to buy batteries, this device is lightweight and can charge your phone over and over again - just rock!

The most common speaker for mobile phones is Neodrive. The instructions promise that three minutes of rotation will provide ten minutes of conversation, however, experiments show that everything is exactly the opposite - that is, ten minutes of rotation will give us three minutes of conversation. Yes, it is unlikely that you will be able to read poetry to your beloved, but telling your family that everything is fine with you or telling them your location is quite enough. The main thing is to clearly formulate your thoughts before the call. Heavier and "less Chinese" similar devices they can bring this ratio to 1:1 - as much as you twist, so much you say.

"Dynamka" will cost us about $15. Its more sophisticated version - with a flashlight and even an FM radio - costs from $20 to $35. By the way, by Motorola a concept was created called Motorola PVOT - a phone that already has a built-in dynamo.

The same applies to renewable sources. These are no longer toys, but high-tech and stylish thing. For example, the Universal Solar Charger model costs $70, which will charge not only a mobile phone, but also a player and a camera via a mini-USB input.

Solar battery iSun® Sport from $75, flexible solar panel Coleman Exponent Flex 5 Watt from $130 - there are a great many models. The look and concept solar battery disposes to place it in a spectacular modern frame. They may look like a notepad or a cigarette case. In terms of weight and size properties, they balance on the line between portability and pleasant heaviness - the average “solar charger” weighs from 300 to 500 g. For a group of hikers, the heavy, but very practical and powerful folding panel SZU2-BSA-7.5 for $195 is suitable.

Solar panels typically come with a battery that requires 4 to 15 hours of direct sunlight to fully charge. In cloudy weather, this time increases 3-4 times. Don’t let this scare the anxious reader - after all, a full charge of a solar battery is enough not only to fully charge a phone or smartphone, but also to add fuel to other small electronics. This device can also be charged from the network, computer or under a fluorescent lamp.

If you are used to not only calling on your mobile phone from the forest with a report to your wife about the progress of fishing, but along with your fishing rods you also take a laptop with you to brighten up the time between bites by watching your favorite action movie, you should pay attention to universal portable batteries. For example, from AcmePower or XPAL.

Of course, the prices here are in the region of $200 (for less capacious ones - about $20-30), but it’s not like you have to turn a knob, is it? The principle of operation is obvious - the battery is charged at home from the network, you go on the road and forever forget the excuse “honey, your phone is dead.” Truly the crown of creation!

How to charge your phone without an outlet? How to charge your phone in the field?

    Never do this, voltage 220 is detrimental to a cell phone directly, it will burn out, just like everything else. cellular device will fail. You can charge your mobile phone by selecting a voltage of 1.5V. From the usual two AA batteries, I did this on a hike, and more than once. He took two pieces of wire interlocked together in plastic case batteries, or rolled into a tube with paper, then you throw in the wire and charging begins! Only this must be done observing polarity and knowing the electrical circuits. and electronics.

    It all depends on where you are and what you have on hand. WITH bare hands You won't be able to charge anything. If there is car battery And old TV, then you can experimentally select a voltage divider of 3.5 V and a current of 50 mA. Two resistances (resistors) from the TV are selected for the current so that they do not burn out, and the values ​​are proportional to 9 volts and 3 volts, so that together there is 12. This is Ohm’s law, but not everyone remembers it, unfortunately.

    If you are in a village hut or in a country house and it has the most ordinary living supplies, then you can do two or three homemade element, which is enough to charge your phone once. Take two carbon rods from old batteries. In a barbecue pot or a burnt-out fire, collect charcoal and grind it into powder. From a rag you make two bags with a diameter of 25-30mm and a length equal to length rods, or rather a little more. Place the rod in the center and coal powder around it. Wrap it with thread. You get 2 electrodes.

    Take a glass jar or other non-conductive one. And prepare the solution. For a liter of water, 5 tablespoons of table salt, a pinch of boric acid and a quarter teaspoon of sugar. You will need two such elements connected in series. If the charging turns out to be weak, then three. Boric acid is widely used against cockroaches and to remove unpleasant odors from feet and armpits. If you don't have boric acid powder, use an alcohol solution. It is more often found in pharmacies. Keep cells in a dark place while charging.

