What commands does the notepad text editor menu contain. How to work with Notepad? Creating a program shortcut

Good day and sunny mood to everyone who looked at the light. Today I will tell you how to open a text editor. To some, this may seem too banal. But judging by the popularity given request in search engines, quite a lot of users experience difficulties in solving the task. I will not gloat, but simply extend a helping hand to them, describing the most available methods launch text editors "Notepad" and Word.


Let's start, perhaps, with Notepad (Notepad) - the simplest text editor included in standard set software any Windows versions. There are several ways to open the Notepad text editor.


The first method was originally provided by the developers operating system. I'm referring to the green start button that can be found in the lower left corner of the screen. After clicking on it, a menu will open with a list of the programs most frequently used by the user and service shortcuts ("My Computer", "Control Panel" ...).

At the bottom of the list there is a separate item "All Programs", clicking on it will open the list of programs installed on the PC.

Among this set there is an inconspicuous item "Standard", after the disclosure of the contents in its bowels, "Notepad" will also be found. To launch the found editor, it remains only to click on it with the mouse.


Owners of the latest this moment the tenth version of Windows, among the service elements of the Start menu, you might notice an empty line. It is a convenient "Search" function.

In earlier editions of the OS, there is no line, but there is a “Search” command, supplemented by a magnifying glass image.

We just enter the word “notepad” there or in the English version notepad (the same thing), wait and see the application we need in the search results. It is easy to launch it with two quick clicks of the left mouse button.

Method number 2, as a rule, is rarely used, but this knowledge will not be superfluous - you can search for anything on a computer.


The third option, in my opinion, is the most convenient. I use exactly them. The point is not to open the original file on the computer with the extension txt and the name "Notepad", but to create another such document. On the free space any space (desktop or the inside of some folder) you need to click once with the left mouse button. The result of these actions will be the appearance of a small menu. At the bottom of it there is a "Create" command.

We highlight it by hovering over it and select “Text” from the list of documents proposed for creating.

A file with an active name field will appear - this means that you need to give it a name. Name it and press the Enter key. You can also open the resulting text file with two clicks.


Friends, there is another way, as I think, it is used extremely rarely and mainly by system administrators, but I will tell you about it - you can open the Notepad text editor through command line. In the "Start" we find the command "Run" or simultaneously press two keys - Win (a floating window is drawn) and the English R ( current setting language does not matter, the method will work in any case, even if Russian is selected).

In the window that opens, write notepad (it is important to write exactly English title) and click OK. Done, the goal is achieved - Notepad is open.

Windows has another text editor that is an in-system tool. It is also launched through the command line by writing in it edit commands, identical to its name. I provided this information just for reference.


Open text word editor You can use the same methods as described above for Notepad with some edits. Briefly about the same:

  1. The first - in the "Start" menu, among all programs, we are looking not for "Standard", but Microsoft Office, and among the proposed components, select Word.
  2. The second is in search string you need to enter not Notepad, but Word, then find desired program in the results (usually the top one) and double-click to open.
  3. Using the third method, we do the same, but among the options listed for creating, we select a Word document.
  4. In the fourth method, we enter the winword.exe command in the “Run” window (you can enter it briefly in one word without a dot and an extension at the end) instead of notepad.


Friends, I opened the topic, but I also want to separately note how to open it with any text editor finished file. This is quite simple - we do one right-click on the given document and select the "Open with" command.

It remains only to select the required option in the list (if there is none, then click on the “Select program” item and search there) and the task will be solved.

This concludes my story. You can supplement it with your own, not considered by me, methods, describing them in the comments. Goodbye.


To create a text file through Notepad, you must first open the program itself. To do this, call the Start menu. In it, move the mouse cursor over the line "All Programs" and select the line "Accessories" in the menu that appears. Listed standard programs click on the line "Notepad" once with the left mouse button.

After starting the program, a window will appear in front of you with an empty text file, which you can immediately change as you need it (type the text you need or copy it from other text files).

If you need to create empty file with the extension ".txt", then in the Notepad window, click the "File" button located in the upper left corner of the screen. Select "Save" from the menu that appears. A file save window will open in front of you, in which you need to specify the location directory, file name and its format. After specifying all the data you need about the file, click the "Save" button.

