How to set Yandex as the start page. Start page: what is it and how to do it

If you have long dreamed of making Yandex your home page, but you don’t get around to it, or you don’t know how to do it, this article is for you.

By the way, what happens when Yandex is set as the start page? When you click the browser icon, the Search Engine web page automatically opens.

Knowing how to set a particular web page as your home page is useful. You can always make the page you are interested in the starting page and not waste extra time. We decided to take Yandex as an example, since this search engine is recognized as the most used in Russia.

The algorithm for setting the home page is approximately the same for most browsers.

We will take a detailed look at how to make the start page for:

  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Opera;
  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Yandex Browser;
  • Safari.

Yandex main page in Mozilla Firefox

To make the Yandex page the main one in Mazil Firefox, follow these steps:

As you can see, making Yandex your home page on Mazil is quite simple.

In addition, Mazila provides a unique option - to make Yandex search the default home page. Searching for information in a search engine with these settings is much easier: visited sites are displayed automatically.

How to make Yandex the default home page?

  • open the browser and go to “Settings”;
  • find the “Default Browser” block;
  • find the button “make Yandex the default browser”;
  • click “Ok”.

Yandex main page in Opera

The interfaces of most browsers are similar to each other, so installing the start page on Opera will be similar to installing it on Mazil.

How to make Yandex the only start page for Opera:

Yandex home page in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is an excellent browser that is rapidly gaining popularity among Internet users. It features a simple and pleasant interface, understandable even to a child.

Setting up the start page on Google Chrome will be slightly different from the algorithms already discussed. This is due to the fact that this browser is young and new developments are used for it.

However, there is nothing complicated if you know the specific algorithm:

You can also make “Yandex mail” the main page in Google. When you open your browser, you will see a page with Yandex Mail. Many RuNet users have several email accounts. For example, one mailbox is intended for work correspondence, and the other is for communication with friends.

Another convenient addition to Google Chrome is visual bookmarks. They help you navigate to pages you are interested in in one click.

Tabs are small thumbnails of frequently visited pages. In the settings, you can change their number, color, general background, and also delete or add new bookmarks.

Their main advantage is saving a person’s time.

The user probably wanted to install Yandex virtual tabs in Chrome. We remind you that this option is available for Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Let's look at how to add a virtual bookmarks option using Google Chrome as an example:

Yandex visual bookmarks are one of the most popular tools among users. This is not surprising, since they are useful, convenient and are constantly updated by the developers.

Video: How to make Yandex your start page

Yandex main page in Internet Explorer

The Internet Explorer browser has a wide variety of versions installed on laptops or PCs with Windows.

We will look at how to make Yandex the home page for new versions of Internet Explorer - 10 and 11. The algorithm for installing the home page for earlier versions of the browser is similar to the instructions we provided.

Algorithm for setting the home page for Internet Explorer:

If you are the owner of Internet Explorer 9 (or another, earlier version of the browser) and you are unable to install the main page, then write about your problems to the official website. The request will go to competent people who will answer as soon as possible how to fix the problem.

Yandex main page in Yandex browser

The Yandex browser interface is similar to the Chrome interface, since both were made on the same engine.

However, there are differences, so the installation of the main page in Yandex will be slightly different - the Russian company has made its own changes:

The Russian company's browser provides the ability to select several start pages. Your most visited websites will be automatically added.

Similar to Google Chrome's virtual bookmarks, this browser supports a tile panel with visited sites. It is possible to delete unnecessary sites and add new ones. This is done through the “Settings” – “Add” buttons.

For people who do not like dubious sites, the Russian giant has developed a special version of the browser - family Yandex. You can safely allow your children to access the computer - unnecessary information and suspicious sites are strictly filtered.

It is difficult to say which browser is better: Google Chrome or the Yandex browser. Both are quite convenient and easy to use.

Yandex main page in Safari

Safari is a young browser developed for Apple products.

All advanced users of iPads, iPhones and MacBooks know about the simplicity of the Apple browser.

Setting your home page in Safari is very simple:

What to do if you can’t make Yandex your start page

Sometimes this situation happens: you follow the instructions, but do not achieve the desired result. It’s especially annoying when you can’t do a convenient installation or update on your computer.

If you are unable to set the browser home page through the settings, then there are other ways:

  • download the program “”;
  • clean your computer using an antivirus. Try to set the home page again;
  • if all these methods do not work, then contact the support service of your operating system: specifically describe what error the program gives, do not hesitate to add explanatory screenshots.

Follow through. Once you understand how to set the start page, you will not only save personal time, but also become an advanced computer user.

