Potapov and. V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory for the Development of General Education of the Institute of System Projects of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Moscow State Pedagogical University

Who are you? Tireless swallow or fearless seagull? Or maybe a charming hummingbird or a pretentious peacock? What bird are you according to your zodiac sign, read in our today's horoscope.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

On topic

You are a proud eagle. A real predator, you will never miss your goal; when you reach your goal, you can, without hesitation, “peck” those who bother you, and those who are smaller and more insignificant, you simply “eat for breakfast.” You have a fighting character, but at the same time your “soaring” is mesmerizing; you periodically “fly” to such heights that others have never dreamed of. You are strong and resilient, often “flying against the wind,” going against circumstances and those individuals who disagree with you on something.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

You are the emperor penguin. You walk with dignity, don’t get into fights unless absolutely necessary, clearly organize your life and structure the existence of those around you. You don’t rush into the sky, because you are quite comfortable on earth; moreover, you prefer a clear understanding of reality, reliable ground under your feet and predictable stability to all dreams and illusions. Your thoroughness deserves respect and is worthy of emulation.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

You are a talking bird, distinguished by intelligence and intelligence. The only fictional bird on our list, because sometimes you yourself don’t know how real you are. You have an excellent memory, and a huge amount of information “wanders” in you, so you can give good advice, although most of it is just a repetition of what you have ever heard or read, and not your own conclusions, since you are somewhat superficial and quickly switch to something new instead of analyzing what you already know.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

You are a swallow. You are comfortable, you are not drawn anywhere from your habitat, but during times of troubles you prefer to “fly to warmer climes.” You manage to turn even everyday chores into relaxation and hobbies, you never sit idle, you are constantly busy with something. You react sensitively to changes in the weather, both actual and in the relationships and feelings of others. You, as a rule, are monogamous and create a couple once and for life, you love your “chicks” and are happy when you have a lot of them.

On topic

You are a peacock, and a male one at that. You love to show off and let your tail fly, and since you are quite attractive, know how to present yourself and have the most beautiful “plumage”, you are periodically forgiven for not having the simplest disposition, and frankly vile statements, and indescribable selfishness. Even among your relatives, you stand apart. You have many character traits, habits and preferences that are more typical of the stronger sex.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You are a secretary bird. You can soar, but you prefer a completely earthly way of life; in order to obtain food and other benefits, you become very impetuous and purposeful, zealously guard your territory and are ready to get into a fight with those who claim what you consider to be yours. You don't like strangers. You are jealous of your partner and try not to let him out of your sight, you control him and direct his existence. Faithful enough.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You are a lovebird. You feel best in a couple; someone must complement and balance you. She is gentle and attentive to her partner, especially if you are connected with him not only by mutual feelings, but also by children. You rarely “nest” in a place where everything needs to be built from scratch, preferring to occupy ready-made housing, but if necessary, you cope well with both construction and arrangement, the main thing is that there is an incentive in the form of close people.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

You are an owl. Your existence is always shrouded in a mass of legends and speculations, someone admires you, someone is afraid of you, your “hootings” (read statements) sometimes evoke real horror, as they seem to be a prediction of something terrible. You are a predator, you can safely be called a “forest orderly”, because in your habitat the weak simply cannot survive. You are wise, lead a secretive lifestyle, are reluctant to make contact, although you are quite tame, if, of course, you know all, all, all of your characteristics.

