Application for checking the iPhone sensor. iPhone screen calibration and how to do it - the whole truth! Functional and physical testing

Buying a used device is a good way to save money, since many people sell their phones and tablets almost immediately after purchase, but you still have to reduce the price, and at the current prices for equipment from Apple, this will be a decent discount. But when buying a used device, there is one big risk - paying for a broken or non-original iPhone or tablet. To avoid falling for scammers, you need to check the device before purchasing and follow several rules, which will be discussed in the next part of the article.

How to check an iPhone when buying second-hand

If you still decide to purchase an iPhone, iPad or iPad touch from your own hands, and not from an official store, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the seller himself. This is a weak indicator, but before you buy something from a person, see if he inspires trust. If this is a supplier that is engaged in mass resale of used devices, then read reviews about it, contact its former clients: ask them if they were satisfied with their purchase, if the device broke some time after activation. But remember that many scammers fake reviews, which means not everything said about a seller on the Internet may be true.

If the issue is resolved with the seller, then the next thing worth checking is the device itself.


Before buying, go to the official store and hold the desired device in your hands, study the tactile sensations of the material from which it is made. Find out the approximate prices at which you can buy an original device; if its used version differs in price too much, then it’s worth considering.

Items required to test the device

So, if you are making a deal, then in order to be completely confident in the functionality of the device, you need to have the following things with you:

  • Working headphones, you will need them in order to check whether they work with the device you are purchasing. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to give you the device for testing, this is a mandatory step. You can't buy a device without checking to see if it runs the programs you care about and activates certain features.
  • A laptop on which iTunes will be installed, which will allow you to check many of the characteristics of the device. How to do this will be discussed below in the same article.
  • An external battery that can be used to check whether the device is charging or not.
  • A phone with stable mobile internet.
  • SIM card - this is useful for checking cellular and Internet connections.
  • A paper clip or a special key that comes with Apple devices. These items will be needed to remove the SIM card tray from the device body.

Having the above things, you can easily check the operation of all functions and applications of the purchased device. What parameters you will need to pay closer attention to will be described further.

How to distinguish the device model

If this is not your first time encountering Apple devices, you can skip this point. But if this is your first time buying equipment from Apple, then this information will be very useful for you. It's easy to distinguish an iPhone 5 from an iPhone 6, but it's a little more difficult to distinguish an iPhone 4 from an iPhone 4S.

The two models are distinguished by their model number, which can be found on the back cover when turning the device face down.

Also distinguishing one model from another is the appearance of the rear camera and the Home button. The iPhone 5 has a narrower camera, while the iPhone 5S has a square on the Home button, which indicates the presence of the Touch ID function.

iPhone 6 and 6S

It is easier to distinguish these two models - just wrap the front side of the device with the screen down, and on the back check for a diamond-shaped icon with the English letter S.

Here the situation is similar to the iPhone 5, since you can check the device model using the code on the back of the case:

The device model can also be determined by the location of the antennas.

You can read more about all device models on the official Apple website by clicking on the following link -

Checking the water sensor

Before purchasing a device, you need to make sure that it has not been recessed. If water gets inside your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, it can either break down every second or corrode the metal, leading to failure weeks or months later. Another important factor is the fact that a device exposed to water will automatically void the warranty.

Apple devices have a special external sensor - Liquid Contact Indicators, a humidity indicator. If water has ever gotten inside the device, this sensor changes color from gray or white to bright red. More details about where this indicator is located on different phone models are outlined in the table:


Now let's look at what should be in the box, besides the phone itself:

All other accessories must be purchased separately. If one of the components of the package is not in the box upon sale, then this must be separately agreed with the seller and will affect the price of the product.


The next step is to verify the authenticity of the device using the serial number and unique IMEI code. This data can be found on the back of the box, on a special sticker. But this data should not be trusted, since the box may be from another device or the sticker may be fake.

There is a more reliable way to find out this information - through the settings of your phone or tablet, where no one can falsify them.

  1. We take the device in our hands and open the “Settings” application.
  2. Let's move on to the "Basic" section.
  3. Go to the “About this device” subsection.
  4. Here you can find two lines: serial number and IMEI. You can check these numbers with those indicated on the box presented by the seller. If they do not match, it means that the device does not belong to the box, and this is a reason to think about the seller’s honesty.

