Design of a VKontakte page. Design of a public VKontakte page

VKontakte is a site created for communication that has gained immense popularity all over the world. With the help of this social network, everyone can not only write messages to their friends, but also post photos, music, and videos on their page. Users can also express themselves using pictures, interesting facts, and more. The popularity of VKontakte is determined primarily by its simplicity and the ability to use all site services absolutely free.

The VKontakte page serves not only as a place for correspondence, but also as a kind of diary, a cover that attracts the attention of other users. The standard design of a page on a social network is simple and organic, but with the help of decoy avatars, inscriptions, graffiti and themes for it, you can diversify, decorate it, and give it originality. Any registered user can decorate a page on VKontakte, and this procedure takes very little time.

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Themes for the page

Page design is an element of design work that every user can handle. It is important that the avatar, status, pictures and inscriptions on the wall are in harmony with each other in content and color scheme. In order to decorate the page using design themes you must:

  • Go to or
  • Download and install the browser plugin to activate themes.
  • Reload your browser.
  • Return to the site from which the plugin was downloaded.
  • Select the topic you like and left-click on it.
  • Click on the virtual apply button.

The sites, or their analogues host a huge number of topics. With their help, a personal page on a social network can be transformed, giving it tenderness, romance, comedy, fantasy or belligerence. All applications are free. The Yandex browser does not accept such innovations well, so the best option for downloading themes is the Google Chrome browser.

Drawings with symbols

To decorate a VKontakte page, drawings with symbols, text, letters or signs are also used. They can be placed in any fields when filling out personal information or inserted instead of status. To create such a drawing you need:

  • Download and install the ImgToTxt program in Russian from the website
  • Choose a contrasting picture with clear shades of light and dark colors.
  • Adjust the size and brightness of the image using the program’s functionality.
  • Select the symbols, numbers or letters that will make up the image.
  • Click on the “Perform conversion” button.
  • Save the result as a picture, text document, or place it in a buffer for later use.

The ImgToTxt program has a font changing function that can change the entire appearance of the picture. When changing the composition, you can adjust the number of lines. All settings and parameters are saved in the program’s memory, which relieves the user of the need to constantly update them.

You can also interestingly decorate the wall on your personal page by placing beautiful pictures on it with audio recordings attached to them. If the pictures are beautiful, it will certainly attract the attention of other users of the social network.

Everyone wants to look beautiful and individual, stand out from others and feel special. This also applies to your personal VKontakte page, which can also be transformed beyond recognition, even without the notorious themes for VKontakte.

Filling out your profile

The first thing you can do with your page is: fill out your profile completely. This will not only allow you to show others your preferences, but will also simplify the search for you among friends, acquaintances, relatives, classmates, etc. Add information about your studies, service, work, then smoothly move on to personal interests: cinema, music, hobbies. The more information you have in your profile, the more interesting you will seem to other people.

Page ID

Your page ID is a special code, an individual number that you can find in the address bar of your browser when you link to your page. Mostly this is a random set of numbers, which can be changed to an interesting name, nickname or your own set of characters. To do this, just go to My Settings, then go to the general tab and there you will see My Page Address. Here you can change the ID: just enter the required name in Latin (spaces must be replaced with the symbol “_”) - you will need SMS confirmation for the changes to take effect.

Add a photo and make an album

If you don't have a single photo in your albums, feel free to add them. The page is live if the user constantly writes something on the wall and adds new photos. If the quality of the photo does not suit you, you can use the built-in photo editor on VKontakte. To do this, select Edit under each photo. Here you can crop the photo, add filters, frames and other objects to the photo.
Also create thematic albums for easy viewing of photos.

Smileys in status

We have already told you how to add emoticons to your status; we will only mention why this is done. Smileys in status- it is not only beautiful, but also very informative. Sometimes there are simply not enough words to convey your mood and emoticons will help you express your feelings or simply communicate your mood to others.


Few people know that on the social network VKontakte you can set not only some geographical language, but you can also set interesting language packs. For example, the Pre-Revolutionary package will allow you to transform the page into the era of the Revolution of the early 20th century. And the Soviet package will give interesting Soviet names to your Audio Recordings and Bookmarks.


And finally the topics. You can find specialized skins on thematic sites. Such scripts and extensions will help you radically transform the appearance of your VKontakte page. But remember that such page customization is not suitable for users with a weak computer, as the page will glitch and twitch when scrolling.

