Correct setting of Navitel navigator. Software and features

Install Navitel. Go to Menu - Settings - OnLine Services.
Choose Update SPEEDCAM - Off. Close Navitel.

Package installation:
1. Download , . Extracting from the archives.

Important! If you have a device running Android 4.4 or higher and you are copying files to external microSd map, then the NavitelContent folder is located in the following path Android\data\com.navitel\files\NavitelContent and all files need to be copied into it. To the root of the map \NavitelContent DO NOT copy!
2. Copy the downloaded skin New_Navitel_*.ns2 to the /NavitelContent/Skins/ folder.
3. Copy the downloaded file to the folder /NavitelContent/Voices/ voice package. The whole folder. For example: 0419~New_Tanya.
4. Delete all speedcam files from the /NavitelContent/SpeedCams/ folder and copy the downloaded file Speedcam_For_New_Navitel_*.txt into it.
5. Copy your maps to the NaviTelContent/Maps folder.
6. Launch the program and go to Settings.

Mandatory Navitel settings for New Navitel. Highlighted in red in the screenshots.

1. Go to Menu - Settings - Interface. Select the skin New_Navitel_*.ns2.
2. Go to Menu - Settings - Regional settings. Select a voice package for New Navitel. For example: New_Tanya.
3. Go to Menu - Settings - Warnings. We exhibit:
Sound notification - On

4. Check in Menu - Settings - OnLine Services.
Update SPEEDCAM - Off.

My personal settings Navitel. Highlighted in green in the screenshots.

1. Menu - Settings - Map.
The scales used are 20m-300m.
The names of POI points are displayed on a scale of 20 meters and below, so during a stop, Navitel will display a map on a scale of 20 meters, and the POI points will be named.
Speedcam points on the map are displayed only at scales up to 300m. And if while driving with high speed, for example, along a highway, Navitel displays a map on a scale of 500m, 800m, etc., then your speedcam points will disappear from the map. Therefore, my settings set the limit to 300m. and Speedcam dots are always visible.
The preferred scale is 50m.
Show 3D models from - 80m.
Buildings in 3D are displayed at a scale of up to 120m inclusive. Therefore, if you set the display of buildings to 80 meters, then at the next scale of 120 meters the buildings will be flat and it becomes clearly visible that the next time you change the scale to 200 meters, the buildings will no longer be on the map. And second, there is no jumble of 3D buildings on the 120m scale map.
Tilt of the map.
It is set so that the horizon or rooftops are as close to the top edge of the screen as possible.

2. Menu - Settings - Navigation.
Pull: No further than 20 m.
To prevent your location from jumping around on the map if there is no road.
Rerouting: 50 m.

3. Menu - Settings - Interface.
Skin: New_Navitel_*.ns2
Always selected Day skin.

4. Menu - Settings - POI filtering.
Everything is enabled by default.

5. Menu - Settings - Online services.
Only Update SPEEDCAM - Off.

6. Menu - Settings - Warnings.
Speed ​​Limit:
Sound notification - On
Voice notification- When exceeding 20 km/h.
Visual Alert - Always alert.
Since violations of the speed limit in Russia begin only when the speed is exceeded by 20 km/h, the Voice alert value “When exceeded by 20 km/h” is selected, but you can always see the speed on the current section of the road on the screen, since visual display"Always" is selected.
Sound notification - On
Voice notification - Always notify.
Visual Alert - Always alert.
These are required settings.
Show traffic lanes - Off
These signs should not be trusted under any circumstances. The accuracy of these signs is 50/50. And also, if active, they remove speed warning dots from the screen.
Selection of SPEEDCAM types: Speed ​​bump - Off, others - On
There are a lot of warnings from these points, they only distract.

7. Menu - Settings - Regional settings.
Voice: any for New Navitel.
Coordinates: ddd.dddddd°
The format is the same as in the speedcam.txt file, this format is also used on various sites.

8. Menu - Settings - System.
Background mode - Do not turn off if there is a route.
If you use Navitel on your phone, the GPS turns off during a call and route guidance stops. After you finish the conversation, it takes some time to re-determine the coordinates, and during this time you can drive the desired turn. To prevent this from happening when guiding along a route, the value “Do not turn off when there is a route” is set.
Do not request exit confirmation - On.

All other settings are set to default.

Until relatively recently, the navigation software market offered users only expensive solutions from companies specializing in the production of such products. However, after Google's applications became freely available, competitors also had to make some concessions. Thus, users learned about the free Yandex.Navigator, which in our time is able to work successfully even without the Internet.