This article was written to expand the user's knowledge about the computer. Now you know how to set the home page in the browser and set up visual bookmarks. These tools are convenient, save time, and turn you into an advanced Internet user.


The start page is the page that is loaded immediately after the browser is launched. Some uninformed users may believe that it is set by default and cannot be changed in any way. However, this myth is completely dispelled, since it is definitely possible to make changes to the settings. In addition, the whole process will take just a couple of minutes, which is good news. Initially, after installing the browser, a blank page or an express panel opens in front of the user (an area consisting of “tiles” where you can set a set of bookmarks).

There are only a few ways to replace the start page in the browser. First of all, you need to decide in which browser you will need to change the page. In order to consider this issue in more detail, the start page on Yandex will be changed in all popular browsers. Why do you need to change it at all? With this you can save time. That is, you will not need to enter the search engine address, but just launch the browser and enter the desired search phrase. This is quite convenient, but the choice is clearly made by the user.

There are two main options for achieving the goal (changing the start page): manual and automatic. If you use the first one, then all settings will need to be made manually. The second method is easier, but for this you need to download a special application. Let's focus on the second option:

If the user does not trust various kinds of utilities, then you can go the other way and make the necessary changes manually. This will take a little longer, but the result will be the same.

So, the process of changing the start page in Chrome is quite simple, you just need to follow a few simple steps:

In the Opera browser, the start page is configured a little differently, but still there is nothing complicated about it.

If you need to change the start page in Firefox, you can do it like this:

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer

The IE browser is used by a small number of users, but it is still worth telling how to change the start page to Yandex in it.

If you want to make Yandex your start page, you have come to the right address. To solve the problem, all that remains is to go to the section with instructions on replacing the home page of the Internet browser used on your computer and follow the steps presented in the article.
The home page is the page that opens by default (when the browser starts). As a rule, this is an email, the last page opened before leaving the browser, or even an express panel with links to frequently visited or selected Internet resources by the user.
You can make Yandex your start page directly from the search engine’s web page

Despite the popularity of the Google search engine, many countries (China, Russia and some Eastern European countries) prefer their own search engines, due to their focus on national sites. So Yandex has become the most popular and most effective search engine in the Russian-language segment of the global network. In numerous tests, it ranks first in terms of the accuracy of the results of sampling information among Russian-language sites.

Therefore, it makes sense to use it as the default search engine and set it as the start page. Moreover, in addition to the search engine, the website displays a feed of the latest news in the region, weather in the city, posters and other useful information.

Making Yandex the main search engine page in your Internet browser is quite simple. The main thing is to perform the replacement operation manually, because numerous software, supposedly developed to solve this problem, can easily add hassle to eliminating the consequences of its activities. The problem that users face in this case is the inability to specify the address of the start page due to the activity of a malicious program.

Such applications replace the link to the initial site with their own, leading to a resource with advertising, prohibited content, or malware. A utility for detecting and removing malware will come to the rescue here. The best solution in this case is to use the functionality of a utility from a domestic developer called AVZ.

How to make Yandex the start page in Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular Internet browser due to its speed and a large selection of plugins that extend its functionality.

  1. Open the main menu of the browser by clicking on the button with three vertical stripes.
Instructions for the Chrome browser
  1. In the drop-down main menu, select “Settings”.
  2. We find: “Open at startup” and move the radio switch to the third position: “Specified pages”.
  3. Click on the “Add” button.
  4. Enter the address and click “Ok”.

If you are on the page of the address entered above, feel free to select the “Use current page” option. If you enter several addresses separated by commas when opening the browser, the same number of initial pages will launch. After restarting the application, it will start and immediately open the Yandex search site.

To use Yandex when executing a query entered into the Google Chrome search bar, proceed as follows:

  1. We still visit the program configuration menu.
  2. Find the “Search” frame and select Yandex from the drop-down list.
  3. We restart the browser to launch the Yandex website in Chrome.

In all browsers, the developers of which took the open source code of Chromium (on which Chrome is written) as a basis, replacing the start page is carried out using similar methods, except that the application interface differs slightly, for example, in labels or the location of controls. These browsers include:

  • Maxton;
  • Comodo Dragon;
  • Orbitum;
  • Yandex browser;
  • Torch Browser and others.

If you want to add Yandex to the express panel, call the context menu of one of its tabs and enter the address of the search site in the element properties.

Keep in mind that you can always open the starting address using the “Alt + Home” hotkeys.

How to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox

There are several methods to make the home page in Firefox, the simplest of which is to download mozilla firefox with Yandex as the home page. This is a regular browser from Mozilla, but with pre-configured settings regarding the start screen.