On topic

You are a jay. Constantly “wandering” in search of a better life, you can’t sit still. You have a restless, although lively, character, very attractive appearance, a special “sense” for non-trivial events, and therefore many people like you. You are a mockingbird, you love to imitate those around you, joke about them, and fool those who are especially gullible. You try to avoid living on earth (in boring realities), earthliness is not your thing. For your friends you are a symbol of good luck.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You are a raven (not to be confused with a crow!). Wise, with a huge amount applied knowledge and skills, continuing to learn throughout her life. With an extremely difficult character and very unloving for the bulk of those around her, but if someone finds you the right approach, then faithful, not betraying the interests of those to whom she is attached. You feel great in completely earthly conditions, you are careful, any of your actions are carefully thought out, and their consequences are calculated.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You are a seagull. Fearless and smart, you love water and large spaces. The benefits of your actions are not always obvious, but they are there, and considerable ones. You are capable of creating something fundamentally new and unique out of any garbage. In relationships with men, you prefer true partnership; you must do everything together: get food, “hatch eggs,” build a “nest.” If someone makes an attempt on the life of your loved ones, you, without hesitation, rush even at an enemy with superior strength.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You are a hummingbird. You constantly float in your fantasies, you have the ability to adapt to circumstances and the unique gift of “flying in all directions,” that is, being good to the majority of those around you. In unfavorable situations, you fall into a kind of “anabiosis” in order to survive difficult times. You can be mischievous and playful, but by and large you are a loner who, due to your bright individuality, rarely finds someone who would appreciate you and whom you could completely trust.

“Information processes” - Hence the circle with a small radius. Protein synthesis is a unique process of information processing in a cell. Man is the most good example in the study of obvious processes in nature. Selection is another perspective. The radius is growing. Translation is the recoding of information from the language of mRNA triplets into the language of amino acids in ribosomes.

“The concept of information” - Information is transmitted using languages. The term "information" comes from Latin word informatio - explanation, explanation. Information and information Technology. A signal is any process that carries information. The most important properties of information: completeness, reliability, value, relevance and clarity.

"Information processes" - Information revolutions. Characteristics of an industrial society. Industrial society is a society determined by the level of development of industry, its technical base. Introduction of the latest achievements of scientific and technical thought: inventions, ideas, proposals. In an industrial society, the process of innovation in production plays an important role.

“Units of information” - Byte is a unit of information in the SI system. Units of information measurement. Binary alphabet. Coding. Properties of information. A bit is the minimum unit of information. Measuring information. Information in computer appears in binary code(0 and 1), (yes, no)… Information is transmitted using languages.

“Types of information” - Visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, gustatory. Visual information. Type of information. By way of perception: Tactile information. Olfactory information. Auditory information. Visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile information. Auditory, visual, tactile information. Types of information.

“The concept of information” - Useful. What is information? Information about the object. 3. Properties of information. 2. Perception of information. Current. The concept of information. Perception of information Properties of information. Full. Understandable. 1. What is information. Reliable.

1. Compliance of tasks of intellectual competitions with the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO. 2. Compliance of tasks with OOP in the subject. Orientation of tasks to the basic and advanced level of mastering OOP. 3. Availability of tasks for different categories of students. 4. The purpose of tasks is to identify and develop the cognitive interests and cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. 5. The focus of assignments is on identifying and developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

6. The purpose of tasks is to identify the level of development of universal educational actions. 7. Orientation of tasks to improve the research skills of junior schoolchildren. 8. Focus on identifying aptitudes and abilities to master the subject. 9. Focus on identifying erudition and broadening the horizons of students. 10. Focus on identifying and revealing the intellectual potential of younger schoolchildren. 11. Focus on identifying and supporting gifted children.

1. Closed (with the choice of the correct answer, for correlation, for determining the sequence). 2. Open (with a short answer, insert the missing word, complete the sentence, give examples). 3. With a detailed answer (definition, judgment, proof, forecast). 4. Assignments with tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs.

It is important that tasks require completion next steps: - goal setting; - planning; - forecasting; - control and correction; - search and selection of information; - raising problems and questions; - modeling; - comparison; - highlighting essential features; - classification; - establishing cause-and-effect relationships; - putting forward hypotheses; - proof.

1. During the experiment, what was the purpose of placing one plant in a light room and the other in a dark closet? 2. Why, watching aquarium fish, schoolchildren tapped on the walls of the aquarium, clapped their hands and rang the bell? 3. Having begun to study the topic “Mineral Resources” in the course “The World Around Us,” the teacher invited the students to visit the local local history museum. For what purpose did the teacher make this proposal?

