Postal power of attorney. How to draw up a power of attorney to receive mail from an individual to an individual

In this article, we will consider the procedure for receiving parcels by mail by power of attorney, we will provide the mandatory and basic provisions of powers of attorney for receiving parcels by mail, the necessary list of documents, we will establish the shaky difference between powers of attorney of individuals and legal entities, and also consider curious cases from practice that arise at the Post Russia when receiving parcels by power of attorney.

Time was running out

It is not enough for such simple things as: walking after work, going out for lunch or even making dinner, let alone receiving parcels at the post office. We increasingly use courier services, home delivery, order clothes, shoes, baby clothes and even food, endlessly trusting and entrusting our rights and obligations to third parties.

If legal entities, according to the law, always carry out the trust procedure in writing by issuing powers of attorney, then natural persons often carry out the trust procedure in words, which often leads to the inability of the trusted person to fulfill their obligations. This also applies to receiving correspondence and parcels by mail.

Everyone needs this document in the mail.

At the same time, a power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of civil law, which many do not know or forget, and then make mail employees heroes of jokes.

Power of attorney requirements

Let's figure out what kind of power of attorney for receiving parcels will be accepted by our mail for sure. And what is the difference between such a power of attorney issued from an individual and from a legal entity, is there any at all.

First, civil law says that a power of attorney is always a written authorization, therefore, it can only be a text and cannot be transmitted in words.

Secondly, according to the law, an employee of the Russian Post as a communications organization should be able to make sure that the person who provides the power of attorney to receive the parcel in the mail is the same authorized person (to receive the parcel), therefore, in addition to this paper, the authorized person must take the original identity document: for most, this is a citizen's passport, but in rare cases there may be another option - a seaman's passport, for example.

There are also regulations that few people know about. Although it has lost its force, it has not been replaced by anything, so postmen still use it. It provides for a number of other documents replacing a citizen's passport: a military ID, a foreign passport, a certificate of a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, an identification card or identity card with a visa issued by the relevant authorities, or a certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay (for foreigners , stateless persons), a residence permit issued in Russia by the ATS to foreign citizens.

The details of such a document must be fully indicated in the power of attorney for receiving parcels so that the postal employees do not have doubts about the identity of the authorized person.

Thirdly, on the basis of the Civil Code, a power of attorney to receive parcels issued by an individual falls under powers of attorney that require certification. Of course, you can immediately run to the notary and certify the document for money, but let's talk about issuing a power of attorney "free of charge, that is, for nothing."

Such certification can be produced by the administration of the organization in which the entrant is working or studying, by the administration of the hospital, sanatorium, dispensary, where the principal is at the time of issuing the power of attorney. A power of attorney issued by an individual can be certified directly at the post office. Few people know this method, because it is not in the law, but when a power of attorney is drawn up directly by mail in the presence of an employee, such a confirmation is made.

Why is this necessary, because then it does not matter whether the trusted person or the principal needs to be there physically? First of all, you can draw up such a power of attorney to receive parcels at any post office convenient for you, and not in the place where the parcel was delivered. You can also draw up a long-term, rather than a one-time, power of attorney and use it more than once. And finally, this method is for those who do not study and work anywhere.

Individuals are treated in a special way

This is the difference between a power of attorney from an individual and a legal entity: in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney issued by a legal entity, it is enough to sign the head or an authorized representative of such a legal entity. person and affix the seal of the organization. Everything. No additional certification is required.

"Did you bring a certificate?"

However, there are nuances in the mail for legal entities. For example, many believe that the head of such an organization can receive a package without a power of attorney. This is not so, in the eyes of the post office, the head is the same representative as the others, which means that he must also have a power of attorney. As required by the Russian Post, the head of the power of attorney to receive the parcel subscribes to himself and himself makes its certification when he signs. In such cases, many institutions involve a second authorized person (chief accountant, first deputy) in signing, this is not necessary, but it will not be a violation either.