Another way to find out the codes we need is to pull out the tray where the SIM card is located and read the serial number and IMEI indicated on it. You can remove the tray using a paper clip. This method has one drawback - not all device models have codes indicated on the tray.

The last way to find out the IMEI is to turn the back of the device and look at the small letters and numbers at the bottom of the cover, among which our treasured number is located.

As soon as you are done finding out the numbers and codes, you should go to one of the sites suggested below and enter the necessary data there. The site will show you detailed information about the device: color, release date, contents and filling, model number. Compare all the data with what you see on the device itself and with what the seller himself told you. If everything matches, then you can understand further. List of sites that provide similar services for providing information about Apple devices:

Checking for recoveries

Checking for blocking

There are three types of Apple mobile devices:

  • Lock - phones that only work with one pre-defined carrier. That is, if you purchase such a device, you will be able to use the services of only one company that provides cellular communications and mobile Internet, and no other.
  • Neverlock is a device without any restrictions in the field of operator choice.
  • Softunlock is a device that previously belonged to the Lock group, but then was “unlocked” by software, that is, it now has all the parameters characteristic of Neverlock.

Of course, Lock devices are a little cheaper than Neverlock, but this saving will not lead to anything good, and there will be quite a lot of problems with a predefined operator, without the right to change it.

How to identify an unlocked device?

There are several characteristic signs that help to identify a device that has been unlocked software:

Functional and physical testing

Now there is the last, but practically the most important stage - checking the standard capabilities of the device and its appearance.


Check if there are any noticeable dents, cracks, or broken pieces on the case. All these parameters can tell you how often the device has been dropped and subjected to other physical impacts. Particularly dangerous are damage to the antenna area, which can lead to communication interference.


There should be two unscrewed screws near the USB cable input. If they are missing, then we can safely say that the device was disassembled manually and, accordingly, the warranty does not apply to it.


Check how well all the buttons perform their functions, since replacing buttons in the service can require a lot of money.


Check the front and rear cameras for external damage. Try to photograph something with both cameras. If you notice inaccurate colors, the camera sensor may be damaged.


Open various applications, restart your device, check for dead pixels (black dots). If when you press the screen there is a crunch, or you feel unevenness or emptiness, then the screen is not original, it has been replaced. Pay attention to the uniformity of brightness and color reproduction.

Screen sensor

Move icons around your device menu, making sure they move smoothly. Try using the device in horizontal and vertical positions. If possible, quickly type the message on the keyboard, and all the letters you press should appear on the screen. If this does not happen, then the device has obvious problems with the sensor.


Start shooting a video and check how much the device shrinks in 2-3 minutes. A range of 1–5% is acceptable, all other parameters mean there is a problem, and no one wants to change the battery immediately after purchase.



Everything is simple here - turn on any melody and check how well the device reproduces it. There should be no interference, no jumping, no rustling. You can also check the speaker during a telephone conversation.

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth

Check if these two functions work. Remember that Bluetooth only works with other Apple devices; it will not transfer files with Android. The device must quickly connect to the Wi-Fi network and be able to download files through it.


For this item, you took a third-party battery with you. Connect it to your device and check if it charges.

Connecting to iTunes

If you happen to take your laptop with you, try syncing your device with iTunes. This will confirm its authenticity. You should not buy a phone or tablet that is not recognized in iTunes.

Sign out of your Apple ID account

The last thing you should do before paying money for a device is to completely sign out of the old Apple ID account that belongs to the previous owner. Otherwise, he can declare the device missing at any time and block it remotely, without asking your consent at all.

  1. Open the Settings application.
  2. Go to the iCloud section.
  3. Turn off Find My iPhone.
  4. Let the previous owner enter the password for his account, this is necessary to disable the function.

    So, before you give money, thoroughly check the device using the instructions described above. Be very careful, give money only for what you personally held in your hands and tested. Demand a complete set or an explanation of why this or that item is missing. The main thing is to remember to log out of the previous owner’s account, since most scammers make money from this oversight of buyers.

Why doesn't the proximity sensor work on iPhone (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, X and SE), what should I do?

I assume you have heard about the proximity sensor and know why it is needed. However, for those who do not know what we are talking about, we will very quickly tell you what it is. The contactless sensor was first introduced in 2007. Its main task is to detect objects brought close to the screen.