Transform VKontakte, customize each field and make your page more informative. If you decide to look for people on a social network, communicate with them and generally make a positive impression, then you must create a VKontakte page.

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Good day, dear readers. Yesterday I watched Comedy Club. There was one young lady sitting in the hall who told how she had signed a contract with popular alcohol brands and now advertises alcoholic drinks through her own brand. She has unlimited access to elite premium booze and also makes money from it. Not bad?

I’ll tell you frankly, any person has such an opportunity. And this is not the only option to raise money on your page. But initially you will have to recruit real friends and subscribers.

Today we will talk to you about how to make your VK page popular and what benefits will this give? You will learn all the methods and receive a step-by-step guide to action. I will also give some useful tips on content, because you need to make it interesting.

How does this work

While stars compete with each other to see who has the most subscribers, ordinary people are still wondering whether I will be able to have many friends and what this will give me. First, let's figure out how to use the VK page?

In addition, we have already discussed and. If you have your own channel, then through social networks you can easily attract attention to it and get additional video views.

It won’t be a problem to personally negotiate with some bar, restaurant or clothing store, to which you promise to promote the product on your page. Advertising managers are always looking for cooperation, so if you have something to interest them, they will be happy to conclude an agreement.

In general, a large subscriber base provides almost unlimited opportunities for earning money. The only thing you need to remember is that you need to act without cheating. Experienced people will always understand when they are really interested in a blogger, and when he just collected 10,000 bots. You won't surprise anyone with the second option.


All technical aspects are simple to the point of disgrace. But they are not the most important, they rather complement the strategy. Before moving on to them, you need to decide whether your page will be interesting to subscribers.

I have already talked in detail about... Be sure to read this whole guide, which in capable hands will contribute to the natural growth of subscribers.

You need your own feature. You can turn your VKontakte wall into Twitter and post three sentences describing your day. Or, let's say, give advice to guys on how to get to know you if you're a girl. A friend of mine finds and then comments on news from our city every day. She has quite a lot of subscribers. Her opinion became interesting.

By the way, here is the answer to the question: is it possible to repost from other groups. Some experts will say no, since you are not bringing anything new to society, it gets boring reading the same thing a hundred times. What you are subscribed to, your friends are probably also subscribed to.

However, if you add a few words of your own, it makes a difference. You make the content unique. By the way, you’ve probably come across posts with the link “read the continuation in the source.” Usually you really want to point at them, but a long chain of actions immediately appears in your head. On your page you can find just such messages, but repost them directly from the expanded source. Your readers will get used to it and will expect a link from you.

In any case, some section must be repeated. If you hook a person with an interesting review about a horror movie, he hopes to see similar information, and if they don’t appear over the next few weeks, then most likely he will close the news from you.

Another important question that concerns all beginners: should they promote their page or create a fake account for work. The first option is much better. There are many ways to “be alone” on VKontakte. Bet more often, but you must have access to your account 24 hours a day. They found something in the feed - they threw it on the wall, someone wrote it - they set aside time and responded.

Do you take care of your personal page, do you have your own special friends? An approach that will not lead you to success. To become popular, you need your work to become a part of your life, and your attitude towards close friends and distant subscribers whom you have never seen is no different.

Your close friends can help you establish contact with that silent audience that has superficial meaning to you.

The only exception is if you are using . Buyers don't want to see personal photos of you in your underpants on the beach if you're going to land them a big window deal. In this case, either change everything in the existing one, or create an additional account.

Don't forget to synchronize this page with some gadget. Let the personal one be on the phone, and connect the second one to the tablet and periodically sit on one device, then on the other.

First subscribers

The most difficult thing is to gather the first subscribers. Everyone has about 200 friends, but what is this number? She won't surprise anyone.

You probably already know that you can knock on up to 40 people for free. To avoid being sent to spam and thereby causing your account to be blocked, it is best to apply it only to those people with whom you have mutual acquaintances.

In addition to this, there are two more ways: getting subscribers through . You create a task where you invite the applicant to recommend your page to friends or subscribe to it. It costs mere pennies. You can also add an ad asking you to write several comments on a particular post.

Second option, the same can be done on the website . Cool service. Here you can buy not only “friends,” but also likes, polls, reposts, and YouTube views. Lots of useful stuff. The prices are quite reasonable, and the people are lively. They will not harm your profile and will not fall off in a couple of weeks. There is no need to clear dead souls from the list.

