Where to look for deleted files. We use specialized utilities

Read how to recover deleted files using Windows built-in tools or programs for recovering deleted data.

There is probably no person who has not heard about them or has not used such devices at least once. In today's rapidly developing world, computer devices are used everywhere.

For example, many users of such devices use them to carry out their business and professional activities, use them in various production processes, buy, sell and provide a variety of services through such devices. A separate line is the use of computer devices for organizing leisure time for users, as well as creating, testing, distributing and using games, and holding relevant tournaments.

Additionally, a separate class of devices, such as mobile smartphones and communicators, are used for direct communication between users through various methods: regular communication; text messages; applications for transmitting visual and audio signals, as well as any data and text packets; social networks and much more.

Naturally, the unusually widespread use of computer devices entails the development of a separate area directly related to computers - the creation and development of modern software. Fully responsible for the full functioning of computer devices, the main software is the operating system.

The main requirements for the operating system are high speed of processing any data array, multitasking, a high degree of system reliability against hacking, the absence of vulnerabilities and internal problems, a convenient user interface, high unification and compatibility with different types of applications.

Without exaggeration, the most popular operating system in the whole world can be called the system "Windows". Developed in 1985 by the corporation "Microsoft" The system has achieved extraordinary popularity, fully meeting all the requirements for systems of this kind. New version of the operating system "Windows 10" has concentrated all the time-tested internal functionality from earlier versions of the system, and is supplemented with the latest developments, available only in the voiced version of the system "Windows 10".

Being highly popular and allowing the installation of software from various third-party manufacturers, the operating system has to be responsible for storing both system and user files, as well as performing actions to process and move them.

With the development of computer devices, almost all information began to be used and stored in digital format, and the importance of ensuring its safety has increased enormously. Erroneous deletion, unexpected system failure, malware, accidental formatting, etc. – this is not a complete list of possible reasons that may lead to the loss of important information. Therefore, the question of possible ways to recover deleted files on a user’s personal computer is of utmost importance. But before we continue, it is important to emphasize that recovering deleted files from a hard drive, any memory card, "USB" flash drive or other storage device is possible and not an impossible task.

We, of course, cannot guarantee that accidentally deleted files can be 100% recovered. However, there is a very good chance that you will be able to get your files back, especially if not too much time has passed since they were deleted. For further actions, we need to focus on explaining the concepts of storing and deleting a file.

General meaning of the storage process concept

To better understand the process of deleting a file, you first need to become familiar with how the file is stored on a computer storage device. All data on a computer hard drive is stored in files and folders and has a strictly structured form. The hard drive of a personal computer is initially laid out into tracks, which in turn are divided into sectors (a numbered area of ​​the hard drive intended for storing data). Each sector has a certain size, which can be changed within certain limits when formatting the hard drive and choosing a file system. Minimum sector size "512 bytes".

Each file you write to a computer hard drive also has a certain size, significantly larger than the sector size, and occupies a certain number of track sectors. Such sectors may not be located next to each other, but may be scattered across different disk tracks. When a file is written, the system creates file tags in which it stores information about the file's location, its size, and other important data. When a user accesses a file, based on the label, the system collects information from the file’s sectors together and gives the user the required file.

General meaning of the concept of the removal process

When a user deletes a file, in any convenient way (normal or permanent deletion), the system only removes the file's label and marks it as empty disk space suitable for writing new data. In fact, all user information stored in the file remains intact and is still on disk.

When the system needs to write a new file, it checks the disk space for free cells. These now include those cells in which information from a deleted file is stored. Following its logic, the system overwrites free cells with new data. And cells with information from a deleted file can also be used to overwrite the data of a new file. Until the cell is overwritten, all information stored in it, even marked as deleted, is available for complete recovery using special programs for recovering deleted data.

Now, with some knowledge, it will be easier for you to understand the recovery process. Follow the steps below to maximize your chances of recovering deleted files from your storage device.

How to recover deleted files

The process of recovering deleted files involves performing certain sequential actions, one after another, until the user recovers the required files. We will focus on the main actions that you will need to perform to achieve the desired result. After each action, you need to check whether your files are recovered. Otherwise, continue with the steps described.

Expected recovery time: Depending on how long ago the file was deleted, how often you release "Basket" from the deleted files, the location of the deleted files, the storage capacity of the device and some other factors, file recovery can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours or even more.