Yandex.Navigator – description

Yandex.Navigator is a breakthrough in the field of navigation applications that helps drivers get from point “A” to point “B” in a significantly shorter period of time. The program itself will calculate the best way for you to get to the right place, and will also take into account traffic jams and road events (accidents and accidents), road repairs and road closures. The driver is always offered several options (up to three) for overcoming a certain section of the route, with the fastest one listed first. In the event that the route goes along a toll road, you will be warned about this as well.

When the car is in motion, the screen of the device used will display the remaining distance, measured not only in kilometers, but also in minutes. In order not to distract you from the traffic situation once again, the developers also took care of voice guidance.


Appearance of Yandex.Navigator ( user interface) is one of strengths this application. The main screen has three tabs: "Search", "Map" And "Favorites". In turn, the map has translucent buttons for changing the scale (increasing or decreasing) and returning to displaying the current position. There is also a compass and a traffic indicator, where information is provided in points. By clicking on this indicator, you can turn off the display of information about traffic jams.

An interesting design solution is the multi-colored coloring of the line of the marked route. The choice of color (from red to green) depends on the intensity of vehicle traffic on a particular section of the road, and the load graph itself is presented in the form of a thin multi-colored line located above the map. Thanks to this feature, you can estimate the duration of the ride along the remaining section of the route, taking into account all possible obstacles. Time left until end point, is also displayed on the map, but information about the current speed and other trip parameters remains hidden.


Among the main functions of Yandex.Navigator are the following:

constructing routes on the map (we will tell you in more detail about how to enter coordinates into Yandex.Navigator a little later);

execution voice commands driver, that is, you can plot a route or mark an accident on the map by simply saying it out loud. The driver contacts Yandex.Navigator and, after waiting for the appropriate sound signal, gives a command: for example, “Yandex, let’s go to the station!”

Possibility of loading maps into the cache and their further use without access to the Internet. This feature distinguishes the application from other similar ones.

How to use the program

Using Yandex.Navigator usually does not cause any difficulties in installation and operation, but there are still some features.

How to install Yandex.Navigator

First of all, it should be noted that the application can only work successfully with devices running iOS-based or Android. This means that you can download Yandex.Navigator from the AppStore or PlayMarket. After downloading the application and confirming all permissions, installation will begin.

There is no need to download maps separately from the application, since they are pulled from the Internet themselves (of course, if the network connection is active) and are stored in the device’s memory cache as needed. It is also worth remembering that downloading the entire map, as happens in Yandex.Maps, will not work here.

Yandex.Navigator does not require any special settings. To determine location, the system Location API is used, which, in addition to GPS satellites, can also work through base stations or Wi-Fi (the function is activated in the operating system settings). As soon as you install the application on your smartphone, you can start using Yandex.Navigator.

How to set up your navigator

After reviewing the Yandex.Navigator settings, you will notice that they allow you to enable/disable automatic transition V night mode map display, select categories displayed on the screen custom points, and also provide the ability to change the voice prompts (male, female) or turn it off. The settings also display the amount of memory that is used for caching maps (avoiding the need for constant loading).

To customize the appearance of the map, you need to perform several sequential steps:

1. Click on the bottom of the screen;

2. Press the "Menu" button;

3. In this section, select:

“Map View” (used to enable the “Outline”, “Satellite” or “People’s Map” modes).

Settings → Maps:

Night mode - activates a gentle screen mode when using the application in the dark. If the driver wants to control the mode manually, you need to select the “On” or “Off” button. For automatic switching mode – click “Auto”.

Besides, There are also some other modes in the settings:

3D mode- turns on the three-dimensional display of the map.

Autoscale- helps to automatically change the map scale as the vehicle moves.

"The North is always up"- fixes the map relative to the cardinal points.

There is nothing complicated in the settings, which means that all that remains is to figure out how to use Yandex.Navigator correctly.

How to get directions

When the driver sets a route, the system automatically offers him two alternative options travel - the fastest and shortest. Information about the length and time it takes to travel a section of the route can be seen on two tabs located at the top of the screen. The routes themselves are also visible on the map.

Once selected, the route will be laid out only once and will not change in any way while moving. Even if the driver deviates from given path, it will still remain the same, still displayed on the map. How can you build a new route in Yandex.Navigator? In fact, you just need to re-use the search, specifying the name of the endpoint in it. Your location is determined automatically.

You can set the route in another way - by sound command. However, in this case, you need to speak clearly and distinctly, otherwise the application will not be able to recognize the command. It is better to turn off voice prompts immediately, since the program sometimes confuses “right” and “left”.

