Why doesn't revo uninstaller see the program? Revo Uninstaller portable

Revo Uninstaller is a program that can be used to effectively clean your computer from unnecessary programs. Its peculiarity is that it can delete program files from user folders and other directories on the computer’s hard drive.

The capabilities of Revo Uninstaller are not limited to just removing programs. Using this utility, you can clean the folders of browsers and other applications from temporary files, delete unnecessary system files, configure programs to start automatically when you turn on the computer. We will use the Pro version of Revo Uninstaller, since it provides the most effective work. Let's look at the main points in using this program.

1. First of all, download the program from the official website of the developer. You can do this for free, but after 30 days you will have to buy the full version.

2. We install it on your computer.

Revo Uninstaller will only work with an administrator account or on behalf of an administrator.

3. Launch the program. A menu opens before us with its capabilities. Let's look at the most important ones.

How to remove a program using Revo Uninstaller

Uninstalling programs using Revo Uninstaller is somewhat different from a similar process using standard removal programs in Windows, so it should be considered in detail.

1. Go to the “Uninstaller” tab and select the one you want to remove from the list of programs.

2. Click the “Delete” button. After this, the process of uninstalling the program will begin. It may look different for each application. Check the required boxes and follow the prompts. Upon completion of the uninstallation, the uninstaller will issue a report indicating the successful completion of the process.

3. Now comes the fun part. Revo Uninstaller offers to scan your computer for files left over from the uninstalled program. Scanning can be carried out in three modes - “Safe”, “Moderate” and “Advanced”. For simple programs, a moderate mode will be sufficient. Click the “Scan” button.

4. Scanning takes some time, after which a window appears displaying the directory with the files remaining after deletion. Click “Select all” and “Delete”. This completes the process of uninstalling the program!

5. After deletion, a window may appear with other files that the program offers to delete. You need to carefully review the list and select for deletion only files related to the program you are deleting. If you're not sure, just skip this step without deleting anything. Click “Finish”.

How to Clean Browsers Using Revo Uninstaller

A large amount of data accumulates in the user's browsers over time. unnecessary information taking up space on your hard drive. To free up space, follow the following sequence.

1. Open Revo Uninstaller, go to the “Browser Cleaner” tab.

2. Then check the boxes for what exactly needs to be cleaned in the required browsers, and then click “Clean”.

When clearing browsers, be prepared for the fact that after this you will need to re-enter logins and passwords on many sites.

How to clean the registry and hard drive

1. Go to the tab “ Windows Cleaner».

2. In the window that appears, check the necessary boxes in the “Traces in the registry” and “Traces on the hard drive” lists. In this window, you can choose to empty the Recycle Bin and delete temporary Windows files.

3. Click “Clear”

How to set up startup programs using Revo Uninstaller

The program will help you assign those applications that you will need immediately after turning on your computer.

1. Open Revo Uninstaller, launch the “Startup Manager” tab

2. Here is a list of programs, the checkbox next to which means that the program will start automatically.

3. If not on the list the desired program, click “Add” and in the next window find the required program by clicking on the “Browse” button

4. The program will be added to the list, after which you just need to check the box next to it to activate autorun.

It has been noted many times that over time a large amount of all kinds of garbage accumulates on a computer - temporary files, registry entries (including damaged ones), program files. It is necessary to periodically clean the system - fortunately, there are many programs and utilities on the network for these purposes.

But what about programs that you no longer use? If you remove them using standard methods, through the control panel or installation utility, then in 99% of cases traces will remain on the computer.

will come to your aid Revo utility Uninstaller - with its help you will completely remove any program from your computer.

How to remove a program using Revo Uninstaller

First of all, download the program from here:


Then install it in a standard way. After the first launch, you will see the start window:

Revo Uninstaller analyzed all installed programs on the computer and gave them a complete list.

Now we can completely uninstall the unnecessary program. Let's decide for example that we will no longer use the PotPlayer media player.

To completely remove this program from your computer, let's find it in the list and then click the "Uninstall" button.

Revo Uninstaller will ask us to confirm the start of the uninstall procedure.

Click "Yes" and proceed to the next step.

