How to find out the login and password for the router. Where is the Wi-Fi password, IP address, MAC address, login and password written on the router?

The access key to the network or to the network administrator page is lost, don’t be discouraged. It is possible to restore them. This article will help you solve this problem.

Standard passwords for routers

Each Wi-Fi router operates on the basis of access data to the Internet and local network, which are login and password. They are created at the very beginning of use in the first stages of setting up network equipment. The login is always the same Latin word “admin”, and the password can be either the word “admin” or the numbers 1234, 123, 0000.

There may also be no password at all. And for the Kyivstar operator, such a login is possible.

Photo: enter your kyivstar login and password

In any case, in order not to try your luck and not waste time on random selection, you need to look at the technical data sheet of the router, which is included in the kit and may look like a brochure. If the router came to the user as a used product and the technical passport is not available, it is worth asking your friends, acquaintances or relatives who use a network device made by the same manufacturer, because login and password will be the same.

Factory settings

At the initial stage of setup, after entering standard identification data, the user will be offered the opportunity to change the login and password to make it difficult for unauthorized users to log into the domain. Those. On the computer screen, the interface will display all the necessary data, as well as tips on generating an “access key”, which includes the login and password.

After completing this stage, the user will be asked to create a local network with an automatic connection to the Internet for ease of use in the future. At the same time, you should not confuse the login and password for accessing the local network operating on the basis of the router and the Internet, because these are two different things.

I forgot my router password, what should I do?

What to do if you forgot your router password is a common question for many users who have forgotten or lost their data. What to do in this situation? Recovering the key is easy. It all depends on which network password and login were lost. If it's a local network issue, i.e. in your router, then there are no serious difficulties to restore it.

Video: resetting the TP-Link router interface password

If the user has forgotten the Wi-Fi router password, he needs to act as follows:

How to recover the password and login for the router if they are needed to access the Internet?

In case of data loss, the following procedure is required to use World Wide Web resources:

Thus, the user has the opportunity to independently correct the situation without outside help.

Restoring an Administrator's Domain

In addition to those users who have lost access data to the local network and the Internet, there are also those who manage to lose access to the administrator page (the home page of the router). In this case, there is no chance to recover lost information and change the settings of the network device. On forums there is often a question like: “I forgot my admin login and password. What should I do? It is easier to reset the settings on the network device and re-create a new local network.

To reset the router parameters, just press and hold the button on the rear panel in this position for several seconds.

Photo: Reset button on the back panel

In this case, the lights on the front panel of the device will go out for a while, and then start working again. The button itself is located in a small hole to prevent accidental reset, and it can only be pressed using an additional device, which can be a match, a needle, a pin, etc.

Recovery methods

The router settings will be of no use if the user loses the access keys to the administrator page, router, local network and the Internet. In this case, each of the access keys will be restored differently. The main methods are hardware and software.

The hardware method of restoring access involves checking the settings on the router’s home page, while the software method relies on the use of a software registry and special work applications that scan all information on the computer about network use.

When hardware recovery to the network is required, at a minimum, you must have a login and password for the administrative page on which all the parameters and settings of the local network and Internet connection are generated. To enter the administrator page, you need to type the manufacturer’s IP address in the address bar of your Internet browser.

The IP address can be found on a sticker located on the bottom of the router.

If there is none, then the home addresses of the routers look like this:

  1. D-link
  2. Zyxel
  3. Asus
  4. Netgear
  5. TPlink

After logging in to the appropriate router address, the user will see an interface with many settings and network parameters. In order to find out the data on the local network, you need to go to the “local network” tab. This tab may also be called a wi-fi network or have similar names.

After which the user should find the “wpa key” parameter. Opposite it will be the router access password.

Password and access to the router are not everything. In addition to the local network login key, you may also need login information for the provider's domain. This data is also specified in the network device settings.

To do this, after fixing the data on access to the local network, you need to go to the “Internet” tab, where not only the parameters and connection technology will be indicated, but also the data on logging into the Internet.

Most often, the login and password are located next to the “account settings” or “connection settings” line.

Restoration by utility (program)

In addition to the hardware method of eliminating the problem of loss of identification data when logging into the Internet and local network, there is also a software method. It is used by professional users and is not suitable for helping beginners. Thus, the participation of a second user with a higher level of knowledge in the field will be required.

