How to make an original greeting in a VK group. Basics of communication with your customers Written form of communication to subscribers

Welcome to the community on VKontakte is a convenient tool created for the most efficient work of the VKontakte group. With its help, the administrator can expand the functionality of the group and collect contacts of the target audience interested in the product or service offered.

This tool is called SpyCat and is an information block. Once installed, it is placed between the cover and the community goods, it can be used for several purposes:

  • Greet your subscriber by calling them by name and displaying their photo. Upon entering the group, a person will see a welcome text before proceeding to view news and posts.
  • Display printed text with a call to target action, describing a promotion, giveaway, etc. (at the discretion of the group administrator).
  • Create a button by adding to it a corresponding link to one of the sections of the group, be it a photo album, audio and video recordings, discussions or notes. It will not be possible to place links to third-party resources, since the widget still does not support such a function.

Automatic greetings for VKontakte group members can be configured in accordance with marketing goals. For example, advertising offers can be segmented depending on the difference in audience. In other words, you can apply settings in which the title, message text, images and buttons themselves will have a different appearance for people entering the group and differing in geographic location, age category, gender, subscription, etc. This approach to organizing a community allows you to significantly improve conversion.

Why do you need an automatic greeting for VKontakte group members?

Welcome widgets on the VK social network are intended primarily for owners and administrators of commercial groups that promote goods or services. Their goal is to encourage a subscriber or random visitor to the community to complete the target action specified in the greeting. This could be one of the marketing calls: order a product, subscribe to a mailing list, go to any section within a group, read the community rules and answers to frequently asked questions, etc.

How to make a personal greeting in a VK group

One of the main advantages that the widget has is the ability to greet a group visitor by name. This creates the illusion of personal communication and encourages a person entering the community for the first time to subscribe to news or perform the action that the button calls on him to do. Other benefits of using the VK welcome button include:

  1. There is now an opportunity to contact the subscriber directly. At the same time, he is unlikely to miss a message in which he can describe in detail the benefits and advantages that can be obtained by subscribing to a group or performing a certain action. Unfortunately, the widget's functionality is imperfect and does not allow you to customize the button as efficiently as possible. One of these shortcomings is that the button is not configured to the intro page, but to the main news feed. As a result, administrators have to solve this problem through a special wiki page.
  2. To provoke a dialogue with the community audience or force them to subscribe to newsletters, you can place a corresponding link and motivating text in the button.
  3. The administrator can write instructions on which section of the community contains this or that information that may be useful to the subscriber by attaching a link to the main menu. This will help achieve several goals at once: firstly, to popularize the hidden menu; secondly, increase views of all (and even not very popular) sections of the group.

To connect the widget, you need to do the following:
In the group administrator menu, select the “Community Management” section.

Go to the “Applications” section;

In the catalog of approved applications, find the widget for the community and click the “Add” button.

Next, you need to open the application, read the information offered, namely: general information, recommendations for use and detailed instructions for use. By clicking the “Install Widget” button, a preview version of the greeting will appear on the screen. The widget is ready to use.

The next step is to configure it in accordance with the tasks of the group. To do this, you need to go back to the “Applications” section and fill out the suggested fields:

  • Button name.
  • Set visibility (all users, only administrator, no one, only subscribers).

  • Application widget visibility.
  • A snippet, that is, a task that a subscriber must complete: buy, sign up, go, etc.
  • Application name.

The rules for using the automatic greeting button for VKontakte group members are quite simple. The full list can be found when installing the application. In particular, links here can be installed only to internal sections of the community, and the number of widgets per group is strictly limited - one widget per group.

Widgets may not work for some users. This problem may be due to: firstly, the presence of the LastPass extension installed in the browser; secondly, an incorrectly installed link; thirdly, when using smartphones.

Setting up an original greeting in VK

After the greeting widget for the VK group has been installed and configured, you need to write an appeal to the target audience with the aim of calling for some action.

