Make money from comments on Instagram. A brief history of the creation of Instagram

Until recently, one could only dream of such simple methods earnings that appeared with the development of social networks. Each of them offers its own methods, Instagram is especially good for generating income, where new pages are registered every day, designed specifically to make money from them.

Making money on Instagram is not just “theoretically” possible, this social network offers methods by which you can earn 30 and 200 thousand rubles per month. In this case, no special skills are required. Just do simple actions, but do them regularly and systematically. We will tell you how much and how you can earn on Instagram in this article.

Let's go through the most common ways of generating income using Instagram and at the end we will summarize which method we should choose based on the amount of income, availability of time and skills.

Earnings from advertising

You are in your promoted account with at least 10,000 subscribers, posting advertisers’ posts for money. There is no need to search for advertisers on your own; there are quite convenient advertising exchanges:

Amount of income.
From 100-500 rubles per post. With a subscriber count of 50,000 or more and a well-designed topic, post prices are usually in the range of 1000-8000 rubles per post. That is, when publishing 1-2 advertising posts daily, the income is 50,000-100,000 rubles per month.

What is required.
Promote an account (or buy a promoted one), preferably a thematic one.
Publish 1-10 posts daily.
Attract subscribers.

In total, the main thing that is required is time and consistency, regularity of actions. It takes 6-12 months of daily work to promote your account and generate advertising income of 30,000 rubles per month. Although making money on Instagram from advertising is a very simple way, most people quit the race, unable to withstand the daily rhythm of publications. Therefore, it is better to choose a topic that interests you personally. This will make it easier to cope with daily work during the promotion period. Next, you can use your earnings to hire an assistant for posting posts.

Advanced Instagram users for incomes of 100,000 rubles per month and above, they purposefully create and promote several accounts for advertising purposes, attract assistants, and use promotion tools.

Selling your own and third-party goods and services on Instagram

One of the most common ways to earn money. To carry out such activities, it is created special page on a social network where photographs of a range of goods and services are posted. In this case, you can use your Instagram account both as an online store and as effective way advertising. That is, if you have an offline store, you can create a page on a social network and post photos of your product for informational purposes, and carry out the purchase and sale transaction itself in the store itself.
If you have an online store, the purchase is made either directly on Instagram or by phone. To do this, usually in the “about me” section of the sales pages, they indicate contact information.

Amount of income.
Earning money using this method on Instagram involves a wide variety of amounts, depending on the specifics of your products and services. At proper organization promoting your page and the proper quality of the assortment, you can earn even more than regular offline stores, because you will not need to pay rent for premises or pay salaries to employees.

In fact, the biggest money is earned from selling goods and services on Instagram, other social networks, and the Internet in general. Those who earn a pittance from tasks and getting likes, and those who sell advertising, ultimately work for sellers of goods and services.

The biggest money is earned from selling goods and services on Instagram, other social networks, and the Internet in general.

Page promotion

If you don’t have your own store, don’t provide any services or do advertising, but want to make money on Instagram, this method is for you. It involves creating a special account where pages of people involved in any business will be collected in order to potential buyers were able to quickly find what they needed. Links will be published for a fee.
If you wish, you can create several such pages in different directions, for example, one contains pages for clothing stores, another for hairdressers, and a third for restaurants.

Work on administering Instagram accounts

By performing a range of work to promote and maintain accounts of other people and companies, you can receive income (salary) in the amount of 5,000-30,000 per account. At the same time, it is quite capable of servicing 3-5 accounts at the same time. There are now many orders for such services, and there are not enough specialists. Pros, when managing accounts for branded companies and bohemian personalities, charge even more.

Making money on Instagram by selling accounts

This is a one-time income, not used very often, and involves selling your page with all the data. The exact price depends on the topic, quality of content, number and activity of subscribers.

