Recruit real people into the VK group. Cheat live subscribers on VKontakte

If you have your own community, then you probably wondered how to get subscribers to a group on VK? After all, getting the target audience is the main task.

Several methods can be used for this purpose. Now I will tell you about them.


We invite people to the group

The best way to recruit real people into a group is to send them invitations using personal messages on VKontakte (see).

Now we go to the page of the user to whom we want to send an invitation. And we send him a message, in the text of which we invite him to join the group. And add a link to it.

In the picture below, you can see an example of such a message.

If he is interested, he will go to the group page and subscribe.

What is worth paying attention to here? You should not engage in outright spam - there is no need to send invitations to everyone indiscriminately. You will not achieve any particular effect in terms of increasing the number of subscribers. And you also risk getting banned (see).

You need to choose people who would be interested in the information you publish in the group (see). The best example is that you can add members of similar communities.

Let me explain this with an example. Let's say we are dedicated to football. And you are trying to get subscribers into it. You should use the search and find groups that are also dedicated to football.

We go to the appropriate community and open the list of participants.

These people are interested in your topic. Sending them invitations to join the group will most likely lead to them signing up.

We use services to increase subscribers to a VKontakte group

I will show you the process of working with the yoolike service. Follow the link:

The system has two options: paid and free.

Let's start with the one that doesn't require investment.

The internal currency of the service is likes. You can earn them by completing simple tasks. You can repost (see), like and subscribe to communities. Select any suitable option from the menu and complete several tasks.

Once you have a sufficient number of likes on your account, you can spend them on promoting your community. To do this, select from the menu "Spend Likes", paragraph “Get subscribers to a group/public”.

You will be taken to the order form.

Here you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Link to the community for which you need to gain subscribers
  • Number of likes a subscriber will receive
  • How many subscribers do you need?

When filled, press the button "Confirm order". Now you need to wait for the process to finish.

If you decide to choose the paid option, you will simply need to buy likes with real money. The rest of the process is similar.

Program for recruiting people into a VK group

There is quite a lot of similar software on the market. I offer you a brief overview of the Viking Botovod program. With its help, you can easily gain subscribers to your group.

Install the program and add a VKontakte account (see). After that, go to the “Exchange” tab. Check the box here "Enable intro sharing". From the drop-down menu select “Group”. And in the input field, indicate the id of the desired group.

To start, click the "Ok" button. Subscriber boost will be enabled, and you just need to leave the program in this mode for a while.


Whatever option you choose to add subscribers to a group, remember that excessive activity can lead to blocking of the community (see).

It is advisable to extend this process over some time. Don’t try to gain thousands of subscribers in one day.

What is an indicator of the popularity of a community on a social network? Well, of course, these are people who will read your posts, leave comments, like posts, and participate in competitions. How to add subscribers to the VKontakte group is one of the most important points of concern for a novice administrator.

Pitfalls of social promotion

At first glance, the task seems easy to accomplish. But in reality it turns out that not everything is so rosy. If the problem were not so acute, the question of how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group would not arise in principle. Due to the increased competition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to promote a newly created group. The newcomer risks becoming a hopeless outsider behind the giants who have managed to take their “place in the sun.” About ten years ago, admins did not have to worry about how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group on their own - the initiative, as they say, came from below.

The idea of ​​uniting users into thematic communities in the wake of the craze for social networks was received with enthusiasm; the first groups were filled with participants as if by magic. But even today, with a certain amount of perseverance, you can achieve good results and even become a leader.

Decide on your goal and motivation

Any action, both in real and virtual life, must have rational validity and be based on some idea. Before you create a VKontakte group, think about it - do you really need this? Do you have enough time and patience for daily painstaking work, writing interesting notes, adding pictures and other administrative routine? If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to postpone work until better times. Otherwise, not only will the question of how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group remain unresolved, but the very existence of the community will be threatened.

Show your imagination and add creativity

It is very important to determine the thematic focus that is in demand among a wide range of social network users. The chosen topic, if possible, should be original and different from existing VK communities. Also make sure that the name of the group accurately conveys its content, and that the artwork looks professional and attractive.