Installing Yandex tabs for mozilla firefox

  1. Go to the address,
  2. We install the corresponding element.

After restarting the program, it will load with the initial page where links to Yandex services are located.

Instructions for mozilla firefox browser

If you want to make visual Yandex tabs in mozilla firefox that are memorable for their functionality and design, use the link After installing the plugin, you will have to attach Yandex to the express panel manually, through the tab’s context menu.

Manual address change

Installing Yandex bar for firefox

You can download Yandex bar for mozilla firefox by going to The add-on provides the user with access to many company services, does not take up much space and does not distract from work. The search bar will offer tips for quickly forming a query, and the plugin will notify about changes in the social networks where you are currently logged in.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

  • Move to the “Tools” item in the main menu of the program.
  • Select “General settings from the drop-down menu.
  • In the first tab, in the “At startup” item, select the option from the drop-down list, as in the screenshot below.
  • In the “Home” text line, enter the address of the search engine or click “Current page” if the required page is open in the active tab.
  • Click “Ok” to save the parameters.
Opera browser instructions

In addition, you can install the Yandex panel for the Norwegian browser by going to, and on the page you can install Yandex tabs that provide instant access to your favorite Yandex sites and services.

How to make Yandex the start page in Internet Explorer 10 and 11

Regardless of the version of Internet Explorer, replacing the address that opens after launching the site browser is done in the same way.

  1. Click on the button to call program parameters in the main menu.
  2. Go to the “General” tab.
  3. Move the switch to the “Start from home page” position in the “Startup” item.
  4. As it we enter the address
  5. Click “Ok”.
Instructions for Internet Explorer browser

How to make Yandex the start page in Yandex Browser

This Internet browser is made on the Chromium engine, so setting up the Yandex browser is similar to Chrome, with one feature.

It is recommended to install the Yandex browser on your computer using the web installer located on the official website at the link:

To install the Yandex browser, run the downloaded executable file and follow the instructions. During installation, program files are downloaded from the developer company's server. If you use a slow Internet, downloading the distribution may take a while, be patient. For quick access to the browser, we recommend installing Yandex on your desktop, or rather creating a shortcut to launch it.

1. Go to settings by clicking on the gear icon.

2. Find the item “Where to start?” and mark the opening of the quick access page.

3. Then select “Open if there are no tabs.”

Instructions for Yandex browser

Automatic replacement of the start page using utilities from Yandex

A convenient method of replacing and controlling the home page in all Internet browsers is to use the functionality of utilities provided by the search giant.

One of these applications is downloaded on the page. We go to the specified address from the browser, where we plan to replace the address of the starting page, download the application and install it, following the installer’s instructions.

Replacing the start page using the application

The second program is downloaded from and has a different purpose. It replaces the address of the original site with its own and prohibits third-party applications from changing it, which makes the computer invulnerable to the influence of services such as Webalta.

Solving problems with automatic opening of other search engines

As mentioned above, the problem that users encounter when replacing the start page is the inability to enter its address. The most common problem is the launch of the site - a Russian search engine promoted by setting its own page as the start page without permission or notification of the user. Moreover, this action is performed in all browsers without exception.

The problem is resolved by removing unnecessary shortcut parameters for launching the program and clearing the registry of its contents.

  1. We call “Properties” of the browser shortcut, when launched, the Webalta website, Conduit Search, Pirrit Suggestor and other search services appear.
  2. We delete everything related to these sites after the name of the executable file (see screenshot) and click “OK”.
Removing the start page


To finally get rid of traces of the activity of malicious applications, go to the system registry to find all the keys with the value “Webalta” or another imposed search engine and delete them. Now you know how to make Yandex your start page.

Many users, when starting their browser, begin to enter a specific address into the address bar, most often this is the familiar search engine Yandex or Google. Agree – this is not always convenient.

That is why in this article I will tell you how to make a start page in various popular browsers.

The start page is the page that opens immediately when the browser starts. Accordingly, you can start working with it without doing any unnecessary actions.

In many browsers, you can set any site that is interesting to you as the start page. For example, in the article I will describe, how to make the Yandex search engine your start page in selected browsers.

How to make a start page in Google Chrome

Launch Google Chrome, click on the “Menu” button and go to the “Settings” of the browser.

In the field "Add page" Enter the URL of the site we need and click “OK”. As I said above, I enter the address of the Yandex search engine. You can insert here any other address of a site that is interesting to you.

Please note that when you launch the browser, all pages in this list will open in tabs. Those of them that you do not need can be deleted by clicking on the cross.