Income from the sale of accounts is a specific topic, and not for everyone. It’s one thing to put the process of opening and promoting up to 1-10,000 subscribers on a conveyor belt and selling accounts in dozens and hundreds; it’s another thing when the number of thematic subscribers has exceeded 30,000-50,000. Such an account can already be considered as a liability, because by posting content yourself, or by hiring an employee to service several such accounts, you can receive monthly passive income from advertising and/or sales of affiliate products/services for many years.

Earning money from promotion and promotion services

You register on such a service and complete user tasks for money. To earn money in this way, you can use services and others.

To start earning money, you just need to register and start completing tasks for Instagram. Usually you first need to enter your data for the social network, and all tasks become available. You just need to like, subscribe to other users, comment on their photos or watch videos. The price per action depends on the service and the type of action. Typically, for a task like “like” they pay up to 1 ruble, subscriptions cost up to 3-5 rubles, comments and views cost 1-2 rubles. Thus, in 3-4 hours a day you can earn up to 200-300 rubles. The money received can be withdrawn to your phone, card or electronic wallets– each service offers its own methods.

Cheating services have their own affiliate programs, from which you can earn more than from tasks. You are required to register in the program and either indicate a link to the site on your Instagram page, or send it to your friends so that they also register and become your referrals. After this, if referrals also start using the service, you will receive a certain percentage of their financial transactions. The amount of income from affiliate programs of promotion services ranges from 1000 to 20,000-30,000 rubles per month.

From our practice, the biggest income now comes from affiliate programs and.

Selling affiliate products and services, working with CPA networks

A serious, but not the easiest way to make a lot of money on Instagram. Select appropriate affiliate programs and offers in CPA networks for the topic of interest. Direct traffic from Instagram to your affiliate landing page. You can receive traffic from your own promoted account and buy advertising from other accounts.

Amount of income.

At the start, when you get acquainted with a niche, you can go into a minus, which happens even more often than a plus. When approaching working with affiliate programs as a serious job or as a business, when self-training/training paid courses, in 3-6-12 months you can reach an income of 10,000-30,000 rubles per month or more.

Income from the sale of affiliate products, as well as income from sales own goods and services, can reach 100,000-300,000 rubles per month or more only with a deep immersion in the topic, in marketing, during testing, with daily systematic self-study and systematic work for at least a year.

The advantages of making money by selling affiliate products for a commission are that you do not have to deal with a huge block of work on logistics, accounting, storage, registration of goods and transactions with them. Just find a buyer and receive a commission from the sale.

Total how much and how you can earn on Instagram

Let’s put the numbers and conditions for making money on Instagram into a table:

Way to earn moneyincome, rubles per monthWhat is requiredHow long does it take
Advertising in your account from 30-50 thousand. The known maximum is 200-300 thousand. Perhaps there are more.with 40-50 thousand or more subscribers, topics and daily work with contentafter 6-12 months of promotion
Selling goods and services from 30-50 thousand. There is no limit!The niche is important, choose the segment exactly. Advertising and additional promotion are required.
Sale of affiliate products, promotion of CPA offers from 30-50 thousand. There is no need serious training, a lot of experimentation with offers and measurements, purchasing advertising.after 6-12 months of promotion.
Completing tasks in cheating services 1-5 thousand. Limit 5-10 thousand.Only time, 3-4 hours a day minimum.instant income, on the day the task is completed
Affiliates of promotion services 1-20 thousand. Limit 10-30 need to dig, post links/texts/teasers... measure what worksIncome within 2-4 weeks from the start of efforts to attract referrals.
Administration of Instagram accounts (work) 5-30 thousand per account.Experience and comprehensive skills in promotion, attracting and retaining audiences, content placement. Knowledge of the can get the money within a month

We can safely say what Instagram offers various ways earnings, each of which at the right approach may even become the main source of income, but it is important to choose the direction that is right for you, having first thought through the entire process of organizing activities.

Every year Instagram is growing at a breakneck pace. This is the most active social network where huge amounts of money are circulating.

