Development of a class lesson “I want to be polite!”. What does it mean to be a polite person?

Being polite is a matter of etiquette, respect, being attentive to people, their feelings, culture and values. It doesn't seem difficult, but many people don't know this etiquette. While some people have no interest in politeness, you're probably wondering how you can improve your etiquette behavior. At the very least, you can learn how to avoid being treated rudely or boorishly. Being polite and knowing the rules of etiquette is a good way to make new friends.

Politeness in behavior.

Be polite, rule one ⇒ Be gentle rather than challenging or assertive. This does not mean that you need to act like a meek doe, as if this is a quiet, trivial matter. This means doing it without putting pressure on the people around you or making them feel like they are being pushed into a corner.

* For example, if you're having a conversation, it's one thing to ask a question about a topic or offer your opinion, but it's another to act rudely if someone has made you feel uncomfortable (verbally or non-verbally) about that topic.

* Even if you try to help by offering to pay for lunch or wash the dishes, do not be persistent. If a person refuses and says: “Thank you, I can handle it myself,” you can answer: “Please, I would be happy to help.” If they still say no, so be it.

Be polite, rule two ⇒ When in doubt, watch others. How do they greet each other? What do they do with their coats? What topics do they discuss? Different relationships require different standards, and these standards often determine what is polite and what is not.

* Relationships involving work, dinner, holidays, weddings or funerals will require a different relationship approach, a different tone, than relationships with a group of friends.

Be polite, rule three ⇒ Be polite. Always be aware that you could meet this person again in a different environment and would not want to evoke negative memories that would give a bad disposition. If someone annoys you or even speaks in an insulting manner, do not respond as an argument either. Suggest "Let's disagree" and change the subject, politely continue the discussion, or simply walk away from the conversation.

Be polite, rule four ⇒ Start a conversation by asking questions about some other person. Try not to talk about yourself too much, if they want to know (or are polite) they ask. Be confident and charming. Don't be arrogant and boorish. Look, be interested and listen to the answers.

* Don't look over your shoulder at a person when they are talking, or your eyes linger on the new guest who has just entered. This means that you are distracted or uninterested in what your date is saying is not important or interesting enough for you to pay attention.

Be polite, rule five ⇒ Give a firm handshake and make eye contact when you do this. You can practice this a little so you don't slap people's hands or hurt them. This will make them feel awkward. Be especially careful when shaking hands with women who have rings on their hands. Excessive pressure can be very painful.

* Remember also that many "old school" people (especially if the location is in Europe) consider it inappropriate to offer your hand to shake hands with a lady or an older gentleman, of course, if you are a gentleman, or an older lady if you are a lady. Always greet the other person first, but wait for them to offer your hands. But also, if you are an older person or lady, be aware that if you don't offer your hand, that person may feel rejected because he or she wants to shake your hand. Typically this situation occupies the other person who moves towards you to shake hands. Be careful.

* Don't approach someone with your hand already outstretched. That is, don't be persistent. If you want someone to know you are moving towards them, make eye contact or a smile, maybe opening your arm slightly (bent at the elbow) to make a welcoming gesture.

Be polite, rule six ⇒ Know proper dining etiquette. Place the napkin on your lap, and don't add anything to the table that wasn't there when you got there (cell phone, glasses, jewelry). Place your wallet between your legs, under your chair. Women should not wear makeup at the table. It comes off as rude and shows a lack of sophistication. If you want to fix your makeup or check if there is something in your teeth, go to the toilet.

Be polite, rule seven ⇒ Smile and laugh to show your amusement, but not loudly. Loudness indicates arrogance or insecurity. Your charming politeness makes the other person feel good. Keep this goal in mind, to be attentive to people's needs and their opinions. Do not make offensive statements towards any ethnic, political or religious group under any circumstances.

Be polite, rule eight ⇒ Be graceful and show elegance, conduct yourself smoothly, with a sense of calm. People will notice your subtle charm and this will help you greatly.

Be polite, rule nine ⇒ Please remember that etiquette and manners vary depending on the cultural region in which you are located. Be sure to learn local customs when traveling!

Training the habit of being polite. Polite words and courtesies

Politeness is observance of the rules of decency, good manners, courtesy, internal culture.

Courtesy is friendly, courteous words, pleasant, helpful treatment.

Being polite does not mean being intelligent, but true intelligence without politeness, a culture of behavior and a culture of speech is impossible.

By instilling politeness in a child, they simultaneously cultivate moral qualities, form moral consciousness, and develop the habit of speaking kind, polite words. And here the feedback begins to work - he began to speak polite words and improved his manners. A person may not be educated enough, but he is polite enough. Having a diploma and being polite are not the same thing.

However, not everything is so simple: politeness is not just words, it must be sincere.

Politeness without a moral basis can take the form of hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and mannerisms. The source of good manners and “external graceful behavior” (N. Shelgunov) is love for people and goodwill, which constitute the wealth of a person’s spiritual world and the basis of his morality. And in the absence of good manners, a sense of proportion and the ability to express one’s moral feelings in the appropriate form, virtue can turn into an insult, excessive politeness can turn out to be intrusiveness, good nature can turn out to be flattery, and overly polite behavior can seem offensive.

The opposite of politeness and courtesy is rudeness, uncouthness, and rudeness.

Exercise "Thank you"

The word “Thank you” expresses gratitude for everything good: for service, for attention, for help, for good work, even for a kind word and a compliment.

Teach your children to say thank you for everything that is done for the child.

Train your child. Take several objects, hand them to the child and suggest that he say “Thank you” or “Thank you” every time, without a reminder, automatically.

Topics for conversation “Polite words”

Speak up yourself and make your children learn and speak polite words. Tell your children when to say polite words.