How to use Yandex.Navigator without the Internet

There are situations when there is no Internet connection, and there is nowhere to look for it on the road. In this case, you should take care of pointers in advance and download necessary cards to your smartphone.

Which devices are suitable?

The first versions of the Yandex.Navigator application were distinguished by the need for always connected to the network. Despite the fact that the volume of transmitted data is not so large, there are still places where mobile Internet is completely absent.

It's good that latest update the application already partially allows you to use Yandex Navigator without the Internet, and owners of devices running on Android based or iOS (including not only smartphones, but also iPads and Android tablets), were able to download a vector map of the region of interest in a special settings section. New version Yandex.Navigator is already available for download in the AppStore and Google Play.

How to enable the feature

To activate the application without connecting to the Internet, you need to:

1. Go to the Yandex.Navigator application installed on the device you are using (smartphone or tablet).

2. Go to the “Menu” section.

3. Click the “Download maps” button and select from the list available regions, the one that suits you (you can find the desired area either by scrolling through the list or by searching).

4. Select one of the possible download types: for example, “Review” or “Full”.

Thus, you can download maps in advance (when the Internet is available), and use them anywhere, even if there is no network there.

Pay attention!If the device you are using is equipped with a GPS module, then you will be able to see your current location on the diagram and, even without navigation, determine where exactly you should go.

The size of the downloaded file is always indicated next to the type of map, and it should be noted that sometimes it can be quite significant. This is why it is better to download over Wi-Fi. With further use, you will be able to view maps without connecting to the network, although building a route on the road will still require an Internet connection. That is, such a solution cannot be called completely autonomous. Downloaded vector maps only reduce the amount of transmitted data, but even this is a significant advantage, and in some cases turns out to be a real salvation for drivers who find themselves in an area without coverage from mobile operators.

Let us remind you that you will be able to find out how Yandex.Navigator works offline only after updating current version(if it is not updated automatically).

Pros and cons of offline mode

Positive aspects of use new opportunity some:

Firstly, if there is no Internet at all, you will still be able to view the previously downloaded map, and in the case when the device you are using is also GPS module has (what for modern smartphones and tablets are not new), it is possible to see your location.

Secondly, even when running mobile internet, maps will load much faster, whether you just want to view them or are setting a route. This does not waste traffic.

Thirdly, plus updated version Yandex.Navigator, which allows you to use the application offline, is a vector map with higher quality appearance and clear images. Its volume is smaller than a raster one, which means it will require less space in the phone. Moreover, all buildings in the updated version are three-dimensional.

Unfortunately, the matter is not limited to advantages alone, and the disadvantages of the updated version of Yandex.Navigator are also noticeable. The most significant of them include the impossibility of building a route without connecting to the Internet. However, if you have planned your route in advance active Internet, then it will be saved on the map (the presence of a GPS module will allow you to see your movement on the map). Also, do not forget that when folding with given route a new one will not be laid.

In any case, as on devices with operating Android system, using Yandex Navigator on iPhone is a pleasure, because traveling with such an “assistant” is much more enjoyable.

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Recent years market car gadgets is filled with more and more useful and functional devices designed to simplify the lives of car owners and increase traffic safety. The best engineers in the world are working to create unique devices designed primarily for drivers. One of the popular “miracles of technology” is a car navigator, main task which is the positioning of the device in relation to the area map, and speeding up the process of finding the required location (house, street, cafe, etc.).

It would seem just recently best assistant the driver had a card. But, despite the accuracy of the information, using such a “hint” is inconvenient, and the process of finding the right place took a lot of time. With the advent of the navigator, the need to use paper maps completely disappeared. All that is required is to press a few buttons, receiving a picture of the current position and the future route.

But many “newly made” owners of such devices face a number of difficulties. It is not always clear how to use the navigator and what actions to take to fine tuning. Let's consider these points in more detail.

How to use the navigator

Buying so useful gadget- only the first stage. The next step is to learn how to use the navigator, turn it on correctly and set the required route. In addition to the navigator itself, the package includes a charger and a manual (instructions) for using the gadget.

To begin with, it is worth studying the contents of the documents, after which you can proceed to configuration. Here the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Power on the device.
  • Wait until the navigator loads and a picture appears indicating that the search for a satellite has begun. Immediately after setting up the signal, the word “Position” appears on the screen. Now you can find out your own position on the map and see the road where the car is located.
  • To use the navigator and maps, go to “Menu”, and then to “Settings”. There will be a “Map” section, where you need to decide on the display principle. There are two options available - rotation along the movement or north at the top. It is better to choose the first option, which is more convenient to use.
  • When determining a route to move to a specific point by car, go to the “Menu”, then select one of the proposed options. Searching is possible by coordinates, via waypoints, by closest places, by address or by favorite places.
  • In the fields that appear, you must indicate the street, house and name settlement. The input process is simple. It is enough to enter the first few letters, after which the program displays suitable options. Once the exact address is registered, all that remains is to give the command to the device “Go”. If the program, for some reason, does not find the specified house or street, you can indicate the street closest to it, with the building number.
  • Wait for the route to form (takes a couple of seconds), then move towards the goal on the map.