Now we need to select the delete mode. There are only four of them. The simplest one is an analogue of the removal procedure through the built-in Windows mechanism. But it doesn't suit us. We will use the most powerful mode to remove the program - it will allow us to find all the “tails” that the program left on the computer and delete them. So, mark the “Advanced” mode and click “Next”.

Revo Uninstaller will create a system restore point so that in case of problems, you can restore Windows to functionality (see). Then it will analyze the selected program and start the final removal process. You may be asked to confirm this operation again.

Revo will uninstall using the program's built-in uninstaller. After this, the “tails” search mechanism will be launched.

When the search is complete, click "Next" to view the list of results.

In our case, the program did not leave any garbage, so we did not see a list of results. But so that you understand how to proceed at this stage, we will show you a screenshot of a list of garbage files that could be there.

We mark all the found options: temporary files, registry entries - click the "Select all" button, or mark manually. Then click "Delete". After that, proceed to completion - to do this, click "Next".

Revo Uninstaller will tell you that the program has been completely removed from your computer.

Let's see what other convenient features this utility has.

Advanced removal tool that also allows you to learn more useful information about the selected program or utility. The operating principle is as follows. You go into “Hunter Mode” - at the same time, Revo is minimized to the system tray, and a crosshair icon appears on the screen.

Then everything is simple - move the mouse cursor over the sight, click and hold left button mice. In this position, move the cursor to the icon of the desired program on the desktop, taskbar or system tray. Then release the mouse button. A window will open with available options actions.

The following options are available to you:

  1. Uninstall the program
  2. Remove it from startup
  3. Terminate its active process
  4. View the folder where it is installed
  5. View program properties

Select the desired option.

Additional tools

I would like to say a few words about the tools that are also available in the Revo Uninstaller program.

To launch them, click on the "Tools" button in the main program window.

  1. Startup Manager- allows you to view the startup list and remove unnecessary programs and applications from it. This may help speed up Windows boot(cm. )
  2. Windows Tools- the operating system has many diagnostic and system utilities, which are used during the configuration process. Revo Uninstaller has collected them in one place - so all the tools will be at hand
  3. Junk File Cleaner- will scan your system and collect data about junk files. After analysis you can remove them.


Revo Uninstaller is an indispensable tool for Windows. With this free program you can view the list at any time installed programs, and remove them without much difficulty.

No more need to resort to using additional tools to search for junk files left behind by programs after uninstallation. Revo will remove everything without a trace.

How more programs you install and uninstall, the more pressing the problems of file fragmentation on the hard drive and destruction of integrity become system registry. To solve such problems, you can create a utility that will not only delete program files, but also all the “garbage” that remains after them. As a result, programs similar to Your Uninstaller!. You can download the program at www.ursoftware.com.

If the program refuses to run in Windows Vista, click on its icon right click mouse and select Properties. In the window that opens, go to the Compatibility tab and check the Run this program as an administrator checkbox. This advice, by the way, also applies to many other programs that require administrator rights in Windows Vista.

This program has a number of unique features, for the implementation of which in Windows you would have to use several at once. individual utilities. Let's get to know them in more detail.

  • To uninstall a program, simply double-click on its icon in the main Your Uninstaller! window.
  • After installing Your Uninstaller! An icon in the form of a trash can is placed on the desktop. To remove a program, simply drag the icon of any program onto this icon.
  • Sometimes it happens that a program was not uninstalled properly, so it remains in the list of installed programs even though the program cannot be launched. To remove such a program and its associated files, simply right-click on its icon and select the command ClearIt!(Cleaning).
  • To remove all registry entries and temporary files associated with corrupted program, right-click on the program icon and select the command AutoFix(Automatic correction).
  • Often, on a system with hundreds of programs installed, it can be quite difficult to find the program that needs to be removed. In Your Uninstaller! To do this, just press the key combination or click on the button Search(Search), then enter the name of the program or its fragment. In the search window, double-click on the program name and its icon will be transferred to the main program window.
  • Right-click on the program icon and select the command Detail(Properties) to view the settings of the installed application. The window that opens will indicate the size of the program, its installation time, and the path to the installation files.

As already mentioned, the main advantage of Your Uninstaller! over similar programs– the ability to clean the registry and hard content disk from traces of the “life activity” of the program. But that's about it with Your Uninstaller! don't end. In addition to removing programs, Your Uninstaller! allows you to perform such actions.

