Why do you need an email address? What is electronic mail (email) and how to use it? Email Management Software

And other resources without a valid mailbox will be completely impossible. To the e-mail that you specify when registering on the website, you will be sent a letter with an account activation key: a link that you will need to follow, a password to log in to personal page etc. Through the same mailbox In the future, you will be able to maintain contact with the administration of the Internet project and technical support service in case of any problems.

Many sites offer their regular readers to subscribe to their news by e-mail. Subscribe and you will receive regular notifications of new materials on the site in your inbox. If you are a beginner and don’t have your favorite sites yet, subscribe to thematic newsletters. Extensive catalogs of free mailing lists are offered to their users by Mail.ru http://content.mail.ru/, Subscribe.ru http://subscribe.ru/ and MailList http://maillist.ru/. Of course, these are not the only services that provide such a service, but these will be enough for a start. If the selected newsletter disappoints you in the future, you can unsubscribe from receiving it at any time.

Please also note that registration in many free postal services will give you more than just a mailbox. In addition you will receive:

My personal page in a portal (on the “My World” network on Mail.ru, for example), through which you can find your old acquaintances or new friends with similar interests;
- personal blog(on Yandex, if desired, in addition to a blog, you can even create a personal website);
- server for storing files;
- electronic (for example, “Yandex Money”);
- access to Internet services, etc.

Your mailbox is also useful for solving serious issues. Many commercial and non-profit organizations, including government agencies, have their own Internet pages. There is even a Unified Portal of State and municipal services Russian Federation http://www.gosuslugi.ru/ru/. On contact addresses You can send emails indicated on the websites of organizations official requests and receive answers to them by email. Of course official documents, certified by signatures and seals, will need to be sent as usual by registered letters, but for prompt receipt of preliminary consultations and reference information email will be enough for you. By the way, to register for Single portal you will also need to provide your valid email address.

Tip 2: Why do you need a fax, if any? e-mail

It may seem that e-mail should have supplanted faxes long ago. But in reality this is not at all the case - fax is still successfully used to transmit magazine illustrations and private corporate documents.

A fax machine is a machine designed to transmit a scanned image via telephone channels communications. Modern telefaxes combine the functions of a telephone, scanner, modem and printer.

The principle of faxing is to convert a scanned image (text or graphics) into a set of tones. Fax machine that receives transmitted image, interprets the tones and reproduces the image on the printer.

History of the telefax

Scottish engineer Alexander Bain is considered the inventor of the fax. In 1846, he managed to construct a device that could reproduce graphic characters using a complex mechanism and chemical reagents. Alexander called his brainchild an “electric printing telegraph.” Telefaxes found widespread use only at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1902, German physicist Arthur Korn developed a device he called the Bildtelegraph. It was used to transmit photographs, newspaper articles and weather reports. In 1968, the International Telecommunication Union approved the first international standards for communication.

Fax or email?

In the 21st century, the Internet has become widespread, but telefaxes are still quite widely used for doing business. Firstly, it's a matter of ingrained habit - in Japan, for example, faxes continue to be used to preserve cultural traditions. Secondly, using a fax you can exchange data and not be afraid that third parties will gain access to it (as often happens on the Internet). In some countries electronic signatures are not legally recognized. But signed and faxed agreements have legal force.

In modern corporate networks Fax machines have been replaced by fax servers. They are capable of receiving documents and storing them in memory electronic form. These documents then reach their recipient in the form of a paper copy or email. Such systems can reduce printing costs and reduce the number of incoming analog telephone lines.

Nowadays, communication is widely used to transmit magazine and newspaper illustrations. With its help, data on weather changes is exchanged, and spacecraft transmit images of the planet’s surface to Earth.

Tip 3: What to do when email doesn't work

E-mail is a means of providing almost instantaneous information exchange. Due to this property, problems that appear in it are quite capable of not only spoiling the mood, but also slowing down the work process.

