Computer peripheral devices list. PC peripherals

Periphery all external ones are called additional devices, connected to the computer system unit through special connectors.

According to their purpose, peripheral devices can be divided into:

    data input devices;

    data output devices;

    storage devices;

    data exchange devices.

Input devices


    Mouse, trackball or touchpad;



    Graphics tablet (digitizer).


Keyboard– a keyboard control device for a personal computer.

Serves to enter alphanumeric (character) data, as well as control commands.

The keyboard is one of the standard features of a personal computer.

Its main functions do not require support from special system programs (drivers).

The necessary software to get started with your computer is already included in the ROM chip as part of the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), so the computer responds to key presses immediately after it is turned on.

A standard keyboard has more than 100 keys, functionally distributed into several groups:

Alphanumeric key group is intended for entering character information and commands typed by letter.

Each key can operate in several modes (registers) and, accordingly, can be used to enter several characters.

Switch between lowercase (for entering lowercase characters) and upper case (for entering capital characters) are performed by holding SHIFT keys(non-fixed switching).

If necessary, hard register switching is used CAPS key LOCK (fixed switching).

For different languages There are various schemes for assigning symbols of national alphabets to specific alphanumeric keys. Such schemes are called keyboard layouts.

For personal IBM computers For PCs, the standard layouts are QWERTY (English) and YZUKENG (Russian).

Layouts are usually named after the symbols assigned to the first keys of the top line of the alphabetical group.

Function key group includes twelve keys (F1 to F12) located at the top of the keyboard.

The functions assigned to these keys depend on the properties of the specific operating system. at the moment program, and in some cases from the properties of the operating system.

It is a common convention in most programs that the key F1 Calls up the help system, where you can find help about the actions of other keys.

Service keys located next to the alphanumeric group keys. Due to the fact that they have to be used especially often, they have an increased size. These include the SHIFT and ENTER keys discussed above, register ALT keys and CTRL (they are used in combination with other keys to form commands), TAB key(for entering tab stops when typing), ESC key(from the English word Escape) to refuse to execute the last command entered and the BACKSPACE key to delete the characters just entered (it is located above the ENTER key and is often marked with an arrow pointing to the left).

Service PRINT keys SCREEN, SCROLL LOCK and PAUSE/BREAK are located to the right of the function key group and perform specific functions depending on the operating system.

Two groups of cursor keys are located to the right of the alphanumeric pad.

A cursor is a screen element that indicates the location for entering character information.

The cursor is used when working with programs that enter data and commands from the keyboard.

Cursor keys allow you to control the input position.

The keyboard is the main data input device.

Special keyboards are designed to improve the efficiency of the data entry process.

This is achieved by changing the shape of the keyboard, the layout of its keys, or the method of connection to the system unit.

Keyboards that have a special shape, designed taking into account ergonomic requirements, are called ergonomic keyboards.

It is advisable to use them at workplaces intended for entering a large amount of character information.

Ergonomic keyboards not only increase typist productivity and reduce overall fatigue during the working day, but also reduce the likelihood and severity of a number of diseases, e.g. tunnel syndrome hands and osteochondrosis of the upper spine.

The key layout of standard keyboards is far from optimal. It has been preserved from the days of early examples of mechanical typewriters.

Currently, it is technically possible to manufacture keyboards with an optimized layout, and there are examples of such devices (in particular, the Dvorak keyboard is one of them).

However, the practical implementation of keyboards with a non-standard layout is questionable due to the fact that working with them requires special training.

In practice, only specialized workplaces are equipped with such keyboards.

According to the method of connection to the system unit, there are wired And wireless keyboards.

Information transmission in wireless systems is carried out by an infrared beam.

The typical range of such keyboards is several meters. The signal source is the keyboard.


Mouse– manipulator-type control device.

Mouse movement on a flat surface is synchronized with movement graphic object(mouse pointer) on the monitor screen.

Unlike the keyboard discussed earlier, the mouse is not a standard control, and the personal computer does not have a dedicated port for it. There is no persistent, dedicated interrupt for the mouse, and the computer's basic input and output system (BIOS), located in read-only memory (ROM), does not contain software to handle mouse interrupts.

Due to this, the mouse does not work the first moment after turning on the computer. It requires the support of a special system program - a mouse driver.

The driver is installed either when you first connect the mouse, or when installing the computer's operating system.

Although the mouse does not have a dedicated port on the motherboard, to work with it, use one of the standard ports, tools for working with which are included in the BIOS.

The mouse driver is designed to interpret the signals coming through the port. In addition, it provides a mechanism for communicating information about the position and state of the mouse to the operating system and running programs.

The computer is controlled by moving the mouse along the plane and briefly pressing the right and left buttons (These presses are called clicks.)

Unlike a keyboard, a mouse cannot be directly used to enter character information - its control principle is event-based.

Mouse movements and mouse button clicks are events from the point of view of its driver program.

By analyzing these events, the driver determines when the event occurred and where the pointer was located on the screen at that moment. This data is sent to application program, with which the user is currently working. Based on them, the program can determine the command that the user had in mind and begin executing it.

A standard mouse has only two buttons, although there are custom mice with three buttons or two buttons and one rotary control.

IN lately are becoming more widespread mouse with scroll wheel, located between two buttons, allows you to scroll in any Windows application.

In addition to a regular mouse, there are other types of manipulators, for example: trackballs, penmouths, infrared mice.

Trackball Unlike a mouse, it is installed stationary, and its ball is driven by the palm of the hand.

The advantage of a trackball is that it does not require a smooth working surface, which is why trackballs are widely used in portable personal computers.

Penmouth is an analogue of a ballpoint pen, at the end of which, instead of a writing unit, a unit is installed that records the amount of movement.

Infrared mouse differs from the usual one in the presence of a wireless communication device with the system unit.

For computer games and in some specialized simulators, lever-press type manipulators are also used ( joysticks) and similar ones joypads, gamepads and steering-pedal devices. Devices of this type are connected to a special port on the sound card or to a USB port.


Touchpad(English touchpad - touch pad), touchpad- a pointing input device, most often used in laptops.

Like other pointing devices, a touchpad is typically used to control the "pointer" by moving your finger across the surface of the device.

Touchpads are fairly low resolution devices. This allows them to be used in everyday work on a computer (office applications, web browsers, logic games), but makes working in graphic editors very difficult.

However, touchpads also have a number of advantages, compared to other manipulators:

    do not require a flat surface (unlike a mouse);

    don't require large space(unlike a mouse or graphics tablet) the location of the touchpad is fixed relative to the keyboard (unlike a mouse);

    To move the cursor across the entire screen, you only need to move your finger a little (unlike a mouse or a large graphics tablet);

    working with them does not require much getting used to, as is the case with a trackball, for example.


Joystick(eng. Joystick = Joy + Stick) - a control device in computer games.

It is a lever on a stand that can be tilted in two planes.

The lever may contain various types of triggers and switches.

The word “joystick” is also commonly used to refer to a control lever, for example, in a mobile phone.


Scanner- a device that, by analyzing an object (usually an image, text), creates a digital copy of the object’s image.

Depending on the method of scanning an object and the scanning objects themselves, there are the following types of scanners:

Tablet- the most common type of scanners, since it provides maximum convenience for the user - high quality and acceptable scanning speed. It is a tablet with a scanning mechanism inside under transparent glass.

Manual- they do not have a motor, therefore, the user has to scan the object manually, its only advantage is its low cost and mobility, while it has a lot of disadvantages - low resolution, low operating speed, narrow scanning band, image distortions are possible, since it will be difficult for the user to move the scanner at a constant speed.

Leafy- a sheet of paper is inserted into the slot and pulled along the guide rollers inside the scanner past the lamp. Has smaller sizes, compared to a flatbed, however, it can only scan individual sheets, which limits its use mainly to corporate offices. Many models have an automatic feeder, which allows you to quickly scan a large number of documents.

Planetary scanners- used for scanning books or easily damaged documents. When scanning there is no contact with the scanned object (as in flatbed scanners).

