Types of statistical observation program forms. conducting mass data collection


The growing interest in statistics is caused by the current stage of economic development in the country, the formation of market relations. This requires deep economic knowledge in the collection, processing and analysis of economic information.

Statistical literacy is an integral part of the professional training of every economist, financier, sociologist, political scientist, as well as any specialist dealing with the analysis of mass phenomena, be it social, economic, technical, scientific, and others. The work of these groups of specialists is inevitably associated with the collection, development and analysis of data of a statistical (mass) nature. Often they themselves have to conduct statistical analyzes of various types and directions, or get acquainted with the results of statistical analyzes performed by others. At present, a worker employed in any field of science, technology, production, business, etc., related to the study of mass phenomena, is required to be at least a statistically literate person. Ultimately, it is impossible to successfully specialize in many disciplines without mastering some kind of statistical course. Therefore, familiarity with the general categories, principles and methodology of statistical analysis is of great importance.

Forms of statistical observation

Observation is the first important stage of statistical research and at the same time one of the main methods of statistics.

Observation is a systematically organized collection of massive data on the phenomena and processes of social life.

Supervision is carried out in three organizational forms:

1) examination;

2) register;

3) reporting.

Survey - specially organized observation. Example: household surveys.

A register is a form of continuous observation of statistical populations with a fixed start and end. Example: The Unified State Register of Enterprises, Organizations, Institutions and Associations, created to ensure a unified state accounting of business entities (EGRPO).

Reporting is the main form. It is the study of documents with various statistical information. Example: forms of statistical reporting of enterprises, organizations, institutions, balance sheet and income statement, No. P-1, No. 5-z, etc.

Statistical reporting is a special form of organization of data collection, inherent only in state statistics. It is carried out in accordance with the federal program of statistical work. State statistics uses all types of statistical observations (regular reporting, one-time records, various types of censuses, sample, questionnaire, sociological, monographic surveys, etc.), the forms and programs of which are approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics or in agreement with it by the authorities state statistics within the Russian Federation (krais, regions, autonomous regions and autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Information about the activities of enterprises and organizations is received by the statistical authorities on time in the form of certain documents (reports). Forms of such reports are called statistical reporting forms. Each of them has its own code and name.

Reporting program, i.e. the list of information collected, the methodology for their determination and the form of the reporting form, is developed and approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia. Reporting forms, including financial results, are approved, in addition, by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Reporting varies in frequency. It can be urgent - it contains data for a month or less (a decade, a day), as well as a quarterly one; semi-annual; annual. The most detailed is the annual reporting program.

Statistical observation in the reporting form uses only one data source - documents. First of all, these are accounting documents of enterprises and organizations.

The State Statistics Committee of Russia is pursuing a policy of unifying the reporting of enterprises in various sectors of the economy. Enterprises and organizations of any form of ownership are required to submit reports on time in accordance with the approved form. A delay of one day is considered a violation of the deadlines for the submission of state statistical reporting, and a delay of more than one day is considered as a failure to submit reports. Distortion of reporting data is considered to be their incorrect reflection in the state statistical reporting, committed both as a result of deliberate actions of officials in order to hide income and for other mercenary purposes, and as a result of violation of existing instructions and methodological guidelines for compiling statistical reporting, as well as arithmetic errors.

Reporting provides the necessary information for government authorities. Reporting data make it possible to monitor the dynamics of industrial production and products of other sectors of the national economy, assess the complexity of the development of the country and regions, study the ratio of different forms of ownership by industry and region, and compare the performance of state and non-state enterprises and organizations.

Requirements for the collected data

The collected data must meet two requirements: reliability and comparability. Reliability is the correspondence of the data to what is actually there. All methodology, organization and technique of statistical observation should be aimed at providing reliable data.

Obviously, the reliability of the data depends both on the characteristics of the statistician himself - his professional training, communication skills, organizational skills, etc., and on the quality of the tools used - the observation program, forms, questionnaires, instructions for filling them out. They are ultimately dependent on statistics too.

The readiness of the object for a statistical survey also affects the reliability of the data. This can be done in the form of a preliminary notification of the population about the upcoming survey - in newspapers, on radio, television (as was done, for example, before the start of the All-Russian population census). Affects the reliability and ordering of street names and numbering of houses, apartments, etc.

The social function of the indicator affects the reliability of the data. Data on the nature and number of crimes, occupational morbidity, etc., may be unreliable; those data that signal the "health" of society.

The conditions for ensuring reliability are the completeness of coverage of the observed object; completeness and accuracy of data registration for each unit of observation.

In order for data on individual phenomena to be generalized, they must be comparable with each other: they must be collected at the same time using a single methodology. In addition, comparability with past studies must be ensured so that it is possible to understand how the phenomenon is changing.

The comparability of data from different observations is performed if the same definition of the unit of observation, the same method for registering primary features and the method for calculating secondary features, such as cost, labor productivity, profitability, liquidity, etc., were used. An important condition for comparability is the preservation of the time of the observation and the period or moment to which the recorded data refer. For example, the number of university students is determined at the beginning of the academic year, the scholarship fund - for six months (or a year). It is generally recommended that the data be representative of at least one complete cycle of the process being studied, such as the school year, business year, or fiscal year. If seasonality is strongly affected, data should be collected monthly or quarterly. The observation time is chosen so that the observed object is in the most stable state.

Types of statistical observations

Statistical observation is subdivided into types - by the time of observation and by the coverage of units of observation.

According to the time of registration of facts, continuous (current), periodic and one-time observation are distinguished. Continuous (current) observation is carried out systematically, constantly, continuously, as phenomena occur. For example, births and deaths, marriages and divorces are registered in the registry office, enterprises take into account output, appearances and absences of employees, settlements with debtors and creditors, cash receipts and cash payments, etc. With periodic monitoring, registration is carried out at certain (usually the same) intervals, for example, taking into account the progress of students according to the data of examination sessions. A one-time observation is carried out once to solve a problem or repeated at indefinite intervals as needed, for example, a housing census, a school census, a census of livestock, fruit and berry plantations, etc.

The practical application of one or another type of observation depends on the specifics of the object under study. Thus, the functioning of social production is continuous: many different types of products are produced and consumed daily, their stocks change, and so on. Ensuring uninterrupted production requires the continuous receipt of raw materials and materials and their accounting, systematic accounting of production costs and its results. Of a different nature are changes in the composition of the population on a social or national basis, education, etc. Under normal conditions, for large groups of the population, these signs change insignificantly in short periods of time, so there is no need for their continuous registration. It is enough to conduct a population census once every 10 years.

It happens that both current and one-time observation are used to study the same process. For example, the consumption of the population is studied by state statistics according to current monitoring data (budget surveys). At the same time, many research teams study consumption based on the data of one-time observations: “usual” daily food purchases are recorded, sometimes these data are supplemented with data on actual purchases for the last 2-3 days, the presence of durable items, purchases of non-food products for the last month, quarter or six months, etc.

According to the coverage of population units, continuous and non-continuous observation is distinguished. With continuous observation, all units of the population, without exception, are subject to registration. It is used, for example, in the population census, data collection in the reporting form, covering enterprises of different forms of ownership, institutions and organizations, etc.

The development of a mixed economy has increased the number of objects of economic activity. This contributed to the expansion of the practice of non-continuous observation, which, in turn, is divided into the method of the main array, selective and monographic.

With the method of the main array, that part of the units that makes the greatest contribution to the studied population is subjected to examination. The rest, which do not play a big role in the characteristics of the population, are excluded from observation, i.e. with this method, the largest units are selected and examined. The logic of the method is that large units can practically determine the statistical indicators of interest to us. For example, due to the concentration of production in an industry, a few of the largest enterprises can produce the bulk of output, while a large number of small enterprises produce an insignificant part of it. This happens when there is a high level of monopoly in a sector of the economy, especially in a region. So, in St. Petersburg in 1991, only 7 enterprises of mechanical engineering and metalworking, which accounted for 1.3% of the number of industrial enterprises in the city, employed about 20% of workers. Each of these enterprises employed more than 10 thousand people, this group included such giants as Kirovsky Zavod - 25 thousand people, Leninets - 22.9 thousand people, etc. In such conditions, it is logical to observe only the largest enterprises, and small ones either to be ignored altogether or to carry out an additional calculation of the share of production attributable to them. Since their share is small, the error in extending the data of the main array to the entire population will be insignificant. The accuracy of the calculation depends on what information we have about the part of the population not covered by the observation.

