Examples of landing pages with bright headings. Templates for business niches: Schengen visas

The text on the landing page is a marker of the “health” of the project. Whether he is alive or dying in agony is conveyed by a few lines above the fold.

Headings are rightly considered the key element of a landing page. (David Ogilvy) once said, “By writing the headline, you've spent 80 cents of your dollar.” This means that out of 1,000 people who visit the landing page, 800 will leave after reading only the headline. But this is an average, improved by good copy and optimization at the top of the conversion funnel (which will benefit the bottom of the conversion funnel).

In this article, we'll look at data from an analysis of 87 cloud startup landing pages and show trends and practices across two landing page elements: the headline and the subheader.

Key points

Rarely does anyone read long reads to the end, so let’s briefly summarize the research findings in the first paragraph:

  • 14% of SaaS startup landing pages have no subheadings;
  • the average number of words in a title is 6;
  • the average number of words in a subtitle is 12;
  • average headline quality score (according to the CoSchedule service) - 59 points;
  • 39% of headlines sell product benefits;
  • 20% of headlines use social proof;
  • 50% of headings and subheadings use positive attitudes;
  • 13% of headings and subheadings communicate negative attitudes;
  • “You” and “Your” are found 10 times more often than “We” and “Our”;
  • 42% of headlines contain jargon;
  • speed, simplicity, growth, money, humanity, improvements - 6 main topics for landing page texts;
  • each title boils down to 1 of 9 formulas.

Read to the end to understand why these methods are so popular, whether they are truly among the best practices, and how to use them to improve your startup's landing page.

14% of startup landing pages have no subheadings

Neglecting the subtitle? This means you are confident in the quality of the page title - after all, it is the only one that convinces those 80% of visitors who leave immediately after “landing” to stay.

According to Wordstream:

“Most effective landing pages anchor the offer with a headline, and the subheadline clarifies or separates the value proposition.”

Below is an example of how a subhead works together with a title to convey a crystal clear value.

Headline: Expense reports are made for you - but not by you;
Subtitle: Automated process ExpenseBot helps your business track costs, pay employees, and control expenses.

ExpenseBot's expense reporting app eliminates audience pain, which is what . And the subtitle describes in more detail the functions and capabilities of the product. However, it does not talk about the negative aspects of the need for the product, such as dishonest employees, gray accounting, etc. No dirt - just what the reader wants to know.

The opposite example is TapInfluence, which does not capitalize on the subtitle. The landing page does not convey to visitors the functionality and value of the product, although online users are “terribly lazy” - that is, they will not go deep into the landing page for information, but will simply close the tab.

Content. Created by buyers for buyers.

The average number of words in a title is 6

It is believed that 6-7 words are . But Joanne Wiebe of Copyhackers proved this claim wrong back in 2014 with a “visionary” split test.

Benchmark: Get results from your facebook posts.
Option 1: This is like a full-fledged SMM team on demand.
Option 2: With our status idea generator and extremely simple post scheduler, you will never run out of effective Facebook page content.

The first option increased CTR by 36%, and the second by 29%. Sometimes the fifth or sixth word is not enough to convey the value. Below is an example of a succinct (and unsuccessful) headline from Simply Measured.

The best social starts here.
Informed decisions. Exceptional results.
The world's best social analytics without the effort.

Considering that these are the most read four words on the entire landing page, marketers should have conveyed the offer more clearly. The title is not very informative. This is similar to the so-called “flip phenomenon,” a technique in which a subheading is tested as a headline, and vice versa.

61% of headlines don't sell product benefits

The figure is surprising, isn't it? You know the old axiom: “Properties talk, but benefits sell”? But if you think about it, the problem comes down to the level of intent and awareness:

If the visitor is familiar with the product and is already looking for it, then provide additional information about the features. The person already knows the problem and has come to you for a solution.

But if the visitor is not yet familiar with the product and does not know why it is worth choosing you and not competitors, then you need to convey a significant problem that you are solving in his field, that is.

The way most cloud companies separate these two segments - creating landing pages optimized for functions in the same way as home page. Below you will see a wonderful landing page, whose title literally “hits your eyes” with the benefits of the offer.

Close more deals. Make more money.

But the following example, unfortunately, does not do this. Landing page from SensorTower:

Title: App Marketing Intelligence Made Easy.
Subtitle: The industry's leading app store optimization and intelligence platform.

From the text, the visitor understands something about the functions (a little), and also that the solution is simple and popular. But he doesn't see why this is needed right now. On such a page, you can convey the advantage through the title, subtitle, or text inside the input field. But not a single opportunity was used.

In short, this landing page could clearly benefit from text optimization.

20% of headlines and subheadings use social proof

Social proof is a way to show how many cool people are already using your product. Usually these are expanded or logos of partner brands. But hints of this are useful - and occur - even in the headlines. Below is an example of social proof in the Producteev landing page text:

Underlined in red: “Helped hundreds of thousands of teams.”