Let's repeat and fix

  • At the post office, a power of attorney is required to receive parcels.
  • The power of attorney can be one-time or long-term, but it must be certified.
  • When using a long-term power of attorney, you must have a copy of it with you, which will be taken by the postal officer. Otherwise, you will part with the original.
  • In addition to the power of attorney, you must present a document confirming the identity of the trusted person.
  • The paper must contain all the passport (in the case of a legal entity - the organization's data and the manager's passport) of the trustee and principal.
  • The head of a legal entity, when receiving parcels by mail on behalf of the organization, must also take on a power of attorney and a document that confirms his identity.

Forewarned is forearmed!

Finally, pay special attention to the following points:

  • Despite the fact that if you have the seal of the organization, you can act on its behalf without a power of attorney, some post offices still require a document.
  • Asking the question of what a sample power of attorney for receiving a parcel looks like, please note that the Russian Post has not established a power of attorney form for receiving parcels. You can draw up the document at your own discretion.

In order to save your time, we suggest looking at the power of attorney for receiving the parcel, the form of which is presented below.

You can use it as an example. This sample power of attorney for receiving a parcel can be copied several times and used as needed by filling in the required fields. And let the mail bring you only joy, not hassle!

Currently, in the era of computers and electronics, many citizens of the Russian Federation continue to use the services of postal services. Individuals and legal entities purchase goods on the Internet, exchange parcels, full-weight parcels, small packages and even paper letters. But what if a citizen, for some reason, cannot receive the parcel on his own? To receive a parcel by a third party, you must issuing a power of attorney to receive mail... This also applies to cases of receiving a disability pension, when a person is physically unable to receive the funds due to him on his own - then the question also arises - how to apply for a pension to a bed patient. But back to the topic of this article.

How is this document drawn up correctly? Is notarization of the deed in question required? What are the features of receiving postal items by third parties? Consider these nuances in the article.

Why do you need a power of attorney to receive mail?

According to the regulations Article 15 of Federal Law No. 176-FZ of July 17, 1999 "", correspondence and parcels sent by mail are provided to the addressees or to third parties who legally represent their interests. In accordance with the law under review, items are divided into the following categories:

Requirements for registration

In fact, you can issue a trust deed to receive parcels by mail to any person. If the procedure in question is organized by ordinary citizens, in most cases the power of attorney is issued to the relatives or close friends of the recipient (then sometimes it can even be issued). If the parcel is received by the organization by mail, a power of attorney is issued by its manager for one or several employees of the company.

The legislation of Russia does not provide for a standard form for drawing up the document in question, the act is made in any form. The text of the power of attorney for receiving the parcel in the mail without fail contains the following informative items:

  • Name - "Power of Attorney";
  • Date and place of registration of the trust document for receiving the parcel by mail;
  • Recipient's party details;
  • Information about the person for whom the power of attorney is drawn up;
  • Determination of the powers assigned to the trustee;
  • Indication of the number of the post office and the type of correspondence received;
  • Signatures of the parties.

The document in question for receiving parcels by mail has a limited validity period. This time period is determined by the parties to the power of attorney and is indicated in words in its text. The standard confidence period ranges from 1 to 6 months... If the validity period of the power of attorney is not indicated in the document, automatically this power of attorney will be valid in throughout the year.

Do I need a notarization?

At the legislative level notarization no trust deed is required. However, there are a number of cases in which it will not hurt to certify a power of attorney to receive postal items from a notary, if it is not necessary, in any case. Notarization may be required for a long-term power of attorney to receive parcels by mail, if one of the parties to the trust document is a legal entity. If the correspondence, drawn up for receipt by a proxy, is goods, notarization will also not be superfluous.

The tariff for the considered notary service is 8 00 rubles for an individual and 1000 rubles- to legal.

The above rules work for most powers of attorney. Although if, for example, a child travels abroad without parents with a trusted person, then the latter must be formalized, which has been notarized.

Between individuals

A power of attorney to receive correspondence between citizens is very simple to draw up. The form is issued free of charge at any post office, filled in in the presence of an authorized postal worker.

If the principal is a minor child, the power of attorney to receive the parcel by mail is drawn up for him by his parents or legal guardians (for example, a grandmother or grandfather, if applicable). The document in question is by default valid for a year. After the specified period, an additional power of attorney is required.

