Components of biometric systems. Biometric authentication systems as a way to implement control

For those who practice manual healing or want to learn this powerful practice, I have developed detailed methodology training. I use this system for several years now and has achieved amazing results - remission occurs the very next day, and any serious illnesses and ailments (even oncology) can be treated, including damage, curses and others negative impacts. The Nazar Method is based on my personal research using Chinese practices. Read, learn and practice for the benefit of humanity!

Development of hand sensitivity

An exercise to develop hand sensitivity should begin by warming up the palms and fingers. They need to be kneaded and rubbed a little to cause a rush of blood. The sensitivity of the hands is necessary for scanning cosmic and terrestrial energies, the human biofield, the aura of animals, plants and other energy manifestations. Using the method of scanning a person’s biological field, one can establish a disease and begin treatment, but more on that a little later.

After warming up your hands, do the following exercise. Straighten the index finger of your left hand, clench the remaining fingers. The hand is in horizontal position, approximately at chest level. Do the same with your right hand. Start rotating the index finger of your right hand clockwise around the index finger of your left. When rotating, the phalanx of the finger of the right hand overlaps the phalanx of the left. Rotate until a slight tingling sensation appears at the very tips of your fingers. The exercise can take 30 rotations or more. If you don't feel a tingling sensation, increase the rotation speed. To enhance the effect of sensitivity, you can visualize lightning striking between your fingertips. If after rotational movements you do not feel a tingling sensation, the exercise should be repeated until the desired effect appears.

When you feel a tingling sensation, finish the rotational movements and begin to bring your fingertips closer together. The tingling sensation should intensify. After this, repeat the rotation exercise with the next two fingers of your left hand in turn. The little finger and thumb should not be exercised, however, according to your wishes.

Change the direction of the exercise by rotating the index finger of your left hand around the index finger of your right until your fingertips tingle. Spread your fingertips and bring them together, feeling an enhanced effect. Repeat the procedure with the next two fingers.

After finishing the exercise, bring your palms together and feel a tingling sensation at the tips of all your fingers. The palms of the hands should be straight, the fingers relaxed.

Begin rotational movements of the palm of your right hand, relative to your left, which remains motionless. Then rotate the left one relative to the right one. After finishing the movement, bring your fingers together again; the tingling sensation should be noticeable.

Repeat the exercise as often as possible at home and at work. When you have perfected the sensitivity, a tingling sensation in your fingertips will begin to be felt when you normally bring your palms together without preliminary rotation. While doing the exercises, you can visualize the chakras of your fingers and palms. Developing sensitivity can take from a couple of weeks to several months. I felt a tingling sensation in my fingertips on the first day of training, but my wife only felt it two to three weeks later.

The next important exercise is aura scanning.

Caura scanningperson

You should begin scanning the aura after mastering the exercise for developing hand sensitivity and obtaining a positive result. If you have not currently developed enough sensitivity in your hands, I advise you to skip the chapters on scanning, cleaning and treating the body. They should be read when the topic becomes relevant. However, in order to obtain and accumulate theoretical knowledge, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with very useful material.

When scanning the aura, which is the human energy body, it is useful to learn to feel the size of the external aura and the aura of health. Then you should start scanning your inner aura. This will help your hands become sensitive, since the external aura and the aura of health are more “subtle” than the internal one. When treating a patient, the location of diseased areas is determined by scanning the internal aura. When scanning the aura with your hands, you should concentrate on the centers of your palms and fingers. Concentration on the centers of the palms and fingers activates the chakras of the hands, giving the ability to sense subtle energies and matter. Let's start the exercises by scanning the external aura.

External aura. Standing about four meters away from your partner, extend your arms and turn your palms towards him. As you slowly approach your partner, try to feel his external aura with your hands. Focus on the sensations in the center of your palms and fingertips, visualizing the active chakras. When you feel warmth, slight resistance, or tingling in your palms or fingers, you are feeling an aura. Try to feel the size of the aura in front and behind, walking around your partner. An important factor sensation is pressure on the hand, which allows you to accurately determine the width of the external and internal auras, as well as the aura of health. The approximate width of the outer aura is about one meter in radius, but sometimes it can be about two meters. In rare people it can reach three meters. Now about the aura of health.

