VK login offline. Enabling stealth mode in the VKontakte application

In this article we will tell you which VKontakte clients for Android have an “invisible mode” and how to enable it, as well as how to do it in the official VK application!

Invisibility in the official VK application

So, to activate invisible mode you need to do the following:

1. Open VK and go to settings.

2. Select “About” and tap on the dog image 3 times.

3. Go to the dialer and enter the code: *#*#856682583#*#*

If you have a tablet and don't have a dialer, just install it from Google Play. Enter the query “Dialer” and download any program you like.

4. “VK - debugging” will open. The last item is “Invisible”.

5. Activate it.

That is, all actions are similar to disabling VKontakte advertising. A link to more detailed instructions is at the beginning of the article.

Invisible mode VKontakte Kate Mobile

1. Open Kate Mobile. In the upper right corner, click on the options button and select “Settings” from the list.

2. Tap on the “Online” item.

3. Check “Be offline if possible.”

The application will warn you that you can remain offline only if you do not write anything on the hay.

How to be offline VK in the Lynt client

1. In Lynt, swipe from the left edge and select “Settings” in the menu at the bottom.

2. Open General.

3. Uncheck the box next to “Mark as online.”

You will be warned that if you post something on the wall, you will go online.

Invisibility VK Amberfog

1. Open the application and swipe from the left edge. Click Settings.

2. Here is “General Settings”.

3. Check the box next to “Invisible mode”.

Also in VK Amberfog you can make sure that the interlocutor does not see that you have read the message. To do this, uncheck the box next to “Mark messages as read.”

Invisibility mode in Polyglot VKontakte

1. Pull from the left edge to the right and select “Settings” from the menu that opens.

2. Then “General Settings”.

3. Check the box next to “Invisible”.

In the Polyglot VKontakte client (as well as VK Amberfog), you can not mark messages as read when viewing. To do this, check the “Leave unread” checkbox.

We looked at 5 main VKontakte clients for Android and showed how to enable invisibility in each of them, and in some of them not mark messages as read.

Good day everyone, my dear friends. Dmitry Kostin is with you as usual. Please tell me, are you? If yes, then you probably know that when you are on this site, the words “Online” will appear next to your name. This icon notifies other users that you are currently in contact and ready to chat.

But there are times when you need to log into a site without anyone knowing about your presence there. This can be for various reasons: maybe you don’t want an annoying girl to see you, or an annoying boss doesn’t see that you’re on social networks instead of working, etc. What then should be done in such cases? Never mind. Just accept it... Okay, just kidding. Would I write a separate article to put you at ease? Of course not.

But before we move on to the main thing, I would like to briefly tell everyone who needs to promote their VKontakte groups about a wonderful and truly working online PR service. The service has been providing promotion services for VKontakte groups for several years now and is doing it very successfully. Soclike - will help attract targeted subscribers to your groups, friends to your personal pages, likes for posts and much more. Let's use it friends.

Well, now let's get back to the article. I'll tell you one way to make contact invisible. The method is good and time-tested, so you can try it. Ready? Then let's go!

If in doubt, try logging in through any other browser, just make sure you are not in your account mode in that browser. Let me show you. I entered the Firefox browser and typed my id in the address bar (for you this could be numbers or the name that you set in the settings).

Please note that there is no online mode, but rather it shows the last time I logged in. Although at the same time I am in contact through apidog and calmly do what I need.

Why is this method better than others?

  • You don't need to configure anything, tinker with anything, or wait to log into the network
  • You can climb any pages, while other methods say that you cannot go to your own page or the page of other users, otherwise everything will be reset (you can only look at photos, videos, news, climb groups, etc.).

ADVICE! When you are done climbing in incognito mode, go to the site as usual through a regular browser and change your password to be safe. After all, this is a third-party site. So far there have been no complaints, but it’s still better to be on the safe side.

Well, in general, I wanted to offer you this simple method of anonymous login. Perhaps you have some other method that is even easier and better than the one described here. Please share your thoughts in the comments.

By the way, if you like to be on social networks, you can try your hand at making money by administering VKontakte groups. You can learn this at special training, thanks to which you can learn an excellent Internet profession in 2 months. In addition to VKontakte, you can master many other Internet professions. Take a look at this wide selection for yourself.

Well, this concludes my lesson. I hope that my materials are useful to you, so subscribe to updates on my blog articles to always be aware of new useful articles selected to suit your tastes. I won't spam. I promise).

Well, I say goodbye to you. You might be interested in seeing other articles on my blog, so don’t be shy. Good luck in mastering contact. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Sometimes there is a need to use the functions of some social network pages, for example, listening to music, watching videos. But there is no time or desire to communicate with other users. In this case, the best solution is to enable stealth mode on the device. There are several ways to do this using the social network itself, browser settings, or installing a separate client for VK.