Please note that almost all show business stars, entrepreneurs, politicians, and athletes have their own on Insta. People love Instagram because simple way share photos and short videos - stories.

There are very few reposts of other people’s pictures and thoughts here, as there are on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki. This means that people are better involved in advertising and are happy to spend money on goods and services.

Based on personal experience, I'll show you simple examples how to make money on Instagram and promote your business.

There are entrepreneurs who have a great product, but they don’t know how to advertise. And there are webmasters who know how to set up advertising, but do not have their own product. Find such a person and partner with him.

If you want to make money like this, you need to master all the promotion tools.

  • Targeted advertising
  • Mass liking
  • Massfollowing
  • Collaboration

Over time, you will create a full-fledged marketing agency for comprehensive promotion on Instagram. This service in demand on the market.

If you don’t know where to find customers yet, then practice your skills on affiliate programs. Choose a product you like and start promoting it.

Cases of making money on affiliate programs through Instagram

3. Earning money from advertising

But in order for advertisers to start buying advertising, you need to have a subscriber base. Some time ago, advertisers ordered advertising only from large bloggers, for example, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Borodina, and so on. The audience of such bloggers has millions of subscribers. At first, advertising paid for itself, but now it works worse and worse, and the price for one advertising post for such a blogger is at least 250,000 rubles.

Advertising with major bloggers costs hundreds of thousands of rubles

Now advertisers, on the contrary, are looking for small niche bloggers with an active audience. They are also called influencers. Their advertising is inexpensive, and the effect is good. So don't be afraid of competition. Promote your profile and earn money from advertising.

Advertisers look not at the number of subscribers, but at the activity in the account. How many likes and comments do photos get and how many views do videos get. This is the main indicator for the customer. You can start making money from advertising on Instagram from 30,000 subscribers.

But keep in mind that it is better to gain subscribers honestly. And many resort to cheating accounts for the sake of likes and views. Don't do this. Work honestly and there will be results. There are already services on the market that show whether a profile is inflated or not.

When I started promoting my wife’s Instagram, I expected to make money solely from advertising. But practice has shown that the income from the sale of one’s services brings in many times more more money and now we 100% refuse advertising to everyone. This is another plus to your profile and your subscriber base!

4. Account promotion

Another interesting way earnings, which allows you not to take responsibility for sales. For example, when you negotiate with an entrepreneur about promotion, he will only be interested in orders or leads. If for some reason there are no sales, then you will remain to blame. Usually newbies burn out on this. They promise the client leads and orders, but do not deliver them in the promised volume. As a result, relationships and reputation deteriorate.

When you take on account promotion, you are responsible only for the number of subscribers and their activity. Responsibilities will also include laying out and designing posts with descriptions. You may need it if you don’t know how to write engaging texts.

It costs at least 10,000 rubles to promote one client. Practice shows that it is possible to maintain up to 10 accounts at the same time. You can earn 100,000 rubles a month from such promotion. To scale your business, you will have to hire and train employees. This Internet profession is called: “Instagram Administrator” or “Social Network Administrator”.

5. Earning money from Giveaway competitions

Organizing and conducting Giveaway competitions is a very profitable business. For top bloggers, an advertising post costs hundreds of thousands of rubles. Not everyone can afford such a budget for promotion. And it’s not a fact that advertising will work and pay off.

The essence of a giveaway is that the organizer negotiates with a major blogger about an advertising post with a drawing of valuable prizes, such as iPhones, sea trips and even cars. The main condition of such a competition is that you must subscribe to all sponsors’ accounts, and there can be 60–70 of them.

After the agreed conditions, the organizer collects sponsors. Entrance ticket in such a competition reaches 50,000 rubles. 70 * 50,000 = 3,500,000 rubles. This money is used to buy prizes. For example, 10 iPhones, 1 tour to Thailand, and so on.