Aura of health. Having determined the size and shape of the outer aura, slowly move forward, maintaining the position of your hands. If you feel resistance or a slight painful tingling in your fingertips, stop. The sensations may be a little more intense than the previous ones. Now you feel an aura of health. Try to feel its size and shape. Usually the aura of health is about sixty centimeters wide, but when a person is sick, it decreases, having a width of thirty centimeters or less. In a completely physically and spiritually healthy person, it can reach more than one meter. Next, we scan the internal aura.

Inner aura. It can be scanned with one hand or two, making smooth movements of the hands back and forth. The thickness of the inner aura is about fifteen centimeters. Scan by activating the chakras of your palms and fingers using the method of visualizing them. This will help you sense subtle energies.

Scan the patient from the front and back, from head to toe. Feel the aura of the right and left ear, then the right and left kidney. The internal aura of both parts of the body should have approximately equal thickness. A sign of an unhealthy part of the body is a decrease or increase in the thickness of the aura. It can vary greatly, for example, the thickness of the aura of a healthy kidney can be fourteen centimeters, and the thickness of a sick one is about five to six.

The chakras and spine should be given special attention. In most cases, parts of the spine have an excess of energy, or a deficiency. It happens that a patient does not complain of back pain because he does not feel pain.

If during the scan you find a dip in the aura or a thickening, this indicates the presence of a disease.

The failure of the aura is exhaustion and signals insufficient quantities energy and chakra blockage. If a chakra is clogged, it becomes deactivated, becoming dystrophic without an influx of fresh energy. At the same time, some of the negative, stagnant energy remains in it. The diseased organ located in the area of ​​responsibility of the chakra also suffers without receiving energy replenishment. The consequence of energy starvation can be illness.

A thickening of the aura indicates an excess of energy. The consequence of energy oversaturation may be blockage because excess interferes with free energy metabolism, forming stagnation. Over time, stagnant energy without fresh input becomes inactive and lifeless, paralyzing the work of the chakra and internal organ.

Also, a diseased area of ​​the body can have a dip and thickening of the aura at the same time. This indicates that the organ is functioning abnormally, having a deficiency in one part and an excess of energy in another. Deficiency and excess indicate illness, and the more clearly they are expressed by thickening or depression of the aura, the more severe the illness.

Dips and thickening of the aura may be temporary, and this does not indicate illness. Temporary defects in the aura arise as a result of a surge of negative emotions, which are scandals, hatred, irritability, resentment and other destructive manifestations. Such defects normalize a few hours after their occurrence. As a rule, diseases of the energy body begin before the disease manifests itself in the physical plane, so timely scanning and treatment will help prevent the patient from developing a disease of the physical body.

Treatment by cleansing the body

Sick and stagnant energy should be removed from the body by cleansing. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that negative energy extracted from the body has the ability to be preserved and subsequently return to the patient. It can also be partially transmitted to the magician performing the cleansing. In some books I read that the deactivation of sick energy should be carried out with the help of salt, sand, meat and other organic matter dissolved in water. For example, negative energy is thrown from the hand into a bowl of sand or salt dissolved in water. When removing energy from your hand, you should express the intention that it dissolve and disappear. I don't doubt the effectiveness in any way. this method, but I want to offer a visualization method that is familiar to you. To destroy negative energy, I suggest throwing it into the fire. Visualize a powerful flame and throw energy into it, watching it flare up and burn. After cleaning, the visual flame should be extinguished because in the invisible world it is real. Don't forget to wash your hands, you can visual method. Cleansing the body should be done by squeezing your fingers into a handful, but it is also acceptable with open fingers. A handful is more effective for drawing out sick energy, and the open-fingered position is effective for combing the aura. With cleansing, you remove sick, stagnant energy and open clogged energy channels. The cleansing process normalizes energy metabolism in the body and speeds up treatment. After cleansing, you should fill the body with fresh energy and do a combing, which will distribute excess energy throughout the body and plug holes in the external aura, preventing energy leakage. I will describe the process of filling the body with fresh energy a little later.