FastCall also demonstrates its claim to fame - but in the title:

Headline Text: #1 AppExchange Verified Dealer, Powered by Salesforce

Average headline quality score on CoSchedule: 59 points

The CoSchedule headline analysis tool is convenient for checking the quality of texts on English-language blogs and landing pages. The system considers a number of elements:

Length: people forget words they read online in a matter of seconds;
Word balance: headings should have a harmonious combination of common, rare, emotional and strong words;
Header type: More relevant to blog posts. Headings in the style of “How to do...”, ratings, TOPs, lists of posts and questions - such options bring high results;
Mood: Emphasis on negative emotions or positive sentiments in the title.

Let's look at the titles that are highly rated by the system.

Welcome to the world's easiest path to creation and collaboration.

Benefits that people trust.
Advanced Inventory Software for Outstanding Business Growth
Digital marketing analytics with Competitive Edge.

Do you need more clients?

Become the company your customers love to order from.

All-in-one selling platform.
App creation and mobile marketing in one powerful solution.

By the way, the system’s opinion about the headlines and the marketers’ opinion about the quality of the landing pages from which they were taken coincided on almost all points.


The AppZen landing page contains two equivalent CTAs, which is ambiguous in terms of conversion, but there is surprisingly strong text here.

Stop wasting time and money on expense reports.

Now let’s shade the high-quality headlines with the weak ones so that we can more clearly see the greatness of the first ones.

Hey Miss Photographer!
Finally, the back office is simplified.
Work smarter.

Cloud scaling monitoring.
Run productive meetings
Automation of inbound sales.

But we consider headings outside the context of the page and subheadings. In the cases from the screenshot above, although the titles are terrible, the subtitles took the brunt of it.

Half of the headings and subheadings use positive messages

Sentiment analysis is a promising area for research. It captures the positive and negative connotations of the words used, and extrapolates the score based on the ratio of positive, neutral and negative expressions. But why should you pay attention to this?

According to CoSchedule:

“Headlines that convey strong positive or negative emotions, as a rule, work better."

This is a good enough reason to test the emotional coloring of the text. Let's take a look at the statistics:

  • 44% of headlines convey positive emotions;
  • 37% of headlines convey neutral emotions;
  • 13% of headlines convey negative emotions;
  • 59% of subheadings convey positive emotions;
  • 22% of subheadings convey neutral emotions;
  • 13% of subheadings convey negative emotions.

Benjamin Brandall analyzed landing page texts for emotional connotation using specialized software. Here are some positive headlines:

Make your front desk amazing.

Never create parts again.

Project tracking for remote teams.

Customer training made easy.
Advanced Inventory Software for Outstanding Business Growth
Outstanding negotiations. Outstanding results.

And a list of negative ones:

Task management solution for teams.

Work smarter.

Top messages for web and mobile applications.
Hey Miss Photographer!
Marketing eCommerce platform.

Automation of inbound sales.
Most quick way use Twitter as a team.

Words such as “delicious”, “great”, “supreme” convey bright feelings, while “decide”, “cold”, “work” convey negative emotions.

Headings and subheadings: popular words and phrases

Emotional and strong words are important in the text. And it’s not difficult to add them - there are words and phrases recognized as highly converting. A few points to consider.

Yours/You are 10 times more likely than We/Ours

Turn your mistakes into actions

The product is all about the customer, not you. You are selling what your solution does for someone, not what you do.

Here are the statistics from the study:

You/Your: 65 landing pages;
We/Our: 6 landing pages.

TOP 10 phrases

Build your digital business faster with mobile backend as a service

We'll see that headlines often emphasize simplicity, speed, and excellence. List of best practices:

  • “the best way...”;
  • “transform your...”;
  • “easy to use...”;
  • “faster with...”;
  • "from google/according to google";
  • "thousands...";
  • “without writing code...”;
  • “the best in the world...”;
  • “trusted by thousands...”

42% of headlines contain jargon

Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary defines jargon as: “The speech of some social or other group united by common interests, containing many words and expressions different from common language, including artificial, sometimes conditional.”

While jargon is generally a no-no in copywriting, Belinda Weaver says it's okay in some situations. She proves that it is acceptable to use jargon when communicating about a technical topic. Since SaaS platforms are technology products, jargon is acceptable. However, it's rare that marketers actually need them because your product is intended for users, not developers.

Jargon example from Neptune.io

Automation of event response from DevOps

This works because the target audience understands the meaning of the terms. If a person is not aware, then the product is not for him.

Example from Datadog

Cloud scaling monitoring. Monitoring that keeps track of your dynamic infrastructure.

Surely this is a fantastic product, but the description is entirely based on highly specialized terms. Another comparison:

A) Receive finished project with Nitro; Vs. C) Project tracking for remote teams.

Both headlines talk about the benefit, but the first says it before talking about the features (the second version lays out the features further down the page).

Popular headline topics

Speed, simplicity, intelligence, excellence, humanity, money, growth and improvement. These are the values ​​customers expect from the product. Smart headlines manage to fit into several categories at once. Below is the complete list.

1. Speed

The fastest way to use Twitter as a team.

Sell ​​more, faster with ProsperWorks.
Stop wasting time and money on expense reports.

2. Simplicity

The easiest way to communicate with clients and employees.
Most easy way control expenses.
Create a database as easily as a spreadsheet.
Finally, a simplified back office.
Fundraising has become easier.
Explore the world's easiest way to create and collaborate.