The use of the main array method often requires the establishment of a qualification - the value of a feature that limits the object of observation. For example, enterprises with 500 employees or more are surveyed, or it is established that small enterprises with up to 100 employees (or up to 200 people) are subject to survey. This method is called census. It should be borne in mind that the term "qualification" is used in statistics not only in the sense of the boundary value of a feature, but also to refer to censuses. In the USA, England, censuses are called population censuses, industry censuses, etc.

In selective observation, a part of the population units selected in a certain order is subjected to a survey, and the results obtained are applied to the entire population.

In the sample, the main idea of ​​non-continuous observation is fully realized: to obtain information about the entire population by examining only a part of it. In order to understand whether beer is good or bad, it is not necessary to drink a whole barrel, the same can be said about checking the quality of any product. In solving such problems, and in many other cases, only sampling can help. The sampling method plays an increasingly important role in domestic statistics.

Base and sample surveys are mass observations covering many units. During monographic observation, individual units of the population are described in detail for the purpose of their in-depth study, which cannot be as detailed during mass observation. Primary attention is paid to the qualitative aspects of the phenomenon, its behavior, orientation, development prospects, etc. Ethnographic surveys can serve as examples of monographic surveys, when the lifestyle of a family or several families is studied, etc.

Methods of statistical observation

In any survey, primary data can come from direct observation, documents, and interviews.

Direct observation is carried out by registering the units under study and their characteristics on the basis of direct examination, counting, weighing, instrument readings, etc. So, during the census of wagons, each wagon is inspected. An example of direct observation is: registration of prices and volume of sales of goods in the markets; meteorological observations - registration of air temperature, snow cover, amount of precipitation; inventory of inventory balances in the warehouse.

The documentary method of observation is based on the use of various primary accounting documents of enterprises, institutions and organizations as a source of statistical information, therefore this method of observation is often called reporting. It is used, for example, in the revaluation of fixed assets (funds) of enterprises and organizations that form the basis for depreciation, analysis of the use of funds and their structure, especially in inflationary conditions. When filling out state statistical reporting on revaluation by each independent enterprise of any industry and form of ownership, the following primary accounting information is used: inventory lists, inventory cards of fixed assets, technical passports or other relevant documentation and accounting data. Direct observation and the documentary method provide the greatest reliability of statistical data.

In a survey, the data source is the information provided by the interviewees. In this case, different methods of data collection can be used: forwarding, correspondent and self-registration.

The expeditionary method consists in the fact that specially trained registrars fill out census forms based on a survey, while simultaneously controlling the correctness of the answers received. This method provides fairly accurate results, but it is expensive. In domestic statistics, the expeditionary method is used in population censuses.

The correspondent method consists in the fact that statistical or other organizations send specially designed forms and instructions for filling them out to individual organizations or specially selected persons who agreed to periodically fill out the forms and send them to the statistical authority within the prescribed time frame. For example, the Research Institute for the Study of the Population's Demand for Consumer Goods and Trade Conditions has created a network of correspondents in each region who periodically report to the center information about the population's consumer demand, commodity supply in the area, and other information. The advantage of this method is its cheapness, but it does not always provide good quality information, as it depends on the level of perception of the questions by the interviewee, on his responsibility - whether he will send the completed questionnaire or not.

During self-registration, or self-calculation, employees of the organization that conducts the survey distribute questionnaires or questionnaires to interviewees, instruct them, and then collect the completed forms, controlling the completeness and correctness of the information received. This method is used in state statistics for budget surveys of families, some censuses, etc. In recent years, when collecting statistical information, paperless technologies have begun to be used. Let's note that with any method of carrying out statistical observation is passive: statistics wants to register data as accurately as possible without any influence on the observed process.

An experiment is a fundamentally different method of data collection. In this case, the statistician has an active role: he must not only observe, but also fully control the situation, plan the experiment and implement his plan. The experiment allows you to identify the impact of any established restrictions or loads on people's behavior. For example, the impact on the speed of human reactions of staying without sleep for one, two, three days. The experiment has traditionally been included in the range of methods of biological and medical statistics, applications of the statistical method in the natural sciences. Currently, the ideas of "social experiment" are becoming more widespread.

Statistical Surveillance Program

It includes two main parts:

1) methodical (what do we want to study?);

2) organizational (who, when, where and how will the observation be carried out?).

The methodological part defines:

The goal is to obtain reliable information about the development of phenomena and processes;

Tasks - ways to achieve the goal;

Object and unit of observation.

In the organizational part (organizational plan):

The bodies performing monitoring are indicated, their rights and obligations are clearly defined and delimited;

The personnel structure is being formed;

The time and period of the observation is set (the time during which the statistical forms are filled out);

The critical moment of observation is determined, i.e. the moment or interval of time, as of which the phenomenon is recorded;

The list of objects and their location is determined;

Forms, instructions, forms, census sheets, etc. are being prepared;

The monitoring budget is signed.

In order to conduct a statistical observation, it is necessary to formulate its purpose and the main hypotheses that must be tested against the observation data. This stage of work determines the subsequent ones, so usually all decisions are developed collectively in the course of discussing the problems of the upcoming observation. At this stage, the definition of the object and unit of observation is given, the observation program is developed and approved, as well as the timing, sources and methods of data collection, and the composition of the performers.

The definition of the object of observation includes the definition of the unit of observation, the territory and time of observation. The unit of observation is the phenomenon, the signs of which are subject to registration. The set of units of observation constitutes the object of observation. As already noted, to determine the boundaries of the object of observation, a qualification is often established - the value of a feature (or several features), which makes it possible to separate units of observation from other phenomena.

The observation area covers all locations of observation units; its boundaries depend on the definition of the unit of observation.

The observation time is the time to which the collected data refers. The time of data recording for all units is set to be the same - to prevent undercounting or double counting, as well as to ensure data comparability.

When studying objects of observation, the number and characteristics of which are continuously changing, a critical date is set, as of which information is collected. Censuses usually set start and end times for data collection. So, the All-Russian population census of 2002. was held for 8 days - from 9 to 16 October 2002; A 5% micro-census of the population of the Russian Federation was carried out over 10 days - from February 14 to February 23, 1994. In both cases, the observation time fell on the period and dates when workers have fewer vacations, there are no public holidays or vacations for schoolchildren and students.

When studying such a mobile object as the population, it is not enough to establish the observation time - after all, the composition of the Russian population and its characteristics are constantly changing: on average, 3 people are born in our country every minute and 3-4 people die. Therefore, data are recorded as of a certain point in time, called the critical moment of observation. As a critical moment in the All-Russian population census conducted on October 9–16, 2002, 0 hours from October 8 to 9 was taken. Accordingly, all those living at the moment were entered in the census forms, and those born after 00:00 from 8 to 9 October 2002 and those who died before that time were not entered.

When revaluing fixed assets, a critical date is set, as of which fixed assets (buildings, structures, equipment, transport, etc.) are taken into account.

For example, one of the revaluations was carried out as of January 1, 1994. All enterprises that owned fixed assets on that date were required to show information about them in the report; if in the period between January 1, 1994 and the moment of filling out the reporting form, any funds were sold, transferred to another owner, then the new owner did not include them in his report in order to avoid double counting.

