Free third-level domain on TimeWeb. What is a third-level domain and how to create one

When choosing a name for a site, users are faced with another new concept - the domain level. Some say that the third level is bad, others confuse the first with the second. How to correctly determine the levels, and which domain is not liked by search engines? Let's look at the main points.

The following domain classification is commonly used:

    First level- these are domains tied to a territory ( rf, ru, ua) or topic ( org, biz, info). These domains are not for sale, as they are distributed between certain zones in which you can register a site.

    Second level- a unique part of the address that stands before the first-level domain and is separated from it by a dot. In the address website the second level domain is the name " konstruktorysajtov" Its uniqueness lies in the fact that a second-level domain is registered on one web resource and cannot be used on another site.

    Third level- a resource within a second-level domain. an example of a third-level domain.

Typically, the third level is used when creating a web resource on a site builder or placing individual sites inside a large portal - for example, Strictly speaking, this is also a third-level domain; the second level will be Therefore, optimizers advise specifying the address without WWW, since technically is a subdomain

There are several features in the definition of a third-level domain. In some countries, there were no second-level domains by definition before: for example, in the UK, until 2014, domain names were used in this form:, etc., that is, technically this is already the third level. In this case, the classification shifts one level: will already be a fourth-order domain.

Is level three so bad?

Third-level domains are not held in high esteem by webmasters, but there are no facts proving their inconsistency when promoting a website. Search engines don't pay attention to the domain level. If the site meets certain requirements (domain level is not among them) and contains unique, interesting content, then search engines will return pages of your site in search results, regardless of whether the domain has a second or third level.

Website visitors are not at all interested in the domain level - the main thing is that the address can be remembered and reproduced. But third-level domains are also different. It's one thing if you have no one will pay attention to the fact that there are some extra words in the address. It’s a different matter if you created a website using a free builder like

We continue to master the concept of domains. Today we will consider a topic quite important for a novice webmaster from a practical point of view. However, as usual, nothing complicated. Just read the article carefully.

What are the different levels of domain names?

Domains, depending on their place in the network, are divided into levels or, in other words, domain zones.
First comes the ROOT DOMAIN - as we already know, the most important domain name level.
Then they go

Top level domains.

Such as .RU, .NET, .COM, .BIZ, .ORG and others.
This domain zone includes INTERNATIONAL DOMAINS, or COMMON TOP LEVEL DOMAINS. The most famous of them are .COM, .ORG, .NET. If interested, read about this in additional materials.
Also, the top-level domain zone includes two-letter ones, provided for use for a specific country.
For example, domain .RU is allocated for the Russian Federation, domain .DE is allocated for Germany, and so on.

Please note that top level domains are not for sale. They have already been assigned and distributed.

Second level domains.

This is the unique part of the domain name that stands immediately before the top-level domain and is separated from it by a dot. The uniqueness of a second-level domain is determined by the fact that there cannot be two identical second-level domains. When registering, a name is selected and if it is already taken, you will be denied registration.

Note. The domains site and are not the same, as they belong to different domain zones .ru and .com

Second-level domains are precisely those domains that are sold. But we'll talk about this in another article.

Third-level domains, also known as subdomains or subdomains.

Third-level domains are any domain name within a second-level domain. For example: In this example, test is a third-level domain.

A third-level domain is quite a popular thing in our country. For owners of second-level domains hosted on paid hosting, this is the opportunity to place as many subdomains as they want for free, within the purchased disk space, of course.

For fans of free hosting, there are many services where you can get this hosting. But the address will be in a third-level domain.


So, let us fix that domains are divided into domain name levels in accordance with the hierarchy of domain zones. In practice: in articles, on websites of hosting companies, we will most likely encounter

TOP LEVEL DOMAINS, such as: .RU .COM .RF and many others ;

SECOND LEVEL DOMAINS, such as, for example, domains like DOMAIN.RU or DOMAIN.COM or DOMAIN.RF;


TOP LEVEL DOMAINS are not for sale, they are already allocated and fixed. But from among them you can choose a suitable zone when registering a domain.

SECOND LEVEL DOMAINS need to be registered and purchased. You need to come up with a second-level domain yourself, provided that the exact same one has not already been registered by another person.

