Your pedigree. Find out if a person is wanted

Marina Voloskova is the author of a number of articles about repressed Old Believers, whose biographies she reconstructs from archival documents. She often receives letters from descendant readers who are trying to find out details about the fate of their ancestor. Today Marina tells how to find information about a repressed relative.


Several years ago I asked myself: where can I find information about the fate of a repressed person? Then historical forums on the Internet and a researcher helped me answer such a difficult question S.B. Prudovsky. Now, as the author of articles about repressed Old Believers, I receive letters from descendant readers who are trying to find out details about the fate of their ancestor. Therefore, I will tell you how to find information about a repressed relative.

Who is the victim of political repression?

A person who has been subjected to unjustified persecution by the state for political and religious beliefs, on social, national and other grounds is considered repressed. In law " On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression" of October 18, 1991, political repressions recognize various coercive measures applied by the state for political reasons, deprivation or restriction of the rights and freedoms of people recognized as socially dangerous to the state or political system since October 25, 1917.

The purpose of the Law of October 18, 1991 is the rehabilitation of all victims of political repressions subjected to such on the territory of the Russian Federation since October 25, 1917, restoration of their civil rights, elimination of other consequences of arbitrariness and provision of currently feasible compensation for material damage.

Victims of repression can be divided into the following categories

- Citizens arrested on political charges by state security agencies (VChK-OGPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB) and sentenced by judicial or extrajudicial authorities, for example, “ in threes”, to the death penalty, to various terms of imprisonment in camps or to exile;

- Peasants who were expelled from their permanent place of residence during the so-called collectivization, i.e. campaign " destruction of the kulaks as a class" Many of them ended up in camps, and the rest were sent to special settlements in Siberia, Kazakhstan and the North;

— Peoples deported from their places of settlement to Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan;

- Peoples expelled and mobilized in " labor army"(Germans, Koreans, Kalmyks, Karachais, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars and others).

The total number of people arrested on political charges for the period from 1918 to 1953 is several million people. Of those arrested, many were shot by sentences of judicial and extrajudicial authorities. Others became victims of mass deportations (peasants during the years of collectivization), and the rest were deported to " labor army" During the years of the Great Terror (1937-1938), more than one and a half million people were arrested.

How to find information about a repressed person?

Finding information about a repressed relative is often not as easy as it seems. Most often, difficulties arise due to the fact that access to archival information today is somewhat complicated. To a certain extent, this is due to the free interpretation of legislative norms in various regional archival structures. In most subjects of the Federation, archival investigative files on rehabilitated persons have not yet been transferred from the FSB to the state archives. However, this does not mean that access to files is closed, because according to Federal Law No. 25 “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation,” access to archival documents that may contain information about personal and family secrets is limited for 75 years. If 75 years have passed since the end of the case (the sentencing), then you cannot be denied access to the case. Why exactly 75? It is generally accepted that during this time a change of two generations occurs, direct memory is lost and possible damage is reduced.

In my research practice, difficulties arose in familiarizing myself with cases at the Documentation Centers for Contemporary History (it is to them that archival investigative cases are received from the FSB). So, for example, I requested a file against a repressed Old Believer who was not my relative. 75 years have passed since the end of the case, but they refused me, explaining that I was not a relative of the repressed person. A month later, a friend of mine requested the same file from them, and they not only allowed him to get acquainted with the file, but even sent him copies. Apparently, this situation depended on the mood of the archive staff? But this is rather an exception, because later the Documentation Centers for Contemporary History sent copies of cases without any problems. But for a fee, since the repressed person is not a relative.

Before you start searching for information about a repressed person, you need to clarify his full name, year of birth and place of residence at the time of repression (at least region). Without this data, searching may be difficult because you may " stumble across” to the full namesake of the repressed. Records of births, marriages, and deaths can be found in the registry office archives. But it is worth noting that in the registry offices of small cities there are no electronic databases, and registry office employees will not be particularly enthusiastic about leafing through multi-volume civil registry records. Therefore, it will be better if you have at least some information about your repressed relative.

If you want to find out which camp your relative was transferred to, you need to send a written request by e-mail about the place of serving the sentence to the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of conviction. After receiving the answer, in the reference book “The system of forced labor camps in the USSR: 1923-1960” you can see where the camp archive is located, and then send a written request there. Unfortunately, not all camps have archive location data. You can also send a request to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the location of the camp to find out where the person was convicted, the date and sentence, the cause and place of death.

How to make a request to the archive correctly?