Easy, powerful web security.
The Bitium Difference: Security, Flexibility, Ease of Use.

3. Intelligence, awareness

Work smarter.
Smart delivery with built-in content management.

4. Excellence

The best way stay up to date with medical research.
Most effective way identify and connect with your ideal clients.
#1 recruiting solution for growing companies.
#1 online and mobile fundraising platform.

5. Humanity, emphasis on people

Become the company your customers love to order from.
The easiest way to communicate with clients and employees.

6. Money

Plan your path to growth or quit!
Turn your cold leads into sales opportunities.
Stop wasting time and money on expense reports.
Turn your leads into revenue quickly.

Fundraising has become easier.
Sell ​​more, faster with ProsperWorks.

7. Height

Plan your path to growth or quit!

CRM for small sales teams with big ambitions.
Grow your business.

#1 recruiting solution for growing companies.
Expanded software inventory for outstanding business growth.

8. Improvement

Best messages for web and mobile applications.
Turn your mistakes into actions.
Reliable data collection for better business.
Turn the people you know into the business you dream of.
Improved User Onboarding.
Innovation requires security.

Each heading can be attributed to one of 9 formulas

Headline formulas have been used by copywriters since they were popularized by John Caples in 1932. But, despite the passing of 84 years, the formulas are quite applicable to landing pages for cloud startups - of course, with some adjustments. Each of the headings discussed above (and indeed, of the existing ones) falls into one of 9 categories.

If you need to write a landing page title, refer to these formulas when looking for ideas and inspiration.

[Software] for [target]

Task management solution for teams.
Transaction management for today's real estate professionals.
Expense reports optimized for real people.
Selling CRM for small teams with big ambitions.
Reliable data collection for better business.
Content. Created by consumers for consumers.
Automating incident responses for DevOps.
#1 recruiting solution for growing companies.
Project tracking for remote teams.
Chat and inbox for teams. One space to chat and stay connected.
Expanded software inventory for outstanding business growth.
Leadership Software.

[Superlative] the way to [goal]

The lightest of possible ways cost control.
The easiest way to communicate with clients and employees.
The fastest way to use Twitter as a team.
Explore the world's easiest way to create and collaborate.
The best way to stay up to date with medical research.

[Imperative/imperative] [benefit]

Turn your cold leads into sales opportunities.
Work smarter.
Build your digital business faster with mobile backend as a service.
Turn your mistakes into actions.
Turn your leads into revenue quickly.
Focus on the moments that matter.
Grow your local business.
Create a database as easily as a spreadsheet.

Grow your business.
Do remote design work.
Turn the people you know into the business you dream of.
Make your drone work.
Send email, which converts.
Grow and retain your users.
Improve User Onboarding.
Close more deals. Make more sales.
Start productive negotiations.
Get more leads. Improve engagement.

Create and publish powerful mobile applications without knowing the code.
Get your project ready with Nitro.
Make your front desk amazing.
Stay up to date with what your team is doing.
Sell ​​more, faster with ProsperWorks.

Best [target]

Improved user adoption.
The best messages for Web and mobile applications.

[Software, product] which [benefit]

Send an email that converts.

[Benefit]. [Benefit]

Get more leads. Improve engagement.
Close more deals. Make more sales.
Great negotiations. Outstanding results.

[Benefit] without [disadvantage, pain]

Build and publish powerful mobile apps without coding knowledge.
Create budget reviews, forecasts, projects, sales plans without tables.
Expense reports made for you, not by you.
Layout, publication and testing of landing pages without IT.


Do you need more clients?
Have an app idea? Bring it to life with POP.


eCommerce marketing platform.
Equipping the panel in 15 minutes.

Instead of a conclusion

The importance of the first words a visitor sees after landing on your landing page cannot be underestimated. It is in these seconds that people choose whether to stay on the resource or leave. And in 80% of cases the decision is not in favor of marketers. But you can always reduce churn through optimization of landing pages and headers.

A Process Stree study based on 87 landing pages showed best practices and hidden headline trends. This data is suitable for deep tests and adjustments on landing pages. Review the examples, learn 9 headline formulas, and start optimizing!

Are you thinking about optimizing the conversion rate of your landing page? Check out our >>>

We have already discussed what a landing page is, why they are good and for what purpose. basic principles lean. But despite the fact that there are a number of rules and techniques that will ensure the success of your site, it is wrong to think that developing a landing page is a template job, and a well-functioning page can be made in 5 minutes, just know, insert pictures and change texts. Of course, this is a creative process, and fantasy, supported by an understanding of the behavior of one’s target audience, only encouraged. Below we will present ten examples of non-trivial landing pages, as well as pages that ensure high conversion.

1. Nest Thermostat

A very interestingly designed landing page dedicated to the sale of a room thermostat. Despite the presence of all kinds of technical data and descriptions of convenient functionality, the landing page is focused on the visual component - several photographs of the interior, as well as a brilliantly conceived and executed animation in the middle of the page evoke the feeling that after purchasing this device, your home will be no worse, than in the pictures on the Internet. Thus, Land sells not a thermostat, but comfort in the home, which is the client’s ultimate need.

2. Boy-Coy

The website of a design studio, after which you are unlikely to even want to look for offers from competitors. A four-screen landing page can convince you to contact these guys, even if you don’t read any reviews or a list of companies with which the studio has collaborated. Most likely, you’ll just scroll through, admiring the parallax effect, and before you know it, you’ll start entering your data into a nice form. feedback.

3. Vodka “Valenki”

Another example beautiful landing page with parallax effect. A purely image page that does not force you to immediately make a purchase, but creates a positive image among the target audience. Please note that information about the quality of the product is presented in sufficient volume, but you can miss it while watching how beautifully the ice cubes float. Nevertheless, desired effect has already been achieved. This site is too beautiful to offer something of poor quality - this is the subconscious conclusion that every visitor to any tasteful site will have.

4. Online store of teddy bears

Truly interesting landing pages can attract the attention of even people far from the target audience. See the example of a store selling huge teddy bears. The site is literally filled with interesting ideas and seems to be conducting a dialogue with the visitor, which ultimately, with a high probability, means a purchase.

5. Smart Progress

Beautiful landing page for a popular service for setting and achieving goals. Firstly, come in and see how it works, and secondly, appreciate the design that represents movement towards the goal. Combined with the very competent filling of the blocks, it really motivates you to do everything that was planned, but put off on the back burner.

Examples of selling landing pages with high conversion

1. Production and installation of wooden windows

As you know, a landing page should not overload the visitor, but immediately give him something to grab hold of and fill out an application. We won’t argue, but some products require careful selection, and you can’t get away with just one or two blocks. The landing page for this window manufacturer followed the program to the maximum and touched on details that we don’t even think about when choosing windows. And although it seems to us that there was an information overload in a couple of blocks, this page is still a good example of a large landing page.

2. CASCO insurance

Another landing page with high conversion. The principle of converting a visitor into a lead is used here similar to the previous example - a calculator. We propose to evaluate how many parameters can be entered to select a policy, and how tirelessly this is done. The same can be said about the rest of the content of the landing page - it is extremely simple and clear, and all the benefits that a car owner wants to receive by insuring his car are described.


3. Franchise of amusement aquarium machines

Good example a selling landing page that ensures high conversion due to the fact that it clearly explains the benefits potential client, but also leaves intrigue, a desire to find out the details of the business plan that promises passive income. Our special praise goes to the designer.

4. Laptop repair

A good example of a landing page where relatively large number text (including the space it occupies on the main screen) does not create any difficulties for the visitor, but on the contrary, it looks organic and successfully describes all the advantages of the repair organization. Laptop repair services are urgent, so you should not give potential clients too much information: a few blocks are enough, but worked out as beautifully and informatively as possible, which inspires trust.

The adjective “selling” is now used in all marketing tools.

And the field of web development is no exception, where we also constantly see catchy phrases in the style of “selling site” or “selling landing page”.

But if we soberly evaluate the ideology of creating a high-quality landing page, we will see that the word “selling” is a set of marketing knowledge in one platform.

Which of them are important and which are dust in the eyes, I will tell you in this material.

Tired of lying

Often my colleagues, after another conversation with a client about a service, say to me an indignant phrase: “Nikita, we are tired of arguing with them. Maybe we can do what they want?”

The whole point is that for common man good landing page= a lot of chips. And if there are no original solutions on the site, then the site is automatically bad and not selling.

All! It's boiling. Let's put all the dots (I say in a dreamy voice). Let’s define once and for all what a real one-page selling website is, and what nonsense looks like, which only has a name for it.

It will be both interesting and boring, but definitely useful. Let's start with a laconic description of this term.

Selling landing page is a visually designed prototype made on the basis of marketing, copywriting, sales and psychology, with one goal and for a specific target audience at their level of awareness.

Each word above carries an exorbitant amount of detail, and these are not the tricks that you like to talk about so much.

These are deep ideas that are usually ignored in training because of their dullness and lack of “wow” effect.

But we, like meticulous professors, will analyze each part of the seller separately.

Preparatory part

I would like to immediately write ready-made elements and rules for a selling landing page, but then the article would not be complete and honest.

A high-quality selling landing page is a project that is not only created according to all the rules, but also for which you prepare correctly.

It’s just like when launching a rocket: 50% success is correct definition coordinates So, what should a selling website be like?

1. One product (goal)

The first thing that determines a landing page that sells is the presence of one and only goal. Why not two, three or more?! It's quite simple.

This is the same if you come to buy a car at the dealership, and in addition to it I will sell you a house on Rublyovka.

And also a subscription to a fitness club and a premium account on a dating site (although with new car, an expensive house and a pumped-up body, the latter may not be useful to you).

You can now object to the fact that I am exaggerating and no one ever sells everything on one site.

You are partially right, only you see everything with a blurry look. For you, all your services or goods are by default necessary for your client, but in fact, in 9 out of 10 cases (there are exceptions) a person comes for one thing.