Cleansing a diseased organ

Concentrate on the diseased organ and your hand. Squeeze your fingers into a fistful and use a raking motion to brush repeatedly, as if you were raking up dirt. Cleaning should be done several dozen times. Visualize the process of dirt accumulating in your palm and from time to time throw negative energy into the fire. Visualize the cleansing of an organ or chakra; it should become perfectly clean. I recommend visualizing the cleansed organ in golden light. Sweeping movements can be carried out in any direction. Some esotericists recommend increasing the number of sweeping movements up to a hundred times, and in case of severe illness up to five hundred. I am not a fan of quantity and believe that in healing, as in magic in general, quality concentration and visualization play a decisive role.

General body cleansing

General cleaning should be done with sweeping movements from head to toes. The distance to the patient's body should be about five centimeters. Remember to shake off negative energy into the fire. After cleaning, comb with unclenched fingers. When extracting sick energy, use visualization using willpower. Throw negative energy into the fire, watching it flare up and burn. Visualize complete cleansing organism in golden light. After completing the procedure, do not forget to turn off the fire and wash your hands thoroughly.

Filling the body with energy

This procedure is no less important; moreover, the process of filling sick organs with fresh energy is creative in the full sense of the word. To treat a patient, I recommend using cosmic energy without wasting your own. To receive cosmic energy, the chakras of one hand are used, and the chakras of the other are used to transmit it to the patient. Both the right and left hand are capable of absorbing and transmitting the energy of space, depending on which one is more convenient. To work with energies, concentration, visualization and will are always used. You should concentrate on both diseased organs and the chakras of the hands, but the hands require much more concentration than the organs. In what follows I am going to call the hand into which the energy of the cosmos enters host, and the hand being treated transmitting.

Stretch your palms. Feel the energetic sensations in your fingertips and the center of your palms. Turn the receiving hand palm up and the sending hand palm down. Concentrate your attention on the receiving palm and activate its chakras through visualization. Place the transmitting hand over the painful part of the body at a height of five to ten centimeters, activate its chakras. Visualize the flow of cosmic energy in the form of a golden stream into the receiving palm. Raise the flow of energy up your arm, through your body at shoulder level and into your transmitting arm. When the cosmic energy reaches the palm of the transmitting hand, direct it into the patient’s body, stabilizing a constant flow of energy. Concentration on the chakras of the transmitting hand and the patient’s diseased organ. Visualize the organ or diseased chakra being filled with fresh energy, acquiring a golden color. If you feel tired in your hands, you should shake them and continue working. Filling the diseased organ with energy should be carried out until you feel a reverse flow in the form of a slight repulsion of the palm or a strong thickening of the aura.

The quality of recharging can be checked by re-scanning the diseased area of ​​the body. If you feel a failure, it means there is not enough energy and you should continue the filling process, and if you feel full, comb with your fingers, distributing the excess energy throughout the body.

If you have a problem with body scanning and you cannot accurately determine the depth of the dips, you should treat based on the patient's pain sensation. The organ will not just hurt, so if the patient feels pain, suggest that he clean and recharge. Recharging the organ will be beneficial in any case. Self-medication can be carried out using the cleaning and recharging method.

Energy stabilization

The next, no less important stage is the stabilization of the energy transferred to the patient’s body. Fresh energy has the ability to gradually leave the body, so it should be stabilized by stopping the leakage. Stabilization occurs when the treated area of ​​the body is visually tinted blue. After painting, you should say the word “stabilize”, putting your will into it.