In this case, the problem of how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group will be resolved by itself - people will become members of your community without any coercion, only because it is interesting to them.

The easiest ways to promote

Let's assume that the group has already been created, you have come up with a beautiful name and logo for it, and filled the wall with the first records. We hope that the theme of your community is original, capable of instantly capturing the attention of the target audience. Now let's look at how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group, add them for free or at minimal cost.

First of all, we invite our friends - this way you will recruit several dozen participants. If you know group administrators, you can agree to advertise your community on their sites. It is quite possible that someone will agree to advertise your group for free or in exchange for mutual PR; in some cases, they will have to pay. Involve other social networks (Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook) by posting relevant posts on your pages.

A YouTube channel can also be a good help in popularization. There is probably no need to explain how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group for free using this resource: place active links under the video that talks about the activities of your community. Despite all the effectiveness of these methods, they have one drawback - they work rather slowly. You are unlikely to be able to gain thousands of subscribers in a short period of time.

Accelerated promotion: balancing act on the edge of the abyss

Today there are many online resources designed to make the task of promoting on social networks easier. In some places such a service is cheaper, in others more expensive, and in others it is provided absolutely free. By registering on one of these sites, you will understand how to quickly add subscribers to the VKontakte group. You can recruit several hundred or even thousands of participants per day. But is such speed capable of bringing the desired success?

At one far from perfect moment, it may turn out that the participants’ avatars show off “eyeless dogs.” This means that user profiles have been banned or removed from the social network for suspicious activity.

And this is not the worst option - after all, you can get rid of the “dogs” by excluding them from your community. Often the group itself falls under sanctions from VK for artificial promotion. Therefore, if you decide to use this method, proceed with caution and accuracy. Obviously, an influx of hundreds of participants per minute will inevitably raise doubts about the naturalness of the process.

The advantages of artificially attracting subscribers

However, there are also positive aspects here. Let's agree that you will recruit no more than 30-40 people a day, in a week the group will have about three hundred subscribers, in a month - almost a thousand. Not bad already. A random user who comes across the community wall and becomes interested in its topics will see that there are many participants and will also decide to join. The so-called herd instinct will work, which is a big plus, no matter how rude it may sound.

If the topic of your community is narrowly focused, and you want to see among the participants people who can be invited to offline meetings, it will not hurt to know how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group from your city. To do this, on paid promotion services you can set the preferred geographical location of those joining, as well as their gender, age, and social status.

Cheap bots and expensive fakes - is there a difference?

Each of the sites offering artificial promotion services positions itself as the most honest and effective. But in the end, it doesn’t matter at all whether you pay 3 kopecks or 10 rubles to attract one subscriber. Even if there is not a single “dog” in your community, it is far from a fact that after joining people will begin to show at least some activity.

What good are 100,000 members if none of them ever show up? The likelihood that paid accounts will form a truly interested audience is extremely low. A community wall without likes, reposts, or discussions will look empty and lifeless. A round number that determines the number of participants, of course, can amuse one’s vanity, but nothing more.

The combination of all methods and a creative approach

Of course, you shouldn’t let the process take its course and wait for weather by the sea either. Use all methods: use various types of advertising and promotion, write personal messages to your friends on a social network asking them to join the community.

On the Internet, in addition to marketing services, there are freelance exchanges and so-called BUKS. How to add subscribers to the VKontakte group legally using them? Everything here is extremely simple - you create an entry task and indicate the desired characteristics of the future participant. For example: “only for girls” or “for residents of Moscow”. This is very convenient, since each action is checked by you personally and if the specified criteria are not met, the execution is not counted. Thus, the question of how to add subscribers to the VKontakte group in your city naturally disappears, saving money and time.

A good way to attract the target audience is to hold competitions and thematic quizzes. To develop them, you will have to show your creativity and take care of prizes for the winners. Do you already have an idea? So, it's time to start implementing it!

Sometimes, looking through VKontakte groups and communities, you can only be surprised: completely uninteresting pages have many subscribers. It’s just that the creators of such groups have long held the secret of popularity. They use a special service that recruits subscribers to a VK group for free.

