Age of social network users. Comparing social media audiences

Focuses on an active (writing) audience. The publication presents data on the audience, age, gender and regional distribution of authors of social networks in Russia. It also includes data on the most popular authors and groups of the most popular social networks.

Social media activity by source type

The number of “talking” authors in November 2016 was 35 million and 698 million messages were generated. 71.8% of total volume public content accounts for social networks (504,940 publications). In 2nd place are video content sources (YouTube and Vimeo) - 12.7% of the total volume of public content, and Twitter moved to third place, its share was 8.7%.

VKontakte has 13,278,000 active authors; in November they published 317,508,100 messages.

There are 4,645,700 active creators on Instagram, with 78,185,400 posts published in November.

In the Russian segment of Facebook there are 1,021,700 active authors, 50,909,500 messages were published in a month.

LiveJournal remains a platform for the production, but not the consumption, of content. There are 196,200 active authors here, and 6,743,500 messages. Fewer than on other sites, but more viral and spreading far beyond the source.

Social media trends in Russia 2016
1. A significant increase in the activity of thematic (“club”) forums and public channels in messengers.
2. The growth of video content and broadcasts in almost all social networks. The activity of the Russian segment of Youtube has increased. On Instagram, the share of videos averaged 7%, and among viral content – ​​more than 50%. On VKontakte, the most popular authors are video bloggers.
3. VKontakte and Instagram launched “ smart tapes”, which determine the interests of users by their activity and adjust the news feed to them, similar to the Facebook feed. Such feed generation algorithms have enhanced the effect of an “information bubble-shell” that locks people into their own beliefs.
4. Rapid growth in the activity of spam bots. It is significant that growth is observed in several social networks at once - LiveJournal, VKontakte, Facebook, and the topic of spam in them correlates.
5. The predominance of social media over classical media in terms of the level of influence on public opinion. Brexit, US elections, referendum in Italy - these are cases showing solutions large communities people contrary to the “official information” of the media.
6. FakeNews and the need to check information for accuracy. The desired speed of issuing information for the media and social networks is so high that there is no time left to check publications. In 2017, the industry must find a solution to counter this trend.
7. The Russian part of Facebook has become practically Moscow - 50% of the authors are from Moscow.

How the data was obtained:

Brand Analytics collects and indexes All public messages social networks in Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Kazakh and some other languages, as well as data of their authors.

To highlight data by country For each social network, the percentage of geo-determination is taken into account: the number of messages that have geographic data is divided by the percentage of messages with geo-data. Likewise for authors.

To determine geography: Data is taken from author profiles, geo-tags of messages, as well as message texts. Geo-dictionaries for all social networks are unique and expanded with all variants of spelling toponyms, including “custom” ones.

To determine gender: data taken from author profiles and supplemented with gender data obtained through linguistic analysis of the author's first and last name.

To determine age: data taken from author profiles.

Data for Odnoklassniki is not included, since the API of this social network does not allow such research.

Basic research terms:

Message– any open (public) post - in status, on the wall, in groups, comments, etc. Messages in personal correspondence or in the “friends only” mode are not taken into account.

Engagement Index(EI) is an indicator of the audience’s reaction to the author’s publications. It is calculated as the sum of comments, likes and reposts to all the author’s publications for a month.

“Chief editor of the GetGoodRank blog, web analyst, blogger.
It is important to understand which social networks are the most popular and for what purpose users visit them in order to effectively optimize your SMM strategy.”

Social networks have become a powerful marketing tool for working with target audience. Recent changes in social networks are turning them into full-fledged trading platforms, and social networks themselves have become closed systems: a marketer can find a user, demonstrate a product or service profitably and sell it right there.

The Buffer blog has published 5 important studies that will help you profitably change your marketing strategy.

1. Facebook is 2 times more popular than the next social network in the ranking

79% adults active users Internet users are registered on Facebook, while only 32% are on Instagram.

The study was conducted with the participation of 1520 users over 18 years of age. The results showed that Facebook remains the most popular social network. 79% of study participants actively use Facebook, while only 32% use Instagram, 29% constantly use LinkedIn, 24% use Twitter (contrary to the general belief about the popularity of this social network).