Don't panic

This rule is universal for emergency situations any scale. IN in this case, it implies the absence of indiscriminate pressure on everything possible keys, buttons and links, so as not to worsen the already unpleasant situation. The best option- find a link on the screen of the mail service that gives access to its administration. It may be located under Help, Help, Questions and Answers, Feedback". You can also (if the nature of the problem allows) click on the link “Forgot your password?”. In any of these cases, there is a window for contacting the administration, where you can report the problem. Or find already ready-made solution in responses to requests from other users. It is likely that the mailbox was simply hacked and blocked by the administration for sending spam.

If email is a work email, then inviting a specialist will not be difficult - such a rate is available in any organization today. Perhaps the problem is not in the mail service, but in computer virus. First scan your computer with an antivirus, check if there are problems in other Internet accounts and systems, and only then bother the technician.

Create a new mailbox

This way out of a “non-working” situation is suitable for those who do not contain vital, official letters, and are not an account necessary for work. The most famous mail services are mail, inbox, yandex, rambler. This option can also be used as a temporary option until the functionality of the desired mailbox is restored. Availability will make life easier reserve list mailing list, Then important contacts will not be lost. Registering a new one postal address, it’s good to use the linking function - link several mailboxes together. Then, if the email of one service does not work for some reason, you can use any of the other “linked” ones to view your mail.


The best solution to all problems is their competent prevention. You should avoid various suspicious sites, do not enter your email password on other pages, do not use same passwords To different accounts, block spam, do not register on sites, arousing suspicion. You should be wary of links you receive via email. Navigating through them threatens not only disruption, hacking of the mail service, but also other elements computer system. Simply put, you can sneak a virus into your computer unnoticed.

In order to establish contact with an organization, you need to know which department you should contact. If you need to send commercial offer or make a business proposal, you need the email address of the person responsible for making a decision on your matter. This may require a lot of time and effort, but it is quite possible to achieve.


First of all, try to get by on our own. Use to find everything about the company and its participation in exhibitions, conferences and other events. The more information you find, the more clues you will have in further dialogue with both the secretary and the person in charge. Write down all the data you find and sort it in order of date of mention.

Find the company's corporate website. Majority large companies publish the names of their leaders in a separate column on, if you are lucky, their contact information will also be there, including theirs. Otherwise all you will find is generic email company and her. Don't despair, write down this data and proceed to the next step.

Call the organization and ask to be connected directly to the person in charge. If they connect you, introduce yourself to him at a recent event, state your question, and say that you've lost him and would like him to tell you his mailbox. If they don’t connect you, the algorithm is the same, only it is carried out in relation to the secretary. Be sure to call the company after sending the email to make sure the address is correct and it actually exists.

Video on the topic

An electronic mailbox, e-mail, “soap” is the main means of transmitting messages on the Internet. Using it you can communicate with friends, exchange photos, conduct business correspondence with partners and clients.

Its action resembles that of a regular one. You are also writing a letter, but instead of paper and pen, you use a keyboard. And the envelope and mailbox are replaced by the “Send” button.

All letters are stored on the server, sorted into “Inbox”, “Outbox”, “Spam” folders. They do not affect the memory capacity in any way. home computer. Depending on where the mailbox is registered, from five to ten megabytes are allocated for letters.

How to create an electronic mailbox

First you need to decide which server user you want to become. The most popular mail servers: Yandex.Mail, Gmail.com, Mail.ru. By clicking the “Create a mailbox” button on the selected site, you can begin registration.

The email address consists of the user name (login) and the server address (domain), which are connected by the “@” sign, popularly called a “dog”.

When coming up with a login, do not strive for originality by writing complex words. The email address should be easy to pronounce and remember because you will have to communicate it to other people. The most simple option is the combination of a person's first and last name in a mailing address. If the address is busy, you can add numbers to it.

When thinking about your login, keep in mind that this mailbox will be used not only for communicating with friends. For example, when sending a resume to serious companies, a return address with the name “candy” or “doll” will look ridiculous and funny. Take your age into account, addresses like “Mashenka1964” do not look serious.