Now let's talk about the most important thing, about how to familiarize yourself with the archival investigative file and get copies of the most important sheets (questionnaire, sentence, data on its execution). First you need to write a request to the FSB Archive. It will be more convenient if you know in which region the repressed person lived at the time of arrest. If this is known, the letter is sent to the address of the FSB Directorate of the region known to you, but if not, then to the Central Archive of the FSB Directorate (Moscow), where your appeal will be considered and sent to the region in which your relative was arrested. An appeal to the FSB can be sent by email, which will significantly save time. The email addresses of the territorial bodies of the FSB of Russia can be found on the FSB website in the section “Territorial bodies of the FSB of Russia”. Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Secrets” dated July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 defines documents on facts of violation of human and civil rights and freedoms as “ Information not subject to classification as state secret and classified" Law of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 1991 N 1761-1 “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression”, Article 11 determined that the procedure for familiarizing other persons with the materials of terminated criminal cases is carried out in the manner established for state archives - the Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” dated October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ. Article 25, paragraph 3 of this Law removes restrictions related to information contained in cases about personal and family secrets and their private life after the expiration of the 75-year period. Thus, any citizen has the right to familiarize himself with discontinued criminal cases and receive copies of documents from cases in which sentences were pronounced more than 75 years ago. Article 29, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that “ Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any lawful means. The list of information constituting a state secret is determined by federal law».

So, in the appeal it is necessary to mention that, in accordance with Article 25, paragraph 3, of the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” dated October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ, the 75-year period of restrictions associated with the contents has expired in the case with information about personal and family secrets and private life. In your appeal you should indicate all the information known to you: full name, date of birth, place of residence, date of arrest. It is better to immediately write in the letter: I ask you to provide me with copies of the available documents. Many regions send copies without problems, with the exception of Moscow, where, even if you live in the Far East, they will not send you copies, but will offer you to come and familiarize yourself with the case in person. For review, you need to take a pen and sheets of paper with you so that you can make notes. You can also take a camera, but its necessity is questionable, since photography may not be allowed. Before you get acquainted with the case, everything secret in it will be closed (primarily information about the informers, about the investigators). There may be things or photographs in the case that, most likely, can be returned to you.

As for copies of case sheets, everything is individual. In one region they may “ be generous"and send you copies of almost all sheets of the archival investigative file. And then in front of you in all “ more beautiful“There will be testimonies of informers, their personal data and the names of investigators. However, these materials are not secret, especially since many of them were convicted: informers - for giving false testimony, investigators - for falsifying cases. Almost all the sheets will also be sent from another archive of the FSB, but the names of the investigators and other third parties will first be blacked out. And other things are less than half the story. But, as they say, little is better than nothing at all. If your relative was dispossessed or expelled, then information about the date and reason for the deportation, the composition of the family at the time of deportation, and the place of exile can be found by sending a request to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence of the relative at the time of the repression. If you already know the place of exile, you can find out at the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place where the sentence was served, the date of release from exile, deregistration, information about birth and where the person came from. To receive copies of the decision of the village assembly on dispossession, a document with information about the deprivation of voting rights, send a request to the State Archives at the place of dispossession.

Why can they deny the right to familiarize themselves with an archival investigative file?

You may be denied the right to familiarize yourself with the case of a repressed person only if he has not been rehabilitated. If this is your relative, you need to achieve rehabilitation in court and obtain a certificate of rehabilitation. A request for a certificate should be sent to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation or to the prosecutor's office at the location of the internal affairs body that made the decision to apply repression.

How to find the burial place of a repressed person?

If a person was sentenced to capital punishment, then finding his burial place seems almost impossible. Unfortunately, information about the places of execution is either classified or missing. But local residents of a certain city may have information. How do they know this information? First of all, I heard something from those who lived during the period of repression, someone talked about execution sites. So, only folk memory can answer this question. But there can be no complete confidence in the reliability of the answer.

However, in some cities the places of mass graves of those executed are known for certain. This may include Butovo training ground in Moscow; Special object " Kommunarka» in the area of ​​the village. Kommunarka on the twenty-fourth km of Kaluga Highway in the Novomoskovsky administrative district of Moscow; Volyn Cemetery in Tver; Levashovskoye Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg; NKVD execution range in the Sandarmokh tract in the Republic of Karelia; Mendursky training ground near Yoshkar-Ola, Chestnut Mountain And Kolpashevo Yar in the Tomsk region and others.

Where else can you find information about the repressed?

Information about those repressed can also be found in the database of the human rights society Memorial“Victims of political terror in the USSR”, which contains information from Books of memory, printed or prepared for publication in different regions of the former USSR. The main content of these books is lists of those repressed by name with brief biographical information. At the moment, the Memorial database contains several million names. Separately, the “Stalin execution lists” are highlighted - lists of people convicted by the personal sanction of J.V. Stalin and his closest associates in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Of particular interest to those whose relatives lived in Moscow during the years of the totalitarian regime may be the database MosMemo, where the list of those arrested and executed is organized by Moscow addresses. You might be interested in a database dedicated to 1244 monuments to victims of political repression on the territory of the former USSR (some monuments also contain lists of names).

