What does it mean in contact to notify about entries. How to enable notifications about new posts in a group

Today we will tell you how to turn off notifications in conversations in which many social network users participate. This information will be useful for those who like to chat with a large number participants, but he was tired of constant notifications about new messages. And today you will learn how to remove notifications and new messages altogether.

If you participate in the chat large number people, and you are on VKontakte, but don’t want to at the moment take part in a conversation because you are busy with other things, then you know how they can irritate or interfere sound alerts about new messages. Today you will learn how to turn off notifications .

Disable notifications in conversations

So, now in VKontakte it is possible to turn off pop-up visual and audio notifications in chats where a large number of network users are sitting. To remove alerts, you need to click on the “Actions” button in the dialog. In the menu you will see the “Turn off notifications” function. Hover your mouse over this item and left-click on it. You can see new messages in the chat itself. Today you will learn not only how to remove notifications , but also how to turn them back on.

A chat in which you have disabled notifications about new messages will be marked with an icon with a crossed out speaker. You can see this icon when you scroll through the list of all dialogues, and also, if you enter this chat, you will see an icon next to the name of the conversation. As you can see, it's even easier than .

Turn on notifications in conversations

To turn it back on sound notifications in Contact that a new message has arrived in the chat, you must again go to the “Actions” section, which is located in the right top corner and select “Enable notifications”. But dialogues have improved not only in this, but also in displaying the search when you select an interlocutor. The size of user avatar thumbnails has also changed; dialogues are now displayed using a special icon.

How to turn off notifications for all messages

And now we will tell you what to do if you want to remove notifications about new messages completely. To prevent you from getting bored with the intrusive sound of messages or text notifications, you need to go to “My Settings” and select the “Alerts” section. In this section you will see: “Instant notifications on the site.” Just below are the items: “Show message text” and “Enable sound alerts”.

You will see check marks opposite the items. Uncheck the box next to the item that interests you. If you turn off sound notifications completely, you will no longer hear when you receive a new message. If you uncheck the box next to “Show message text,” new messages will no longer be displayed in the lower left corner. Check the boxes next to these two items or one of them.

Here you can also adjust notifications about other events. If you click on the “Notify about all events” link, a drop-down window will open in front of you in which you can completely or partially turn off notifications in Contact. You can set up alerts for things that interest you, such as messages, friend requests, replies in comments, likes, and more. This will make using VKontakte even more convenient.

Which notifies about updates in selected communities on VKontakte. We give them the microphone.

Hello, my name is Denis, I am 20 years old. Initially, GroupsFeed.ru was created as mine home application, but over time it grew into something more, became a new means for quick receipt content from groups on VKontakte.

You and I all read VKontakte communities, no matter whether they are news or just entertainment publics; many read many groups at the same time. Previously, I constantly had to click on the VKontakte pages and the My News tab to find out the news or see a cool publication. And one day the thought occurred to me: “Why not do all this automatically and show new posts as notifications.” This is how the idea of ​​creating the GroupsFeed application was born.

That same day, I sketched out a sketchy design on paper and started writing code. At this stage, my friend joined the project and helped test the product. And now, exactly a month later, the application was ready. A few days after that, all my friends were already using GroupsFeed, then it was decided to make a website and make the project publicly available.

Now you don’t need to be constantly in VK or any of its clients, you can be in another program or with the browser turned off, as soon as new posts appear in groups, the application displays them on your screen in the form of notifications. With GroupsFeed you save your time and go straight to the site if it is news portal, or to the post page on VKontakte. GF also shows all the new posts that have appeared since your last visit.

A week and a half after the release of GroupsFeed for Windows, it was downloaded more than 500 times. Traffic was growing, there were positive and negative reviews. The product was improved, new functions were added and the interface changed, but at some point this was not enough for us, we realized that we wanted more. A Windows application has some disadvantages - in particular, the use of system resources and attachment to the OS itself. We lacked versatility, the ability to use GroupsFeed from a computer on any operating system. Then the idea came up to create an extension for the Chrome browser.

We have redesigned the system for processing communities and creating a feed of posts. We added several new functions that are not available in the Windows application. Changed the color scheme a little. Now you can install our extension in three clicks and receive new posts from your favorite communities on VKontakte.

Today the highest priority tasks are:

1) finalization of the extension for the Chrome browser;

2) adaptation of the application for Facebook and Odnoklassniki;

3) creating a web application for the browser.

Investments have not yet been attracted, there are no expenses, since we have our own server. There are plans for monetization. We are against traditional advertising formats, so we are trying to come up with something new.

In fact, for owners of VKontakte groups this is very current problem. I admit that, until recently, I also considered the inability to promptly learn about all the events that occur in groups as a big disadvantage. I even wrote to technical support on VKontakte and asked the question:

“When will it be possible to receive notifications about comments in a group?”