The text content must consist of the following mandatory elements:

  • Primary title, up to 10 characters (this is what users will see when visiting the group).
  • A link that will open the required section (it is also installed in the header).
  • Card title (this has the same requirements as the primary title, including a link).
  • Welcome text (this can be a call to action or description), up to 100 characters.
  • Button text and link.

In practice, addressing a subscriber looks like this: when visiting a group, a person sees a text addressed to him and starting with a greeting by name and surname, and his avatar is displayed next to him. The main text follows. For example: order a product today with a 50% discount; subscribe and get a free concert ticket, etc.

The welcome widget can be used in a variety of ways. However, before installing the application itself, you need to decide for what purpose it is needed. In particular, it is important to address the following issues:

  • What practical purpose will the page to which the link will lead serve?
  • Write competent text for the button and call.
  • Make sure that the widget is useful not only to administrators, but also provides some benefit to subscribers (for example, it helps to understand community navigation or provides comprehensive information about the group itself).

With the help of greetings in the VK group, it has become much easier for administrators to encourage subscribers to subscribe to mailing messages. In addition, you can provide a link to the section of frequently asked questions and rules of conduct in the community so that users know what actions are allowed and what are prohibited by the group administration, as well as what punishment will follow for ignoring these rules.

For commercial groups on VKontakte, you can organize special promotions using personal widgets. For example, if a subscriber completes a targeted action, he will receive a discount coupon (when purchasing a product or service). For example, the administrator of a group in which a certain product is sold, for example, perfume, can specify a number when setting up a greeting, and indicate the address of the store’s CRM system as a link. As soon as the user makes a purchase of a bottle of perfume, this number will be reduced by one unit. In other words, you can use the countdown method. In the same way, you can keep track of people who have subscribed to the newsletter, ordered a service, etc.

To keep subscribers active, you can create a creative competition in the VK group greeting, where users will directly participate with a prize draw.

The Basics of Communicating with Your Customers

In order for a user to subscribe to , you usually need to fill out two lines - name and email or phone number. Questions arise with the second field, but very rarely, only if the client in a hurry gets confused with the symbols. But what a surprise awaits the sender when he looks at usernames. What you won’t find here: nicknames, nicknames, a set of numbers and letters, spaces or even obscene language. Of course, it is best to address subscribers by name, but this does not always work out, and for various reasons.

What to do if:

No names and segmentation

I think there’s no point in talking about the importance of personalization again, but let’s get down to business right away.

We have our own database, but no one has worked with it for a long time

Try to “resurrect” your subscribers. Write an email letter of repentance with a proposal to update your data and subscription to the newsletter, indicate the reason for your long absence and what good the subscriber will now receive.

Effective email marketing with eSputnik


I had to work with someone else's database

Think about who you are first: a spammer or a company that cares about its customers. We are categorically AGAINST email newsletters to purchased databases, but there are cases (for the same managers or copywriters) when there is no choice and we have to work with such contacts:

1. If this is a partner base, it is better to ask partners to send an email newsletter on behalf of the company, asking clients to subscribe to your news and updates.

2. If this is a “left” base, you need to send out invitation letters for registration in small portions (~50 per day), with a link to where did you get the contacts from?. After the results obtained, it will be clear how best to work with this database and whether it is worth it at all.

Someone else's base is a rather dubious experience. You can get so tired of this that it’s easier to assemble your base. Let it be slow and leisurely, but it will be much more effective.

According to the contact database, everything seems to have become a little clearer. And another fair question arises:

What is the best way to address yourself in letters: “You”, “you” or “you”?

Let's turn to school and generally accepted spelling rules. The pronoun “you” in a sentence is written with a capital letter:

    if this is a specific and respectful address to a familiar person: Congratulations...,

    in texts with a personal address to a stranger: questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.

    in phrases: Your Majesty, Your Highness...