When working with energy transfer, you should pay attention to the fact that during a treatment session energy body The healer is connected to the patient’s body by an invisible energy thread. It is along this thread that a slow leak of energy can occur, so after finishing the session and stabilizing the energy, the healer needs to visually cut this thread with a knife or scissors. After this, the session can be considered completed. Don't forget to wash your hands.

As you develop skills in energy palpation and concentration, begin to practice further assessing a person's energy field.

The real patient or “model” you select must be in a sitting or lying position. Hands should be 5-8 cm from the surface of the patient’s skin; Perhaps we should start from the head. Check the area to the left of the head and compare it to the right side.

Scan from the top of the head, above the face, towards the chin. This area is covered in about 10 seconds. Be aware of what you feel, changes in sensations, temperature, and so on, but do not fixate on questions like: “Did I feel anything or not?” Just feel everything that passes through your hands.

Gradually move over the front of the body, then move to the back. The speed of movement should be low but constant.

When the scan is completely finished, check any areas that seem unusual to you and re-check your first impressions.

It may happen that where there are significant fluctuations in the energy field, the hands will notice changes in temperature. You may also feel changes in pressure, tingling, vibration, electrical sensations, or pulsations.

All of these sensations can be important. Mark them and write down your feelings.

Begin Chakra Scanning

Relax, concentrate and then scan the body of your partner or patient. The goal is to understand if you feel any variations or changes in the texture and character of the energy in the “chakra” areas described by Upledger (ch. 5, p. ..., fig. 10.3).

Compare what you feel in different chakra positions with “normal” ones. healthy people and people with illnesses.

Try to understand what specific forms of illness or health are associated with specific patterns of energy fluctuations.

Mark them and write down your feelings.

Rice. 10.3. Diagram of the energy fields (or chakras) of the spinal region.

Braga Joy Concepts

In addition to Dr. Krieger's book, an excellent and very insightful introduction to energy medicine can be found in the "Joy Way" presented by Dr. Brug Joy (1979). Much here is similar to what Krieger describes, but much is also unique, containing extensive material that can help the reader both to develop the ability to sense emitted energy fields and serve as a guide to methods of “transferring energy to others.”

Joy characterizes what he actually teaches as “transformational energy” and emphasizes that one must first achieve mastery in one set of exercises and only then move on to the next. His exercises are broken down into the following groups:

1. Resonance circle.

2. Study of the sounds of music passed through a powerful amplifier.

3. Modified spiral meditation.

4. Two-element exercises.

5. Three-element exercises.

6. Scan by hand.

7. Energy transfer.

Just from this list it can be understood that in order to just get to the place where Krieger starts, Joy recommends doing a lot of work. Joy's book - best way Learn more about the first five requirements above. His description of hand scanning of chakras is worth careful study as it gives very precise information on this approach:

In the phase of scanning the body's energy with the hand, the consciousness of the scanner must become completely receptive, and her/his awareness must be completely concentrated on the hand, or hands. A state of consciousness known as “witness” is activated. One must be careful not to project what the scanner thinks should be there into the space surrounding the person being scanned. On the contrary, the task is to explore this space in order to find what is actually there. The hand acting as the detector should be relaxed. The fingers should be slightly spread, you can bend them a little, much like in a classic ballet pose. A hard, flat palm with fingers pressed together will be much less effective as a detector.

He also recommends that beginners start with their right hand (if the beginner is right-handed), because in the beginning it can be quite difficult to operate effectively with both hands; a sufficient degree of sensitivity in both hands develops only over time.

Speed ​​of movement is important: too quick action interfere with the mental registration of the sensory input signal, and too slow movements create the effect of reflection of the scanner’s own energy from the skin of the subject, and exactly the same sensations occur on both surfaces. The right speed will travel approximately 30 cm in 2 seconds (this is faster than the speed recommended by Krieger - 10 seconds for the face only).

