How to enter safe mode on 10. What You Can Do in the Advanced Options Menu

Safe Mode Windows operation 10 is used to eliminate various problems. It starts when the system is unstable, during virus removal, or when installing new drivers. This mode will allow you to find out the reason for the appearance blue screen"death".

How to enter safe mode?

Before the release of Windows 8, logging in safe mode was possible by pressing the F8 key on the keyboard while the system was rebooting. But in new versions there are several options for enabling this mode.

Using the Msconfig utility

Press Win+R to open the Run window:

Run –> msconfig –> System Configuration –> Boot

Important! If you check the “Safe Mode” checkbox, the system will begin to boot constantly only in this state. To establish standard download go to “System Configuration” again and uncheck the box, then restart the PC.


For more information on how to exit safe mode on a Windows 10 computer, watch the video.

From the Command Line

  1. Launch Command Prompt with System Administrator rights. Run the command: bcdedit /copy (current) safeboot minimal .
  2. Restart your computer. It can be done in a standard way, or from the Command Line using the command: Shutdown –f –r –t 0 . After this, Windows 10 will always boot in Safe Mode.

Healthy! In order for the startup method selection dialog to appear during a reboot, you need to enter the command in the Command Line: bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy. To return to standard boot, type bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy standard .

While the computer is restarting

Using a boot disk/flash drive

This method is used if Windows 10 does not start on the computer at all. Create on another device boot disk or flash drive, then follow all the steps that you do when reinstalling the operating system. In the language options window, click Next.

In the next dialog box, run System Restore. After that, follow the path:

Enter the command: bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal . Once completed, close the Command Prompt and click Continue. The computer will automatically restart in Safe Mode.


To increase speed Windows startup 10, it disables the ability to enter safe mode while rebooting the PC. You can enable the function in several ways, as described above and shown in the video. According to the editors, best option– using the Msconfig utility.

Entering Safe Mode on Windows computer 10 may cause some difficulties for users. The fact is that pressing the usual F8 key (or another key depending on the device manufacturer) during the boot process may no longer launch the troubleshooting mode.

There are several ways to boot into Safe Mode. Some of them are simple, while others are more suitable experienced users PC. Advanced users will appreciate it special teams, which can be used in scripts and batch files(.bat) for convenient launch of Safe Mode.

1. Easy way

The easiest way to reboot the system in Safe Mode: you need to click the Start menu, go to power management options and, while holding down Shift key, click the Reboot link. This will restart your computer and display the advanced options screen as the operating system boots. On this screen, select a section Troubleshooting > Additional options> Boot Options > Restart.

You can then select the boot options you want in Safe Mode.

The Advanced Boot Options screen also appears automatically if the system fails to boot after several attempts.

2. Start manually

If the first method seems too simple for you, then you will probably like it manual method. Run classic app System Configuration, to do this, click on the Start menu and enter msconfig.exe. Then go to the tab. Enable the option Safe Mode and, if necessary, select one of available options Environment: Minimal, Other shell, Recovery Active Directory or Network. Reboot.

To exit Safe Mode, repeat the steps above and disable the Safe Mode option. The next time you reboot, the system will boot in normal mode.

3. For advanced users

To boot into Safe Mode, you can use the command line or Windows PowerShell. Run Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell with Administrator rights (click right click mouse on the Start menu, select Command Line (Administrator) or Windows PowerShell (Administrator)) and enter the following command:

Shutdown /r/o

Your system will reboot and a boot options screen will appear during boot. Select Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > Boot Options > Restart.

4. For the most advanced

This is the most complex method– it uses commands that need to be used in a command prompt with administrator rights.

To run an elevated command prompt, click Windows key, enter cmd.exe, hold down Shift + Ctrl and select the application Command line.

Please note

It is important to keep in mind that when using these commands the system will boot into Safe Mode infinite number once. To exit the boot loop in Safe Mode, you need to use a separate command (listed below).

If you are using additional ways login to the system (for example, PIN code), after entering the command to log in to the system, you will need to use the password from the account Microsoft records or local account password.

Launch Command Prompt and enter the following command if you want to enter Safe Mode with standard settings:

Bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal

If you need to enter Safe Mode with Networking:

Bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network

After using the above commands, reboot the system.

5. Boot type selection mode as in Windows 7

Another command is available that allows you to enter the standard mode selecting the boot type as in Windows 7:

Bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

After entering the command, the boot selection mode will be turned on exactly after pressing the F8 key before starting the system, and not constantly, as in previous commands.

To return to standard mode Windows boot 10, Launch Command Prompt in Safe Mode and enter the command:

Bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot

Found a typo? Press Ctrl + Enter

In Windows 10, they removed the method that allows you to select a login mode when you hold down the F8 key when turning on the computer. But there are other options with which it becomes possible entry into a lightweight mode both with and without access to the system.

Why use Safe Mode

Safe mode (SA) differs from normal mode in that when you log into the system, auto-starting programs are not loaded through it, some system processes and drivers.