I think it’s better not to use the last option for clients - it’s too much ;) But the use of the first two forms of address depends on a number of reasons, and primarily on the type of letter. In official letters from a lawyer, bank or commercial proposal, “you” will be inappropriate, just as if clients indicated their first name and middle name in their contacts. But for a website, blog or any appeal to a circle of readers, the generalizing “you” sounds good.

Reaching out to your followers shouldn't make you feel inappropriate. If you have any other doubts about your application:

    Add the optional "Middle Name" field to the registration form. If it is filled out, it is obvious that the person wants to be addressed as you.

    View the age of your followers.

    In the first letter, suggest a questionnaire on how best to contact the client

    Add, like on Ozon, the ability to choose how to contact yourself in your personal account:

  • Write right away in the welcome letter: “Let’s switch to “you”.” By communicating on a first-name basis, you can quickly get closer to a person.

    And don't forget to check your contacts before sending.

An example from my email from a popular company:

Agnia Elagina

It's hard to remember that I registered somewhere under that name. Nevertheless, such letters came and were incredibly annoying. Perhaps this was a deliberate move to get the reader to log into the system and leave their real data, or maybe they were simply mistaken.

That seems to be all for today.

Develop one style of address in a series of letters. Treat your clients with respect and they will let you know how best to communicate with them;)

But for a group to be interesting to users and attract the attention of new subscribers, it must be active. And for this purpose, adopt a dozen simple but effective ways to stir up your subscribers.


The easiest way to increase activity in a group is to constantly ask your subscribers for their opinions. This doesn’t always work right away, but over time, users will get used to communicating and will easily make contact themselves.

Post polls

These could be comic polls on the topic of your project, or trending opinions on the topic of the day. The main thing is that they are understandable to everyone and do not require much time to choose an answer.

Arrange "battles"

Find any pair of antagonists: Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, Mercedes and BMW, and find out who has the most supporters among your subscribers. Just don’t start a confrontation between iPhone and Android - this is as old as time, and everyone knows that fights cannot be avoided))

Conduct express competitions

For example, a competition for the best title for an article, or a comment for a photo. Gifts can be purely symbolic, for example, place the winner’s photo on the group’s avatar for a couple of days.

Play Association

Post part of a photo and ask them to imagine the whole frame. Then show people the original and decide the winner.

Announce all results

Always write a separate post based on the results of any activity - polls, battles, riddles, etc. Let it be beautifully designed, then the individuals mentioned there will most likely want to repost about their, albeit small, victory.

Ask questions when posting photos

Find out in what city or what time of year this photo was taken, ask to determine how old the photo is.

Ask directly to repost or like

If you don't make a habit of it and use this move only occasionally, it will work. Don't forget to add a colorful image or a relevant meme.

Write lists together

Lists and collections are a very effective type of content that users love. They carry a lot of information in a compressed form and are often reposted. Publish your intention to make a list: the best actors, the most beautiful cars, status parties, etc. And ask subscribers to suggest options. If the list is negative, then most likely there will be more comments.

Create suspense

Write that a great idea has come to you and you are ready to implement it. Describe it in a few words. For example, “this will be useful to all subscribers and will make access to the service even easier.” Let subscribers guess what it's about. This will not only increase activity in the group, but will also give you some thought, making it clear what the audience really wants.

Celebrate round dates

1000 subscribers, 150 reposts of one post, etc. Give gifts, write beautiful posts. Let your subscribers feel the atmosphere of celebration and joy in your public.

Create traditions

It sounds a little pretentious, but traditions that will be associated only with your public page will increase user loyalty. It could be something simple but delicious. For example, congratulate the winners with a certain set of emoticons, and each time with a new cheerful song. Or create “musical subbotniks” and invite users to send their favorite music to compile new collections.

The main thing is to turn on your imagination and throw away strict boundaries. Be a friend to your followers and they will definitely reciprocate your feelings.