Determining the object of observation, its territorial location is important for determining the scope of work to be performed during the observation period. If the observation is planned to be carried out in the form of reporting, then a list of reporting enterprises and organizations is compiled. With specially organized supervision, the determination of the scope of work is necessary to calculate the number of employees required to complete the survey within the established time frame. The daily rate of work of one registrar (counter) is calculated taking into account the complexity of the monitoring program, the laboriousness of filling out the monitoring form and placing the object. In rural areas, for example, where building density is much lower than urban areas, the daily norm is set less than in cities. In order to better organize observation and control over the quality of the material, the entire territory is divided into separate enumeration areas; 20-30 enumeration areas in the census form an instructor area, led by an instructor.

Carrying out mass work requires the participation of many performers (thousands of enumerators participate in population censuses). All of them must undergo special training - briefing and conduct trial filling in those forms that are supposed to be used in statistical observation. An estimate should be drawn up for conducting a special survey, which provides for the reproduction of observation materials (forms, instructions), payment for communications services, transport, the work of instructors, enumerators, etc. A statistical survey is an expensive and time-consuming procedure. Conducting surveys should be justified and supported by financial, material and labor resources.

The surveillance program includes features to be registered for each observation unit. Its content depends on the goals and objectives of the survey. To some extent, the observation program also depends on the allocated funds: there are few funds - the program may be shorter, or the number of observed units may be less. Therefore, the first principle of compiling an observation program is no information that is not related to this survey (“just in case”).

The second principle, important for obtaining reliable data in surveys, is not to include in the observation program those questions that may seem suspicious to people and to which one can obviously expect inaccurate answers. For example, when studying potential emigration, you should not include in the questionnaire a direct question like: “Are you going to go abroad for a long time or permanently?”. It is more effective to use a system of questions designed in such a way that their combination allows you to draw the conclusions that you would like to get by answering a direct question. Or, realizing that wealthy people will most likely not indicate the exact amount of income and savings, it makes sense to ask indirect questions, for example: “Are there people among your acquaintances with a monthly income of $10,000 or more?” etc. It is not recommended to ask the question: “How much money did you earn last year?”, It is better to ask: “Which of the following categories corresponds to your income last year:

up to 100 thousand rubles

100-150 thousand rubles.

150-200 thousand rubles.

200-250 thousand rubles

250-300 thousand rubles

300 thousand rubles and more".

It should be remembered that the answer depends on the form in which the question is given. For example, in the questionnaire there is a question: "Do you agree that the high quality of schools, hospitals, public services directly depends on tax increases?" By focusing on the quality of public institutions, you are more likely to get a positive answer than if you ask: "Are you in favor of raising taxes next year?"

In order to clarify the wording of the questions, to determine how they “work”, trial or pilot surveys are carried out. For example, in preparation for the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, two trial censuses were conducted - in 1997 and 2001, based on the results of which the questions of the census form were corrected.

The surveillance program always includes identifying features; questions directly related to the purpose of the study; test questions. The selection of the latter is rather conditional, since the same question can perform both a substantive and a control function. For example, a census program contains questions about age, education, marital status, whether there are children, their age, education, and so on. All of them are logically connected, which allows you to control the correctness of the answers. The same principles underlie budget surveys - questions about income and expenditure perform both a cognitive function and a mutual control function.

Identification features allow you to identify the unit of the population to which the recorded data relate. In sociological surveys, the question is usually anonymous. However, in order to avoid underestimation and repeated counting, each observation unit (respondent) is assigned a number (code), and the place of residence (settlement) is also fixed. When collecting data in the reporting form, identification features are the name of the enterprise (organization), its code in the register of state statistics, industry affiliation, address, telephone number, fax number, etc.

All questions of the observation program are focused on a certain form of answer: digital, alternative (“yes” or “no”), multivariate, when the answer consists in choosing one or more options from a variety of options. So, the answer to the question about age is given in a quantitative form - the number of completed years is indicated; the same - to the question of work experience; the answer to the question about the presence of a car or a summer house will be in an alternative form - “yes” or “no”; the answer to the question about the degree of satisfaction with work or study is selected from the proposed menu. Typically, such a menu is built on the principle of symmetry: an absolutely negative (or, conversely, absolutely positive) attitude, then a softer assessment, then an expression of complete indifference, after which the assessments move to the opposite area: if they were negative, now they are positive and vice versa . Suggested answers are called prompts.

The presence of a hint ensures a uniform understanding of the questions and facilitates the subsequent processing of data, since each proposed answer option has its own code or cipher, and processing is carried out only on those answer options that were not provided for in the prompt and entered by the respondents (respondents) themselves.

Let us cite as an example a fragment from the questionnaire of readers of the youth newspaper "Change".

How did you get this issue of "Smena"?

001 - I personally am a newspaper subscriber;

002 — took from friends;

003 - bought at a newsstand;

004 - the newspaper is subscribed to at my place;

005 is another answer.

The availability of codes facilitates the processing of the collected material, which begins as soon as the statistician is satisfied that data from all units have been received and all questions have been answered.

In population censuses and other special surveys carried out by government statistics, prompts usually include all answer options (without appendixes). For example, the question about the type of dwelling in the 2002 census program included answer options: individual house, separate apartment, shared (communal) apartment, hostel, other dwelling, rents a dwelling.

Drawing up a monitoring program is a complex and responsible task. In state statistics, the development of a program of special surveys is carried out by specialists from the State Statistics Committee of Russia and research institutes with the participation of representatives of the Scientific and Methodological Council and interested organizations. The programs of such important and mass works as the population census, the revaluation of fixed assets, and others are discussed at special meetings and in the press, which ensures their high quality.

The Statistical Observation Toolkit includes forms and instructions for completing them. Observation forms are forms, questionnaires, questionnaires, etc., on which the questions of the observation program are printed; they then enter the collected information. Accordingly, the form should provide space for questions and answers. Usually at the top of the form or on the first page there are identifying signs, on the left - questions of the observation program, on the right - a place for answers.

The observation form can be card (individual) or list. In the first case, it is designed to record data for only one observation unit, in the second case, for several. In the 2002 RF population census, a list form was adopted - the form was filled out for a household. Moreover, if the number of household members exceeded 5 people, then an additional form was used, and the letter designations of the form (a, b, etc.) were affixed in the identification part.

The quality of statistical observation data depends not only on the listed factors, but also on the preparedness of enumerators (registrators, interviewers). They are provided with instructions on how to clarify the questions of the questionnaire (or other observation form) and how to use the instructions. It is explained, for example, that in the presence of prompts, the counter is obliged to acquaint the respondent with all the answer options, without highlighting those that he himself considers the most likely. Then a trial filling of the questionnaires is carried out, the results of which are collectively discussed.

The benevolence of the counter, his ability to make contact with people affect the atmosphere of the survey, and hence its results. An important ethical issue is the anonymity of survey data. Confidence in anonymity relieves tension when registering opinions, judgments, wishes, as well as characteristics of well-being (what the respondent owns, whether he has savings, which of the “large” things he has acquired over the past year, etc.). Sometimes, in the interest of monitoring planning and data control, there is no complete anonymity of respondents, but the confidentiality of information is ensured. Thus, if voter lists were used as the sample frame for conducting a survey to study the level of poverty in Russia, then the corresponding code of the respondent allows him to be identified. In such cases, the respondent must be convinced that his answers as personal ones will never be used. They will be included in the total set of answers and will serve as the basis for calculating generalizing indicators.

No matter how carefully the monitoring program is drawn up and the form is developed, instructions are still needed to ensure uniformity in filling it out and interpreting the questions. This document contains explanations of the questions of the program with specific examples, instructions on the relationship of questions. The instruction is issued either in the form of a separate brochure, or given in prompts, or on the observation form itself (usually on the reverse side). The scope of special surveys is constantly expanding, and their quality largely determines whether the number of people who are skeptical about statistics will increase or decrease.

Practical part

Let's develop a program of statistical examination of students of the group.

The goal is to find out which brand of mobile phone is most popular among classmates.

The task is to conduct a statistical survey of the group.