And as a separate source - Books of Memory. The Memorial Archives in Moscow, as well as some of the regional Memorials, store large funds of personal files of the repressed and collections of memoirs, which include collections of letters, diaries, essays and articles. Perhaps the testimony of a fellow prisoner or cellmate can create a feeling of involvement in what your relative had to endure. In addition, there is a possibility that one of the memoirs contains a memory of your relative.

Lists of those repressed are also presented on the following websites:
St. Petersburg coordination center of the “Returned Names” project, Ryazan, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yaroslavl “Memorials”, on the website of the Irkutsk Association of Victims of Repression and many others.

Basically, three steps are used to search for information about a repressed person:
1. Search on the Internet (for example, Memorial’s database of repressed victims)
2. Search in the “Books of Memory”
3. Work in archives

Now access to archival and investigative files is relatively free. Many people search for information about the repressed; some manage to find out secret information (full profiles of investigators, third parties). The media have repeatedly talked about researchers S. B. Prudovsky and D. Karagodin, who managed to find information not only about their repressed relatives, but also about people who were repressed along with them. Such stories give hope that gradually family memory will return to many families in which until now it was not customary to touch on the topic of repression.

Good day everyone!

Not long ago I tried to help an acquaintance find relatives who fought in the Second World War (1941-1945). Oddly enough, we managed to find his grandfather quite quickly, the number of his unit where he fought, and also looked at several of his awards. My friend was pleased and proud of his grandfather, but I started thinking...

I think that almost every family has relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War, and many would like to know more about them (which is why I decided to write this article). Moreover, many old people do not like to talk about the front, and often in the family they do not even know all the grandfather’s awards!

By the way, many people mistakenly believe (and I did until recently) that in order to find at least something, you need to know a lot of information about a person, know how to access archives (and where to go), have a lot of free time, etc. . But in fact, now, to try to start a search, it’s enough to know your first and last name.

And so, below I will consider several interesting sites in more detail...

No. 1: Feat of the people

A very, very interesting site created by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is a large database in which all available documents from military archives are entered: where and who fought, what awards he received, what feats, etc. Absolutely everyone is included, regardless of rank and scale of achievement. I can add that the size of the site’s database has no analogues.

Then you will see a list of found people: note that there can be a lot of them if your relative has a common first and last name. Opposite each person his year of birth, rank, order, medal (if any) will be displayed.

The card itself displays quite a lot of information about the person: rank, place of conscription, place of service, date of feat (if any), archival documents about the award, registration card, photo of a leaflet describing the feat, medals and orders (example below).

In general, quite informative and complete. I recommend starting your search for a person from this site. If you are lucky and you find information about him here, then you will receive pretty decent information to continue the search (you will know the year of birth, the unit where you served, where you were drafted from, etc. details that many no longer know about).

By the way, despite the fact that all the basic information has already been posted on the site, from time to time it is updated with new archival data. Therefore, if you haven’t found anything, try to come back after some time and search again, also use the sites that I will give below.

No. 2: OBD Memorial

The full name of the site is Generalized Data Bank.

The main goal of this site is to enable citizens to find and learn about the fate of their relatives, find out their burial place, where they served, and other information.

The Military Memorial Center of the Russian Armed Forces has carried out unique work, as a result of which you can use a reference system of global importance!

The data used to populate the database of this site is taken from official archival documents located in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, etc.

During the work, more than 16.8 million documents and over 45 thousand passports of military graves were scanned and posted online.

How to search for a person in the OBD

Yes, in general it’s standard. On the main page of the site, enter all the information you know into the search fields. It would be very nice to enter at least the first name, last name, and patronymic. Then click the search button (example below).

In the data found, you will see the date and place of birth of the person, which you can use to navigate and start viewing the necessary profiles.

In the questionnaire you can find out the following information: full name, date and place of birth, date and place of conscription, military rank, reason for retirement, date of retirement, name of the source of information, fund number, source of information. And also look at the scanned sheet itself with archival data.

No. 3: Memory of the people

Another site with a huge database created by the Ministry of Defense. The main goal of the project is to enable all users to obtain information about participants in the Great Patriotic War through new web tools and the development of generalized data banks “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

To start searching for a person, just enter his full name (if any, then his year of birth). Then click the "Find" button.

Next, you will be shown all found people with similar initials. By opening a card for a person, you will find out: his date of birth, place of conscription, military units, awards, dates of feats, numbers of funds - sources of information, archive, you can see scans of what awards were given for.

In addition, on this site you can see what the path along which your grandfather moved and fought was like. (example on the map below: the beginning of the journey near Novosibirsk, then Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny, etc.).

Note: the map is quite large, and the screenshot below shows a small piece of it.

Where my grandfather was and fought - the path on the map!

If you are looking for the burial place of your relatives who participated in the Second World War, I recommend that you also read this article:.

In it you will learn how to correctly create a request to the archive, how to formalize it, and where exactly to send it. In general, very useful information.