I didn’t receive an answer, but somehow, quite by accident, I found a solution to this problem on the Internet. Yes, I agree that this is not too much convenient way, but for lack of a better one, I consider it the most effective today.

You can still see comments in VKontakte groups

In order to receive notifications about comments on posts, videos and photo albums, you need to use two tools.

Supervisor of VKontakte

The first tool is online service, which provides us with all the information that is currently inaccessible to most group owners, and to which we have become so accustomed when working on other social networks.

When new comments appear in the group, the “Overseer” will send to the address specified during registration email list existing groups with the number of new comments. Everything seems to be fine, but all the information about who left the comment and in which section of the group is not displayed. Therefore, going to the group and viewing photos and videos again is not the best or most productive activity. Still, it’s better to spend this time on more important things.

♦ Advice!

Add to the service not only group addresses, but also all sections in which you have user activity: photos, discussions, videos, products.

If you don't use additional tool, then “VKontakte Overseer” is a completely unpromising tool for you.

VKontakte application “Comments by date added”

Second tool is a completely easy-to-use application in which in a small window you need to enter the address of a group, public page, photo album page or video recording. After a few seconds/minutes, a list of comments with a link to the post will appear on the page. Thanks to this application, you can see which post contains a comment, and calmly and very timely respond to it to the user.

♦ Advice!

This app does not send to your email messages. Just run it after the Overseer notifies you that there are new comments.

♦ Let me remind you that neither “Overseer” nor the VKontakte application are effective without each other. Yes, of course, you can use only one VKontakte application, but this can only be convenient if you have one group. Then you can launch the application several times a day to check your group.

And just like we all have one common feature, which unites us - a small amount of free time, then I assure you that the enthusiasm will end very quickly.

Important update in the Overseer application

On 03/01/2016, a new convenient function appeared - you can see which specific post a comment was posted on. To do this, you just need to click on the “Go” button and find yourself on the page of the post with the comment. Since there are a lot of spam messages in this group, for me new feature- a real salvation. It's very convenient! Thanks to the developer!

Are comment notifications banned?

I still don’t understand why such a popular social network doesn’t provide notifications to the owners of groups and public pages in order to make their work at least a little more convenient in this regard?

♦ If we compare VKontakte with its competitors - Google+ and Facebook, I believe that these social networks properly show respect and care for their users - the owners of groups and communities. Agree that using notifications on email, you can always answer a question on time and participate in an important discussion. The speed of response to a comment is directly proportional to the degree of trust of participants in the group.

& I hope that these tools will be very, very useful to you. And, as always, I ask you to write in the comments what methods you use to see the events of visitors in your groups in a timely manner.

VKontakte has the ability to receive notifications when a user or community has published new entry. This way you will always know if a person or group is active.

Now I'll show you how it works and teach you how to turn on notifications.

User Post Notifications

It should be noted that even if the user is your friend, notifications about new publications do not work (see). They need to be activated manually.

If a person posts a new post, you will receive a message about it. A pop-up window will appear in the lower left corner of the screen with a corresponding message. Also in the notifications section, there will be a note indicating that a new entry has appeared.

We should move on to to the right person to the page. Now open the menu located just below his profile photo. And select the item from the list "Notify about posts".

You will now receive notifications about new posts. You can unsubscribe from updates here by selecting the item in the menu "Do not notify about posts".

How to enable notifications about new posts in a group

It works with communities in a similar way. Go to the desired group and open the menu. Select an item "Notify about posts".

Now in the notification block, you can see the latest posts in the community.

We unsubscribe by analogy.

Subscribe to updates from mobile

If you have a task to activate notifications from your mobile phone, you need to act in the same way. We go to the user’s page and open the menu located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then click “Notify about new posts”.

As you can see, the process is very similar.


This feature is especially relevant if you need to monitor the activity of a popular user. He is unlikely to approve your friend request. But by activating notifications, you can learn about his new posts.


Greetings dear reader!

In this post I will show you how to enable messages in a group on a social network - VKontakte.

Group messages are a great implementation feedback with your subscribers. Your group acts as separate page, that is, all messages sent to the group do not come to the admin, but to separate dialogue, which can be accessed through the group.

By connecting the service Messages, administrators and editors will be able to receive private messages from users and respond to them on behalf of the community.

To enable messages in a group (public), you need to follow simple instructions!

Step #2.
Log in to the desired group in which you are an administrator.

Step #3.
In the menu on the right, select Page Management:

While in the community settings, go a little lower, changing the status of the settings item – “Messages” to “Enabled”:

After this, save the settings.

Now, going to home page group, you will see two new elements:

The second element is the ability to send a private message to the group, anyone can do this - they don’t have to be subscribers (or joined).

That's all for me, I think enabling this feature will be useful for most administrators of large communities!

If you need help in creating any functionality, website, service, tests or calculators, then I am ready to help, more details on the services page.