Once the email address is selected and the mailbox is registered, you can send and receive letters. In a welcome letter from technical support selected server, you will receive instructions and tips for working with mail.

Benefits of Email

Emails are delivered instantly. Even photographs large sizes will be sent within minutes.

Email has high delivery reliability. Very in rare cases the letter does not reach the addressee. But this problem is easily solved by repeating the letter.

The same message can be sent to several people at once without typing the text again. This is very convenient if you need to notify someone about a meeting, plans or important information.

By e-mail you can send not only text, but also graphs, tables, scanned documents, photographs, videos - whatever you want.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Everyone starts at some point, so the question of what Email is and what it has to do with email or a mailbox is not that uncommon. Not everyone is comfortable with the Internet, so the request of a colleague or friend "name your email"(or throw off “something for soap”) can lead to a dead end. But in fact, there is nothing complicated here, although many of those who consider themselves experts on this issue will probably find something new for themselves in this note (live and learn).

So, E-mail (previously in the bourgeoisie they wrote this way, i.e., with a dash, but now they have made it standard to write something like Email, that is, without a dash) is a common abbreviation for the phrase “electonic mail,” which means electronic mail (electronic mail). .mail, email or just email). What is it? In short, this is technical feasibility exchange letters (electronically, that is, texts typed on the keyboard and pictures or other files attached to them) with the recipients you need.

Instead of the usual address (country - city - street - house - apartment) in email. mail, again, email addresses are used, which are characterized by the fact that they are required as a separator. This is inherent in all email addresses, which may look like this: qwertydmitriy@gmail.. However, exactly what your email will look like depends only on you and how carefully you study this article.

Email - what is it?

What are E-mail services and how to get a beautiful Email?

How can you get an Email address at your disposal so that you can receive messages from friends or colleagues, as well as mailings from various services? The answer is quite simple - just below you will find a list of the most popular free email services in RuNet. There you can use it for free (except that advertising will be shown in some cases, but this is nothing).

  1. Jimail— Google mail, which I personally have used since its inception (2005). The service is advanced, reliable, safe, with good spam cutting and a sophisticated interface, which is why it is not always possible to master it completely right away. You are allocated 15 GB for mail disk space(read).
  2. Yandex Mail- very good product from famous brand in RuNet. The mail interface is simple and clear, but at the same time quite functional. Recently they have seriously improved security and improved spam filtering. From 10 to 20 GB are allocated for storing messages.
  3. Mail.ru is the oldest free email service in RuNet. Just a few years ago it was seriously redesigned and now it fully meets all the criteria described above (simplicity, functionality, safety, etc.). You are provided with as much as 25 GB for free use.
  4. Rambler mail— this service used to compete with the players mentioned above, but lately is far behind them in all major indicators, and you will have only 2 GB of free disk space at your disposal.
  5. Outlook.com- this email service was previously called HotMile and was the first to provide a free email address. Depending on the situation, you have the opportunity to get from 5 to 25 GB of disk space for free.
  6. Yahoo Mail- despite the fantastic 1 TB free space, in all other respects he has nothing special to boast about. It seriously falls short of Gmail, but those who need a lot of space, but don’t need bells and whistles, can easily get themselves an Email on this service. The interface for working with mail will be quite ascetic, but Russified, although replete with advertising.
  7. is a relatively new email service in which the security of correspondence is of paramount importance. If you wish, you can send emails and attachments in encrypted form. Your recipient will need to enter a password to access the message and attachment. We can say that .

The question is what address will your mailbox have?. It is clear that its end will be determined by free service, which you have chosen to work with email. This could be @mail.ru, @gmail.com, @yandex.ru, etc. But what will appear in front of the dog icon in your email address? Unfortunately, this will not always depend on you. More precisely, it will not always be possible to have at your disposal the email address that you would like. Why is this so?

It's very simple. There are a lot of “cunning” people who want to get a mailbox for free (and one of decent size and good reliability). Almost all of the above services have a multi-million army of registered users, and these are millions of emails, each of which must be unique (because they have the same ending).