  • Analyze programs that start during Windows startup. It often happens that a particular program is placed in the list Windows startup, thereby slowing down the startup time of the operating system, while there is no urgent need to autostart such a program. Click in the Your Uninstaller! on the icon StartUp(second icon from the right) to open a window containing a list of programs that start with Windows. To prevent downloading of a program, uncheck the corresponding box.

  • Click on the third icon from the right to go to the window Temporary File(Deleting temporary files). In this window you can run scanning hard disk, as a result of which all temporary and unnecessary files and files that can be deleted. After clicking the button Scan(Scan) select the drives to be scanned and click the button again Scan. After the program provides the results of its work, click on the button Delete All(Delete all).

Let's say you scanned your system and found a lot of old and unnecessary files. However, do not rush to delete them and look through the list of files again. It may contain files or folders that may still be useful to you.

  • Click the middle button on the Your Uninstaller! toolbar. In the window that opens, you can specify programs that should not be displayed in the menu Windows Start.

  • Click on the button with the icon Internet Explorer(second from left). In the window that opens, you can specify which elements should be contained in context menu Internet Explorer. This menu is displayed by right-clicking on Internet window Explorer.

In addition to the listed features, Your Uninstaller! allows you to save and print a list of programs installed in Windows, as well as replace their icons with any others. As you can see, Your Uninstaller! allows you to perform a number of preventative measures that can significantly optimize the operation of Windows.

Select Tools>Languages ​​and select desired language interface, for example, Russian. However, maybe it was the author of the article who was unlucky, but in the Russian interface some buttons were not translated, and some turned out to have broken encoding. In general, try it yourself, maybe you will have better luck.

Programs that have the same capabilities as Your Uninstaller! include Advanced programs Uninstaller, Absolute Uninstaller and some others. You can get acquainted with them in the section.

The Revo Uninstaller program is a program uninstaller for completely removing unnecessary programs from your computer. When using a computer, we all have to constantly install programs on our computer, and then some of the installed programs have to be deleted.

In order to correctly remove the program from your computer, it is recommended to use a special uninstaller program. This special program is designed for correct removal program to completely remove traces of the uninstalled program from your computer.

When uninstalling a program in the standard way via uninstallation Windows programs, a lot of registry entries, folders created by the uninstalled program, files and other garbage remain in the operating system. Large quantity Such garbage negatively affects performance and leads to errors in the operating system.

Now I will talk about using the uninstaller program Revo Uninstaller. Revo Uninstaller is designed to completely remove programs from your computer.

Revo Uninstaller is available in two versions: free version, and the paid version - . Paid option program has more wide possibilities, compared to the free option.

For regular user computer quite free will do version about which we'll talk in this article. I have been using this program uninstaller for a long time. Now the Revo Uninstaller program is installed on my computer as a second program for solving problems of removing programs from the computer.

The Revo Uninstaller program has an interface in Russian. While working with the program, explanations appear in the program windows with a brief explanation of the actions performed with the program.

Download Revo program Uninstaller Free can be found on the official website of the program. On the official website of the program you select free version, and then download it to your computer. On this page you can download a portable version of the program, which will work without installation on your computer and will be launched from a folder.

revo uninstaller download

Installation of Revo Uninstaller is usual for programs and occurs in Russian.

After starting the program, click on the triangle next to the “View” button and check the box next to the “Details” item. This is done so that you have detailed information about installed programs (how many programs were found, program size, version, installation date, company that released it, program website).

First of all, let's look at main function programs - "Uninstaller".

To remove a program, click on the “Uninstaller” button, highlight the program that you want to remove and click the “Delete” button.

The “Uninstaller” window appears with a warning, in which you click on the “Yes” button. In the next window, select the uninstallation mode, you are prompted to select the uninstallation mode, the default is “Moderate”.

Select “Advanced Mode” for a deeper and more thorough search in the registry and on the disk for everything related to the program being removed. This is a slower mode of program operation. Then click on the “Next” button.

A new window displays “Performing initial analysis and deletion.” The process of uninstalling a program takes place in four stages.

The first step is “Creating a system restore point.”

At the second stage, “Analysis of application data before uninstallation” occurs.

At the third stage, “Launch the built-in application uninstaller” occurs.