1. Stop using your computer!

Besides the specific steps we'll cover in the rest of this guide, the first thing you should do is stop using the drive containing the deleted file to prevent it from being overwritten.

  • As we mentioned above, deleted files are actually just hidden from the user, but are still accessible. The only way the file you want to recover will completely disappear is if you overwrite the physical space it occupies on the disk. Therefore, try to refrain from or minimize the number of writes that could lead to such consequences.
  • Avoid voluminous tasks such as installing software, downloading or streaming music or videos, etc. Doing these steps won't necessarily overwrite your file, but it does increase your chances of losing it forever.
  • If possible, reduce the time (number of accesses to the storage device and operations performed on it) from the moment the file is deleted until the recovery process begins. For example, after deleting a file, you did not use the storage device for a long time, but after connecting it, you started the recovery process. The chance to completely restore such a file is almost one hundred percent, because the system did not use the device and could not permanently erase the file. This condition is especially true for large files. After all, during storage, the system could arrange file fragments in different sectors across the entire surface of the physical disk, significantly increasing the likelihood of them being overwritten during subsequent use.

2. Recover deleted files from "Baskets".

This is the first place you should pay your attention to. In the standard operating system settings "Windows" file deletion function "Basket" preinstalled by default. And if you have not additionally changed the file deletion settings, then with a high degree of probability you will be able to find your deleted file in perfect working order in "Basket". But if you have the parameter “Shred files immediately after deletion, without putting them in the trash”, or you have already cleared the contents "Baskets" earlier, then immediately proceed to the next points of our guide.

Open "Basket" in any way convenient for you, and find your deleted file. Right-click on it and, in the pop-up context menu, select section "Restore". From "Baskets" the specified file will be moved to the last storage location in which it was located before deletion. If you found your deleted file and were able to restore it, then your actions are complete. If your file is not among the deleted files in the Recycle Bin, then follow the instructions in our guide below.

Reminder: Files you delete from memory cards "USB" flash drives, external hard drives of any type and network resources are not stored in "Basket" and are always deleted directly. This condition fully applies to devices such as smartphones and communicators. Again, very large files from any source are often deleted immediately directly, without placing them in "Basket".

More details about properties "Baskets" and the features of working with it you can read in our article.

3. Use a free program to recover deleted files.

At this point, you will need to use third-party software. On the World Wide Web "Internet" Using the search, you can find several free programs to recover deleted files. Almost all free programs have similar capabilities, so you can choose any of them.

Download your favorite free program and use it to find and recover deleted files. If the files you are looking for have already been deleted from "Baskets", then such a file recovery tool can help you.

If, when searching for deleted files, you were unable to find the file you needed, then do not despair and try using another free program. However, do not forget that any action you perform on your hard drive will reduce your chances of successfully recovering the deleted files you are looking for. Such actions, for example, include installing several different free file recovery programs.

Important tip: We strongly recommend that you download "portable" version of the file recovery program you chose, directly to "USB" flash drive or to a different drive than the one on which the deleted files are located. The regular version of the program resides on your hard drive, spreading its files throughout your computer as it installs—like most standard programs you download and install. Unlike the regular version of the program, the portable version installs files offline in the folder where you downloaded it. It can be installed on another disk, for example, "USB" flash drive or second hard drive, and launched directly from there. This method will allow you to avoid possible overwriting of your deleted files and will increase the possible chances of recovering them.

The big disadvantage of free programs is the low percentage of recovering deleted files, which may not include the required file. Additionally, such programs often have a finite limit on the total amount of data you can recover. For a small single file, such a program may be sufficient. But if the file is large, or you need to restore a group of files, then such programs are not suitable for you.

If you did not find your deleted file or its size does not allow you to recover it with a free program, then proceed to the next point in our guide.

4. Use a paid program to recover deleted files.

The paid version of the program implies providing the user with a full set of available tools for recovering deleted files. The capabilities of this type of program exceed similar free versions and, with a high degree of probability, will help the user get their deleted files back.

As with the previous type of program, paid programs for recovering deleted files are widely available on the Internet "Internet". The range of capabilities of each program differs significantly from other samples. However, almost every program invites users to try it to find the necessary deleted files immediately before purchasing. And if the required file is successfully detected and restored, the user can purchase a key to complete the recovery process.

