How to order a call back from a Beeline operator. How to make a “Request a call back” button

About 10% of visitors to the Callibri website choose a call back among many other ways to contact the company. Despite the fact that in lately many prefer communications not related to voice communication, telephone conversations remain one of the most effective sales tools. 20% of people perceive information primarily through hearing. And among your clients there are definitely such people.

Operating principle and callback functions

“To buy or not to buy?” - this is the thought with which visitors study the website of an online store. A well-timed phrase: “Leave your phone number and we will call you back” can push a potential buyer to take action. Operating principle " call back» simple: the site visitor fills out a form with the obligatory indication phone number, the system automatically connects the company manager and the client, and for both subscribers the call will be incoming.

The main task of a call back is lead generation. If a site visitor left his contact information and started communicating with the company, then with a high degree of probability he will become a client. Moreover, communication occurs while the visitor is still “warm” and has not left the site (except for cases when the client indicates a convenient time for a call back). The site simply informs about goods or services, and in live communication the manager sells them.

For the buyer, the advantages of a “call back” are obvious:

  • no need to look for seller contacts
  • no need to spend money on a call
  • no need to waste time dialing and waiting to be connected to a manager

Who needs callback

The more communication options you offer site visitors, the more often they will communicate with you. The effectiveness of a particular tool depends on both the type of business and personal characteristics clients.

Let's figure it out what communication method do clients choose?. When a buyer can clearly and accurately formulate his need or request, he prefers to chat. But if a site visitor has not finally decided what he wants, or he needs serious advice on a product or service, a “call back” will be more effective than an online consultant. Moreover, both types of buyers come to the same site. You can draw an analogy with shopping in a regular store. There are those who immediately go to the shelf with the desired product, and there are those who use the help of a consultant. When shopping online, the first category will most likely clarify the details via chat, and the second category will most likely order a “call back”.

But besides buyer psychology, there is business specifics. “Callback” works great on the websites of car repair shops, companies selling furniture, installing windows and ceilings, and renovating apartments.

Business related to finance requires extensive consultation. During the communication process, the client has more and more new questions, because he is never completely sure what he received full information. Therefore, a call back to potential clients will be more interesting than chatting.

For businesses operating throughout the country, the “call back” function will be one of the most popular among site visitors. The user will not think how much it will cost him to communicate with the company. For companies operating in the northern regions, where prices for mobile and telephone communication higher than in the whole country, having a call back button on the site will help attract customers.

But for online stores selling goods of everyday and regular demand, the “call back” function is not so important. Usually flowers, tea or food are ordered through a form on the website, and small nuances are clarified in the chat. For a business that provides complex services, such as website development and promotion, a call back will also not be an effective tool.

When choosing methods of communication between a company and a client, you should not limit yourself to just one thing. The more opportunities you provide to contact you potential buyers, the higher the sales will be. And what kind of tools will bring you customers depends on many factors.

Reaction of site visitors to the button

Pop-up windows annoy most website visitors. And they are not shy about voicing it.

Therefore, it is best to make the call back button stationary. User attention is distributed as follows: the upper left corner is the most noticeable, then the upper right corner, the lower left corner is in third place, and the lower right corner attracts the least attention. Therefore, if you want to make an “aggressive” call back button, then place it at the top of the page. If your goal is not to annoy site visitors, then it is better to place a “call back” in the lower corners. If a pop-up window cannot be avoided, then it should not cover the entire screen.

Such a call is more likely to make you leave the site than to leave your number.

How not to piss off a potential buyer?

  1. A pop-up window should keep the visitor on the site, and not just inform him about something. Analysis of the web viewer recording will help you choose the display time successfully.
  2. Don't impose. Offering to request a call back once per session is better than every 30 seconds.
  3. The opt-out button or cross that closes the pop-up window must be clearly visible.

How to set up a call back correctly

There are many free and paid services call back. Which one to choose is up to each company to decide for itself. The services differ somewhat in functionality, but their operating principles are common.