The software method uses the following working applications to help restore the necessary data using logins and access passwords:

  1. Dialupass;
  2. Remote Desktop PassView;
  3. RouterPassView;
  4. WirelessKeyView;
  5. Wireless Password Recovery.

Photo: password recovery program

And this is not the whole list. These programs themselves are amateur developments, and not the result of the work of professional teams, so the interface of these programs is not always convenient and understandable for a beginner. But if the user nevertheless decides to take independent action, then he needs to be prepared for the fact that most links to such work applications may contain malicious software.

Throughout the entire operation of the profile program, to search and detect the login and password from the network, an antivirus with the maximum possible set of functions must be running on the computer in order to prevent infection of your personal computer and damage or theft of personal data.

The operation of such programs is based on the basic principles of the operating system, which, in turn, records every step of the user in the electronic information space. In this case, a register is formed that describes all actions performed recently. They will be stored as encrypted files until all the memory on the hard drive is full.

It is impossible to open these files without special knowledge and professional skills. Not a single program known to many users will be able to read them and display the necessary information on the computer screen. In this case, special applications are needed to help reveal encrypted logins and passwords.

After appropriate use of the program, the PC owner will be able to independently use both local and Internet networks in the future. But we must not forget that all access keys to networks must be saved, both in the form of a regular file with printed text, and in written form, so as not to experience significant difficulties in connecting in the future.

Video: installing and configuring a Wi-Fi router

To prevent loss of data for accessing the local network and the Internet, novice users are recommended to take the following steps:

  1. during configuration and installation of drivers for network equipment, the program will offer to save a file with backup access data on the PC desktop;
  2. after creating the file with network access data, you must copy it to removable media and make another copy in any other folder;
  3. After copying the files, you must manually write down on paper all the necessary logins and passwords from the network.

In addition, do not forget that the keys are also freely available for viewing from the computer of the user who configured the router. This data can be seen in the network properties. To do this, you need to find the network connection icon on the taskbar on your desktop in the lower right corner.

Then point the cursor at the name of your home network and press the right button. When a new window appears, select the “properties” option and in the next new window you will be able to see all the necessary keys.

Using these tips will reduce the likelihood of complete loss of necessary information for the local Internet network.

Question and answer:

How to view Wi-Fi password in Windows?

To view the password for accessing a wireless local network in Windows, you must:

Is it possible to recover the network security key?

The security key for accessing the local network is easy to recover. Just go to the administrator page and in the settings find the “security key” line, where the access password will be specified.

How can I find out my login and password if I have lost it?

In order to find out the login and password for accessing the Internet, the administrator page or the local network, you should use specialized programs (Dialupass, Remote Desktop PassView, RouterPassView), which can find the necessary data in encrypted network usage history files.

Similar information can also be found on the home page of the router, if the access keys to it are not lost.

What to do if you forgot the password for your wifi router?

If the user has forgotten the password for the wi-fi router, it is necessary to use specialized programs for reading encrypted information (Dialupass, Remote Desktop PassView, Router Pass View). But if the programs do not help, you will need to reset the device settings to factory settings by pressing the button located on the back panel of the router. Next, you need to reconfigure the network equipment and the network itself

Passwords for Wi-Fi routers are a sore subject for many Internet users. Very often they are simply forgotten or lost, and their restoration requires certain skills. Each router can have two or three types of them, so it’s difficult to even determine which password we need. Below I have indicated which of them I will tell you about:

  • Password to enter the settings panel.
  • Wireless network password.

There is more detailed material about the second option: how to find out your Wi-Fi password, or what to do if you forgot your password, which very clearly describes how you can see the password for a wireless network. Our article describes the same thing, but a little shorter, and also added the first option, with which, in fact, we’ll start. I’ll say right away that we will work on a specific example of a TP-Link device. If you need to change your WIFI password, then read: “ “.

Each router has its own username as well as its own password. On TP-Link devices the password is unchanged, i.e. the standard one is admin, and the login (username) is no different from it. Very often, the manufacturer indicates the standard settings on the bottom panel of their devices.