Between an individual and a legal entity

A power of attorney by mail from the organization is drawn up by the head in the name of one or more employees. This procedure is a little more complicated than a similar event involving only individuals. In the case of issuing a power of attorney with the participation of a legal entity, it is required:

  • Registration of a trust document for receiving parcels by mail on the company's letterhead;
  • Affixing the organization's seal on the ready-made power of attorney;
  • Presentation in the act of the most complete and reliable information about the company and its legal representative.

In practice, in the absence of a seal, director's signature or letterhead, postal workers may refuse to provide a parcel addressed to a legal entity. Although, according to the Civil Code, the document in question is valid without the above details, the representative of the company will have to prove his credentials, which in fact takes too much time. And in the case of receiving goods or important for the organization of correspondence, every minute counts.

A trust deed for receiving a parcel by mail, drawn up with the participation of a legal entity, along with the duties of a legal representative, must indicate its legal rights, which include the following:

  • To refuse to receive dubious postal items arriving at the address of a legal entity;
  • For additional payment of expenses for the delivery and transportation of correspondence;
  • On the registration of claims and complaints regarding the activities of postal workers.

This legislation provides for several options for the interaction of postal services with legal entities, for the implementation of which powers of attorney of the following types are required:

  • One-time - upon receipt of the parcel, remains at the post office;
  • Long term - stored in the post office for a fee;
  • General - remains with the representative, however, upon receipt, a copy of the document is required.

It should be remembered that, despite the transparency of the procedure under consideration, the requirements of individual post offices for the execution of an act of the type under study may differ.

Sample power of attorney

For the correct drawing up of the act in question, you must familiarize yourself with the approximate form of the document. Sample power of attorney to receive mail is available at the following

In some cases, you may need a power of attorney to receive various mailings: letters, parcels and others. It is not difficult to issue it, but it is important to take into account several important points, including those related to notarization.

A power of attorney to receive mail can be drawn up so that another citizen can receive correspondence received in the name of the principal. Moreover, you can issue a power of attorney of different types:

  1. General - to receive mail within a certain period (all letters, parcels, transfers).
  2. One-time - to receive a specific item.

A general power of attorney gives the right to receive different types of correspondence:

  • regular letters;
  • registered letters;
  • parcels;
  • letters and parcels with a declared value;
  • postal orders;
  • parcels post;
  • telegrams.

Notarization: when required

Notarization of a power of attorney, according to which a citizen can receive mail in the interests of another person, is not always required. Here is a list of possible cases:

  1. If the power of attorney is signed by a notary, then it is possible to receive all types of postal items, including money orders for any amount, letters and parcels with declared value, etc. A state duty is collected in the amount of about 1000 rubles. If the power of attorney needs to be renewed, the fee is paid again.
  2. If the power of attorney is certified by the enterprise, organization or educational institution in which the addressee studies or works, as well as by representatives of the hospital in which he is being treated, then any letters can be received using it, except for money orders and parcels, letters, parcels with declared value. The signature of the person in charge and the seal of the organization are put.
  3. You can also receive any kind of correspondence if the principal personally applies to the post office with a power of attorney and his passport - the head of the department can certify the document with his signature and the seal of the organization.
  4. If a citizen is serving a sentence, he can issue a power of attorney to receive any types of postal items, including pensions and money transfers, but this requires certification with the signature of the head of the detention center and also the seal of the institution.

Thus, without certification of a power of attorney, you can receive:

  • simple letters, telegrams, parcels, parcels;
  • registered items without a declared value.

Receiving money transfers, retirement benefits and other financial transactions related to receiving money cannot be carried out without the certification of a power of attorney.

Power of attorney to receive mail: sample 2019

The form for filling out this document assumes free compilation, however, some points should be reflected in the content:

  1. Date of drawing up - without its presence, the power of attorney becomes legally null and void, i.e. having no action.
  2. It is not necessary to indicate the validity period - since the power of attorney is in any case valid no more than a year. However, if this is of fundamental importance, you can separately register it ("the power of attorney is valid until ____ g.").
  3. Who trusts and to whom (the full name and passport data are indicated along with information about residence - by registration).
  4. The subject of the power of attorney - i.e. what exactly is being trusted. In the general case, it is indicated "receipt of all correspondence and postal orders" - i.e. any letters, parcels and other items, as well as money transfers. But then the power of attorney must be certified by a notary.
  5. The signature of the principal (the citizen who trusts the receipt of mail) and its decryption.