Then the study group will be the object of the study, and the student will be the unit of observation.

The sign will be the brand of the phone, and the question: “what brand of mobile phone do you use?”.

By the time of registration of facts, the survey will be one-time, by the coverage of units of the population - continuous, since the number of units of observation is small. The survey will be conducted in the form of an oral survey.


Quantitative characterization of socio-economic processes in direct connection with their qualitative essence is impossible without deep statistical research. The use of various methods and techniques of statistical methodology presupposes the availability of comprehensive and reliable information about the object under study, which includes the stages of collecting statistical information and its primary processing, information and grouping of observation results into certain aggregates, generalization and analysis of the obtained materials.

If a mistake is made in the collection of statistical data or the material turned out to be of poor quality, this will affect the correctness and reliability of both theoretical and practical conclusions. Therefore, statistical observation from the initial to the final stage must be carefully thought out and clearly organized.

Any statistical work begins with statistical observation, which is a scientifically organized work on the collection of massive primary data on the phenomena and processes of social life.

The importance of this stage of the study is determined by the fact that the use of only objective and sufficiently complete information obtained as a result of statistical observation at subsequent stages of the study is able to provide scientifically based conclusions about the nature and patterns of development of the object under study.

Statistical observation must meet the following requirements:

1) the observed phenomena must have scientific or practical value, express certain socio-economic types of phenomena;

2) the direct collection of mass data should ensure the completeness of the facts related to the issue under consideration, since the phenomena are in constant change and development. In the event that complete data are not available, the analysis and conclusions may be erroneous;

3) to ensure the reliability of statistical data, a thorough and comprehensive check of the quality of the collected facts is necessary, which is one of the most important characteristics of statistical observation;

Statistical observation is carried out in two forms: by reporting and conducting specially organized statistical observations and is divided into types - by the time of observation and by the coverage of observation units.

Before any statistical observation, preparatory work is carried out, as a result of which an observation program and an organizational plan are developed. The observation program is a list of features of the object under study that are subject to registration. The content of the program is determined by the specifics of the object of observation, its purpose, and the need for certain data. The organizational issues of statistical observation include: determining the unit of observation, setting the time and timing of its implementation, determining the forms and types of observation, methods of recording facts.

The most important task of observation is to obtain benign, reliable data. The accuracy of statistical observation is the degree of correspondence of any indicator, determined from the materials of statistical observation, to its actual value. However, observational errors may occur during observation. Once the statistical forms have been received, the completeness and quality of the collected data should be checked.


I.V. Arzhenovsky, Dr. M. Kiy "Statistics" ed. NNGASU, 2011

I.I. Eliseeva, M.M. Yuzbashev "General theory of statistics" Moscow, 2004


Statistical study- is the study of socio-economic phenomena and processes by statistical methods, i.e. accounting and analytical work based on scientific statistical methodology.

It should be timely and efficient in order to be able to solve emerging problems, intervene in the course of socio-economic processes, prevent or reduce negative consequences, and develop measures to prevent them in the future.

Statistical study consists of three stages the content of which is reflected in table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

Characteristics of the stages of statistical research








1. Statistical observation (data collection)

Collect data on each unit of the population

Primary data

A method of mass observations that provides the identification of a statistical pattern

2. Statistical summary and grouping

Systematize the obtained primary data, identify qualitatively homogeneous groups

Summary (general) statistical indicators for individual groups and the population as a whole

Grouping method, presentation of results in the form of tables

3. Statistical analysis (analysis of summary indicators)

Analyze summary (general) statistical indicators, identify socio-economic patterns, draw conclusions based on the results of the study

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the essence of the phenomenon, the laws of its development - an objective basis for making managerial decisions

The method of generalizing, analytical indicators (relative, average values, indices, etc.)

Statistical observation - the first stage of statistical research; is a systematic, scientifically organized bulk data collection about social, economic, demographic, environmental and other social phenomena in the Russian Federation. For example, collecting information about the population, organizations, political events, culture, sports, fertility, crime, exchange rates, inflation, and much more.

Mass the nature of the observation makes it possible to get rid of the influence of random causes and to establish the characteristic features of the object under study.

The advice of a seasoned statistician. Statistical regularity appears only when studying big data array (action of the law of large numbers).

Statistical data only after processing (statistical research) do they turn into information (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1.

Information - this is the most important resource of management, the basis for the development and justification of relevant options for management decisions. Having information, an enterprise can quickly and efficiently implement the tasks set, including effective investment, marketing, innovation, pricing and other policies, develop strategic development plans, etc. (Fig. 2.2).

Rice. 2.2.

Data collected in the process of statistical observation, must be reliable, complete, timely, comparable, evidence-based, publicly available.

Only then can they become the basis of an objective analysis and benefit society, an enterprise, a family, and an individual.

Usually isolated three stages statistical observation (collection of statistical data).

  • 1. Preparation of statistical observation.
  • 2. Direct data collection.
  • 3. Control of collected material

Statistical observation (SN) is carried out according to a plan that includes programmatic, methodological and organizational issues, the content of which is disclosed in Table. 2.2.

Table 2.2

Characteristics of the stages of statistical observation

Stage of statistical observation

1. Preparation



  • 1. Determine the purpose and objectives of the SN (depend on the purpose of the statistical study).
  • 2. Develop a SN plan:
    • a) program and methodological issues:
      • ? SN object (what is being examined);
      • ? aggregate unit (component element of the object of observation, about what, about whom information is collected);
      • ? observation unit or reporting unit (to whom and where to apply for information);
      • ? CH program and form (document, form);
      • ? CH form;
      • ? type CH;
      • ? CH method;
    • b) organizational issues:
      • ? performers;
      • ? location of the SN;
      • ? objective time CH;
      • ? subjective time CH;
      • ? tools

2. Direct data collection

Collection of statistical data on each unit of study population

3.Control of collected material

  • ? external (syntactic);
  • ? arithmetic;
  • ? logical

An object CH is most often a statistical totality, that phenomenon (process) that they want to study, examine, information about which is collected in accordance with the purpose of statistical research. It can be:

  • a) individuals - the population of the country, students, offenders, workers;
  • b) legal entities - industrial enterprises, insurance companies, farms, schools, hospitals, shops;
  • c) physical units - residential buildings, machine tools, goods, cattle;
  • d) facts - prices, wages, births, deaths, academic performance, the dollar exchange rate.

The advice of a seasoned statistician. Specific borders object of statistical observation, clearly establishing it significant distinctive (restrictive) features that distinguish it from other objects (a kind of qualification). This will further ensure the high quality of the collected data and the entire statistical study.

Aggregate unit - it is an integral indivisible element of the object of observation. For example, a citizen of a country, an enterprise, a product, a family, a machine tool, etc. It is the properties of the units of the population, their characteristics (features) that are subject to measurement, registration in the process of observation.

Unit of observation - this is the primary cell from which receive statistical information about each unit of the population. For example, business, household, family, etc.

Reporting unit - is the unit of observation when the observation is carried out in the form of a statistical reporting.

Before proceeding with the collection of data, it is necessary to determine the specific content and scope of the data, i.e. develop a SN program (Table 2.3).

The program is developed on the basis of the tasks of CH.

To ensure the quality of SN and the study as a whole, the surveillance program must ensure completeness and authenticity collected data.

The advice of a seasoned statistician. Better collect less reliable data than a lot, but inaccurate, incomparable, poor quality.

The SN program is drawn up in the form of a statistical form(document), which can be submitted on paper or electronic media.

When constructing an observation form, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the SN, the features of its implementation and the development of results.

Filling in the statistical form is carried out in accordance with the instructions, which can be set out both in the form itself and in a separate document.

Instruction - these are written instructions, explanations on the implementation of the program of statistical observation. For example, clarification of program questions, the procedure for filling out the form, examples of possible answers, the content and methodology of calculated indicators, etc.