Well, that’s all for me, I hope I helped, if not find it, then at least gave useful “food” to start searching.

Quite often there is a need to obtain information about a certain person who is a potential counterparty, client, seller/buyer of real estate, borrower from a bank, etc. The Internet can help you!

Thanks to the database for searching people on the Internet, this opportunity today exists for citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Latvia, whom you can “punch” through this database, even if you only have their passport information. As a matter of fact, any search begins with checking the validity of the passport.

What does checking the validity of a passport give?

You can check it on the website of the Federal Migration Service by entering the series and passport number and captcha (code in the picture) in the appropriate fields. Here are the possible answers:
this passport is “Valid”: it means that everything is in order with the passport;
this passport is “Invalid”: either it is fake or it has expired; if it was replaced with a new one, then the message will indicate “Invalid (REPLACED WITH NEW)”;
if the answer is “Currently does not appear in the electronic records of the Federal Migration Service of Russia”), then it is not at all necessary that the passport is invalid. It is possible that information about the passport has simply not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority that issued it, or the passport record is currently being tested in the database software package.

How to get information about the TIN number

This can be done on the website of the Federal Tax Service just follow the link and fill out the request form, after which the TIN number will appear.

If the answer reads “According to the information you provided, the TIN assigned when registering you with the tax authority was not found in the FDB of the Unified State Register of Real Estate,” then this means that this person does not have a TIN. True, this happens extremely rarely, so it’s worth checking whether you entered the initial data correctly when asked.

How to check tax debts

To check whether a person has debt, you need to know his TIN number (see previous paragraph). Tax debts can be clarified on the website of the Federal Tax Service

First, you will have to carefully read the verification conditions and agree to them, after which you will be automatically redirected to the data entry form, where you will enter them. As a result, you will receive a List of debts available on the date of verification.

This list indicates not only the amounts of debts, but also their type (unpaid taxes, penalties, fines, alimony, etc.). This, by the way, allows you to get an idea of ​​the property owned by the person being inspected.
Since you find yourself on this site, check yourself at the same time - what if you have some kind of unpaid fine that you simply forgot about? In this case, the consequences can be the most unpleasant: from the appearance of bailiffs to a ban on traveling abroad.

If you have a debt, you need to select a payment method, check the box, enter your home address, print a receipt and pay according to it, although electronic payment options are also possible. The main thing is that the debt is eliminated.

How to find out the residence (registration) address and home phone number of a person

How to find out the residence (registration) address and home phone number of a person

As for the home phone, many, especially advanced young people, prefer a mobile phone, and they simply don’t have a home phone. But as for registration, or rather, registration, everyone has it except the homeless.

You can find out your residence permit (registration) in the address directory you need to select the country, then the city and enter the full name of the person being checked, after which you will receive his registration address and, if available, his home telephone number.

If the information you are looking for is not found in the above address directory, then here are additional search options:
address directory 2
address directory only for Moscow

How to check criminal records and ongoing trials

what city is it registered in? If you have a copy of your passport, your registration is indicated on it. If you do not have a copy of your passport, find out your registration address (see previous paragraph). If a person is not registered anywhere, then look at the previous place of registration. By the way, if you have received information about a person’s registration, if possible, look where he was registered before.

If the area of ​​registration of a person is known, you need to find the court of this area on the Internet, since in accordance with the law, an application to the court is filed at the place of registration of the person if he acted or acts as a defendant. But if you need to find out whether he himself filed a lawsuit against someone, then you will have to check all the courts in your city in the same way. True, there is always a possibility that this could have happened in another city.

It should be remembered here that some courts have a different name. So, for example, in St. Petersburg in the Admiralteysky district the court has the old name - “Leninsky District Court”.

Having found out the name of the court, you should go to the “Information on the progress of cases” page (sometimes it may be called “Legal Proceedings”) and enter the person’s full name in the search bar. Review the information received very carefully, as sometimes the last names are the same, so it is important to pay attention to the initials.

Here you can find out in which court cases a person acts as a plaintiff or defendant, and what the essence of the claims is. Since the case number is also indicated, you can follow the link to it and study the information card containing information about the progress of the case.

How to check whether criminal suspects are wanted

The easiest way to do this is on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, and an advanced search is possible. In the search bar, you need to select your region, enter the person’s last name, first name and patronymic in full and click the “Find” button.

If in response you receive the message “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that everything is fine with the person and he is not wanted. But to be one hundred percent sure of this, you should click on the link “Show all results from the selected region”, which provides a list of all persons

How to check for wanted status in enforcement proceedings

This can be done on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service select your region in the search bar, enter the full last name, first name and patronymic of the person and click the “Find” button (and an advanced search is also possible ).

If in response you receive the message “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that everything is fine with the person and he is not wanted as part of enforcement proceedings. Just in case, click on the link “Show all results from the selected region” and study the list of wanted persons in your region (pay attention to the initials).

How to check if a person owns a car

This can be done on the website of the Traffic Police Database (, although it is somewhat outdated, but here you can find useful information about the car of the person you are looking for and its license plate number.

Check for search of debtors' cars

On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service you can check whether the car is wanted: to do this, you need to select your region in the search bar, enter the state. car number (you can use the advanced search) and click on the “Find” button.

If the response message is “Nothing was found for your request,” it means that the car is not wanted as part of enforcement proceedings. Still, just in case, follow the link “Show all results from the selected region” and check if the number you are looking for is there.

How to check a person using the database of enforcement proceedings

This is done on the same website of the Federal Bailiff Service, only here the search is carried out in two subsections - individuals and legal entities.
Indicate in the “Territorial Bodies” section the region of official registration of the individual or, if we are talking about a legal entity, the place of its registration with the Federal Tax Service. It is not necessary to indicate the date of birth of an individual, but if the data matches someone, then filling out the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY will allow for more accurate identification.

After entering your full name, click on the “Find” button and receive not only a list of debtors, but also the number of the enforcement proceedings, as well as the subject of execution. All this needs to be carefully studied.

If you have an enforcement proceedings number, then information from the database of enforcement proceedings can be obtained in the “Search by enforcement proceedings number” section.

How to check a person through Internet search engines

Internet search engines (Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler - these are the most popular) can provide a lot of useful information, for example, that the person you need was registered on sites based on interests, was mentioned in the press, advertised for sale, etc.

In each search engine, you need to enter the person’s full name, as well as just his last name with initials. When following the links you receive, carefully study all the information found. These could be advertisements or various kinds of mentions, as well as photos and videos that should also be viewed.

Then enter parts of the information received in the form of phrases into the search bar again and continue following the links received. There may be quite a lot of information.

The same needs to be done with his phone number in different versions:
+7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, or 8921ХХХХХХ, or 8-921-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc. It is advisable to summarize all the information collected in this way in one document.

There are a lot of social networks today: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, Moy Mir on, and LinkedIn; there may be others, less well known. Go to those where you already have registration (and register if necessary) and start searching.

Information previously obtained from the Internet will be useful as search parameters: place of residence, hobbies, photos and videos, etc. You can start the search by full name (do not forget that women can be searched by maiden name).

When a person who fits all the parameters is found, it is advisable to determine the range of his interests and acquaintances, level of education, interests, place of work, and often contact information is indicated. If necessary, add yourself as a friend, then you can find out any information that interests you from his friends.

Pay attention to photos and videos posted by users, signatures, date of shooting and circle of participants; view your status history. Collect all the information you find into a separate document.

How to identify a person by car number

If you know the state number of the car that the person you are interested in owns, then on the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate ( you just need to enter this number in the appropriate column to find out who the car is registered to and its telephone number owner.

You can also use the Numplate social network website True, this social network is still young, and therefore is not well promoted, and its database is not very large, but you can get the information you are looking for if you enter the desired state instead of the proposed example x000xx00. number, so you can get a link to the car owner’s page.

How to get through a person by phone number

If you know your home phone number, then in the telephone directory you can select the country at the bottom of the page, then the city, then select the desired phone number and get information about the person’s full name and home address.

If you cannot find information in this source, you can look in others:
telephone directory 2;
Moscow telephone directory; here you need to enter the phone number in the format ХХХХХХХ and click the “Search” button, information about your full name, age and home address will be provided;
if we are talking about a cell phone, then in the directory you can find out which operator the person uses and how long this number has been in existence.

To find a person by cell phone number, you can use the search engines Yandex, Google, Mail and Rambler. It is better to enter the number in several options: +7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8921ХХХХХХ, 8-921-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc.

If the number was mentioned in advertisements, next to photos and videos, on social networks, etc., then it will definitely pop up. The information received must again be entered into the search bar (this could be some phrase, for example) and continue to follow the links found. It is advisable to save and summarize the collected information on a separate page.

But what you shouldn’t do is use the services of Internet scammers who offer to dial a cell phone number for a minimal fee and find out who the subscriber is. The same applies to proposals to purchase a database of all mobile subscribers, since the information is considered confidential, its acquisition is considered illegal distribution and, accordingly, is punishable by law.

How to get through a person by IP address

If you have information about an IP address, you can find out a lot about its owner. There is a special service for this - whois. On the IP Address Checking website, just enter the IP address in the WHOIS Lookup window, after which you will receive all the information that is available about it.

If the IP is static, then this service will indicate the full name of the person for whom it is registered, his email address and phone number, and a number of additional information: when this range was rented, for how long and for what organization.

If this IP address is dynamic, then the service will only provide information about the provider.

How to check a company

You can check the existence of a company both by name and by OGRN/GRN/TIN on the website of the Federal Tax Service by filling out the search fields and clicking the “Find” button. As a result of the search, you will receive a list of companies that match the parameters of your request. All you have to do is select the one you are looking for, click on its name and get current information about the legal entity and the entries made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to it.