How much the organizer keeps for himself remains behind the scenes. Who has any appetite? But organizing such competitions earns at least 500,000 rubles a month. Since in one month it is possible to hold two or three competitions.

6. Unobvious ways to make money

For bloggers, likes, comments and views are a pain. Smart Tape Instagram is cutting off its reach with an algorithm that no one knows about. I mentioned above that advertisers look at these metrics.

If you come up with a way to increase your activity rate, you will make money from it. There are many promotion services, but they require technical skills to create them.

I recently came across an account that offers an interesting service. The user is invited to pay 1,200 rubles and join a private chat where there are more than a hundred bloggers with subscribers of 100,000 or more. A link to the Instagram post that needs to be promoted is thrown into the chat. All these bloggers like and comment on the post.

Thanks to the authority of such large accounts, the post immediately ends up in the recommended feed. Being in the feed increases your reach and views. If the account is interesting and useful, then some people will subscribe and become new clients completely free of charge.

You can make money by organizing such a chat. It doesn't require any technical skills. You take the money for yourself. You earn money, and bloggers get their comments and likes.

7. Earning money from Likes, subscriptions and comments

For people who just came to the Internet to earn money, this method may be suitable. I want to warn you right away that you won’t be able to make a lot of money on it. They don't pay enough for it.

In the sixth method, it was mentioned about getting likes and comments. Cheating occurs due to people who register in special services and perform simple tasks.

  • Subscription to Instagram – 1 rub.
  • Like – 1 rub.

20.03.2018 Tatyana Dubrovina

​Today we can no longer imagine our life without social networks - everyone has accounts on popular platforms.

Thanks to social networks, people not only assert themselves, find new friends and funny memes, but also replenish their wallets. Today we will tell you how to make a fairy tale come true - how to make money on Instagram, even if you are not registered there yet.

How do you make money on Instagram?

Let's put it this way: they make money on Insta! There are a great many ways to monetize your account, and society is actively using it. Social networks are the very tool that put business in Russia on the new level. Now we will not only tell the world about ourselves through the page, but also bring benefits to our subscribers. And if we don’t sell anything ourselves, we’ll help someone else sell it.

Instagram ushered in the era of visual content. Light, short, fast, succinct - hitting right on target. Thousands of advertisers use this to promote their products and services. And you have every chance of becoming a cell of this advertising network and increase your income in an interesting and uncomplicated way.

Meanwhile, thousands of people make their choices and buy products every day thanks to online advertising.

Speculation in popular goods, selling your own services, promoting accounts for money, participating in affiliate programs ah, advertising on your page is not all the options for making money on Instagram. Which path to choose is up to you. But at the start, you will still need to gather an audience around you. Today we will tell you how to do this.

What kind of account should you have on Instagram to make money from it?

The most important thing is to be interesting! And not for you, but for the audience from whom you plan to make money.

Your account should be beautiful. Remember, people come to Insta looking for eye-catching images. The way your page looks determines whether a person will follow you.

The account must be active. Posting sporadically is not the best strategy for a new Instagram entrepreneur. It is not enough to initially interest a person. “Training” your subscriber to wait for your new publications is a real art.

You must be open to your audience. Some bloggers create real discussion platforms on their accounts. Yes, unfortunately, most often it looks like a heated discussion of another bust. But we are talking about what we need to give to people feedback, be closer to them to increase their loyalty and level of trust in you.

Look through the profiles of top bloggers on different topics to understand why people follow them.

Instructions for making money on Instagram

So how can a beginner start making his first money on Instagram? What if there were no investments, and even in the first month there would already be results?

Do you think this is unrealistic?

Really. Here are the instructions for you.

Step 1. Register an account

Everything here is quite simple: registering on Instagram will not be difficult even for a schoolchild if you have a phone number or email.

Download the application, launch it, enter data email, username, password, phone number and select a profile photo. If you wish, you can import contacts from your phone or friends list on other social networks.

