The best program for photos. The best programs for processing photos on a computer

Photos without additional processing look boring and even cheap. But even professional photographers with their own photo studio resort to Photoshop and simpler photo editors.

Today we will look at the most optimal photo editors.

Photo editors: paid mobile applications


Paid photo editor for working with portraits and selfies.
Price – 3$
Program functions:
smoothing wrinkles, eliminating skin defects;
change in eye and hair color;
teeth whitening.
In addition to adjusting your appearance, standard filters are provided. Disadvantage of the program: it does not work normally with the png format.

A simplified version of Photoshop. Both mobile and desktop applications work perfectly. The cost of the photo editor depends on the operating system. What does the service actually offer?
Professional tools for:
retouching, adjustments;
creating photo collages;
writing text on photographs;
painting on canvas;
adding layers.
Really cool stuff! And it is not limited to the listed possibilities. Here you can find cool filters, special effects and other fun things to create cool photos.

There are rumors that this application is used by the famous Kim Kardashian. But there is no officially confirmed information about this. Although there is every reason to believe the rumors, since the software has full versatility, optimally suitable for women and girls. The software is full of the coolest features for face correction, including applying fashionable makeup and eliminating wrinkles. The MakeUp tool is interesting because the cosmetics on the edited portrait look natural. Here you can choose the proposed colors of decorative cosmetics, adjust their saturation and shades. You can safely give the developers a 5, since facial contouring, which is set according to your face shape (the program itself knows how to do it), is a rarity; it is possible that this is the only application that provides such amazing opportunities.

Photo editors: free mobile applications

Cool free Google app. It's incredibly easy to work with! What attracts attention is not only the simplicity of the application, but also the colossal richness of the correction functions. It is known that Instagram has put forward requirements for photo expansion - 1080*1080. If your photos do not meet the specified parameters, then the free software will adjust the required numbers without loss of quality.

Users also have access to:
a) processing tools:
spot correction;
selective correction;
photo cropping;
framing and much more;
b) filters:
glow effect;
black and white photo;
grainy film;
black and white film;
aging photography;

The benefits of the program are obvious. But that's not all! When changing the orientation of the image, it happens that the picture loses parts of the picture. The developers did not miss this point: the application automatically fills in the missing elements.
If you applied a filter and you didn’t like it, you can cancel it, regardless of the sequence of actions.

If your work seemed like a masterpiece, and you want to remember the step-by-step changes in the image, then the software provides the ability to view your actions in the order in which they were performed.

A universal solution for Instagrammers, as the application provides over 180 filters, more than 300 fonts for writing a photo test, 560 stickers, collages (up to 16 photos in one image), 92 background patterns, 135 magazine templates. In addition to the above, the software improves camera functions and corrects photos, including smoothing out wrinkles and eliminating skin imperfections.

Professional photo editors

Paid pleasure. Although you can safely find a free application, its coolness is somewhat reduced. The peculiarity of the software is that it provides not only optimal tools for photo editing, but also improvement of the shooting process, that is, the capabilities of the camera itself are increased. Thanks to the paid version, the photographer does not have to resort to using a tripod. And one more thing: a night shooting mode is being added.


Paid software (149 rubles - that's pennies!) for creating flawless images. The main purpose is to eliminate keystone distortion and adjust the lens.

Online services for photo editing (free, but with the ability to purchase additional options)

1. Fotor

Aerobatics! Girls will especially like it, because the program, like Photoshop, eliminates skin imperfections, including wrinkles. Applying makeup: eye shadow, eyeliner, pencil – free of charge. You will have to buy lipstick and blush. But if you don't want to invest money, then the shadows can be used as lipstick and blush. The free features are quite enough for an Instagrammer, namely:
basic adjustment: cropping and reducing photos without losing quality, standard photo processing tools - vignetting, brightness, shadows, etc.;
the effects are great! In addition to the typical filters: lomo, retro, winter, black and white photo, etc., to create strong contrast, it suggests changing individual parts of the photo to black and white, while those that need to be highlighted remain in color. You can create a pixelated or blurred background, but leave individual elements untouched.

2. Р

It has numerous filters, “additions”, and background changes. An online resource creates a gif from a portrait: wink, smile, sadness and other moods. For a free service, very cool!


one of the most popular applications, which, in principle, is repulsive, since most Instagrammers who do not have the opportunity to take high-quality photographs use templates from here. Although, if you work with several photo editors, then no one will guess that you have a free template. By the way, some templates are animated and costumed.

Home Photo Studio- a simple program for processing photos. Once again I am convinced that the times of huge in size and difficult to understand graphic editors (monsters) are gone like a bad dream.