You can create a Notepad file in another way. To implement it, open the directory you need, in which the future text file should be located. Then right-click on any empty space in the selected folder once. In the action selection menu that appears, hover over the "Create" line. In the drop down list of types files select the line "Text Document". After that, a text file with the extension ".txt" will appear in the folder you have chosen, which you can immediately rename. For change given file just double click on it with the left mouse button.

Useful advice

When copying finished text documents to Notepad, file formatting is automatically removed. In this case, only the copied text itself and its division into paragraphs are saved.

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IT technology experts have found that most of the problems faced by novice users are not just any challenging tasks, and actions that do not require much knowledge. For example, how to create file document how to copy text and paste it into another document. Creating a document file is simple and easy to do.

You will need

  • Any text editor.


A document file is a document created in any text editor. What text editors do you know? There are quite a few of them standard solutions line of Windows operating systems can be distinguished "Notepad" and WordPad. Quite famous file manager Total Commander includes a separate product - AkelPad, and Microsoft package Office may suggest creating text document in MS Word application. As you can see, there are plenty of applications in which you can create a document file.

Now let's dissect the document in above listed programs. One of all existing simple programs for working with text - this is Notepad. It can be launched from the Start menu by selecting the note icon from the list of standard programs. When this application is launched, a temporary file is automatically created and saved to a folder designated by the operating system. When you exit the program, a message will appear on the screen asking you to confirm the request to save the file. You can also save the file in another way: click the "File" menu and select "Save As". In the window that opens, specify the path to the save folder and click the "Save" button.

The next text editor from the standard set Windows programs- wordpad. This utility is also intended for writing texts and saving, but here you can format the text so that it looks and is pleasant to read. The principle of saving a file in this editor has not changed compared to the previous opponent. True, the interface of this program in the operating system Windows Seven changed slightly and instead of the usual menus, separate buttons appeared, which looks much more convenient. To save the file, it is now enough to press the only button "Save" with the image of a floppy disk.

IN AkelPad editor the principle of saving documents is the same as , so it makes no sense the same. The MS Word text editor keeps itself apart - with its help you can not only add formatting to the text, but also a description of some elements, it became possible to add, macros, inserts, etc. In versions of this program, starting with Microsoft Office 2007, the navigation bars disappeared completely and tabs appeared for intelligent control. Selected for saving separate button"Save" as a floppy disk, as in the case of WordPad in Windows 7. This operation can also be done by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+S.

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files It is customary to name certain information stored in required format. The most used extensions are .doc (for Microsoft Word), .png, .gif or .jpg (for images), .xls (for tables Microsoft Excel) and .txt (for text files). The execution of the file creation operation is directly related to the program designed to open it.


Perform a click right button mouse on an empty space on the desktop to call the context menu and select the "New" item.

Select the desired file type in the list of the submenu that opens and enter the desired name of the created file in the desktop shortcut that appears.

Expand the folder where you plan to create a new file and call context menu by clicking the right mouse button in any empty place folders to perform the creation of a new file by an alternative method.

Our today's review we decided to devote to simple text editors, in common parlance - notepads. Indeed, almost every user has to work with plain text from time to time, and some do it regularly. And here you need a simple, convenient and functional tool, to which the standard notepad included in composition of Windows and proudly called Notepad "ohm, it certainly cannot be attributed. May the gentlemen from Micro$oft forgive me, but soberly assessing the functionality and convenience of their creation, this notebook can be called only one word - "squalor". For many years, wandering from one version Windows to another, this one that's set on edge Notepad does not undergo any noticeable changes and is currently unsuitable not only for serious work with the text, but in general for any kind of work. Therefore, as long as the gentlemen from Micro$oft treat users of their products this way, these users will have to take care independent search suitable tools for work.

So, our goal today is to choose a more "tricky" notepad that is simple and easy to use, and definitely free.

I note right away that there are similar tools that meet these criteria. great amount. In this article, we will only focus on a few. If anyone has other preferences - you are welcome in the comments.

The first candidate in our review. It began its existence back in 2003 and is being developed to this day, regularly issuing new versions to the delight of its millions of fans. Such popularity "plusanuty" notebook is not in vain. To date Notepad++- this powerful program, which has in its composition a huge number of the most "fancy" tools (and if they are not enough for someone - Notepad++ supports the connection of plugins, of which there are a lot, for any requests). One of the advantages of this editor is the ability to open several files at once, which are displayed in different tabs. Also in the program there is syntax highlighting of a huge number of programming and markup languages, support for macros and regular expressions search/replace, which makes this editor a huge hit with programmers. For ordinary users in Notepad++ there are highly developed tools for editing text data and a program interface translated into several dozen languages, including Russian.