Therefore, anyone who did not manage to register under the login Ivan (it is the login in these services that determines the beginning of the “soap” address) was late. What to do? Usually they choose something like IvanXXXXX (where XXXX are numbers or additional letters). Are you satisfied with this? Most are happy with it, because using less popular services for working with email (where the logins are not all occupied yet) is quite awkward due to their, as a rule, very low reliability.

But there is a solution for those who want “soap”, after seeing which many will say: "Wow, this is a cool email". How to do this? Not to say that it is difficult and free, but it is still possible and, in general, not too expensive. Interesting? Do you want to talk about it?

Domain Email - What is it?

As I already said, on every free email service, each registered Email is unique and should in no case be repeated (meaning only for a given host, i.e. the end of the next one after @). Because of this, you can now have at your disposal a beautiful, concise and easy to pronounce email address. mail is practically impossible, but it’s still worth striving for it (maybe you’ll get lucky).

If a beautiful Email is not only a dream, but also an urgent need, then you can buy domain name and tie to it as much as you like beautiful names for mailboxes. For example, my name is Dmitry Ivanetscu and let’s say that I am a very ambitious person, for whom the “soap” is not just any kind, but something that speaks. What can I do?

Well, for example, you can start with something like ivanecku.ru or, at worst, ivanecku.com, ivanecku.net or ivanecku.guru. Read how to do this at the link above.

As you can see, this domain is free in any zone including the RU zone (i.e. ivanecku.ru). Don't look at 600 rubles - it's too expensive. There is an option to register domains in the RU zone for 90 rubles and without any additional risks. For example, I register a domain in reg.ru (read the article “”). As a result, for less than one hundred rubles per year (the domain will have to be renewed annually) you will have the opportunity get one like this Email address, whatever you want.

After receiving the ivanecku.ru domain at my disposal, I will be able to rivet at least ten, at least a hundred, at least a thousand email addresses based on it. For example, these:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Cool! Yes? True, I have a problem, that’s why I didn’t buy this domain. But you may have a different perception of the world and yourself in it. Another question how to work with email on this wonderful “family” mailbox. The best solution, in my opinion, it will be tied to some popular and powerful email services (from those listed above). Personally, that’s exactly what I did with my email linked to the domain of this blog, which you are in at the moment you are reading.

So, for example, (follow this link you will learn how everything needs to be configured there), but on Google Apps this service is paid (read the link provided). As a result, you will be able to receive an email like this: admin@site, but you will be able to work with correspondence from the Gmail or Yandex Mail interface.

Again, it’s not so easy to register a domain name like Petrov in the ru zone, but you can look for something suitable (maybe in other domain zones type net, som or regional).

If you still have any unexplained questions on the topic “what is Email and what is it eaten with,” then write them in the comments. I'll try to answer if possible.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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If you don't know what email is, now is the time to figure it out. In fact, here, as in the case of many other modern technologies associated with computers and the Internet, it is very easy to draw a parallel with real life. I think everyone has an idea of ​​what snail mail is. Actually, its purpose is almost the same as that of an electronic one, only the method of achieving the goal is different.

Without going into details, we can give the following definition. Email (email) is a system for exchanging electronic messages (letters). You can receive emails, send them, forward them, store them, sort them, basically do whatever you want with them. Isn't regular mail created for the same thing? But the letters in her case are not electronic, but real. From this follows the main difference between them and at the same moment lack of email: you can’t send real things through it, you can only send virtual ones in the form electronic files. For example, you can send photos, music, text by email, but you cannot send clothes, household appliances, cosmetics. But progress does not stand still, who knows, maybe someday such a miracle will become possible. What do you think? So far it’s hard to believe in this, of course. Despite his significant drawback E-mail has a number of serious advantages over regular mail.

Benefits of Email

  • Convenience. In order to send a letter, you don’t need to go to the post office, you don’t even have to leave your home, you just need to have a computer and Internet access.
  • Time saving and efficiency. Emails are delivered in seconds, with only occasional minor delays.
  • Free. You don't have to pay a penny to send letters via email.
  • Functionality. Emails can be sorted in any way convenient for you, divided into folders, formatted, sent to several recipients at once, and almost any files can be attached to them, be it music, photos, or even copies of documents.

