The tablet does not receive Wi-Fi at home. Wrong encryption type

If Android does not see the WiFi network, the first thing you need to do is understand which side the problem is on: on the device that distributes the wireless network (modem/router), or on your Android phone/tablet.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Determining the Source of the Problem

First of all, determine whether Android sees other Wi-Fi networks. Try sharing the network from a laptop, iPhone or other phone, go to a public place with free Wi-Fi.

If there are no problems detecting other points, the problem is clearly in the network, which . If the device does not catch any points, although other phones show their presence, then look for problems in the system and hardware.

Android doesn't see any Wi-Fi networks

If the device does not detect wireless points, although it previously saw them without problems, make sure that there are no errors in the system and that the module is working properly.

  1. Open settings.
  2. In the “Wireless Networks” field, slide the Wi-FI switch to the “On” position.
  3. Start a network search.
  4. Open advanced features and check “Always search for networks.”

In the settings of the latest versions of Android there is an option to reset network settings. Using it, you can fix system failures without resetting other device settings or deleting information from memory.

  • Settings
  • User and archiving
  • Archive and reset
  • Resetting network settings

If problems with connecting to Wi-Fi occur after updating or flashing the device, then you need to roll back to the latest stable version of Android. Use official or proven custom assemblies for firmware, then the question of what to do with the next system error will arise much less often.

The worst thing that can happen to a phone or tablet is hardware failure. If you suspect that the wireless module has failed, contact a service center to diagnose and replace the component.


Before you begin serious hardware diagnostics, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Make sure that the network you want to connect to actually exists. To do this, see if other devices detect it.
  2. Go to Android settings. Disable and enable Wi-Fi.
  3. Reboot your phone/tablet.
  4. Reboot your router if you have access to it. Unplug it, wait 10-20 seconds and plug it back in.
  5. Bring the device closer to the router. It is possible that the signal is blocked by obstacles or is too far away.
  6. Check your saved password again. If you changed the password in the router settings, it could be saved in the connection settings on Android.

That's all you can do on your Android device. If after performing these steps the network does not appear, proceed to checking and setting up the signal source.

Setting up the router

If you have access to a router, check its settings. What can help:

  1. Enable Wi-Fi in settings.
  2. Change the network name (SSID).
  3. Change Wi-Fi channel.
  4. Checking the network operating mode.
  5. Removing restrictions on the number of connected devices.
  6. Configuring the built-in firewall.

Router settings differ, but all have a Wi-Fi section. Look again at how to set up Wi-Fi on a specific router model and make sure you have the correct settings.


If, when trying to establish a connection, the message “

Enthusiasts are sensitive to the router. They tinker with the settings, fearing unauthorized access, and supplement the wireless interface with MAC address restrictions. This figure is not unique. Some programs, including Windows snap-ins, allow you to change the number, however... especially at home, people will be careful not to do this. Therefore, the MAC address filter remains an effective defense. True... someone else's tablet doesn't connect.

The Internet is replete with “practical” advice, like:

  1. Re-enter your password.
  2. Change the encryption type (AES), protection (WPA), key.
  3. Reboot your phone, router, tablet, brain.
  4. Try a device from another brand: Samsung, Lenovo...

This can only be done out of desperation. When the brain stopped working...

Admin Panel

The lion's share of problems are resolved through the admin panel. Avoid updating software via Wi-Fi, try to connect using a cable:

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Enter the address of the local router's admin panel (,, login, password.

Router filter

Let's learn how to check the settings using a typical D-Link example. Localization within the admin panel may vary noticeably. Patiently search for the section you need.

  1. Log in to the admin panel.
  2. The filter usually concerns only the wireless interface (Wi-Fi, wireless). The list of cables connected is obvious.

The router model shown in the figure supports two modes:

  • Ban (black list).
  • Permission (whitelist).

Check existing settings, reset, add. We remind you: any operating system (Android, iOS) will allow you to find out the MAC address. Sometimes you can even change the value. Using the phone menu, set restrictions and permissions.

Channel congestion

The new router software analyzes channel congestion. Check the available ones, select free frequencies by manually setting the number.

An alternative option is to download third-party products that do a similar job. The screen shows the low load on the first three channels allowed by the Russian Federation. Apple recommends that in the 2.4 GHz band you need to set the channel width to 20 MHz (not supported by older hardware). The 5 GHz region is free of these restrictions.

This is interesting! Typically, the router automatically selects the minimum occupied frequencies. Therefore, advice to change your number is often caused by despair.

Regional affiliation

There are devices of other regional origins. Old routers completely ignore the law, new ones adjust the list of available channels according to a given country. Check, the cause may be a mismatch in regional settings. Change the country, setting, for example, the USA.

It is unprovable, but the device may well change the signal level in accordance with the law. After all, it tracks the number of channels. The level is approximately shown by the scale of the tablet itself. Try it.

Authentication Error

The problem concerns the case of an incorrect password entry. Check two points:

  1. The access point name is correct.
  2. Match the alphanumeric combination of the key with the given one.

Protocol version

The IEEE committee is constantly improving the standard. Today, the 60 GHz range is being actively developed. Ensure maximum compatibility by choosing mixed options among the router settings:

  • 11 b/g/n mixed.
  • 11g/n mixed.

The chance of inconsistency drops sharply.

Number of subscribers

It happens that the smartphone sees the Internet, the Asus laptop connects, the tablet does not want to surf the network. Check the limit on the number of simultaneously connected subscribers:

  1. Visit the admin panel.
  2. In the Wi-Fi notes, find out the number of simultaneously connected subscribers.

Even if the number is less than the number of devices, remember your ubiquitous neighbors. Rarely do attackers live nearby; they could have entered by accident, occupying a dedicated resource. The number 0 usually indicates no restrictions.