You must understand that using a service or application you will not be able to get real interested people. We just recently discussed that VK accounts are valued. You cannot expect active participation in the life of your page from a person who has been paid for a subscription.

However, people will be more willing to agree to add you as a friend if they see an impressive list. Nobody likes to be first.

Well, that's all. Subscribe to my newsletter to stay up to date with the most useful social media tips. I will also tell you how to create unique pictures, get more profit, make profitable deals and more. See you again and good luck with the first stage.


Photo. Add your photo so your friends can recognize you. In order to put a main photo or avatar, you need to: on the main page of your profile, click the “Put a photo” button. Next, you can upload a photo from your PC by clicking the “Select file” button or take an instant photo using a web camera by clicking the “take instant photo” button. After uploading the photo, you need to select the area of ​​the photo that will be displayed on your page. Click "save" and then select the square area for small photos. After making your selection, click the “save changes” button.

Editing the page. On the main page of your profile, under the photo, click the "Edit Page" button. Here you can change your first and last name. Please indicate your date of birth and your marital status. Next, you can choose to show your date of birth on your page or not. Next, enter your hometown. Specify language(s). Next, you need to indicate family members. You can select them from your friends list, or you can simply write your first and last name. After that, click the "save" button.

Contacts. Without leaving the page edit, click the contacts tab. Here indicate the country and city in which you live. Then you can enter your address. After setting your address, you need to provide your mobile and home phone numbers. You can also specify who will see your phone number. Then enter your login and personal website. This information will be visible to all users. Also in this tab you can set up connections with other social networks by clicking the “set up export” button. Now click the "save" button.

Interests. Go to the interests tab and add some information about yourself. This information will be visible to all users. After the change, click on the "save" button.

Education. Go to the education tab and enter information about secondary education (school) and higher education (institute, university). After filling, click the "save" button.

Career. In the career tab, indicate your place of work, and then save the changes.

Service. Go to the service tab and add the city and military unit in which you served. Save your changes.

Have you ever wondered, “Why do some people recruit on social media and others don’t?” And one of the important factors is the correct page design. Because You need to hook a person in the first seconds when he visits your page. But if the page is designed badly, the visitor will flee from it because he thinks that you are the same as other thousands of accounts.

And in this article I want to show you how best to design your VKontakte page so that a person lingers on it and has a desire to subscribe and follow you. And this is precisely what is important to us, because, as a rule, people do not register for the team immediately, but continue to follow us for some time. And if you are close to your potential distributor's characters, ethical standards, etc., he will become your partner.

Perhaps, at one time people registered immediately, but today this is no longer the case, because there are a lot of offers today. On VK there are simply hundreds of thousands of pages of networkers who manage their accounts terribly and scare off their potential partners. And if you allocate from these thousands and register your account correctly, you will attract more and more new partners to your team!

Design of a personal VKontakte page for business

Of course, if you simply register your account correctly and sit and wait for dozens of people to immediately start writing to you, then this will not happen.

Your personal page is only the first point of contact with a potential partner or client. Then everything depends on the content you will provide. But without this first contact, if the person does not subscribe to you, all the content published in the account is meaningless.

Let's talk about the important design aspects.


Yes, yes, I didn’t just put the avatar in first place. This is what a person sees in the search results and sees when he logs into your account. And if there are some obscene photos or cats, then what kind of serious business can we talk about?

When someone writes to me or just adds me as a friend, I immediately look at his photo. And if it is of poor quality, or, excuse me, on some collective farm with dirty shoes and a bottle of beer, then I definitely will not take such a person seriously.

If the profile photo shows a famous actor, cats, mountains, etc., then this can indicate two things:

  • The man has something to hide. Often other people's photos are taken by those who do not want to show their real face. For example, those who deal with pyramids. They are well aware that they can be met on the street and punished for their actions. And believe me, this happens.
  • A person who is modest or keeps to himself. People who are embarrassed about their appearance or are generally afraid to show their lives can cause a lot of problems. And not only for yourself, but for everyone around you.

I would prefer not to get involved with both the first and the second. Therefore, when you put your photo on your avatar, consider these points:

  • The photo must be yours!
  • Your face must be clearly visible in the photo!
  • You must not be wearing sunglasses!
  • No bottles, cigarettes or anything that can discredit you!
  • No blurry photos!
  • If there are no high-quality photos, then go to a photo shoot.

