What landing page conversion rate is considered good? How to improve your conversion rate. Landing page structure with high conversion

Landing page conversion is a picky lady. It will take a lot of effort to win her hand and heart. In this article, we will talk about how to increase landing page conversion, what a normal landing page conversion is, and how to turn leads into sales.

But! Don’t think that here we will offer you a magic pill, after swallowing which leads will rain down on your managers like a mountain and conversion will skyrocket. We will suggest ways that will help optimize the site in such a way as to reach new level efficiency.

The world is changing at a rapid pace, new technologies internet marketing appear every day. Before you have time to master one instrument, another one appears. Today we look into each other's eyes less often than we look at VK or Facebook. Today, not a single buyer makes a purchase until he visits the company’s website or reads reviews about it. Modern clients have become pretty savvy and picky. To get their attention you need new approach. But which one?

Content is no longer king

Content? Yes, in 1996 the founder Microsoft Bill Gates uttered the same phrase that content is king, which was picked up by all the marketing gurus and, ad nauseum, for the sake of a beautiful word, they try to insert a reason even without a reason when we're talking about about success on the Internet. Content is raved about by those who are incapable of anything else. Today quality content We learned how to do almost everything, and the client became bored with it. He wants something fresh, new and unusual. To attract more quality leads, you need to focus on design and targeted marketing. The idea is simple: competent design creates trust in a resource, and trust is key aspect to purchase a product or service. Psychologists Sillens, Pam Briggs, Leslie Fishwick and Elizabeth Sillens conducted a study of medical websites in which they found that the main factor prompting them to leave a site in 94 percent of cases was poor design, and only 6% - content.

Why a landing page?

The reason is very simple: landing pages are designed to solve one specific goal. By the way, who doesn’t know: landing pages were invented by the guys from Microsoft. A landing page is understood as a separate web page that opens as a result of a click from a user’s search or some advertising source in response to a specific request. Transitions are carried out, as a rule, from various advertising channels, email newsletters, social networks. This additional tool, which allows you to expand your target audience and get more leads. Today there are various services, allowing you to quickly and without additional knowledge create landing pages: LeadPages, Instapage or Unbounce, Landingi.com, Wishpond. The most budget and quick option there will be a platform LeadPages. There is one effective feature - you can choose a landing page with the most optimal conversion. This especially helps at first for beginners who do not have sufficient experience in web development. The system allows you to sort landing pages by conversion rates. Of course, this does not guarantee one hundred percent success, but nevertheless, you can focus on some numbers. If the topic of landing pages really interests you and you want to dig deeper, then you can go to WhichTestWon.com, where the guys have compiled a whole file of A/B tests that allow you to create landing pages with high conversion.

Web design rules for increasing conversions

What do you do when you invite guests? Get things in order! Before inviting visitors to the site, you also need to put things in order there! Let's get started!

Today the following rules of web design rule:

  • Single column layout in website design. It is easier to perceive by users and allows you to implement the principle: one page - one task. A layout with two or three columns already makes it difficult for users to perceive, their attention is scattered, the site seems heavy and overloaded. In addition, a single-column design is easier to adapt to mobile layout.
  • Social proof. They are still important, but from a slightly different position - from the position of your real clients. Need to demonstrate to users more reviews satisfied clients. To do this, simply post scans from Yandex maps, Google May Business or yellow pages. Better yet, video reviews are now increasingly gaining popularity due to the fact that when a user sees a text, he may have doubts about who wrote it, and a question of trust arises. And when a person watches a real character in the video, his eyes, facial expressions, and hears his speech, then the chances of trusting the company increase significantly. 88 percent of users always look at reviews before purchasing. Various ratings work very well in terms of social proof. Now catch something interesting trick: If you were unable to appear on top ratings, you can create your own. Buy a domain in the zone withom, come up with a name for the rating, gather all your competitors there, and yourself, of course, to the top position and share it everywhere. I assure you, no one will check what kind of rating this is, by whom and for what the positions are given.
  • Add contrast. Today, laconic color is in fashion - the less color you use on the site, the better colored objects are for the audience’s perception. Many designers ignore this rule; as a result, the user’s eyes are dazzled and he simply cannot find information that is important to him on the site. Use colors only where you need to highlight them important information. And leave as much white space as possible. Highlight call - to - action, important buttons, links that users should follow.
  • Fewer fields in forms. This is mega important! Users generally don’t like filling out forms, so extra fields can scare them away and you will be left without clients. In the fields it is enough to indicate only the most important information - name, phone number or name and email. Another alternative option- log in from social networks. This will significantly save the user’s time and save him from filling out forms.
  • The variety of options makes it difficult for users to choose. This idea was put forward by Barry Schwartz in his bestseller The Paradox of Choice. In the book, he dispels the common myth that the more choices, the better. In fact wide choice can leave the buyer confused or even unhappy. One page should convey information about one product or one service, and also be clearly focused on one goal.
  • Follow new trends and implement them in your work. It is very important to constantly monitor what is happening in the web development market and implement it in practice. It was 10 years ago that you could make a website and forget about it. This doesn't happen today. For a website to turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan, it needs to be worked on and updated periodically, making it even more attractive to the client.
  • A few more useful tips: Consider ways to increase conversions such as live chat, a warning window, a full-screen pop-up window that is best used when the visitor leaves the site. All this can be done using one very good program - SumoMe. The program is free. One of interesting features- generating messages based on user behavior on the site. It monitors the user, notices what he reads on your site, what pages he views, and then generates a personalized message. For example, the plugin sees that a user on our blog has read interesting articles on promotion on YouTube and sends him a message with the following content: Greetings. I noticed that you just read an article about Youtube. We are preparing now new publication- 100 life hacks for promotion on Youtube. Subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out useful material..." There can be many options. Here it is better to think through all the possible triggers, as well as the solutions that you need to sell on the site first of all.