Characteristics of the program of statistical observation

Table 2.3

List of questions to be answered for each population unit

Program Requirements

  • 1. The optimal number of questions.
  • 2. Clear, concise wording of questions.
  • 3. Rational sequence of questions.
  • 4. Coverage of the most significant features

statistical form

An accounting document of a single sample containing the address characteristics of the object of observation and statistical data about it. Provides registration, fixing data

a) list

Data is being logged about multiple units aggregates. For example, journal, statement

b) individual

Data is only recorded about one unit aggregates. For example, a card, statistical reporting form, questionnaire, census or questionnaire

Objective observation time (interval or critical point in time)

Time, to which they refer data obtained during statistical observation (time interval - for the process, point in time - for the state)

Subjective observation time (observation period)

Time, during which immediate registration data

In accordance with the order of Rosstat, the form form of the federal SN must consist of three parts: 1) header; 2) meaningful; 3) design, within which there are six zones.

AT zone 1 the heading “Federal Statistical Monitoring”, the heading “Confidentiality is guaranteed by the recipient of information”, the heading “Violation of the procedure for presenting statistical information ... entails liability established by Art. 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, as well as Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting”, heading “Provision in electronic form is possible”.

AT zone 2 the name of the form and the period for which (or the date for which) statistical information is provided are indicated in the center. The index (number) of the form and the name of the regulatory legal act of Rosstat on its approval are given, as well as the frequency of providing information.

AT zone 3(address part) it is indicated who (name of the reporting organization, its postal address), to whom (TOGS in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the subject of official statistical accounting, at the established addresses) and in what time period provides the form. This zone also contains the code part (form code according to OKUD, organization code according to OKPO).

AT zone 4 the content part of the form is placed, the indicators of which can be placed in the form of graph-cells or in the form of a questionnaire. The structure of the content of the form should be as unified as possible, taking into account the requirements of the all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information to ensure a unified approach to the process of automated processing of statistical information.

AT zone 5(on the last page of the form) contains the requisite “Official responsible for providing statistical information”, indicating his position, last name, first name, patronymic, signature, contact phone number, E-mail, date of preparation of the document.

AT zone 6 instructions are placed on filling out the federal statistical observation form, which is an integral part of the form.

More details on the requirements for filling out the form of the federal SN can be found in the order of Rosstat dated April 16, 2008 No. 85.

Question. What determines the timing of SN?

The advice of a seasoned statistician. It is necessary to choose such a period of time in which the object of observation (a set of units) is

in its usual, most characteristic and least mobile state.

When choosing a SN period (its duration and calendar period), it is necessary to take into account:

  • 1) specific features of the SN object, its size, condition;
  • 2) the degree of urgency of the survey (for example, a census of inventories during the Great Patriotic War);
  • 3) the volume of the SN program, the complexity of the features to be registered;
  • 4) qualifications and number of available personnel;
  • 5) availability and condition of communications, logistics, etc.

The advice of a seasoned statistician. The term of CH should be optimal. A short term, like a long one, reduces the quality of the collected data.

A short term worsens the quality of the information collected, brings inconvenience to the interviewees, increases the number of registrars, and requires additional resources. A long period of time worsens the quality of the collected information, since changes can occur in the observed object over a long period of data collection that are not tracked, not captured by the SN.

The advice of a seasoned statistician. To ensure the reliability of the information collected, the completeness of the coverage of the object of observation must be clearly established location statistical observation.

Place of observation - this is the point where the registration of observed facts and the filling of statistical forms will be directly carried out. The location of the observation is often the same as the location of the observation unit, but not always.

For example, when conducting a population census, census sheets are filled out at the place of residence, and not the work of a person.

Using the example of a population census - a large-scale SN, we illustrate the categories discussed above in Table. 2.4.

Characteristics of individual elements of the statistical observation plan on the example of the 2014 Crimean population census

Table 2.4



Population census in the Crimean Federal District with 100% population coverage

Purpose of observation

Collect information on the size and composition of the population of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol

Object of observation

The population of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol

Population unit

Person to be registered in the population census (permanently residing in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol)

Reporting unit

The household

Statistical Surveillance Program

Sex, date of birth, place of birth, marital status, citizenship, nationality, education and other questions that needed to be answered and recorded for each person to be registered



The census form for each person to be registered is the material carrier of the monitoring program

Objective observation time

The ending

In the process of collecting and recording statistical data, it is difficult to avoid mistakes.

Statistical observation error - this is the discrepancy between the value of the indicator established by means of CH and its actual value. Consider individual types of errors in table. 2.5.

Statistical Observation Errors

Table 2.5

Type of CH errors

1. The error of representativeness (representativeness)

Occurs only during selective CH. This is the deviation of the value of the studied trait in the selected part of the population (sample) from the value of this trait in the entire population

a) random

Quantifiable, measurable.

Occurs during any selective CH by virtue of it discontinuous nature: the sample obviously does not accurately reproduce the characteristics, properties of the original population

  • b) systematic
  • - intentional
  • - unintentional

Not quantifiable. Arises as a result of violation of the rules of impartial (random) selection of units in the sample set (intentional or unintentional)

2. Registration error

Occurs during and solid, and discontinuous CH. Appears in the process of registering facts, characteristic values

a) random

A typo, a reservation as a result of inattention, negligence. The results are distorted in opposite directions. For large aggregates, mutually repay each other and therefore not very dangerous.

  • b) systematic
  • - intentional
  • - unintentional

Data distortion at everyone measurement in the same direction (overestimation or underestimation of the result). Very drunk. There are intentional and unintentional

Errors must be controlled - detected, corrected, prevented.

Characteristics of methods for quality control of statistical information

Table 2.6

Control method

Example of Information Control Activities


Checking the correctness of the document, the availability of the necessary details, the clarity of the records, the analysis of the completeness of coverage of all reporting units

  • 1. Is the address of the organization indicated in the statistical report?
  • 2. Have all the questions in the questionnaire been answered?
  • 3. Have all reporting enterprises submitted reports?



Based on knowledge quantitative links between indicators

Checking the correctness of the arithmetic values ​​of indicators by recalculating them

Recalculation: results; average values; growth rates; percent of the plan, etc.



Based on knowledge logical relationships between indicators. Installs only Availability error, not its magnitude

Comparison of answers to related questions in order to identify their logical correspondence

Comparison of the values ​​of age and marital status of a citizen in the census form

Value Comparison interdependent signs

Income with expenses, actual data with planned data, current data with data for the previous period, etc.

Forms, types, methods of statistical observation

Before you start collecting statistics, you need to determine:

  • 1) whether all units of the population will be surveyed or only a part of them;
  • 2) whether the data collection will be one-time or systematic;
  • 3) how information about the object will be obtained, i.e. it is necessary to determine the form, type and method of statistical observation.

Main organizational forms CH (collection of statistical data) will be considered in more detail in Table. 2.7.

Collecting and recording statistical data about the object under study can be done in different ways. There are several types of statistical observation(Table 2.8).

Organizational forms of statistical observation

Table 2.7

Form CH


1. Statistical reporting

Official document containing job details accountable enterprises(organizations, institutions) for the past period of time, provided to the statistical authorities regularly in a pre-approved form and within a predetermined period; has legal force, documentary validity, obligation, allows for the unification of the processes of collection and automated processing of statistical information.

For example, form number 2. Profit and loss statement for 2016

2. Specially organized statistical observation


  • - to clarify reporting data;
  • - to obtain data not contained in the reporting;
  • - for those phenomena that cannot be covered by mandatory reporting


continuous SN mass phenomena in order to determine their size and composition as of a certain date.

For example, the 2016 All-Russian Agricultural Census, the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, censuses of uninstalled equipment

One-time accounting

continuous observation of mass phenomena, which is based on the data of the survey, inspection, documentary records.

For example, revaluation of fixed assets of the enterprise, accounting for the balance of goods in the store

One-time examination

discontinuous observation of individual mass phenomena on a specific topic is carried out periodically or at a time.