This is just a small list of the most basic benefits of email; in fact, there are many more. Each point can be easily divided into one or more sub-points. For example, there are many special applications both for computers and mobile devices, which make working with mail much easier. Isn't this an advantage? It can be simultaneously recorded in such points as functionality and efficiency. You will definitely find other advantages for yourself in the process of working with email. Believe me, there will be a lot of them.

Thousands of people waste valuable time going to post offices, all because they don't know how to create an email. But doing this is as easy as shelling pears. There are many free mail servers. Their functionality is more than enough to satisfy the needs of most users. I will give as an example the mail services that I use: mail.ru, yandex.ru, gmail.com and rambler.ru. There is no point in dwelling on each of them in detail. It only needs to be said that all these services have justified the trust in themselves with the time and quality of their services. Personally, I have identified for myself yandex.ru and gmail.com.

My acquaintance with e-mail began with rambler.ru about eight years ago. Then it was much less functional and convenient than it is now. My friend helped me start it. Then I discovered the mail service from Yandex and a little later I also started using mail from Google and Mail. The good news is that all these services are constantly updated and improved. Feel free to choose any of those offered, you won’t miss it.

I'll show you how to create an email using yandex.ru as an example. In principle, regardless of the service, you need to follow almost the same simple steps. So, let's get started.
Step one - go to the website www.yandex.ru.
Step two - click “create a mailbox” on the left side of the site under the Yandex logo, as shown in the figure.

Step three - after this you will need to enter your first and last name, as well as your login and click the “next” button. Pay special attention to the “login” column, since your email address will look like [email protected]. For example, if your name is Ivan Ivanov, then the following email address would be very logical: [email protected]. Just don’t forget that besides you, thousands of people use the service, so the easiest and most memorable addresses have long been taken, like the one I gave as an example, you will have to complicate the email address a little or come up with your own unique one.

Step four - on this step you need to come up with and confirm a password, the more complex it is, the better; choose security question or set your own and enter the answer to it, you will need this in case you lose your password; enter another email (optional) and enter your number mobile phone so that you can recover your password in case you forget it; After which you will need to enter the characters from the picture and click the “register” button.

Step five - after you complete these simple steps, you will be congratulated on your successful registration and asked to indicate your gender and date of birth, click the “save” button and start using mail from Yandex.

Creating an email on Yandex has been sorted out, now let's talk about how to use it correctly. I’ll say right away that there is nothing complicated about it, the interface is very simple and intuitive, as with any other email services. The main area is occupied by incoming letters, which indicate the sender's name, subject and the beginning of the message. On the left there is a small menu in which you can go to incoming letters, poisoned letters, drafts, and so on. You can search by email using the form on the right. Click the “Write” button (circled in red).

Actually, everything here is also easy and understandable. In the “to” column, enter the recipient’s address or several addresses separated by commas, in the “subject” column, enter the subject, for example, “work” or “offer”, you can also leave the field empty, below we enter the text of the letter, then click "send". That's all, just a matter of a couple of minutes. You can also attach files (archives, photographs, documents) to the letter using the button in the lower left corner, save it as a draft to send later, there are also items that can be checked off if necessary, there is no point in describing what is what, so everything is very clear there. Using the menu on the right, you can format a letter, check spelling and translate the text into required language. To be honest, I almost never used this functionality. Well, is it difficult? I think not. By at least, much easier than going to post office, stand in line, fill out forms, and so on.

Go to “settings” on the right top corner. Maybe I’m already a little tired of you with this phrase, but I’ll repeat it again: we won’t dwell on each point in detail, here everything is extremely clear. I'll say more, most likely you won't even use it mostly settings. For example, I used email for several years and didn’t even come here until I needed some additional features. Let's talk about them. As you have already noticed, the items “folders and tags”, “rules for processing mail” and “collecting mail from other mailboxes” are marked with red checkmarks.