Thanks to this, you can, firstly, avoid problems caused by errors in drivers, processes or applications, fix them and proceed to work in normal mode.

Secondly, BR is used to troubleshoot problems with everything that can break in the computer, since while working in BR, most processes are disabled and do not cause conflicts. For example, it is more convenient to rid your computer of viruses, blue screens, errors in programs and drivers, as well as reset your password and configure account administrator.

There are three BR options: standard safe mode, as well as two additional ones with boot network drivers or command line. IN recent cases, loading into special mode, you will be able to work with the Internet and all programs that require a network connection, since all the elements necessary to set up an Internet connection are added to the list of downloaded processes and drivers.

Putting your computer in light mode

There are several ways to switch to BR from the regular one or enter the special mode immediately without logging in to the regular one. The second option may be useful if the system is so faulty that it does not boot or freezes severely, so you must immediately turn on the computer in the BR.

Using system configuration

  1. Expand the “Run” window through the search engine system line or the combination Win+R.

    Open the Run program

  2. Enter the msconfig command.

    Run the msconfig command

  3. In the window that opens, go to the “Boot” tab and check the box next to the “Safe Mode” line. Here you can choose one of three options downloads: minimal - the most common BR, another shell - includes the ability to work with the command line, network - includes the ability to work with the network. Select one of the items and reboot the system; when you turn it on, it will automatically enter you into the BR.

    Activate safe mode

Using System Restore

You can also enter safe mode through the system recovery option:

  1. Expand PC settings.

    Open computer settings

  2. Select the "Update and Security" block.

    Select the “Update and Security” block

  3. Go to the “Recovery” subsection and click on the “Restart now” function.

    Click the “Reboot Now” button in the “ Special options downloads"

  4. When the system reboots, a list will open possible options. Select one of the modes using the keypad (numbers 4–6).

    Select one of the safe modes

From the lock screen

The lock screen or login screen appears at the moment when you need to select an account and enter a password, if one is set, when you turn on the computer or wake up from sleep mode. You can go to the BR directly from this screen:

  1. Click on the Power icon in the lower right corner, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and then select the “Restart” function. When the system starts to turn on again, a list of special login methods will appear on the screen.

    Hold down the Shift key and click on the “Restart” button

  2. Go to the “Diagnostics” block.

    Go to the “Diagnostics” section

  3. Open advanced options.

    Open the “Advanced Settings” section

  4. And the last transition is loading methods.

    Click on the “Download method” section

  5. Select one of the BR items by pressing keys 4 to 6 on the keyboard.

    Selecting recovery mode

By restarting the computer

This method does the same thing as described in the “From the Lock Screen” instructions, but provided that you have access to the system. Open “Start”, then a menu with a list of ways to turn off the computer, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and select the “Restart” function. The device will begin to reboot and when turned on, will expand the recovery menu. Next steps See the previous instructions “From the lock screen”.

Hold Shift and restart the computer

Return menu F8

In previous Windows versions At startup, you could hold down the F8 key and select the boot mode. In Windows 10 by default this opportunity missing, which speeds up login. But you can get it back by opening the command line and running the command bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy. After this, you can reboot the system, press F8 during startup and indicate that you need to go to BR.

Run the command bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy to return the selection menu

Using installation media

This method is suitable if you do not have access to the system, but need to log into the BR. You will need installation media, which can be created using another computer from regular flash drive or disk.

  1. Once you receive the media, insert it into the computer being converted to BR and change the boot order in the BIOS so that the system starts from the media rather than the hard drive.

    Changing the boot order

  2. Once the installer appears, install desired language and go to the second step.

    Install the desired language and move on to the next step

    Open Command Prompt via System Restore

  3. The second option for going to the command line is to hold down the F10+Shift combination when the installation program is open.

Once you are at the command line, all you have to do is run one of the following commands:

  • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal - for next boot in safe mode;
  • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network - for safe mode with network support;
  • bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal and bcdedit /set (default) safebootalternateshell yes - for safe mode with command line and network;
  • bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot - will need to be executed later to disable the transition to safe mode when the need for it disappears;
  • bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true - to activate the boot mode selection menu, which will appear every time you turn on the computer;
  • bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions - to disable the menu enabled by the previous command.

Video: Safe Mode in Windows 10

Why might Safe Mode not work?

The computer may not boot into BR if the system is so damaged that disabling some drivers, programs and processes does not help. First, try logging into the most common BR, which does not support either the command line or the network. Secondly, even if this does not help, then reset the system, reinstall or restore it from a restore point, after which the computer should start working both in normal mode and in safe mode.

Exiting Safe Mode

To get out of BR, you need to know how you got into it. If you use “System Restore” or hold down the Shift key and reboot, then just reboot the system again or turn off the computer and turn it on again, after which the device will automatically return to normal mode. If you logged in by executing commands on the command line, then open the command line again and write a command that disables logging into safe mode. If the login was performed when BR was enabled in the system configuration, then re-open the configuration, go to the “Boot” block and uncheck the “Safe” mode, thereby disabling the computer to be switched to this mode the next time the system is rebooted.