If you have several pages from which you prefer to start working in the browser, you can use visual bookmarks for Google Chrome. For convenience, you can also configure the home page settings by clicking on the house icon in the upper left corner of the browser.

How to make a start page in Mozilla Firefox

Launch Firefox and go to “Menu” - “Settings”.

On the “Basic” tab, expand the drop-down list "When Firefox starts" and take in "Show home page".

Now in the field "Home page" enter the desired address. In my case, the Yandex search engine will be the start page for Mozilla Firefox.

Thanks to many different extensions, you can set Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox as your start page. Install the desired extension and copy the address of the page with open visual bookmarks into the field "Home page".

With their help you will get quick access to many sites. Moreover, they display the sites that you visit most often, and you can also customize them yourself.

How to make a start page in Opera

Launch the browser and click the “Menu” button in the upper left corner, from the list go to “Settings”.

On the “Basic” tab, in the “At startup” section, put a marker next to the item “Open a specific page or several pages”, then follow the link "Set Pages".

Now in the field "Add the required page" enter the address of the page that will be your starting page and click “OK”.

Now I have a Yandex start page in Opera, you will have the one whose address you enter. This is what will open when you start the browser.

How to make a start page in Internet Explorer

Let's launch the browser. Unfortunately, you won’t find the “Menu” button here, so press Alt on your keyboard. The standard IE menu will appear. Click on the “Service” tab and select the item "Internet Options".

In the next window, on the “General” tab, pay attention to the section "Home page". Now copy the URL of the page you want to make the start page and paste it into the free field, click “Apply” and “OK”.

If you want several pages to open at once when IE starts, enter the address of each of them in this field on a new line.

How to make a start page in Yandex.Browser

The browser is the newest, at the time of writing, and, in my opinion, the most “interesting”: after all, the developers in it have removed the function of customizing the start page (maybe they will change something later).

Click on the "Menu" button and select "Settings".

Here you can mark with a marker or , or “Restore tabs opened last time”.

In the second case, when you start the browser, all sites that you did not close last time will open. If you check this item and close all tabs when you finish working in the browser, then when you start it again, the Yandex start page will open.

Considering that, as an example, I make Yandex the start page in all browsers, this will suit me. But…

If you want to make any other site as a start page, check the box "Open quick access page". Now, when you launch Yandex.Browser, a page will open that looks like this - this is the so-called “Tableboard”.

It is very similar to visual bookmarks. Thumbnails of sites you frequently visit will be displayed in rectangles. By clicking on one of them, you will immediately go to the desired page. In addition, you can add up to 20 miniatures with the sites you need and pin any of them in a specific square. As for me, this can be used as an alternative to setting the start page in Yandex.Browser.

Now you should not have any questions about how to make the start page in such popular browsers as: Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer and Yandex.Browser. Everything is done very easily and quickly.

When the user double-clicks a program shortcut, the browser loads. The first thing we see on the screen is the initial panel, which displays the sites most frequently visited by the user. There may also be links to pages that were added manually and are not loaded often enough. A person working at this computer can either delete, change or install any page on the panel, while setting up the program in the most optimal way.

The second option for the navigator program is to open pages visited the last time it was loaded. This is not always convenient, especially in cases where a person forgot to remove confidential information.

In this case, to go to the panel described above, you will need to additionally create a new tab. In order to install it, in the Yandex browser there is a button with the “+” icon located at the top of the screen.

Most browsers provide the user with the ability to get started by loading a home page, which can be set or modified manually to customize the program to suit their needs. In the Yandex browser in question, this will require some effort, bypassing the standard options, which cannot be removed.

Changing the operating modes of the Internet browser

Adding a new download method yourself

To do this, you must first clarify in which folder on your computer the installed Yandex browser is located. Typically this is a folder on the system drive whose name matches the name of the program. You can clarify its location by selecting the “Properties” item, which opens when the shortcut context menu is displayed (right-click on it).

Open the file called browser.bat for editing. Usually it is located in the Application subfolder of the YandexBrowser folder. The most convenient way to do this is with the Total Commander file manager, which has a hotkey that helps you delete unnecessary parts of the contents of any file.

The last line, which looks like this: “c:\users\B91B~1\appdata\local\yandex\YANDEX~1\APPLIC~1\browser.exe” must be changed to the following: “c:\users\B91B~1\appdata \local\yandex\YANDEX~1\APPLIC~1\browser.exe" -

The home page of the Yandex browser is designated in the example as the site This name must be removed, replacing it with the one that appears in the address bar when loading the site, which will be used as the start page for subsequent work with the browser.