It is noteworthy that the number of users on Instagram has increased significantly over the past few years (from 13% to 32%). Pinterest's popularity has also skyrocketed (up 31%). The study also found that engagement Facebook users significantly higher than in other social networks. 76% of users open Facebook several times a day, while 22% of users open the social network every day.

Only 51% of users open Instagram every day.

Conclusion #1: Facebook remains the #1 social network for marketers. Latest Updates Facebook's ranking algorithm gives priority to video content. Instagram is the second most popular social network with high prospects.

2. A third of Instagram users engage in surveillance

Getting information about users is the primary reason for registering on a photo social network. The University of Alabama studied the motives that guide users when registering on Instagram.

The following table shows Instagram usage statistics on a 5-point scale, where:

  • 1 = never use for this purpose
  • 2 = very rarely used for this purpose
  • 3 = sometimes I use it for this purpose
  • 4 = often used for this purpose
  • 5 = I always use it for this purpose

The respondents' answers were classified into 4 groups:

  • surveillance- people use Instagram to keep up with other people's affairs or get information about people (who is doing what at a certain moment). They monitor both close people and strangers;
  • documentation of life events- Instagram becomes a virtual photo album key points users' lives;
  • social popularity- users register on Instagram to be trendy or gain popularity among loved ones, emphasize their own importance, and attract other users to their lives;
  • creativity- many people use Instagram to show their creativity and ability to get the most out of ordinary photography.

36% of users register on Instagram to follow someone and keep up to date with brand news.

10% of users register on Instagram to show the highlights of their lives.

8% of users want to stay trendy, so they use Insta.

6% show their photo abilities.

40% of users log into Instagram with different purposes and do not belong to any of the selected groups.

The study revealed:

Conclusion #3: publishing relevant news will attract the attention of the audience, and will also present the community, page, profile as an authoritative source of information.

4. Social media increases user loyalty

Online brand activity increases user loyalty and trust, and also increases the likelihood of recommending a product or service to other users.

42% of companies said their social media budget was lately increased, while only 7% of marketers report that they have reduced spending on social marketing. Today, there is not enough research into how social media and online brand activity determines users’ attitudes towards the company.

A small study of the American market found that users who interact with their favorite brands online have more stable “relationships” with companies than users who do not follow brands online.

Conclusion #4: Today it is important to be online. Public page brand or group convinces the user of the reality of the company, reduces fears and concerns, and shows how the brand interacts with users.

5. Three types of gamification that increase user engagement

Challenge, curiosity, fantasies generate likes, reposts, and comments on Facebook. To attract audience attention and increase engagement on Facebook, gamification is becoming one of the best tools.

The study shows how gamification elements increase user activity on Facebook.


How many differences do you see in the photo? Or: we know everyone wants to be the first to comment on a post, but now we want to see who will be the last! Let's start, pay attention, let's write!

Remember that the task should be easy, difficult puzzles to solve show low engagement.


Forget canned fruit for Thanksgiving! We'll tell you about a delicious fruit jam recipe that you can prepare in 5 minutes from what you have in the refrigerator! Or: choosing a gift for a guy is quite a task! We have collected best ideas for gifts for those who have everything!

Interesting fact, such posts are collected large number likes, reposts and comments only if the post itself does not contain a link to an external site. If a link is published in a post, the user simply leaves the discussion and goes to the site.


What would you use your $7,500 Walmart coupon for?

These are very useful posts, as they make users think about what they need to buy, what they want. Often such thoughts and fantasies are converted into real actions.

Conclusion #5: not every post needs to sell, attract and expect a specific action from the user. Experimenting with the most effective posts will show you what works best with your target audience.

First you will see a presentation with graphs and tables, and below I will add additional statistics that I was able to obtain. I admit that collecting information together on all social networks. networks in a particular country is quite difficult. Official sources are reluctant to share statistics, and statistical agencies use different methodologies for collecting information and calculations, so I did not mix up the numbers regarding social media. networks so as not to distort the overall picture. For this reason, several of the graphs in the presentation show similar information, but I think they are still interesting. Watch and decide for yourself :)

By the way, if you need statistics around the world, then see this article:

Review of the most popular social networks. networks in Russia

Here I will only give brief information. See the presentation below for all the details and numbers.