First, let's go to “folders and tags”. Press the button " new folder” and in the window that appears, enter any name, for example, “work” and click “create folder”. Now, using analogy, we create a label. Everything is the same as in the case of a folder, only you can also choose a color. Did you manage? Let's move on.

Go to home page mail and look in the left menu what happened. Are there new items? Folders are located at the top, labels are below them. This seemingly not the most powerful function gives you a lot of possibilities. Incoming letters can be distributed into folders and labeled, and all this can be done entirely in automatic mode. To do this, go to “email processing rules” in the settings and click the “create rule” button. As you can see, you can bring the reception and distribution of incoming mail to full automation. You can even Reply to certain emails automatically. But first things first.

Let's imagine that you have a very important correspondence with the same Ivan Ivanov with an email address [email protected] may the owner forgive me given address. What can we do with only this data? And a lot...Next to the word “if” there are drop-down lists. We know exactly the sender's name and email address, right? This means we can set, for example, the following rule: if “from whom” coincides with “Ivan Ivanov” or “ivanivanov” or “ [email protected]”, then put it in the “Work” folder or any other folder created in advance, put any label, delete the letter, forward it to any required address, reply to the letter and much more. Comfortable? In my opinion, very much.

Now go to the settings item “collecting mail from other mailboxes”. All you need is to have one or more email accounts and know the passwords for them. We indicate this data in the appropriate fields and click “enable collector”. Why might this be needed? For example, if you and your wife have different emails, you can receive all letters in one mailbox, and to make it even more convenient, create a folder “Wife” and set in the rules for processing incoming mail necessary conditions so that all letters intended for her are placed in this folder. For those who have something to hide from their wife, this is a bad example. :)

I have about 5-7 mailboxes for different purposes, but to make it easier to receive incoming mail, all letters are collected in one. Why then create several emails, you ask. It's simple, one of them is created for work purposes, the other is just for communication, and so on. For example, I give my friends one email address, my partners another, my relatives a third, and I receive all letters in one mailbox. Everything ingenious is simple. By the way, I advise all lovers of beauty to go to the “Select design” settings item and select any theme you like.

Now you know what email is. You will learn many other features and subtleties while working with it. If I did not explain any points fully or clearly, do not hesitate to ask in the comments, I will try to answer everyone.

Hello friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. Tell me, do you communicate on these social networks? How do you exchange messages? Do you have an email? If not, and you came to the Internet for a long time and seriously decided, then without email address it's impossible to get by. So what is email and how to create one?

Mail is necessary for sending messages over long distances quickly :). IN modern world It is impossible to live without information exchange. Before the advent of the Internet, regular mail was used to transmit letters, and before pigeons. But time goes by, And modern technologies improved the process: letters are delivered to the other side of the planet in a matter of seconds. Of course, this became possible with the advent of the Internet and, in fact, e-mail.

It's funny, but no one intended to create email on purpose. Everything worked out naturally. American programmer Ray Thompson developed a program for sending short emails. It was mandatory for each sender own address. Thus, in 1965, convenient Internet mail was born.

There is no need to write a message by hand, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it, take it to the post office and wait for the letter to reach the addressee, and then wait for an answer - but I found these times. Email – modern look communications for transmission over distances text files, graphic and video messages.

Almost all Internet users have email accounts. Virtual mail has its own name - e-mail. E-mail is the same mail, only in a modern format.

What is its convenience:

  • Letters reach their recipients in just a few seconds
  • You can send pictures, messages, and video files by email.

How to create an e-mail

It is impossible to register on any forum or social network without an e-mail. Therefore, we create our own email account on any of the free email services. The differences between them are small, and registration follows the same principle, in a few minutes. We choose the one or ones we like (no one forbids having multiple addresses) and begin:

  • http://www.mail.ru/ - ;
  • http://www.yandex.ru/ - ;
  • http://www.gmail.com/ - ;
  • http://www.rambler.ru/;
  • http://www.km.ru/;
  • http://www.rbk.ru/;
  • http://www.yahoo.com/.