Try increasing the limit. First, make it endless, then be guided by circumstances. If it works, start reducing the volume. New modifications even show a network map, displaying connected devices. The location of the breakdown (router or tablet) immediately becomes obvious.

The map will help identify the fact of unauthorized entry from a neighbor’s phone...


Sometimes he writes: “Saved in memory. Security type WPA/WPA2...". Take the trouble to come closer and grab your tablet. You will first see the inscription “Connection...”, then – “Obtaining an IP address...”, finally – “Connected”. This means a low signal level at the beginning. Therefore the network does not work.

Then take a comfortable chair again - the connection will remain. If it’s interrupted, you’ll have to take the device again and bring it closer.

Signal level

The point is closely related to the previous one. Some routers allow you to set the signal level; an external antenna can correct the situation. The transmitter power is limited, so it will not be possible to increase the radiation indefinitely. Sometimes you have to use external antennas.

Change SSID

Old routers had a unified SSID. The simultaneous operation of several such devices nearby, equipped with different passwords, is impossible. Weak phones usually pick up the nearest access point; Windows refuses to display more than one network with the same SSID. If you notice a problem, change the name. Let it be clearly unique. Otherwise, an attempt will be made to connect to a neighbor, whose password, of course, is unknown.

Hi all! As I already said, I work as a sys. I am an administrator at an Internet cafe, and naturally I understand computer equipment and local networks.

So, recently my Aunt called me and asked me to come set up the D-link wi-fi router that she had just bought in the store. I arrive, set it up, everything is fine. Aunt is happy. Surf the Internet on a netbook via Wi-Fi

But that was not the case! The next day he calls and says the phone doesn’t see wi-fi and the laptop doesn’t see wi-fi! It only finds some neighbors’ access points and that’s it, well, I come, I think, let me check the router at home, I take it home and connect it. Everything is ok, everything works! I'm shocked =) I come back to Auntie and connect it again, it doesn't work... So I went to a friend, it also worked... Then I started rummaging through the settings of the router, but I couldn't find anything.

Then my Uncle comes into the room and says there is a security company downstairs, maybe their equipment is blocking them? I think for sure! The problem is there, you won’t see Wi-Fi Aunt And I’m leaving...

But a few days later 1 more person called me with the same problem! And after a long time I found a solution to this problem! In this article, I will now explain everything step by step how to solve this problem!

Nowadays, a Wi-Fi router has appeared in almost every apartment, and when you turn on the router in a neighboring apartment, your Wi-Fi Internet may disappear (everything will work fine through the cord in the computer).

Solving the problem

I’ll show you the example of a wi-fi router D-link DIR 300

The problem was that when setting up the router, the Wireles channel is selected by default automatically (auto), shown in the screenshot:

We need to go to the router (web interface), if you did not change the local IP address when setting up the router, then it remains the default , write this IP in the browser and go to the router’s Web interface.

We go to the item as in the screenshot and change the channel, set a number different from the one set automatically (I always got it the first time and everything started working).

The question “why doesn’t the tablet connect to wifi” sooner or later “baffles” almost every active user of Android devices. At the same time, there are no obvious “symptoms of the problem”: the router worked and still works, the tablet itself looks quite “viable”, the Internet is paid for and it works fine on a desktop computer, but the tablet does not connect to the Internet via wifi.

And in this article we will look at why this problem occurs and what the user should do if the tablet does not see wifi.

Why the tablet does not connect to wifi: main reasons

So, the most common reason that the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi is - in other words, an incorrectly entered .

To eliminate the error, you need to carefully check the correctness of the security key input: language, register, virtual keyboard “layout”, etc. As a last resort, you can delete it again.

Other “popular” reasons why the tablet does not see wifi include:

  • 1. Encryption type mismatch
  • 2. Restricting network access by device MAC address
  • 3. Limiting the number of active connections on the network
  • 4. Router malfunctions

The tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi: what to do?

After checking the connection parameters, there is no need to make any additional settings on the tablet itself - further “diagnostics” is carried out through the router’s web interface.

It is more convenient to set up a network connection through a desktop computer.

So, if the Lenovo tablet does not connect to wifi, you need. To do this, enter the personal IP address of the router into the search bar of your Internet browser and press “Enter”.

As a rule, the router's IP address is indicated on the device's service label - in most cases this is the combination or

Here you need to check the following parameters:

  1. 1. Encryption type.

Most tablets support 2 types of encryption: WPA and WPA2 personal. If you change the data encryption type in the router settings, the tablet will not be able to pass verification and connect to the router.

The encryption type is specified in the WiFi network security settings - this is the “wireless network” or WLAN tab.

  1. 2. Network access rights for the MAC address and the number of active connections in the wireless network.

This characteristic can be found in the DHCP settings section, which shows which devices are currently connected to your router.

Also in this column all MAC addresses of connected devices are marked. If there is a checkmark next to the MAC address of your tablet in the “blocking” item, this means that you will not be able to connect to the network.

In order for the tablet to seamlessly connect to Wi-Fi, you need to uncheck the box and save the changes made.

You can also see here whether there is a limit on the number of active users on your WiFi network. So, if the maximum allowed number of active connections is two, then when you connect a laptop and a cell phone to the network, you should not be surprised that the tablet does not see Wi-Fi - there is simply no “free space” left for it.

The number of active wifi users can also be determined using, and the best protection against virtual thieves will be a strong and unique password.

In addition, when solving the global question “why the tablet does not connect to wifi”, do not forget about the standard measures for “curing” electronics: reboot the router using the ON/OFF button and reconnect to the network through the “search for available devices”.