For what? It blocks accidental and involuntary presses, for example, when making a call, holding the phone to your ear, you will not be able to take out a loan, sell a car or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Don't you think this is a useful function? In addition, during long calls it helps to save battery by putting the screen into sleep mode. So why doesn't the proximity sensor work on iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, X?

Determining the cause of a malfunction without preliminary testing is quite problematic. After all, the problem may be a software malfunction or physical damage. We will list the most common causes of the malfunction.

Malfunction of the replaced iPhone screen - as a rule, this problem occurs when the screen breaks and is incorrectly replaced. Let's imagine a situation: you dropped your iPhone, it was without protective glass and its screen was very cracked. You have a desire to replace it, but after learning how much it costs to replace it at Apple and how long it will take, you give up this idea and decide to replace it yourself.

And here, you may encounter two problems that you most likely won’t even know about. First, you can buy a cheap, low-quality screen that doesn't support half the functionality of the original iPhone screen. And second, you may not connect it correctly.

Physical damage is a fairly common problem. Try to remember how long ago the proximity sensor stopped working, whether you dropped your iPhone at that time or exposed it to moisture. If yes, then most likely this is the reason. The only way out of this situation is repair from Apple.

checking iphone proximity sensor

Buying a broken smartphone – Apple is one of the largest companies in the world, with a huge number of customers and it becomes a responsibility to produce a quality product. However, this does not mean the absence of marriage. In any production, people are responsible for quality control, and they tend to make mistakes. If you receive a defective iPhone, contact an Apple service center as soon as possible.

Software malfunction - sometimes the problem may be a buggy iOS update or incorrect installation of an application. Solving this problem is quite easy, but you risk losing all the files on your smartphone.

How to fix proximity sensor problems on iPhone?

Remove the case and protective glass

This is perhaps the simplest, but often not very effective method. However, try removing the case and screen protector of your smartphone and test if the problem persists.

Reboot your smartphone

As absurd as it may sound, simply rebooting the iPhone helps eliminate half of the problems. In order to restart your iPhone, you need to:

  1. Hold the power button for a few seconds until the “Power Off” slider appears.
  2. Move the slider to the right and wait 2-3 minutes.
  3. Press the power button until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

Hard Reset

iOS update

Updating the operating system can fix many problems. including the iPhone's proximity sensor not working. With each new update, previous bugs are fixed and performance improves. Sometimes the design is updated and new features are added. In order to update iOS, you need:


If none of the above methods work, you can reset all settings on your iPhone. This usually fixes iPhone 5, 6, 7 proximity sensor glitches.

In order to do this, you need:

  1. Open "Settings".
  2. Tap "Basic".
  3. Select the “Reset” → “Reset all settings” function. After entering the password, click "Reset all settings" to complete the process.

Reset all data and settings

This method will not only erase all settings, but also all data, including apps, photos, videos, etc. Before you begin, create a backup copy of your data. In order to make a reset, you need:

  1. Open "Settings".
  2. Tap "Basic".
  3. Select the “Reset” → “Reset content and settings” function. Enter your password and then confirm your actions.

iPhone recovery

iPhone proximity sensor not working after update? You may be wondering what the difference is between this and the previous step. After all, both methods erase data and reset all settings. In fact, the difference is not great, but it is there. The recovery process will also format and reinstall the OS.

  1. Connect iPhone to Mac/PC using a USB cable.
  2. Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes.
  3. Open iTunes.
  4. In the summary tab, click the "Restore" button.
  5. Next, all that remains is to wait for the procedure to complete.

You can restore using the program. Errors occurred during recovery, list and their correction.

Happy owners of Apple smartphones often turn to service centers when the touchscreen on their mobile device breaks down. This can be either a complete breakdown of the system or a partial breakdown, when the elements of the touchscreen on the iPhone do not respond well to the touch of a finger. In this article, we will look at what factors can lead to such a malfunction on the device, as well as why the sensor stopped working.

It’s easy to find a huge number of forums on the Internet where users ask questions:

  • “After the firmware, the sensor does not work. What to do?";
  • “What to do if the lower part of the sensor does not work.”;
  • “I dropped my iPhone, now the sensor on the phone is broken and does not respond well to touch . He's very dumb. How to fix?";
  • “What should I do if it doesn’t respond to touch?”

The reasons for this behavior of a mobile device can be very different. The touchscreen does not respond due to single or repeated mechanical damage. This could be due to a strong fall of the device or a hit against a hard object. Therefore, if you drop your iPhone, the touchscreen will not work and you will have to send it in for service.


