Who brought it into the emergency situation VK. We choose the simplest option

Go to the service. This is what the page we need looks like. Click here “Look who has me on the black list”.

Scanning of your friends will begin. As you complete it, the pages of users who have blocked you on VKontakte will be displayed in the lower block. Wait until the operation is completed to view all pages.

Update: an application on VK that tracks who added us to the emergency situation

Finally, an application has appeared within the framework of the social network, which analyzes and generates for us a list of users who have decided to blacklist us.

It's called Blacklist & Hidden Friends, and is available at the link:


Follow it and click on the button "Run application".

The next step is to start scanning by clicking on the button “Find those who blacklisted you”.

The procedure will be launched and a list of users will begin to be formed. The information is up to date - I checked it by comparing the data obtained in the previous steps. Everything fits together. The people who put me in emergency situations are displayed.

Video lesson: find out who I am on VKontakte’s blacklist


As you understand, using the second method is preferable.

What to do if you find out that you are on a person’s black list? You can try to remove yourself from there (see). Or try writing to a person (see).


You need to view your emergency (black list) on VKontakte to determine who you have added there and blocked (that is, these people can no longer write to you and cannot view your page). Maybe you blocked the person by mistake, or maybe it was a conscious decision, but now the offense has passed and you want to remove him from the blacklist. Read more about all this.

How to view the VKontakte blacklist (find out who I blocked)?

Your black list of people on VKontakte is in the settings. To open settings in regular version VKontakte, click on your name or avatar at the top right - a menu will open. Then select the item there Settings:

The settings consist of several sections. Do you need Blacklist- Click on this item in the right column.

You can also immediately open your blacklist using this link: My blacklist.

You will see a list of all the people you have ever blocked. When you blacklist someone, they stay there forever. More precisely, until you unlock it yourself.

How to open the VKontakte blacklist in the mobile version, in the application on the phone?

About the same. First, click on the main menu button (three bars at the top left), then scroll down the menu (if you can’t see it entirely), click Settings and then Blacklist. In addition, in mobile version you can get there using this link: My blacklist.

How to unblock a person on VKontakte and remove him from the blacklist?

These methods are for the full version of VKontakte. For mobile - see further.

1st method

First open the blacklist (see above how to do this). Next, opposite each person there is a link Remove from list. Select the person you want to unblock and click “Remove from list.” After this, he will immediately be able to view your page and write to you in a personal message.

2nd method

Go to this person’s page and find the button with three dots (menu) - under main photo. Click on it and select the item Unblock. Click on it. That's it!

How to unblock a person on VKontakte, remove him from the blacklist in the mobile version of VKontakte?

1st method in mobile version

Open the blacklist using the My blacklist link. Click on the person you want to remove from blocked, then on his page, find the item in “Actions” Unblock and click on it.

2nd method in mobile version

In the same way, open the black list, switch to the full version (link " Full version"at the very bottom of the page) and click Remove from list against the right person. If it's small, enlarge the image with your fingers. Then you can return to the mobile version using the link in the left column - “Go to mobile version”.

How to find a person on your blacklist?

At the very top of the blacklist there is a field Blacklist search. Click there and start typing the first or last name of the person you are interested in - you will quickly find him. This feature is useful when there are a lot of people on your blacklist.

How to view someone else's blacklist? How do I know if I'm on the blacklist?

You cannot view someone else's blacklist; this is the personal secret of each user. But you can easily determine if you are on the blacklist specific person. Here are the instructions: .

WhatsApp is the most common and popular mobile platform for messaging. It makes it easy to send messages, photos and even videos to different users, as long as you are not blocked. Often users continue to send messages without knowing that they are on the blacklist. How to understand that you have been blocked on Whatsapp? It's actually quite simple.

Method #1: Pay attention to the latest status

One of the features whatsapp apps is the ability to see the latest status of other people, that is, when they last time were online. But if someone blocked you, last visit will not be visible. Only empty space will be visible all the time.