User survey data

  • This year, as in the past, the first places in the ranking of social networks in popularity among Russian users get VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. These sites are still confidently leading in Russia, and, according to an audience survey, 39% and 32% of respondents said that they have accounts in these social networks. networks and use them. A little off topic, but I would like to add that the average user already has as many as 7 social media accounts. networks!
  • As for the world giant social community Facebook, then it still remains in third place (24%), although it has increased its growth rate compared to previous years.
  • In fourth place we have Skype. This is, of course, not a social network, but due to the unprecedented popularity of messaging services around the world, such sites and applications are now included in official statistics, as they increasingly attract the attention of users to themselves.
  • Gradually dying social net Google+ still remains on the list and occupies an honorable fifth place among the Russians. If we talk about global statistics, Google+ does not participate in the rankings at all due to low popularity.
  • 6th and 7th lines in the social chart. networks got WhatsApp and Viber, in which 15% of surveyed users have accounts. Viber is still quite popular among Russian-speaking users, but at the global level it has lost a lot WhatsApp application, whose monthly audience already numbers .
  • Next we have Instagram, which is in 8th place on the list and is now ahead Twitter. Interestingly, Instagram and Twitter compete fiercely for a global audience. Although Twitter does not want to admit it yet, Instagram managed to shift it to one position, both in the world and in Russia.
  • Rounding out our top ten is another brainchild of Facebook - . Whatever one may say, messengers continue to win the hearts of users who are already tired of the informational assault on social media. networks and try to communicate with friends in a more closed environment. This year, three messengers appear on the list. It will be very interesting to see how the situation changes this 2016?! Will there be new players on the list? Wait and see! =)

Age of social media users networks

This year we do not have data on Odnoklassniki and Instagram, so the first graph only considers VK, Facebook, Moy Mir and LiveJournal. Based on these data, VKontakte so far boasts the youngest audience. This social The network has the largest number of users under 24 years of age. Although, if we look at the statistics in detail, Brand Analytics in their study did not calculate the audience of 12-17 years old for Facebook and LiveJournal. For this reason, I added an additional graph with a breakdown of the Facebook audience, which shows that there is still a young audience there (see slide number 10), and the age category of 20-29 years is the most numerous (among Facebook users).

The most adult social The network turned out to be My World, whose indicators are the highest for users 45+, in comparison with other social networks. networks.

Gender of social media users networks

I would like to note right away that the gender of users is not the most accurate statistics, since the amount of accurate data varies among different social networks. networks.

This year, like last year, women are a little more active on social media. networks than men. In terms of the number of women, Instagram and Moi Mir are still in the lead - 75.7% and 60.3%, respectively. Interestingly, compared to last year, the female audience on Instagram has grown by several percent. Apparently, our men will not fall in love with Instagram yet :) Judging by the numbers, LJ and Twitter are the most “male” social networks in Russia, where the male audience exceeds 50%: 56.4% and 50.6%, respectively.



According to the LiveInternet statistics service for April 2016, the daily audience of the Odnoklassniki website is 46.9 million visitors (according to official OK data), and per month OK visit about 73 million users. Please note that this is a general audience, and it is difficult to say how many Russians there are for this figure, because social media. The network is also popular in other CIS countries.

Also, according to the press service, as of December 2015, the monthly mobile audience of social media. network accounts for 64% of the total number of active users. According to comScore statistics as of November 2015, the average user spends 41 minutes per day on the site.

I’ll add some more interesting data: Odnoklassniki is the second site in RuNet in terms of video views (according to comScore), on which about 300 million videos are watched per day!

My World

According to a study for April 2016 conducted by the TNS agency (taking into account the entire population of Russia aged 12-64 years), the audience of the My World social network includes 16.1 million people per month.

Well, guys, that’s all I wanted to tell you for now about the situation with social networks in Russia.

I wish you successful promotion!

Greetings, friends! For three years now I have been sharing with you latest information about the development of social networks in the world and in Russia. Previously, I updated statistics annually, but today I decided to create a separate post with information about the most popular social networks online networks in the world in 2016, but I want to leave the old statistics for the archive, so that later it will be easier to track changes.

Below I will share with you a schedule with the most last digits regarding the monthly audience of the largest social platforms in the world. Immediately below the graph you will find information about the most significant changes compared to last year, and then, as the article progresses, I will share with you additional statistics on individual social. networks.

2015 versus 2016: what has changed in one year?