Sometimes the surface on the iPhone 6 does not work if liquid gets into the smartphone's body. This problem needs to be addressed urgently as other systems may be added to the faulty display.

According to experts, part of the touch screen on the phone does not work when the module was replaced. The reason is incorrect installation or the use of a low-quality product.

If the screen does not respond to touch or only the lower part of the iPhone display does not function, then one of the reasons may be an internal failure of the system. Among them are:

  • Stopping the display matrix;
  • Stopping the functioning of the microcircuit inside the iPhone 5;
  • A short circuit, which occurred due to contamination of the device, caused it to break completely.

It is worth noting that like any operating system, iOS can be rebooted. This causes a number of problems, such as freezing. After this, the sensor triggers spontaneously, but at the same time it partially reacts to touch.


Check your smartphone for viruses, as you may have installed an application, picture or music obtained from unverified sources. The information may contain viruses that can cause the iPhone 5s touchscreen to malfunction.

It could also be another interference with the iOS operating system. Sometimes, after updating the firmware, the touch on the iPhone does not respond or begins to press itself due to the use of a modified version or incorrect operation.

How to fix the touchscreen

Most of those who know how to disassemble electronic devices can check the operation of all its internal parts, for example, inspect the controller by opening the case. You can only find out the source of the problem, and then take preventive measures to prevent the breakdown from progressing. For example, if water gets inside, the sensor on the iPhone 5s begins to dull almost immediately. You can get rid of the problem by using a cotton swab to remove it, and also restore the functionality of some contacts. This measure will prevent a short circuit from occurring.

To begin with, we must say that there are two main types of screens on smartphones:

  • Resistive touch. This is a transparent membrane, under which there is a dense glass panel. They are coated with a special conductive resistive coating. If you touch the screen, its parts will short out, creating tension. This will allow microprocessors to automatically determine the location of the touch coordinate. This type of screen is not used in modern smartphones;
  • Capacitive screen. It is a full-fledged multi-touch that determines the location of the touch coordinate. It is used in the creation of smartphones from Apple. In order to repair it, you need to contact a technician at the service center in your city. Sometimes the sensor on an iPhone does not function, and interfering with the system on your own can lead to irreversible consequences.

Several working methods of repair

Let's consider several ways to solve the problem yourself:

  • If the sensor on your iPhone does not work, then first inspect the smartphone yourself for small cracks. In most cases they are the cause of failure. If you were able to find at least a few such traces, then you can be sure that the technician will replace the display. If the problem is serious, the controller may need to be replaced;
  • If the touchscreen lives its own life, try rebooting the phone. The normal reboot mode for an iPhone will not work; you need to use the emergency one. After turning off, hold down the Home button and the power button for 15 seconds. Such a radical reboot method can lead to the device starting to function again. You can also completely format your smartphone and return it to factory settings. Don’t forget to make copies of your documents in advance and place them in the “Cloud”;
  • If the touchscreen does not work correctly, as many users note, after removing the protective film or glass from the iPhone screen, operation resumed as usual. The reason for this is dirt getting on the adhesive surface. This occurs in one case - when the protective material is not replaced in a timely manner. To prevent this, you need to remove the old film, wipe the screen of your mobile device and stick a new one;
  • If the touchscreen on iPhone 6 does not work, calibration helps. It can be done either using a specially built-in program, or using a downloaded one, for example, Zillow.

If after this the iPhone 5 does not respond to touch or the sensor on the phone begins to press itself, then the smartphone requires the intervention of a specialist. Often, the iPhone touchscreen controller requires repair, and doing such a procedure on your own is very dangerous.

“Prevention” against re-occurrence of failure

If a broken touchscreen stops responding to touch, then you need to take precautions. Constantly spending money on visiting service centers to fix the screen leads to high costs. In order for the iPhone owner to prevent the touchscreen from breaking again, he must follow several rules that will reduce the risk of a problem occurring:

  • The device must not come into contact with moisture. Try to keep glasses and bottles away from him. Do not use your phone while swimming in a pool or your own bath;
  • Also, do not leave your phone in areas with high humidity, such as baths. Small particles of moisture enter the mobile device through micro-slits. This results in a short circuit;
  • Purchase special protective equipment that will cover all possible places of moisture penetration;
  • Protect your phone from mechanical impact. Regular bumpers, protective films, glass, as well as regular rubber phone cases help with this.