Book scanners- designed for scanning bound documents. Modern models of professional scanners can significantly increase the safety of documents in archives, thanks to very delicate handling of originals. Modern technologies used when scanning books and bound documents allow achieving high results. Scanning is done face up - so your scanning actions are indistinguishable from turning pages during normal reading. This prevents damage to them and allows the user to see the document during the scanning process. The software used in book scanners allows you to eliminate defects, smooth out distortions, and edit the resulting scanned pages. Book scanners have a unique book de-crease feature, which ensures excellent quality of the scanned (or printed) image.

Drum scanners- used in printing, have high resolution (about 10 thousand dots per inch). The original is located on the inner or outer wall of a transparent cylinder (drum).

Slide scanners- as the name implies, they are used for scanning film slides; they are produced both as independent devices and as additional modules to conventional scanners.

Barcode scanners- small, compact models for scanning product barcodes in stores.

Operating principle of flatbed scanners:

The object to be scanned is placed on the glass of the tablet with the surface to be scanned down. Under the glass there is a movable lamp, the movement of which is controlled by a stepper motor.

The light reflected from the object, through a system of mirrors, hits a sensitive matrix (CCD - Couple-Charged Device), then on analog-to-digital converter and transferred to the computer. For each step of the engine, a strip of the object is scanned, which are then combined by software into a common image.

Scanner characteristics:

Optical resolution- The scanner does not take the entire image, but line by line. A strip of light-sensitive elements moves along the vertical surface of the flatbed scanner and captures the image point by point, line by line. The more light-sensitive elements a scanner has, the more dots it can remove from each horizontal stripe of the image. This is called optical resolution. It is usually calculated by the number of dots per inch - dpi (dots per inch). Today, a resolution level of at least 600 dpi is considered the norm.

Operation speed- Unlike printers, the speed of scanners is rarely indicated, since it depends on many factors. Sometimes the scanning speed of one line is indicated in milliseconds.

Color depth- Measured by the number of shades that the device is able to recognize. 24 bits corresponds to 16,777,216 shades. Modern scanners are produced with color depths of 24, 30, 36, 48 bits.

G graphic tablets (digitizers)

These devices are designed to input artistic graphic information.

There are several different operating principles for graphics tablets, but they all rely on fixing the movement of a special pen relative to the tablet.

Such devices are convenient for artists and illustrators, as they allow them to create screen images using familiar techniques developed for traditional tools (pencil, pen, brush).

TO technical specifications Tablets include: resolution (lines/mm), working area and number of levels of pen pressure sensitivity.

Hi all. In today's episode I will continue the topic of computer design and talk about it peripherals. This is the second part of a large article; in the last publication we examined the first part of the computer device - the system unit.

If you haven’t read the first part of the article, then I recommend that you definitely get acquainted with it, in it I talk about the structure of a computer, namely.

Computer peripherals

Well, now it's time to talk about peripheral devices ah, let's look at the most basic ones.


The mouse is needed to move the cursor to the required space on the desktop. There are three types of mice: mechanical, with a ball inside; optical and laser.

I remember using it once before mechanical mouse. It was necessary to forcefully drag across the mat to move the mouse cursor to right place desktop. There are regular cheap mice and special fancy gaming mice. I have a big rug and a play area at home. laser mouse, which at that time was bought for about $50.


The keyboard will play an auxiliary role in controlling our computer.

With it you can type text, chat with friends, play different games and much more. My keyboard played an important role in writing this article.


Probably nowhere without a monitor. If it weren’t for him, there probably wouldn’t have been a computer either :). The display is needed to display information on the screen, which in turn passes through the video card. Monitors are divided into three groups with cathode ray tube(CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD) and plasma. The latter are most often used to make new televisions.

The average monitor has a diagonal of 15 inches and ends at 32 inches. If there are more inches, then it is already considered a TV.

Most PC users now have LCD monitor s, but there are also CRTs. I use a regular LCD monitor with a diagonal of 19 inches, which is about 48 centimeters, almost half a meter, which suits me quite well.

Speakers and headphones

Headphones and sound speakers necessary to output sound from the computer to our ears. Every computer and laptop has sound card. Mostly they are built into the motherboard.