Just about five years ago, firms producing calendars and collages were considered a thriving business, which also retouched and improved your photographs, giving them various effects... now it’s even funny to remember them, because there are photo processing program with which any novice computer user can quickly and easily create miracles with their photos that are difficult even to describe in words.

Pay attention to the angry faces of passers-by or passengers of public transport - these are former employees of photo studios who charged you exorbitant amounts of money for any manipulations with your photographs! Now they are all unemployed - they have been replaced by a simple photo processing program “Home Photo Studio”!

Here are some of the program's features...

The simplicity and ease of the “Home Photo Studio” program begins with its very launch...

This menu will greet you and help you quickly start processing your photos.

The program interface is concise and understandable - even a one-year-old child can understand it.

When you hover over any element, a tooltip appears.

Here several screenshots of the program

Pay attention to the line indicated by the arrow. After clicking on it, a bunch more options for filters or effects will appear.

That's right - this photo processing program can replace the image viewer built into the system.

Separately, I would like to note the concern of the manufacturers in terms of supporting users of the program. The help is done at the highest level - every action that can be performed on photographs is described in great detail...

For example…

The official website of the “Home Photo Studio” program also deserves attention. There is a whole training section...

At the end of the list of simple lessons you will find a link to a whole page of video lessons on the program...

(these are not all video tutorials - the list continues downwards, I just captured only four)

Download “Home Photo Studio” (57 MB)

The relatively large size of the program is explained by the various frames, filters, etc. built into it. But this does not at all prevent you from downloading it very quickly from the official link below - the manufacturers’ servers are simply supersonic.

I would just like to draw your attention to the last window that appears when installing the program...

Uncheck the boxes if you do not need “add-ons” from Yandex. If you do catch them, my article on this pressing and painful topic will help you get rid of bars and unnecessary panels in your browser.

The photo processing program “Home Photo Studio” is distributed as a paid product with a 10-day trial period of free use. You can purchase it at a significant discount if you complete the free registration offered to you after installing the program.

Photo editing in the era of digital photography is an objective necessity. In this regard, the Slovak photographer Rado Adamek comes to mind: “Does anyone say that they don’t need good photo retouching? He just doesn't know how to use Photoshop properly."

Many novice photographers, out of fear of the retouching process, hide behind the opinion that the perfect photograph is created without Photoshop. However, in the same way, a person with excess fat tries to justify his weight with a “heavy” bone. But over time, gaining experience, a photographer can radically change his mind.

Want to know the second most common excuse for newbies? “The only editor you should use to retouch photos is Photoshop, and that’s it.” Amateur photographers who adhere to this point of view do not even suspect how much they are mistaken. We have already raised the topic of alternatives to Photoshop - read more.

In addition, an amateur photographer is unlikely to spend as much time working in Photoshop as a professional, so the result will be the same. This, of course, does not mean that constant practice will sooner or later allow you to edit photos no worse than professional retouchers.

The developers acknowledge that Polarr is aimed at fairly experienced and demanding users, so be prepared to spend some time mastering the interface of this editor.

Best Free Photo Editor: GIMP

GIMP is a complete professional photo editor that can be easily downloaded and installed on your computer. GIMP can offer the user many tools and functions, including retouching, cloning, working with layers and various filters, as well as a built-in file manager. It works great on Mac, Windows and Linux. What’s important is that GIMP supports many graphic formats, including RAW files.

GIMP was released in 1995 when it was created as a free alternative to Photoshop. Compared to the latter, GIMP certainly lacks the efficiency of some of the more complex features and tools, but it is the best editor you can get for free and completely legally!

The GIMP interface is very similar to the Photoshop interface, so if you have experience with Adobe's editor, you will master GIMP quite quickly.

Best Free Photo Editor: Fotor

Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

Price: Distributed free of charge.

Fotor does not claim to be a full-fledged photo editor, but despite this, it is one of the most popular free applications. Fotor is available in both online and desktop versions.

The most popular feature among users of this editor is the (High Dynamic Range) function, which allows you to combine 3 images with different exposures into one HDR image (one of the favorite techniques of landscape photographers). In addition, filters and basic tools for cosmetic photo retouching are available to the user. Fotor supports the ability to apply selected parameters and settings to multiple images at once.

The disadvantages of this application include the lack of tools and functions available in other free photo editors.

Best Free Photo Editor: Paint.NET

Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

Price: Distributed free of charge.

When you read the name of this application, you will probably remember the standard Windows graphics editor - MS Paint. Indeed, Paint.NET was originally developed as an online alternative to the standard editor installed on millions of computers around the world.

But over time, its developers decided to go further - they implemented support for layers, effects, as well as a number of other popular tools, turning their brainchild into one of the most popular applications for image processing.