As you can see, using the navigator is not that difficult. But what to do in case of unforeseen circumstances? For example, the device has laid out a route, but it is not suitable, or, along the way, it is necessary to stop at another point along the way. In such a situation, the already formed path should be corrected. Here the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Slide the card to desired point appointments. Next, click on the point of interest, and then come up with a name for it.
  • Follow the "Find" link, then head to the "Waypoints" section. Now all that remains is to select the appropriate city and click on the “Show on map” button. After performing the mentioned manipulations, a map of the locality with the required location opens. To complete the setup, all you have to do is click on the “Check in” button.

Now the program recalculates the previously specified route, after which the distance to the destination point is recorded and the travel time is indicated. All you need to do is remember to save the map after making changes. This is done by clicking on special button"Export".

Learning to use the navigator is a matter of a few minutes. Having learned the basics, you can choose a suitable route and exclude certain sections from it. To do this, click on the link “Avoid when planning a route”, and then specify required parameters. Thus, you can “teach” the program not to take into account toll or dirt roads, highways and other types of routes. If you wish, it is easy to find out the address of nearby cafeterias, hotels or gas stations. To do this, go to settings and mark the POI.

When the gadget is connected to the Internet, the user has access to current data on traffic jams. Thanks to this option, you can save extra time and get around the traffic jam in a timely manner.

Rules for installing a navigator in a car

Having learned how to use the navigator, you can move on to mounting it in the car. To make using the device easier, you should follow several rules:

  • Make sure that the gadget's antenna is not blocked by metal elements.
  • Place the navigator so that it does not block your view while driving.
  • Calculate the cable length. It is important that it is enough to charge the device.
  • Position the gadget so that the display is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Choose an angle for the screen so that you can follow the route.

The navigator is a constant assistant for drivers, fishermen, and those who like to hunt and pick mushrooms. With its help, you can easily get directions and find the right place. If you know how to use a navigator, many tasks become manageable, and tools such as maps or a compass lose their relevance.

Video: How to get directions on a Navitel navigator

If the video does not show, refresh the page or

Install Navitel. Go to Menu - Settings - OnLine Services.
Choose Update SPEEDCAM - Off. Close Navitel.

Package installation:
1. Download the design (skin), voice package, speedcam. Extracting from the archives.

Important! If you have a device running Android 4.4 and higher, and you are copying files to an external microSD card, then the NavitelContent folder is located in the following path Android\data\com.navitel\files\NavitelContent and all files need to be copied into it. To the root of the map \NavitelContent DO NOT copy!
2. Copy the downloaded skin New_Navitel_*.ns2 to the /NavitelContent/Skins/ folder.
3. Copy the downloaded voice package to the /NavitelContent/Voices/ folder. The whole folder. For example: 0419~New_Tanya.
4. Delete all speedcam files from the /NavitelContent/SpeedCams/ folder and copy the downloaded file Speedcam_For_New_Navitel_*.txt into it.
5. Copy your maps to the NaviTelContent/Maps folder.
6. Launch the program and go to Settings.

Mandatory Navitel settings for New Navitel. Highlighted in red in the screenshots.

1. Go to Menu - Settings - Interface. Select the skin New_Navitel_*.ns2.
2. Go to Menu - Settings - Regional settings. Select a voice package for New Navitel. For example: New_Tanya.
3. Go to Menu - Settings - Warnings. We exhibit:
Sound notification - On

4. Check in Menu - Settings - OnLine Services.
Update SPEEDCAM - Off.

My personal settings Navitel. Highlighted in green in the screenshots.

1. Menu - Settings - Map.
The scales used are 20m-300m.
The names of POI points are displayed on a scale of 20 meters and below, so during a stop, Navitel will display a map on a scale of 20 meters, and the POI points will be named.
Speedcam points on the map are displayed only at scales up to 300m. And if, while driving at high speed, for example on a highway, Navitel displays a map on a scale of 500m, 800m, etc., then your speedcam points will disappear from the map. Therefore, my settings set the limit to 300m. and Speedcam dots are always visible.
The preferred scale is 50m.
Show 3D models from - 80m.
Buildings in 3D are displayed at a scale of up to 120m inclusive. Therefore, if you set the display of buildings to 80 meters, then at the next scale of 120 meters the buildings will be flat and it becomes clearly visible that the next time you change the scale to 200 meters, the buildings will no longer be on the map. And second, there is no jumble of 3D buildings on the 120m scale map.
Tilt of the map.
It is set so that the horizon or rooftops are as close to the top edge of the screen as possible.