The sensation that almost all beginners experience is “overwhelm,” characterized by tingling, throbbing, and even headaches or other painful sensations. This interferes with awareness of incoming stimuli. To relieve this sensation, Joy recommends shaking your hands or tapping them on your thighs (yours, of course). This can give results after many attempts, and what is called palpation of the energy field will not occur during these attempts. You need to allow the feeling to flow through you.

Joy likens the process of learning such fine palpation to what happens to medical students when they learn to recognize heart murmurs: “First they have to learn to concentrate their auditory awareness, because the normal hearing mechanism simply does not perceive the ranges in which these murmurs can be heard. The same is true for the subtle sense of touch, at least in the initial stages.”

The distance from the scanning palm to the body should be 20-30 cm, says Joy, and the person being scanned should lie on a wooden couch or table face up (metal is not suitable because it interferes with the energy field). All jewelry should be removed; the same applies to metal buckles and watches. The person being scanned should feel relaxed and free to move (if, for example, he wants to scratch or stretch). Conversations, of course, are not encouraged.

Joy recommends starting with finding the "patient's" pulse so that the scanner can adjust their awareness to the patient. With your other hand, you can start scanning above the chest, top part body and lower abdomen, since this is where the energy fields are stronger and relatively easy to detect. He recommends starting the scan outside the body, beyond its boundaries, then entering the area above the body, and then moving outside again to feel the contrast. Once a person becomes familiar with this "feeling" of the energy field, such a sequence is no longer necessary. When doing this kind of work, Joy advises closing your eyes (as when palpating skin and muscles, in order to better concentrate consciousness).

The most valuable instruction from his mouth sounds like this: “You can’t feel the field if you just hold your hand over it, you can feel it when hand goes through it. This principle is fundamental. During scanning, the hand must be in constant motion. She must move in and out of fields»,

Thus, a “slice” through energy fields at different levels allows us to determine their shape, distance from the surface, density and degree of “health” of the field.

Joy notes that with his own years of experience, he could recognize the field at a distance from the body two to three times greater than when he was a beginner. First this one was simple registration the fact that there is an energetic elevation felt above the chakra, and this was (and will be for others) a huge step forward. Such elevations above the perineum and crown of the head are relatively easy to recognize. As the hand moves from chakra to chakra, variations in intensity should be noted.

The region over the throat chakra requires that the patient hold their breath for a short while, so that it does not confuse the scanning process. Practice in a group, if possible, so that the differences one from another are available to reinforce the learning process. After scanning the front of the body, the patient turns over and the back is assessed in much the same manner.

Related information.

Today, biometric security systems are being used increasingly thanks to the development of new mathematical algorithms authentication. The range of problems that can be solved using new technologies is quite extensive:

  • Law enforcement and forensics;
  • Access control system (ACS) and restriction of access to public and commercial buildings, private homes (smart home);
  • Transfer and Receipt confidential information personal and commercial;
  • Carrying out trade, financial and banking electronic transactions;
  • Login to an electronic remote and/or local workplace;
  • Job blocking modern gadgets and protection of electronic data (cryption keys);
  • Maintaining and accessing government resources;

Conventionally, biometric authentication algorithms can be divided into two main types:

  • Static – fingerprinting, iris; measuring the shape of the hand, the line of the palms, the placement of blood vessels, measuring the shape of the face in 2D and 3D algorithms;
  • Dynamic – handwriting and typing rhythm; gait, voice, etc.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a capable installation for measuring a biological parameter of any type, you should pay attention to two parameters:

  • FAR - determines the mathematical probability of the coincidence of key biological parameters of two different people;
  • FRR - determines the likelihood of denying access to a person entitled to it.

If manufacturers omitted these characteristics when presenting their product, then their system is ineffective and lags behind competitors in functionality and fault tolerance.

Also important parameters for comfortable use are:

  • Ease of use and the ability to perform identification without stopping in front of the device;
  • The speed of reading the parameter, processing the received information and the size of the database of biological reference indicators.

It should be remembered that biological indicators, static to a lesser extent and dynamic to a greater extent, are parameters that are subject to constant changes. Worst performance for static system are FAR~0.1%, FRR~6%. If a biometric system has failure rates below these values, then it is ineffective and ineffective.


Today, the market for biometric authentication systems is extremely unevenly developed. In addition, with rare exceptions, security system manufacturers also produce proprietary software. source code, which fits exclusively with their biometric readers.


Fingerprint analysis is the most common, technically and software-advanced method of biometric authentication. The main condition for development is a well-developed scientific, theoretical and practical knowledge base. Methodology and classification system for papillary lines. When scanning, the key points are the ends of the pattern line, branches and single points. Particularly reliable scanners introduce a system of protection against latex gloves with fingerprints - checking the relief of papillary lines and/or finger temperature.

In accordance with the number, nature and placement of key points, a unique digital code is generated and stored in the database memory. The time for digitizing and verifying a fingerprint usually does not exceed 1-1.5 seconds, depending on the size of the database. This method is one of the most reliable. For advanced authentication algorithms - Veri Finger SKD, reliability indicators are FAR - 0.00%...0.10%, FRR - 0.30%... 0.90%. This is enough for reliable and uninterrupted operation of the system in an organization with a staff of more than 300 people.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undeniable advantages of this method are:

  • High reliability;
  • More low cost devices and their wide selection;
  • Simple and fast scanning procedure.

The main disadvantages include:

  • Papillary lines on the fingers are easily damaged, causing system errors and blocking access for authorized employees;
  • Fingerprint scanners must have a system to protect against counterfeit images: temperature sensors, pressure detectors, etc.


Foreign companies that produce biometric systems, devices for access control systems and software for them should be noted:

  • SecuGen – mobile compact USB scanners for PC access;
  • Bayometric Inc – production of biometric scanners various types For complex systems security;
  • DigitalPersona, Inc – release of combination scanner-locks with integrated door handles.

Domestic companies producing biometric scanners and software for them:

  • BioLink
  • Sonda
  • SmartLock

Eye scan

The iris of the eye is as unique as the papillary lines on the hand. Having finally formed at the age of two, it practically does not change throughout life. The exception is injuries and acute pathologies of eye diseases. This is one of the most accurate methods of user authentication. The devices perform scanning and primary data processing for 300-500 ms; comparison of digitized information on a medium-power PC is carried out at a speed of 50,000-150,000 comparisons per second. The method does not impose restrictions on maximum number users. FAR statistics - 0.00%...0.10% and FRR - 0.08%... 0.19% were collected based on the Casia EyR SDK algorithm. According to these calculations, it is recommended to use such access systems in organizations with more than 3,000 employees. IN modern devices x cameras with a 1.3 MP matrix are widely used, which allows you to capture both eyes during scanning, this significantly increases the threshold of false or unauthorized alarms.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • High statistical reliability;
    • Image capture can occur at a distance of up to several tens of centimeters, while physical contact of the person with the outer shell scanning mechanism;
    • Reliable methods that exclude counterfeiting - checking the accommodation of the pupil - almost completely exclude unauthorized access.
  • Flaws:
    • The price of such systems is significantly higher than that of fingerprint systems;
    • Ready-made solutions are only available for large companies.

The main players in the market are: LG, Panasonic, Electronics, OKI, which operate under licenses from Iridian Technologies. The most common product you may encounter on Russian market are ready-made solutions: BM-ET500, Iris Access 2200, OKI IrisPass. IN lately new companies worthy of trust have appeared: AOptix, SRI International.

Retinal scan

An even less common, but more reliable method is scanning the placement of the capillary network on the retina. This pattern has a stable structure and remains unchanged throughout life. However, very high cost and the complexity of the scanning system, as well as the need long time do not move, make such a biometric system available only to government agencies with an increased security system.

Face recognition

There are two main scanning algorithms:

2D is the most ineffective method, producing multiple statistical errors. It consists of measuring the distance between the main organs of the face. Does not require use expensive equipment, all you need is a camera and the appropriate software. Recently it has gained significant popularity on social networks.

3D - this method is radically different from the previous one. It is more accurate; the subject does not even need to stop in front of the camera to identify it. Comparison with information entered into the database is made thanks to burst shooting, which is produced on the go. To prepare data on a client, the subject turns his head in front of the camera and the program generates a 3D image with which it compares the original.

The main manufacturers of software and specialized equipment on the market are: Geometrix, Inc., Genex Technologies, Cognitec Systems GmbH, Bioscrypt. From Russian manufacturers we can mention Artec Group, Vocord, ITV.

Hand scan

Also divided into two radically different methods:

  • Scanning the pattern of hand veins under the influence of infrared radiation;
  • Hand geometry - the method originated from criminology and has recently become a thing of the past. It consists of measuring the distance between the joints of the fingers.

The choice of a suitable biometric system and its integration into the access control system depends on the specific requirements of the organization's security system. For the most part, the level of protection against counterfeiting of biometric systems is quite high, so for organizations with an average level of security clearance (secrecy), budget fingerprint authentication systems are quite sufficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

For correct and qualitative analysis In palmistry, first of all, you need photographs of your palms.

You need to take 5 photos:

  • - right hand (do not cut off fingers and bracelets in the photo)
  • - left hand
  • - rib on the little finger side of the right hand
  • - rib on the little finger side of the left hand
  • - right palm - no fingers

For the perfect photo, of course, you need digital camera. The higher the resolution of the camera, the better. If you have powerful camera on a cell phone, then set it to macro photography.

The photo should show the smallest lines on the palm, should be visible papillary pattern. After all, only in this case is it possible to see the full picture of lines and signs and, accordingly, make more full analysis and give as much as possible detailed information according to your photo.

I advise you to take photos during the day, when sunlight. Alternatively, near the window.

We must turn off the flash and set the camera to close-up (macro) mode, which is usually indicated by a flower icon. During the photo process, you need to secure both the hand you are shooting and the camera itself. It is better to exclude any movements during the shooting process.

It is better to take photos against a light background. The window sill will do)))

The thumb is moved to the side, but without force, and the other 4 fingers are held freely, but not pressed against each other and not spread apart!!!

We take the photo so that the entire palm and fingers are visible.

We also take photos of the ribs of the palm.

When photographing the edges of the palms, do not strain your hand, it should be in a free state.

This too good option, but the scan also needs to be done correctly.

To begin with, set the scanning resolution to at least 300 dpi (more is better, but don’t overdo it!!!)

We place our hand on the glass in the same way as I told you in the photo. That is, we move the thumb to the side, and hold the rest freely. Do not press your hand into the glass!!! Of course, you don’t need to hold it suspended, but you also don’t need to press it down, otherwise the image will be unreadable.

If the center of your palm is strongly depressed or well-developed tubercles prevent you from making a scan in such a way that all the lines are visible, then I recommend taking a PHOTO!

Do not compress the photo and send it actual size!

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Biometric palm vein recognition technology, or Following Japanese banks

Over the past five years, interest in biometric technologies has increased significantly. Nowadays, for physical and logical access, along with cards, biometric identification using fingerprints, iris or 3D facial recognition is increasingly being used. If ten years ago the use of biometrics seemed an impossible task, today such solutions are being actively implemented, replacing plastic cards

Alexander Dremin
General Director of the company "Prosoft-Biometrics"

In 2004 largest banks Japan, such as Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Suruga Bank, The Hiroshima Bank and The Bank of IKEDA, have implemented a palm vein biometric identification system to confirm bank card transactions at ATMs. The innovation has significantly increased the level of safety and comfort when organizing access to personal account even in the absence bank card. Increased interest in technology was due to the need to develop reliable system access even during natural disasters and disasters. For example, during the major earthquake in Japan in 2011, many residents were unable to use ATMs to withdraw cash because cards and other supporting documents were irretrievably lost.