While developing functionality, Paint.NET developers were able to maintain its “Paint” simplicity, which became one of the main assets of this editor. It's fast, simple, and free, making Paint.NET the ideal tool for simple, fast editing.

Paint.NET is great for those who want to retouch their photos a little without resorting to the unnecessary power of Photoshop.

Best Free Photo Editor: Krita

Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

Price: Distributed free of charge.

Krita is already interesting because it was designed by artists for artists. This free editor gives creatives all the tools they need when focusing on concept art, illustration, and visual effects.

Of course, Krita isn't a photo-focused app—although photographers love to use it for retouching—it's more geared towards digital painting and graphics. Krita can offer the user a large variety of brushes and tools for fine retouching, and supports, among other things, the PSD format.

Best Free Photo Editor: PhotoScape

Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

Price: Distributed free of charge.

PhotoScape is another bright representative of the family of free photo editors that offer a wide range of simple and effective tools. With this application, you can create presentations or GIF animations, manage color, convert RAW to JPEG, create slideshows, etc.

This is not to say that PhotoScape is in any way superior to other editors mentioned in this article; rather, it is a solid average. However, its functionality is quite sufficient to meet the needs of a novice photographer.

Best Free Photo Editor: Pixlr

Platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, IOS.

Price: Distributed free of charge.

Editor is available both as an online service and as a desktop application. In addition, for those who like to edit photos on a smartphone, there are versions for Android and IOS. Since the interface of all versions is very similar, this free editor is an ideal solution for shooting with both a smartphone and a camera.

The process of editing images in Pixlr is similar to working in Photoshop. You can add your photo to a new layer and apply dozens of available filters to it. Moreover, you can be sure that Pixlr will always provide good results. The editor includes three free modules: Pixlr Editor, Pixlr Express, and Pixlr O-Matic.

Compared to other editors, Pixlr has one huge advantage - it works in the browser, which means you can use it anytime on any PC or Mac, without having to install any software.

As a traditional bonus, a video about the best photo editing programs:

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    Helpful information. I have only just begun to master photo processing and have only become familiar with Pixlr. It's hard to find a program with maximum capabilities and a clear interface. I will definitely study all the processors recommended in the article! Maybe you can recommend the best one for processing portrait photos?


    Before I read this article, I only used the Paint.NET program. And now I really wanted to try all the others that are described here. And I’ll start, perhaps, with GIMP. I'm interested in this editor. Not only are they all free, but many can be used online! Very cool! Thank you for the useful information!


    I myself started with Photoshop (not a license, of course), like probably 90 percent of amateur photographers. I squeamishly didn’t pay attention to free programs, as if they could offer something normal for free. Apparently, I was mistaken, I will try Gimp, judging by the description, it is the only full-fledged editor, especially since its design is closest to the monster from Adobe, and the fact that there are no complex functions is only a plus, the interface is less clogged. But still, I would really like to know the author’s opinion (albeit subjective), which photo editor he considers to be the best of the 7 best, the most balanced (functionality\user-friendliness of the interface).


    I have never mastered such programs, and if I need to process photographs, I simply go to a site where it is possible to edit photos online.
    True, there are much fewer possibilities, but it is still quite possible to correct a photo.
    But in any case, over time I want to learn how to work with such programs.


    Fotor does not work with HDR in the free version. The screenshot in the article shows the screen of the desktop version with an open panel of all sorts of graphic filters and not a hint of HDR.


    Oh, I should at least figure out Paint and Photo Master, I can’t handle Photoshop, it’s painfully complicated.


There are a great many programs for photo processing, but not all of them deserve attention. Some can offer the user only basic functionality that meets the needs of beginners, while others have in their arsenal an impressive list of features suitable for professionals in their field.

What are the criteria for choosing a photo editor?

1. Functionality. First of all, the scope of application of the program depends on this indicator. If the application is universal, there is simply no need to install additional software. A very important indicator is support for the most common formats, such as TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG and others.

This also includes the program’s ability to work with CMYK and RGB color models, as well as the convenient implementation of the most popular tasks.

2. Interface. An unsuccessful work panel can turn anyone off. Its organization should be logically thought out and include simplified, quick access to built-in tools thanks to a combination of hot keys. In addition, for better assimilation of the editor, a high-quality translation of the interface into Russian is important.

3. Advanced features. Multifunctionality is a clear sign that developers do not stand still, using modern approaches to improve the program. Thanks to additional modules and plugins, the user can adapt applications for a variety of tasks.

Let's look at the list of the most popular editors to understand which one will meet your needs.