The list goes on, these services are simply the most popular. After completing registration you will have access to additional features service: you can create a personal page on the Internet, e-wallet, get your own ISQ number, create your own blog, finally. Each service has its own list of useful options.


So, let's start with the account. On the main page of the mail service, click on the “Registration” link. Next, select “Create a mailbox” or “Create mail” - the text depends on the service. On the page that opens, fill out the registration form. In case of difficulties, the system will tell you what to do next.

When registering, please provide true personal information: last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth and phone number. This way you can easily recover your account if you lose your password or to find friends online. Don't be afraid to expose yourself online. The Internet already knows everything about you :)

The email must be correct, that is, written correctly. Name length – up to 64 characters. Upon registration, however, more reliable points and do not use symbols, because some services take them as errors and display a message about an incorrect address.

Don't you want to strangers looked at your data? Settings allow you to hide them after registration is completed. Help system The service will help you get a hint on how to do this.

Reliable data is also necessary for use electronic wallet. Under the name Crocodile Gena, it is unlikely that identification will be successful, and the result will be problems with money transfers.


The basis of registration is choosing a box name. The main requirement is uniqueness. The address consists of:

  • the name of the mail site on which you create mail;
  • username, that is, you creating your address.

An “at” or “dog” icon separates both parts. The address looks like example.ru - the site name, and pavel - the username. We take the choice of login seriously: if you don’t like it, you won’t be able to change your name and you’ll have to register a new mailbox.

By the way, the “dog” was created by the same Ray Thompson. The icon was used by him to separate the name of the mailbox and the recipient's location in the domain. Thompson taught the program to distinguish these details automatically. And choosing an icon didn’t take much time: the programmers had already used the “dog”. A few years later the icon became extremely popular.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk and a “*”. Have you entered the data? And now - the most interesting and difficult part, choosing a name for the mailbox. This kind of work takes a lot of time. Popular names are already taken, and coming up with a unique name takes some work.

In many email services, account registration is allowed on several domains, indicated after the “dog” in the address. If the selected name is occupied in the main domain, then it may be free in the additional domain. You can check the list in the registration form.

Alternatively, your mobile phone number. This name is certainly free. Or the name of your company. But there may be problems with transmitting the address over the phone: the spelling and sound may vary.


After choosing a login, we’ll start choosing a strong password and security question to restrict access to your address. We set the answer with the expectation that only you can answer. This will prevent access to your account for outsiders. Too obvious data, for example, the name of a pet, known to all friends, or the name of the street where you live, especially since it is better not to take the date of birth or name.

If nothing original comes to mind, you can deliberately make a few mistakes. Use illogical combinations of capitals and lowercase letters, special characters: instead of “a” - “@”. Replace "o" with "0". Now find the “key” to your box unwanted guests It will be very difficult.

If you have corporate mail at work, position allows free creation email, then why not take advantage of this opportunity? Contact your organization's computer administrator to find out how to create your own mailbox. Just remember that after you leave, you will lose access to this mailbox. And during work, your correspondence will be available not only to you, but also to the same administrator.

Paid or free email

You can also register your own unique domain, for example vasya @ masin.net. Example similar service registration - http://www.general-domain.ru/. But registering a personal domain is paid. True, the fee is small, and when running your own business, such an address is an additional solidity.

To solve problems with the main address, we create an additional one. When registering we indicate additional address. The password for the main one is sent to it if it is lost.

The difference between free and paid services is in the level of account security, mailbox volume, size restrictions and methods of combating spam. Considered one of the best in the world Gmail service, created by Google. If you still don’t have this mail, then here’s how to get it and set it up.

To make the user's life easier, enough client programs. Almost their only task is to make using email more convenient. Provided useful tools for copying, storing data and sorting electronic correspondence. These programs are free and paid.

One of the most famous paid ones is “ The Bat!».
Free alternative- "Thunderbird" great service from Mozilla, in no way inferior paid service.
Mail client included in any operating system. Yes, for Windows it is Microsoft Outlook.