How to find a company

The easiest way to do this is on the yellow pages website by typing the company name into the search bar. You will receive information about its actual address, location, phone number, website.

Many people are interested in the question of how to find out additional information about some stranger. And sometimes it's not just curiosity. For example, you conclude some important agreement with a person, but you know absolutely nothing about him. The most important transactions, as a rule, involve real estate, as well as expensive movable property (for example, a car).

If you use the Internet wisely, you can find a lot of information about almost any person. In this article we will figure out how and where this can be done.

Warning: Do not trust sites that promise to provide information about a person, but in return you will need to enter your mobile phone number, some other data or pay money. This is designed to deceive you. Simply put, these are scammers. A lot of information can be found completely free online.

Checking the validity of a Russian citizen's passport

On the website of the FMS (Federal Migration Service) you can completely legally check the validity of your passport ( ).

To do this, you need to enter the series (the first 4 digits) and the passport number (6 digits after the passport series) into certain fields.

The first 4 digits (passport series) indicate the region of issue and the year of the passport form. For example, series 50 04 means that 50 is the Novosibirsk region according to OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division), 04 is a passport form of the 2004 model.

If you did everything correctly, the following message will appear:

Find out a person’s TIN (individual tax number)

To do this you need to know:

  • Last name First name Patronymic,
  • date of birth,
  • series and number of the passport, as well as the date of issue of the passport.

If all the data is entered correctly, your TIN number will be displayed:

If a person does not have a TIN (which is rare), the following message will appear:

The TIN consists of 12 digits. The first 2 digits are the code of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the next 2 are the tax inspection number, the next 6 are the taxpayer’s tax record number, the last 2 are check digits to check the correctness of the entry.

Is the person an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur)?

On the website of the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) you can “check” whether an individual is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), and also, if he was, when he ceased his activities -

The search can be carried out by full name and region, INN or OGRNIP (main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur).

What you can find out:

  • OGRNIP and date of assignment, TIN, full name;
  • date of entry on termination of activity;
  • which tax office registered;
  • information about the types of activities according to OKVED (what the individual entrepreneur does);
  • series, number and date of certificate.

Now let’s decipher OGRNIP (main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur). This is a number that consists of 15 digits.

For example, 309547531400056.

The first number can use the values ​​3 and 4. This is a sign of the assignment of the state registration number of the record. 3 means that the sign refers to the main state registration number of the record of state registration of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP), 4 - to another state registration number of the record.

The 2nd and 3rd are the year the entry was made in the state register.

4th and 5th – code of the subject of the Russian Federation.

6-14 numbers - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year.

The last number 15 is the control number for verification.

Checking the traffic police database (if the person has a car)

In total, there are 3 traffic police databases that are freely available:

  • Checking fines - https://traffic police.rf/check/fines. You need to know the license plate number and vehicle registration certificate number.
  • Driver check - https://traffic police.rf/check/driver#+. The search is carried out by the number and date of issue of the driver's license.
  • Checking the car - https://traffic police.rf/check/auto. You need to know the VIN, body or chassis numbers.

Is the car pledged? Does the person have mortgaged movable property?

The following information will be required for verification:

  • Full name of the mortgagor;
  • Vehicle VIN.

The search for information is carried out using the Register of notifications of pledge of real estate on the FNP website -

Finding out if a person is married

Let us immediately make a reservation that this is not a 100% verification method, but you can often find information of interest about the presence of a husband or wife.

To check we need to know the following data:

  • Full name of the person;
  • The exact address of the property (or cadastral number) where he lives or which one is 100% likely to be his property.

You can read more about this verification method in the article ““.

This is what the information in the certificate from the Unified State Register will look like if the apartment is jointly owned by spouses:

Is the person dead or alive?

This is a 100% verification method. But with a high probability you can still find information. The fact is that the search will be carried out on notarial affairs. And if a person has no heirs, no one has applied for acceptance of the inheritance, then you will not find information here.

You will need to know Full Last Name First Name and Patronymic of the person.

The verification is carried out using the Register of Inheritance Cases -

For example, the following information can be found on former Russian President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin:

You can read more about the register of inheritance cases in the article ““.

Who is the owner of the apartment in which the person lives and is there a mortgage?

Quite calmly, if you know the address, you can find out who is the owner of the apartment in which the citizen being inspected lives.

We check whether there are court decisions involving a specific person. Are legal proceedings currently underway in civil courts of general jurisdiction and in arbitration courts? Bankrupt or not?

We check against the database of courts of general jurisdiction.

The search is carried out in the GAS “Justice” system (state automated system).

1 type of search " on cases and judicial acts» —

2nd type of search " according to the texts of court decisions» —

If you spend enough time, you can find interesting information about a person who was a participant in a civil process or a representative.