1. Pine needles stay on the branch for up to three years and then fall off. Why is pine called an evergreen? 2. Why do living conditions in a pine forest differ from living conditions in a spruce forest? 3. A pine tree that grew in the forest has a long, even trunk. Its crown is at the very top. The pine tree that grew on the edge has a short, gnarled trunk, and its branches start almost from the ground itself. State the problem.

1. Using what method can you most accurately determine the beginning of leaf fall in a birch tree? 2. What actions are performed only when conducting experiments? A. Looking or listening. B. Cooling or heating. B. Determination of smell or taste. D. Lighting or shading. 3. What method should you use to find out the water temperature?

Describe the nature of your area according to the plan: 1. Surface forms: ____________________________ 2. Water bodies: ________________________________ 3. Minerals: ________________________________ 4. Soils: ________________________________________ 5. Natural communities: _________________________ 6. Human use of nature: _____________ ________________________________________________ 7. Conservation measures nature: _____________________ ________________________________________________

1. Make a plan for observing the sky. 2. Make a plan for observing the behavior of an animal (insect, bird, beast). 3. Make a plan to describe the plant (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant). 4. Make a plan to study the properties of minerals (limestone, oil, natural gas). 5. Make a plan for working on a project on the topic: “Human development of airspace.”

1. You need to find out what birds live in your area. Where can you get more full information about this? Circle the letter of the answer: A. In the zoological museum. B. In the botanical garden. B. In the encyclopedia about animals. G. In the local history museum. 2. You chose the topic “Plant Life” for the project. Where can you find necessary information? Give two possible answers. 1) _____________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________

Fill out the table. Compare the properties of table salt and granulated sugar. Similarity: _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Difference: __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Substance Color Flowability Taste Solubility Table salt Granulated sugar

1. Divide into groups of animals that feed in the meadow: wagtail, quail, mole, owl, mouse, fox. Fill out the table: add the names of the groups and the names of the animals. 2. Underline physical phenomena one feature, and chemical ones with two: melting snow, the appearance of rust on a nail, changing the size and shape of the body, burning wood. Insectivores

1. Explain why it is cold all year round near the poles? 2. Why is the human impact on the earth’s surface now much greater than in the past? 3. Why can many different animals live together in the forest? Circle the letter of the answer: A. They eat plants. B. They feed on animals. B. They spread seeds. D. They inhabit the forest in tiers.

1. What can happen to a forest in which people have destroyed all the predators? 2. In autumn, ripened plant seeds fell to the ground. What can happen to them in the spring? 3. There are more owls in the forest where mice live. How will this affect the lives of mice? Circle the letter of the correct answer: A. It will not be reflected in any way. B. There will be more mice. B. There will be fewer mice. D. Mice will hunt owls.

1. The students conducted an experiment. They put dry seeds in both jars. In one jar, the seeds were moistened with water. Another jar of seeds was filled to the brim with water. Both jars were placed in a warm place. Predict what will happen to the seeds in each jar. 2. The teacher put two identical candles on the table and lit them. He covered one candle with a glass jar and left the other open. What can happen to each candle? Make a hypothesis.

1. How can you prove that water is fluid and takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured? Circle the letter of the answer: A. I will put the vessel with water in the light. B. I’ll put the vessel with water in the refrigerator. B. I will take vessels of different shapes and pour water into them. D. I will heat a vessel with water. 2. How can you prove that oxygen supports combustion? 3. Prove that air occupies space, is compressible, and is elastic.

1. Is this statement true? If incorrect, make corrections. The air that is between the window frames does not release heat from the room due to its ability to conduct heat well. 2. Find and correct the error. Oil, natural gas, peat, sand are combustible minerals. 3. Is the statement true? If it's wrong, correct it. Bacteria destroy the organic matter of dying plants and dead animals. And mushrooms with the help solar energy form organic substances.

1. What is the name of the fastest growing plant in the world? How much can it grow in a day? 2. Which river is the longest in the world? What is the name of the continent through which it flows? 3. Which tree is the tallest in the world? Where does it grow? 4. Which mountain is the highest in the world? Give two names for this mountain. Where is it located? 5. What is the fastest mammal on Earth? What speed does it develop while running?