If you have good speakers, there are audio files in high quality and you want to listen to them with pleasure, you can buy a separate sound card. Decent audio speakers cost about $100, of course there are cheaper ones, but why buy a cheap one if a similar one is already built into the motherboard.

There are times when the internal sound card is broken. You can, of course, try to resolder the connector or sound chip, but not everyone understands this. Therefore, to solve this problem, you can completely replace motherboard or buy an inexpensive external sound card.

It is advisable to use speakers made of wood, they have quite good sound transmission capacity, but plastic ones are also not bad. The more watts your speakers can pump out, the clearer and louder the sound will be.


Modem is network device, which was invented to use it to access the Internet and communicate with other users.

Dial Up modems

There used to be simple slow 56k modems. The number 56 means the data transfer rate is 56 kbit/sec. I remember a couple of years ago I worked in a company where we used just such modems.

For those who don't know, I'll post it soundtrack Modem dial-up noise when it goes online. And those who remember these times, just listen. When I heard him, for some reason a smile appeared on my face.

Dial-Up Modem-Connekt

In some remote populated areas and villages still use such dial-up modems.

ADSL modems

At the moment, probably in all major cities they use high speed internet, via ADSL modems, dedicated VPN channels, wireless Wi-Fi and others.


A webcam is needed to transmit pictures, video images, and sometimes sound if there is a built-in microphone. Using a webcam, you can talk to a person both in the next room and in another country, using the Internet and third-party programs.


A microphone is needed to record or transmit your voice. Most webcams and headphones with a microphone have it.

USB drives

USB storage devices include small devices, which store information from a flash drive and hard drives. This device is universal; it can probably be connected to any computer via a USB port.

The volumes of flash drives are different, starting from 128 Megabytes and ending with 1 Terabyte. At USB hard drives The storage capacity is of course larger.


A printer is needed to print out any information, documents, photographs, and so on.

They are matrix, inkjet and laser. I recently learned that printers have appeared that use wax tubes instead of cartridges and toner.


A scanner was invented to scan (read) information from printed and other media, then enter it into a computer.

If you frequently scan documents, then this tool is a must-have.

UPS or oops

Sources uninterruptible power supply or rectifiers AC are needed so that if a voltage drop occurs, they level out such surges.

Also, if your lights suddenly turn off, your computer will be able to work within 5 to 10 minutes.

Joysticks and game controllers

Using joysticks and game controllers you can comfortably play various games computer games. Children and teenagers really like them.

That's basically all the main ones peripherals, there are, of course, others, but they are less used than those listed above.


Today we talked in detail about the structure of the computer and its peripheral components which include: mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers and headphones, modem, webcam, microphone, USB drives, printer, scanner, UPS, joysticks and game controllers.

Computer Peripherals | website

Perhaps you have or have questions related to the design of your computer and its peripheral devices. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

Peripherals– these are any additional and auxiliary devices that are connected to a PC to expand its functionality.

Input devices

(keyboard, mouse, trackball, joystick, scanner, microphone, etc.)

Trackball (trackball)- this is a ball located along with the buttons on the surface of the keyboard (an inverted mouse).

The pointer moves around the screen by rotating the ball.

Touch manipulator. It is a mousepad without a mouse. IN in this case The cursor is controlled by simply moving your finger across the mat.

Digitizer ( graphics tablet) Allows you to create or copy drawings. The drawing is made on the surface of the digitizer with a special pen or finger. The results of the work are displayed on the monitor screen.

Scanner- a device for entering information into a computer from paper. Scanners come in flatbed, desktop and handheld types.

Mouse- information input device. Converts mechanical movements on the table into an electrical signal transmitted to the computer.

Light pen- with it you can draw pictures and write handwritten texts that immediately appear on the screen.

Output devices

(monitor, printer, plotter, speakers, etc.)

Monitor- main peripheral display device visible to the computer information.

Modem- a device for connecting computers to each other over long distances via a telephone line. Using a modem you can connect to the Internet.