The criteria that influence the final choice of a program can be different: price, ease of use, range of features provided, etc. However, the main requirement that the user must pay attention to is the presence of your deleted file in the list of recoverable files after the scanning process of your device is completed. Based on this condition, we recommend using a program to recover deleted files.

The program has extensive capabilities and can recover any type of files, regardless of what caused the files to be deleted. It is indispensable for working with deleted, inaccessible or damaged partitions and disks; recovers deleted, lost and damaged files; returns files after cleaning "Baskets" or permanently deleted using a key combination "Shift + Delete"; Recovers files after errors and system crashes, as well as after a virus attack.

Download and install, and then follow the simple step-by-step installation wizard.

After starting the program it will appear "File Recovery Wizard", in which, following its prompts, select the required partition where the deleted files were stored and start the scanning process. The entire process can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes or longer depending on how large the drive is or what scanning method you choose.

After scanning the selected partition is completed, find the desired deleted file in the list of recoverable files, mark it and click the button "Restore", located under the main menu ribbon.

An important function in the program is "Preview of recoverable files", which allows you to display the contents of each file before it is restored. And after viewing all available versions of files, the user will be able to select the most suitable one.

5. Use the services of a specialized workshop for recovering deleted files.

We hope that you were able to find the file you need to recover in the program's list of recovered files. But there is a small chance that your deleted file was not found, was not fully recovered, or was partially corrupted. There may be various reasons for this, one of which is the possible overwriting of your entire file or a separate part of it with another file. In this case, you will have to create your file again or try contacting a specialized workshop for recovering deleted files.

However, this option does not provide a 100% guarantee of the return of your deleted files, and will require significant financial costs from you. Therefore, you will have to decide how important the deleted file is compared to the cost of its possible recovery. After all, even if your attempt is unsuccessful, you will still have to pay for the workshop’s services and incur certain costs.

More help with recovering deleted files

    It should always be the first place you look for your deleted file when the need arises to recover it. In case you missed it "Basket" as a possible location of the deleted file, because you think that it cannot be there, then do not be lazy and be sure to check "Basket". You never know, maybe you will get lucky and the issue of recovering a deleted file will be resolved instantly.

    As we have mentioned earlier in the article several times, recovering files from devices such as smartphones, music players, "USB" Flash drives and network drives are possible, but may require you to use third-party software.

    The great news is that there is no requirement for a data recovery program to be installed before you delete a file in order to use it. You can always install the program after deleting a file and have a high chance of its complete recovery.

    A broken hard drive or a computer that won't start represents an additional layer of problems that complicates the process of recovering deleted files, but does not make it impossible.

    If the problem involves a physical problem with the disk, then a file recovery program will not always be able to help. The best solution for recovering data from a physically damaged hard drive is to use specialized workshops. They have the necessary equipment and expertise to repair and recover data from damaged hard drives.

    However, if a system error occurs that prevents the operating system from starting "Windows", this does not necessarily mean that your hard drive has a physical or fatal problem. You need to try to start the computer, or remove the hard drive with important data and connect it to another computer to access its contents.

    Make sure that the file you are looking for was actually deleted. You may have moved it to another folder that you forgot about, or you may have copied it to a flash drive or other storage device that is no longer connected to your computer.

    If you need advice on recovering deleted files or have specific questions, write to us in the comments and we will answer them.

The first and one of the easiest recovery methods is to use the free Hetman Partition Recovery program.

Installing the program

Download the utility to recover deleted information and run the installer. To speed up its operation, the program recommends closing all running applications. Click Next to begin the installation process.

Confirm that you have read the license agreement by clicking the “I Accept” button.

Select the folder where the utility will be installed. If you want to recover deleted information in a specific partition of your hard drive, you must install the program in another partition. This is due to the fact that the program can install itself in place of the deleted data, making it impossible to recover it. The latest version of the application will require at least 42.8 MB of free space on the selected disk. Confirm to continue the installation by clicking the “Next” button.

If necessary, check additional items in the installer settings. You can choose to place shortcuts on the desktop and in the Quick Launch panel, or display documentation about Hetman Partition Recovery.

Wait for the installation to complete.

After installing the program to recover deleted data, click the “Finish” button.