I will tell you our sad experience and you will immediately understand everything without ambiguous examples. When we were just starting our careers, we made ourselves a landing page to work in our city.

there was no additional pages, and all services were posted on the main page (screen below).

We were guided by the idea that if a person needs it, he will choose what suits him. And this was our biggest mistake.


The fact is that a person, seeing all these services, can order them from us only if we were recommended to him or he is a complete “fool”.

Because it’s like buying a pig in a poke. No additional information, benefits and answers to questions.

And a pop-up window is not the solution here; it is too little to effectively convey information and close all objections.

For a long time now, we have had a separate landing page for each service, where a person gets from the route page.

Therefore, when you make a website, clearly define what product you are doing it for. And also periodically change the word “Product” to “Goal”.

After all, it’s one thing to sell straight away, but another thing to close it at first (for example, calculating the cost), and only then sell it. It’s also often not a good idea to mix goals.

2. Target audience

According to my internal calculations, this is the 200th mention on our blog about the target audience.

But now we will look at this with an example and start with the fact that you must know your customers.

Moreover, there is very big difference between who is buying from you now and who you want to see as your customers.

Having a list of potential clients in your head (preferably on paper), you need to decide for whom exactly you will make your website.

It is quite possible to combine several audiences into one. But in order to understand for sure whether this is possible or not, you need to determine their selection criteria, needs and fears. The diagram will look something like this.

Target Audience

Since in this material We do not learn how to create a selling landing page, but first of all we understand what a selling landing page is, then I will show you using the example of selection criteria that all people are different.

To do this, imagine that you are selling a nano-simulator for weight loss. Offhand, your potential clients are all overweight people. But I have a question for you: are they similar in their selection criteria?

I hope you answered no. All people are different, as are their selection criteria. One is ready to pay any amount of money just to get a guaranteed result.

Another will buy only what does not take up much free time. And the third one doesn’t see anything other than low cost. This list goes on and on.

And even in such narrow niches, such as building houses from timber, everyone also has different criteria (for better understanding, watch the video below).


3. Level of awareness

This topic is already more difficult to understand, especially by ear. Therefore, you are lucky that you are reading and not listening on the phone to how our managers talk about levels of awareness.

The point is that each person is at a different level of perception of the problem and solution.

In marketing, this strange approach is called “”. But I won’t burden you with clever terms, but will simply show you with an example how it works.

And to do this, compare three identical and at the same time different queries with each other in search bar Yandex or Google:

  1. What to build a low-rise house from?
  2. Brick or log house in house construction?
  3. Construction of low-rise brick houses

All these requests relate to low-rise construction and all of them, in theory, are potential clients for construction firms.

But! The bottom line is that the first one completely lacks an understanding of what a house is being built from, the second one is faced with the question of which solution to choose, and the third one is already purposefully looking for where to order a specific house.

For you when developing, this means that in all cases there will be different texts on it and images.

For example, for the second type of requests, you first show why building a house from brick is better than from a log house (if you are building on a brick basis), and only then sell it.

In the third type of request, you, without long declarations of love, immediately offer your solution and largely focus on the benefits of your company compared to competitors.

IN household use Many people call awareness levels the temperature of traffic. It is divided into hot, warm and cold.

The most favorite ones for everyone are the hot ones, that is, those people who want to buy right here and now.

But I will try to write a short summary. The selling site, in parallel with the analysis of competitors, must go through the process of briefing the client.

In which, with the help of a special series of questions, everything that has accumulated and everything that directly affects the client’s decision-making is drawn out. After which all these meanings are distributed and create the skeleton of the site.


I won’t hide it either and say that all agencies conduct a client briefing by default.

But, as usual, I’ll reveal one more secret that makes a site selling. The briefing is conducted orally.

A piece of paper will not be able to reveal the full depth when a person during communication can ask clarifying questions and lead in the right direction.

This briefing takes 1-2 hours. And since I’m showing all the cards, then get ready for the fact that if your company is new or there is nothing in it, then the “meaning packer” simply won’t be able to take anything and the site will definitely NOT sell.

Of course, you will end up blaming the site or the contractor for everything, but in reality, the whole point will be in the absence of your developments, benefits and features.

Important. A marketing agency offers additional benefits and solutions, but, as a rule, all of them do not change the situation globally.

To truly develop your packaging strategy and tactics, you need to conduct an in-depth analysis of competitors, and as you remember, this costs other money and takes other time.


After you have spent preparatory work(the main one is written above), then you will automatically have correct structure and you can safely start stretching the frame.

It is based on marketing, sales, design and psychology. I won’t cleverly break down these areas; I’ll show the main points so as not to complicate the material.

1. Offer

As soon as a person lands on the site, the first thing he sees is your offer. In simple terms, this is your offer with the main benefits.

The main offer can be of 4 levels. The distinctive difference is immediately visible in the examples.

The first level is when you simply write “Car rental in Moscow”.
The second level sounds more interesting - “Car rental in Moscow. Premium vehicle fleet.”

The third level is very difficult for many and is based on the result - “Rent premium cars in Moscow. Single copies will attract thousands of eyes from just 5,000 rubles a day.”

Can this be called an ideal proposal? Of course not. I came up with it in 2 minutes for this article.