Why do you need an online consultant?

Many companies install online chat and do not understand why it is needed. And it is needed in order to hook the client and obtain personal data from him - name, phone or email in order to interact with him further. You need to set up your work in such a way that potential clients via online chat are immediately included in your managers’ meeting schedulers. This is exactly what it is designed for.

In fact, there are no strict rules in landing page design, but experts highlight a set of recommendations for optimizing the resource:

Title. Must be clear, concise and coherent. The landing page should be a continuation of your commercial offer in Facebook advertising or mailing list. Because sometimes, when users go to a landing page from some advertising source, they see a headline that is completely unrelated to the object of advertising, and eventually close the resource and go to competitors. If in an advertisement you announce the opportunity to get something for free, then the offer should be repeated in the landing page header.

Subtitle. Must supplement or decipher the title. For example, if in your main offer you state: you will receive free course about promotion on Facebook, then you can supplement it with the following phrase: 10 types of advertising on Facebook to generate leads within an hour.

Text. Grammar errors can significantly spoil the customer's opinion of you. Therefore, before writing content for your landing page, carefully check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Reviews. We've already talked about social proof that builds trust. In addition to reviews, certificates, certificates, words such as - tested....approved...verified...tested, etc. still work well.

Call - to- action. Instead of template and hackneyed phrases, it is better to use - Open now, look and see, get instant access, etc. The user needs to be taken warmly in the “here and now” mode, you won’t have another moment! Well, with the exception of retargeting, which will follow your user on your heels like a ghost.

Clickable buttons. It is very important that the conversion button is located next to the call to action. In this case, the button should stand out so that users can immediately see it. When it comes to colors, yellow and orange buttons are the best ones to attract attention.

There shouldn't be many links. Why? Because, firstly, the landing page must have one goal. Links lead the client away and do not allow metrics systems to receive necessary information about clients.

Image and video. It is best to have one good, high-quality image on the landing page that will attract customers. The same rule applies to videos. You only have 8 seconds to grab the user's attention. The combination of image + offer should work well on the landing page. One picture + one offer. You don't have to order them from professional designers, a decent photo can be found on resources such as Shutterstock or StockUp.

One screen rule. This applies equally to both mobile and desktop versions. You should try to fit all the most basic information on the first screen. It is advisable to place the most important information above the fold line.

Now there's another one important point- if you created good landing page, following all our recommendations does not mean that you will receive maximum quantity leads You need to add a lead magnet to your content.