However, one thing can belie this empty space as a clear indication that the number is blocked. It may be that the person hid it through the settings this information for all users, or something happened to his mobile device.

Method #2: View your profile photo

If someone has blocked your number on WhatsApp, you can detect this fact by looking at the person’s profile picture. That is, if a user is blocked in Whatsapp, he will not be able to see the photo of the subscriber who blacklisted him.

The contact picture of that person saved in your phone may be visible on the spot whatsapp image profile. Or it will look like the person didn't set a photo for their account.

Method #3: Check if messages are being delivered

If someone has restricted your access, your messages will not be delivered to that person. This means you will never see a double tick on sent messages.

Read (double sign) is displayed only when the receiver accepts the message. If it doesn't show up, it simply means either the user is not using WhatsApp at that time or you are blacklisted.

Method #4: Try making a call

If someone decides to block you, you will not be able to make a call to this subscriber. It will just automatically terminate without connecting and you will always see the End call message.

Creating a testing group

These are the most simple ways, answering the question of how to find out about the possibility of blocking. But at the same time, all these indicators can only be a sign that the user simply stopped using the application.

The WhatsApp developers have deliberately made this question ambiguous in order to protect the privacy of anyone who wishes to block someone. Any indicator that immediately indicates the fact of blocking violates the privacy of such a person.

Therefore, you can use another method.

This method involves the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to create a group and name it “Test”.
  2. Enter the name of the person you want to verify to add to the group and click the Create button.
  3. If a friend has blacklisted you, you will see the message “Unable to add user.”

You can also find out by updating your contact list. The contact's name will either not appear in the list, or it will appear with an "Invite" option.

Without manual verification, you can also take the help of several automated tools and applications that can show you the entire list of subscribers who have restricted you from accessing their profile.

These are the simplest and operational methods, allowing you to find out who blocked you on WhatsApp.

Users of Odnoklassniki.ru sometimes have some problems using the site's functions. Today we will answer frequently asked questions (FAQ) from members of the social network, namely, we will talk about the blacklist in Odnoklassniki.

Many people are concerned about the issue of bans, because there are people who are very annoying and behave disgracefully. If you have already warned such friends, and they still do not understand human words, then it is very easy for them to block access to your profile. So, today's post about the blacklist will be structured according to the Question - Answer rule.

1. Where is the blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

There are two simple options find the list. The first way is to go to the section Other.

The second is to find the black list at the bottom of the social network page in the left column.

2. How to blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

There are three options to block a person:

  • if a message was sent to them,
  • if they rate your photo,
  • if you were visiting.

You need to select a user and when the message appears Block add it to the emergency situation (see details and pictures).

3. How can I find out who I am on the black list?

If you want to write a message, rate a photo, or view user information, and they don’t let you in, then you are banned. There is no more accurate way to check yet.

4. If I’m blacklisted, how can I remove the blocking and how can I unblock correspondence?

Only the person who added you there can remove the block. To do this, the user should enter their emergency situation (question - answer about where the blacklist is, see above in paragraph 1), select a person and click Delete.

5. How can I remove myself from a friend’s blacklist on Odnoklassniki?

Nothing could be easier! It is enough to know the login and password of his account, and then remove himself from unwanted list. But seriously, it’s impossible! Since the user has decided not to communicate with you, then you shouldn’t bother him even more.

6. How to determine the reason for blocking and how to contact the user who banned me?

Not from your profile. Alternatively, you can ask a friend on Odnoklassniki to ask again or, as a last resort, create additional account for communication.

7. I can’t blacklist a user!

Most likely there are problems with the browser or antivirus. Try rebooting your computer, updating the software, or loading Odnoklassniki.ru through a different browser. If the problem persists, then the social network itself is slowing down or bad connection with the site.

8. Can a person from the blacklist see my presence on the Odnoklassniki website?

Yes. Blocked members can see you.

9. If a user has blacklisted me, is he visible as a guest or not?

On your guest list - yes, even though you are banned. But when visiting him, no.