2. Menu - Settings - Navigation.
Pull: No further than 20 m.
To prevent your location from jumping around on the map if there is no road.
Rerouting: 50 m.

3. Menu - Settings - Interface.
Skin: New_Navitel_*.ns2
Always selected Day skin.

4. Menu - Settings - POI filtering.
Everything is enabled by default.

5. Menu - Settings - Online services.
Only Update SPEEDCAM - Off.

6. Menu - Settings - Warnings.
Speed ​​Limit:
Sound notification - On
Voice alert - When exceeding 20 km/h.
Visual Alert - Always alert.
Since violations of the speed limit in Russia begin only when the speed is exceeded by 20 km/h, the value Voice notification “When exceeded by 20 km/h” is selected, but you can always see the speed on the current section of the road on the screen, since visual display is selected "Always".
Sound notification - On
Voice notification - Always notify.
Visual Alert - Always alert.
These are required settings.
Show traffic lanes - Off
These signs should not be trusted under any circumstances. The accuracy of these signs is 50/50. And also, if active, they remove speed warning dots from the screen.
Selection of SPEEDCAM types: Speed ​​bump - Off, others - On
There are a lot of warnings from these points, they only distract.

7. Menu - Settings - Regional settings.
Voice: any for New Navitel.
Coordinates: ddd.dddddd°
The format is the same as in the speedcam.txt file, this format is also used on various sites.

8. Menu - Settings - System.
Background mode - Do not turn off if there is a route.
If you use Navitel on your phone, the GPS turns off during a call and route guidance stops. After you finish the conversation, it takes some time to re-determine the coordinates, and during this time you can drive the desired turn. To prevent this from happening when guiding along a route, the value “Do not turn off when there is a route” is set.
Do not request exit confirmation - On.

All other settings are set to default.

A navigator is an indispensable and very popular thing these days. However, it happens that for some reason the settings get lost and it stops working correctly, or they were not set initially. Car navigator- this is the most indispensable assistant motorist. On the market today huge selection of this type of equipment, and each model differs in cost and technical parameters. What to do in this case?

Full navigator customization

Features of the correct GPS settings navigators depend on the model and brand, but there are some general recommendations, applicable to any similar device.

For the basic settings of the navigator, you need to go through several simple steps for the technique to work correctly:

  • Update your version navigation program. This will provide you with the latest maps and features.
  • Update the versions of the maps you are using. Map developers are constantly improving their creations, adding new objects and addresses to them. New maps take into account all the new changes, including traffic: new signs, lane directions, etc. WITH new card you definitely can't get lost in a big city.
  • Index the atlas. This is necessary for the system to correctly plot the route.

If you need to install a new navigation system, then do the following:

  • Unlock GPS: Disable Start software and access the operating system interface.
  • Install the required program.

How to correctly configure the route on the navigator?

In order for the device to be convenient and as comfortable as possible to use, it is necessary to configure it correctly. To do this, go to the “Menu” section and click the “Settings” button. First, set the card parameters that you need. Then go to the "Maps" section and select "Top of Maps". Be sure to set "Rotation by motion". This is the most important point, because after setting this parameter, your map image will rotate according to the movement of the car.

Be sure to go to the "Navigation" section. There you will see a wide variety of types of transport (pedestrians, trucks, motorcycles, cars, etc.). Select "Car". Next, go to the “Attraction” section. Attraction is the ability of the navigator to show your car on the nearest route. Here you can choose automatic mode or set your own parameters. The most optimal distance is no more than 50 meters. Now we are almost to the point of setting up the route.

Now you can configure the route itself. Go to the required menu to select route parameters. Here you need to choose one of the paths offered to you (short, fast route etc.). If you choose the fast route then GPS navigator will guide you along the road, choosing the most fast way. By choosing a short route, you significantly reduce the distance.

You can also define some routing settings through the section “What to avoid while routing?”. Here you will see: toll roads, U-turn, road with a dirt surface. Thus, you yourself can determine which route the equipment will take you.

When setting up a GPS navigator, be careful not to reset everything, otherwise you will have to set up the navigator again from scratch. Remember, when you choose the fast route, you choose best options expensive