In this article we will look at biometric technology palm vein recognition, its advantages and disadvantages.

How the method works

The method of scanning the saphenous veins of the palm is based on reading radiation reflected from the human palm in the infrared region of the spectrum with a wavelength of 760 nm. Since reduced hemoglobin in the blood absorbs infrared radiation, radiation of less intensity is reflected from the venous vessels of the palm than from the rest of its surface. This creates a unique pattern of venous vessels, and the veins become visible when scanning in infrared rays.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows the dependence of the absorption coefficient of blood hemoglobin on the wavelength in the infrared spectrum.

Palm versus fingers

Compared to the fingerprint or vein pattern of the fingers, the vein pattern of the palm is more complex and has more unique features, allowing for fairly accurate construction digital model and perform identification using databases. Inner side The palm is less susceptible to changes in skin color than the back, so it is mainly used for identification. It is also worth noting that this method absolutely harmless to the skin and blood vessels.

Identification system design

Let's consider the design of the palm vein identification system in Fig. 2. A scanner is a device based on a CMOS matrix, an optical lens and light filters. Images are captured from the CMOS matrix at least 300 times per second.

The resulting image is sent to personal computer or microcontroller for post-processing. As a rule, the scanner design itself already contains a microcontroller for generating a mathematical template and the ability to encrypt data for secure transmission via a USB interface or sending via local network.

Creating a biometric template

Stage 1
The first step in creating a biometric template is to filter the original graphic image and highlight the area of ​​interest. Filtering allows you to highlight significant areas palm veins and reduce areas of noise and glare. For such problems, it is generally accepted to use the algorithm discrete transform Fourier. Taking into account that the palm may be applied with a horizontal displacement relative to the scanner, it is very important to design the filtering algorithm taking these requirements into account.

Stage 2
The next stage is binarization, which is necessary to bring all images to a single form and reduce the influence of different focusing and contrast of the image. When binarizing areas, part of the noise is also cut off using the so-called noise mask.

Stage 3
An important step when processing the image of the veins of the palm, the area of ​​interest is selected (Fig. 3). As a rule, the algorithm is based on the method of identifying the “webs” between the index and middle, middle and ring fingers, ring and little fingers. Based on all points of the contour of the palm, the center of mass is calculated and the conditional center of the palm is found. The obtained palm rotation angle coefficients are reduced to one value. This method makes it possible to achieve independence of recognition quality from the angle of rotation in the horizontal plane relative to the scanner.

Stage 4
The resulting processed image is divided into sampling sections indicating the coordinates of control points, angles of rotation of lines and written to a file, which is mathematical model. Obviously, restore the original graphic image drawing the veins of the palm is impossible. The average template size does not exceed one kilobyte.

Compared to a fingerprint or pattern of finger veins, the pattern of palm veins is more complex and has more unique features that make it possible to fairly accurately build a digital model and make identification using databases. The inner side of the palm is less susceptible to changes in skin color, unlike the back, so it is mainly used for identification


The identification process is based on comparing one pattern with others stored in a database. For identification, a correlation algorithm is used, which bears the main processor load for computing system. To increase the recognition speed and reduce processor time, a prefetch algorithm is often used that uses global features of the structure of the venous pattern (hash code). In general, the prefetch algorithm allows one to significantly narrow the database searches for similar values ​​of global features.

Differences and advantages

Considering the biometric palm vein recognition technology, it is worth highlighting it separately distinctive features and benefits:

  • application of a contactless identification method (Fig. 4);
  • ease of use;
  • high reliability (identification does not depend on dryness/humidity and contamination of the palms);
  • impossibility of falsification (the pattern of palm veins is visible only in the IR spectrum);
  • low error rate (according to studies conducted by Fujitsu on the example of more than 140 thousand palms, the error rate is FAR = 0.00008%);
  • ease of use.