In the warning window that appears, click on the “Yes” button. The uninstaller built into the program being removed is launched, which removes this program.

In the next window of the program, “Scanning to find the remaining information” occurs. The registry is checked and hard drive for availability forgotten files, folders and registry entries related to the remote program.

After scanning is completed, click the “Next” button.

In the next window, you will see registry entries related to the deleted program marked in black. In the lower right corner of the program window, you will see how many registry entries are left in the operating system, in our case - 6. There can be hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of such entries. This depends on the specific remote program.

If you are using to remove standard remedy operating system - “Uninstall a program”, then all these registry entries remain on your computer. Gradually, there are a lot of such records and this negatively affects the operation of the operating system.

Therefore, it would be preferable to use to remove programs from your computer special programs- uninstallers.

To delete the remaining entries from the deleted program, click on the “Select all” button (after previewing, just in case, the entries highlighted in bold).

Next, click on the “Delete” button. Without clicking on the “Select all” button, you can manually check the checkboxes opposite the entries highlighted in bold (there can be a lot of such records), and then click on the “Delete” button.

The program deletes only entries marked in bold and their subitems. After that, click on the “Next” button.

After this, the final window of the program “Finish” appears.

If not all entries were deleted at once, a new window “Found remaining files and folders” appears.

In this window, check the listed items. If you do not notice traces of other programs there, then click on the “Select All” button, and then click on the “Delete” button.

In the “Warning” window, click on the “Yes” button. Then click on the “Next” button.

The “Finish” window appears, in which you are informed that Revo Uninstaller has successfully completed the uninstallation procedure; in this window, click on the “Finish” button.

An interesting feature of this program is “Hunter Mode”. When switching to this mode we can perform certain actions with one click.

After clicking on the “Hunter Mode” button on the right top corner appears small window with a blue sight.

If you right-click on this window, you can open the main program window in the context menu or enable this mode of program operation so that it starts when the Windows operating system starts.

The context menu has two operating modes and settings for the appearance of this window.

To remove a program, click on the window with the left mouse button and, without releasing the mouse button, move it to the program shortcut. A context menu appears in which we can select the action we need.

You can uninstall a program, stop a program from autorunning, terminate a process, terminate and delete a process, open the application folder and search for information related to the program on Google, find out the properties of this file, and also cancel the action.

Possible program actions:

  • “Uninstall” - begins removing the selected application from Revo Uninstaller;
  • “Stop autorun” - the program is disabled from autorun when Windows boots;
  • “End process” - stops the running program, the program closes;
  • “End and delete process” - stops and deletes the application;
  • “Open application folder” - a new Explorer window opens, with open folder where is the application located;
  • "Search on Google" - can be found using Google search the name of the application, the file name, or the name of the company that produces the selected application. Your default browser opens and when you select the appropriate item, you can go to the site you are interested in;
  • “Properties” - shows properties executable file applications;
  • “Cancel” - the action is cancelled.

If you click on the window in Hunter mode, and in the context menu, check the box next to “Drag and throw mode” (Drag and Drop), then a window with a burning flame will appear.

If you drag a program shortcut over a window with a burning flame, then after that you can perform similar actions, such as in "Hunter Mode".

When clicked in the main window Revo programs Uninstaller on the “Tools” button opens a program window with the “Optimization” tab.

After clicking on the “Autorun Manager” button, you can uncheck the boxes next to the items with the corresponding programs if you need to prevent these programs from autorunning. You can see the path to the program's location, its description, the program's manufacturer, status (working or not working), location of the autorun registry branch.

After clicking on the "Windows Tools" button you get quick access by 13 various types standard settings operating system.

After clicking on the “Trace Cleaner” button, several subsections open for specific actions.

By clicking on the “Browser Cleaner” button, you can clear the information that your browser records (not all browsers are supported).

By clicking on the “MS Office Cleaner” button, you can clear the opening history Microsoft documents Office by checking the boxes next to the appropriate items.

If you click on the “Windows Cleaner” button, then by checking the appropriate box, you can clear the history of many of your actions in the registry and on your hard drive.

When you click on the "Delete Evidence" button, you can first scan the ones you have selected local disks, and then delete traces of your work on the computer. This action must be approached with caution. Once this process is completed, it will be impossible to recover deleted files.