10. Is there a person on my friends list who has blocked me?

Yes. Adding to the emergency situation does not mean automatic deletion him from friends.

If you still have questions and answers about blocking in Odnoklassniki that are not included in the FAQ, write in the comments. Use, enjoy and communicate on the website Odnoklassniki.ru!

The article tells how to bypass the blacklist on VKontakte.


Ability to send unwanted users to " Blacklist" exists on a social network " VKontakte", as well as on any other similar resources. Of course, adding someone you don't like to such a list is good.

But what to do when you yourself were put there by mistake, for example, by your friend, and you need to correct it? IN today's review we will talk about how to remove ourselves from " Blacklist"on social networks" VKontakte"after we got there.

How does the Black List function work?

First, let's figure out what " Blacklist" in " VKontakte" and how it works. It will be useful for us to know this in order to better understand the issue.

When you are brought into " Blacklist", you find yourself banned. The user who blocked you can still view your page, for him you remain completely visible. But if you go to his page, then all you can see is his avatar and name. Everything else will be unavailable to you, including sending messages.

You will also see a notification on the page of the user who blocked you that you have been blocked from accessing this account. This is " Blacklist”, in which you find yourself, and the question arises, is it possible to somehow get around it? In the usual way it is impossible to do this, but we will try to use other methods that will help us get out of " Blacklist».

Method one. How to bypass the “Black List” on VKontakte?

Bypass blocking by another user on the site " VKontakte"You can use an anonymizer. An anonymizer is a program that allows you to connect to the Internet anonymously, while hiding the user's real IP address. Thus, if, for example, you are blocked by IP address in any chat, forum or website, then you can safely go there through the anonymizer.

This is also the case with “ VKontakte" You can log into your account through the anonymizer in " VKontakte" and freely gain access to view the page of the person who previously put you in " Blacklist" But there are a couple of nuances here.

How to bypass the blacklist and how to get out of the blacklist in VKontakte

Firstly, the site " VKontakte“can figure out that you are using a “left” program and mistake you for a fraudster. It is possible that after this your account will be temporarily blocked until the circumstances are clarified.

Secondly, with the help of an anonymizer you will only bypass “ Blacklist", but you will not be able to remove yourself from it. Your account will remain on the other user’s blocked list, and you will always need to use an anonymizer to bypass the blocking.

You can download one of these anonymizers from this link.

Method two. How to get out of the “Black List” in groups on VKontakte?

Let's talk a little about what to do if you are put in " Blacklist"in any group in " VKontakte" Getting on the community ban list is not so easy, but nevertheless it happens. True, get out of " Blacklist“groups are also very difficult, and we will only show you a theoretical example of how this can be done.

Your task is to ensure that the community administrator follows your link. The link should look like this: http://vkontakte.ru/groups.php?act=unban&gid=(id of the community you were blacklisted from)&id=(id of your page).

You need to somehow ensure that the administrator of the group where you were banned goes to this address. After this you will be removed from the " Blacklist» of this community. In practice, this is difficult to achieve, but it's worth a try.

Method three. How to remove yourself from another person’s “Black List” on VKontakte?

How to bypass the blacklist and how to get out of the blacklist in VKontakte

Remove from " Blacklist"Your friend can be contacted using the same principle as described in the previous paragraph. That is, you will need to create a link and ask the user who blocked you to follow it.

To be more clever, register new account, make it look like the real thing. Or ask your friend to help you. The essence of the matter is to gain the trust of the person who blocked you and give him the link. The link looks like this: http://vkontakte.ru/settings.php?act=delFromBlackList&id=(id of your page). After he goes to this address, you will be removed from his " Blacklist».

But most real way- this is to chat with your friend and ask them to unban you. If this is your friend, and you offended him in some way, apologize, there is nothing wrong with that. It is always easier to negotiate with a person and make concessions to him than to look for some cunning workarounds that will not always work.