First Name Last Name

Be sure to include your real first and last name! Similar to a photograph, if a person provides false information, he is hiding something and no one will want to do serious business with him!

Imagine that the person who is following you knows you under one name and when he wants to join you, he will see that you are a completely different person. I think there will be questions that you will have to answer. And along with the questions, a note of mistrust will arise.

Therefore, firstly, do not be ashamed of your last name, even if it seems unpleasant to you. Radislav Gandapas speaks very well about this. Can you imagine how embarrassed he was about his last name? But he was embarrassed and even wanted to change it. But he didn’t and now everyone knows him and he’s a recognizable brand! And secondly, it follows from the first, you are creating your own brand that people will talk about. Bring your first and last name to the people with pride!

Information on the page

What people read about you. All these fields must be completed. The person must have this information about you. Why, you ask? The more he knows about you, the more trust you inspire in him. Let's take even the banal date and year of birth. Many people hide it. But this is one of the important factors by which I (only at first glance) look at how much a person thinks. After all, if he is twenty years old, then you need to communicate with him about one thing, if he is twenty-seven, then he already thinks, most likely, differently. But you can't tell from the photo.

Of course, this cannot always be determined by age, but it is still an important indicator.

Therefore, go to the section page editing and fill out all these fields:

  • City. Depending on which city you indicate, people will be able to find you. And if you live in Rostov-on-Don, then indicate the city of your residence - Rostov-on-Don. No Chicago and New York (in general, I think this is nonsense)
  • Date and year of birth. As I wrote above, this makes you more trustworthy on an emotional level.
  • Place of work. Here you can indicate, for example, your VKontakte group. Or simply write the name of the company you work for. Just don't include other people's groups. This way you are simply helping other people create traffic to their pages.
  • Website. Everything is simple here - you can provide a link to your landing page in the company or to your blog. For example, I have a link to my success story.
  • Groups. I recommend hiding the list of your groups from other users in your privacy settings. You never know what interests you. I think that people who subscribe to you in order to follow how you grow in business do not need to know that you subscribe to the group “laughing jokes” and “crime chronicles in …”. Therefore, we make sure that only we see the groups.
  • Information about yourself. We fill in all these fields. Your target audience can also find you through them. I don’t really know who does this. But they say that's how they look.

We keep an eye on our friends. They also pay attention. And if you have a lot of stores in your friends, blocked subscribers and everything like that, I recommend deleting them, because when a person out of six shown friends sees three “dogs” and two stores, he will definitely think that you are adding friends only for quantities.

Therefore, we cleanse our account of “low-quality” friends.

This includes public pages that you follow. And they are arranged in the order according to the frequency of your interaction with them. Those. if you interact with a certain group more often than others, then it will come first.

The “interesting pages” tab cannot be hidden, so keep an eye on this point and if there are groups there that can negatively affect your authority as an entrepreneur, then simply exit these public pages.


Both the photo above the wall and the photo to the left are important points! When a person writes to me, I also pay attention to the photo. I look through about five to ten photos. So I understand what kind of person I will communicate with now.

If there are photos from drinking parties, incomprehensible pictures, then I immediately develop an unpleasant perception of the person.

Remove all “bad” photos! Show how you travel, work, relax. Show that after you started doing business, your life has become interesting!

Has she become interesting? Then do it! Otherwise, you will not be able to recruit on the Internet!


We won’t linger here for long, because everything here is similar to the photo. Remove all obscene videos!

By the way, if you perceive information better in the video, then watch it:

Audio recordings

We have the ability to hide our audio recordings from all users except ourselves. Just do it. Audio recordings can also have a negative impact on a person’s perception of you.

If you are all such entrepreneurs, but in audio recordings you are a thieves, then what kind of seriousness can we talk about?


In this article we will not write about what the content you give to people should be. I already wrote about this in the article. It's about Instagram, but the essence is the same

Here I will only say that you must understand that content is dad

And it is your content, after a person has subscribed to you, that attracts him to the business.

What conclusion do we draw from the page design?

So, after all of the above, we must understand that if our VKontakte page is not beautifully designed, then the person simply will not click on the “Add as a friend” or “Subscribe” button and will never become your partner, even if he could.

He will find beautiful pages with beautiful businesses!

Therefore, I wish you to properly design your page and attract more and more people!

And of course, be sure to join me on social networks, which are listed under this article and leave comments, your additions or objections.

Good luck everyone!!!

: MLM Entrepreneur, blog author

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