Printer- a device for displaying information on paper. Printers can be matrix (ink ribbon), inkjet (ink cartridge), laser (cartridge with toner powder).

Microphone-input device audio information: voices or music.

Plotter, or plotter, is a drawing machine that allows you to high accuracy and quickly draw complex graphic images large size: drawings, diagrams, maps, graphs, etc.

14. Computer memory - types, types, purpose.

Computer memory provides support for one of the most important functions modern computer, - ability to store information for a long time

Computer memory is one of the most important issues in a computer design, as it provides support for one of the most important functions modern computer - the ability to store information for a long time.

One of the main elements of a computer that allows it to function normally is memory.

All personal computers use three types of memory: RAM, permanent memory and external memory (various storage devices).

The internal memory of a computer is where the information it works with is stored. External memory(various drives) designed for long-term storage of information

The most familiar means of machine data storage used in personal computers are: modules RAM, hard drives (hard drives), floppy disks (floppy disks), CDs or DVDs, as well as flash memory devices.

There are two types of computer memory: internal and external. Internal memory: random access memory (RAM) and read only memory (ROM). The most essential part internal memory called RAM- random access memory device. Its main purpose is to store data and programs for solved problems. current moment tasks. RAM. This memory is called "RAM" because it works very quickly, so that the processor practically does not have to wait when reading data from memory or writing to memory. However, the data it contains is only saved while the computer is turned on.

Read Only Memory (ROM)), which, in particular, stores information necessary for the initial boot of the computer when the power is turned on. As the name suggests, the information in ROM does not depend on the state of the computer.

External memory is usually located outside the central part of the computer

External memory includes various magnetic media(tapes, disks), optical discs. External memory is cheaper than internal memory, but its disadvantage is that it is slower than internal memory devices.

There are CD-ROMs- write-once discs cannot be erased or rewritten.

Later, rewritable laser discs- CD-RW.

External memory It is implemented in the form of quite a variety of information storage devices and is usually structurally designed in the form of independent blocks. This, first of all, should include drives on flexible and hard magnetic disks (users often refer to the latter as hard drives in somewhat slang terms), as well as optical drives(devices for working with CD ROM).

Types of personal computer memory

Cache memory. The main purpose of cache memory in a computer is to serve as a temporary storage place for program codes and data currently being processed. That is, its purpose is to serve as a buffer between various devices for storing and processing information

Bios ( permanent memory). The computer also has permanent memory into which data is stored during manufacture. As a rule, this data cannot be changed; programs running on the computer can only read it.

The computer stores programs in permanent memory to test the computer hardware, initiate OS loading, and execute basic functions for servicing computer devices. Often the contents of permanent memory are called BIOS. It contains a computer configuration program (SETIR), which allows you to set some characteristics of computer devices (types of video controller, hard drives and floppy drives and I/O services.

CMOS (semi-permanent memory).

a small area of ​​memory for storing computer configuration settings. It is often called CMOS memory because this memory is typically a low-power technology.

Video memory.

video memory, that is, memory used to store the image displayed on the monitor screen.

and permanent memory (ROM).

Computer memory is divided into external (main): flexible and hard drive and, CDDVD-ROM, CD DVD-RW,CD DVD-R and internal.


Chapter I. Computer peripherals

1.2 Input devices

1.3 Output devices

Chapter II. Create an educational presentation

2.1 Computer presentations

2.2 Software selection

2.3 Presentation structure




The life of modern society is extremely difficult to imagine without a computer. Billions of people across the planet use them for work, leisure and education. The amazing capabilities that a computer has today simply cannot be counted. A PC is no longer considered a luxury item. This indispensable assistant, with which people can do many common things easier and faster than before. For example, write letters, keep convenient records of cash expenses and organize business notes, lists of addresses and contacts in phone book. You can also view photos, play music and video recordings using your computer.

The computer network Internet allows you to find the most useful and varied information, because in World Wide Web there is almost everything! You can also use the network to communicate with friends and relatives, even if you live very far from each other. But it would be impossible to do all these things without peripherals.

There are quite a lot of sources of information on the topic “Computer Peripheral Devices”, but to get a complete picture it is necessary to collect this scattered information together, systematize and structure it.