For example, selective observation of population income and participation in social programs

3. Register

List or a list of units of the object of observation indicating the necessary features for each unit of the population, which is regularly updated and is replenished. For example, registers of population, households, land fund, enterprises

4. Monitoring

Continuous monitoring the state of a particular environment, combined with the current assessment, analysis, forecast. For example, monitoring the ecological state of natural reservoirs, the results of foreign exchange trading

According to the time of data recording, continuous and discontinuous types of CH are distinguished (Table 2.9).

The way statistics are collected depends on:

  • 1) on the tasks and program of statistical observation;
  • 2) available resources;
  • 3) the level of culture of the population.

Types of statistical observation (according to the degree of coverage of units of the statistical population)

Table 2.8

Type CH


1. Solid

Examined all units without exception the studied population (subjects, objects). For example, population census, housing census

2. Discontinuous

Examination is only part study population

a) monographic


Very detailed, detailed description individual unit aggregate, characteristic in any respect (typical, best, worst). The focus is on qualitative rather than quantitative characteristics.

For example, a survey of the best school, a typical library, the only fitness center in the city

b) observation


Examined the largest units of the studied population, in which prevailing part of the trait under study. Units with an insignificant value of this feature are not subject to examination.

For example, studying the composition and dynamics of crime in those areas of the city where majority residents

c) selective observation

Examined part of units aggregates, selected according to special rules, based on the principles of impartial, random selection, but the conclusions bear for the whole general population

For example, public opinion survey, household budget survey, product quality control

Types of statistical observation (according to the time of data registration)

Table 2.9

Type CH



1. Continuous (current)

Constant, without breaks recording facts as they arise. characterizes result of development phenomena over a certain period of time (“continuous video filming of the process”)

Accounting for the volume of work performed during the quarter, registration of marriages during the year

2. Discontinuous

Data collection is carried out with break from time to time, as needed for information.

characterizes condition phenomena on the definite moment time ("instant photograph of the phenomenon")

a) periodic

Conducted through equal periods of time

Accounting for attendance and absence from work

b) one-time (one-time)

Held without respect strict periodicity or just once

Population census, revaluation of fixed assets of the enterprise

Methods of statistical observation

Table 2.10

CH method



1. Direct observation

Registrar by personal direct measurement (counting, inspection, measurement, evaluation, weighing) establishes the fact to be recorded and makes an entry in the statistical form

Inventory of property, removal of leftover goods in the store, inspection of the scene

2. Documentary observation

Statistical information is recorded based on document, certifying them

Preparation of statistical reports based on accounting documents

3. Survey (oral, written)

Statistical information is obtained from the interviewed persons in written or oral form.

a) forwarding

A specially designated person (registrar) interrogates the person being examined and fills out the observation form according to his words

All-Russian population census

b) questionnaire

Voluntary, anonymous, self-completion of questionnaires (questionnaires) sent to a certain circle of people or published in periodicals, without prior agreement on their mandatory submission to statistical authorities, on a relatively narrow range of problems

Sociological, marketing surveys, surveys of people who lost their jobs due to the closure of enterprises

c) correspondent

Registration of facts at the place of their occurrence by individuals who voluntarily send information to the statistical authorities in a timely manner. This is a subjective, expert assessment of the phenomenon

Survey of the process of promoting goods in regional markets

d) attendant

The person being examined comes to the registration authority, where, according to his words or on the basis of documents, data is recorded and a form is filled out.

Registration of marriages, divorces, births in registry offices

e) self-registration (self-calculation)

Statistical documents are filled in by the respondents themselves on a voluntary basis after preliminary briefing. They are provided with the necessary forms, collect and check the completed documents

Survey of budgets of families (households) in the Russian Federation


Errors that are not corrected are the real errors.


Task 2.1. Formulate the goal, indicate the object of SN, the unit of the population, the unit of SN when carrying out the following activities:

  • 1) administrative control work on statistics in groups of the third year of the college;
  • 2) revaluation of fixed assets of the enterprise;
  • 3) inventory in the furniture store;
  • 4) All-Russian agricultural census;
  • 5) monitoring prices for food products sold on the agricultural market.

Task 2.2. Formulate the purpose of the study and name the signs that, in your opinion, should be included in the SN program when studying:

  • 1) the movement of the labor force (hiring, dismissal) at the enterprise;
  • 2) children's preschool institutions of the district;
  • 3) passenger transport enterprises of the city;
  • 4) the level of AIDS incidence in the region;
  • 5) young entrepreneurs of the district in order to develop a program to support them;
  • 6) area libraries.

Task 2.3. AT during the survey, university students were asked the following questions: gender, do you smoke, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day, do you want to quit smoking, at what age did you start smoking, does this habit interfere with you, your age, why did you start smoking, marital status, what methods quit smoking you are using?

List these questions in a rational order from your point of view. Argument your position.

State the possible purpose of the study. What questions, in your opinion, can be excluded from the program or added to it, taking into account the stated goal?

Exercise 2.4. Formulate the goal of SN and develop a list of program questions:

  • 1) a sample survey of student canteens;
  • 2) questioning students on the topic: "Youth and music";
  • 3) accounting for the store's inventory.

Exercise 2.5. Determine the type of CH error:

  • 1) "Which radio station do you think is the best?". The survey was conducted among listeners of the Ogonyok radio station;
  • 2) when filling out the census form, Volkov I.S. gave his age as "90 years old", although according to his passport he is 88 years old;
  • 3) accountant Tsvetkova I.T. did not indicate the date of the report in the reporting form;
  • 4) the census taker indicated the marital status of D.L. Grigoriev in the census form. "unmarried" although he said he was;
  • 5) foreman Frolova M.Ya. overestimated the data on the development of the work brigade in order to receive a quarterly bonus;
  • 6) economist Dobrova P.T. filled out the form of the federal SN "Information on the number, wages and movement of workers" No. P-4 according to outdated instructions.

Exercise 2.6. Specify the form, type and method of CH:

  • 1) "Information on the main performance indicators of a micro-enterprise" for 2016;
  • 2) studying the quality of service for visitors to the Snezhinka cafe;
  • 3) state registration of acts of birth in the Russian Federation;
  • 4) inventory of the remains of goods in the warehouse of the store;
  • 5) studying the dynamics of prices for consumer goods and services in the Russian Federation;
  • 6) registration of enterprises, individual entrepreneurs in the Statistical Register of the Federal State Statistics Service.

Task 2.7. Indicate the objective and subjective time of the federal SN in the form No. B-1 agricultural for the second quarter of the current year, the report on which must be submitted to the TO GS by interviewers conducting market surveys, before the 20th day of the last month of the reporting quarter.

Task 2.8. Indicate the time (objective, subjective), place, organs of the SN:

  • 1) census of educational equipment in the college on January 1 of the current year;
  • 2) "Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) and other non-financial assets" of PJSC "Galaktika" for 2016 Form No. 11 of the federal SN;
  • 3) questioning the customers of the laundry "Chistulya".

Task 2.9. Formulate the goal of SN on the topic: "Youth and the book." Define its object, population unit, SN unit, form, type and method of SN, draw up a program and develop a statistical form.

Task 2.10. Pick up forms of statistical reports, primary accounting documents, questionnaires in the organization where your parents work, or on the Internet. Use these examples to illustrate the structure of a document (form), its necessary details.

Task 2.11. From the practice of organizations where your parents work, show examples of use:

  • 1) various organizational forms of SN;
  • 2) types of SN according to the degree of coverage of units of the statistical population;
  • 3) types of SN according to the time of data registration;

CH methods.

Task 2.12. Fill out the form of any form of statistical reporting, making at least five mistakes. Submit this form to another student for review. Rate his work.

Task 2.13. Using the materials of the official website of Rosstat, compare the programs of the All-Russian Population Census of 2010 and the USSR Population Census of 1989.

Explain the reasons for the differences in questions on the questionnaires. Make a report, a computer presentation in the statistics class (circle).

As noted above, regularity is the basis of statistical observation, so its implementation should be based on a detailed plan.