This is a value proposition that people will pay for in the form of their contact information. Lead magnets work especially well in info-business topics. People are always greedy for free materials - 100 life hacks for promoting your business or a checklist for effective lead generation from Instagram, so they leave their phone numbers and email addresses. On the one hand, this way you can reveal tidbits to users on the landing page and, on the other hand, get their data for further interaction. This works in B2B too. What, for example, do buyers most often look for on websites? They are looking for prices, assortment, product characteristics. They will not leave their contact information in the forms, because tenacious managers will not let them out of their clutches and will remind them about the company and services at any opportunity. Therefore, you can cheat a little. Make this form:

After the user has left his address, he will immediately receive a catalog with a price list by email. You can send it in a month repeated letter with approximately the following text: “Hello.... a month ago you visited our website and downloaded the price list. I want to make sure that the letter with the catalog did not end up in spam. If you have any questions, you can write to me at any convenient time. And that’s it. In a couple of weeks, you will be able to send a third letter with specific promotions, bonuses, etc. This is how you can build a chain of contacts with a client via email. If you don’t yet understand what kind of lead magnet to offer your client, grab a cheat sheet. with the main types of lead magnets that are ideal for any business.

  • Book, report, step-by-step guide to action. Users are very fond of various step by step guides, reports from analytical information, e-books. It could be anything. The main thing is that your lead magnet really contains interesting and useful life hacks. In case of "unsubscribe" you will be completely reverse effect- users will be disappointed and will never buy the main product.
  • Memo or check sheets. Today, time is a person’s main resource, which cannot be bought for any amount of money. Not everyone has time to read large books or listen to hours-long lectures; it is much easier to get a check sheet with a summary of self-promotion on Instagram in 2018.
  • List of resources/tools. Sometimes you can collect entire lists useful resources, which people may not even realize they have. For example, a list of 44 interesting places where you can spend a weekend with your family for free, or 33 reliable websites for buying a house, or 5 clinics where you can get tested anonymously, 10 places where you can serve alcohol for free on the weekend. 10 resources where you can post an article for free. 20 sites with ideas for home improvement...Such lists can be made in absolutely any niche.
  • Videos - tutorials, webinars. In fact, video content takes precedence over text content. Why? Because it is perceived by people as a product with more high cost. Today, absolutely any business needs to use video for lead generation, fortunately it exists huge amount applications that allow you to quickly create videos and then edit them (Animoto, replay video, iMovie)
  • Free samples or product testing. As a lead magnet, you can give clients access to software product in test mode for free. And only then offer to purchase the full version. The client will play, watch, test and decide for himself whether he needs this product or not. Or another interesting option is to provide access to full version, but limit the user in time. For example, 2 days to use the software.
  • Discount. It's corny, but it still works. Register now and get a 50% discount.
  • Tests or quizzes. You have probably often seen offers on the Internet such as “take the test and receive your personal weight loss program” by email. Or find out which zodiac sign will lead you to a happy family life. This is a good move with which you can get users’ email or phone number. Services such as TryInteract.com or PlayBuzz.com will help you create quizzes.
  • Assessment test. Slightly different from the previous type of lead magnets. The idea is for customers to decide for themselves whether they need to buy your product. Naturally, the test must be designed in such a way that the result always implies the purchase of the product. This lead magnet works well in the financial and accounting fields. For example, take the test: Do you need optimization? financial accounting. An illustrative example is the American coach and writer Tony Robbins, who uses a test to assess personal qualities.
  • Additional information. Sometimes you can hide some information on a landing page: for example, an individual lending program or a demonstration video of a product in action, or a video review of Olga, who bought magic products and lost 20 kilograms.
    Lead magnets are powerful tools to increase landing page conversion. Once you have decided on a lead magnet, all you have to do is add it to the site and wait for applications.

Proper optimization of content on social networks to increase conversion

An important component that also affects landing page conversion. So that your posts on social networks can be seen by users and search engines, you need to work on them.

First, you need to choose the right illustration for the post, which will be associated with the published content. Often users experience cognitive dissonance when they see a picture, start looking at the text, and it’s about something completely different. The user will simply waste his time, get upset and leave.

Secondly, you need to use popular hashtags according to your topic. But here it is important not to overdo it - so that the user’s eyes do not ripple from the numerous “#”.

Thirdly, if your publication contains famous brand or person, you can tag him in the publication by placing a link to his personal page or brand community. This will allow you to reach outside your group and generate interest.Pr- cspecialists of the people you mentioned. They can even write comments, thereby creating more more activity in the group. This is done very simply. If he is on the list of your friends on VKontakte, then when creating a post, you need to put the “*” symbol and after it start writing the last name of the desired person. VK will immediately offer you to choose from the list the right person. In this case, the name in brackets can be written in any form, and its ending can also be changed. If the user is not among your friends, then you need to find the person’s ID, copy it - all the characters after vk.com/. For example, here

What is landing page conversion, how does it affect the profitability of a campaign, what CR is considered high and what techniques to use to increase it? Let's consider all these questions in order.