  • Messengers continue to develop at a rapid pace and are even winning back positions from “classical” social networks. networks.
  • Messengers have grown significantly compared to last year whatsapp And Facebook Messenger , which increased their audience by 400 million users.
  • Snapchat also confidently strides around the world and in one year has increased its audience by 100% and now has more than 200 million users. Snapchat does not yet evoke any associations among the Russian audience, but its popularity among Americans and Europeans is growing by leaps and bounds. I will add that Snapchat was created as a photo application, but since videos were added to the service, the application began to grow at a record pace. On at the moment the application boasts very good statistics - 150 million active users per day! But what’s even more interesting is that, according to the latest data, Snapchatters view more than 10 billion videos a day, which, you see, is starting to put pressure on the heels of even such giants as Facebook and YouTube. By the way, the average app user is a teenager (13-17 years old) or a young man/woman under the age of 22, so Snapchat’s audience can rightfully be considered one of the youngest.
  • It seems that Google+ decided to finally leave the world of social networks and in 2016 does not appear on the list at all, although in Russia this social network. The network is still underway.
  • Despite great effort Twitter strengthen the position of the micro-blog, he is not doing this very well, and financial problems only aggravate the situation. Although Twitter refuses to admit it, Instagram still surpassed it in terms of audience growth and left it one position behind. It’s a pity, but the future of Twitter will not be as bright as that of Instagram, because so far Twitter has not found methods to successfully monetize the platform and is still operating at a loss.
  • Very interesting news from Tumblr. This youth network has surprised us with its growth, increasing its audience by as much as 58%. In 2016, the monthly audience of social media. The network already has 555 million users.
  • I would also like to note the emergence of new players in the messenger market. We are, of course, talking about Telegram, which, although it appeared relatively recently, already boasts a solid monthly audience of 100 million users.
  • I would also like to note the growth new category players are video streamers, i.e. applications that allow you to broadcast video in real time. For example, in this category we have competing applications Periscope(owned by Twitter), whose audience already has more than 10 million users, as well as the Meerkat and Blab services. Moreover, video broadcasts are, Maybe, the hottest trend of this year. The live video broadcast service is now vying with each other not only individual applications, but also such giants as Facebook (Facebook Live) and YouTube, which are diligently integrating new options in order to keep up with the new direction of promotion, which, according to experts and eminent marketers, will remain very popular for many years to come.

I think that’s all I wanted to add about new trends and social development. networks in 2016. Now I want to add some information on some of the social networks separately. In the future I will add more graphs here, but for now I will publish what I have on hand.


In March 2016 Facebook's monthly audience in the world amounted to 1.65 billion people, which is 15% more than a year earlier. According to Facebook itself, daily social the network is visited by about 1.09 billion users, which is an increase of 16% when compared to the previous year 2015.

Statistics on Facebook-owned brands - April 2016


Instagram continues to actively grow and develop. In June 2016, the company reported that the monthly audience mobile application grew to 500 million users. The most interesting thing is that Russia is on


Currently on YouTube 1.3 billion registered users. Unfortunately, social the network is reluctant to share its statistics, so you have to operate with the data that is available. As for video views, about 5 billion videos are viewed on the site every day!

I wish you successful promotion!

The Internet and everything connected with it today is wildly popular among all segments of the population, regardless of age, gender and status. Social networks are best way communicate with friends and family, as well as to keep up with the latest news and always be aware of the latest incidents.

The variety of social networks is quite huge and there is something for every person. best option, ideally suited according to all criteria, from the interface to the available menus and options. There is even a rating of social networks 2017, which contains the best social networks, according to the opinion of the world, humanity. The data to create such a rating is collected according to statistics. The total number of visitors and actions on a social network are the main criteria for moving up the rankings. The number of registrants also plays a role. If we consider the ranking of social networks in the world , then it will look like this:

  • In fifth place in the world ranking of social networks is a network such as VKontakte. Marvelous? If it were not for the departure of the social network LinkedIn from the Russian Federation, the latter would have had a larger audience. At the same time, correct actions VKontakte leadership on the market South America allowed us to gain enough new audiences to enter the global top 5 social networks.

Rating of social networks in Russia 2017

The world ranking is the total number of people's choices across the planet. In each country, the top five may differ significantly because people do not always have the same preferences. For example, the popularity rating of social networks in Russia 2017 will look like this: