Polls in VK groups: how to create and what to use. How to make a poll in VK on a page or in a group Why do a poll in a VKontakte group

Polls for VK 2.0 - allow you to conduct voting and collect opinions in a new format: adding a unique background, indicating the time of the survey, allowing you to select one or more answer options. There is also the option to make the survey public or anonymous.

We'll figure out how to create a VKontakte poll in a group or conversation, make a design - choose a background or add a picture, set up anonymity, add several answer options. We'll tell you if it's possible to make a survey in History.

How to conduct a survey in a VK group

To create a new survey, go to your page or group on behalf of the person you want to create a survey for. And let’s move on to creating a new post, where we select “Poll”.

Add a colored background or picture

To attract more attention to your survey in the feed, choose a bright background. You can use one of the standard colors as a background or upload your own picture.

To upload a picture, you need to click the plus at the very end of the carousel and select the image from the community album, or upload from your computer. You can use images of at least 510x200 pixels in JPG, GIF or PNG format.

Anonymous or public

Below the background settings, there are polling settings. Here you can choose whether the survey will be anonymous or public.

In an anonymous survey, you will only see the poll result, and will not be able to see who voted for which option.

In public, on the contrary, you and other users can see who chose which option in the survey.

Multiple choice

If you enable this option, users will be able to select multiple options as an answer. Including everything that is in the survey.

Here, you can set a limited time for the survey, configure notifications about the progress of voting or the time of its completion. You can also set up delayed publication or embed a voting widget on your website.

How to make a poll in a conversation or chat

The algorithm of actions is exactly the same as when creating a survey on your wall. Create a conversation or enter an existing dialogue.

Click on the paperclip icon next to the text entry field. Select attach survey.

Then create and design your survey as described above.

Is it possible to make a poll in VK History?

As such, the poll function for VKontakte Stories does not yet exist. But there are two possible alternatives:

Survey results

To view the results of a poll on VK, find the post with it and click on the poll itself. A window will open with detailed information about the survey.

At the bottom there are additional fields with which you can filter the results. For example, you can find out how many girls over 18 took part in the survey. This allows you to get rid of statistical errors in the survey and get more objective results for the desired audience. You can also filter the results by country or city.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to add and edit VKontakte polls with a large number of answers on your wall;
  • how to “wind up” VK polls;
  • How to re-vote or cancel a vote in VK.

VKontakte polls with a large number of participants on your wall

There is a way to add a poll with a large number of voters to your VKontakte wall. It looks like this as if they voted from the user's wall. Why is this? Everyone has their own reasons. As an option for greater accuracy and sampling.

This is done like this:

First go to “My News”. If you do not have such an item, then it is included in “My Settings”.

A list of polls appears. You can try other parameters until we find a suitable survey.

When you have already found it, click Get code and copy it. Paste it into the service xhtml.ru/instr/html_editor (this is an excellent online HTML editor). Below we immediately see our survey.

Cheating VK surveys is a convenient way

If you need to boost any VK (or Ok) survey, you can use the online boosting service soclike.ru. Proven service, low cost. Better see it in person.

Often, in order to diversify their stay on the VKontakte social network, users create various kinds of surveys on their page. Friends visit the page, answer the survey, and a discussion ensues.

But not everyone knows how to create such a survey, although in fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

Creating a poll on a VKontakte page

If you want to create a poll, you need to open your page wall. Without notes and comments, the wall looks like this:

Let's move on to creating a survey. On your page you will see a “what’s new” field.

To get started, click the “Attach” button; from the pull-out list, select “Other”; at the end of the new list there will be “Poll”.

After you click on the “Survey” button, you will be given several fields that you will need to fill out.

For example, you want to create a poll “Who is better: cats or dogs?”, in which your friends will participate. To do this, you need to enter the name of the survey in the “Survey Subject” field, and in the “Answer Options” field you will need to enter two answers: cats and dogs.

If you want to create a more voluminous survey with 3, 5 or 10 answer options, you will need to click the “add” button. Here's what the newly created survey looks like:

When your friends begin to participate in the survey, the number of votes and their percentage will appear next to the answers. If a survey raises thought-provoking philosophical questions, there will likely be a lot of comments and discussion about the survey. This way you can find out what your friends are thinking.

Creating a poll in a VKontakte group

The second, no less important question that arises among users of this social network is creating a survey in a group.