So, what needs to be done for the callback to appear on the site.

  1. There is no need to invent anything - to on the website a button has appeared, just install a ready-made script. A universal script is installed on the site, and which callback button the visitor will see depends on the settings.
  2. In Callibri the callback function is built into the widget. So you can connect it only when connecting a widget. When you click on the widget tab, the visitor is offered all possible ways communications, including call back. Without a click, no buttons appear and do not annoy anyone.

You can configure the widget so that the site appears separate button“request a call back.” When you click on this button, a tab with a call back will automatically open. Also, the form can open when you click on a word, and it optimal size and does not overlap information on the site.

3. Set up the dialing order.

  • First, dial the site visitor, then the operator. The visitor leaves a number on the site, the system dials him and only after he picks up the phone, it starts calling the manager. In essence, it turns out that the client is waiting for the phone to be answered. This option is suitable for those who work with large corporate clients. As a rule, such clients have their own PBX and the process of connecting to a subscriber takes a long time.
  • Dial to the operator, and then to the site visitor. Most often they are configured according to this scheme. This option is suitable for those who work with ordinary consumers. A person receives a call, picks up the phone and immediately begins communicating with a company representative.

4. Select What time will the call back be available on the website? and when it disappears. When a business is asleep, clients will not call into the void. In Callibri settings, all hours are working, because we work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
5. Set up an online call- the ability to call directly through the browser using a headset or built-in microphone. By the way, you can try all this on our website.

This is how setting up a call back looks like in the Callibri account:

Getting rid of “empty” calls

The main task of the “call back” button is to bring a potential client to communication. Ideally, every conversation should end in a sale. There may be several reasons why this does not happen:

  • Little information on the site. When a visitor does not find something, he orders a call not to buy something. To help deal with this problem:
  1. Good site navigation. If it is convenient for the user to search and find information on the site, then it will not occur to him to call you; if nothing can be found on the site, then he will contact the manager for the missing information.
  2. The FAQ section makes life much easier for users. Here you can find answers to all the “what, how, why and why”. If the purpose of the “call back” button on your website is to sell, then you should provide as much comprehensive information as possible on the website so that visitors do not distract operators with stupid questions.
  3. Online consultant where you can find out more small details. How more ways communication, the more often potential clients will communicate with managers. According to statistics, most people prefer chatting, so if you provide this option, there will be fewer “empty” calls.
  • The visitor orders a call back because it was offered to him, but does not understand why. It may be worth clarifying why a “call back” is needed: we will tell you about the terms of the promotion, help you choose the desired model, we will calculate the project estimate, etc.

Callback problems

The main problems associated with call back can arise solely due to the human factor. There may be several situations:

  • The call back isn't really a call back. In this case, after a person has left his number on the site, the manager receives a letter. That is, it is not involved here automatic system, but simply a notification that the client wants to be contacted. The manager may not see the letter on time or simply not call back. The result is a lost client.
  • The callback is configured so that the system first calls the user and then the manager. And now he is talking on another line, drinking tea, hanging out on the Internet or even going for a walk, in general he cannot pick up the phone. The result is the same - a lost client.

There is another problem that you may encounter when using the call back function - pampering, revenge and trolling. On the site they leave the phone number of the person they want to annoy, and the manager calls the unsuspecting subscriber. If such a situation arises, it is better to add the number to the “black list”. Perhaps the “jokers” will leave the number many times, and with your return calls you will drive the person crazy and cause negativity towards the company.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the “call back”

The effectiveness of any tool can be tracked and calculated. And the call back is no exception. Who orders a call back, where these visitors came from to the site, what percentage of leads become clients - the answers to these and many other questions will help you understand whether callback works on your site or not and what profit it brings.