But you get the point and notice how different the title on the first screen can be. Therefore, by default we try to reach 3, or even better, 4 offer levels.

Although, to my surprise, I saw great results on level 1 and 2 offers, but these are rather exceptions or a very well-thought-out strategy.

To create your offer, you need to understand your business very well and understand your customers.

To make your life easier (that’s what we are here for), I recommend reading our article on this topic.

Better yet, don’t just read, but immediately create and post your results in the comments.


The selling power of a landing page is also created by a text master (copywriter). He does this on the basis of a prototype received from a marketer, which reflects all the meanings identified at the packaging stage.

This process is labor-intensive and is much more important than design. I'm sure I surprised you a little now.

But this is completely true. Scary site with good text will do its job. And bad texts on beautiful design will lose a client.

Good text is undervalued and this is noticeable in all the actions of the client, who pays more attention to design.

But if you want to get high-quality landing page, You need to be very careful about headings and texts.

Most likely, you won’t be able to do this yourself, since this is an entire art that you need to learn and then get better at.

In addition to everything, I will give you the basic rules of copywriting on websites so that you can at least approximately determine how good the work in front of you is.

They are not reinforced concrete, there are exceptions to everything, but if several points are violated at once, then you should think about the quality.

  1. Not a trivial title. If you see the headline “Why choose us?”, “About us” or another hackneyed version that is used on dozens of other sites, then run as fast as you can.

    Sites with banal eyeliners indicate their absolute inferiority compared to any other site.

  2. You are the approach. The more headlines and texts on a site that begin with the word “WE,” the worse the site.

    It is much more important for the client that they talk about him and for him, and only then he reads about your loved ones.

  3. Simple language. If the consumer does not understand anything about what is written on the landing page or comes across unfamiliar words.

    In this case, this means the site also needs to be improved, because you need to speak accessible language for the client, not for you.

  4. To the point. A one-page website should not have text for the sake of text, even if it is created for SEO.

    If you can remove this text from the site and nothing will change, then you need to cut and shorten it.

  5. Specifics. Also hackneyed phrases from the series “Individual approach”, “Flexible system of discounts”, “High quality” are a stigma.

    The only thing is that this is allowed when the revealing text is 100% specific, and this phrase is only a summary or headline.

As a separate point, I would like to make such a criterion as “Handling objections.” It is implemented throughout the site in all text elements.

Namely, all typical objections of the client at the level of his awareness must be worked out throughout the entire site.

It’s quite easy to check this; you collect a list of all objections from the selected target audience and then look to see if they all have answers.

Clever idea. The selling site covers all objections, evokes emotions and argues that you need to buy from us.

3. Design

A beautiful website does not always equal a selling website. You need to remember this forever. In your material

Design development landing page the “I want it like his” principle remained in 2014, when the effectiveness of the selling page was revealed to the maximum, and companies realized that with the help of a landing page they can not only quickly sell a product/service, but also reveal themselves from a creative point of view. Modern landing pages are not only a selling structure, but also an excellent opportunity to create a WOW effect in a visitor, to admire the idea of ​​the page and its implementation.

If you don't want to bother, you can download the prototype " perfect landing page page" and create a page based on the rules, write a title, offer, advantages and benefits, insert a trust block and a button with a call to action and go to sleep with the thought that the work has been done to perfection. But if you want to exceed the expectations of your target audience, and let’s face it, your own expectations too, then use the landing page examples that we considered the best.

All 9 examples, collected from the Internet, we thought were cool. Simplicity, consistent with the landing page principle, convenience and consideration of the basic requirements inherent in the landing page, make examples of selling Landing pages highly converting.

Example of a selling site No. 1

The first landing that we will consider has an incredibly attractive and stylish design, but poorly thought out marketing component and copywriting. On the first screen we see a bright banner without any unique selling proposition, the emphasis is on a bright photo. When visiting a one-page site, it is initially unclear whether it is dedicated to one thing unique product or a whole series, which confuses the client at the initial stage.

Each person has a specific goal, why he needs a product or service. In this block we will observe dry selection criteria, but not the final need. At the same time, “from and to” indicators can confuse the client. In this case, it is better to focus on maximum characteristics. Describing a product in the style of “brevity is the sister of talent” raises a certain question about competence.

The essence of the block should be to obtain advice from a professional who knows everything about the product and is ready to give proper advice about the product depending on the client’s operating conditions.

It’s hard to imagine how the simplest landing block can be made so complex and incomprehensible. In addition, texts must be written in the style of addressing the client. Not “leave a request”, but “leave a request”.

Landing page example No. 2

Cool landing page structure, corporate design and amazing work by the marketer made this landing page our favorite. It is clear that the client took a responsible approach to the selection of videos and photos for the development studio. On the first screen we see a unique selling proposition, several needs and criteria have been completed. The most powerful and beautiful element- this is a video instead background, which reveals the essence of training and the equipment of the gym.

Interest is sparked by the criteria.

Professional and bright photos and video materials further stir up interest in the service.

We “pressure” the visitor with a number of advantages and cover the needs, arouse “desire”.

The logical final part of the AIDA structure is the “action” block.