How to enable offline mode

Mode invisible in VK for Windows Phone can be configured in various ways, one of which is to stop page activity. In this case, the profile will be displayed to other users of the social network in the Offline status, and some functionality will be available. Namely:

  • - viewing the news feed;
  • - access to media files (video, audio recordings);

To activate the invisibility mode, just stop your profile activity for 20 minutes. The offline status will turn on automatically. However, this method has a significant drawback - limited access to some pages. That is, when you go to your profile or the personal page of another user of the VKontakte social network, the invisible mode will be turned off and the user will again be displayed as being online.

In order to avoid this kind of inconvenience, it is more advisable to use stealth app for Windows Phone, or use your browser settings.

Utilities for stealth mode on Windows Phone

Special applications that allow activation on devices from Microsoft invisible VK for Windows Phone not so much. The most popular of them are the following.

  1. VK Go!.
  2. Invisible VK
  3. VClient

All these utilities are unofficial clients for the VKontakte social network. They support the basic functions of the social network, as well as a number of additional ones. Applications allow you to enable invisible VK for Windows Phone 10 versions, as well as earlier ones: 8 and 8.1.

Each of these utilities supports approximately the same set of functions. But there are some differences in their functionality.

VK Go!

The Store presents a large number of unofficial clients for social networks with a different set of functionality. Supports mode invisible for VK for Windows Phone application VK Go!. Its key feature is the ability not only to remain offline, but also to have access to downloading media files from VK. This feature also allows you to use video and audio recordings without going online.

Invisible VK

Another VKontakte invisible application for Windows Phone. It also provides the ability to anonymously read messages. This utility is distinguished by the fact that it can simultaneously support several accounts, which makes its use even more convenient.


Perhaps the most famous client for maintaining stealth mode. Just like the others, it allows you to anonymously read incoming messages and use social network pages without detecting user activity. An additional advantage of this utility is the encryption of dialogues and messages when using it. This makes communication more secure.

If for some reason using third-party clients is unavailable or inconvenient, you can maintain invisibility mode when using the VKontakte social network in standard browsers.

Enabling stealth mode using Google Chrome, Opera and FireFox settings

For Google Chrome and FireFox, you will need to install a separate extension from the official developer website. You can find it in the separate “Plugins” section. After installing it on your device, you will need to uncheck the “Always online” settings field. This activates stealth mode on Windows Phone.

No additional downloads will be required. All you need to do is go to the “Advanced settings” tab of the browser menu and go to the network settings section. Here you need to uncheck the “Enable automatic redirection” box. After the adjustments have been made, an access error will appear when you access the profile page. You need to refresh the page - it will be displayed correctly in invisible mode.

Very often, users of social networks have a need to remain invisible, while being present on the network. Many people are interested in how invisibility for Windows Phone is activated in VK. After all, you can visit your profile, for example, to listen to your favorite music tracks when you simply don’t have the time or desire to communicate with friends.

At such a moment, not responding to messages or writing in abrupt sentences is not the best solution. Friends may be simply offended, but you don’t want to be left without music. There is a way out of the situation - this is to create the appearance that the user is offline. This will allow you to fully use your account while remaining invisible to others.

Launching stealth mode

This method is the most acceptable and does not require downloading any add-ons to your smartphone. To activate invisibility, you will need to log into your account, go to the messages section and pause for 15-20 minutes. This is quite enough to become invisible.

This method has certain restrictions on transitions to VK pages. Invisibility functions until you go to the main page of your account or to the page of your friends or other users. You are allowed to watch various videos and listen to music. All other actions will immediately display your online status. If this method does not suit you due to certain limitations, then try alternative methods.

By the way, the option of activating invisibility can be significantly simplified. To do this, bookmark your profile, or rather the audio page.

So, you don't have to wait 20 minutes to activate the invisibility feature. You can immediately go to your profile, listen to music and browse and remain invisible.

Use of special applications

Official applications to activate VK invisibility for Windows Phone have not yet been presented. There are applications from third party developers. They claim that their applications provide complete invisibility on VKontakte. In fact, the Windows operating system for smartphones has certain specifics, so no application can provide complete invisibility. When downloading any third-party application, remember that you may receive a virus or malware that can harm your device.

Application VKontakte Offline for Google Chrome - this is a list of contacts, your correspondence and notifications of new messages even when the browser is closed or there is no Internet.

When creating VKontakte Offline, I had the idea that the development of our most famous social network was not going quite the right way. If at the very beginning the very concept of “staying in touch” was actively used and meant “having access to a list of your friends,” now it means “staying on the site itself,” spending your time finding out what happened with your friends, keeping track of for new messages, etc.

Then I had the idea to make a short stop and imagine how I would like to use my data from the contact, provided that most of my friends sit there, and important correspondence periodically takes place in personal messages. The solution was to create an application that should notify about new messages even when the contact tab is closed, and also (ideally) when the browser is closed. The application should always provide access to correspondence, even when there is no Internet connection.