To quickly gain subscribers, you need to post universal content. What is hidden behind this word? Memes, cats, interesting facts and funny gifs. Remember: people scroll through their feed in search of positive news.

Step 2. Publish quality content

The content must be of high quality. If you witnessed a funny incident on your way home and decided to post it on your blog, try to film it as effectively as possible. There is a lot of freely available information on how to learn how to do nice photos and write interesting notes.

You can immediately decide on the topic of your posts - what your Instagram blog will be about. At the initial stage, of course, the universal theme of humor is best suited. You can find large blogs with funny pictures and videos and just “borrow” them from there.

If you want to immediately attract a specific audience - for example, young mothers (for subsequent advertising of children's products) or aspiring entrepreneurs (for advertising training courses), then also look for blogs with similar content and copy their profile management model.

No matter how unusual the topic of your blog may seem to you, you must first check how interesting it is to the audience. Most of the ideas have already been implemented, some successfully, while others did not have the strength to move to the TOP.

Therefore, always focus on large thematic accounts. It’s easy to find them - either by searching Instagram, or simply through the browser search engine.

Step 3. Increase the number of subscribers and monetize your account

The speed of subscriber growth depends on how much effort and money you are willing to put into it. To begin with, to “get comfortable on Instagram”, try to find your audience yourself and subscribe to their profiles. But it is very tedious and time-consuming, as you will soon understand.

It's much easier to use any special service, which automates your likes, follows, and unfollows. Such programs allow you to customize the search for people by geolocation (country, region, city, district), individual indicators (gender, age) and interests.

You can set up automatic subscription to people from competitive publics or profiles a certain person. All this happens automatically while you do other, more interesting things.

An example of such a service is Do Insta. Enough cheap option, on trial period generally free. The service works with any number of profiles, so you can upgrade several at once in parallel. You don’t need constant Internet access—set it up and close it.

Special thanks to the developers for the fact that this service is programmed in such a way that it practically eliminates the possibility of account blocking - the menacing eye of Instagram zealously monitors excessive activity and mercilessly distributes bans left and right at the slightest hint of the use of robots.

When choosing a service for Instagram promotions take this into account important point.

Let’s not delve further into reviews and comparisons; over time, you will get involved and study a lot of similar services and choose the best one for your purposes.

How to find advertisers

If you do your job well, they will find you. To increase the likelihood of this, fill out your profile with contact information as much as possible - VK, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram. All this can be placed in the “About Me” field with the note “Advertising inquiries” to immediately show your interest.

You can start searching for advertisers with a small number of subscribers - accounts with 1000 “live” active subscribers more valuable than large publics with hundreds of thousands of followers, the lion's share of which are fake bots.

There are special advertising exchanges where both parties to the transaction can place their offers. Open the catalog of advertisers, find among their abundance those that suit you and send offers for placement to them in direct message. Or register in the blogger directory, where you indicate the topic of your account - what you plan to advertise and what you do not want to advertise.

As you can see, this process can be automated.

How much can you earn

Earnings depend on the goals you set and your ability to promote your account in the first couple of years. The more money and time you invest in your project at the initial stage, the more profit you will receive in the future.

You can modestly use the channel to get pocket money. Or develop it to such an extent that the main work is no longer needed.

And then you bet blue tick opposite your nickname, put on the crown of a “top blogger” and sail off into the sunset on your Yamaha YZ250F, purchased at the VIPMoto store on Shabolovskaya Street, 23, sparkling with a snow-white smile from Golgate, to the new track of the increasingly popular rapper Dimati...

Seriously though, average cost advertising post even in a small public for a couple of thousand subscribers varies from 100 to 700 rubles. Advertising, for example, in a recipe public for 100,000 followers costs an average of 3,500 rubles per post.

The more subscribers, the more offers, and the higher the price for an advertising post. Therefore, try, develop, delight your audience with content, and then advertisers will delight you.