Running and analyzing deleted files

Open the installed application using the created shortcut. The first launch may take some time.

The Hetman Partition Recovery utility has a built-in wizard for recovering deleted information. It is used to simply specify application parameters step by step. To continue using the wizard, click Next. If you want to use the program interface to configure and start scanning remote files, uncheck the “Display wizard at startup” checkbox. Then click "Close" to stop the recovery wizard.

Select the drive on which you want to find deleted information for subsequent recovery. If not all storage devices are displayed or you have connected a new drive, click the Find Drives button. Select the drive with the deleted information and click “Next”.

Important! Searching for deleted data can be done not only on local drives, but also on external drives.

In the next step, specify the type of analysis that will be applied when searching for deleted data. There are two options to choose from: quick scan and full analysis. If the files you are interested in were recently deleted, it is recommended to use a quick scan. A full analysis performs a deep scan of the system. This task requires more hardware resources, so it takes much longer to complete than a quick scan.

Important! When choosing full analysis, you can enable searches in various file systems (NTFS and FAT) as well as deep analysis.

The time it takes to analyze a computer's file system depends on the size of the selected disk and the selected scanning parameters. If the process takes a long time, you can cancel it using the corresponding button and set other settings in the previous steps.

Upon completion of the analysis, statistics will be indicated in the application window: the number of folders and files found. Click "Done" to move to the next step.

Working with deleted files

A convenient feature of Hetman Partition Recovery is a common interface for accessible and deleted files. It is organized in the style of a standard Windows Explorer, so even an inexperienced user can understand the interface. By default, the application window displays visible and hidden documents. Also, after scanning, additional directories appear:

  1. Deep Analysis
  2. System files
  3. Deleted and found

To work with deleted documents, go to the “Deleted and Found” section. Unfortunately, the technical features of deleting information in Windows do not allow you to save the names of deleted directories. Therefore, they are assigned serial numbers, for example “Folder 1127”. Find the electronic documents that you want to recover, mark them in the program window and select “Recover” in the context menu. You can also use the keyboard shortcut: “Ctrl+R”.

File recovery in Hetman Partition Recovery is implemented in the form of a wizard, as is their analysis. In the first step, you will be asked to select a saving method. The easiest and fastest option is saving to your hard drive. Check the required box and click “Next”. If you want to always use this saving method in the future, set the option to “Remember my selections.”

At the next step, specify the path that will be used to store the recovered data. It is strictly not recommended to specify the drive on which the source files were stored. With this choice, the recovered data may be saved in place of the original data, which will lead to their overwriting. As a result, the documents will turn out to be “broken” - they will be only partially accessible or will not open at all. Click "Restore" and wait until the copying is complete.

Recovering Files Using DiskDigger

Unlike Hetman Partition Recovery, DiskDigger is small in size and does not require installation. To run it, download the archive from the developer’s website, unpack it and run the executable file. One of the conveniences of the utility is automatic detection of the system language. If it is defined incorrectly, you can change the language in the upper right corner of the program.

At the first stage of recovering deleted data, select the disk on which it was located before deletion. In addition to hard drives, flash drives, memory cards of various formats and other connected devices are also supported. Difficulties may arise when recovering data from SSDs, since they have a different principle of deleting information. After selecting the drive, click Next.

After this, DiskDigger will offer you to choose one of two scanning options: “Dig deep” and “Dig even deeper.” The first option should be used if the information was recently deleted. It is also better suited for recovering large files. The second option is recommended for restoring small files and data that was deleted long ago. Unfortunately, the names of the recovered documents in this case are not displayed correctly, so random combinations of characters are indicated instead. After making your selection, click “Next” to move to the next step.

Pay attention! If the selected search method does not bring results, you can repeat the scan using a different method.

The current file system analysis status will be displayed in the Running section. There is no way to interrupt the process at this stage, so it is recommended to wait until it finishes. But if it runs too slowly, you can terminate the program using Windows tools.

Accidentally pressing the “Delete” button, inattention, program failure, unsuccessful mouse click, virus activity - all this can cause information loss. Files can be easily deleted unintentionally on a hard drive, flash drive, CD and DVD drives, or on any other storage medium. If it is very valuable, then it is worth fighting to restore it. Most often successful.