    if there is faulty hard disk, Sidi or DVD, or drive floppy disks. disassemble them and take out any motor. solder the charging plug to them (previously check the polarity using a scientific poker method, just twist the shaft and watch the phone screen) the first part is over, we just have to figure out what will make it spin - let’s look at the options, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of them: 1 )wind (it doesn’t always blow, and when it blows, the speed is not always right), 2) the sun (sterling engine - it’s hard to do it yourself, and paying 3000 to charge the phone is kind of too much), 3) water (not available everywhere), 4) mechanical traction (the most reliable thing but extremely tedious). the list can be continued but I think there is no need (we just need to charge the phone) I think we need to stop at point 3 and divide it into two options - 1 - when in nature, 2 - the lights are simply turned off, but there is running water. in the second case, you won’t have to do anything. on Soviet washing machines pumps were installed to circulate water. you visit the nearest collection point for non-ferrous metal and make an agreement (it is of no interest to them since it is carbolite - it is quite possible to exchange it for a pack of cigarettes. You connect it through a hose to the water supply, select a pulley for the shaft and connect the structures. It is possible through a belt drive, or without.

    You can, of course, call all this childish, but... here are the same methods of charging phones on sale:

    or not necessarily a universal one, just if you change the adapter, you may have to take another one, but there are all adapters and you can help your friends if anything happens

    well this is the easiest way =)

    a pinch of boric acid

    I always take it with me

    boric acid!

    In addition to the methods described by other authors, there is one more. It will come in handy if you are the only one on a hike and you injure your leg or something else happens and you cannot move, and you have nothing at hand except a pot, water and brushwood. I’ll say right away that the battery will have to be changed after this, but emergency call more important in this situation. Bring the water in the pot to a boil and keep the battery in it for a minute or two. This will make it viable for a very short time.

Smartphones nowadays combine not only a telephone and a messaging center, but also a compass, a photo and video camera, an entertainment complex, social network and... a flashlight. A person is used to using this every day (well, except, perhaps, a flashlight and a compass) and does not want to lose the functions of a smartphone even on a hike. However, what about the fact that this device needs to be charged every day? Where can I get electricity? There is no outlet in a forest or field. Alternative energy comes to the rescue. And the simplest and most elegant solution is a solar charger. However, how to choose the right “charging” so that the energy received during the day is enough for electronic friend, and not carry around extra pounds? Let's try to figure this out and answer a few questions for ourselves.

1. How much energy is needed?

To do this, we’ll contact the smartphone manufacturer (read “go to the Internet”) for battery characteristics. Let's say we have an iPhone 4S. Knowing the battery capacity (1420 mAh) and its voltage (3.7 V), we can easily find out the amount of energy required for operation: 5.25 W-hours. In this case, during charging, about 20% of the transmitted energy is used “idle”. This means that to fully charge the gadget we need 6.3 pure watts.

2. How to charge a smartphone - directly or via powerbank?

Charging directly from a solar battery is possible, but not always convenient. The phone needs to be constantly connected to the panel, and this causes some discomfort in the form of wires (which also need to be monitored). A simpler way is to charge an external battery located in convenient place in a backpack (as an option - a battery case) with subsequent transfer of energy to the smartphone. Perhaps at a rest stop. Perhaps at night.

However, a power bank also has its own efficiency and to fully charge a smartphone battery through it you will need to add about 50% of the initial required power. In total, we get the 7.8W we need.

And yet, our choice is charging a power bank, as it is the most convenient and does not hinder the tourist’s movements.

3. What kind of solar panel is needed?

Finding a solar panel with a 5V output voltage to charge a smartphone or external battery is not a problem now. For a complete and correct charging it is necessary to correctly select (calculate) the power.

Example. A solar panel with an output voltage of 5V and a current of 360mA (power 1.8W) has dimensions of 20x20cm (solar cell area - 0.036 square meters). In central Russia per day in summer by 1 square meter approximately 3.78 kW of solar radiation comes in (provided that the panel is at an angle of 70-80 degrees relative to the perpendicular to the ground, simulating wearing on a backpack or in a fixed position at a rest). With an average cell efficiency of 12%, our panel will be able to generate about... 16 watt-hours of electricity per day. IN 24 hours. In order to charge our battery in three to four hours of being solar panel in the sun, we would need at least two similar panels.


It's better not to skimp and buy solar charging(solar panel and external battery) power 10-20W. It is better to have a “detachable” battery, not physically attached to the solar panel. This is necessary so that it can be stored separately, since when the power bank is heated, its characteristics deteriorate, and from excessive overheating it can explode.

Have a nice hike and good photos!

UPD: Colleagues, thank you for your comments, which make the publication more harmonious, clear and useful. I will try to promptly respond or correct information in which inaccuracies are found.