This task is a little more difficult. To create a poll, you need to create a discussion topic. For example, you have a “Music” group and you want to create a survey: “What style of music do you like” to find out what kind of music is best to download. To do this, you need to create a topic, for example, called “Music”. After this, the “Edit” button will appear in the upper right corner. By clicking on it, a list will appear, among which there is the “Attach survey” item.

After clicking the button, a window for creating a survey will appear.

The ability to create polls is one of the many great features of the VKontakte social network. With its help, you can survey your friends or group subscribers on any topic that worries you. If you don’t yet know how such things are done, then this article will certainly be useful to you.

If you often add various entries to your VK wall or make reposts, then I recommend reading the article, then your survey will always be located at the top of the page.

How to create a poll on the wall of your VKontakte page

There is nothing complicated here. We need a field to create posts on our wall. Place the mouse cursor on it and click on the “Attach” link in the lower right corner. Select “Other” from the drop-down list.

A more complete list opens, from which we select the “Survey” item:

In the window that opens, enter the topic and answer options. There are no special restrictions on the number of options. If you check the box next to the “Anonymous voting” item, then the people who will take part in your survey will remain unknown.

After all fields are filled in, click on the “Submit” button:

As a result, a poll will be created on your wall. I noticed some flaw in this matter. In addition to the title of the topic, we also duplicate the same text as an entry. It doesn't look very nice. We have the opportunity to correct this “dirty thing.” Move the mouse to the upper right corner and click on the “pencil”, which symbolizes the “Edit” button.

Delete or change the duplicated phrase and click on the “Save” button.

How to create a poll in a VK group

On the group wall

This is done in exactly the same way as on the wall of the page. In the same way, you place the cursor on the add entry field and attach a survey there. Once again it makes no sense to duplicate the procedure:

Add to group discussion

In addition to the fact that we can add polls to the group wall, VKontakte has the ability to insert them into new discussions or into existing ones.

Inserting into a new discussion

To do this, click on the “Add discussion” button

In the window that opens in the lower right corner, click on the “Attach” button and select “Poll” from the drop-down menu

We have additional fields in which we can enter a topic and answer options:

Insert into existing discussion

Click on discussion. In the “View Topic” tab in the upper right corner, click on the “Edit” button and select “Attach a poll.”

Creation in the VKontakte mobile application for Android

Click on the “New Post” link on the wall:

And that's all for today. Survey your followers and friends.

Polls or voting are a useful function in VK. If you want to increase traffic to your page or increase the activity of the community, then you need to use all possible means, including surveys. Social media users love polls and are usually willing to participate in them. This happens because subconsciously a person is always waiting for someone to ask his opinion. The survey increases the user's self-esteem by showing that their choice is important to the survey creator.

The second reason to periodically create polls on a page or in a group is purely visual. A page attracts more attention if it contains not only posts of the same type, but also a variety of surveys, and it is desirable that some of them include photos or videos. According to statistics, communities that periodically conduct surveys for the purpose of their development “live” much longer and attract a much larger audience.

Even if the topic of the survey is not too close to a person, it is quite possible that he will want to participate in the survey and express his opinion. But if you asked to write a message on this topic, the person would never do it. Therefore, a poll is the most effective way to increase activity on your page, and everyone should know how to do polls on VK.

How to create a poll in VK - detailed technical instructions

If you want to find out how to make a poll in VK on a page or how to create a poll in VK in a group, you need to do the following:

How to create a poll in VK in a conversation?

In fact, the answer to the question of how to make a poll on VK in a conversation is also quite simple. It differs little from the answer to the question of how to make a poll on VK in a group. But first, we need to understand how to create a conversation in VK. To do this, we take a few simple steps:

How to conduct a survey on VK so that it attracts as many users as possible to your page?

If you just start adding any questions to your page, this, of course, will activate users, but not by much. For the survey to work you need to know some rules.

Also, in order for the survey to work, try to formulate the topic in an original way, choose interesting, unusual answer options, attach an illustration or audio recording that is pleasing to the eye. It is necessary that in the survey there is something for the eyes of your “electorate” to cling to, then the turnout will be large.

Don’t get carried away by the number of answer options and the length of the wording themselves. Such “overloaded” surveys look boring, and users lose the desire to read them.

Think about your target audience - age, lifestyle, interests of your subscribers and try to come up with a survey that will be most interesting and relevant to them.

Equally important is the style of speech that is used to create the topic and answer options. If modern youth slang is even welcome in a youth group survey, in other cases it is better to refuse it.

And most importantly, the topic and answers to the question should be interesting to you. Formal voting for the sake of voting will work much worse.