All of the above allows us to formulate the purpose of the work: means graphic editor presentations MS Power Point create electronic training manual"PC Peripherals".

Collect and analyze material on the topic “PC Peripherals”.

Structure the information received.

Develop an electronic textbook using the graphical presentation editor MSPowerPoint.

Chapter I. Computer peripherals

1.1 Computer hardware

Information is one of the most valuable resources of society, along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processes of processing material resources, can be perceived as technology. Then the following definition is valid.

Information technology- a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

IN modern society main technical means information processing technology is the personal computer, which significantly influenced both the concept of construction and use technological processors, and on the quality of the resulting information. Introduction of the personal computer into information sphere and the use of telecommunications have determined new stage development information technology and, as a consequence, changing its name by adding one of the symbols: “new”, “computer”, or “modern”. The adjective “computer” emphasizes that the main technical means of its implementation is a computer.

Computer technology- This information process, as a result of which it is created information product based on computer data processing.

The use of a computer as a tool for working with information is very diverse and multifaceted. With it you can view in a few seconds electronic library and find the information you need. Special computer programs, allowing, for example, a shoemaker to experiment with the shape and texture of the shoe model being created. With the help of a computer, cars are now being tested, the structure of molecules is being studied, houses are being designed and spaceships are being launched. Whatever you do - draw, play, count, type - the computer obediently follows your commands. But the computer itself cannot perform all these actions; for this it needs special devices called peripherals.

1.2 Input devices

Input devices- hardware for converting information from a human-readable form into a computer-readable form.

Fig.1. Classification of input devices

Devices with keyboard input.

Keyboard. The standard device for entering information into a computer is the keyboard. With its help you can enter numeric and text information, as well as various commands and data. Typically, information entered from the keyboard is displayed on the monitor screen for control purposes. The location for entering information on the screen is indicated with a special icon, which is called a cursor. The appearance of the cursor may vary depending on the program used and operating mode. This could be a blinking dash, a rectangle, etc.

Typically a 101-103 key keyboard is used American standard. In addition to the keyboard, there are membrane and touch keyboards. The keys of the alphanumeric field are additionally marked with letters of the national alphabet. If your computer has an operating system that is not configured to work in national alphabet mode (non-localized version), then additional special program- keyboard driver. In localized versions, the keyboard driver is included in the package.

In the modern computer market, ergonomic keyboards and special wrist pads are very popular, providing the most comfortable working conditions.


Mouse. Next to the keyboard is a movable device called a mouse. There is a ball on the bottom surface of the mouse. Moving the mouse on a flat surface (table, rug) causes the ball to rotate. At the same time, it interacts with sensors inside the mouse body, resulting in a signal that causes the mouse pointer to move on the monitor screen. There are 2 or 3 buttons on the top surface of the mouse. Pressing a particular button (*a mouse click is perceived by the computer as an indication to perform some specified action. Using a mouse allows you to more quickly and conveniently control the operation of various programs.

The quality of a mouse is determined by its resolution, which is measured by the number of dots per inch - dpi (dotperinch). This characteristic determines how accurately the mouse pointer will move across the screen. For middle-class mice, the resolution is 400-800 dpi. Different types mice differ from each other: in the way they read information (mechanical, optical-mechanical and optical), in the number of buttons (2- and 3-button mice), in the method of connecting to a computer (wired - connected using a cable; wireless, or "tailless mice - connection to the computer is provided by an infrared signal, which is perceived by a special port).

Mouse design suggests various shapes designs. The most popular are ergonomic mice, which have a streamlined surface and ensure natural placement of the hand on its surface. New is wireless bat, working almost anywhere you want. On the table it works like regular mouse; If you lift it and press the button on the base, then such a mouse can be used directly in the air at a distance of up to 10 meters from the stand.

Trackball or trackball, resembles an upside-down mouse. You don’t need to move it around the table like a mouse. In a trackball, the ball is rotated by hand and the rotation is also converted into moving the pointer across the screen. It is very convenient in cases where there is little space, as it does not require a mat or space to move the manipulator around the table.