Adding subscribers to a VK group for free. What is this for?

There are many reasons for the popularity of the group. It can be very cool to find like-minded people and people who are interested in the same hobby as you. Another great reason for promoting groups can be to generate income.
Shops, online trainings and many other Internet projects need a large number of visitors. But how to attract their attention to your group?
It has long been known that people believe the opinion of the majority, therefore, the more subscribers there are in a group, the more willingly others will join it. VTope and free recruitment of subscribers to the VK group is exactly what you need.

How does free boost of subscribers work?

The operating principle of VTope is simple and compares favorably with other services:

Simple and free registration.
Complete security. You don't need account passwords to cheat.
100% result.
Only live users. A special filter filters out fake pages and bots.

You simply set a task, indicate the number of subscribers (it is not limited) and pay for them with points (VTope’s internal currency). In order for you to have enough points, you can buy them, get them for inviting friends, or use the services of a top-bot utility. It should be noted that the bot is not a program for boosting groups, but an assistant in earning points.

Try it and see for yourself - it’s very easy to promote a group using the VTope service.

In this guide you will learn how to quickly gain subscribers to a VKontakte group free and without the chance of getting banned.

There are many services on the Internet for promoting public pages and groups. Some of them are paid, others are free. To be honest, VK itself provides such services using different methods. But that’s not about that now. Now we'll figure it out how to properly gain subscribers to a VKontakte group without spending money. Like exchange services will help you with this. Their essence is that people who want to get likes and reposts, as well as friends and community members (and much more), can do this in exchange for the same actions for other people. Unfortunately, there are many low-quality or even malicious resources on the Internet, but we have identified a couple of optimal options thanks to which you can easily how to safely gain subscribers to a VKontakte group, and create activity in the community thanks to likes and comments on posts (they can also be ordered).

The most visited (About 12 unique visitors per day) and intensive project in this area. There are always a lot of tasks and people willing to complete them. The site interface is very simple and clear. To register, you just need to log in from VK and put the first like for verification. There is a unified currency on the site that you can earn by completing tasks, and also spend by posting your tasks (for example, subscribing to a group). You can learn more about how to use this exchange from the video below.

Advantages of the service:

Saturation with tasks

Large number of performers

Simple interface

Safely adding subscribers to a group(Ability to add only verified users to your public)

If desired, you can purchase currency for real

Targeting by gender, age, geolocation, etc.

The second project on this topic, which has all the advantages of the first service, but it is, so to speak, cross-platform, that is, you can work with all popular social networks (Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram, Ask.FM and of course VK), and for one. This way you can complete tasks in different social networks. networks, but spend it on one thing.

Advantages of the service:

Even more tasks

Even more performers

Modern interface

Low average cost of tasks

Nice bonuses for purchasing currency

Quests with gifts

Another cross-platform resource, without classmates yet, but with YouTube. The project is quite popular and already has over two million registered users.

The advantages of this service include:

Very nice and friendly interface

Opportunity to promote a YouTube channel

Daily bonuses for visiting the resource

Inexpensive prices for tasks

Availability of a promotional code that must be entered when logging in from VK and 50 points will immediately appear on your balance:C9SRVX

To reduce the likelihood of your account being banned for suspicious activity, do not complete tasks related to voting, as they use applications that can easily be used to identify you. It is also dangerous to complete tasks with reposts, but if you take on them, then make sure that the users or communities from which you are reposting do not get banned, otherwise it is better to delete such reposts from the wall. The safest tasks are likes, comments, adding to friends and communities.

Now you know proven and effective resources for promotion, but that’s not all. It is necessary to understand that 50% of users of such sites create second accounts on social networks and, without hesitation, begin to perform all tasks in a row, which is eventually noticed by social networks. Networks ban him for suspicious activity. How to get live subscribers to a VK group? This is the main question that we will answer next.

Cheating live subscribers to a VKontakte group

Cheating subscribers to a VK group without dogs
means a lot, because if a significant part of the participants have frozen accounts, then the public will soon suffer the same consequences. Therefore, we will tell you a few secrets of promotion.