How to find out your email address

In order not to lose your own postal address, you can first write it down and save it. You can look at the address during registration or see it on the main page of your mailbox. It is often displayed at the top of the service page as “email” or “My page”. All incoming and outgoing emails are displayed here. But in any case, you shouldn’t rely only on own memory: It is always best to keep the address written down in a file or on paper at hand.

Offers that are of interest to the owner of the box are sent by email. Only sometimes you didn’t subscribe to the mailing list, but you receive a dozen absolutely unnecessary letters. This is spam, a problem known to all email owners.

Congratulations, you have received... spam

Offers for the purchase of goods, for the provision of charitable assistance - everything that is not sent out! But after transferring the specified amount to the account, it is fashionable to forget about the money: it will go to the scammers who most often deal with such mailings. And on top of everything else, now they have access to your wallet.

Letters with offers download useful programs or interesting files, it is also better not to open them: they may contain viruses. Harmful emails usually bright headlines: “Congratulations,” “You’ve won,” “Here’s what you need most,” or “Prize.”
Do personal information accessible to scammers or break your computer - such tasks are too tough for spam viruses.

And even more so, you don’t need to send out such letters yourself with calls: “Send this message to three (five, six, and so on) friends, and you will be happy.” We send such “lures” to a folder labeled “Spam”. That's where they belong. There is no need to allow fraudsters to become assistants, even if unwittingly.

Email is a great opportunity to erase boundaries and reduce distances. It is impossible to do without email when working on the Internet. I think you agree with me.

What mail do you use? Pavel Yamb was with you. See you in touch!

Have you seen this talent?

About how to create an email(E-mail). Why did I decide to write this article? I won’t tell you what E-mail is and why it is needed, those days have already passed. It seems that everything is very simple, I went in and registered and that’s all, but that’s not the case. People often ask me how to create an email, tell me what to click where.

To be honest, such questions make me a little angry, is it really that difficult? I have friends who do not have an email and therefore cannot register on many sites (Vadim, hello! :)) But creating an email is difficult, and also lazy. So I decided to tell you step by step and with pictures how to create an email on https://mail.google.com.

I use email from both Yandex and Google, but to be honest, I like email from Google better and its interface is more convenient. So let’s look at the example of mail from Google, aka Gmail .

Follow the link and pay attention to right side pages. As you can see, there is a form in which you can enter your password with your login and log into your email box. But this is Later, we don’t have email yet, and we need to create one. To do this, click on the red button in the upper right corner “Create an account”.

After clicking on this button, we are taken to a page where we just need to remember the registration form. I’ll remember it as an example, and you enter your real data.

Well, here it seems to me that everything is clear. Where “Create a username” come up with a name for yourself in English letters, maybe numbers. If such an address already exists, the system will warn you about it. As for the password, you should come up with a long and complex one. I immediately advise you to write it down somewhere so as not to forget. By the way, you don't have to enter your phone number. When you remember everything correctly, click “Next”.

will appear new page, on which there will be a little useful text and an offer to upload a photo for your profile. But this is not necessary, so feel free to click “Next” .

Everything is ready! The service will congratulate us on registration and offer to go to our mailbox. Click “Go to Gmail service”.

After clicking on this blue button, you will be taken to your personal account to Gmail in which you can read letters that come to you and send emails. As I said, everything is very simple!

As you can see, everything is still very simple in the interface itself. You will already have 4 incoming letters, these are letters from Google. To read a letter, just click on it, and to write a letter, click “Write”.

How to sign in to email from Google?

If you close the page with your mail, you will most likely need to log in to it again. To do this, go to the same address and in the form about which I already wrote, enter your email address and password that we specified during registration.

You can also check the box “Stay logged in” so that you don’t have to enter the password again later. Well, all that remains is to click on the “Login” button.

All! Now you are a happy owner of e-mail, you can receive and send letters as much as you want. Good luck!

Also on the site:

How to create an email (E-mail)? Using Gmail as an example. updated: September 12, 2012 by: admin