Landing page conversion is one of the most important indicators advertising campaign, showing what percentage of site visitors complete the expected actions. CR is calculated using the formula:

Targeted actions during traffic arbitrage in CPA are usually considered to be achieving goals leading to a lead - filling out an order form, placing an order call back, registering on a landing page, downloading a game or installing an application, and so on. But you can also set up intermediate conversion goals - for example, when using a linking site, this will be a transition from it to the salesperson himself, and with a multi-step path to a purchase on a landing page, this will be, for example, “items in the cart.”

Let’s say 250 users clicked on the ad, 150 went from the landing page to the landing page, and 2 of them clicked on the “Order” button. We count:

  • Pre-landing conversion = 150 / 250 * 100% = 60%.
  • Landing page CR = 2 / 150 * 100% = 1.33%.

How to track CR.

To obtain and analyze conversion statistics, two things are needed:

  1. counter code on the website;
  2. configured or Google Analytics.

To install a tracking code on a page, it must be accessed via FTP or in an editor on a computer, that is, it must be your own site. Some CPA networks have the ability to add third-party counters different systems analytics on the landing pages of the networks themselves, here is an example from M1

After launching the campaign and the statistics appear, for example in Metrica, we look at the conversion data in standard reports, in my case this figure is 7.81%

When choosing and using landing pages CPA networks look at the average data for their envelope

Why Landing Page CR is so important.

The profitability or unprofitability of an advertising campaign largely depends on how well landing page converts visitors into buyers - with a weak conversion, you will waste money on useless clicks with little return.

In the article about I showed the formula for calculating its maximum permissible cost to achieve profit. The formula shows that one of the main indicators influencing the result is the CR of the landing page - the higher it is, the higher the bid you can afford, thereby occupying better positions in the search results, which, in turn, gives a good click-through rate for your ads .

This applies not only to search campaigns - when advertising on any traffic source, the convertibility of the site is critical and determines the success of promotion.

What landing page conversion rate is considered high?

There is no general meaning for a good CR landing page and there cannot be one - it all depends on the chosen advertising platform, format and type of advertising, on the keywords of the ad (if this is the context), on targeting, and so on.

For example, in teaser networks they take volumes of relatively cheap clicks and a conversion of 0.5% is quite acceptable, a conversion of 1% is very good, and above that you are in trouble.

At the same time, when advertising on Direct or Google search, the most targeted visitors reach the selling site and a CR of 1% is average for the hospital, 3-7% and above is good, and 15-30% is high. The same values ​​apply to targeted advertising when it reaches the target audience.

How to increase conversion.

There is a separate article on the structure of landing pages and features on the site. The described techniques significantly increase the convertibility of the landing page - read, apply.

In addition to the design of the landing page, its CR is influenced by many other factors. First and foremost - the information on the page should reveal the essence advertising offer and be its continuation, otherwise waiting for you large percentage refusals and the costs of the campaign will not pay off.

Conversion rate Landing Page is directly dependent on which visitor went to the landing page - either a curious user who was shown advertising that was irrelevant to his interests, or a potential buyer interested in purchasing the product.

In contextual advertising this is determined to a greater extent keywords, for which ads are running - for hot ones the CR will be higher and vice versa. If there are several keys in a group, it is advisable to use it on the site - the user will see what is expected, begin to get acquainted with the information of interest further, and the likelihood of a lead will be higher.

In contextual display networks, landing page conversion is influenced by the selection of display platforms and targeting by interests. In social networks, targeting the necessary segments of the target audience is also important - if this is a target, then setting up filters, if advertising in communities - right choice groups and parsing their audience to the target.

There are articles on all these points on the website - look by category or enter a query in the search window.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to create a high-converting landing page. There is no secret magic here. Convincing an Internet user is based on the same principles as offline sales.

There is a law of form and content. In our case, it's design and content. Without in any way detracting from the influence of design, it is worth recognizing that, first of all, potential client words convince. Not only pure text, but also videos, infographics, photographs with explanations. How you present your product or service determines your sales.

Offer decides everything

The first thing that catches the eye of a landing page visitor is the title. It must be made beautiful large print, and its content is decisive. The essence of the headline is an offer or a unique selling proposition.

How are you different from your competitors? What value will your client receive? The answer to these questions is given by the offer. Clear, concise, convincing. Remember the famous 5 second rule? According to numerous studies, this is how long it takes Internet users to decide whether to stay on a page or leave.

Ideally, the visitor’s reaction is similar to the words of a movie character: “I’m the one who came in successfully!” The minimum task is to scroll to the end of the landing page.

On high-converting landing pages, offers are similar in 3 parameters:

  • Specificity
  • Uniqueness
  • Value

Firstly, the visitor will not puzzle over what you offer.

Secondly, there should not be the impression that “everything here is like everyone else’s.” Template formulations do not sell.

Finally, main element offer - value or benefit for the client. It is measured not only in money. By benefit we mean a certain end result, a solution to the buyer’s problem.

Remember the classic story with the drill? A person buys a tool not for the sake of the tool, but to drill holes. The holes are needed to hang the picture. A painting is needed to create coziness in the house. Follow this chain in your product and sell comfort, not drills.

Bad example:

The offer is specific, with a hint of benefit (we will bring clients), but at the same time it is painfully standard. Today, thousands of agencies and individual craftsmen are setting up contextual advertising. The uniqueness is not visible.

A better option:

The value of this offer (4% conversion) with a money back policy. It is perhaps impossible to come up with a more accurate offer for this niche.

Another piece of advice: don’t try to “show off” at all costs. A unique offer does not mean unlimited creativity. As confirmation, here is the case of Danish marketer Mikael Ogard:

This is a page of the Fitness World network. Original headline: "You'll be more successful with Fitness World." Ogard changed it to: “Group fitness classes at a local gym.” As a result, conversion increased by 38%. Simplicity beats creativity!

Give a strong benefit in the form of capture

In the preview, you explain why the user needs to leave their contacts. What will he get by performing the target action? The most common options for targeted actions:

  • Application for free audit or consultation. Great for the IT sector, online advertising, and any consulting services.
  • Free registration. Typically used by software services.
  • Application for free catalog or price list. Applicable in case large quantity goods.
  • Application for cost calculation. Either a complex product package or a service individual parameters(car repair).
  • Application for free measurement. Standard Themes: suspended ceilings, installation of doors, furniture to order.
  • Sign up for your free first lesson. Works in the educational field ( foreign languages, music, dancing, martial arts).
  • Gaining access to information. Applicable for subscription pages as part of email marketing. The user leaves his address, and you give him e-book, For example.

Discounts or gifts are usually offered as an additional motivator. The technique is ambiguous; if used unsuccessfully, it reduces user confidence. Because a strong proposal does not need a “flavor enhancer”; it is valuable in itself. Gift giving is increasingly perceived as manipulation. Therefore, check your niche for compatibility with free bonuses.

In some cases, it is advisable to place bulletins directly in the capture form, under the preview (we described this case in the previous article).

The CTA button is a “squeeze” of the main benefit in its purest form. An effective call to action either equates to a desired end result (Example 1) or is based on curiosity (Example 2).

There are numerous debates about what type of lead form to use: hidden (there is only a CTA button on the view page) or open. There is no clear answer. See what suits yours best target audience or test both options.

The following example is interesting because it explains what happens after you submit your contact information. This increases user confidence.

The secret trick of online psychology

The meaning of the technique is the subconscious desire of people to replace abstract data with their own.

In any case, the target action should be easy, with minimum quantity fields in the lead form.

Talk as much as possible about the client, not about yourself.

High-converting landing pages focus not on the characteristics of the company or product, but on the benefits of the client. Many pages use the blocks “About us”, “Our advantages”, “Why choose us”, “How we work”. The information in them is given in principle to the point, but for some reason I want to hang a medal on the chest of the author of the text.

Imagine yourself in the client's shoes. What would he like to get from your product?

Something like this:

Often all you need to do is change the headline “Why Choose Us” to “What You Get.” The feeling is completely different. Remember that customers don't care about your achievements. They want to solve their need.

Use hypnotic words

These are words that subconsciously influence a visitor to your landing page to make a positive decision. Short list:

  • Imagine
  • Because
  • For free
  • Present

Of course, everything is good in moderation, and you shouldn’t shove them into every sentence.

Avoid formulaic language

You're probably aware of junk phrases like "growth company." In fact, you can add definitions to them, which are used on every second landing page:

  • Fast
  • Qualitatively
  • Professionally
  • Reliable
  • Inexpensive

The fact is that each person has his own ideas about speed, quality and price. Therefore, never draw conclusions about the product for the client! Let the user decide for himself how profitable your offer is based on specific facts.

You can put any phrase that doesn’t make sense on the same “to be fired” list. For example, " Complete solution problems of your business", "Simple solution complex tasks"or "Achieve success with us." They apply to hundreds of niches and do not say anything about the uniqueness of the offer.

Secret trick

Replace every adverb and adjective in your text with its opposite meaning. If it turns out to be absurd, then feel free to throw out the weed words.

For example: " Professional specialists They will repair your car quickly and efficiently.” The opposite option: “Untrained specialists will repair your car slowly and disgustingly.” Agree, it's absurd.

Here’s how you can write: “Each specialist has at least 8 years of experience, and the senior mechanic completed an internship in Formula 1. We provide a 2-year guarantee for any type of auto repair.” Facts and only facts!

Prove what you claim

Also handle facts carefully. Unjustified statements are subconsciously read by Internet users as falsehood and manipulation. Remember David Ogilvy's legendary expression, “The customer isn't an idiot, it's your wife”? Therefore, promises taken out of thin air mercilessly kill landing page conversion.

For example:

Igor Mann would be jealous. Yes, whatever - it’s time for Dan Kennedy himself to give up his coaching training and become an apprentice to the guys.

If possible, instead unnecessary words take a photo or video of your product in action. Finally, post reviews from your customers.

Use only real reviews

Some entrepreneurs approach reviews in the spirit of “we’ll write it ourselves or ask a copywriter.” Did you know that fake reviews reduce conversions more than false facts? Sometimes it gets ridiculous: people discover their own face on some landing page under a fictitious name.

The same one frequently asked question, which we receive at the stage of discussing cooperation - “What will be the average conversion of the site?”

At this moment, the client is waiting to receive an answer from the series “it will be 23.57634 percent.”

But in reality, everything happens differently, we talk long and tediously about why we cannot say the exact number and close it all with the phrase “In fact, there is no website conversion.” Now I will reveal an ominous secret, but I’ll start with what you really want to hear.

A landing page with a conversion guarantee is a bluff

Due to many factors, the conversion rate can be radically different even for two identical sites advertised in different cities of Russia. Therefore, when they guarantee you something, you should know that they are deceiving you.

And so that you understand exactly why we say this, let’s first define what makes up conversion and what influences it.

And here we will not talk about those factors that depend on the development studio, but about those that the studio cannot influence.

Quality and quantity of traffic

You can attract traffic of 30 people per day, or you can attract traffic of 1300 people per day.

Accordingly, the conversion will be very different, at a minimum, because with low traffic, only hot customers are selected who are ready to buy right here and now.

In the second case, warm, cool, warm-cool and even cold clients are added, with whom you also need to work, for example, through the same one, but, whatever one may say, they spoil the indicators.

By the way, for those who still can’t decide or don’t know how to increase traffic, we wrote an article.

Company image/brand/recognition

Everyone in the sales territory may know your company and just come to you because they trust you, or they may not know you at all and, even with the coolest, will bypass you, as the fear of making a mistake takes over.

The same can happen if your company has already managed to “break the woods” and is now trying to restore its reputation, which, unfortunately, does not return so quickly.



Each city has its own atmosphere, its own districts, its own Brooklyn, its own Manhattan. And each city has its own specifics. For example, in the European part of Russia people eat “Manti”, and in Siberia people eat “Pozy”.

But if you can somehow object here, then, for example, concrete example from our experience, namely from the field of satellite television:

Demand in different cities

As can be seen in the image, demand in cities such as Kyiv and Minsk is increased, but in St. Petersburg it is, on the contrary, decreased. Therefore, there is strife between city and city.


You can be a monopolist in the market, or, on the contrary, you can be in the red ocean with. Moreover, the quantity and quality of competitors differs in different cities. Very very different.

For example, according to 2GIS, in the city of Omsk there are as many as 419 companies involved in building houses!

Of course, not all of them are represented on the Internet, but this is also an indicator, because the client not only compares companies among the Internet space, but also captures different sources information.


You may have a good and tasty offer, but if a competitor sells at 30-50% cheaper, then most likely you will lose. But price is not the only reason to steal customers from you.

Therefore, always be prepared for the fact that today you may have a ton of applications, and tomorrow a competitor makes a stronger offer, introduces new line products and... I think everything is clear here.

Well, how is that?

General market situation

There has been and will be a crisis, and probably always will be. And purchasing power falls, demand falls, and therefore supply falls, due to the lack of the former.

Yes, and it may happen that your technology simply died out, just as the technology of accessing the Internet via telephone line(modem), replaced by wired internet(optics).

But you don’t need to think that everything always just falls. There are niches where demand is growing every day. And this can also affect the distribution of the market among different products and solutions.

Calls to action

By making a call on the website “Leave a request and get an Iphone 6”, your conversion will increase and, like when voting for the president, will be 126% out of 100 possible (we have nothing against the president).

And is that fair? Of course not. And all because all these are not applications, but “freeloaders.”

For example, our experience - we created a button “Free test drive of one service” and “Get commercial offer”, the difference in indicators was 4 times and it seemed great.

But! At the same time, we attracted a lot of unnecessary traffic, which took up time, energy, and resources that we would better direct to the right clients.

Call to action: comparison

The studios are to blame too

Not everything is your fault. There are other factors that a website development agency can influence. And conversion also depends on this. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Advertising channels

  1. CTR of your ad (the ratio of displayed advertisements and transitions to the site);
  2. /transition;
  3. Conversion on the site (this is where the problem lies, because if you made the site yourself using a landing page builder), then the conversion is generally impossible to predict;
  4. Conversion to sales (the ratio of received applications to actual sales).

Based on this, we still come up against the fact that we need to know the result of your site. But I’ll repeat it again and even highlight it in bold:

Average temperature in the hospital

I’m not avoiding the answer and I’m not trying to shield us as developers, I just want to convey the idea that everything is too individual.

But still, in order for the topic of the article to justify itself, I will post a very rough table of average indicators for average traffic and other average indicators. This information created based on our experience and the experience of colleagues from large companies:

Forget what they taught you at school

Now this is just mind-blowing information. Attention. Are you sitting on a chair? There is no site conversion. I didn’t lie to you when I wrote about this above. I prepared you and even hinted at this idea in some words and sections.

  • – 100 people came in, 30 left a request (30% conversion).
  • Question. What conversion? The logical answer is to add up all the indicators and divide into three channels. But is this correct?

    Of course not. After all, if we had studied analytics in this way, we would never have known that traffic from social networks brings us a minus to the company.

    By the way. If you are interested in analytics, then Roistat will be yours faithful assistant. And in addition to the free 14 days, you will receive another 5,000 rubles. (using the promotional code “INSCALE”) as a gift.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Therefore, now, gentlemen, we are not talking about the average conversion of a website, but about traffic. Now you are a professional.

    And in our practice there are paranormal phenomena, namely landing in the wholesale sector with TRAFFIC conversion ( contextual advertising) 45%.

    The same as landing pages in fairly popular topics, but barely reaching 1%, and all this provided that the same technologies are used everywhere, plus or minus.

    That's why this indicator, as a clear figure, is nothing more than a myth. AND the best solution when creating a website, it will rely only on a hypothesis. No matter how strange it may sound.

    Or, if you want to be deceived, you can believe in the promises and experience of the company or the experience of competitors. What does “deceived” have to do with it? If you read the article carefully, you will understand what I’m talking about 😉

    Surely you have already repeatedly encountered many landing pages and are tired of them aggressive behavior. Without even having time to read the headline, they immediately start asking for contacts from you. And if initially such a technique still gave more or less good results, then every day it becomes more and more ineffective.

    Visualization of typical aggression from the majority of landing pages

    What happened?

    To understand the reasons for the deterioration of conversion with this approach, you need to go back a little and understand where these forms came from in the first place.

    And everything happened quite naturally. Most sites offered rather complex communication interfaces that required considerable preparation and patience from users. Ultimately, the evolution of interfaces reduced everything to a simple form: a name and phone number (or even just a phone number), by filling which users solved communication problems on the site and then they were processed by the manager over the phone.

    The obvious simplification of interfaces had a positive effect on conversions and, like all good things, quickly spread across the Internet becoming a ubiquitous trend.

    And all would be fine, but the natural desire of people to get more began to play a cruel joke with a simple form of contacts. This is how promotions, super offers, discounts and timers appeared that limit the action of all of the above and indicate one only correct action - fill out the form or die.

    In most cases, this is where the talent of the majority of landing page makers ends, which is why we have thousands of “landing pages” made as carbon copies, differing only in the size of the discount or the duration of the far-fetched promotion.