How to earn more

It's simple - develop your blog, improve the quality of content.

Regularly analyze your audience's reaction to your publications. This can be done using polls in the comments or pictures motivating action (from the category “Like it? Like it”).

Let's get up to date and quality content. If you feel like you can't write good lyrics for photos (or vice versa) - do not hesitate to use the services of freelancers who will do this for you for a small fee.

Keep up with the times - monitor the behavior of blogs similar to yours, look for new types of content. For example, so-called vines are now becoming very popular - short videos demonstrating funny life situations, and viners are a new generation of bloggers.

Earning money on all kinds of social platforms It has long become not even commonplace, but practically an obligation. Not and others similar projects, unless lazy or someone who is absolutely not interested in the opportunity to make money in global network. Many users are interested in the question of how to make money on Instagram from subscribers. Instagram has long turned into an excellent platform for monetization, and some participants are very successful in using all the opportunities available to earn money.

In one of my articles, we looked at the issue of making money on Instagram from likes, but now we’ll figure out how you can make money from your subscribers.

How to make money on Instagram from subscribers

To solve the question of how you can make money on Instagram from subscribers on your own, you can use several methods. Later in this article we will take a closer look at each of them separately for a more complete analysis.

1. Affiliate programs

This method is one of the most common and profitable. It is widely used among owners of their own websites or blogs, but also demonstrates good effectiveness when working on Instagram.

The main principle of PP is the promotion of goods on the Internet through affiliate links. There is no need to purchase and sell goods yourself; you just need to find a seller who needs intermediaries. The user and the seller enter the affiliate program, where the intermediary receives the corresponding link. By distributing it on his resources, in particular through Instagram, the intermediary can receive a percentage of purchases made by others. The main condition for calculating rewards is that the buyer must be real, pay in full and receive the order. In addition, he must get to the seller's page directly through the intermediary link.

Many Instagram profiles are thematic and profiled on a specific, specific topic. Of course, it is better for the owners of such pages to focus on products from a category similar to the profile’s topic. For those who do not specifically focus on specific topics in their content, you can pay attention to products public use, as well as trending products.

On the global network, there are many exchanges operating on the principle of affiliate programs, where sellers and performers can find each other and begin cooperation. The seller and the exchange are indifferent to how and on what resources the link is distributed as long as the intermediary does not engage in spam or black PR.

2. Selling advertising

Advertising is another popular option for solving the question of how to make money from Instagram subscribers. is still an underdeveloped phenomenon and is mainly implemented under the guise of advertising posts. With this approach, you receive a financial reward immediately from the advertiser. The main advantage of this is that the page owner is not puzzled by subsequent sales volumes, because he has already received his fixed reward. The page owner immediately receives money for placing a post and links in it, and not for the interaction of his audience with these links. The greatest effect, of course, is achieved by matching the topics, but on large live pages, in principle, a sponsored post of any category will work well.

At the same time, there is one drawback, which is that the user’s page must have many subscribers. Of course that we're talking about about an active audience, not fake bots. As a rule, such posts are marked with a special mark and are called sponsored posts. This approach allows you to increase the loyalty of a live audience and at the same time realize your own commercial interests.

3. Selling your goods or services

Some of those who decide the issue on subscribers are themselves sellers of their own goods or services. In this case, they need to personally engage in their business and promotion. Of course, with the right approach, this can be the most profitable type of activity, because the cost is regulated by the user himself, and there is no need to share profits with anyone.

Main advantage- you can start promoting even with a small number of subscribers. The most important point is correct design photographs and text for it. They should not be openly selling, but at the same time they main task- an incentive to action, i.e. purchasing a product or ordering a service. To achieve greater effect, you can use the resources of already more popular portals by purchasing advertising from them or by concluding a partnership agreement and hiring an intermediary. I have already made a detailed publication on my blog on the topic of goods and services.