Another candidate, "weight" of only 162 kilobytes. If it seems to someone that such a "kid" is not capable of doing anything sensible, then he is deeply mistaken. Despite its size, this "baby" has more than two hundred functions for working with text, has advanced search and replace tools, supports Unicode and hotkeys, can sort strings and automatically close HTML or XML tags. Plus, Ted Notepad can switch to full screen mode and has a very advanced buffer mechanism Windows exchange.

In the past, one of the most popular Notepad replacements from the standard Windows distribution. Very pleasant to look at, very comfortable and moderately functional. Its capabilities will be clearly not enough for programmers, but ordinary users for home or office work will be just right. Supports several of the most common encodings (ANSI, KOI8, OEM, Unicode) with the ability to instantly convert text between them, can connect plugins and highlight syntax and something else. Very pleasant and comfortable home use Softinka, unfortunately, forgotten by its authors - the project is frozen and has not been updated since 2004, and it is not known whether it will be resumed. However, I still recommend to look at the program page ( http://www.astonshell.ru/freeware/bred3/) and download a trial version for yourself - it may turn out that this is exactly what you need.

In terms of its capabilities, this editor is only slightly superior to the standard one. Notepad Windows, but in terms of ease of use and appearance, it is head and shoulders above it. From the name itself, it becomes clear that characteristic feature are tabs in which you can open several documents at the same time. These tabs can then be combined into groups and opened with one click (those users who often have to access the same set of text files will appreciate this). There is a simple file manager that can be tucked out of sight and easily reactivated when needed. In addition to working with tabs, the main emphasis of the program is on the appearance - several themes are built into the softinka and the ability to control the transparency of the notepad window. And the ability to zoom in on text and count characters in the document being viewed nicely complement this nice, simple and convenient text editor.

Development of domestic open source programmers. Looks like the original Notepad Windows, but surpasses it incredibly in its capabilities. Supports a lot of various encodings, including Unicode. All text files can be opened for preview and then edit them in separate tabs. Remembers the position of the carriage in each closed document, and can do a multi-level rollback of changes when editing. Especially for those who find all the features of the program not enough, AkelPad supports the connection of plug-ins that perform all sorts of exotic functions that a regular notepad never dreamed of. For example, if you wish, you can teach AkelPad highlight syntax and various service information when working with program code, scripts or web pages, keep all sorts of document statistics, automatically complete the input text and do a lot of other "delicious" things.

By the way, latest version program number 4.3.5 came out just a few days ago - hurry while it's hot!

Another replacement for the standard open source notepad. Just like Notepad++, it is based on the component Scintilla, which provides this editor with a very impressive feature set. Moreover, the abundance of opportunities does not interfere at all normal work- most of the functions are correctly removed in various menus, and only the essentials are left on the surface. Also, like its "flattened" counterpart, it supports syntax highlighting (depending on the type of file being edited - plain text, a web page, one of the programming languages, etc.), tag autocompletion, support for various encodings, maintaining all kinds of statistics, and much more, including such exotics as displaying extra spaces, working with lines and blocks of text, etc.

These lines are now just typed in Notepad2, because the program is really convenient and, despite the abundance of functions, it is very easy to use. The only trifle is in the last standard versions The editor does not have a Russian interface, but there are enough Russified versions of it on the Web.

This concludes our review today. Because of the most powerful functionality, the language no longer dares to call the program just a text editor - this is already something more. That is why programmers love it so much, no less, and perhaps even more than Notepad ++, with which we began our review. Despite all the power and ordinary users who do not need so much, will find something to profit from. Very decently Russified, besides, it provides a check of Russian spelling. Has a tabbed interface, remembers the position of the cursor when editing. Naturally, it supports syntax highlighting and working with the structure of documents, macros and scripts, and much, much, much more.

To whom all this seems not enough, they can download a huge number of all kinds of plugins from the developer’s website, and even a lot of help files to various programming languages ​​that can be connected to the program and called, if necessary, directly from PSPad. Very serious, "fancy" and, oddly enough, a very convenient editor.

We hope our review will help you choose a suitable replacement for the standard "leaf" notepad, which, according to by and large, it's time for the landfill computer history along with the dinosaurs.