Example landing page no. 3

A unique image, a stylish insert with a USP, a navigation menu, a bright design of the first block and a title in the style of a call to general combination make you want to sign up for a trial training session. A button with a call to action also contributes to this. The navigation arrow is missing, which should show that there is also a new information. The next block is advantages in the form of criteria. Made in the form of icons with a brief description.

An excellent solution was to place a block with a call to action with a discount offer and a time limit. Photos inspire confidence in the visitor, motivate, and are also an unusual and stylish addition to the design.

An excellent block with motivation for the first lesson. The big minus is the character of a different nationality.

An example of a landing page demonstrates the style and conciseness of the design, but, at the same time, motivates the reader to the main action due to the absence of distracting details and minimal colors.

Landing Page Example #4

A good landing page developed by our web studio, which can become a role model and inspiration for other developers and clients. The one-page website reveals the problem of the target audience (in our case, women with large breasts), and immediately solves it through a high-quality offer.

Each block is an exact hit to the pain of the target consumer. Immediately behind it is the correct and competent solution to clients’ experiences based on their discomfort.

A bonus for both the visitor and the landing page in terms of lead generation is a block of benefits and advantages, supplemented with real photographs that clearly demonstrate the result.

A great way to communicate benefits not only verbally, but also visually. Thus, all information is perceived better.

Social proof uses two powerful marketing elements. A video that once again puts pressure on the problem and talks about the benefits of properly selected underwear.

And a photo of the company director with his address to the client.

A large amount of negative white space, due to which attention is concentrated on the content, as well as a fairly simple design of the content, create the impression of a stylish and modern design. The landing page is captivating with its concept and converts visitors into clients thanks to competent marketing.

Landing page example #5

Stylish example landing page, sales-oriented services - design and construction of luxury private houses and cottages. Landing page developed by marketing strategy AIDA is a classic that tirelessly demonstrates its effectiveness.

Each block demonstrates an integrated approach of a marketer, copywriter and designer. Powerful and motivating calls to action, original and stylistic graphic images and sales text leave the visitor no chance but to cause the action that is expected of him.

The main goal of a one-page website is to form a positive impression of the company and its reputation, which becomes the main motivator for the target audience, which is wealthy consumers. This group of target audience is less interested in the issue of price, more interested in the image and capabilities of the performing company. Therefore, the landing page aims to highlight the benefits of a construction company.

In total, with the help of this selling one-page website, the consumer is provided with a solution to his problem in finding a reliable and professional contractor. The landing page fully reveals everything strengths companies that become a motivator for cooperation.

Example of a successful landing page No. 6

Here is an excellent example of a beautiful and functional landing page. Modern design with thematic pictures, designed in a combination of dark and light tones with bright accent inserts creates a pleasant impression of nobility.

This landing page has a distinctive feature that other developers rarely use. It reveals the issue of price as much as possible, inviting the user to choose independently price range, having considered the options that he can afford.

This is a very convenient and practical function that visually shows the user online all the offers that are suitable for the price. Another advantage of a one-page website is its focus on all the requests of the target buyer. Using this landing page, a visitor can get advice, place an order, get an idea of ​​the cost of a kitchen set, and also receive an estimate for their order. Each opportunity comes with a call to action.

Overall, the project inspires confidence in the company. And this is the main thing that a one-page website offering services should form for a potential buyer. After all, it is based on trust in the performer that the client turns from potential to real.

Landing page example #7

We chose this landing page example because it is fundamentally different from the usual traditional one-pagers.

The site is dedicated to the milk delivery service. But it is made in a comic form and is aimed only at a small group of the target audience.

After reading the storytelling, which is where the one-page page begins, it becomes clear that it is aimed at young people who are interested in slang.

There is no selling structure and elaboration of problems here, as can be seen in the previous beautiful examples landing pages. However, the message of the site is clear and interesting, so the landing page itself has a place.

A large amount of information content, which is presented “for fun” to make you smile, is complemented by an audio playback function, which also adds humor to the page. But, scrolling a little lower, we see a block with a call to action, typical of “classic” selling landing pages.

There is no social proof, no block of trust, no blocks of advantages and benefits. But there is a recipe for cutlets :-)

It’s difficult to say about the effectiveness of this landing page. What is obvious is that the page is interesting, with excellent design and “school” humor. And despite the fact that similar projects- a rare phenomenon in the field of Internet marketing, they are worthy of existence, as they will definitely find their audience.

Example of a selling site landing page No. 8

An example of another of our work that deserves attention. The landing page sells a service for selling or renting mobile stands/photo zones. With the help of this one-page page, a potential client finds all the answers to his questions.

An excellent solution for those who want to understand the service in detail. There are unique photographs for each category of service, the cost of each with the ability to immediately select the one you are interested in. For those who could not make a choice, the landing page offers an individual order service indicating personal requests, formatted as a call to action.

The benefits block focuses on the convenience of cooperation.

The block of benefits is supplemented by a block of company advantages, which together create a powerful motivation for the client to act.