The name of this program has long been on everyone’s lips and this is quite justified. It owes its popularity to its wide range of source material editing capabilities, support for a large number of popular image formats, not to mention basic image correction such as brightness, contrast and saturation. The downside is that it is expensive, which makes the program suitable for a professional audience.

Perhaps the most popular Photoshop substitute, and most importantly, it’s free. A notable feature of the program is the fact that it was created by a group of enthusiasts who turned it from a simple application into an effective assistant for working with any graphics.

The user's tasks can be realized thanks to a variety of built-in filters to improve the image and remove unnecessary defects. You can create your own workspace by grouping the required set of functions. As an addition, the ability to expand functionality using third-party modules.

Another free program, created as a student project, and now has the support of Microsoft. An excellent indicator is the high efficiency of work, a convenient interface that allows you to display the working toolbar in separate windows, as well as the ability to call functions by simply pressing a few keys.

All extensions are available on the official page of the application, the list of them is voluminous, but descriptions for them are available only in English.

List of not so popular, but worthy alternative programs:

1. Seashore – editor for the Mac OS operating system. A free application suitable for the average user. All available functions are located in one window, which contains both basic tools (pencil, eraser, brushes, fills, selection, etc.) and various effects.

2. Artweaver is a free graphic editor aimed at amateurs and professionals. Capable of performing all basic functions and equipped with the necessary tools for professional processing.

3. Pixia - English version of Japanese origin. The arsenal includes all popular editing techniques and tools. It will appeal to both beginners and experts.

4. PhotoPlus SE - a comprehensive program for image processing and video editing. Suitable for common tasks such as removing red eye or unwanted blemishes.

5. Photoscape is a completely Russian-language application with impressive capabilities. Creating collages, animations, editing screenshots - this is just a small part of its potential.

When choosing the optimal program for working with images from our selection, we advise you to determine the level of your needs and the main purpose of the potentially used software.

  • Movavi Photo Editor doesn't make you watch videos on how to use the editor, but it gives you access to all the popular features. Now, in order to remove an unnecessary element from a photo, change the background, adjust colors, apply an effect or redo the makeup or hair color of the character in the photo, you don’t have to turn to the “initiates” for help. Movavi's simple and intuitive photo editor will do everything in two clicks. Give it a try. This is the best photo processing program designed to solve semi-professional tasks. In fact, it is a home photo studio in a convenient design.
  • Photo Master does not have the same advanced tools as Photoshop CC, Paintshop Pro and other famous analogues, but it works faster and has all the necessary functions for high-quality photo processing at home. The program was created for beginners and advanced users and contains detailed instructions on all the nuances of editing.
  • Home Photo Studio is a symbiosis of Photomaster and FS Lightroom. It supports layers, can save projects, works with Photoshop files, contains built-in tools for editing, cropping, correction, a printing wizard and creating collages. The program will be a good choice for photographers who are not ready to pay for a professional editor, but want to learn how to work with high-quality images.
  • The GIMP will be a good free image processing tool, however, the utility does not contain the most accessible interface in terms of simplicity, so if you are a beginner, we recommend choosing the identical and more understandable Paint.NET or PixBuilder Studio, or be patient and learn how to process images in Gimp .
  • Picasa will appeal to fans of implementing content for further publication on social networks. If you're interested in a photo editing app that can turn amateur-grade animations into reality, try Photoscape.
  • Krita will allow you to realize your creative ideas, but for its comfortable operation you will need at least minimal knowledge of similar software. The free version of the image editor is especially popular among artists and illustrators, along with another well-known product Painttool Sai and the commercial Corel Painter.
  • ACDSee will provide you with a professional set of tools; the developer distributes these products for a fee with the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the trial version. If you are only interested in correcting the red-eye effect, applying filters, effects, and other primitive retouching methods, it is better to download a simpler photo processing program. CorelDRAW will be an equally advanced tool for experienced users. Both photo processing programs are demanding on computer resources, but at the same time they will provide you with extensive functionality that is impossible for free analogues to compete with.
  • Lightroom will appeal to those who like creating albums from original images and viewing rich slides. Works both on a PC and online to speed up the uploading of your projects to various web resources.
  • Adobe Photoshop is the most popular software in its category; there are probably no professional photographers in the world who do not use Photoshop. Here you can not only quickly improve the landscapes themselves, but also implement a complete change in photographs: eliminate facial defects, background errors and much more.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to review all relevant software in one review, so we also recommend reading ours. There you will find descriptions of such popular tools as Hornil Stylepix, Zoner Photo Studio, Photoinstrument 7.4, Lightbox Free Image Editor. Profile tools for processing presentations and photographs Adobe Illustrator, Photo editor Photoshine 4.9.4, Photoshow Pro 7.0 are presented on the website as separate materials.