    So what's the matter?

    I already wrote in detail about the problem of template solutions that do not take into account the needs of the target audience in my previous article: Landing Page for each. This is painful and I recommend reading it before continuing to read this article and, even more so, trying to implement the technique described below. Since the application is even very good decisions in bad landing pages will not significantly improve conversion.

    So, in the process of interface evolution, people came to a simple request form that gives a higher conversion rate than previous known solutions. Developers began to massively apply this technology and improve conversion with artificial stimulants, gradually shifting the focus from content to targeted action. At some point, this shift completely replaced the content, leaving only the focus on the target action. I consider this moment to be a turning point.

    If we draw an analogy from real life, then now the process of meeting a girl looks something like this:

    "Hello. Sleep with me! My offer is limited. Only 2 girls per day. Look how beautifully I am dressed. I'm very technical. Don't waste my time. Sleep with me!”

    Obviously, this dialogue is absurd and the guy would definitely get at least a slap in the face. So why are you sure that most landing pages that work exactly the same way should be effective?

    Demanding without preliminary acquaintance contacts we only cause irritation to the visitor. And as before, such solutions only work well for discount seekers and clients who really care. The latter are usually indifferent to all the other tinsel and will buy it even if they have to look for your phone in whois domain. But there are few of them.

    Anticipating cries of “But it works!”, I want to remind you that conversion is not just numbers in analytics. It’s easy to indicate in your portfolio after the next landing page delivered, “Here we achieved a conversion of 40%.” And how many of them became real clients? How many will return? How much money has the business lost by giving out discounts and gifts left and right? They usually keep quiet about this.

    Magic pill

    I’ll upset you right away - there are no magic pills, and you still have to think with your head.

    In the process of long-term experiments, we came to the conclusion that before asking a person to perform the action we need, we need to communicate with him. In the context of the interface, well-known masters do an excellent job of this task.

    Thus, on the landing page of a travel agency, when you click on the “Find out” button current prices"the user sees not a form for entering a phone number, but " virtual consultant”, who asks him several clarifying questions: When do you want to fly out? For how many nights? Who will go?

    And only after receiving answers to these questions, he offers to leave contact information, explaining what will happen next.
    This approach, together with the content-oriented content of the landing page, gives significantly best result without causing feelings of aggression. And there is an explanation for this.

    People, even wanting to receive a product or service, are mostly rather inert and in no hurry to leave their contacts. Not everyone likes to talk on the phone, not everyone has time, not everyone knows what they want. They use the Internet to solve their problems and it is quite natural to first satisfy their needs and only then ask for contact information.

    It is the master who solves the needs (naturally, in conjunction with the rest of the content of the landing page). By asking the right questions, we help a person specify his intentions and thereby push him to perform the target action.

    In addition to specifying intentions, this approach also works on an emotional level, predisposing the client to empathy and trust.

    In one form or another, this solution is applicable to most niches and is used by us in such areas as “tourist services”, “ plastic windows", "plastic pipes" and a number of others.

    The described example of using a wizard in a popup is only one of the possible interface solutions and it is not necessary to use only one. It is important to capture the very value of the approach: to help a person specify his intentions and instill a sense of trust.

    For example, when designing a landing page for plastic pipes, we determined that the key action was the intention to receive a price list of products. While all competitors, when trying to get a price list, immediately demanded contacts, we went further and satisfied the need of visitors by sending them to a page where they can immediately download the necessary price lists. On this page, along with the prices, they placed a special request form, but as expected, the conversion on it was quite low, which cannot be said about price list downloads.

    The magic was different. The number of calls after downloading price lists sharply increased compared to previous version interface, and their quality has increased significantly. If earlier, the manager had to communicate at length with the client and then still send him the price list, then in in this case communication was already more constructive. Thus, we reduced the load on the call center and increased the overall conversion denominator. Although not in the traditional way.


    The described interface solution is only a tool and requires careful handling. I am not calling for the wholesale use of wizards and similar solutions anywhere and anyhow, but I am only pointing out that in addition to the harsh and ignoring the needs of visitors, the requirement to immediately leave contacts, there are other, softer and more effective solutions.

    Stop producing clones. Learn to think about your visitors and finally solve their problems. And in gratitude, they will definitely carry out your target action and when the manager calls them, they will greet his call with a smile, and not with a demand to immediately and at all costs bring them this gorgeous “hamster” as a gift, which they were so generously promised on the landing page.