4. Selling photos

It is known that on Instagram, photography is one of the main types of content, because the original purpose of this network is the mutual exchange of photos between participants. Many professional photographers, as well as amateurs, can promote their products or services. This allows you to avoid the need to work with photo stocks, which, as a rule, have quite strict rules and selection, and are also characterized by monstrous competition.

In order to protect their products from unauthorized use, photographers put their own watermark on the image, with an offer to purchase this photo for money. In the Russian-language segment of the Internet, this direction is poorly developed and practically does not find a response from the audience. However, there are every opportunity to promote your photos among Western users on Instagram.

5. Selling an account

Using this method in the Instagram environment at the moment They are rarely used, but similar offers can be found if desired. The main principle: the account owner promotes his profile to a certain level and activity rating, and then sells it. The buyer can repurpose an already promoted account under own needs for further promotion or implementation of monetization. Many people quite rightly ask the question, how many subscribers do you need on Instagram to make money from selling accounts?

Of course, what is this important question, because the cost is influenced by the following factors:

  • Number of subscribers;
  • Follower activity level;
  • Content quality;
  • Subject;
  • Payback;
  • Potential profitability is either statistical, if the account has already been monetized.
There are even special exchanges and portals with advertisements where you can find accounts for sale. As a rule, the cost is set in international currency – dollars. When analyzing the cost and weight of an account, on average it turns out that one subscriber costs about one cent. It should be noted that the administration of the social network may not approve of such transactions, and sometimes penalties may be applied to the sold account.

6. Likes, reposts, subscriptions

Our other article is devoted to this topic, but this option can be briefly mentioned separately. If we talk specifically about making money on likes, reposts, subscriptions, then such options are easily implemented on specialized exchanges tasks, boxes and projects focused on making money on social networks.

In this case, you will need an additional or fake account so as not to clutter up your main page with unnecessary material. By registering on the task exchange and linking your Instagram account, you can take tasks to subscribe to specific pages, reposting their posts or liking them. These tasks are checked by the customer and, subject to compliance with all points, will be paid.

Among the methods discussed in this article, this is the least profitable, but also less labor-intensive. It's great for beginners and those who don't want to bother promoting their profile.

7. Smm promotion

Many members of the Instagram social network need promotion for various purposes. Often it is difficult for them or they are simply too lazy to engage in this process and delve into its features. In such situations, they will need the help of a specialist who knows all the intricacies of promotion, SMM technologies and other aspects. Those who have mastered SMM promotion can actually make money by promoting and promoting accounts.

This type of work has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to independently set the price of services;
  • Potentially high income;
  • Great demand;
  • Low competition.
A person will really need to have everything necessary knowledge. Otherwise, cooperation that is not effective for the customer may not be paid for at all.

Where to start

It’s not at all difficult to start making money on Instagram from subscribers. To do this, you only need to create and design a page, which is absolutely free and will not take much time. It is also recommended to create and configure wallets in several popular payment systems so that you always have the opportunity to receive money earned from an advertiser, seller, project or other source.

The next step is to get ready for regular, systematic work to promote your account, promote it, and fill it with original and thematic content. It is advisable to decide on the topic in advance, and only then select earning options for the chosen niche. Next steps will depend on the chosen monetization method, because each of them implies different scheme work.

How many followers do you need on Instagram to earn money?

When answering the question of how many Instagram followers you need to make money from followers, it is difficult to give a definite answer. Depending on the chosen monetization method, the requirement for the number of people subscribed to the page who are active and interact with the content will differ.

How much can you earn from Instagram followers?

It should be understood that the level of profitability directly depends not only on the chosen earning option, but also on the efforts a person makes. There is no way to receive on Instagram yet passive income, because even links and sponsored posts must be correctly written and formatted. Those who sell their own services and goods, as well as SMM providers, can claim maximum profits commensurate with the level of the average metropolitan salary.

With affiliate programs, everything depends on sales volume. As a rule, with a serious approach you can earn up to a thousand rubles a day.