Joystick or control stick, was designed specifically for gaming. Just like a mouse and trackball, it allows you to move a cursor or graphic object across the monitor screen. The joystick is a handle that tilts in all directions, and several buttons on a small panel for performing simple actions.

Joysticks have different numbers of buttons and different directions for moving the cursor around the screen. In order to comply with ergonomic requirements, the joystick handle has a shape that follows the relief of the hand when grasping the handle.

Touch devices.

Touch screen. A touch or tactile screen is a surface that is covered with a special layer. Touching a specific location on the screen selects a task to be performed by the computer or a command to OSD menu. For example, during the Olympics, touch screens help athletes, coaches, and correspondents quickly select the information they are interested in about the results of competitions, the composition of teams, etc. by pointing your finger in the corresponding menu.

The touch screen also allows you to move objects. It is easy to use, especially when needed quick access to information. Such input devices can be seen in banking computers, airports, as well as in the military and industrial sectors.

Light pen. A light pen is similar to a regular pencil, with a special device- photosensitive element. The contact of the pen with the screen closes the photoelectric circuit and determines where data is entered or corrected. If you move this stylus around the screen, you can draw or write on the screen as you would on a piece of paper.

Peripherals include all external additional devices connected to the computer system unit through special standard connectors.

This computer equipment, physically separated from system unit computing system, has own management and acts as if on her commands central processor, and is equipped with its own processor and even operating system. Designed for external training and modification of data, input, storage, protection, output, control and transmission of data over communication channels.

Computer peripheral devices are divided by purpose:

Data output equipment
Monitor (Display)

Equipment for visual display text and graphic information, converts digital and (or) analog information into a video image.


Printing equipment different scales and areas of application.

Speakers/headphones (headset)

Equipment for sound reproduction (output).


It is used for automatically drawing with great accuracy drawings, diagrams, complex drawings, maps and other graphic information on paper up to A0 size or tracing paper. Plotters draw images using a stylus ( writing block). The purpose of plotters is high-quality documentation of drawing and graphic information.

Projectors, projection screens/boards

A projector is a lighting device that redistributes the light of a lamp with concentration luminous flux on the surface.
Screens for projectors, wall-mounted manual ones are easy to use, reliable and quite inexpensive.
Interactive whiteboards - large touch screen, operating as part of a system that includes a computer and a projector.

Data entry equipment

Designed for analysis and digitization various objects(usually an image, text), creates a digital copy of an image of an object.


The keyboard belongs to standard means personal computer for entering data using keys. Serves to enter alphanumeric (character) data, as well as control commands.


Mouse-type manipulators. Moving the mouse on a flat surface is synchronized with the movement of a graphic object (mouse pointer) on the monitor screen. There are wired and radio, optical and laser.

Graphics tablet (digitizer)

Designed for entering artistic graphic information. Such devices are convenient for artists and illustrators, as they allow them to create screen images using familiar techniques developed for traditional tools (pencil, pen, brush).

Storage Equipment
Flash drives / external HDDs

Storage devices using either flash memory or external hard disk connected to a computer or other reading device via USB interface(eSATA). Main purpose external drives— storage, transfer and exchange of data, backup, loading operating systems and more.

Zip drives, HiFD drives, JAZ drives

Their characteristics are similar to small-volume hard drives, but unlike them they are replaceable. The technology has not become widespread due to economic reasons (cost per 1 MB of data).

Data exchange equipment

Designed for information exchange between remote computers over communication channels is usually called a modem (modulator + demodulator). ADSL modems are currently the most widely used, allowing data to be transmitted via cable networks low categories ( telephone lines) on long distances at high speed.

Passive network equipment

Equipment that is not endowed with “intelligent” features. Cable system: cable (coaxial and twisted pair(UTP/STP)), plug/socket (RG58, RJ45, RJ11, GG45), repeater (repeater), patch panel. Installation cabinets and racks, telecommunication cabinets.

Active network equipment

By the name, active network equipment implies some “intelligent” features network equipment. These are devices such as a router, switch (switch), etc.