Although, perhaps, a miracle will happen, and the gentlemen from Micro$oft will suddenly new version of their operating systems will present us with a normal modern notebook, which will be convenient to use? How to know...

It's no secret that most often on a computer you have to work with text information. This includes working with documents, and correspondence, and browsing the Internet. For entering and editing texts, there are many various applications and online services ranging from office programs and ending with content management systems. Most of these software tools developed over the years and at the moment are quite complex systems for working with formatted text - i.e. text in different fonts, symbols different size, colors, positioning, etc. At the same time, sometimes there is a need to work with simple, unformatted text - i.e. with text that is one continuous sequence of characters that does not contain information about appearance letters. standard Windows tool to work with such text is Notepad program. This program has rather meager functionality that allows you to open a file in a standard format. Windows encoding, edit the text using the keyboard and clipboard, and then save the edited information as the same text file.

Since working even with unformatted text can be quite diverse, many alternative programs. And one of the most popular among them is Notepad++. As its name implies, it is also called a notepad, but with the prefix "++", which implies advanced functionality and convenience. In this article, we will talk about how to use these two programs and reveal their most important features.

Installing and running programs

Because Windows Notepad is regular program operating system, then it does not need to be installed, but simply launched through the menu item "Start / Programs / Accessories / Notepad". And to install the Notepad ++ program, you can use either the installer with official website of the program or install portable version across . To do this, in the window for choosing programs to install, select the item "Notepad ++" in the "Development" section.

After downloading and unpacking, the program will be available in the portable programs menu.

Opening and saving files

Both programs have standard means to manage files. So the program Windows Notepad in the menu section "File" there are the usual items "Create", "Open", "Save" and "Save As". But even in this, it would seem a simple question, Notepad++ has a number of significant advantages. Here are the most important ones.

In Notepad++, you can open several files at once by switching between them through the tabs in the program window.

The File menu displays a list of previously opened files, which is extremely convenient if you often have to return to the same texts. Moreover, Notepad++ remembers the list of open files at the moment you exit the program and opens them all the next time you start it.

If the file encoding is non-standard for Windows, then in Notepad++ you can set it for the current file. So, for example, when editing files for Internet pages, the encoding "UTF-8 without BOM" is often used. Accordingly, you can enable the operation mode in this or any other encoding through the "Encodings" menu item.

If necessary, through the same section of the menu, you can convert open file into a different encoding - for example, to be able to work with it in a Windows notepad.

Using the clipboard and search functions

Working with the clipboard is an integral part of editing text data. Therefore, you can work with the buffer in both notepad programs. The same applies to text searches. In a standard Windows notepad, these features are available through the "Edit" menu item.

Of course, not only these features are available in Notepad ++, but also a number of others that are not available in regular Notepad. For example:

Copying and pasting vertical text blocks by selecting them with the mouse while holding down the Alt key.

Selection of multipage text without forced scrolling when selected - through the menu item "Edit / Set selection"

Clipboard history panel.

Special paste of formatted text from the clipboard, where not only display text is pasted, but also formatting characters such as HTML tags.

Search and replace in several files at once.

Highlighting in a different color all matching text fragments.

Search using special characters(line break, etc.), as well as using the so-called. regular expressions.

Setting the display type

Since unformatted text is not tied to the size of the printed sheet, it can consist of lines of arbitrary length. And if the line does not fit into the current width of the window, then you can view it only by scrolling horizontal stripe scroll. To avoid such inconvenience, standard Notepad You can enable line wrapping.

In addition to setting the font, there are no other options for changing the type of text in this program. But in Notepad ++ it is laid down in this regard whole line important functions:

Display of special characters (tabs, line breaks, spaces, etc.).

Changing the scale of the text with the mouse wheel or the key combinations Ctrl+Num+ and Ctrl+Num- .

Syntax highlighting for the selected programming or markup language.

Selective hiding of strings, as well as selective hiding of syntax blocks.

Work optimization

Windows Notepad does not provide any special operations that speed up text editing. While Notepad++ has a number of useful features that can significantly increase the speed of work. So, for example, it is possible to convert the case of characters in one click for a selected fragment of text. To start such a conversion, you can use the menu item "Edit / Convert Case" or the corresponding hot keys.