By pressing the button " Fatal deletion", you can delete a file or folder without the possibility of recovering the deleted file either programmatically or physically. Click on the appropriate button, add a file or folder, and then click on the “Delete permanently” button. This program feature must be used carefully, understanding what kind of file or folder you are permanently deleting from your computer.

The program is already configured by default and there is no need to change anything in its settings.

Conclusions of the article

Revo Uninstaller is a free program uninstaller that allows you to completely remove installed applications from your computer.

Revo Uninstaller - removing programs (video)

Not all unnecessary files from a computer can be deleted just like that: some are not completely deleted, others are scattered throughout the computer, others constantly accumulate as a result of the operation of the operating system, and most users have no idea about them. All these files slow down your computer and take up free space. The obvious solution to the problem is to remove them, which Revo Uninstaller does an excellent job of.

Features of the program

Classic deletion of previously installed programs and files does not always lead to truly complete removal software There are almost always a lot of extra files left.

These files can be used:

  • When reinstalling the software again.
  • To collect any information about the computer or user.
  • Files can simply be created and remain as a result of work, after which they take up free space for years without benefit to the owner.

For this reason, it is important to know how to use Revo Uninstaller Pro so that your computer does not turn into a slow-working “dustbin” over time.

Revo Uninstaller can perform the following functions:

  • Complete removal of programs from the computer, including deleting files from user folders, various subsections and directories hard drive.
  • Tune automatic start programs when you turn on the computer: turn on those you need, turn off or limit those that are required only from time to time.
  • Delete system files, temporary documents and other things that have already been used and will not be needed in the future by either you or the computer. Some of these files can be deleted without an uninstaller, but not all of them and only with a restart of the computer, which is not always convenient and, in principle, possible.

How to use the program?

You can download the program on the official website and use it for 30 days. During this time, you can remove the annoying uninstallable program from your computer and thoroughly clean your computer of debris.

  1. Go to the official website and download trial version for free.

2. Install the program on your computer

3. Launch the program

Please note that the program will only work under account administrator


IN this section All programs installed on the computer are shown. At the top of the window, those that were recently installed are displayed in a separate line - this way you can immediately clean your computer of unnecessary or accidentally installed ones.

Programs are removed by clicking the “Delete” button. However, the work does not end there, and after removal, Revo will offer to scan the system for files remaining from the software.

Scanning is carried out in one of three modes:

  • Moderate;
  • Safe;
  • Advanced

In order to remove all the garbage left by the program being removed, we will use the deepest scanning mode - “advanced”.

Some time after its launch, a window will be displayed in which all residual information about specific program in the system. These junk files are deleted in three steps: first, select absolutely all files, then click on the “delete” button, then click on the “next” button.

Attention! After removal additional files program, another window may appear with a list of files. Documents with which the program being removed interacted in some way are displayed here, or they contain information about it.

The remaining files must be carefully reviewed and deleted only those that relate to the program being deleted. If you are not sure or do not understand this well, skip this step and click the “Finish” button.

Startup Manager

WITH using Revo Uninstaller can be configured to autorun those programs that are necessary for work immediately after turning on the computer. To do this, you need to find the startup manager among the tools.

You should understand that many developers like to install their software into autorun so that they can always use it. In reality, computer owners may not be aware of this and may not need these programs. They should be disabled, since each extra task for autorun - this extra time loading the system and slowing it down.

Next, in the manager window that opens, leave “checkmarks” next to those applications that you need immediately after turning on the computer.


For convenience, the browser, junk files, Office and Windows cleaner are divided into different menu items. At the same time, they should be used for one purpose: to delete unnecessary files generated during work:

  • For the browser, this is cache, cookies, search history, download history, history of visited sites and other information.

  • For Windows, this is the cache, system history, recycle bin files, etc. unnecessary trash, as well as cleaning the registry and unnecessary operating system files on the hard drive.

  • For Office, this is cleaning unnecessary files that appeared when working with the corresponding office applications.

In general, it’s unlikely that you should seriously change the settings here, since operating systems and the basic programs are arranged in the same way for everyone, and therefore extra files practically no different. After removing them, you will immediately see how much more productive your computer has become and faster work on it.