A sample is shown below.

If the power of attorney is drawn up only for one specific action, its text may be as follows (highlighted in yellow that the principal instructs the citizen to receive only a specific certified letter at the post office).

Document action: what to look for

When drawing up a document, it is important to immediately understand in what cases it is valid:

  1. A power of attorney can only be drawn up by a capable citizen.
  2. If the power of attorney is drawn up on behalf of a minor, it is drawn up and signed by a parent (including adoptive) or guardian.
  3. A power of attorney to receive letters, parcels and other types of mail can only be issued for an adult, capable citizen.
  4. The period during which the document is legally binding cannot exceed 1 year. If a longer term is specified in the power of attorney to receive mail, it is invalidated.
  5. If a power of attorney for receiving parcels and any other types of mail is drawn up on behalf of a legal entity, it is also certified only in cases of receipt of items with declared value and money transfers.
  6. A legal entity can issue a power of attorney for one or several citizens at once, and they can be employees of companies or be third parties.

When receiving mail, the citizen for whom the power of attorney has been drawn up presents its original and his passport (the principal's passport is not needed).

NOTE. In some cases, an agreement is drawn up between the parties, according to which one citizen has the right to act on behalf of the other (all specific actions are prescribed). Then it is enough to present such an agreement (it is certified by a notary) and your passport - a power of attorney is not needed in this case.

How to receive mail without a power of attorney

There is the option of delivering the shipment directly to your home, but in this case, you need to take into account several conditions at once:

  1. To receive it, you need to call the post office.
  2. Such a letter (or parcel post) should not exceed 2 kg by weight.
  3. Delivery cost - 100 rubles for 1 shipment.
  4. Delivery is carried out only on weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00 hours.
  5. The shipment can be delivered only to the address that belongs to this post office (you can check it by the index).
  6. You can receive a shipment only if it is located in your post office (and not just arrived in your city).

Residents of Moscow can use the courier delivery service. In this case, the shipment can be received at any address, and the cost of the service is 199 rubles for 1 letter or parcel post. You can get it even on weekends (the time is the same for all days of the week - from 09:00 to 20:00).

There are no other legal options for receiving mail without a power of attorney.

Pension power of attorney

Many retirees continue to receive their pensions via postal services, and not to a Sberbank bank card. Money is always brought home, but if the pensioner is absent (due to departure or hospitalization), you will have to issue an appropriate power of attorney. Two options are possible here:

  1. If a citizen is on a long trip, he draws up a power of attorney to receive a pension (and possibly other actions), which must be signed by a notary. Accordingly, the state duty is paid.
  2. If a citizen is undergoing treatment, then the power of attorney is drawn up free of charge, but it must be certified by the signature of a hospital representative - this may be the chief physician or chief medical officer. The seal of the institution must also be affixed. The power of attorney is valid only in the original (a copy must be certified by a notary).

The document is written in the standard way:

  • Full name and passport details of the principal and representative;
  • the subject of the power of attorney - i.e. the phrase "I trust to receive a pension";
  • validity;
  • date of signing;
  • the signature of the principal and the official - the representative of the hospital (if the pensioner is in hospital).

The power of attorney form is always available at the hospital, usually it is in a standard form.

In the case of such powers of attorney, it is important to note that they are valid for only one month. In fact, this is a one-time document, according to which you can receive a pension once. They are issued for any citizen, and not necessarily for a relative - i.e. the wishes of the pensioner himself are taken into account.

If you need to issue a power of attorney to receive mail in the name of a pensioner who is in the hospital, then this can also be done free of charge - the document is certified by the head physician. However, it will be impossible to receive valuable letters and money orders through it. Accordingly, the document should be certified by a notary. In this case, he is invited directly to the hospital. As a rule, this service costs 2 times more.