The plan of statistical observation consists of two parts, the first includes program and methodological issues, and the second - organizational.

Program and methodological part provides:

  • establishment of the object of observation;
  • determination of the unit of the object of observation;
  • development of a program of statistical observation;
  • development of a program for the development of observation materials;
  • design of the observation form;
  • drawing up instructions;
  • determination of the time of statistical observation and its critical moment. When planning a statistical observation, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its object and unit.

The object of statistical observation name the population about which statistics are to be collected. The objects of observation can be, for example, commercial banks, agricultural producers, industrial enterprises, students, the population.

Under unit of observation understand the constituent element of the object of observation, which is the carrier of signs to be registered. The unit of observation can be a person, a family, a farm, a commercial bank.

Statistical Observation Program - this is a list of features to be recorded during statistical observation. There are a number of requirements for a monitoring program:

  • a) the program should contain only essential features that characterize the object under study;
  • b) the program should not include secondary issues that may complicate the work of collecting information, and in the future - its processing and analysis;
  • c) when developing a program, it is necessary to strive for the completeness of the information collected;
  • d) the observation program should include only such questions that can really be answered objectively and with sufficient accuracy;
  • e) the program should sometimes include questions of a control nature that serve the purpose of verifying and clarifying the information collected.

Program questions can be supplemented with a statistical prompt, i.e. answer options.

The hint can be closed or open. closed prompt implies a series of answers from which the respondent must choose one or more. At open prompt the respondent can choose one or more answers from the proposed list or formulate his own answer in a specially marked field of the form.

When planning a survey, as a rule, they make up and collected materials development program, which specifies the tasks of statistical observation, shows what data must be collected and in what form the results of their processing should be presented.

An observation form is designed to record the answers to the questions of the program. Observation Form is a specially divided sheet (sheets) of paper, which contains a list of program questions, free spaces for recording answers to them, as well as for recording ciphers (codes) of answers. Particular attention in the development of the form should be given to the wording of the questions. They should be formulated concisely and clearly, should not cause discrepancies. In addition to the questions of the program, the form includes a title and address parts. AT title part contains the name of the statistical observation, indicates the name of the body conducting the observation, by whom and when this form was approved, sometimes the number assigned to it in the general system of observation forms carried out by this statistical body. AT address part provides for recording the exact address of a unit or set of units of observation and a number of other information. The form used in the 2010 census is presented in Appendix. 2.

However, no matter how clearly the form would be drawn up, to it) "is usually drawn up instruction, which includes a set of explanations and instructions, mainly on the program of statistical observation. Instructions may be presented as a separate document (often a brochure) or on an observation form. The instruction should be written briefly, simply, explanations and instructions should be clear and precise.

When organizing statistical observation, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the timing of this observation, including the choice of the season, the establishment of the period (period) of observation, and in some cases the so-called critical moment.

Observation period - this is the time during which the registration of signs in units of observation is carried out according to the established program. The duration of the observation period depends on many factors, among which are: the size and condition of the object of observation, the volume and complexity of the observation program.

For the most mobile objects of study, such as the population, a critical moment of statistical observation is established. critical moment the point in time at which the collected information is recorded is called. In practice, the critical moment is assigned to the beginning of the observation period or precedes it.

The organizational part fixes the organizational issues that are being developed in order to successfully carry out statistical observation. The organizational plan involves the following issues:

  • the object of observation (its definition, description is given, distinctive features are indicated);
  • goals and objectives of monitoring;
  • monitoring body that prepares and conducts monitoring;
  • place and timing of observation;
  • preparatory work for observation, including the selection and training of personnel, the compilation of lists of units of the studied population; in some cases, these works include an advertising campaign for ongoing surveillance, etc.;
  • the procedure for conducting the observation;
  • the procedure for receiving and submitting observation materials and presenting preliminary and final results of observation;
  • financing and logistical support of works.

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Solodovshchikov I.Yu.

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Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Sonina O.V.

Chelyabinsk 2012

1. What types (qualitative or quantitative) are the following features:

a) the tariff category of the worker - a quantitative type;

b) performance score - quantitative type;

c) form of ownership - qualitative type;

d) type of school (primary, incomplete secondary, etc.) - qualitative type;

e) nationality - a qualitative species;

f) the state of marriage - a qualitative view.

2. What quantitative and attributive features can characterize the totality of university students?


1. The total number in each of the faculties;

2. The number of students (excellent students, shock students, threes, twos);

3. Number of students 17, 18, 19, etc. years;

4. Number of students studying foreign languages ​​(English, French, German…).


1. By nationality;

2. By interests;

3. By temperament;

4. According to political views;

5. By style in clothes.

3. Formulate the object, unit and purpose of observation and develop a survey program:


The object of observation - kindergartens in Chelyabinsk;

Unit of observation - educational programs for children;

The purpose of observation is to determine the most effective program for teaching children;

Place of observation - Chelyabinsk;

1. Name, address of the kindergarten;

2. The number of children who attend it;

3. Number of teachers;

4. Name of the educational program;



Cultural and historical;




6. General indicator for reading speed;

7. General sports indicator;

8. General mathematical indicator;

9. General assessment of the parents of children.

Fcompanies producing baby productsfood:

Object of observation - Companies producing baby food;

Unit of observation - baby food - meat puree;

The purpose of the observation is to determine the most useful and balanced meat puree;

Place of observation - Russia;

Statistical Observation Program:

1. Product name;

2. Name and address of the manufacturer;

4. Variety of meat;

5. The degree of grinding the contents of puree:



coarsely ground;

6. Composition of meat puree:

6.1 water/broth;

6.2. vegetable / butter;

6.4 rice/corn starch or rice/corn grits;

6.5 onions/greens;

7. Opinion of parents.

BUTfilling stations;

Object of observation - Gas stations (gas stations) in Chelyabinsk;

Unit of observation - Quality of AI-92 fuel at gas stations;

The purpose of the observation is to determine the fuel that is most consistent with GOST 51105-97;

Statistical Observation Program:

1. Name of gas station;

2. Location address of the gas station;

3. Manufacturer of fuel filling stations;

4. Gas station fuel transporter;

5. Fuel characteristics:

5.1. Detonation resistance:

5.2. Mass concentration of lead g per dm3, no more;

5.3. Fractional composition:

5.3.1. The volume of evaporated gasoline at a temperature of 70 gr.C,%;

5.3.2. The volume of evaporated gasoline at a temperature of 100 gr.C,%;

5.3.3. The volume of evaporated gasoline at a temperature of 180 gr. C,%, not less;

5.3.4. The end of the boiling of gasoline, gr.С, not higher;

5.3.5. Residue in the flask, %, no more;

5.4. Saturated vapor pressure, kPa;

5.5. Mass fraction of sulfur, %, no more;

5.7. Density at a temperature of 15 gr.С, kg/m3;

5.8. Concentration of actual resins, mg per 100 cm3, no more;

5.9. Volume fraction of benzene, %, no more;

5.10. Copper plate test;

Ghotel complex of the region:

The object of observation is the hotel complexes of the Chelyabinsk region.

Unit of observation - Service, amenities and price offered by hotel complexes in Standard class rooms;

The purpose of the observation is to determine the optimal hotel complex for recreation and work;

Place of observation - Chelyabinsk region;

Statistical Observation Program:

1. Name of the hotel complex;

2. Location of the hotel complex (address);

3. Where can I find information about the hotel complex:

3.1. Magazines;

3.2. Web site;

3.3. A television;

3.4. Radio;

3.5. Other.

4. The cost of one day's stay in a Standard class room;

5. Service and amenities:

5.1. The presence of a restaurant (cafe / bar / dining room);

5.2. Availability of secure parking;

5.3. Availability of storage room;

5.4. Transfer;

5.5. Entertainment:

5.5.1. Availability of Wi-fi or other Internet capabilities;

5.5.2. Availability of a gym;

5.5.3. The presence of a swimming pool;

5.5.4. Summer entertainment;

5.5.5. Winter entertainment;

5.5.6. Availability of a playground;

6. Hotel room:

6.1. Interior (on a five-point scale);

6.2. Cleanliness in the room (on a five-point scale);

6.3. The presence of a TV;

6.4. The presence of dishes;

6.5. Mini bar;

6.6. Soundproofing in the room;

7. Evaluation of visitors (on a five-point scale).

2. Check the following data on the revenue from public services provided by communications enterprises in the city area and give the most likely explanation for the discrepancy between the numbers you found (thousand rubles):

The discrepancy between the numbers lies in the fact that the amount of proceeds from the sale of envelopes, stamps, postcards and other types of goods, for periodicals, sales of newspapers and magazines is 395, and according to the terms of task 255, therefore, errors were made when collecting or processing data.