This article discussed the question of how to make money on Instagram from subscribers and what is needed for this. The profitability of this method was analyzed and the main features of this process were given.

Sincerely, Dmitry Tretyakov


Have you ever wondered, “Why would anyone have a joke page? Do they really like to make people laugh? Indeed, it is quite understandable when a person has his own business and uses an Insta account to sell his goods. This results in a profit that is quite tangible and understandable to the average person. But what kind of money do cat videos bring in? And I will answer: they are very good, if a large number of users watch them. How much do they pay for subscribers on Instagram, who pays for subscribers on Instagram and how can you make money from your subscribers: these are the questions we will answer in this article.

Who pays for subscribers?

Who is this mysterious generous rich man? Is it really possible to get paid simply for audience size? So why don't people cheat themselves? huge amount sign up to ensure a comfortable old age? You already realized that this is sarcasm, I do not doubt your intellectual abilities. They pay for advertising exchange subscribers. you do advertising posts on your account, and advertisers pay you for it.

In this case, exchanges are intermediaries and guarantees that you will not be deceived. And you won’t be able to simply gain subscribers and get millions. IN in this case the quality is much better more important than quantity. If you have a page with a million bot subscribers, no one will order advertising from you. But if there are only a thousand of them, but people constantly like you, participate in surveys, and comment on posts, your account can already start making money. A small list of sites where you can make money from advertising publications:

  • SpellFeed;
  • Adstamer;
  • Label;

How much do they pay for followers on Instagram?

In order to give an accurate idea of ​​how much they pay for subscribers on Instagram, we will analyze several advertising platforms on the site. For example, I’ll take the cheapest and most expensive ads.

So, the first ad belongs to a profile with one and a half thousand subscribers and an engagement rate of 9.12. despite relatively high engagement rates, the price advertising publication is 49 rubles.

Second profile – personal profile with a truly impressive engagement rate of 16.48 and 79,812 followers. A post on this account costs as much as 100,000 rubles. Just think, 100,000 rubles just for posting a photo. But this is not the limit. It’s just that people who are stars in real life receive more for advertising integrations, which means they work not through exchanges, but with advertising agents.

And here I want to talk about the importance of involvement. Our third “sample” is a page with vines, which has 1,364,248 followers. It would seem much more than the previous account, but here you will have to pay only 10,000 for a publication. And this is due to the large difference in engagement rates. Well, it is quite possible that the owner of the previous account is a well-known person in some city or region.

How to make money by following on Instagram?

There are exchanges on the Internet not only to spend money, but also to earn money. How many? To be honest, not enough. But this is not because Instagram is an unpopular social network. Just exchanges online earnings they do not allow themselves to be fed only by them. Trust my experience. But in principle it is possible. I’ll tell you about two types of exchanges using a specific example.

  1. , ForumOK. Exchanges where you can create a traffic task in social network. Likes, comments, subscriptions and more. Naturally, you can make money here;
  2. Seosprint. This site allows you to create any task at all. Therefore, here you can earn money not only by subscriptions, but also by simply visiting sites, for example.

Real success story

This story really hits my heart. Not because she's sad, no. I think by the end you will understand why.

A couple of years ago I created a page dedicated, of course, to TV series. At the very least, things were going well, people were signing up. The first thousand subscribers simply blew the tower away. But there was a significant miscalculation in my leadership - I fundamentally did not recognize advertising, although I knew that this could cover all the effort spent on publicity. But alas, I thought that the energy spent was justified by the fact that I was doing what I loved. Then it was difficult to manage the account alone, so I hired an assistant. And gradually my participation in the life of the page became less and less. This is logical - there are too many things to do in real life. And then I handed over the reins completely to my assistant. He even transferred it to his Facebook. And after large quantity time spent on promoting to the desired level, he began to receive money from advertising integrations, and now he is already making good money from this page, because the number of subscribers has already jumped over 200,000.