And here’s what entering the router settings looks like using the request below:

Where 1 is the login address to the router control panel and 2 is the authorization form for the administrator.

Yes, it seems to be very easy to find a standard password, but you, for example, decided to change it, and it is simply necessary to do this, and then you simply forgot, then it cannot be restored. Option one is to sit and remember what password you changed the standard settings to. If this was not possible, then reset the router settings to factory settings, and then configure it again.

We look at the password for the Wi-Fi network in the settings

To start working with the router settings, we need to establish a connection with it. Yes, you have lost your password, but let’s assume you have a computer connected to the desired network, in which case proceed immediately to the next step. If there is no such computer, then you need to connect to the router directly via a network cable. This is done quite simply; each router has a LAN connector into which you need to insert the cable. On your PC or laptop, this cable plugs into the network card.

Already connected? Great! In the address bar of the browser, type the IP address of the router in the address bar of the browser or and go to this request. Next, you need to enter your username and password; by default, these are the values ​​with which you are already familiar. You will receive more detailed information in the instructions for entering the settings. For more detailed information, we recommend that you look here

We go further, in the control panel we find the inscription “Wireless”, and then select “Wireless Security”. To the right of the panel you will see information. It concerns the security of the wireless connection, and in the “Wireless Password” field is the password that we were looking for. It is in this panel that you leave your old password, or you can change it to a new one.

Let's sum it up

Network security is very important, so we believe that the default settings of the router are worth changing. We also advise you to create passwords that will be difficult to crack or guess. When changing your password, write it down; this simple action will save your time if your memory suddenly fails you. A simple recording will help save not only time, but in some cases also your money, since some Internet operators charge a certain fee for reconfiguring the router. It’s quite easy to look up a forgotten password from the Wi-Fi network itself, although this also entails a loss of time. You can do this on a computer that is already connected to this network or in the router settings.

When people ask me a question in the comments, “ I forgot the password for my WiFi router, what should I do, how can I find out and restore it?“, then I’m always at a loss as to what exactly the reader meant - to connect to a wireless network or to log into the admin panel of the router? I will try to satisfy the expectations of everyone who has come to this page and needs help - we will analyze both cases in detail.

Ways to recover a password from a router’s Wi-Fi network

But the problem of recovering a Wi-Fi password was, is and will always be relevant as long as this type of wireless connection exists. Well, really, we introduce it once and forget about it forever. In the meantime, any reinstallation of Windows or even just changing the network adapter results in you being unable to access the Internet. Let's look at this issue in this article.

In a situation where you want to connect a gadget to a wireless network, but have forgotten the Wi-Fi key, there are several ways to recover the password:

  • via computer
  • telephone
  • or on the router itself

First of all, you need to understand that all passwords that have ever been entered to connect to wifi are stored inside the operating system of the computer or smartphone - Windows, Android or iOS - it does not matter. They are always located in one of the system files. Therefore, you can view the Wi-Fi key without resorting to a router. To do this, you just need to install a small program and watch. I made a separate article on how to do this for each operating system, the links to which were given above.

How to find out the password for your Wi-Fi on your router?

The easiest way to recover a forgotten password from your own WiFi connection is to look it up in the settings in the router control panel.

However, it is worth noting that if we are talking about connecting to a public network outside the home, then access to the administrator section is, of course, closed. Therefore, if this is exactly your case, then I recommend reading the solutions without access to the router - the links to them were above.

If you have forgotten the password for your home network, and you have access to the router, then you need to:

  1. Connect the router to the computer via twisted pair cable
  2. Go to its settings
  3. View the Wi-Fi password in the appropriate section.

Let's go through each point in more detail. It is necessary to connect to the router via cable so that the PC or laptop receives an IP address from it automatically and ends up on the same local network.

Unfortunately, the phone is not suitable for this purpose. So we take an Ethernet cable - it usually lies in the box with the device - and insert one end of it into the computer’s network card, and the other into the LAN connector on the router.

We also check that in the Windows network connection settings the checkboxes are set to automatically obtain IP and DNS servers.

After this, we can enter the router address and log into the control panel. Each router does it differently. How to do this has already been described many times in our other publications separately for each model, I recommend that you read them if you do not know how to get to this hidden section.