THIRD LEVEL DOMAINS are overwhelmingly free. But, one might say, they are shareware. As a rule, where serious business begins, there is always something to pay for. In addition, third-level domains are not registered to specific people, that is, you are not the full owner of such a domain. However, that’s not what we’re talking about today. I hope you don't get confused about domain name levels now.

A third-level domain is an independent website, which is located on a second-level domain and is linked to it. That is, it is a subdomain of the main resource. Third-level domains are blogs and sites on free hosting, the name of which has the following format: or and others. The first word in this construction is a name that is invented by the user, and the second word after the dot is of a higher, second level. The subdomain is located on it. For example:

It should be remembered that by registering third-level resources on free hosting, the user does not receive absolutely any rights to them. In this situation, the owner of the main resource is the copyright holder.

Owners of second-level resources can make a more junior resource - a third-level domain, if there are no registrar restrictions on this operation. Domains of the fourth ( and lower levels can be created in the same way. However, such depth is rarely in demand.

A serious disadvantage is that the average third-level domain name is not very popular with some search engine robots. For some reason, subdomains are sometimes indexed very reluctantly and are poorly retained in the index. However, such problems do not always arise.

A third-level domain is most often used when it does not make sense for a new site to acquire an independent second-level resource. It is quite possible to perfectly place a sales page or a subscription page on a subdomain. That is, make a website of several pages without any expense. If you plan to build a large website based on a subdomain, then you can install any CMS on it. Also, the owner of a second-level resource can, if desired, provide subdomains for creating blogs and websites. A low-level resource can be used as a relief for an overcrowded main site.

Before creating a third-level domain, you should first make sure that your hosting has support for subdomains and that the ability to create them is included in the price of the services. This information can be viewed in your hosting control panel. If the service is not provided, you need to request it from the hoster. It can be either paid or free. Each hosting has its own methods and capabilities for creating subdomains.

On some hosting sites, to create a simple website on a subdomain, it is enough to create another directory with a name like in the main folder in which the directory with the main site is located. When creating a subdomain, you need to take into account that it must have an index.htm file or the site will not open. CMS systems are installed in the same way as on the main site, however, a separate MySQL database is required for the subdomain.

On some hosting sites it is impossible to create a third-level domain yourself. To do this, you need to leave a request in your personal account indicating the desired name for the 3rd level site. Within usually no more than a day, the administration will create the desired resource. After this, you need to enter the addresses of the DNS servers and fill the resource with information. Many hosters have the ability to create resources of lower levels initially included in the control panel, but some third-level resources are generally prohibited. A way out of this situation may be to create subdirectories for the site.

Today is another review of the hosting company TimeWeb, which provides the opportunity to get hosting in addition.

Why do you need free hosting and domain? To create personal blogs, forums, galleries, to initially check the quality of hosting, to get acquainted with the topic of website building in general and in particular, to experiment with various web technologies, to launch new projects - here is a small list of reasons why people want to use free third level domain.

I just needed one to test a new project, and I will now register a third-level domain with TimeWeb for free.

How to get a free third-level domain on TimeWeb?

Let's see what's going on here. First of all, go to Timeweb and click on the tab - Hosting -. Then the menu item - Free hosting -.

We go to the site Here you need to register.

Register a free third-level domain on TimeWeb

To register, you must enter your cell phone number in the field, agree to the rules and click the - Register - button.

You will immediately receive an SMS with an activation code on your cell phone. Enter it in the same field and click the - Activate - button. A new window will appear. Such.

Enter your full name and email in the fields. Change the automatically generated address to your own, whatever you want.

Below the fields are four icons that show which CMS you can initially load - WordPress, Gallery, Forum (PHPBB) and for the more advanced, your own files. Select what you need and press the button - Get Started -.

After this, you will be taken to the Account Control Panel. Everything here is almost exactly the same as the PU of a paid account. Some control icons are missing.

What does TimeWeb provide with a free third-level domain?

Firstly, a full-fledged website with a domain name like

Secondly, 5 Gb of disk space for your website. Friends, I assure you this is quite a lot. For example, I still use only 1 Gb on my blog.

Thirdly, 1 MYSQL5 database

Fourthly, 100% of the PHP, APACHE and other software is the same as on paid hosting.