In fact, for VKontakte group owners this is a very pressing problem. I admit that, until recently, I also considered the inability to promptly learn about all the events that occur in groups as a big disadvantage. I even wrote to technical support on VKontakte and asked the question:

“When will it be possible to receive notifications about comments in a group?”

I didn’t receive an answer, but somehow, quite by accident, I found a solution to this problem on the Internet. Yes, I agree that this is not a very convenient method, but for lack of a better one, I consider it the most effective one today.

You can still see comments in VKontakte groups

In order to receive notifications about comments on posts, videos and photo albums, you need to use two tools.

Supervisor of VKontakte

The first tool is online service, which provides us with all the information that is currently inaccessible to most group owners, and to which we have become so accustomed when working on other social networks.

When new comments appear in the group, the “Overseer” will send to the specified address registration e-mail list of existing groups with the number of new comments. Everything seems to be fine, but all the information about who left the comment and in which section of the group is not displayed. Therefore, going to the group and looking through all the posts, photos and videos again is not the best or most productive activity. Still, it’s better to spend this time on more important things.

♦ Advice!

Add to the service not only group addresses, but also all sections in which you have user activity: photos, discussions, videos, products.

If you do not use an additional tool, then “VKontakte Overseer” is a completely unpromising tool for you.

VKontakte application “Comments by date added”

The second tool is a completely easy-to-use application in which in a small window you need to enter the address of a group, public page, photo album page or video recording. After a few seconds/minutes, a list of comments with a link to the post will appear on the page.

Review of 35 services and applications for VKontakte administrators

Thanks to this application, you can see which post contains a comment, and calmly and very timely respond to it to the user.

♦ Advice!

This application does not send messages to your email. Just run it after the Overseer notifies you that there are new comments.

♦ Let me remind you that neither “Overseer” nor the VKontakte application are effective without each other. Yes, of course, you can use only one VKontakte application, but this can only be convenient if you have one group. Then you can launch the application several times a day to check your group.

And since we all have one common feature that unites us - a small amount of free time, I assure you that enthusiasm will end very quickly.

Important update in the Overseer application

On 03/01/2016, a new convenient function appeared - you can see which specific post a comment was posted on. To do this, you just need to click on the “Go” button and find yourself on the page of the post with the comment. Since there are a lot of spam messages in this group, this new feature is a real lifesaver for me. It's very convenient! Thanks to the developer!

Are comment notifications banned?

I still don’t understand why such a popular social network as VKontakte does not issue a notification to the owners of groups and public pages in order to make their work at least a little more convenient in this regard?

♦ If we compare VKontakte with its competitors - Google+ and Facebook, I believe that these social networks properly show respect and care for their users - owners of groups and communities. Agree that with the help of email notifications, you can always answer a question on time and participate in an important discussion. The speed of response to a comment is directly proportional to the degree of trust of participants in the group.

& I hope that these tools will be very, very useful to you. And, as always, I ask you to write in the comments what methods you use to see the events of visitors in your groups in a timely manner.

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With our help, you can find out when and how often they are online users VKontakte, track people’s contacts (hidden and possible), view the number of likes received and even ever given.

The system finds received and delivered likes and comments on personal pages and in groups!

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In this article we will try to explain what push messages are.

Today, many sites offer you to subscribe to push notifications right from the door. And every day there are more and more such sites. Let's start with the theory.

Push notifications are short messages, which come directly to your desktop. Such a message usually contains a site icon and a text field, in in rare cases is added to it big picture and buttons. Clicking on this message will take you to specified page site that sent the notification.

What does push mean?

The name of this technology translated means push.

When sending a message, the site forwards the installed texts and images to browser companies such as Google. Then, with the help of a push, this message is delivered to your browser, which displays its contents on the screen. It should be noted that you are not required to leave any personal data, which makes this channel extremely safe.

Push it new channel, which allows sites to send you information about news, special offers or simply report the status of the order.

Here are some examples of notifications that sites send:

Travel agencies can offer you the best deals:

And airlines can notify you about the status of the flight for which you checked in.

Technology push messages is a new era of communication between sites and you. By subscribing once, you will always be aware of the latest latest news resource.

Push messages have a number of properties:

They arrive regardless of whether you are on the site or not, are delivered instantly, and your subscription cannot be used on other resources, unlike email messages.

Unsubscribing from push notifications is as easy as allowing them to be received.

Top 5 services for analyzing Vkontakte communities

We have already talked about this on our blog.

The bottom line is.

Browser messages are a great tool for modern marketing and are extremely safe for the user. The technology prevents spam from entering the message channel. But you need to be selective and allow notifications only for those sites whose content is interesting or useful to you.

In conclusion, I would like to insert a few lines for companies that charge this opportunity into circulation Doing just three simple rules effective push notifications, you will be able to maintain the loyalty of your audience, and your messages will always be welcome on the subscriber’s desktop.