But for your convenience, I have created several similar articles for each individual router - links to them are below:

How to Find out the WiFi Password on a Windows 10 Computer?

Let's move on to the second way to find out the wifi password - on the computer itself with the operating system installed on it Windows 7, 8 or 10. There are also several solutions here, but in this article we will look at the two most reliable ways to find out the WiFi password using a computer:

  • through the program
  • built-in Windows tools

Wireless Key View for Windows 7 and 8

If you have at least once already connected to a network for which you need to remember the password, then you don’t have to hack it using some hacky programs. There is a very good free utility that retrieves the once entered password from the depths of the Windows operating system. It's called Wireless Key View - you can download it from the link. This program works with any, even the most complex, types of WPA/PSK encryption and, most importantly, with any version of Windows - 10, 8, 7 and even XP.

Download and run as administrator - no installation required. After a short wait, the program will find all the keys for the networks to which the computer has ever been connected using standard Windows applications (Wireless Zero Configuration in Windows XP and WLAN AutoConfig in higher versions). In short, if you did not use any third-party applications to connect, then everything will be found.

After that, we save them into a separate text file and find the one that you need at the moment. After that, remember it, or you can change and set a new wifi password that you can easily remember.

How to find out the Wi-Fi password using the built-in tools of Windows 10?

If it is not possible to install a separate program, then you will have to take a more complicated route. Fortunately, the Windows 10 operating system has a built-in ability to recover a forgotten authorization key.

Click on the network connection icon in the lower right corner of the screen and go to “Open Network and Internet Settings”

A new window will open, where we switch to the “Security” tab and check the box for “Display entered characters”

That's all - the current WiFi password is now displayed in front of us - write it down and don't lose it again!

How to Recover WiFi Password on Phone?

Now let’s imagine one typical situation - somewhere, somewhere, you got a password for a WiFi connection - for example, from a neighbor 😉 You connected your phone or tablet to it and calmly use the Internet. After some time, it became necessary to connect a laptop to it, but of course, the key had long since been safely forgotten - what to do and how to find out the wifi password on your phone?

QR code

We begin to randomly rummage through the phone settings to find this password - but to no avail, since it simply isn’t there.

Of course, we also don’t have access to the router.

Next, take another smartphone to which the settings will be transferred. A program for reading QR codes should already be installed on it in advance - but right now you don’t have WiFi on it. Or you need to connect to the Internet through a mobile operator via 3g/4g. And the program is called QR Code Reader - it is available in both the AppStore and PlayMarket.

We launch this application and point the camera at the smartphone screen with a code with WiFi settings.

A few moments and the program reads the network data and, after confirmation, will immediately connect to it.

If you want to transfer password data from an iPhone, then in the standard firmware properties there is no option to generate such a code. In order to create it, you will need to buy the Qrafter application for a small amount - in the free version it can only read, in the paid version it can also create.

From files on the phone

If you use a device with the Android operating system, then there is another way to find out your saved WiFi passwords. As you know, the system stores all its data in the form of files - and passwords too. And they are in the file


The only “but” is that you will only get access to this file with root access to the phone.
You can open wpa_supplicant.conf through a text editor by connecting your phone via USB to your computer. This is the content he will provide us with:

These are the names, passwords and encryption types of all networks stored in the device.

WiFi Key Recovery App

There is also an easier way to find out this data - install a free program WiFi Key Recovery or its analogue WiFI Key Password, which also requires root rights.

Its convenience is that you do not need to rummage through system files - after launching the utility, it will simply show the contents of the same file on the screen.

These are the simple tricks with which anyone can quickly find out the password for connecting to a wifi router, having only their smartphone in hand. Use it!

How to recover the password from the router control panel?

It is known that in order to set up an Internet connection for any router, be it TP-Link, D-Link, Asus, Zyxel Keenetic or any other - it doesn’t matter, you either need to insert the included installation CD and perform step-by-step setup via application, or go to its administrative part through a browser. But what to do if the disk has been lost for a long time, and the user forgot my router password to access the admin panel? How to change it and install your own?