Fifthly, and this is very important! no advertising. We all see on the Internet sites with free hosting, for example, on Yukoz, and also the accompanying advertising blocks that cover half the screen.

By the way, an idea has popped up now: maybe we should make a forum on a free domain; 5 GB will last for a long time and won’t eat up the resources of the main blog.

What does TimeWeb not provide with a free third-level domain?

It is clear that there must be some restrictions. In this case, it is the lack of technical support and backup. So don’t forget to make timely backups of your creation via an FTP client. This action, by the way, is also mandatory for paid hosting. This is, in fact, the basic truth of a webmaster - make backups, you won’t cry when suddenly, and this always happens so unexpectedly, all the content disappears.

There is also no possibility to create subdomains, there is no built-in email, Jaber server and SMS notifications.

F There is only one TP client, there is no way to assign additional users, as in a paid account.

You must agree that, in principle, the restrictions are not significant. For example, I don’t use anything in paid hosting. I think it’s better to do email on a third-party service. And so on. The main thing is that it is possible to get a full-fledged website at your disposal for free.

I’ll tell you how to log into the admin panel of a WordPress blog - it’s an eternal mystery. The main thing here is not to confuse passwords and accounts. That is, to enter the TimeWeb account control panel there is one login-password pair, and to enter the WordPress admin panel there is another.

In order to get into the admin panel of the blog, go to the PU account section TimeWeb - Website Builders -. In the picture above you can see where the section icon is located. click on this icon.

At the bottom of the window that opens there is a link button - List of installed CMS -. Click on this button.

In the drop-down list, click on the link - Details -. And in a new window (I don’t take a screenshot for obvious reasons) take your password, the default username is admin

Write down your password in a safe place and now you can log in through the regular login form your_blog/wp-login.php

Well, I think that this post will help novice webmasters get on TimeWeb free third level domain. Good luck!

Domain level – the location of a domain in the hierarchical structure of domain names on the Internet.

A domain is a website address or zone name. All computers are identified on the network using an IP address as a sequence of numbers. To access the server it is important to know this address. But one server of a hosting provider (on one IP address) can host 1000 websites.

To find the desired site, a domain name system was created. The English name is DNS or Domain Name System. A domain name is easier for users to remember than a sequence of numbers.

The domain name can consist of a sequence of Latin letters or contain numbers, Cyrillic and a hyphen. The hyphen should only appear in the middle of the sequence. Letters are uppercase or lowercase, case does not matter.

There are 3 main types of domains. Let's look at who can own them and how they differ.

First (top) level domains, what they are.

Such domains are also called “first level” or domain zones. Such domains cannot be purchased. They are registered and made available for use by ICANN. New domain zones are constantly emerging, for example .travel

Domain zones are provided to the following countries:

  • .ru – Russia;
  • .de – Germany;
  • .kz – Kazakhstan.

Or indicate the type of organization using the domain:

  • .com – for commercial organizations.
  • .info – information sites.
  • .edu – for educational institutions.

Using them, you can determine where the site is geographically located or what tasks it performs. However, a site in does not have to be commercial.

Virtual website hosting for popular CMS:

Second level domains.

Domains are registered in one of the first-level zones (country or international domains). They are separated from the domain zone by a dot. The name must be unique within the same zone. The right of ownership is issued for a year, then you need to renew it for a fee.

Third level domains.

Common third-level domains – refer to geographical regional domains. For, This domain is useful for local sites, such as news or city portals.

Third-level domains not tied to geo-zones like, are also called subdomains or subdomains. Registered with organizations that own second-level domains. One such domain can contain an unlimited number of third domains. The user can set up a subdomain in the hosting control panel.

Example of 1st, 2nd, 3rd level domains.

In domain names, case does not matter..Ru - lead to the same site. For the same reason, you cannot register an already existing domain by capitalizing it. and are located in different zones, both can be registered.

In the examples above, .ru is the domain zone, ipipe and primerdomena are the second-level domain name., (domain zone ru) is an example of a third-level domain. – the site owner has placed a mobile version of the site on a subdomain.

Domain names don't have to be short, but they should be easy to remember. Subdomains are suitable for individuals who are not chasing thousands of visitors, or for hosting a forum or additional service on the site.

For organizations, commercial or non-profit, it is better to use second-level domains. They inspire more trust among users and are easier to remember.