Is the citizen bankrupt? We check against the database of arbitration courts.

1 type of search on BRAS (bank of decisions of arbitration courts) -

2nd type of search on CAD (card index of arbitration cases) These are cases that are currently underway, are in production.

By the way, by entering a person’s full name, you can find out whether he is declared bankrupt or is currently bankrupt. You can also view the case history and download judicial acts.

Believe bankruptcy You can also visit the website of the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information -

We check the presence of enforcement proceedings (judicial debts)

This can be done in the bank of enforcement proceedings on the website of the SSP (bailiff service) -

To verify, you must enter the region and full name of the person.

If the records are found, you will learn the following information:

  • Full name, date, place of birth of the debtor,
  • Number and date of initiation of enforcement proceedings,
  • Details of the writ of execution,
  • Amount of debt
  • Name and address of the bailiffs department,
  • The bailiff's name and telephone number.

Is an individual wanted by bailiffs for enforcement proceedings?

To verify, you only need to know the person's full name.

The search register for enforcement proceedings is located at the link -

Is the person included in the register of disqualified persons?

Disqualified person is a person whose rights to hold certain positions are limited:

  • In federal government services;
  • In government services of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • In municipal bodies;
  • In the managing executive bodies of the legal entity;
  • On the executive board or board of directors;
  • Provide municipal or government services;
  • Participate in the training of athletes;
  • Provide expert services on industrial safety;
  • Provide medical or pharmaceutical services.

Only a court can disqualify a person.

According to the Federal Tax Service, the information in the register is updated daily.

We check whether the person is wanted

  1. Search for a person in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Wanted"—
  2. Informing about persons wanted on suspicion of committing crimes–
  3. Search register for enforcement proceedings—

We are looking for information on the services of the State Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on migration issues

  1. Verification of invalid old-style foreign passports for a period of 5 years - https://guvm.mvd.rf/services/invalidpass
  2. Checking the validity of work permits and patents for labor activities by foreign citizens and stateless persons - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2060
  3. Checking the validity of licenses for employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2001
  4. Checking the validity of invitations to enter the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless persons - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2061
  5. Checking the existence of grounds for not allowing foreign citizens and stateless persons to enter the territory of the Russian Federation through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=3000
  6. Compliance of the document and the registration address - http://services.guvm.mvd.rf/info-service.htm?sid=2160

Verifying a person through social networks

Today, almost every one of us is registered on social networks. And from any person’s account you can “pull out” a lot of interesting information. For example, collectors have been using this for a long time.

On Odnoklassniki the audience is older, on VKontakte it is mainly young people (schoolchildren, students, young people under 30).

The Russian audience of Facebook, of course, is not as large as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but it also deserves attention.

My World is convenient to use for those who have an email address

Verifying a person through search engines Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler

If you use conventional search engines wisely, then with some perseverance and systematic analysis you can find the information you are interested in about a person.

As you know, there are 2 largest search engines - Yandex and Google. There are many other systems, but the most powerful and modern search algorithms are used in these two search engines.

You can search not only by full name, but also by phone, e-mail, and other known parameters. You can search for girls by their maiden names.

The phone number can be dialed in different interpretations: +7 923 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8923ХХХХХХ, 8-923-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc.

Search by photos

There are several interesting services on the Internet that allow you to search for information using photographs. The algorithm is this: you upload a photo of a person into a search engine, and it gives you results where this image is still used (links to sites). These services will also be useful to photographers who may find illegal use of their photographs.

Thus, having just a photograph of a person, you can very likely find data about him.

We list the most interesting resources:

  • - search for photos in Google (you can upload a picture or provide a link to it)
  • - search from Yandex using images
  • - English-language image search engine
  • Search by photos on VKontakte. Few people know, but using the social network VKontakte you can search by photos. To do this, go to My News > Photos. The search is carried out using the text in the photo descriptions and the text on the photo, which is entered in the editor.

You can also search for similar photos on VKontakte. With its help, you can search for those, for example, who stole your photos. To do this, in the photo search, type copy:photo-52630202_306002782. Photo-52630202_306002782 is part of the link of the photo for which we are looking for duplicates (copies) on other accounts.

Verification of education document

First of all, this will be of interest to employers in order to protect themselves from specialists with purchased diplomas.

You can check in the Federal Register of information about documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training on the website

Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science at this link -

The right to be forgotten. Removing information about a person from search engines.

On January 1, 2016, Federal Law No. 264 of July 13, 2015 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” and Articles 29 and 402 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation came into force.”

This law is also referred to as " right to be forgotten law».

The essence of this law is as follows: at the request of a citizen, the search system must remove from the search information about the applicant that is disseminated in violation of Russian legislation, false information, irrelevant information that has lost its meaning for the applicant.

Exceptions: information about criminal offenses, if the deadline for prosecution has not expired, and information about the crime committed, if the criminal record has not expired, cannot be deleted.