Or, for example, another frequently occurring situation is when you take an old router that has been lying on the shelf for a couple of years, and there are no instructions, no stickers, or any other information for it. In this case, how can you find it out, log into the router and change the password?

There are several ways to recover a forgotten password. Most often, during the initial setup, users leave the authorization data that was set on the router by default. Therefore, you can do the following:

  • View it in the user manual
  • Look at the sticker on the router
  • Find out from the website catalog data for authorization by model number

However, a more competent user would still change the router password to a more secure one. In addition, more and more often the firmware on modern models is made in such a way that during the initial configuration the key is forced to be changed. Therefore, you will have to roll it back to .

Be careful - this will reset all network and Internet parameters to zero!

To do this, take some sharp object, such as a pin, and find the small recessed “Reset” button on the case. Click on it with the router turned on and wait 15-20 seconds.

Then we’ll try to get into the admin area.

I hope everything worked out for you. If not, then ask your questions in the comments, we’ll try to figure out each individual situation. And don’t forget your router passwords again!

If the article helped, then in gratitude I ask you to do 3 simple things:
  1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel
  2. Send a link to the publication to your wall on a social network using the button above

The main ways to recover a router password are hardware and software. In the first case, it is possible to check the settings on the device’s home page, while the software method requires the registry and special applications that can be used to scan information on the computer. Below we tell you what to do if you forgot your router password. We will provide all possible methods, as well as instructions for restoring access to the router. Here are proven ways to find out the wifi password, which we suggest you read below.

Recovering the router password

Before you find out what a user should do if he has forgotten the router password, he will need to follow several simple sequential steps to recover data.

Data recovery using a computer

1. There is a Wi-Fi icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. Right-click on it;

3. Then another window will appear on the screen, on which you will need to right-click. Select "Properties";

4. Now you need a “Network Security Key” located inside the “Security” tab, where you will be presented with a hidden password. Check the box “Display entered characters” and the password will become available.

There is another way to solve the problem if you forgot the password for your Wi-Fi router. To implement this you will need a router.

We use a router

1. Connect the equipment to your computer using the power cord (supplied);

2. Enter the set of numbers in the address bar of the browser, then enter the data in the login and password column. This will give you access to your hardware settings. By default, the password and login are set to admin on most equipment models;

Password reset

Resetting the settings to factory settings in most cases solves the problem with the password, but is considered the most radical. Below we will tell you how to reset the password from a Wi-Fi router correctly. If the factory settings are not suitable, it is recommended to reset the settings. It is worth noting that this is not difficult to do:

1. All routers are equipped with a small button located next to the power button. Press the button for 10 seconds;

3. Go to the equipment settings, where you can enter your personal data again in order to use the device again.

Regardless of which routers (Asus, Tp-Link, etc.) you use, the principle of resetting settings is the same for different models. Changing your Wi-Fi password is easy: just follow a clear sequence of actions.

Password recovery using the program

There are various effective programs that help you recover your router password. A software method for resetting a router password or recovering forgotten data helps solve the problem using the following programs:

The above is not all the programs used to view the password on the router. Such products are developed by amateurs and often contain links to resources with virus software.

Important! Since the use of amateur programs poses a threat to computer security, it is advisable to use an anti-virus program throughout the entire process of restoring identification data!

The RouterPassView program is very popular in solving such problems, the operating principle of which is as follows: all passwords and logins are saved in a saved equipment configuration file. But getting to this data is not easy because it is encrypted. It is this file that serves the user's interests. To use the program, take several steps:

1. Launch the program;

2. Click the "Open File" icon;

3. Specify the path to the file or drag the file into the program window using the mouse.

The program is released in English, and therefore you will need a localizer.

Error 651 miniport wan

Recovering a password on a router may be accompanied by an error message. It is worth saying right away that this failure is insignificant and the way to eliminate it is most often simple. This message indicates a problem with the modem or router. The reason may be incorrect interaction between the computer and auxiliary equipment. Lack of physical connections via miniport wan on Windows OS, technical work on the part of the service provider, incorrect network connection settings - all this can cause an error message to appear. However, in the vast majority of cases, the root of the problem lies in incorrect user actions. The way to fix the error is as follows:

1. First of all, you should restart your computer;

2. The next step is to disconnect the router from the network for 10 minutes. Turn it on again after the specified time has elapsed;

3. Now you will need to check the network cable for integrity. Also check if it is properly connected to the network card;

4. If you have several network cards, try connecting to each of them one by one;

5. Internet connection is important, so check the connection signal when using a device other than your computer;

6. Next, you will need the “Control Panel”. Go to the section and remove the drivers for the network card, and then install the latest version of the software.