An interesting design decision that combines white and dark gray with red elements to create a stylish aftertaste when viewing the landing page. Unlike other landing pages that work on the problems of the target audience, offering their solution, this project reveals all the advantages of the company’s services, and also helps the client find answers to all his questions.

Example landing page No. 9

This landing page, which was developed by our web studio, holds the visitor’s attention from the first turn of the screen and motivates him to action. A landing page dedicated to selling design and construction services opens up a ton of opportunities for the client. This is confirmed by the feedback form, which allows you to immediately order an individual project or download a free example of a project.

When choosing a contractor, a potential client needs the reputation and experience of the company. It is on this information that the consumer forms benefits for himself.

A special bonus for the visitor - real photos projects created by the company. Bright, beautiful and attractive photos become a plus for the visitor’s trust.

Next is the block of “goodies”. That bonus that competitors rarely offer is the opportunity for the client to look at the houses built by the company with his own eyes. This service does not oblige the visitor to order the service. But with the help of the feedback form, the visitor already becomes a lead.

As a result, the client is presented with a website with original design, thoughtful structure and concept, competent content, which has a comprehensive effect on page conversion, leading to high efficiency.

Parting words

The modern user, sophisticated with the countless number of sales pages that catch his eye, is already tired of the same type. Today, uniqueness has come into fashion; the more interesting and unusual the landing page, the higher the likelihood that it will attract the user’s attention. In addition, a good and exclusive design is always a plus: it will surprise both the visitor and please yourself. And a pleasantly surprised visitor is at least +10% to conversion. We wish you original and delicious ideas! And if you have any difficulties with this, you can always order a landing page from our web studio.

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The design of this page is unique, completely imbued with the brand's personality and is not similar to others.

The peculiarity of this design is that all the elements are visible, but at the same time very neatly arranged. The simple but beautiful slideshow also attracts attention.

Simple but cute design. The advantage is that you can log into the site via Facebook without wasting time on registration.

An excellent example of demonstrating the company's products. Every month the company updates the list of products shown on the page.

Understanding what is being sold on the site is not a problem thanks to well-structured content, beautiful slides and large font price tags.

The most successful product sales pages always contain clear, easy-to-understand product examples.

The key to this design is simplicity. A simple menu and a bright slider go together perfectly.

The page successfully displays different sections. For more detailed information Just click on the image you like.

The design is not overloaded unnecessary elements, you can immediately see all the characteristics and prices of the product.

Entertainment sites

Simple and tasteful. The purpose of the page is immediately clear: watching a documentary video.

The page design is very well thought out, it fascinates and literally hypnotizes. Great combination of colors and shapes.

This site is above all praise. The brilliantly thought-out design and abundance of interactive elements will not leave anyone indifferent.

This Harry Potter franchise page is designed using colors, phrases, and names familiar to fans.

This page not only looks beautiful, it is also very functional: many interactive elements, integration with Google Maps, using tabs.

Uncrate, even after the redesign, does not change its tradition of arranging all sections of the site in a convenient top navigation menu.

This site shows all the power graphic design and web development. It’s better to go to it and see for yourself.

An excellent example of a “tiled” design that allows you to stylishly arrange a large number of blocks with content.

The visuals of this site are stunning. Vivid images instantly capture the attention of users.

Jay-Z sure knows how to have fun. On his site, articles, images and other content are presented in the form of interactive tiles.

This design uses natural shades that go well with the main issues raised on the site.

Portfolio landing pages

On this page, the dominant role is again given to images that literally come to life when you hover the mouse.

This example has a very interesting color combination. Moreover, all elements on the page use the same background structure, wood-like.

The “old school” style is used very well here, the design of each element is thought out to the smallest detail and is unique. Thanks to endless scrolling on this site, you can enjoy such beauty for a long time.

A clear and thoughtful design helps the page convey the message most effectively main information to visitors. Color scheme corresponds to the brand and shows the designer’s style in action.

The page is an excellent presentation. Each banner is dedicated to a separate project.

An example of an unusual tile design.

Typography plays a major role on this page. Application various fonts helps in communicating ideas.

The design is laconic and concise. On the page we can see everything we need: a portfolio and links to other sections.

Icons and nothing more. A good example of minimalist design.

The portfolio page displays the most important thing - examples of work.


The page contains many user photos, which you can easily scroll through using scrolling and hovering.

Large bright photos The company's products make you want to drink a can of cold beer.

Nothing distracts the visitor from contemplating the most beautiful watch.

The highlight of this site is the slideshow at the top of the page, which showcases mouth-watering culinary delights.

The font and graphics combine perfectly, creating a unified perception of the site. There are only three menu items, and they are impossible not to notice.

Elegant style, high-quality images, beautiful presentation. Nothing distracts from the main elements.

Toyota has created a Pinterest-style site for Camry lovers. Here you can find many photographs, articles, statistics.

Despite the fact that this page fits into one screen in height, it contains many interesting interactive elements and unusual details.

The page design fully reflects the brand's style: colors, fonts, pictures are immediately associated with this company.

The design is made in calm, light colors; this color scheme is ideal for the product being offered.

This site is like a book that captures your attention with its unusual plot and illustrations.

The floating red button in the middle of the screen does its job: you really want to click on it.