Start with the trivial - look in the “Basket”. There is a huge chance that you will find accidentally destroyed data there. Without giving in to panic, open the “Trash”. All deleted information is stored in this folder until it is completely cleared. Restoring from it is simple: open the “Recycle Bin”, right-click on the desired file (folder), and select “Restore” from the list of commands. The file will return to its original location where it was deleted. In more complex situations, when the file is not in the Recycle Bin, you will need to resort to the help of special programs. There are a lot of them. Let's look at the work of the most popular and proven ones. These include Recuva. The utility easily copes with the return of lost files of any type: a document, a picture, a spreadsheet - almost anything deleted.

Recuva will help you more effectively if you start recovering your losses as quickly as possible. When working with a disk, a new file may be written in place of the lost file, and then the chance of its return is almost zero. Start by downloading the utility, stopping working with disks. The program is free, small in size, for home use. Its interface is intuitive, even a novice user can handle it. Displays all deleted files after scanning the disk. Their status shows the likelihood of recovery.

RS File Recovery program rescues files even on a formatted disk. It does not matter whether the disk partition was formatted NTFS, FAT or the file was simply deleted. The interface is simple, files can be returned on any disk or memory card. The program's "Explorer" displays the contents of the disk in a similar way to Windows. Select the desired disk by double-clicking and specify the scan command. Having completed the analysis of the disk, the program will display all the information on it, marking the deleted information with a red cross. Set the Restore command for the required files. Give them space on another drive. The program is paid. It is possible to recover even long-deleted files using the R-Studio program. It is represented by a set of useful utilities that will recover files on any media. In most cases, files can be returned from an empty Recycle Bin; they were deleted outside the Recycle Bin as a result of a virus attack or a computer power failure. It is possible to restore information even after formatting the disk to another system. The PC INSPECTOR File Recovery program will provide invaluable assistance in recovering lost information on damaged disks, memory cards, and flash drives. Although it does not provide 100% recovery, it works well. The most important thing is to install it not on the disk where you want to find lost files, but on any other independent media. If you don’t want to download and install programs, then try using internal Windows tools - look for files in the archives. Windows creates "shadow copies" of files. This means that while working with documents, copies of files are automatically created and stored in special folders as part of a system restore point. Follow these steps: “Start” – “Control Panel” – “System and Maintenance” – “Backup and Restore”. Click the “Recover my files” command. The wizard will then indicate your next steps. In Windows 8 – “File History”.

Always restore files using programs to a different drive than the one where they were previously. The main thing is to act thoughtfully, without panic, but quickly. When working with important information, be careful and attentive, and do not forget to periodically create backup copies of files.

Hi all!

It can be very unpleasant when you lose important files. Especially if these were personal photographs and videos from the sea, graduation, wedding, birthday, and so on. That is why it is important to know how to recover deleted files as quickly as possible!!!

I want every visitor to my site to recover all the files that he has lost and for this I will write very detailed instructions. I'll describe 6 different programs, with which you can recover deleted files from a flash drive, memory card or hard drive!


The first program is called Recuva and in the world of recovering lost files, this program is one of the most popular and simplest. As always, we need to download it from the official website and install it.

Let's get down to business right away.

We insert into the computer a USB flash drive or memory card from which you want to recover deleted files. If files need to be restored from a hard drive, then you do not need to insert anything.

Let's launch the Recuva program and first of all, let's turn on the Russian language. Click the Cancel button in the first window.

The second window is the main window of the program, here we go to Options.

Finding the Russian language.

Now everything is in Russian and it’s more convenient to work. Specify the drive letter or flash drive where you will need to restore the files and click Analysis.

After a few minutes, the program will show a huge number of files, among which may be those that we need. Here you will immediately need to pay attention to the File Status.

The file may be in Excellent condition, Average, Poor or completely lost. It's good if you remember the names of the lost files. If not, then you will need to check the boxes next to the files in Excellent condition, Average and Poor. After that, click the Restore button.

We indicate on the computer the location where the recovered files will be saved and click OK.

The main thing is to never save files to the place from which they are restored!

Upon completion, you can check the finished files and delete those that were recovered with errors.

The main thing to remember is that if you deleted some important files, then under no circumstances You cannot write other files to the same drive! For example, did you accidentally delete several photos from your camera? What to do? First of all, stop taking photos. With each new file written to the memory card, the likelihood of recovering previously deleted files decreases!