Callibri callback, like any other method of communication with a client, allows you to collect complete information about the site visitor:

  • Transition source
  • The address of the site from which the visitor came
  • Advertising campaign and specific ad
  • Search query
  • City
  • UTM tags
  • Landing page

You can evaluate the effectiveness of a call back based on several criteria:

  • Demand. Obviously, if you are ordered 2 callbacks per month, then this is not the most effective tool sales
  • Conversion. It is necessary to evaluate not only the number of calls, but also their quality. Therefore, it is worth analyzing how many callbacks led to sales. Sales conversion is one of the main indicators of tool effectiveness.
  • Advertising. Analysis of targeted calls will allow you to understand which advertising platforms work and which ones bring empty traffic and spammers to the site.
  • Regionality. Where do they most often order a call back from, what regions do clients from buy from you, and what specific products and services are in greatest demand.
  • Record a call back is a valuable source of information for analysis. First, you need to pay close attention to the questions your clients ask. It may be worth optimizing the site or adding some missing information. Secondly, you can understand the needs of your target audience. Thirdly, identify errors and miscalculations in the organization of the company’s work. For example, a TV manager begins to give advice on refrigerators instead of switching to a specialized specialist.

Statistics in one window - the most convenient option for analytics and performance evaluation various channels. You will clearly see how many callbacks they give real clients, and you will understand whether this button works on your site. And if the results are unsatisfactory, then you can always correct something and reconfigure it so that the “call back” tool starts working to increase the conversion of your website. Callibri displays all this in

How to make a call back effective

  • Adjust the operating time of the function in accordance with the work of managers.
  • Choose a mode in which the manager answers the call first, and only then the client. Yes, the client will wait longer for a call, but this is better than him holding the phone and not waiting for an answer.
  • Understand that OZ is just another type of communication. He is not the only one and not the main one. It is interesting to some categories of citizens. You don’t have to put your hopes or concentration on it, it just has to be there and work.
  • Offer other communication modes that will save the client’s money: federal numbers 8800 and 8804, as well as online calls.

Good day everyone. Today we will talk about modal windows, and using their example we will implement the “ Request a call back". You've probably seen such a button on many landing pages; when you click it, a contact form appears with the overall background darkened. This is exactly the functionality we are implementing today.

Usually the “request a call back” button is located on the right top corner. You can experiment with the location, but remember that people are already accustomed to seeing this element there, although this applies more to business and service websites.

Of course, in most cases, modal windows are made using javascript, but today we will try to get by only using css, and we will not load our landing page extra script.

And finally, I’ll say that I didn’t bother with the design of the contact form, I just wanted to convey the essence of how such an effect is implemented, so please don’t push too hard. I’ll just describe the main points, and then you can correct them as you please.

About how to set up contact form You can read these articles:

To ensure that the article does not turn out to be very long, I will provide only the html markup, and you can see the rest by downloading the source.

We will implement this functionality: :)

Once again, this is just a small template that you can then adjust to suit your design. This will all be called by pressing a button.

The first thing to do is to include the style sheet (less) provided in the source. I described it in great detail with comments, take a look and make edits.

HTML structure is very simple. We place this link in right place on the website. Where you plan to display the “request a call back” button:

Request a call back

Now you need to create a modal window container:

I didn’t publish the style sheet, you can download the source here:

And with html markup- All. So it's simple. The advantages of this method are that modal window can be called multiple times on a page and does not use scripts.

As you may have noticed, I wrote that I used less. Look at the structure. I haven’t used even 5% of the preprocessor’s capabilities (only nesting), since I just started learning it, but I plan to use it more often in the future. I wanted to ask you what’s best. Would you mind if the code examples are not in CSS but in less? I have Google chrome and Yandex browser refused to compile less to css without opening the file through Denver or OpenServer. On Mazil and IE - swallowed. So, most likely, I will post regular CSS styles.

And that’s all for today! Bye everyone!

If you don’t want to create such a button yourself, I recommend paying attention to, which allow you to implement this function and have many other additional features.