If there is no power of attorney to receive mail, this makes it impossible to receive correspondence addressed to another person. Indeed, based on the Federal Law "On Postal Communication", all postal items and messages are protected by secret communication, which is guaranteed by the state. Such messages can only be issued to senders and their addressees or their representatives.

A written authorization on behalf of another citizen to receive correspondence is drawn up by a power of attorney to receive mail. The example and recommendations below will help you to compile and certify such a document yourself. Use an example to mail your retirement benefits. To receive mail on behalf of the organization, you can additionally read the recommendations regarding.

Example of a power of attorney to receive mail

Power of attorney to receive mail

The city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka Territory, Russian Federation.

November 11, two thousand and sixteen

I, Margarita Valerievna Larionova, born on June 18, 1959, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, series 89746 number 97855687354, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Kamchatka region in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on July 13, 2016, registration address at the place of residence: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky , st. Kuzbasskaya, house 179, apartment 30,

authorizes this power of attorney to Kalinin Valery Stepanovich, born on January 01, 1982, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation series 9686 number 1975354, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of Biysk, Altai Territory on January 15, 2002, registered at the place of residence: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, st. Radonezhsky, 179, apartment 32,

receive postal items of any kind addressed in my name at post offices, including parcels, registered letters, fill out notices, send postal correspondence on my behalf, sign for the receipt of correspondence and take other actions necessary to fulfill this order, contact to the post offices of the Russian Post in written and oral forms to obtain information, to file a claim or on my behalf.

This power of attorney is issued for a period of 6 (six) months without the right of substitution.

Signature: Larionova Margarita Valerievna

This power of attorney is certified at the place of work by Lariona Margarita Valerievna by the director of the Vasilek Limited Liability Company (TIN 468435463135, legal address: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Lenin Ave., 49) Dmitry Vladimirovich Rechkunov, acting on the basis of the Charter. The power of attorney was signed by Larionova Margarita Valerievna in my presence.

Director of LLC "Vasilek" D.V. Rechkunov seal

How to draw up a power of attorney to receive mail

A power of attorney to receive mail on behalf of an individual is drawn up in writing on paper. Be sure to indicate the date of drawing up the document, otherwise such a document will not have legal force. It is advisable to indicate the place of compilation, as well as data that allow identifying the principal and the authorized person: full name, date of birth, passport data, registration address at the place of residence, powers, signature of the principal. Upon presentation of a power of attorney to receive mail, the person to whom the power of attorney was issued must provide a passport.

On behalf of minors and citizens recognized by the court, powers of attorney to receive mail are issued by their legal representatives.

A power of attorney to receive mail on behalf of the organization is drawn up according to similar requirements. The person who acts on behalf of the organization as an executive body (usually a director acting on the basis of the Articles of Association) should be trusted to receive the correspondence. Such a power of attorney is drawn up on the company letterhead containing the TIN and legal address.

The scope of the powers granted depends on the discretion of the principal and should be as clearly indicated in the power of attorney. If a one-time receipt of mail is required, it is advisable to explicitly indicate what kind of correspondence the other person receives.

Proof of power of attorney to receive mail

As well as a written authorization to receive mail, it can be certified by the organization where the person issuing the power of attorney studies or works, as well as by the administration of a medical institution of a stationary type. Moreover, such a service is provided free of charge, which is directly provided for by the Civil Code. In addition, the power of attorney to receive mail can be presented personally by the principal directly at the post office to his chief.

The power of attorney for receiving valuable correspondence must be certified by a notary.

Post workers may demand that the original power of attorney be handed over to them to receive mail. Such a demand is illegal and may lead to a lawsuit with compensation for damages.

Today, many people order products online. And they reach the recipient by mail. But now a person is not always in place and he has the opportunity to receive the package intended for him. And then the following immediately comes to mind - you need to entrust the receipt to someone.

You will not be able to receive the parcel without a passport!

In fact, it is not so easy to receive a parcel in the mail now, because they send a special notification that you need to fill out and enter

It would seem that this is difficult. But not always a person has a passport or any other identity document with him. And because of this, you either have to go to the post office several times, or postpone the receipt until a more convenient moment.