The next program, with which you can recover deleted files, even if the first program did not help, is called. In some cases it will even be steeper than Recuva.

The principle of operation is very simple, even though the program is in English. You need to download it, install it, run it and select the drive from which you want to recover files.

Having opened the drive, the program immediately scans it and builds the folder hierarchy that existed before the files were deleted. We need to open the folder from which we deleted the necessary files and try to restore them.

By hovering over each file with the mouse, we can see its size. To restore it, you need to right-click on it and select Recovery.

You can also select all files or even all folders and click Recovery. Now all that’s left to do is to specify where the files will be saved. The first item is responsible for saving the file to your hard drive.

And in the second window, specify the drive and folder in which these files will be saved.

Oh, yes, you can also give the file a new name.

After saving, we check the received files.

Another program for scanning and finding lost files is called. A distinctive feature of this program is its very nice design.

In the main window of the program we are offered to familiarize ourselves with the action plan. If you have a free minute, I recommend reading it.

We accept the terms of the agreement and click Let's get started.

Select the flash drive or disk where you need to find the files.

We wait a few minutes while we search for lost files.

Upon completion, we can review the information found. On the left we open the folders in which the files should have been and they will be displayed on the right. Check the boxes for the required files and click Restore selected.

All that remains is to indicate the drive where the files will be saved and check them upon completion.

The next, quite powerful program that can recover deleted files on a computer is called. Everywhere you look there are good things to say about this program.

The operating principle is similar to previous programs. We need to select the drive with the lost files and click Scan.

The scanning progress is displayed at the bottom of the program.

When it is completed, we will need to select the drive again. Only now right-click on it and select Recover all files.

We indicate the path to save to the program and click Yes.

In some cases, the program will ask you to correct the file name. This usually happens due to damage to the original file name. Give it a name and click Rename.

The next program is called Ontrack EasyRecover and its operating principle is identical to the others. In the first window, we are simply given a description of the program and here we just need to click Continue.

In the next window, you need to select the type of drive on which the data will be searched.

Well, and most importantly, indicate specifically the drive letter or flash drive on which you want to try to recover deleted files.

We select what exactly we need to restore, what was deleted, and confirm the settings.

And the last program we will try is called .

In the upper left corner, click Start, then Recover Files and Next.

Select the drive letter and the item Search for deleted files.

Upon completion of the scan, open the folders on the left and check the boxes on the right for the files that need to be recovered. Click Save and save it to a convenient location on your computer.

How to recover deleted files on Android?

As for smartphones, the situation is similar. For example, to recover deleted files on Android you need to remove the memory card from your phone, then insert it into your computer or laptop and use any of the methods described above to recover lost files.

Most users of personal computers and laptops store important information on hard drives. For some these are photographs, for others - working documents. But what if all these files were lost for some reason or even accidentally deleted? How to recover lost information?

In what cases can you recover deleted files?

The first thing you need to understand is how a hard drive works. All of its data is stored on clusters - these are small “pieces” of information with a capacity of 1 byte to 4 megabytes. Files are built from clusters. The first bits of each of them are marked with a zero or a one. Those electronic documents in which the attributes are set to “0” are considered deleted. In fact, they exist, but at the first need this information will be deleted, and new information will be written in its place.

What happens when a user deletes a file from their hard drive? It doesn’t disappear anywhere, but that same “zero” is written in its properties. Why is this algorithm used?

What happens when a user deletes a file from their hard drive?

Firstly, to speed up the hard drive. Otherwise, the process of deleting a file would take tens of times longer - it would be overwritten onto an empty electronic document (in time it would take the same amount of time as copying this file to another directory on the same hard drive).

Secondly, this algorithm allows you to increase the service life of the hard drive. After all, clusters become damaged over time, and when a critical point is reached (each manufacturer sets its own “critical” indicator), the hard drive may simply fail - the operating system will stop working with it. The same Windows, for example, in this case constantly displays a notification about the need to create a backup copy of the data and transfer it to another computer.

In total, after deleting a file, even bypassing the recycle bin, the data remains on the hard drive. But they will subsequently be overwritten if new data is copied to the hard drive (or rather, to the hard drive partition). Accordingly, lost files can be recovered only if the following factors are met:

  • the information was lost due to a software failure, and not a failure of the hard drive;
  • after data loss, no new data was written to the hard drive (to the same partition where the lost data was previously present).