1) Don't add too many people per day. This will attract a lot of attention from assessors (real inspectors). 200 per day is quite enough for a beginner group.

2) Use different sources of attraction. Inviting friends, advertising in communities, third-party resources. The more sources there are, the more difficult it is to figure out whether you are recruiting users artificially or not.

3) Every day, clean the list of participants from deleted pages. To do this, go to the “Community Management” item, the “Participants” tab and check for the presence of such. If you follow this, there is practically no chance of getting banned. Another little secret about how to get subscribers to a group without dogs. At the very top of the list will be the newest participants and they need to be checked very carefully, and those who are on the list for the first week do not require close checks, because fake accounts are banned in the very first days. Don't worry about those below.

4) It’s best to check the accounts of each new user and if you suspect that this is a fake page, twink or something similar, immediately delete it, and if you see that the person has many friends, real photos and he is not the first to run the page year, then even if he is banned, he will most likely restore the page.

5) Use retargeting. If your community's audience should consist of certain people, then you don't need to fill it with everyone. For example, you are selling lipstick in the city of Moscow, which means your target audience is women from 14 to 50 from Moscow and there is no need to attract men and people from other regions, because this will also arouse the suspicion of assessors.

Now that you know how to get real subscribers into a group without getting sanctions from social networks, you can safely start your own business. I hope this article was useful to you! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Have you been working on promoting a community or public page for a long time, but there are still no more subscribers? Self-promotion methods do not work for the desired result, and the community simply “stands still”? It's time to take more effective measures, such as getting subscribers to a group.

The service of recruiting VK subscribers has been known for a long time, but sometimes various sites offer rather inconvenient methods of recruiting, and you either have to shell out unacceptable amounts of money for this, or spend too much time and effort, achieve insignificant results and give up in despair, with a residue of unpleasant emotions. Have you also found yourself in such situations? Stop wasting your time on useless methods! the site will tell you how to gain subscribers without any extra effort!

How can you achieve the desired result?

the site is an innovative service that will help you forget about expensive and ineffective ways to promote your VK public page! We offer you unique and convenient offers that allow you to feel a significant difference from the first seconds of using the service. We only need a little time from you for you to register and start working with the system. We are confident that you will definitely not regret the time you spent on our service.

We created the website in order to online boost of subscribers to VKontakte group has become as easy and safe as possible. Therefore, when filling out the registration form, you do not need to provide any confidential information that might confuse you or that you would not want to provide when registering. Using our system, you will ensure the rapid development of your public pages, communities, or VKontakte profile, in a short time, absolutely free!

How does the “site” work?

Your work on our service will consist of a simple algorithm of elementary operations, which will only take you about half an hour to complete per day. The specificity of the program is the principle of exchange. Cheating subscribers to a VK group- this is the result that you will achieve more and more every day, but in return - like, repost, add as a friend, or subscribe to the public pages of other users. As you can see, everything is extremely clear, easy, and does not require much effort. Naturally, it also has its own currency. Different tasks from other users are valued differently, and thus, having received a certain amount of currency, you can exchange it for the services you need, for example, such as participants in the VKontakte group.

One of the significant advantages of the site is the high activity of participants. This means only one thing: you can freely achieve promotion at any time, day or night, and the result will always not be long in coming, regardless of the time of day. As soon as you recruit the first, minimum number of participants in the community, you will immediately want to use our service again, because we say an open “no” to dogs and offers, and only for a live, potential audience that will take part in surveys and like on news and posts, and actively live the life of the community.

Our advantages:

  • With us it’s incredibly convenient and easy: all the buttons you need are at your fingertips. Even a child can easily understand our system.
  • Subscribers for groups– a potential, “live audience” that will not stand aside and will pay attention to your works.
  • One hundred percent guarantee that all requirements will be met. Our service has no “glitches” - each person always receives the services for which he worked..

To date, free group boost VKontakte has become one of the most effective methods of attracting a potential audience who will not remain idle in the community and will not unsubscribe immediately after subscribing.

Do you wish that boost VKontakte groups filled the community with a large number of live participants?!