Often the instructions given above help solve the problem of eliminating the error. In rare cases, users have to go to customer service specialists.

Standard passwords for routers

The standard router password can be useful in solving the problem under consideration. Most often, in the standard equipment settings, the default login is admin, as well as the corresponding password. However, it is worth understanding that not all manufacturers adhere to standard names, and therefore there may be some differences. D-Link DI-804 is a router model that has an unexpected feature - the password entry field must remain empty with a similar login, while the Zyxel Prestige 650 model provides a password and login in the form of a set of numbers 1234.

Features of individual routers

In the event that the user has lost access keys to the administrator page, as well as the equipment itself and the local network, the Internet, the restoration of each of them will involve a special sequence. For hardware recovery on the tp link router, you will need some data - a password and login to the administrative page, where the parameters and settings of the local network and Internet connection are located. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the equipment manufacturer (indicated on a sticker at the bottom of the router). If such a sticker is missing, use the following information:

  • Zyxel –;
  • TPlink –;
  • D-link –;
  • Netgear –;
  • Asus –

For an asus router, the account will be different from the one required for a D-link router. After logging in using the appropriate hardware credentials, the user will have access to an interface with various settings and network parameters. Enter the “Local Network” tab to find out the data. Find the “wpa key” parameter, opposite which is the user password for accessing the Internet. Regardless of whether the equipment requires an Asus account or requires incoming data from a Beeline router, the recovery sequence is approximately the same.

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  • Recently, on one of the many forums on the Internet, I came across a dispute where the question of where the WiFi password was written on the router was discussed. Some said that there is no such thing; the sticker only indicates the device’s IP, login and login password. Others foamed at the mouth to prove that I have a Wi-Fi router from Rostelecom, Beeline or and the SSID and wireless network key are written on it. Let's figure this issue out together and finally put an end to it!

    So, if you turn your modem or router upside down, you will find a nylon tape on the bottom of it. On devices with a vertical orientation, a sticker is sometimes glued to the back cover of the case. This sticker displays information about the device - its model, manufacturer, serial number and MAC address. This will be mandatory. But beyond this there may be other information. There is just no clearly defined standard for this and it all depends on the manufacturer. Here, for example, is a sticker from the Zyxel Keenetic WiFi router:

    As you can see, all the information about how the wireless network is configured by default is written here - that is, the network name and security key.

    Here, for example, is a sticker with the Wi-Fi password written on the Rostelecom Sagemcom F@st 1744 v4 router:

    In the field SSID the network name is written, and in the field Pass- key.

    And this is a sticker on the branded router ZTE H118N V2.1:

    Everything is the same here, only the WiFi password is written in the field Security.

    The same picture can be observed on almost all branded modems and routers provided by telecom operators, be it Rostelecom, MTS,, Beeline Smart Box, MGTS or mobile gadgets from Megafon. And this was done because when ordering a certain device, the provider sets a number of requirements to the manufacturer. One of these is a requirement that reflects that the password for the router’s WiFi network must be written on a sticker for ease of configuration by the subscriber or a telecom operator specialist.

    But when there are no such requirements, the manufacturer is free to do what is more convenient for him. And it’s more convenient, of course, not to get messy, but to do everything your own way. Here's an example sticker from D-Link DIR-300:

    As you can see, the WiFi password is not written on the router. The same can be said about devices from TP-Link, Tenda, NetGear and ASUS.

    Of course, more advanced users will object - like, why is all this necessary, because you can always go to the web interface and look at the security key there without any problems. Yes, you can! But do not forget that there are people who do not understand anything about this and the router’s web interface is a “dark forest” for them. It is precisely for this category that it is possible to find the Wi-Fi password on the router. But this data is almost never written on the box for security reasons.

    I hope I have made everything clear. If you have any questions, write! Good luck everyone!