The search engine operator is obliged to remove the information within 10 days. Refusal to delete information can be appealed to the court.

It is also necessary to understand that the information itself is not physically deleted from the Internet. Links to this information are removed from the search. And if anyone knows this link, he can go to it directly and see this information.

If you have interesting additions to this article, write in the comments.

Sometimes, out of boredom, a person tries to create a family tree of his family and discovers a lot of mysterious and interesting things. Finding out the fate of your relatives and meeting their descendants is a way to get to know your surroundings and even yourself better. How to find living relatives and find distant ancestors by last name?

How to make a family tree

Time cannot be contained, but you can find iconic things and recorded memories from past decades and centuries. How to find ancestors by last name to create a family tree:

  1. Home archive. Such an archive stores: photographs, albums, records, documents. If this is a close circle, then there will be a certificate of marriage, birth, death. Documents confirming the receipt of education are valuable when collecting information: certificates, diplomas, certificates. To immediately simplify your task, consider the two branches of genealogy - maternal and paternal - separately. Collect all information in two folders to avoid confusion. You should not carry the originals with you; store them in a safe place, and it is better to make photocopies of the documents for yourself.
  2. Interview with relatives. To get as much information as possible, this procedure is carried out in an informal setting: an evening of family memories, a holiday. A voice recorder and a pre-compiled list of questions are your best helpers, because relatives can argue or interrupt in the desire to tell something, so it is important not to miss the little things.
  3. Archives. Such databases still exist, but to clarify the information in them, you need to know the person’s full name, year of birth, and place of birth.
  4. Internet sources. Social networks and all sorts of relative search sites can lead you to your loved one.

Here is an example of how to find relatives and create a family tree.

How to find relatives by last name

If surveys and searches in home archives do not reveal the necessary information, then it is worth trying more modern methods. How to find ancestors by last name on the Internet:

  1. FamilySpace. This portal has a lot of tips for finding information about loved ones. A site specially created for these purposes will tell you how to quickly find ancestors by last name, and their children and grandchildren by profession, region in which a person lives, works, or previously lived. If the search is unsuccessful, you just need to check again regularly, the site is updated frequently.
  2. Social media. Nowadays, many people of different ages create pages on popular resources. Such resources include the following websites: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte,, Instagram.
  3. Online directories. Here, information about the location of the person you are looking for will be more relevant. Such directories are not very focused on searching by name.

How to find your roots by last name using books

The family tree can be significantly expanded with information about more ancient ancestors. They were often outstanding people who experienced ups and downs not only in the context of their personal lives, but also of the entire state. The most famous sources that preserve eternal memory are large publications. Which archive of deceased people by last name who participated in significant events is worth viewing:

  1. The All-Russian Book of Memory is the largest source of ancestors not only of residents of the Russian Federation, but also of the collapsed USSR. This book contains a huge database of citizens who participated in the hostilities of 1941-1945. The surnames of ancestors were grouped according to the places of conscription. There you can also learn about military and life achievements, and the person’s burial place. More than 750 volumes reveal important information about those who fought.
  2. Book of memory of victims of political repression. The collection of volumes covers 25 regions of the former USSR and includes information about people of Polish and Jewish nationality.
  3. Reference publications and materials: “Appendices to the works of the editorial commissions for drawing up the Code on peasants emerging from serfdom”, “Calendar, or Monthly with the list of officials in the state for the summer... from the birth of Christ”, “All Moscow. Address and reference book", "All Russia. Russian book of industry, trade, agriculture and administration."

How to find your ancestors in the archives

The procedure for independent work in the archive on the question of how to find missing ancestors by last name:

  1. Specify the search period and go to the registry office archive. There you need to submit a request to search for the necessary information or come in person; there is no reading room in this institution.
  2. Archives are available not only at the registry office, but also in educational and medical institutions.
  3. Carefully study the sources: metrics, confessional lists, inventories of those living in the house, population census of different years, rank books (appointments to places of work), summary documents, chronicles.

In the registry office

The archives of the registry office should also be studied if you have already carefully searched for ancestors by last name in the archives. You need to know the exact name, patronymic, and last name of the person. The request must be sent to the region in which the citizen was or is located. The institution provides information about:

  • the person’s date of birth, place, his parents;
  • marriage registration;
  • presence of children;
  • place of registration;
  • death of a wanted person.

Searching for relatives by last name abroad

If the search for ancestors in the archives dates back to more distant periods, now you can find relatives who went to live abroad. How to do this:

  1. Check whether you really have relatives abroad, their last names, time of departure abroad, marital status, presence of children and the region where they went. If you don’t know the country, then start with the most popular ones, where compatriots go (USA, Canada, Israel).
  2. To search, you need a good knowledge of a foreign language.
  3. You can find relatives through worldwide search engines (Google), social networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki).