But there are exceptions to the rules. In modern editions of Windows (from version 2000 and older), a system for automatically creating restore points has been introduced. That is, Windows creates backup copies of data that has undergone changes while working with the operating system. Several “snapshots” of the OS are created, so the user can roll back the changes made and restore the computer to the state it was in before the last startup. True, this is only relevant for small electronic documents. By default, Windows reserves 5% of the total disk space for recovery points. If the lost information takes up more space, then only part of it will be possible to recover.

It is also quite possible to recover data from a physically damaged hard drive. But such procedures are carried out only in a laboratory, and such a service will be quite expensive. At home, such manipulations are impossible.

How to recover files from the Recycle Bin?

In Windows, deleted files are first moved to the Recycle Bin (if standard settings are used). The user can restore them from there at any time. To do this you need:

  • open "Trash";
  • right-click on the previously deleted file and select “Recover”.

The file will be moved to the directory from which it was previously deleted to the Trash.

Recovering via Recycle Bin

Restore via the "Previous Versions" tab

By default, Windows saves a backup copy of each file you edit. These are text documents, images, and executive files. To restore a previous version of a document, you must:

  • right-click on the desired file;
  • select “Properties”;
  • then go to the “Previous versions” tab.

There will be a list of earlier versions of the file that can be restored. Just select the appropriate one and click “Restore”. But you should take into account the nuance - if you click “Restore”, the current version of the file will be overwritten. To save both the previous and current versions of the document, you must select “Copy.”

Recovering deleted files through the “Previous Versions” tab

How to get files back using Restore Point?

How to recover deleted files using the standard system recovery utility in Windows? For this it is enough:

  • go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “System Tools” and run the “System Restore” utility;

In the System Restore window, click “Next”
  • after a short scan of the system, the user will be provided with a list of created recovery points, indicating the date of creation for each of them;

Select the point at which Windows worked without errors (use the dates)
  • select the appropriate one (created after the necessary information was still on the hard drive) and click “Restore” or “Finish”.

Before restoring the system, save all current files

After a few minutes, Windows will ask you to restart your computer. When you boot again, Windows will be restored to the state it was at the time the restore point was created.

It is worth considering that if the user recently installed any programs, then, most likely, after restoring the system they will be deleted, since at the time the restore point was created they were not on the hard drive.

Recovery using special utilities

There are specialized programs that can work with lost data marked “zero” in the properties. That is, they allow you to scan your hard drive and look at those files that were previously on the hard drive, but are no longer displayed through Explorer (because they were deleted or damaged). As an example, we present the most popular among them.

Program Short description Pros Cons Download link
PhotoRec Optimal for image recovery, there is a built-in algorithm for recovering damaged photos Works better than others with images, the program is free Almost unsuitable for restoring non-images https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_RU
Recuva A simple file recovery program from the creators of CCleaner Simple interface, very detailed hard drive scanning Does not check documents for integrity, so after recovery they may simply not open https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva
DiskDrill A specialized program that supports almost all existing file systems and can also work with GPT and MBR file tables Allows you to recover files even from damaged hard drive partitions, there is a version for MacOS The program is paid, the free version allows you to recover only 500 MB of data https://www.cleverfiles.com/ru/disk-drill-windows.html
Ontrack EasyRecovery A very powerful program from a studio that has been engaged in research and development in the field of data recovery for over 10 years Works with encrypted files, archives, files damaged by viruses Quite a high cost, the free version has too limited functionality https://www.ontrack.com/products/data-recovery-software/
R-Studio A whole software package for recovering files and working with damaged hard drives Works with archives, supports the creation of quick “snapshots” of hard drives for their subsequent detailed scanning on other equipment High cost, free version only recovers files up to 64 KB in size https://www.r-studio.com/ru/

Experienced users recommend using Recuva, since this program is small in size, free, and has sufficient functionality for most cases. We offer you to watch a useful video on the topic, which shows in detail how you can recover deleted files using Recuva:

It is possible to recover lost data, although not in all cases. If the user simply accidentally deleted files or they disappeared, for example, due to a crash, then the most important thing is not to copy any new data to the hard drive after that. You should try to restore files using the built-in Windows tools, and if this does not help, use the above utilities.