An even more commonly used function of Notepad++ is the operation with integers. text lines. After all, for example, it is much more convenient to delete a line by pressing one key combination than to pre-select its beginning and end with the cursor and then press the Delete button. The same applies to deleting lines and moving them. At regular work with texts, such small optimizations simplify the work. Moreover, the program has the ability to sort rows according to different criteria. All these operations are available in the menu item "Edit / String Operations".

Not less than useful feature is an automatic processing spaces. After all, in the process of working with text, it is difficult to keep track of where extra words are inserted by mistake. whitespace characters. And therefore, operations to remove extra spaces can be very useful. These operations are available in the menu item "Edit / Operations with spaces".

For those who are involved in the preparation of technical texts, editing HTML code and programming, it will be extremely convenient to use the tools for commenting on code and autocomplete input. In addition, all users can automate many routine activities by creating your own macros. This can be done through the menu item "Macros".

On top of all these advantages of the Notepad++ program, it is worth mentioning the ability to install various plug-ins, thanks to which you can further expand the functionality of the program.


With the Windows Notepad program, you can solve basic tasks for editing simple text files. This is convenient because windows notepad is a regular program that is part of the operating system, and therefore is available on all computers under Windows control. If you need to work more closely with unformatted text, then it is convenient to use Notepad program++, which has a much larger set of functions, making the process of working with texts much easier and more convenient.

The standard delivery of Windows OS includes a simple text editor. NOTEBOOK (NOTEPAD). It has minimal means of entering and editing texts, but it is precisely for the minimality of these means that it is preferred in many cases.

The program is launched by the commands Start/Programs/Accessories/Notepad .

Program window NOTEBOOK has a workspace and a small menu bar. The cursor is located in the workspace - a blinking vertical line. The cursor determines the location where the new entered character will appear. Lower case entered with alphanumeric keys. For input capital letters When you press an alphabetic key, you must hold down the key.

If you need to enter many uppercase letters in a row, it is convenient to press the key. Go to newline performed by pressing the key. With the command Edit/Wrap you can set automatic transition to a new line when it reaches the right border of the window. Then pressing the key will end one paragraph and start a new one. The indent from the left edge is set with the key. Tabulation is also used in cases where it is necessary to format the text in the form of a table: the columns are aligned with the key.

Editing (editing) the text is making changes to the document.

NOTEBOOK only works in insert mode. This means that the character being entered expands the previously entered characters.

The character to the left of the cursor is deleted with the key, and the character to the right of the cursor is deleted with the key. Cursor movement can be controlled following keys:

  • - moves the cursor to the beginning current line
  • - moves the cursor to the end of the current line
  • -[→] – one word ahead
  • -[←] – one word back
  • - - to the beginning of the document
  • - - to the end of the document
  • – screen page up
  • – screen page down

The cursor can also be set to Right place mouse click.

Another possibility fast travel by text - use the command Search/Find . In the dialog box that opens, in the input line Sample you need to enter the word or phrase you want to find, and click the button Find next. The searched word will be highlighted.

NOTEBOOK allows you to work with blocks of text. First, a fragment of text must be selected by dragging the mouse (moving the mouse while holding down the left button) or by using a key combination and cursor arrows. Deleting the selected fragment is carried out by the key. Copying or moving a fragment can be done using the Windows clipboard:

-[X] – delete fragment to clipboard -[C] – copy fragment to clipboard -[V] – paste fragment from clipboard

These are the "hot" keys of commands from the menu Edit .

Program NOTEBOOK allows you to work with only one document. But you can run it twice and copy blocks of text between two documents open in different windows.

In a programme NOTEBOOK the same order of saving information is used as in all Windows applications. The data is saved as a file. The file must be given a name, address, and extension. The address of the file (folder) is selected by the user. If it does not specify a folder, then the folder that is used by default in this program is used. The name is chosen by the user. You usually don't need to specify an extension: the application "knows" what type the file is and will automatically substitute the necessary extension. NOTEBOOK assigns the extension .txt to files. If the application can save data in multiple formats, then you must specify the type of file to save.

If the document is saved for the first time and does not yet have a name, then you need to give the command File/Save As . In the dialog box that opens, select a folder, file type, enter a name. Then you need to click on the Save button. If the document already has a name and was previously saved, then you can give the command File/Save . The file will be saved under the same name and overwritten previous file. If you need to save a copy of the file under a new name, then you need to issue the command File/Save As and set a new name in the dialog box.