In this case, two types of errors are most likely:

1. Unintentional random errors associated with the carelessness of the registrar, the negligence of filling out documents and errors in calculations;

2. Intentional, associated with the deliberate communication of incorrect data for personal gain.

3. The following data are known on the main performance indicators of the largest banks in one of the regions of the Russian Federation (conditional data): (million rubles)

Table 1. Data on the main performance indicators of the largest banks in one of the regions of the Russian Federation, in million rubles.



balance sheet


to state



Build a combinational grouping of commercial banks by the amount of balance sheet profit and the amount of assets. Calculate for each group the amount of assets, equity, attracted resources, balance sheet profit. Present the grouping results in tabular form.

Grouping the amount of assets:

Let's take n=4:

R - range of variation in book profit

h \u003d 645.6 - 516.7 / 4 \u003d 32.23, rounded up to 32.3.

Grouping of balance sheet profit:

Let's take n=3:

Calculate the width of the interval h:

h \u003d 45.3 - 8.1 / 3 \u003d 12.4.

As a result, we get the following data:

Table 2. Grouping of commercial banks according to the amount of balance sheet profit and the amount of assets, in million rubles.

Grouping by amount

Grouping by book profit

The amount of assets for each group

Equity capital for each group

Attracted resources for each group

Balance sheet profit for each group

In 2003, retail trade turnover in all distribution channels amounted to 213.3 billion rubles, including 31.5 billion rubles in state ownership and 181.8 billion rubles in non-state ownership, which amounted to 14.8 and 85 billion rubles, respectively. .2% of the total retail turnover. Present this data in the form of a statistical table, formulate a title, indicate its subject, predicate and type of table.

Table 3. Distribution of retail trade turnover in all distribution channels in 2003

Type of ownership

The amount of trade, in billion rubles.

Amount of turnover, in % of the total.



Subject of the table - Distribution of retail turnover in all sales channels in 2003.

The predicate of the table is state and non-state forms of ownership.

Table type - Group statistical table.

Based on the data on the number of personnel engaged in research and development in Russia for 1992-2000, construct bar, bar and pie charts:

Table 4. Data on the number of personnel engaged in research and development in Russia for 1992-2000 in million people.

bar chart

bar chart

Pie charts

The volume of JSC sales in 2003 in comparable prices increased by 5% compared to the previous year and amounted to 146 million rubles. Determine the sales volume in 2002. statistics chart

According to the terms of the task

OPD \u003d 105% \u003d 1.05

Current level (Sales volume of JSC in 2003) = 146 million rubles.

It is necessary to find the Previous level (Sales volume of JSC in 2002)

OPD formula


The following data are available for wheat yields in some countries (c/ha):

Kazakhstan - 7.2;

Russia - 14.5;

China - 33.2;

Netherlands - 80.7.

Calculate relative comparison rates.

Let us calculate the indicators of comparison of wheat yields relative to the Russian indicator equal to 14.4 centners per hectare.

10. There is the following data on the sale of one product in three markets of the city:

Table 5. Data on the sale of one product in three markets of the city.

Determine the average price of this product for the I and II quarters and for half a year.

The average price can be determined by the formula:

Determine the average price of this product for the first quarter:

Let's determine the average price of this product for the II quarter:

Let's determine the average price of this product for half a year:

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Statistical observation - systematic scientifically substantiated collection of data or information about socio-economic phenomena and processes.

Statistical Observation Program the list of indicators (features) to be studied is called.

The program has a number of requirements:

  1. The program must contain essential features,

  2. If possible, directly characterizing the phenomenon under study, its type, main features, properties; secondary issues should not be included in the program;

  3. the program must provide for the collection of such information that was not previously collected; the program should include such questions on which it is possible to obtain objective and sufficiently accurate information;

  4. The program should include questions of a control nature, which serve the purpose of verifying and clarifying the information collected.

Statistical observation is carried out according toprogram , where

Purpose and tasks of observation;

Form and instructions are being developed;

Object of observation- a set of socio-economic phenomena and processes that are subject to research.

Unit of observation is called an integral part of the object of observation, which serves as the basis for counting and has features that are subject to registration during observation.

Observation time

Surveillance body- a list of specific executors who prepare and conduct observations and are responsible for this work.

Place of observation

Statistical Observation Accuracy

When collecting statistical information, errors are possible when filling out forms, divided into random and systematic.

7. Development of a statistical formulary.

Observation Form this is a graphed sheet of paper that contains a list of program questions, consolidated places for recording answers to them, as well as for recording ciphers (codes) of answers.

Mandatory elements of any form are the title and address parts.

The title part contains the name of the SN, the name of the body conducting the observation is indicated, by whom and when this form was approved, the number assigned to it in the general system of observation forms carried out by this statistical body.

AT address part envisaged a record of the exact address of a unit or set of observation units and some other information about them.

Usually distinguish two statistical formulary systems: individual (card) and list and in accordance with this, a form-card and a form-list are distinguished.

blank card- a form designed to record in it the answers to the questions of the program about only one unit of observation, and list form - about multiple units of observation.

An instruction is issued to the observation form.

Instruction - a set of explanations and instructions on the program of statistical observation.

Sometimes in the form after the question, some options for possible answers to it are immediately given. The list of possible answers to the question is called statistical hint.

The hint could be:

complete if an exhaustive list of possible answers to the question is given,

incomplete if only some of the possible answers are indicated.

Period (term) of observation this is the time during which the registration of observation units according to the established program is carried out.

The observation period is determined factors:

1. features of the object of observation;

2. volume and complexity of the surveillance program;

3. type of observation by source of information;

4. availability of personnel who can be involved in the observation, their number and degree of qualification.

Observation period indicated by the start and end dates of the observation.

Statistical Toolkit includes:

Observation Instructions;

Forms of documents in which information and other carriers of primary information are entered (questionnaires, time sheets, reporting forms, census forms)

8. Organization of the collection of statistical information.

The collection and generalization of statistical data can be carried out by state statistics bodies, research institutes, economic services of banks, stock exchanges, firms.

Stages of collecting statistical data:

Observation preparation;

Carrying out mass data collection;

Preparation of data for automated processing;

Development of proposals for the improvement of statistical work.

Preparation of statistical observation :

Definition of the purpose and object of the study,

The composition of the features to be registered,

Development of documents for data collection,

The choice of the reporting unit and the unit to be monitored,

As well as methods and means of obtaining data.

Determine the composition of the bodies conducting monitoring,

Select and prepare personnel for its implementation,

Draw up a calendar plan of work for the preparation, conduct and processing of observation materials,

Carry out replication of documents for data collection.

Conducting mass data collection includes work related directly to filling in statistical forms.

Collected data at the stage of their preparation for automated processing subjected to arithmetic and logical control. Both of these controls are based on knowledge of the relationship between indicators and qualitative features.

At the final stage of the works, the reasons that led to the incorrect filling of statistical forms are analyzed, and proposals are developed to improve the observation.

To harmonize the activities of all services involved in the preparation and conduct of observations, it is advisable to draw up a calendar plan, which is a list (name) of work and the timing of their execution separately for each organization involved in the survey.