A modern person cannot imagine his life without mobile communications, which allows us to communicate with loved ones despite any distance. The operators themselves try to make their products as accessible and convenient as possible for subscribers. Each provider regularly develops new services and tariffs, which raise many questions among customers. The megaphone, which today is one of the market leaders, was no exception. cellular communication. The company is constantly working to improve the quality of customer service, creating new offers. Many of these offers turn out to be very attractive, but subscribers are in no hurry to take advantage of them, as they raise many questions. Of course, the operator took this into account and organized Megafon customer support. Any subscriber can turn to a specialist for help and get answers to his questions. Many people know how to reach a Megafon operator, but not everyone knows how to reduce the time waiting for an answer and what to do if the need for specialist advice arose while in international roaming.

It's no secret that getting an immediate response from a specialist contact center It’s not always possible, and hanging on the phone for who knows how long is not the best prospect. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to reduce the waiting time for a response from the Megafon operator, but convenient service, allowing the subscriber to order a call back, and this can be done not only in the coverage area home network, but also when roaming. About how to reach the Megafon operator as part of this service and what this interesting option is all about we'll talk in this article. Other possible options you can find connections with the operator.

Callback service Megafon

The “Call Back” service is intended not only to relieve the subscriber of the need to wait for an operator’s response. Besides this, this service allows subscribers to reduce their expenses on mobile communications when in international roaming. This service is not an independent option and works in conjunction with the “Around the World” or “Business Travel” tariff. The Call Back service works properly in 142 countries. As you can see, this service has several purposes, as a result of which subscribers have many questions.

“Callback” service as a way to contact the operator

If you find yourself on this page in order to find out how to call the Megafon operator by ordering a call back and you have nothing to do with roaming, then just call the single number 0500 and while waiting for a response from a specialist, you will be asked to request a call back. The automatic informant will tell you the number you need to press in order to order a call back. After this, all you have to do is wait for a specialist to call. The operator will call as soon as he is free. If you are interested in the “Call Back” service because you are often in international roaming, then read the article below.

The “Call Back” service as a way to contact an operator in Roaming for free

As you already understand, the “Call Back” option can be used not only in the home network, but also when roaming. Moreover, first of all, it is designed for subscribers who want to reduce their costs in Roaming. The need to contact a megaphone operator can be done anytime, anywhere. In order not to pay for a call to the operator despite roaming, you should use the “Call Back” service and the call will be free, as when you are on your home network.

How does the call back option work?

Megafon has developed a number of services that will be useful for subscribers in roaming, for example, one of them is the “Around the World” option. Activating this service means reducing costs for incoming calls while roaming. Why are we talking about the “Around the World” service? The fact is that along with this service, the main character of this article, “Callback,” is automatically connected.

The operating principle is as follows: Outgoing call is automatically interrupted, then the system itself dials the number you dialed, after which it calls you back and connects you with the subscriber. In the same way, you can contact the MegaFon operator when you are abroad. That is, you don’t even need to type special number. Just use single number contact center 0500 . The outgoing call will be interrupted and you will be called back after a while.

How to order a call back Megafon.

If you carefully read the information above, you already understand that the call back is made in automatic mode, that is, when you try to call, the connection will be interrupted, after which you will be called back. The service does not require a connection and works automatically when using the “Around the World” option.

The system may not work in the following cases:

  • When you are in a country that does not support online roaming. The service is relevant for 142 countries. You can view the list of countries on the official website of Megafon;
  • The phone number is dialed incorrectly. The call must be made to the number dialed in international format. For example, +7 926 555 45 55 ;
  • The “Around the World” service is not activated. As noted earlier, “Call Back” is not a separate option and to activate it you will have to first take care of activating the “Around the World” service or one of the following tariffs: “Around the World” and “Business Travel”.

Callback cost

If the call is made on toll free number, for example, you are trying to call a megaphone operator using the 0500 number, then you will not be charged for the call. In other cases, the cost of a call back depends on the country of residence. The prices can be found on the official website of the Megafon company on the description page for the “Around the World” option. In addition, the subscriber can obtain this information in.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know what the “Call Back” option provides. If you still have any questions, you can ask them in the section.