But if everything is simple with a forgotten document, then it often happens that the recipient is simply not in the city at the time of the arrival of the notification of the parcel. And here it will be much more difficult to get it. Many people think that by simply presenting the passport of the person in whose name the package came, they will be given it. In fact, this is not the case. Post office workers can only give a parcel to a person with moreover, which is issued in accordance with all the rules.

Many people are unhappy with such a system, because they have to write a power of attorney for their spouse (or spouse) just in order to receive, for example, a watch ordered on Ali Express ...

  • Fill out the notification. Moreover, it is advisable to do this still at home, because postal workers in most cases are unhappy with absolutely everything and may once again be rude and simply not give a pen
  • Find out exactly the opening hours of the post office
  • Take with you
  • To stand in line, which happens often, because the flow of people at the post office, especially in the morning and evening hours, is large
  • Submit a notice and receive your package

On the one hand, it is easy to receive a parcel, but almost everyone does not like mail, because instead of ten minutes you have to stand in line.

How to write a power of attorney

The parcel can be picked up by power of attorney

If it is not possible to pick up the parcel in person, then you will have to write a power of attorney for the person who can do it. And in no other way. And most importantly, you need to write the power of attorney correctly.

Many people say that the form can be downloaded on the Internet, but the best thing is to go to the mail itself and get a sample to get it right. The power of attorney must indicate:

  • The date the power of attorney was issued. Without specifying the date, no postal employee will accept the power of attorney, since the document will be considered invalid
  • Information about the principal, namely passport data, surname, full name, patronymic, etc.
  • Information about the person who is trusted, namely passport data, surname, full name, patronymic, place of residence, etc.
  • Deciphering the signatures of both parties with the surname next to it
  • The duration of the power of attorney. This column can be specified at the request of both parties. Sometimes you need to write such a power of attorney so that a person can receive parcels for about a year, and sometimes you need a one-time visit

The power of attorney must clearly indicate what actions are entrusted to the person, for example, receiving a parcel, receiving registered letters, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to the correctness of writing all the above information, since one mistake in the document and a discrepancy with the passport data can lead to the fact that the parcel will not be handed over, since the power of attorney is invalidated.

Proof of power of attorney

Power of attorney to receive postal orders by mail

Unfortunately, simply writing a power of attorney to receive the parcel by hand will not be enough. All postal employees require that it be certified. And here many are lost. When they talk about the certification of a document, everyone immediately thinks about a notary, but it is too expensive to draw up and certify a power of attorney to receive a simple parcel from him, it costs about 1000 rubles. Therefore, a power of attorney can be certified in the following ways (which are absolutely free):

  • Any employee of the local administration, especially when it comes to small settlements
  • The head of the organization or an employee at the place of work of the person. To many, such an action seems very incomprehensible and strange, because what do these people have to do with the personal life of their employee?
  • The head of a medical institution, if a person who needs to receive a parcel is currently undergoing treatment there and simply cannot leave the hospital
  • Postmaster, because he has full authority to do so
  • General Director of Russian Post. But although he can assure a power of attorney, hardly anyone turns to him for this.

As for the ordinary employees of the department (operators, cashiers), they do not have the right to certify the power of attorney, not such powers. Therefore, if a person just came with a paper written by hand and there are no certifying signatures on it, they are unlikely to be given a parcel, even if the shelf life is coming to an end.

Power of attorney options

The power of attorney will have to be certified by a notary

Depending on what life situation has developed and what prompted the person to delegate his rights, the term of the power of attorney will depend. She may be:

  1. Disposable. In this case, the person must take the original with him and leave it with the postal officer after receiving the parcel. True, today, some postmen refuse to issue parcels under a one-time power of attorney.
  2. Monthly power of attorney, which must indicate the date of drawing up the document, as well as the date of expiration of the term of office
  3. An annual power of attorney, which it is advisable to draw up in duplicate or make a photocopy of it, so that every time you do not carry paper with you, but simply leave it in the mail
  4. Long-term power of attorney, a photocopy of which must be left at the post office

It is best to leave a copy of the power of attorney, since if you leave the original document, you can take an additional fee and explain this as an elementary storage of a security.