The main idea of ​​using the application is its invisibility. You don't have to keep it open and watch what happens - you can close it and it will still notify you of new messages as soon as they arrive. If you need to find something in correspondence, or find the contact phone number of the person you need, then in the application this is done in 2 clicks. If there is no Internet connection, all correspondence and the contact list are also available for viewing and searching. The application is aimed at those people who value their time, but want to stay in touch with their friends and acquaintances. And also for those who have problems with the Internet channel.

Viewing emails

Last week I decided it would be best to talk about the app simply in words. After which my friends and I recorded a full-fledged video story about the essence of the application from the very center of St. Petersburg:

And a screencast for the Chrome Web Store:

The basis of the application interface was created at the Google Hackathon in St. Petersburg on August 27 and 28. At the same time, his first presentation was made. The application is actively developing and now it includes search for contacts and messages, which I talk about in the video. It is also possible to work with contacts and correspondence in the absence of the Internet, as well as notifications of new messages even when the browser is closed. The sorting of contacts is set on the application settings page.


There were some mistakes too. As soon as the application had its first users, a most offensive bug surfaced in Chromium (http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=94314), when on Windows computers with Russian usernames it was impossible to work with the file system. The application installed, but could not reach the background page. As a result, a fairly large number of users were lost, and the overall impression of the application was certainly spoiled. However, the error was discovered in the evening of the same day and corrected the next morning.

VKontakte Offline application in Chrome Web Store:

Official VKontakte page:

As always, I look forward to ratings and suggestions. If you have questions and advice on the technical part of the application, write comments, I will be happy to answer and listen.

  • The question of how to use the VKontakte website and at the same time be offline for other users is relevant for many. Everyone has situations when they need to go to a social network, watch or write something, but there is no way to communicate with their friends or respond to their messages. The site itself does not provide such a function. However, there are ways to sit invisibly on VK from a computer.
  • You can use the qip program. After downloading this program from the official website qip.com, you need to log into your account on the VKontakte social network. When the user's login and password are entered, the login button is activated and an arrow appears next to it. By clicking on this arrow, you can select two options: Invisible or Invisible to everyone status (then the user will be invisible not only in the social network, but also in mail, Twitter, etc.). You can also change the status to invisible after logging into your account.
  • The VKfox plugin will also help you be invisible on VK (you can download it from the VKfox.io website). Using this plugin, the user remains invisible until he responds to any user message.

We use the Invisible mode of VK

  • VKontakte invisible mode exists in many applications for Android and iPhone.
  • The Kate Mobile app is popular among Android device users. This application is much more popular than the official applications of the VKontakte social network. Among other advantages, the main advantage of this application is the ability to stay on VKontakte while remaining offline. The only action that cannot be done and remain invisible is posting on your wall.
  • iPhone owners can use the VK Feed application. This program allows you to use VK in stealth mode, however, you must remember: the user will appear online if he adds a new entry to his wall or if he simultaneously opens the official application or an Internet browser with his VKontakte page.

How to log into VK invisible?

    All of the above methods will help the user search for information on a social network and remain invisible. For those users who do not want to install additional applications, there are also a number of ways to remain invisible on the site:
  • You can go to private messages and stay on this page for 15 minutes. After this, you can navigate the social network invisibly. However, this method stops working if the user visits his own page or the page of another person.
  • You can also log into a social network invisible using your Internet browser settings.
All the methods listed in the article can be useful for users who want to use the site incognito, for those who visit VK for business or work and do not have time to respond to messages from their friends. Each person can choose for themselves the most suitable and convenient way to remain invisible on a social network.

Let's figure it out how to log into VK and be offline, from a computer or phone.

What is it for

The need to hide your presence on a social network may be due to various reasons. Most often, people do not want to make it clear that they visited their page to their interlocutors and friends (see. ). This allows you to protect yourself from unnecessary messages.

How to be offline on VK when logging in from a computer

There are a large number of software clients for using contact. Some of them have a function that allows you to hide your presence and set your status to offline. I have already done a review on this topic -.

Now I want to show you a method that is based on using a special website. You will find it at the link:


In the login form, you must enter your username and password that you use to log into VK. In the third field, indicate which device you are trying to log in from. Next, click the “Login” button.

If all the data was entered correctly, you will be asked to fill out a captcha (see).

Great, you will be taken to the offline version of the contact. In the main window you will find all the main functions, as well as various add-ons.

If you now try to access your page from any other account, you will not see the online status. And this is exactly what we need.

We go to VK offline from an iPhone and smartphone

For this purpose we will use the VK feed application.


Analogue for Android devices:


Download and install. After launching the application for the first time, you will see the start window.

All is ready. Now you will work offline. And no one will see you online. You can check it out. Ask anyone to visit your page. He will see the following picture.