I hope our tips helped you. Try the universal algorithm described above. See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

Apple monitors the quality of the parts from which its devices are assembled. Almost every element is improved in the new generation of devices, but no one is immune from defects or problems arising during operation. One of the most common problems with iPhone and iPad is sensor failure. The touchscreen may fail completely or partially, not responding to user touches across the entire surface of the screen or only in a certain area. If the sensor on your iPhone or iPad does not work, you should not immediately take the device to a service center; you can often solve the problem yourself.

Signs of a faulty iPhone sensor

In iPhone and iPad, the display module consists of three components: protective glass, display and sensor (touchscreen). Sensor malfunctions are manifested by the following symptoms:

The symptoms described above may be present constantly or may appear for a while, after which the iPhone will start working normally again.

You cannot use a touch device with a faulty touchscreen, and you must fix the problem as soon as it occurs. However, it is not always caused by incorrect operation of the sensor; in some cases, errors in touch processing occur at the software level.

What to do if the sensor on your iPhone is not working properly

If a problem with touch processing is caused by a software glitch, then the device user can fix it independently, without the help of specialists. To do this, you need to perform a “hard reboot” of the device by holding down the “Home” and “Turn off/on” buttons simultaneously. After 15-20 seconds, the smartphone screen will go dark, after which the Apple icon will light up - this means that the reboot was successful. After the iPhone boots up, you can test it for sensor performance.

In addition, if the sensor on your iPhone is not working well, you should make sure that the problem is not related to the case (or bumper) of the device. Often spontaneous clicks on the sensor are associated with improperly applied film to the screen. If there are errors in the operation of the touchscreen, it is better to remove all protective accessories and see how the sensor responds to touch without them.

iPhone sensor calibration

Apple does not allow users to calibrate the iPhone or iPad sensor. There are no tools in the device settings that would be responsible for calibration, and only service center specialists can perform it, as stated in the official documentation for Apple smartphones and tablets.

At the same time, some touchscreen settings are provided in the iPhone, but they only apply to models older than the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. We are talking about adjusting the sensitivity of the 3D Touch function. To adjust the pressure to perform various actions when using 3D Touch, do the following:

How to replace the touchscreen on iPhone

Replacing the sensor on an iPhone or iPad is a complex procedure that requires special skills, tools, and a spare part. In most cases, attempts to independently replace the touchscreen in a smartphone lead to damage to other components of the device, cracks/scratches on the case, and other problems. That is why it is better to trust iPhone repairs to specialists from trusted service centers.

It is important to choose the right service center to replace the touchscreen, after reading reviews on the Internet. When contacting an unverified service, there is a high risk that a low-quality replacement sensor will be installed in your smartphone, which will quickly fail. Verified services provide a guarantee on the work performed to replace the touchscreen, which can be useful if the sensor starts to malfunction again.

What is touch screen?
This is a thin transparent touch film glued to the protective glass of the phone screen. The exception is Samsung and Apple devices, where the sensor film is glued to the display itself.

When a phone's broken glass is replaced, the touch screen is also replaced along with it. Therefore, after your glass has been replaced, be sure to check the operation of the sensor.

To check the sensor, you can use the built-in function in the Android OS. Those who know how to enable it, use it; those who don’t know, install a small program from the Play Store Screen Touch Test. Both of these programs leave a mark on the screen after you swipe your finger across it.

To check the sensor, draw rectangle around the perimeter of the screen, then full screen cross through the middle, after that two diagonals from opposite corners. When drawing shapes, do not lift your finger from the screen and try to move it as smoothly as possible. It is important!

The sensor does not work correctly if, as a result of the test:
- the line was interrupted
- lines and dots appeared that you did not draw
— the line is uneven, has significant splashes

After that, put the phone into standby mode, then turn it on and check if the sensor responds. If everything is fine after that, switch the phone to standby mode again, call it and accept the call.

If this works, proceed to the last operation. Go to the settings and without lifting your finger from the screen, scroll the list up and then down, then up again and hold your finger, the list of settings should freeze with your finger. If the list jerks up and down, the sensor is faulty.

Sensor malfunctions may not be permanent and may not appear immediately, so a new sensor definitely needs a warranty of at least 1 month, as a rule, this is enough. Do not change glass or screen modules in services where they are not guaranteed.