Organize a polite words contest. To the one who names the most polite words, give a good gift and the title: “Polite, well-mannered person.”

Read books to your children about politeness, good manners, etiquette, and ethics as a discipline that studies morality and ethics.

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☁HOW TO BECOME POLITE. Simple rules of politeness☁

Politeness is not only compliance with the rules of behavior established by society.

To be polite is to show a sense of tact, have respect and delicacy towards other people, and be able to take into account their interests and needs.

To become polite, you must follow the basic rules of politeness:

Treat people the way you want them to treat you, with due consideration and respect. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and see what impression your words make. At the same time, do not forget about yourself, do not humiliate yourself: politeness must be shown with self-esteem.
- Always keep your word, keep your promises, despite the obstacles that arise in front of you. Know how to listen and hear: respect the opinions of other people, even if they differ from yours. In a dispute, do not impose your point of view; know how to stop in time.

Many questions, such as personal life, nationality, religion, can put you and your interlocutors in an awkward position. Avoid criticism in conversation, both in relation to the interlocutor and in relation to other people. Learn to admit your mistakes.

Remember, “magic” words (“thank you”, “please”, “sorry”) are still relevant in our technological world, use them more often in communication with your family and with strangers, and you will notice how the attitude towards you will change.

Avoid rude, vulgar words, eliminate harsh, accusatory notes from your behavior. Don't shout, speak softly, but at the same time confidently. This applies to both relationships with the outside world and within the family - be polite and attentive to your family.

Follow the rules of behavior on the street, in public places, and table etiquette. Be welcoming and friendly. In public transport, give up your seat to older people, pregnant women, and women with children. Let them pass first, holding the door as you enter the room.

Do not go to visit empty-handed, or without an invitation or warning. Don’t stay longer than expected, and when saying goodbye, don’t forget to thank the host for the warm welcome.

Don’t be rude while driving, let cars pass from a secondary road, don’t use your horn without a good reason, apologize and thank, take one parking space, don’t chase the “irritant”... - this will save your nerves and the good mood of those around you.

Always smile! Your smile will help you get out of even the most awkward situation with ease.
Follow these rules every day until they become a habit, and then you can proudly consider yourself a polite person!

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Lesson summary: - communicative education

"Why be polite?" (conversation)

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction about politeness; games, facial expressions and pantomimes; Didactic games to reinforce material on communicative education: “Guess and Collect”, etc. Examination of illustrations - watching films (ICT); Acting out situations, plot-role-playing games: “family”, “shop” and others.

Cultivate interest in the people around you, develop a sense of understanding and empathy for others; Development of activity and independence in the process of communicative activity.

Material for the lesson:

Preparing attributes for plots.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.

Hello guys! Today we will talk about politeness. Why do you need to be polite? (listen to the children's answers)

Main part

Not only children, but also many adults want all their friends and all their neighbors and even completely unknown passers-by to always treat them attentively and kindly, to always love and respect them. So that no one - no one would reprimand them.

The whole secret is that only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is treated kindly by people around him. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone. And he has good, loyal, reliable friends with whom he will never be bored.

However, a polite, well-mannered person has no time to be bored, because he lives according to a strict regime. He gets up early - does exercises, then washes himself, makes his bed, then helps his mother and grandmother prepare breakfast and set the table.

During the day, a polite person, if he is not at school, will definitely help his grandmother or mother clean the apartment: water the flowers, feed the cat and fish in the aquarium. He is not too lazy to clean his shoes or go to the store for bread or milk.

A polite person always cares about family and friends and is always ready to help them. And this is very correct. After all, if you figure it out well, all the people in this world help each other and work for each other. This means they are working for you too. The builders have built a house for you. Drivers take us around the city, doctors treat us for illnesses, gardeners and foresters plant gardens for us, grow forests... Why shouldn’t we be attentive and kind to each other? After all, it's not that difficult.

It is not difficult to give up your seat to an elderly person on a tram or bus, politely saying: “Please sit down.” It is not difficult to greet people when meeting and to say “goodbye” and “all the best” to them when parting. What words of greeting and encouragement do you guys know? (children's answers)

It’s not difficult to be neatly combed and washed, so that the people around you will enjoy communicating with you guys. And if necessary, it is not difficult to politely ask for help. It is not difficult to help elders around the house by offering your services. It’s not difficult not to scatter your things around the room and put away your toys and school supplies; politely ask your little sister or brother for help.

But a polite person must follow not only these rules. There are many more of them. And if you guys don’t know all the rules required for a polite person, don’t worry. The main thing is that you yourself absolutely firmly decide to become polite people, and for this you need to remember the dictionary of magic words and be able to use them in communication with the people around you. Why do you need to be a polite person?

Yes, so that you make many new friends. So that your mom, dad, grandparents, your neighbors and even strangers respect you. Because it is always pleasant and easy to communicate with polite and cultured people, you can always turn to them for help, and they will be happy to help.

The final part.

Do you guys know what kind of adult or child can be called polite and why?

Tell me, do you think it is polite to interrupt each other when talking?

Tell me, do they make a lot of comments to a polite and well-mannered child? You and I are learning, so for now it’s possible to make mistakes. What mistakes can you name? (solving problems through a situation: which of you can name more words using the appropriate intonation)

Are you guys trying to become polite and well-mannered, but at home you help your family? Are you attentive at home?

What do you think is the most difficult thing for a polite and well-mannered person?

Physical education lesson - “Jump, stomp, clap”

Game: The guys collect pictures and say what facial expressions they see: good or evil. If it is good, then they select suitable words and phrases that confirm a good mood (count.) and if it is evil, they select words so that the facial expression becomes kind: what should you say to a friend so that his mood improves, so that he smiles.