Uncheck “Safe Mode”

So, you can go to safe mode in Windows 10 in different ways: both with and without access to the system. If Safe Mode doesn't work, you might want to consider system files damaged too much and you need to reinstall or restore the entire system. To exit Safe Mode, you must restart your computer or cancel Safe Mode entry using configuration or commands before restarting the device.

What is Safe Mode in Windows 10 and how to get into it if operating system won't load? If you have problems loading Windows 10 (or 8.x), you cannot use the usual “lifeline”, as provided in Windows 7 - using the F8 key during computer startup to access additional options downloads. In particular, in this way in the seventh version you can get into safe mode ( safe mode) and try to solve the problem regular means. For example, if the solution to the problem is to remove the driver or change system settings. The Shift+F8 keys, which in theory can be used when loading Windows 10 to get into the system recovery environment (and this is an analogue of the Seven boot options), are not so easy to use in practice. You will need to practice several times to catch that very moment of reduced system loading when the Shift+F8 keys can work.

Why is it needed?

Safe computer operating mode is a specific Windows status, designed to solve various problems.

In this case, only the most necessary devices and components to maintain the functionality of the OS are used. Safe mode means that you can work with administrator rights; it also allows you to delete files that the system or third-party software will not allow removal under normal conditions.

OS safe mode – environment used for uninstallation incorrectly installed drivers and undoing unsuccessfully applied system settings. For example, if you set a screen resolution that is not supported by the monitor, it will not always be possible to change it to one supported by the latter within a fully functioning system. So, there may simply be no image on the screen, and if there is no other monitor at hand that can display the image with the applied resolution, there is no other way to solve the problem than using safe mode. Instead of a video driver, the monitor uses the VGA standard, which is supported by all video cards designed for Windows devices.

Safe mode is one of the solutions to the problem of viruses penetrating the OS and blocking work antivirus programs. If no part is damaged by malware system registry responsible for loading safe mode, you can try to run antivirus scanner, delete the startup file and/or virus process in the task manager, and also apply other actions to resuscitate the system.

Running system configuration section

Using the configuration section of a running system, you can get into the safe mode of Windows 10 by making some settings and rebooting. Right-click on the “Start” button and select the “Run” function.

In the field for entering commands we write:


After pressing Enter we will see the system configuration window. We are interested in the “Download” tab, here we check the “Safe Mode” checkbox.

By default, the system configuration provides a minimum type of safe mode, when startup programs do not start, there is no sound, the network is disabled, only basic video device drivers work, hard drive, mouse, keyboard and other devices necessary to maintain a minimum performance of the operating system.

For safe Windows mode 10, you can install other types. By selecting “Other shell”, safe mode will be without the usual graphical interface, but only with the command line. This may be relevant if explorer.exe fails – system service, which ensures the operation of the OS explorer.

Paragraph " Recovery Active Directory" provides for loading safe mode from graphical interface and a minimum number of active services, including the Active Directory directory service. If you need to contact network resources, then in this case you need to select the “Network” item. It provides, accordingly, for the operation of the driver network card.

Having made your choice, click “Apply” at the bottom of the window and then “OK”.

After reboot Windows will start in safe mode.

The process for setting up Windows 10 to boot normally is reverse. In the system configuration section, the “Safe Mode” checkbox must be unchecked.

Shift key and reboot button for a running system

Another way to get into safe mode if Windows is in a working state is to use the Shift key and the restart button simultaneously. Open the Start menu, click on the shutdown button and, while holding down the Shift key on the keyboard, select the option to restart the computer.

So we get to Wednesday Windows recovery 10. Here we first need the diagnostics section, then the additional parameters section.

Will appear before us all sorts of options boot - by pressing the F4, F5 or F6 keys you can enter the corresponding type of safe mode.

Safe mode for a non-bootable system

If Windows does not start at all or, for example, a resolution that the monitor does not support is mistakenly applied, displaying a message about this on a dull black screen background, you can boot into safe mode and try to find a solution to the problem, as in the previous case, using the system recovery environment .

As mentioned above, pressing Shift+F8 while Windows is loading may not always work, so a more reliable way to get into the recovery environment is to boot from installation disk or from a file created earlier by standard system tools.

When booting from the latter, we get into the recovery environment immediately after selecting the language. If the computer boots from the installation disk, click “Next” in the welcome window.

Next steps– “Diagnostics” and “Advanced parameters”.

In the command line window we write:

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

and press Enter.

The operation was completed successfully, close the command line and click continue in the action selection menu using Windows 10.

After which we will see a list of download options.

If in safe mode you can eliminate the reason that prevents booting, and you can avoid reinstalling the system, in the future the computer will always boot with a menu of boot options. It is very easy to fix this using the same command line, which we now open by selecting from the contents context menu on the Start button.

Enter the command:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

and press Enter.

That's it - now the computer will boot as usual, without any pre-boot states or menus.

Have a great day!